The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 11, 1901, Image 8

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Local News in Brief. I
m---.T Tr-nrir v i "
Mrs. Prank Bacon will go to
Iincoln to viait relatives for a cou
ple of weeks.
Mm. S. 15. Dmitri an and Mrs.
Fred Douglas arc the guests of
relatives and friendB in town,
1 Mrs. JaB. Page, who had been
visiting the family of Ira L. Bare,
left for Sharon, Pa. yesterday.
Gcorce 13. French has been in
Lincoln lor several dayt, attending
the grand lodge Knights olfytutas.
House and lot for sale. Inquire
of Joseph Hcrshey.
In the game of ball at Grand Isl
and Sundav Fred Glade the west
ern lcatruer will pitch half the inn
The L. O. T. M. wilt give its
usual Thanksgiving eve supper
thin vear. particulars of which will
be given later.
W. D. Hover. ISmbalmer.
Howe's Furniture Store. Night
call Telephone 90.
Mr. and Mrs. 13. A. Carv, Mrs. J.
II. Hcrshev and Rev, Gcarhard
were trucsts ol Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Ware at the Pawnee ranch yester
Congressman Burkett oi Lincoln
will deliver a political addrcRS
from a republican standpoint in
this city on Friday evening of next
Mrs. 13. W. Kcyca, who has been
visitlnir her parents at the Patter
son ranch and also inends in town,
will return to Council Bluffs tomorrow.
For Rent Nicely furnished
bed room and parlor, large and well
'lighted, in desirable location in
Third ward. Apply to L. Peterson
or at tuts oiucc.
Mrs. Mactric B. Atkinson filed
a petition in the district court Wed
nesday praying tor a. divorce from
her husband Howard B. Atkinson
on the grounds of infidelity.
The public is invited to attend
the McKluley memorial service
which will be held at opera house
next Sunday afternoon at Z'.iV by
the G. A. R. and V. K. C.
A. L. Bceglc, of Grand Island,
one of the proprietors of the Yellow
Front shoe btore. spent a day or
two in town this week visiting Geo.
M. Graham and hunting prairie
Instructions given on string
instruments, Old patrons invited
to call. Music furbished tor all
occasions. Call on or leave word
at Dr. Fred Miller's office.
Phoi John Brandin.
Cards annonncing the coming
wedding nuptials pf Miss Ida
Lcona.Nclr and Albert Brown have
been issued. The ceremony will
pecur at the home of the bride
Tuesday evening, Oct. 22d, at eight
I wish to close out my stock of
Paints, and for the next 30 days
will Bell them at first cost. A
fine line of paint. Floor paint a
specialty. A. L. Davis,
Milton Doolittle has moved to the
Donaldson house on West Fourth
street. Fred Marti will move into
the house vacated by Doolittle
which he owns and N, H. McCor
kle will occupy the property vacated
by Marti.
The Degree of'Honor will give an
oyster supper and dance at the
opera house on the evening of the
16th Inst The ladles arc prepar
ing to serve an excellent supper and
good music will be furnished lor
dancing. The public is cordially
If you want something fine in a
raxor or kniic that is warranted
, call and examine our utock. 13 very
article guaranteed,
Cmnton tub
Among the attendants at the
the Methodist contcrcnco is Kev.
W. 13. Hardawny, formerly pastor
of the Methodist church of this ciiy
but now presiding elder of the
Holdrcgc district. We acknow
ledges pleasant call from the gen
tleman. The West I3nd Card Club was
pleasantly entertained Tuesday
cyciiing by Mrs. A. S. Baldwin,
assisted by Mrs. Frank Bacon.
Fourteen couples were present and
the two aud one-half hours devoted
to highfive proved equally interest
ing and enjoyable. At the conclu
sion of the games oyBtcr patties,
celery, wafers, cake and coffee were
Just received a car
load of Waukegfui mid
Gliddeu Barb Wire.
Jos. Hershey.
wnuu riding ins uicycic through
the court hmiBc yard Tuesday even
ing aoout uubk wvcrcit I'lnk came
in. contact with a twine which had
been stretched across the walk
from' tree to tree. The twine
'caught him on the neck cutting a
shallow gash about three inches
Jong. Certain boys have 'been
guilty oi atrctciiiug corns across
walks in different parts of town
ana tue ponce omccrs are pretty
well satisfied that they have suffici
ent evidence ugaitiBt them to war
rant their arrcBt. This work .of
,the boys is tnoat despicable and if I
continued will result in serious in
jury to some one.
