The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 18, 1901, Image 2

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lit A I 1IAUK, Vroprletor.
Tho statement of tho Liverpool
board of trado for th month of Sep
tember showH decreases of 3,024,100
In Imports and of 2,688,500 in ox
ports. Rod mill No. 2 of tho Illinois Stcol
Oompnnj7, Avhlch was closed at Jollot,
111., by tho recent strike, resumed
oporatlons. Only tho Merchant mill
is now Idle.
Phil Sheridan, only son of General
Phil Sheridan, Is reported to bo seri
ously 111 with typhoid fovor at tho
West Point Military acadomy. Ho 1
In tho cadet hospital,
Advnnco shcots of the Introduction
of "Poor's Manual for 1900" havo Just
been Issued. Thero was an Incrcaso In
railroad mllcago during tho year of
littlo moro than 3,500 miles.
Louts Ilerrlmanri, well known In
business circles, but 35 years of ago,
wealthy In his own right and tho hus
band of a rich wlfo, shot himself throo
times with suicidal intent and died ut
Now Orleans.
Dr. Von DIowltz sayB ho has ar
ranged to colonize G5.000 Jowb In Old
Mexico. Ho claims to have bought 1,
000,000 acres of land In tho stato of
Sonora, where tho first Uobrew colony
will bo established.
Charles A. Johnson, cashier of tho
defunct Nllcs, Mich., National bank,
pleaded guilty In tho fodoral court to
violating tho Unltod States bank laws
and was sontonccd to tho Dotrott houso
of correction for ton years.
Tho now Argentlno mlntstor, Senor
Don Martin Garcia Morou, has present
ed his crodontlals to tha president. As
sistant Socrotary Adco made tho pre
sentation. Tho usual expressions of
good will wero oxchangod.
At Point Pleasant, W. Va., 8.000 vis
itors from vnrlous states of tho union
witnessed tho dedication of tho ground
for tho monumont to bo erected com
memorating tho battlo botwoon the
settlors and tho Indians in 1774.
Godfrey Winzor, a farmer, was found
guilty at Mexico Mo., on two different
charges of working on Sunday, His
neighbors wero tho witnesses against
him. They appeared boforo tho grand
Jury and had Winzor Indicted on flvo
counts scalding hogs, whitewashing
trees, stacking oata and straw and ren
dering lard.
John O. Williams, a well know news
papor correspondent, has boon ap
pointed socrotary to tho Unltod Statos
delegates to tho Congress of American
Ilopubllcs, to moot In tho City of Mox
ico Octobor 21. Mr. Williams has n
consldorablo acquaintance with tho no
tablo mon of South and Contral Amor-
lea, acquired through his diplomatic
Tho annual mooting of tho Western
Union Telegraph company was hold at
Now York. Stuyvesnm Fish, president
of tho Illinois Contral road, and Sam
uel Sponcor, president of tho Southern
rnrllway, woro elected to tho directory.
Tho gross earnings of tho year wero
$26,354,151, an Incrcaso of $1,075,000,
and tho not earnings woro $0,085,240,
an Incroaso of $510,880. During tho
year $1,401,143 was oxpondol for con
struction. Tho river and harbor congress at
Daltlmoro completed its dollboratlons
and adjourned slno die. Tho songross
adopted resolutions deploring tho fail
uro of tho national congress to prop
erly provide for rlvor and harbor im
provements and doclarlng thoro la no
moro Important duty devolving upon
tho national legislature than providing
for Buoh oxpondltures, A commlttoo
wob appointed to present tho matter
properly at tho noxt session of tho
United States congress.
Novombor 15 has been agreed upon
as tho dato of tho Joffrloa-Ruhlln fight
in San Francisco. Jeffries has posted
his $2,500 forfeit in cash, and nothing
remains now but tho solcctlon of a rof
croo. Prof. H. C. Frnrnklln, head of tho
physical chomlstry department at tho
University of Kansas at Lawronco, has
received tho first shipment of appa
ratus for tho. liquid air plant to be
erected nt tho unlvorslty. It will bo
ono of four Buch plants In educational
institutions of tho Unltod Statos.
A postofllco has beeon established at
Sylvia, Lyman county, S. D with Al
bort Lcnowollo as postmaster,
Rov. Dr. H. Hopkins Emery Ib dead
of heart dlseaso at Taunton, Mass,
after a ltfo mado notable In tho pul
pit, Robort Fltzslmmons, tho pugilist,
has made application In Brooklyn for
his final naturalization papers,
Genorul Manager C. M. Ward of tho
Chicago & Southwestern Midland rail
road has resigned to accept a position
with a westorn road,
It Is rumored that Emporor William
ban lnBtructod tho Klol Yacht club to
challongo for tho America's cup.
Fall Rlvor, Mass., cotton manufac
turers havo refufl tho 5 per cent ad
vance asked for by tho operatives and
a general strike- Is thieatonod,
Mission aries Aro Unable to Got a Oommu
nication With Miss Stono'n Captors.
Bays 880,000 Mors Must He Forthcom
ing From I'ubllo nt Once fltate OD1
clnU Stilt Hope that the Wonmn May
Sat lie Liberated.
York World telegram).-Efforts are
being mado to resumo negotiations
with tho brigands for releasing Miss
Stone, but their present whereabouts
aro unknown. Whon found it is pro
posed to bargain with them to accept
a ransom within tho limits of the
prcsont amount subscribed.
LONDON, Oct. 15. Tho Vienna cor
respondent' of tho Morning Express
tolographs as follows:
"Goorgo Todaroff, tho drlvor who
accompanied Miss Btono whon sho was
kidnapped has arrivod at Sofia. Ho
says her captors aro Turks and that
the abduction took place on Turkish
territory. Tho Bulgarian police havo
Todaroff undor survollanco, as they
aro not satisfied with his statements.
Consul Dickinson still complains that
tho Bulgarian authorities aro not
taking measures to deal with tho
Nolthor Mr. Daird nor Mr. Haskell, tho
missionaries, havo yet boon nblo to
got in touch with tho brigands to ar
range for tho ransom for Miss Stono.
LONDON, Oct. 15. Tho Daily Ex
press has received tho following from
Vienna: "Todaroff, tho drlvor who
accompanied Miss Stono whon sho was
kidnapped, has arrived at Sofia. Ho
sayB her captors aro Turks. Tho Bul
garian pollco aro not satisfied with his
statements and aro keeping him un
dor survolllanco."
"It is announced from Bucharest,"
says a dispatch to tho Dally Mail from
Vlonna, "that Horr Rosenthal, tho
representative of a German Arm, has
boon kidnapped by Bulgarian brigands
nt Slllstrla. Tho Roumanian govorn
mont has sent a protest to Sofia and
tho Bulgarian govornmont has ordorcd
troops to pnrsuo the brigands. It is
rumored that tho Macedonian com
mlttoo has decided to capturo every
foreigner within roach, in ordor to at
tract European attention to tho bad
etato of public socurlty in Macedonia."
WASHINGTON, Oct. 15. All that
can bo learned from tho stato depart
ment officials respecting tho caso of
Miss Stono, tho missionary who Is hold
by brigands In Bulgaria, Is that sho
is alive and that efforts aro continu
ing for her rolonso. Tho ofllclnls,
whllo declining to Indtcato tho naturo
of tho measures that aro pursuing to
thia end, still havo hopo of ultlmato
Antidilution of lloinu to Ho Ksplodod in
the Liberal Camp.
NEW YORK, Oct. 15. Business as
soclatos of Cecil Rhodos make no se
cret of tholr boltof that his correspond
ence with Mr. Schnadhorst in rogard
to tho famous chock for 5,000 forms
by no moans tho best card which tho
Cape ox-promlor has to play against
hlu Ubural opponents, says tho Trlb
uno's London corrospondont. Thoy
assort that UiIb sensation Is us noth
ing compared with what will follow If
Mr. Rhodos Is forced to reply to tho
chnrgos which are being mado against
htm. It Is hinted that ho Is In a posi
tion to dlscloso tho financial rolattonB
botwoon certain officials of tho liberal
organizations and Mr. Krugor. Tho
llborals, for tholr part, bollevo Mr.
