Wh garth moot SEVENTEENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 4, 1901. NO. U :.fA ia Others... May havo But We Are in the race now and getting to the front in a way to cause a panic 4 It will pay you tosee our goods and get our prices before buying Carpets, Furniture, Etc. JOSEPH HERSHEY, WINDMILLS PUMPS PIPES AND SITTINGS J BARB WIRE ROUND AND HALF ROUND STOCK TANKS l . LOCUST STREET, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. TV JOHN BR ATT. JOHN BJHTT CQ Real Estate, Loans Insurance X NORTH FIATTE ft! L Five Cent Cigar to ASK ANY PAINTER ABOUT f HEATH ft MIUJQAN PAINTS EsdttsiVQ Agents. free Sample Stue G$tfo When You Buy Buy Good Paint... And that means SHERWIN & WILLIAMS' PAINT. We have been handling this make for many yours and have found that it gives excel lent satisfaction in every instance. It may cost a rifle more per gallon (Imp, jnfer jor pajn fort phpapesj; in ftp end- stipes flitf hqlfjg Sfa color longer thftn oer prunk We can furnish you any gqJqv or quantity, A. F. Streitz, Druggist Led in times past, 3 C. A. HOWE DEALER IN Farm Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Windmills, Pumps, S I It. GOODMAN. NEBRASKA. X Paint Society ITotsa. Card 8 will be issued in a few days ior a marriage ceremony in which two well known ye.ung peo pie will figure as the contracting parties. Mrs. H. E. Votaw entertained at her attractive home Tuesday after nooa the members of the Young Married Ladies Club. The guests pronounced the afternoon to have been a very delightful one. Mrs, I. L. Bare entertained eight ladies at luncheon Wednesday after noon in favor of her aunt, Mrs. J B. Page, of Sharon, Pa. Y. M. 0. A. Votes Do not miss one of the numbers of the entertainment course. They will be fine and will only cost 30 cents apiece by buying a course ticket tor $1.50. See Mr. Frank Mooney, Chas. Hendy, Wm. Hendv. Victor Von Goetz Jr., or the secre tary. The first number will be given on Oct. 24th: A Reciter of Dramas, Louise J. Manning. Lyric Ladies Concert Co., Nov. 14th. Aeolian Concert Co., sometime in Dec. Dr. Willitts, lecturer, Feb. 5th. 131ia3 Dav. characterise March 22. No extra charge for re- served seats. Bible study class on Friday cveu- tng. No man should miss this if it is possible to be there. Mr. B. L. Robinson is an interesting, cap able teachers. Class at 8 o'clock. Persistent effort rewarded! The association numbered 365 members in good standing on September 30 ot this year, just 15 more than we asked for, and now we wish to thank every person that spoke a good word for the association. We have secured a new member every day this month so far, and they arc all railroad men. .The .ladies aid ot the Presbyter ian church seut,ln $6.26 on the first day of the month to help support the work. This gift is appreciated. Rev. George A. Beecher will be the speaker at the men's meetinc next Sunday afternoon at 3:30. This meeting is open to all men, and the rooms should be well filled. Come eatly and enjoy the song service. We miss so much Burton Lam bert and Frank D,eroif, We wish them great success in the new field to which, they have gone. eOXlftgPIQinFftS' FRQGX1DXNGI October 2d, 1901. Board met in regular session aB provided by law, present McNeel and McCullough, commissioners and county clerk. Report of James M. Ray poor- master for third .quarter of 1901 ex- amined and approved. Henry Coker Jr. is hereby ap pointed superintendent of the O'Fallons bridge. Fall Hardware Baker Painted Barbed Wire per cwt " 3.H0 Wrcercwt.,,,,..,,,. 4.10 Bc w.W?n Sloc Stove Pipe per joint 15 6-in. Common Elbow 10 6-in Adjustably Ebp,v 15 6-in rmpher .......... .'. .' 0 MPjiPioth flwltoir,.,,,,, 15 8-4 Qilclqth Binding,, 20 flri. Nails, per Jh 04 Foncc Stnnlos, per lb 04 May dole Ham mor.. ., , 55 26-in Hand Saw fin Good Brace 45 Good Ratchet Brace 85 lbboxAll Copper Rivets 18 No. 8 Galvanized Boiler. . . . 