The Points
Superiority i
In the Star's garments
well known to
nearly all good dress- J
How your clothes look counts prehaps more than most
people think. You want to make a good impression, no
doubt about that. You must wear current apparel, fash
ionable and up-to-date fixings. Critics say the Star gar
ments are unrivalled and all in good taste. At $1 5,00
is shown unfinished Fancy Worsted suit fully worth $20.
Cheaper Suits at
$13.50, $12.00, $10.00, $8.00
"All Worsteds." Overcoat stock is complete. Kaglans
and all the late styles.
The Methodist Conference.
The Methodist conference of the
West Nebraska district was form
ally opened yesterday morning and
tue attendance, wntcu is ituiv up
to the average, augers well for a
succcsstul conference.
At the church Wednesday even
ing a reception was held, the
program consisting ot ad
dresses of welcome by B. L.
Robinson and J. G. Bcclcr and
a response by Bishop Warren,
the presiding officer. Messrs. Rob
inson aud Becicr made very ap
pronriate remarks, especially the
former, whose talk was as neat and
timely as one would wish to hear.
The response by the Bishop was
interspersed with humor and
elicited many smiles. Bishop War
rcn ib a readv and clonucnt sneaker
- . . . . . . .
and has the iaculty ot making cacti
auditor feci that he is talking direct
to each one. During the evening
several selections were rendered
bv the choir and a male quartette,
and tue program closed witu a onet
iniormal talk oy Key. wimoeny in
which he proved himself quite a
punster with his play of names of
the Disnop and the clergy. Follow
... 1 ! A . I .J -
tug me program some miic tunc
was devoted to social intercourse
and in getting acquainted with the
visitinir clercv.
Yesterday morning loiiowing me
devotional exercises, the call of
presiding elders was made, and
these rendered tueir reports lor tue
past year. These reports showed
a satisfactory condition of work in
the contcrcnce district, and ttiat
Methodism was moving grandly on
In WcBtern Nebraska. The after
noon was devoted principally to
forciirn missionary society work,
and last evening to church exten
sion work, the latter including an
address by Dr. Spencer of Kansas
itor of one ot the Methodist
Asst. Sunt. Ware transacted bus
iness in Grand Island yesterday.
13. B. Warner, James Minshall
and James Rannlc returned Wed
nesday night from Omaha, where
they attended the annual conven
tion ot tue icd Men.
Special Hotlce.
All persons indebted to the firm
- a . a
of Gicn & wcingand must pay in
full by Oct. 17th. After that date
all accounts will be placed in the
bands of an attorney who will be
instructed to at once proceed to
collect the amounts by due process
of law. No exceptions will be
made; all will be treated alike.
Money due can be left at Howc'a
furniture store.
Ginn & Wkinoand.
All persons arc warned
hunting or trespassing
lands embraced in tnc
Mrs. W. C. Ritnkr.
on the
All persons arccautioued against
using or trespassing in the Ritner
barn at the Notth Side Marble
To all persons whatsoever No
hunting will be allowed on Lots 2,
3, 4 and 5, Twp. 13, R. 31 west.
k uuuican
A City, edit
M church pc
w Lonrrfc
To Hunter.
Hunting is positively forbidden
on the Codv lands west of the citv.
All trespassers will be summarily
dealt with,
Cor.. W. F. Copy.
Fred Hartinan will go to Grand
Inland in a day or two to make a
brief visit with tricuds.
Mrs. Win. lluddart returned
Wednesday night from a visit with
Iter parents at Broken Bow.
Thirty-five of the high school
cadets sent in orders yesterday lor
uniforms, which cost $13,50 each.
Lost on west Sixth street Wed
nesday evening an Indian made
hair riding whip. Finder will
leave same at Stubb's residence.
Rev. Scibcrt lias gone to Chey
enne where he has been scut by the
Lutheran board ot home missions
to do some special church work.
He may remain a week or more.
Don't tail to call on Kcmpton the
Jeweler to have your eyes tested.
All work guaranteed. Opposite
iiotci lt'arrington.
Members ot the W. R. C. arc re
quested to meet October 13th at
two p, in. at the K. P. hall to at
tend the McKinley memorial ser
vice. By order of the president.
Sheriff Kcllhcr went to Kearney
Tuesday and brought back A. 13.
Sanford who will answer to the
charge of larceny as bailee in
Judge Baldwin's court this after
Geo. Llkert, tormcrly of the local
shops, has been appointed night
loreman ot tue round Douse at
Cheyenne, a good paving position.
Mr. Llkert's North 1 Platte friends
will be glad to learn of hla advancement.
Mrs. P. W. O'Brien of Council
Bluifs is the truest ot ttiends in
W. II. Broach left Wednesday
for Cripple Creek, Col., to spend a
wcclc or so witu friends.
James Burusidcs of Belgrade
who had been looking a'ter his real
estatcr interests in this county for
a week returned home last night.
Will Eshclman, who was sent to
the Kansas division several weeks
t rrn r it we tii d if iifunrl n tl rt tir 11'
11 V IU 11 IV) JillQ Ibklll U 14 VI Mill
resume work here Monday as fire
Loncfcllow's beautiful story of
Evangeline will be presented at the
ooera house in pantomime on bat-
urdav evening, Oct. lVtii, by Mr.
Kendall, who has presented the
nlav hundreds of times during tue
past seven years, i. uc poem is read
bv Mr. Kendall and the situations
are depicted by one hundred persons-
principally children- In cos-
tumcs of the primeval AcadiaiiB.
The performance as given by Mr.
Kendall is said to be very beautiful.
The costumes worn aud the scenery
used is owned and carried by Mr.
Kendall and are yery Handsome.
The entertainment will be given
hmiIam ilm itianiiaa' trick nnino'
LUlUt.1 lllw UUDUlbbo iuw u.wsw
guild of the Episcopal church.
Saxnolson not Killed.
In the list ot those killed in the
ambuscade of Company C, Ninth
Infantry, at Samar, Pbillipinne isl
ands. tH name pf Charley bamel
sou does not appear and it is there-
fore sate to presume that tie is still
among the living.
All persons are warned against
hunting or trespassing on thelandB
owned by
The Mylander Bros.
Wc carry the most complete
line in this section of the country.
Wc can save you money, A car
load of furniture just ree'd. All
the latest and best to be had and
at prices that defy competition.
Arc the best selections ever
shown. Wc handle the Pen"
insular and the Art Car-
land hard coal burners and in
the soft coal burners wc have in
stock 30 different styles and
sizes. The Peninsular hot blast
is the latest and best hot blast
stove on the market. Consumes
all smoke and soot and saves one
half your fuel. Wc also handle
the Tubular Hot Blast, The Charter
Oak, The Mountain Oak, The Model
Oak and The Peninsular Oak,
We Lead
in ranges also. The Majestic
the Best Range made, from $40
to $55. And the Triumph
the best cheap range on the mar
ket at $30 to $38. Having1
sold 27 Majestic ranges during:
the week of of exhibit we can
now refer you to 67 families us-
inff this range with the best re
sults. We also have a list of 20
Triumph Ranges all doing ex
cellent work. Wc ask the Public
to examine all or any of our
lines before buying-. Come in
and sec our Estcv Organs.
No better Organ made. House
hold, Domestic and Wheeler &
Wilson sewing (machincs.
Store E. B; Warner.
- Six room house
of court house.
. Edith Gantt.
For Rent
block south
quire ot Mrs
Rev, W. VV. Hess, a Lutheran
minister of Beatrice who is visitinir
in town, will preach at Paxton next
i iHf. .
ounuiiy, lining an engagement
previously made for Kev. Seibcrt.
Mr, aud Mrs. Claude Wcingand
go to the eastern part of the Btatc
next week where Mr. W. will look
up several business propositions
which nave been made to him.
lyd Ranntc lias severed las con
ncction with the Union Pacific as
brakemau aud leaves Sunday night
for St. Louis, where he will look
up a positiou other than on a
Rev. C. C. Wilson of Holdrcgc,
former pastor oi the Methodist
church here, is attending cottier
cuce. He is looking well, evidence
that his present pastorate is pleas
aut and profitable.
The calf skin used in making these Shoes is
soft and as easy to the foot as kid skin
It takes, and. holds well, a tine, bright, polish.
Shoes made from it are splendid for general use
in damp or cold weather, as they afford the greatest
amount of protection to the feet without the wearing
of rubbers, and are not clumsy or unsightly in ap
pearance. The newest styles in the calf skin Shoes, con.
structcd in the latest improved way, are here at
$2.50 and 3.00.
Yellow Front Shoe Store,
UlfoltGK'M. GRAHAM, Mu,t
3 (loom soutu 1, O.
North lMutte ,Neb.
Mrs. Lottie Daniels and a fellow
named Pintsch came down from
Denver Friday. Thev were both
dressed in bicycle costumes and at
tractcd more or lees attention.
Wednesday Mrs. Pintsch arrived in
town and it wan then learned that
Pintsch and Mrs. Daniels had
eloped. The meeting of Pintsch
and his wife was a stormy one, but
a truce was patched up. Mrs.
Daniels returned to Denver Wed
nesdav nitrht. Pintsch is the
lather ot lour children and it ir un
derslood Mrs. Daniels is the
mother of several children.