Rhodos ondoavorcod to brlbo Mr.
Schnadhorst by offering to mako him
a prosout of a number of shares in
tho Chartered Company ol South Af
rica. Alt There hut, Juitloe flroy.
WASHINGTON, Oct 15. Tho su
promo court mot today In tho sonato
Judiciary room, Its own quartors being
In tho hands of mochanlcs, for tho
Ootobor term, and adjourned without
transacting nny business. Tho court
went In a body to pay its respects 'to
Prosldont Roosovolt. All mombers of
tho court woro present except Justlco
tlnllin, Mloli , Wiped Out.
ST. JOSEPH, Mich., Oct. 15. Tho
town of Gnllon, In tho southorn part
of the country, was practically wlpod
out yostorday by flro that started in
a laundry. Estimated loss, $20,000.
Wrx In Chicago Hotel Flro. '
CHICAGO, Oct 15. Ono man lost
his Hfo, throo persons narrowly es
caped' suffocation and a score or moro
guests of tho aarden City hotol, 4G 48
Shorninn street, woro rescued from
tippor floors by flromon In a treacher
ous blnzo In that hotol tonight Tho
doad man 1b Lovl Whitman, a rosldont
of Indiana, whoso body was found nf
tor tho flro had boon extinguished. Ho
lenpod from a third-story window.
The loss to tho hotol wob small;
Chief Donahue Recommends the Re
movnl of the Crowe Reward.
OMAHA, Nob., Oct. 15. To tho Pub
lic, or to Whom It May Concern: I,
Edward A. Cudahy, Sr., do horoby
withdraw ray offer of $5,000 for tho
arrest and conviction of any ono of
tho kldnapors; $15,000 for tho arrest
and conviction of any two of tho kid
napors, and $25,000 for. tho arrest and
conviction of three of tho kidnapers
implicated In tho kidnaping of Ed
ward A. Cudahy, Jr., on or about Do
comber 18, 1900, horoby uncondltlon
ally and without roscrvo whatsoovor.
Tho Cudahy rownrd no longer hangs
ovor tho head of Pat Crowe.
Tho foregoing official ordor was ox
ocuted by Edward A. Cudahy at noon
Now that Mr. Cudahy has taken tho
initiative, othor outstanding rewards
will como down also and the fugltlvo
Crowo will, if ho keopB his word, mako
public nppearanco in Omaha.
E. A. Cudahy, wfion interviewed this
morning, said: "I havo had a talk with
Chief Donnhuo on this subject, and
I m willing to bo guldod by his Judg
ment. Ho thinks It will bo best for
mo to withdraw the $25,000 roward
which I offered last winter for tho nr
rost and conviction of tho kidnanors.
and his reasons for it seem to bo
sound, so you may announce, if you
will, that tho reward is revoked."
Tear In Penitentiary for IVIntlng Sedi
tious Article
NEW YORK, Oct 15. John Most
tho anarchist, was sentenced to ono
year In tho ponltentiary today in tho
court or Bpoclal sessions for publish
ing in his papor. tho Frol Hoit. an al-
legod seditious article on tho day fol
lowing tho shooting of tho lato Presi
dent McKInloy.
Tho artlclo in question was entitled
"Murder Against Murdor." Most
claimed that tho papor containing tho
article was printed and roady for dis
tribution boforo the president was
shot Also that It was a quotation
from an artlclo published fifty years
ago and republished by him fifteen
yoara ago. Aftor imposing tho Bon
tonco Justlco Mlnsdalo read tho opin
ion of tho court, In which ho Bald:
"It Is no answer to tho evil nnd
criminal naturo of this artlclo to claim
that It was wrltton for tho purposo of
dostroylng crownod heads. 14 Incul
cates and enforces tho Idea that mur
dor is tho proper romcdy to bo appllod
against rulers. Tho fact that It was
published fifty years ago and again
republished about fifteen years ago
only omphnBlzos and gives added point
to tho criminality of tho republishing
of It at any tlmo."
