V JJortlt ptttc ( NORTH TLATTE, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER l&V 1901, NO. 70 SEVENTEENTH YEAR. '" '' " .III. " ' 1 y -1 'jT '- - : 1 i I Sweeping Reductions. : ------ When vc took possession Aug. 1st, we discovered that S Furniture, etc., in North Platte, had been selling, in g many cases, for much more than a fair living profit. Wc s S have made great reductions all along the line and if goods are bought now for less than three months ago, wc claim ZZ credit for the reduction. Here are a tew samples:- Sideboards from $25.00 to $15.00, S Sideboards from &rJ?J Sin? & Combination Book Case from. . . .bl5.00 to blU.uu. . 5 drawer Chiffonier from 81100 to $ 7.00. 0-foot Extension Table from . . . .5 o.au to o o.w. 5 Child's Iron Bed and Springs and 3 Ti..Cc1 rmm 25.00 to $15.00, IronBed Brass Top from $12.50 to $10.00. New Home Automatic Sewing ATi,ir,ft rm $45.00 to $35.00. Chamber Suit, full swell front. . . .$38 00 to 30.00. Spiral Bed Springs from ....... 8 3.00 to $ 2 00. Vclour Couch $15 to 11. Rocking Chair $5 to $3.75 Many other goods iu to per ccm uu. 2 If the public are willing to pay former prices simply be- E cause the dealer is a good fellow wc cannot object. Our 3 J stock is complete. Fresh goods arc constantly arriving. Prices arc low and in plain figures, and you will receive courteous treatment. Give us a fair trial. g c. rc Howe I JOSEPH HERSHEY, : 3 35 a e 9 0 0 e Y. M C .A. BtttBrtatnmont, The first entertainment ot the Y. M. C. A. course will be given at the opera honBC Thursday evening. October 24th. Seats will be re served at Stamp's on and after Tuesday evening at 5:45. Stole Harness. Tuesday night a hole waB cut in the root of Joe Koddy'a stable and by means of a wire a set of harness was drawn up through the Hole ana earned a way. About 7:30 the following-morning while B. L. Rob inson and Mr. Roddy were stand ing at the railroad crossing at Field's lumber yard a fellow drove by wltti a single horse attached to acart. Roddy at once recognized the harness on the horse as the one stolen and hailed the man, as did also Robinson. Instead of stop ping, however, the fellow put the lash to the horBe and drove soutn. At the time one of the Gaunt boyB was hitching up a team at tlie lumber yatd. and being informed'of the thett, mounted one of tlie horses ntid took after the thiet. He over took him at the bridge, where the fellow nave up the harness to Gaunt, and then started on south, riding the horse and pulling the cart. Sheriff Kehbcr waB then notified and Deputy Ledgerwood sent after the thief but he-failed to find any traces ot him Bleot Offloera. The directors of the base ball as socltttion met Wednesday evening and elected the following officers: IS II. Warner president. J. H. Stubbs vice-president, W. M. Gun ningham secretary and Aithur Mc Natnara treasurer. R. L. urates 1 was elected manager of the team and Sutherland are in a ponder over and W. L. Richards assistant man- what political party Johu D. Ken . hcr.. . , "751 ?". .VS Wp QaII Messrs. Richards, Dare and Woo- can t icu uy rcaumg . 1 1 . u l ittlc were appointed a committee ue was "U""S T Tomatoes, nor can 10c to drattsultablc by-laws. electors iu mat country turn . pints. .... .23c . ' 1 ' 1 : . . - , , Tl, M,1 1n.1nn Tinlirhtn nf Stlldcr'S CltSUt). 1-2 Pint ... . 14 . , i -t- : nf T.i.,rrin Scarchlnrht Matches per box 04 All lliemDCrS OI llic tuuiai uunnirjiuias, iu . it. ..i i ... . . ..... I . .1 .1 .( nine i. i M. uuiu uusii i-iu ink .1 K,i i . n iiiinrnornn Hill I vnrnM 'l M ri M :i 1 1 1 1 1 1 iii .ni .1-) iu liiu int.- I J DEALER IN Farm Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Windmills, Pumps, T.nntn imulcd the stone lor the foundation for his new house from Sutherland. n.iva White and wife are at the height of their joy over the recent advent of a new daughter at their home. About 250 electors in NicholB Surprised? At the size of last month's grocery bill were you? Bet tcr pay cash and be surprised at the saving made, Every month opens the eyes of a few more. Arc you next? 31 to ine wit- , rcb ot tbat city. LcvU, cm ard cutrinccr for rriv Wnr Lvo nor can. . . . 