95 12-qt Galvanized Pail 20 Shot, 3 lbs 25 Gunpowder, per lb o 22 Cartridges, per box 15 12-Gaugc Loaded Shells, per box 45 10 Gauge Loaded Shells, per box V..V: 5Q 10. Gduge New Rival rWy fchPlte. per hundred, ftQ Storp open evening's until 8 o'clock. Wilcox Department Store. Bill of James M. Ray salary as poormastcr for third quarter of 1901 allowed onthe general fund for $25.00. T, A. Roberts is hereby ap pointed superintendent of the north river and the Bird wood bridges. Bill of W. F. McGlone, merchan dise on order of poormastcr. al lowed on the general fund for 23.08. Settlement was made with over seer of District No. 44 and certifi cate issued for $lf.00. Claim of Wiley Mathews janitor tor cash items allowed for 4.65 on the general fund. County clerk is hereby directed to notify the Union Pacific rail road of condition of road west of fair grounds. Whereupon the board adjourned until tomorrow. ETWBSJC m KXYXKS. W. J. CruBcn preached to a large audience in the M, K. church at Hcrshty on Sunday night. C. 12. Spear a former agent at Hershey but now at Cosad, was shaking hands with his many friends at the former place last week. Mrs. Spear visited relatives and friends at North Platte during Mr. Spear's absence up the line, , The country is alive with parties hunting for and killing prairie chickens. Ernest Gibbon and wife and brother Lester and wife will depart this week by teams for Rocky Ford, Colorado, to make their future homes. D. H. Kyerly is attending to the wantB ot customers in Ware & Co's store at Hershcy at the present time. Mrs. Fanny Brooks returned to her home at the county scat the early pirt of the week. Mrs. Bird of Maryyllle, Mo., and her sister Mrs. Lethouse of Eagle Lake, Minn,, who had been visiting their father Samuel Harris and their sisters Mesdames Cole, Weil and McLaughlin, have returned to their rcspetive homes. O. H, Kyerly and wife and sister Mrs. Young of Wiuterset, Iowa who is here on a visit to him were shopping at tb,e county seat on Wednesday. The sugar Ueet harvest in the valley will begin the first of the coming week. f After a short visit with friends at Omaha and North Platte, Miss Louise Seeberger returned home Tuesday morning, The lumber with which to erect Louis Toillion's house and J, B. Toillion's barn has arrived at Nichols from the east. G. M. Smith a former section foreman at Hershey but has had charge ot a steel crew up the line the past season, has returned and has resumed his old position at Hershcy. v S. L. Funkh.ou.sc-r, overseer of roads in Nichols pruclnct, had bus iness with the county commission ers Thursday at North Platte. J. C. Gyger of the Nichols cream ery delivered butter to his custom ers at North Platte Tuesday. Ed. Ware, who. has been with hit father Y'U Wo.ro, who has been critically ill for some time but it now reported better, returned to his home at Nelson Tuesday. STATS NXWS. The Buffalo county republican convention adopted a plank con gratulating the country upon "the prosperity that haB fallen alike up on the unjust, the patriotic and the populist." Ex-Senator W V. Allen has just appeared in the supreme court as attorney for the C. , & p., rail road. The rajlroad, bogie will get him "cf h,c d,onH watch out." Pal hunters in Cheyenne county undertook to ship prairie chickens to St. Louis UHed as choke cherry wine. Tuc authorities were too wise ior the gays and they were arrested, The Burlington railroad has of fered to furnish transportation to Denver for the Lincoln Improve ment society to inspect the results achieved by the mountain city in the way ot municipal beautifying Bids for erecting a public library buildinir at York are being adver. Used for. Mrs. C, G. Woods left Request of $10,000 for the purpohc lienry .Piuma of Louisville was hurled from the top of a load of household goods onto his horses. They were frightened and ran. His feet caught in the singletree and he was dragged 200 yards. It is thought he cannot recover, The people of Lincoln are dis cussing a plan to purchase a chime of bells to be placed in the tower of the handsome new St. Paul's Meth odist church just being finished, the chimes to be set to play the favorite hymns of President Mc Kinley. It is intended that this shall be a memorial for the late president irom the people of Lin coln. Perkins count' people struggled against droughts and adversity in various lorms for ten years, They were then induced to go