To Heo Cxolgnsi Die.
ALBANY, N. Y Oct. 15. Suporln
tondont Cornelius V. Collins will sond
a requost to Socrotary of State Hay to
doslgnato an official ropresontatlvo of
tho govornmont to be present at tho
oloctrocutlon of Leon F. Czolgosz, tho
murdoror of President McKlnley. Only
twonty-slx witnesses will bo prosont In
tho chnmbor of death whon the sen
tonco is oxocutod. Warden Moad of
Auburn prison has sent to Suporln
tondont Collins tho requests ho has re
ceived for permission to nttond the
oloctrocutlon, about 1,000 la all. The
law will limit tho number of witnesses
and tho Buporlntondont will docldo who
tho wltnessos shall bo.
8oourgo of the Red Mnn.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 15. Tho small
pox opldomlo prevailing among tho In
dian reservations includos a total of
eighty cases at Bad Rlvor reservation,
Wisconsin; flvo now cases at tho
Southorn Uto reservation, Colorado,
and tho Buporlntondont, toachor, cook
and sovon pupils at tho Klckapoo In
dian boarding school In Kansas. In
nddltlon to this tho agent for Arizona
Indians roports that thoro are sovoral
smallpox cases among Moxlcans at
Phoenix In uncomfortablo proximity to
tho Indians,
lleaumoiit's Costly Illase.
BEAUMONT, Tox., Oct. 15. This
morning at 12:20 flro was discovered
burning fiercely In a gonoral store
noar tho Southorn Pacific dopot It
was ton mlnutos boforo the alarm
could bo mado effective The flamos
spread rapidly through tho whole
block, Including tho McFaddon build
ing. Tho flromon aro working hard,
but aro unablo to got water on tho
blazg. At 1:30 a. m. Houston was
tolographcd for aid.
Increase In I'hlllpplnn Revenue.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 15. A compar
ntlvo stalomontTssued by tho division
of customs nnd Insular affairs of tho
war dopnrtmont concerning tho cus
toms revenues of tho Phlllpplno3
Bhows that tho total revenue from
this sourco for tho first half of 1001
was $4,231,014, an Incroaso of 38 por
cont ovor tho amount for tho same
period of 1000, when tho revenues to
taled $3,108,400, nnd nearly doublod
that from January to June of 1800.
Tonner Commander of Department o
Missouri Urges Constant Praotice.
Report He Filed In Washington TelU
What He Would Adrue Needs of I)
partments of LakesGreater Quarters
for l'rlsuners Recommended.
WASHINGTON, Oct 14. In his ca
paclty of commander of tho depart
mcnt of tho Missouri, General Henry
C. Merrlam has mado an annual re
port to tho war department. Ho do-
votes particular nttentlon to tho neces
slty of hotter drill work by tho sol
diers caused by tho incomo of many
troops. General Merrlam says thoro
is a notion too often provalont in tho
army, especially among tho older ofll
cers, that a soldier who has onco
learned tho drill regulations, tho
mechanism of tactical and calostehnlc
exercises, may bo excused from drill
without detriment, forgetting that
bodies of men can maintain tho power
of collective action only by frequent
collective practlco oven In tho simplest
exercises. General Merrlam strongly
Indorses tho recommendation of Cap
tain Michlo of tho Twelfth cavalry for
a chango In tho military drill. Ho
says that oven with tho recont lm
provemont which has rendered tho bit
less severe upon tho mounts of youne
horses thoro is still a consldorablo
porcentago of horses mado victims by
undue severity in tho uso of tho bit
He boliovcs a return to the douhlo
rein Is fully Justified for at least half
of each troop.
Othor recommendations
callbro of tho cavalry revolver bo en
larged and that a knapsack or pack be
supplied to tho infantry soldlor in
placo of tho blanket bag.
A significant statement bv flhlnf
Surgeon Calllbo Is that, with compar
atively few exceptions, youths nndnr
20 yenrs of ago aro not nblo to bear
up under tho hardships and privations
of an nctlvo campaign. '
Surprising progress toward tho irnnt
of self-support by tho Apacho prison
ers or war Is recorded In an appendix
by Cnptaln Sayro. in chnrco of th nan
prisoners. Ho shows that they now
navo on hand 2,784 head of rnttin
of their own raising: thnt thrv hnvo
built many miles of now fences and re
paired as much moro of tho old nnd
that no clothing was Issued to them
during tho year. On tho othor hand
theso Indlnns nro suffering Beverely
from tuborculosls and thero worn thir
teen moro deaths thnn births amonir
them. Thoy nro declared to bo gen
erally a moral, Industrious, truthful,
honest nnd docllo people.
Major General Otis. In his nnniinl
report for tho department of tho lakes,
says that all buildings in tho depart
ment havo been maintained In n fnlt-
condition, although many have been
wiuiout occupancy and show disin
tegration from tho climate.
General Otis says that a decided
want In his department is greater ac
commodations for general and rnr-
rlson prisoners. Tho nost cunrdhnnona
havo become overcrowded. With tho
recont rapid recruiting desertn nn.
pear to bo Increasing, and at tho dntn
of tho general's report August 7
inero woro considerably over mn
prisohers confined In tho cuardhmiflp.
of tho dopnrtmont. Tho central states,
irom wnicli n largo portion of the
United Statos army is drawn, Gonoral
Otis says, seem to glvo ndvnn-
tages in tho way of concenlmont nnd
occupation to tho absconding soldlor,
nnd honco tho post gunrdhouses of
tho departmont of tho lakes contains
representatives of many military or
ganizations stated above tho limits of
mat tiopartmont. Tho enforced ro
wnrd, howover, which Is now paid for
tne nrrost and delivery of desortors
has greatly decreased tholr former
comparative immunity from punish
Weyler Will Ask for Tensions.
MADRID. Oct 14. In tlm fnrh.
comlng budget, according
parclal, Gonoral Weylor, mlnlstor of
wnr, will ask an Incroaso of expen
diture exceeding 2,000,000 pesos for the
puymeni or pensions and military re
wards In connection with tho wnr with
tho United Statos.
No lluhnnlo riKue There.
BERLIN. Oct. 14. A ft I ana tnti ftm
Hamburg assorts that there Is no
n n .1 ... I M
luimuuuuii ior uie rumors that bu
bonic plagUO has dovtrinnnil In n
- , w ... LIA"
Hey Rube Is Heard Abrond.
frCO fight botwoon rlrr-nu mnn i,i
Ing to tho Barnum & Bailey show and a
ciuwn ot peopio occurred near Llego,
whoro tho circus has beon performing.
8overnl porsonB wore Injured and a
number of arrests wero mndo. The
flgllt grew OUt' of n mmrrnl ltrnn
Al.-. T 1 i ...
iuu uuigian iicitet sellers and tho
Of thQ clrCIIS. Mltnv atnnnci
thrown nt tho carriages by the
as tho public was leaving.
Miss Stone's Captors Could front bj
Coming Quickly Into the Open.
situation in tho caso of Miss Stono to
night Is that Missionaries Balrd and
Haskell aro still trying to got In touch
with tho brigands In order to agreo on
tho amount of tho ransom. It Is
scarcely likely that UiIb agreement will
bo reached for somo days. As soon as
word comes from tho missionaries that
tho amount of the ransom has been do
termlned upon, a member of tho United
States legation will start for tho placo
with tho money.
BERLIN, Oct. 12. According to re
ports received hero from Sofia, tho cap
tors of Miss Stono demand that tho
ransom shall bo deposited at Samokoff
Bulgaria. A Bulgarian cattlo drover,
who wfa an eye-witness of tho kid
naplng, has been arrested on suspicion
of complicity in the outrage, at tho
lastanco of tho United States consul.
BOSTON, Oct 12. Klddor, Peabody
& Cp., who aro handling tho funds for
Miss Stono's ransom, &ud today that
thoy would bo unablo to mako public
anything concerning tho amount of
funds in their hands, in snlto of tho
new appeal for contributions made last
night, owing to an understanding with
tho United States government.
In speaking of tho ransom today,
Rev. Judson Smith said:
"In my Judgment tho only safo way
to act Is to havo tho money domanded
by tho brigands as a ransom on hand
in Turkoy at tho earliest practlcablo
Congress Is to He Urged to He Generous
lu Matter of UullUlng.
WASHINGTON, Oct 14. It is prob
ablo that a liberal building policy
with respect to naval ships will bo
urged upon congress at tho approach
lng session. No authorization for
now construction was given by con
gross at tho last session owing in part
to a disagreement as to the rcspectlvo
morlts of single and supported tur
rets. Congress contented itself with a
direction to the Navy department to
submit full plans for two battleships
and two armored cruisers to It at the
approaching session, so that tho body
could itself chooso botwoon tho do-
Secretary Long, howovor, does not
regard himself as estopped by this
direction from recommending tho con
struction of additional warships and
as a full year has been lost in tho
oxocuton of tho naval bill from the
scheme laid down by tho Policy Board
and as more tlmo has been lost
through tho great delay in construc
tion of tko ships already authorized
and contracted for, owing to tho steel
strike, a considerable increase must bo
recommended in ordor to avoid fall
lng hopelessly behind In tho erection
of tho Ideal American navy.
American Federation of I.ubor Bonds tho
Nccesrjr I'npers.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 14. Tho Amer
ican Federation of Labor, having do
clded to mako an offort to securo tho
proper and thorough organization of
tho working peopio of Porto Rico,
Prosldont Gompers has appointed San
tiago do Iglesias, a Cuban who has
lived In Porto Rico a numbor of years,
to take charge of tho work. Ho wjll
leave Now York for Porto Rico In a
day or two. Ho has full commission
as tho ropresontatlvo of tho American
labor movoment and takes with him
tho first chartor for tho organlzod
workers of Porto Rico. '
Are Armed ns Assnsslns.
PARIS, Oct 14. Tho Lisbon corre
spondent of La Potrlo says a tolegram
has been received at tho Portuguoso
capital from Rio Janeiro ass3rtlhg
that two Italians wero arrested Friday
ovonlng last in tho corridor of tho
presidential palaco by an officer of
tho guard. Both woro armod with
rovolvers and daggers. In Rio Jano
lro it Is believed thoy aro anarchists
nnd intended to awasslnato President
Campos Sallcs.
Wliniit Crop of tho World.
WASHINGTON, D. C. Oct 14. Tho
dopartmcnt of ngrlculturo announces
that threo most Important estimates
of tho world's wheat crop of 1901 agreo
that tho crop Is larger than olthor ot
tho two preceding years.
Long Returns to Washington.
WASHING. ON, Oct. 14. Secretary
Long has returned to this city from
his homo In Hlnghnm, Mass.
Robbers H till Making liny.
CHICAGO, Oct 14. Tho Bank of
Marysvlllo at Potomac, a village twen
ty miles east of this city, was entered
by robbers and between $1,200 and
$1,500 in currency and sllvor takon.
To got Into tho safo two charges of
nltro glycorlno woro used. A young
man by tho namo of Moorohouso heard
both explosions nnd started to ascer
tain tho cause. Whon ho reached a
point near tho bank ho was stopped
bv one of the robbers.
Constantinople Eeports that Washington
A ska Turks to Desist.