Cattle ranch and farm, Btocked
and well improved $2,600 to trade
lor city property. A rare opportu
Ijjty, U. KEDMOND.
While a freight train was pulling
into the sidetrack at Mageath
Tuesday nigiit a journal prpge on
one of the cars and the trucks rolled
thirty feet out on the prairie. Al
though the train was moving at a
lively gait, the damage resulting
was not great, two or three cars
bcinir more or less smashed. The
accident was regarded as a fortu
tiate one.
Kcmpton carries a lull hue ot
musical instruments and jewelery.
You will do well to call and get
prices betore buying elsewhere.
Kev ir. C. Johnson, who was
I stationed as pastor in this city in
the early AO's is in attendance at
the Methodist conference. He still
fitids a number of 'ofd' Irjends in
town, all of whom are glad to again
meet him.
We have a big line of ladies' and
rente' packet books, chance nurses
card cases, shopping bags and
wallets. If you want .spmethlng
fine wc have them from SOjceute up,
The Nitrht: of the fourth, which
will be presented at the opera hout
on Wednesday evening, next week,
is a Bcrcaitiitigly tunny musical
comedy. Lovers of fuu will get
their money's worth,
A well known young truluniau of
this city will join the bencdictinc
ranks the latter part of next month
aud has already began making ar
rangements for the happy event.
Judge Grimes and Reporter Cary
returned jyedncsday night from
Perkins county. Though the
Judge held court .but h.'w days he
diopoBed of mauy cases.'
The street commissioner is grad
ing up aevcml streets in , the busi
ness section of the city, . A little
work of this kind on Dewey Aired
would be a needed improvement.
Marshall S. Way, Walter II. Riggs and
R. B. Mntlaok defendants will tako no
tice that on the Cth day ot November,
1808, Ad el S. Cur Use, plaintiff herein,
filed his potitlon in the District Court of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, ogainat said
upfepdaats, the object and prayor of
which arp tp foreclose a cortain taz sale
ceruueute, now Hwpwf tu piaiouu,
against tho eastinan ot south east q
tor ot section m, Twp. v, Kaage zU in
Lincoln County, INobrnskn, and Bubso
guont taxes paid thereon being for tho
taroaduly Wy led against said land for
ii nrvrt t rtrf i rri t
ins years i.w ana ltwi, uuuu
which is duo tho plaintiff tho sum of
API, fro 1 a i. i i
cu.m nun iuu nor unb miarpBP worn
March 5, 1000, and attorneys fees and
93.00 costs, of notioo, for wbioh sum
plaintiff prays for a dooroo that defend
ants bo required to pay the same or that
sola premises may no sold to satisfy the
amount found due. You are required
to answer said petition on or before the
11th day of November, 1001.
AdelS. Curtiss. Plaintiff.
By Honglnnd & Hoagland, his attorneys.
The Union Pacitio Rnllroad Comnnnv.
a corporation organized under tho laws
ot the United States and the Union
Trust Company of New York, defend'
ants, will tako notice that no the 2?th
day tof September. 1001, Fannie Murphy,
mia'd.ereDdaUts.' tho
object and prayer pf wlncli oris tb'nuiet
and confirm plaintiff's (title tp tho to-
The Union Pacific Railroad Company,
a corporation organized unuor tun Inwe
of the United States, nnd tho Union
Trust Oompnny of New York, defend
ants, will laae notico that on the 27th
dnv of Sontotnbor. 1001. Jennie S. FoIpv .
plnintitt herein, tiled hor petition in the
district court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, the object and prayor of which
are to quiot and conilrm plaintiff's titlo
in tbo following desonbed promises to
wit; Lot 7 and 8. block 128, in tho origi
nal town qf North Plntto, Lincoln coun
ty, Nebrhsttfi, n'n.d to exoliid6 Bald 'dd
fondante frorp any tj'tle, plalnf. fpr'esf
You oro required tb answer said noti
on F befojp tfjp itb day of NpVPffibe
Jpsnie H. Ppr,i-;y, Plaintiff,
By T. O, Pnttprson, her Atty.
lowing (jeeprjujuu prjoffipo, urwi
2. Block p thp origlpal tpjyn of
and to okoIuuo said defendanta from any
title, claim, (ntorPBt or lim n paid
You are required to answor enld peti
tion on or before tho 4th day of Novcm-
uer, iuoi.
Pannik MimpiiY. Plaintiff.
s271 By T. C. Fattorson, hor Atty.
Ill tbo Matter or tue KMato of
Id the County Court ot Lincoln County, No-
oliaiVt bTLhr Riven tint tho creditors nr nli!
deceased will rHkiV Uio mjplautrator of said m-
taio uoioro nie vumy jujm
Nebraaka, at tbb ooudly cOUrt rooiiil 111 'Mi Coun
ty on the ;sth day of December, toor, atM on Hie
12th day of Wl,I, 1B0J. nt U o'clock a. ru.oach
day for the trtrposo of preontlnR their clulras
forOxanUnatlcrtitaniustnroilttind hllow'ance. Six
runaiua aru ajiuwoi lor crpgiinri
fcegal Koticfi.
Tho defondanto James Woolworlh.
(impleaded with Irn Sohoolcruft, ot al.,)
will take notioo that on the 15th day of
April, 1001, the plaintiff, Tho County of
Lincoln, a corporation, filed its petition
In the district court of Lincoln county.
Nebraska, tho object and prayer of
which are to forecloso certain tax I ens.
duly assessed by said plaintiff against
toe northwest quarter section 17, in
township 11, north ot range .31, wobt of
Sixth principal meridian, NobrnBkn,for
the year 1890 in tho sum of 820.85; tor
the year 1807 in tho sum of ll.Ci: for tho
year 1808 in the sum ot G.01: for tho year
loyy -in-tno sum or i.yj; amounting in
thetal 6rura bf -J2;flrT With' ititor'dst-dn
cenp por anpum
ADrll'lOOf. nlf
PlnlritilT nrova a deorAo
-m -li.i'iL'L V' ' ' ' V 7
IH tiUiq Ml II
Vou and eaoh of you dofendanls ore
ronuirod to nnaivnr nnlrl ,p(itlnn rn
boforaMonday, the 25th day of Nov. 1001.
A Cornnration.
By II. S. Ridgely.its Atty.
Lenal Notice.
Tho defendants, Jacob II. Prodoricks,
Mrs. Jacob II. f 'redorloks hia wife fir6t
real name unknown, James E. Lane nnd
John Doo, roal namo unknown will
tako notice that on tho ICth day of April.
HV11. thnnlnintlff Pl,n n,,.,.. ri.'
no iulu ui ion ner
irem ino jirst ijay or
t mm B jJlfo jind
of forolosuro
MnQ m 1 bijIp p,f p(i4 prprn-
oUlmti and and ybkr for1 Utt) admlnl
tloiJdyCtate frbhi Uiollth day of i
to ureufnt their
InlMrator to aet-
OcUber. !)).
uin iDbiiuii vuuiim ijincoin uquni
Nobraslta. 'tho bbioot rict-'rVvntXl M
Coupty Iwjua
ThB Hlato of Nebraska, Un,coln eoyuty, as.
which is to foreclose cortriin tax iienst
duly assessed by sdd piajntiff 'ngiinst
iJiiijwL'up q
tlio wslllon of
that ivtuiliAatraUon of
On raaiUne ul
U, Heir iraylli(
eaUU) war bo uranUul to hhn
Ordered, That Oct. II, 1WJ1. at Oo'dock.
a. ui., U aaalsuod (or lioaiins aald cttlon, when
all poreona luUroaUitl In Mid matter may nieor
n viiuiiii injur, mi im uviu m bqji jnr kain
rouilly, ami allow ramui miy the nraynr nf tl.
Honor ahoiild not U uraiitol.
si73 (Jounty Juila.
euBf- hnir of tliO BfltiVhtveat
Etry Notice.
Takon up by tho undersigned on his
fa rm in Myrtfo precinct, Lincoln county
on or about Sent. 30, 1001, three bay
hofcwJ, WflJaht about 1.000 pounds each,
er i
ywffi iB.t.,,p B"P f 033;' for t o
yeiirW m the Bim ofio for tlio
yoar 1S7, tr tho sum of fi.55i fur tlio
yonrilD'Iln.,t,, m of tor the
yoarlBIW. intho snnilof n.88( umountinB
in the totol sum of H.!tj with liUoroat
onthoBiuii of WUII.nttho rate of Ion
por pout por annum from the 1st day of
April, 1001, all of which is duo and
Plaintiff prays n docreo of foreclosuro
of said tax Hons aud a salo of said prom-Ibos.
You and oach ot you dofendants aro
noUranUs HiIflo onoLlaok yearling colt " J"'. l.c10 nnswor saui potltiqn on or
t1 hhlM'ABn tni. I . .I.UIIUI11 b..U
"ho brandB. T116 6wnor 'can
ny proving proporty
16 6tnor can .have somo CwimT'
.orty and paying chafes, rfflbm
Sath dnr
- r-j rt ' t'lWBioy, lis 4ly,