04 25 08 07 08 08 08 10 I WINDMILLS i PUMPS PIPES AND FITTINGS BARB WIRE. ; - K M 'tr ' - . V s 0 0 ROUND AND HALF ROUND STOCK TANKS - LOCUST STREET, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. o n 0 .w ER. GOODMAN. JOHN BRATT & CO., Real Estate, Loans insurance X NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. X trrs.oforoaoo:-iiJay SaMLlr. lax aSTotox-aralta. the FiYe Cent cigar Jg, SOEMALZBIED'S. Special Elootlon to ho Hold, At a meeting of the city council Tuesday evening a petition, which bad beeu circulated by James Bel ton, was presented asking tuat an election be called to vote on the proposition to accept the initiative and referendum measure passed by the legislature three years ago. This law, which is optional with a city whether it adopts it or not. provides that when an ordinance is I passed by a city council it is held in abeyance for thirty, days ana during that time the citizens can if they so desire, petition the council, to call an election to vote as 1o whether the ordinance shall be come a part of the law of the city. If, at the election the ordinance re ceives the necessary majority it stands, if not it is null and void While tlie law re'ates to all ordi nances which a city council may oaes, the purpose ot tue meas arc is to prevent councils irom eivinir away valuable franchises or privileges without the consent of citizens. The lav, we understand, has not as yet been adopted by a sniffle city in the state. The city clerk will proceed to call a special election which will cost the tax payers Irom one to two hundred dollars and when the proposition is before the people more informa- I tion on the matter will be given in these columns. clahBand have not beccomo mem- Kinley memorial bers. are requested to meet at tue in at. Jaurs cuurcu Lutheran chuch Monday evening ai Joseph Hay, yard cuginccr tor Merry War Lye per can. . . . eight o'clock. At this meeting lue Union Pacific at Columbus, is Schilling's Beat Soda, per business of importance will be con- one D oldest employes of that plfp sidered. On Tuesday evening BVstcm. He has been with the Arm & Hammer Soda, per Prof. Leonhardt will be here to ri,n,i cont uoubIv tor thirty-three I P fg v v v : b. lb. of .ruction, aud i vcars. SSf tTSinSSf ! ! ! several matters muBi oeconsiuc.u a Nebraska City editor has on wnwnt. ij,,...,,, 1, is tucrctore ... . . r-iii mn, ni n farm - os tl,, r ritu1 linn nsked him to Bell Vnnl T.nnf 1 1h ran 20 csted be present at the Monday . ,,,, tfU on wcrl nit of a block Lemons ner doz. 2o eveninir meeting. L wnort to ihts correct Bhane and Silver Gloss Starch 08 ...!.,. m,o KinLralora'sUornbtarcu.. .. uo Y.M. C A. NOTES. Iwu"e" w l" "u"b. M " ""... Yont Foam 2 nkira OS North Platte to- lay 01 ; mc ianu. xiou.b - u u-... 5 Yeaat 2 n lci OS Granulated Sutrar 16 lbs for 1.00 our heavenly Father, is cordially Tot Cannes Night Alarm. Kerosene Oil per gal 15 inrit..! tn tbr class for the study "Uno nicni my orou oru uuuy of the bible, in the M. C. A. at 8 o'clock Think of this invitation wlinle buiuHllfr Out to be " o I I'Ut muiiuu i; wm - with men eager Xo know about the it in tlio liouso totiroieoi our ounu God with whom we have to do. Ti?f " fESSofil.rt oublo Salt i-lb'Sack 95 It is with pleasure wc announce ti)nt no othor roraody would roliovo." Table Salt 2 sacks OS i . . . . . n 1 1 nil. the sneaker for next Sunday as A. lninllibio lor yougns, wiqb, inn Gothcnburtr Best Patent . ... . i nnn i iiinir trnuiiinR. uuu iiuuoi.w. xiiih i - . , . mil' nnr bottlos rroo at airoitz s urug eioro. before his arrival. It earnestly requested that all inter ns for the study "Ono niRht my brot hor'B bnby wns gaffe, l4 lb pkg 04 ln,nf(t,. v tnkonwith Croup," wrltoB Mrs. J. C. ttT.,1, i IK n(ir 04 ! parlor of the . Saldor ot Crittondon, Ky.,"it eoomod it "fPs A ,ck. Stop! Men! would etrnnfflo botoro wo could got n Vinegar, pel gal...... J , . Dlscovory, which rbvo nuiclt roliof and Lion Coffee 2 pkgs 25 e packed pormnnontly cured it. Wo always koop XXXX Coffee 2 nkrrs 25 t n tlio liouso to proieoi our omiurun . i1tl:,firni1 RO from Croup and WhoopinB OourIi. It Rock bait pet hundred au F. Parsons. He has never failed to nive us a good talk and wc are sure that any man, old or young, attending the 3:30 men's meeting next Sunday will be pleased and profited. We received the first lot of books ot the gift of Miss Helen M. Gould yesterday, and more are coming. We arc very eorry that it wanec- essary to keep the library close so long and we hope it will not be lonir until the members will be readme a splendid library of 2,000 volumes. Fellows! Don't shiver any longer in your cold rooms trying to keep clean when for less than a cent a day you can bathe in a nice bath tub in a warm room, and have some ou to play sweetmusic while vou are batuiuir. Go sec the Sec- j ..... retary about membership in the i. M. C. A. BETWEEN THE HIVE IIS, The new building on the Hershey rnnrh are about ready for OCCU- nancy. Foreman Krickson of the Nichols lm itist returned from a three weeks visit to his farm in the vicin- Eyer Notice The difference in Cotton Batts How much whiter and cleaner some brands arc. Ours Are Clean The price as low as for poorer gra4cs. 5 to 18 Gents. Store open evenings until o'clock. Wilcox DepaFlmerjfe toe. Wm. Gamt, Blacksmith and Wagoiimaker. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. Horse Shoeing S?4 per 'ream iviBO reuucuuua in o Flour per sack $1.10 Snow Flake Patent Flour per sack $1.00 Red Seal Patent Flour per sack 1.10 Jewel Patent Flour per sack 1.00 Store open eyening-s until 8 o'clock. Wilcox Department Store FOR SALE. FARM WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS TOP BUGGIES And all kinds of Farm fIaehinepy. Standard Goods at Reasonable Prices. LOCK 8 SALISBURY NORTH PLATTE. ASK ANY PAINTER ABOUT HEATH & MILUGAN PAINTS $ The North Platte Pharmacy, Exclusive Agents. a Free Sample Shade Cards. V . - . - ..... When You Buy Paint Buy Good Paint... And that means SHERWIN & WILLIAMS' PAINT. Wc have been handling tins maKC tor many years and have found that it gives excel lent satisfaction in every instance. It may cost a trifle more per gallon than inferior paints, but it's cheapest in the end. It sticks and holds its' color longer than other paint. . "We can furnish you any color or quantity. A. F. Streitz, Druggist. Pall Hardware Baker Painted Barbed Wire tier cwt 3.80 Rnlrnr Galvanized Barbed Wire per cwt 4.10 Best 6-inch Steel Stove Pine per joint 15 f.-in. P.nmmon Elbow 10 f.-ln Ad instable Elbow 15 fi-in Damper . , 10 6-4 Oil Cioth Binding ia 8-4 Oilcloth Bindinir. 20 8d Nails, per lb 04 Fence Staples, per lb 04 Mavdole Hammer 55 26-in Hand Saw.. . 6n Good Brace 45 Good Katchct Brace 85 41b box All Copper Rivets 18 Nn. 8 Galvanized Boiler J5 12-qt Galvanized Pail 20 Shot. 3 lbs 25 Gunnowder. ncr lb 30 22 Cartridges, per box 15 12-liauge Loaueu blicus, per box 10 Gauge Loaded Shells, per don 12 Gauge New Rival Empty r... i .1 i caucus, per uu iki run ... . 10 Gauge New Rival Empty Shells, per hundred Hy of Lincoln. Oacar Goodwin had other work. Work the price of all lruaranteed or tnntiRv refunded. Give ub . ; Locust street bouiu oi harness store. a call. Yost's Shoe Repairing A Specialty. Always carry a select quality of sole leather to pleate our nntrniiH and our aim is to please as near as we can. Colored Laces. Get your colored laces at the Yellow Front Shoe Hospital. GEO. TEKULVE. 45 50 to 80 Store open evenings until 8 o'cloclc. Wilcox Department Store. charce of his section The sugar beet crop at Hersbey la Hnimr ImrveRted and loaded as "vi - fast as they can possible get cars P. Carpenter has about twenty-live acreB of the finest in the valley for the number of acres. W. II. Hill and wife of Hershey returned the first of the week from an extended visit with ielative6 and friends iu New York and Pcnn svlvania. They visited the Expo- Rition at Buffalo and many other noted cities iu the east. Mr. Youiir ot Lodcre Pole, who had charge ot the Hershey lumber, coal and hardware business dur inir Manaccr Hill's absence in the east, rciurned home Monday Mrs Trent has returned from a pleasant visit among relatives and iriend3 in the eastern part ot the j . state. D. M. Lcypoldt is entertaining at this time his father from Lin coin. J. M. Smith has charirc of the Hershey section again. Leonard Laubuer has the rest dence which he recently purchased over south and moved over to ills farm in the valley, about ready tor Eatray Notice ranilv fnr nrpiinnncv. mi. ., nnnl.n nn Inuin fnnr tliiriv. hv llio iindorBiirncd toilers this week in the inter-kVXm Si est of the beet-sugar crop at that jor) ono i,ny horso nlwut otlit yonrHOld, i iivitnt nt i in in ir. Kiinuiiitir. l,luv,t . n...nnr nf uiiWl nntmfiltt nnn linve Batno LoiUBanci joun riotmon are ai . v nrnvintr nronartv nnd imyioir ohnriroa. HOT ALL Oil THE OUTSIDE as it takes more than good looks te make a really good overcoat. ...Ill 4?w1 iUn lininiru n 11(1 HAN GElSLfclji trimmings of the coats wc make to be as fruitless as tlie style and fit. c I c c The Tailor- llns just oponod n now iiiilnrlnir nHtftlilinhmunt nntl lina now Bainplos for Buits also dooB ropnir work. Cull on him with now or old work and you will recolvo prompt nt tontion. Dowov Ht. up in Morflch buiklini;. J. F. Broeker. work on their new buildings.! O-1G-0 W,i;rr.n Covpu.. THERE ARE OTHERS who can make and repair Shoes, but there are lew who can equal and none that can surpass us. C. NEWMAN. 4.1 W