Bees Mora Danger In Cloio 1'ursult Than
In Waiting Quietly Tho Ransom to
U t'ald Oror nt Onco Arrangements
for the Transfer.
compliance with a request from Wash
lgton, tho search by Ottoman troops
for tho abductors of MIbs Stono, tho
American missionary, has beon aban
doned, it being feared that tho brig
ands would kill her, should they bo
closoly pursued. Arrangements aro
now bolng mado to pay tho ransom
BOSTON, Oct 12. The misunder
standing oxlsting in various parts of
tho country, Indicated especially in
private advices rocolvcd hero as to
tho progress of the fund to ransomo
Miss Stono, tho missionary, Is con
sidered to be sufficient reascm for tho
issuance of another appeal for funds
by tho clergymen who signed tho
first ono. Tho idea is to impress
upon tho peopio of America tho dan
gor which still thrcatono Miss Stono.
Tho Becond appeal follows :
"BOSTON, Oct 11. To tho Peopio
of America: Tho promptings of our
hearts compel us to Issue a second ur
gent appeal to tho people of America
to como to tho rescuo of Miss Ellon
M. Stono, tho American missionary
now held captlvo by brigands In tho
Balkan mountains for a, ransom of
$110,000. Nearly one-half that sum is
yot to bo raised. Private advices woro
yesterday to tho effoct that It was
absolutely necessary to ralso tne full
nmount at onco. Tho story of a thirty
days' respite Is absolutely discredited
in tho best informed localities.
"Tho public should not bo deceived
by tho Idea that tho Amorlcan board,
as such, will pay any of tho ransom.
It has officially declared that It could
not, although its members have unan
imously oxpresssed sympathy with tho
movoment Will not pastors, tender
hearted women, patriotic men and
representatives of commercial and fi
nancial activity everywhere, will not
ovory ono aid by giving and soliciting
until tho entire fund Is In hand A
Hfo Is at stake, tho Hfo of a Chris
tian, a missionary, a patriot and a no
ble American.
"All contributions should bo sent di
rect to Kidder, Peabody '& Co., 115
Dovonshlro Btrcet, Boston, or Baring,
Magoun & Co., 15 Wall street, Now
York. All money contributed will bo
roturned to the donors In caso Its uso
Is not nccesssary or In' tho ovent 'of
its bolng hereafter roturned by or
through tho United States govern
'Park Street Congregational Church.
"Tremont Temple Baptist Church.
Bromfleld Street Methodist Church."
LONDON, Oct. 12. After detailing
tho history of tho abduction of Miss
Stono tho Spectator remarks:
"President Roosovelt and tho Wash
ington cabinet maintain Justly that
tho sultan la responsible, ns it is his
mlsgovernment which provokes and
protects brigandage, and they intend
to demand reparation from tho porto.
It will not bo limited, we Imagine, to
25,000. Tho porto will bo required
to punish tho authors of the outrago,
and as Turkoy Is sure to shuffle and
America is tired of being played with,
a naval demonstration is Quito on the
cards. Tho sultan will of courso yield
to tho first show of forco."
Commandant I.otter to Die.
MIDDLEBURG, Capo Colony, Oct.
12. Sentence of death has been pass
ed on Commandant Lotter, tho Capo
robel whoso command, composed al
most wholly of rebels, was captured
by Major Scobel, south of Petersburg
early last month. Lord Kitchener has
confirmed tho sentenco.
Five of Lotter's comrades havo been
sentenced to tho penitentiary for life;
one a youth, has been sentenced to
twenty strokes with tho rod, follow
ed by lmprlsonmont until tho closo
of the war.
Mason Agreeablo on Canal.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 12. Senator
Mason of Illinois, who roeurns to his
homo today, called to assure Presi
dent Roosevelt that tho report that
ho Intended to fight tho now canal
trenty wns entirely erroneous.
Rates for Snow's Funeral,
rangements for tho funeral of Lo
renzo Snow of tho Mormon church,
who died In this city, wero perfected
at a meeting of tho church authori
ties today. The funeral will take
place Sunday. Special rates on all
roads will be mado and many thou
sands of visitors are expected from
points in Utah and surrounding
statos. Tho body will Ho in stato at
the Bee Hlvo houso Sunday,