into the creamery business and now they are buying things for their homes and seeing real money eyer aud anon and arc ready to swear that good cows properly cared for are the redemption of that portion of the sand hills. A Denver paper contains the fol lowing: 'Pr ivate advices received in Denver yesterday state that the Burlington has completed its sur vey for its exteusipn trom Guern sey, Wyo., to Salt Lake, and from Lyons to a connection with the road. It Is said that work on the two extensions will begin early in the spring. In connection With this announcement it is said that the Burlington will not continue its Big Horn BaBin line beyond Cody. So many statements . have been made of the intention of the Bur lington to build to Salt Lake and from Lyons on, that people have begun to consider it a "wolf" cry. However, the surveyors have cotm pleted their work, and it is ex pected the official announcement of the extensions will be made thix week. According to the best infor mation, the Guernsey line will run south by west, and it is said will cross the Union Pacific at Laramie. Thence it cutB into northwestern Colorado and goes west to , Salt Lake." Ever Notice The difference in Cotton Batts How much whiter and cleaner some brands arc. Ours Are Clean The price as, low as for poorer grades. . 5 to 18 Cents. Store open evenings until 8 o'clock. Wilcox DepBUbmeqt toPe, Wm. Gaunt, Blacksmith and Wagotimakcr. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. Horse Shoeing S4 nrr Trnm. Also reductions in the price of all other work. Work guaranteed ot money retunded. (Jive us a call, Locust street south of Yost't harness store, Shoe Repairing -A $pe(Mlty. Always carry a select quality of sole leather to please oui patrons and our aim is to please as near as we can. Colored Laces. Get your colored laces at the Yellow Front Shoe Hospital. GEO. TEKULVE. Surprised? At the size of last month's grocery bill were you? Bet' tcr paycjwh and be surpried at the saving made, Every month opens the eyes of a few more. Arc you next? We Sell Tomatoes, per can M0c Snidcr's Catsup, pints 23c Snidcr's Catsup, 1-2 pint 14 Searchlight Matches per box 04 x Gold Dust, 4-lb pkg. .. .. 18 Pcarlinc per pkir 04 Sapolio per pkg- 9c. 3 for ... . 25 ivcwls Lye per can 08 Merry War Lvc per can 07 Schilling's Best Soda, per pkc-,.. , 08 Arm & Hummer Soda, per l'lbr ; . . t . U8i Dwig-ht's Soda, pcrpkg-,.,.. 08 Vi lb can of Chipped Bccf.k . 10 Walter BakcrsCocoa 4 lb cans 25 Veal Loaf 1 lb can 20 Lemons per doz Silver Gloss Starch ........ 08 Kingsford's Corn Starch . . . . 08 Yeast Foam 2 pkgs 05 On Time Yeast 2 pkgs 05 Granulated Sturnr 15 lbs for 1.00 Kerosene Oil per gal. ...... 15 Sage, 'lb pkg 04 Hops, lb pkg 04 vinegar, per gal 20 Arbucklc's Coffee 2 pkgs... 25 Lion CofTcc 2 pkgs 25 XXXX Coffee 2 pkgs 25 Rock Salt ncr hundred ,. Ni Salt 140-lb Sack k 95 Table Salt 2 sacks 05 Gothenburg Best Patent Flour per sack ' ..Si. 10 Snow Flake Patent Flour per sack.. $1,00 Red Seal Patent Flour per sack.. .. .. i.irt Jewel Patent Flout pcr'saclLQO, YT..l ni 11. it'- , 'i J jikii mv.ui, iu S.ICK. ,s; Store open cyenings until 8 o'clock. Wilcox Department Store STEBBINS' STABLE. Liycry, Feed, Boarding and Sale. NElA RIGS, Accommodations Good. Feed per team to hay, 35 cents a night; noou feed 15 cents, L. C. Stebbins, 'Phone lot. North Plntte, - Nebraska. noxiof ron ruiiMovnoN. Lund ollluo t North Viol to. Nub. , , October 2. loot. jettlor lion Hind nouco of his lutuntiou to uk "N?' 7."! "''. Itfforn realtor nnd reoelvor Bt North l'latte, Nt,7on Nnvumbttr Wlh, 1001, vie who mJ hmtettuml entry Ni. 17,5H for Iho D'MtmwM. 'lumtor mi Bucmm 111, iowu ji norta. rungo 2H wurt. Ha names tho following wllnet.ot, to prove' IiIm conllniMHH roflilcnco upon and cultirnttoii of Mid Innd, vUl NbIh Nulmin, 1'otor Juriiii'ii. Henry Uri.cn ml ChrlHtlnn Jobnon, mint Ucnmiirk.' Ntib. CIkowiiI!, FniNoii, ItegMer. Proud of the New Fabrics Of course we are, we have 'em all, that is all the beat, most of 'cm you can't get any where else in town. You can't see 'cm alll here, unless you come early, a good many are gone, we have ex clusives yet. J. F. Broeker: