The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 13, 1901, Image 5

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Vesli Cut Glass
'and Hand
Decorated China
$ Child's Patent Leather Slip-
8 Girl's Patent Leather Slip
Wc liavc a handsome line
of the above pieces suit
able for Wddding and
Birthday Presents. Sou
venir Spoons, novelties in
Silver, Secret Lockets add
Chains. A fine lot of
Watches, Umbrellas and
Cnnep, and in fact any
thing you can wish for in
our line. Would be
pleased to have you call.
pcrs 84 to llj)cr pair. . ..
Misses' Patent Leather Slip
pers 11 to 2 per pair... $1.15
Child's Red Kid Slippers 5
John N. Bonner went to Omaha
this morning'.
Attorney llalligan returned this
morning from a brief stay in Sidney.
C. B. Smith came down from
pcrs, 5 to 8 per pair
Dr. H. McLcay of Gandy, is in
town today, having1 just returned
from his old home in Canada.
Judge and Mrs. McCrary of
Council Bluffs arc the rrucsts of
their daughter Mrs. J. II. Ilcrshey,
Mlfts Nellie Hartman returned
last evening from her trip in the
east, which proyed a very en
joyable one.
Mi88 Anna Gray Clark of Ogal
alla. will come down tomorrow and
attend the sessions of the institute
for a couple of days.
Por sale or rent a good Bush &
Gertie piano. Apply to Alice Beach,
W, J. Bryan was a passenger on
train No. 101 last evening, Con-
$ to 8 per pair.
g Girl's Red Kid Slippers 8
m to 11 per pair 1.25
Store oocn evenimrs until 8
4 -
Wilcox Department Store.
Teacher' Institute.
The teachers' institute convened
yesterday morning with an attend
ance of eighty bi't by evening this
number had increased to 115, and
rmt tXA- WtMV IriUttttf. enrollment wil 1 be i further increased J nt U)e d tt06akc
Usually the first day ses-
sions do not amount to much so far
TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1901. L- actuai WOrk is concerned, but Sanford Hartman Has taken a
stcrday wasan exception. The layoff and accompanied by Mrs.
For Sale-Household Goods. daUy propram began promptly and Hartman win leave in a uay or iwo
W A 4 es Jt an 1J IT C 1 m nOAM I ..! ...1 1 1 full on a trip to Denver and other
jiiiuii ku iu tot w . ui wt.a.wM. U7 : i h i-;irr iiiil ... ...... 1
1 " I '
Miss Jennie Smith and sister the instructors displaying energy
Colorado points.
These arc trying- times to find
something- to eat But if
you trade at
W. F. McGlone's
you will have no trouble in
finding- something to cat.
New and up-to-date grocer
ies coming in all the time and
here are some of them.
Monarch Soinach In two
pound cans equal to two-thirds
of a peck of fresh Spinach and
very much liner. Only
15 cents per can.
Monarch Clam Chowder Large
can, the finest put up and only
1 5 cents per can.
Monarchj Grated and Sliced Pine
appleOwing to the fact that
many families arc too small to use
the large cans, wc have Monarch
in cans iust half the size. You
know tht quality and the price is
15 cents per can.
Salmon wc have Figaro Brand
Columbia River Salmon in small
cans, just right for small families
and only
10 cents per can.
Oriole Rolled Oats Superior to
any Rolled Oats on the market.
In order to introduce them wc
W Vk . . t t i .
Kaiiroaa notes, s
Conductor PrcdLettB haB taken a
ay-off and gone to well, nobody
BccitiB to know where.
It is rumored that the company
will further increase the capacity
of its Ice plant at this point by the o see his aired mother who is not
. . 1 "
erection of two new houses this exnected to live.
1 i
fall. if vou want any lime or cement
1 j
Dan Llnahan, who has had call on Votaw & Fristo. They
charge of the U. P. repair shop at have just received a car load.
Kearney, has been given the tore- Rev. Stevens of Ash Grove
m.'tnnhin nt the round house at nrcached a very irood sermon to
left a lew days ago for a visit in
Salt Lake,
Charley Sevlerth has returned
from his visit with relatives at
San Francisco.
Dr. Geo. B. Dent has leased the
Mrs. Ries property and wiil soon
take possession.
Game Warden Carter left this
morning on a trip p Kearney,
Grand Island and Fremont.
The Lutheran aid society will
meet Thursday afternoon, August
15th, at the home of Mrs. Fred
Mrs. F. II, Simpson will sell off
her household goodB and go to Den
ver where her husband is employed
as an engineer.
Mrs. P. J. Gilman, Mrs. G. W,
Finn and Miss Annie Kramph have
returned from the Episcopal con
vocation at Laramie.
Doolittle has a few desirable
Hammocks left a prices that cannot
be duplicated.
James Ware has purchased five
hundred Lead of Kansas cattle
V which were placed on the Pawnee
ranch last Saturday.
Huffman Bros, of McPherson
county drove out to the ranch sev
eral hundred head of cattle which
they had purchased at Elm Creek.
Miss Jessie Bratt will go to Chi
cago the early part of next month
where she will spend the fall and
winter taking advanced studies in
For Sale 132 feet of 5 feet 4
inch wide side walk in fair condi
tion. Apply to M. H. Douglas at
his residence, where walk can be
Fred D Nowell, ionnerly of this
v city, passed through a few days
ago enroute to his home in Juuean,
Alaska, where he has been located
for the past dozen years, He and
his family are in excellent health,
and wc understand have made a
fortune since locating in Alaska.
A fumouR cook once beean a
and the teachers were interested
in the work from the very beginn
ing. The corps of instructors is a very
comnctent one. consisting of Prof.
Miller of the state university, Prof.
Fullmer of Pawnee City and Miss
Robertson of Ogalalla, Prof. Full
mer occuoied n similar position in
the institute last year. Today
State Supt. Fowler has been prcu-
cnt at the sessions and has ma
terially aided in the work.
Next Thursday evening Prof.
Ott of Drake University wilt de
liver a lecture ot the opera house.
His subject is "Sour Grapes," but
the theme of his talk will be along
the lines of social purity. Prof.
Ott is a fluent talker and consider
able humor accompanies his re
marks. It is hoped that he will be
greeted by a large audience,
All members of Sarah Rebekae
Lodge are requested to meet at the
I. O. O. F. hall tomorrow (Wed
nesday) morning at nine o'clock
sharp to attend the picnic.
One thousand head ol Kansas
cattle were shipped to Paxton a
short time ago and have been taken
to Capt. Haskell's ranch in Mc
Pherson county where they will be
It is reported that the Union Pa
cific is contemplating a scheme of
checking baggage direct from the
house of itB patrons. This will
probably apply only to towns which
arc competitive points.
What do you watat, a bargain?
Well here it is, Doolittle has left:
One Men's Monarch Bicycle, price
$35, reduced to $31.50. One Men's
Monarch Bicycle, price $25, reduced
to $22 50. One Women's Bicycle,
give one t of those elegant Plat
inum Finished Pictures free.
They cost you
Two packages 25 cents.
Oriole Wheat Wafers Some
thing new. Pwo packages for 35
cents and a picture free.
Centrcvillc Kippered Hcrring-
"The Best," two cans for 35
cents. You want them.
William's Bros, and Charbeneau'i
Preserves In big bottles; the best
of its kind.
Two Large Bottles for 25 cents,
This part of the county was
visited by a nice shower Saturday
eve which has greatly revived the
crops, especially the watermelons.
J. Leach of Dodge county arnyed
in town Wednesday night and waB
a guest at the J. D. Bailey home till
Thursday when he left for Marengo
. Wc receive practically all
ft. Ottcn's home grown fruits
and vegetables. Leave us your
orders tor Tomatoes, genuine
Sweet Corn, Crab Apples, Plums,
Cabbage, Cucumbers, Water
melons, etc., and you will get the
freshest and best.
What are the five most popular price $25, reduced to $22.50. These
novels of the day? Here they are:
The Crisis, by Winston Churchill;
The Helmit of Navarre, by Bertha
Runkle, The Octopus, by Frank
Norris; The Puppet Crown, by
Harold McGrath; Alice of Old
Vincennes, by Maurice Thompson.
Doolittle has them all and a
hundred others.
prices are for cash and offer is good
only until September 1st, 190.1.
State Sunt. Fowler arnyed in
town last evening and delivered an
address at the opera" house to'an
audience of two or three hundred,
about one-third of those present
being attendants at the county in
stitute, Mr. Fowler's address,
while directed to teachers, was in
teresting to every auditor. He in
a pleasant tamer ana injects con
siderable humor. His plea was
for better sanitation and cleanli
ness in the country school houses,
especially, and for thorough work
on the part of the teachers. He
Remember that
Yale Coffees,
Lipton's Teas,
Monarch Canned Goods,
Schuyler Suowflake Flour,
Arc absolutely the best and you
can only get them here
J. C. Orr, who had been pursuing
A local freight train was put on
the Fourth district yesterday and
will do the local work between this
city and Sidney. The train leaves
at four a. in. on Mondays, Thurs
days, Fridays and Sunday.
Freight traffic on the Union Pa
cific has taken a big spurt during
the paBt week, and the motive
power department has about all it
can handle. Stock shipments arc
being freely made and the fruit
business is now in its height.
During his recent trip west Supt.
Baxter gave orders to so arraugc
the tracks at Sidney that freight
engines can lake water and coal
without being detached from the
train. It is said that the switch
cntriuc at that point will soon be
done away with.
Three of the 'U. P. ice houses
have been emptied of their contents,
and a considerable portion taken
out of the other fiye. It is gener
ally believed that the supply will
fall somewhat Bhort of the amount
required before the cud of the ice
ing season.
Several changes have been made
in the U. P. yards this week. Win.
Null, ot North Platte, has assumed
the duties ot night yardmastcr vice
Ligc Bruner who is running on the
road. John Daughcrty is day yard
man in place of Frank Wlnklcman
and VV. II. Ledoyt, of North Platte,
is night yard assistant. Sidney
A request was received yesterday
afternoon at Dlv. Foreman Stubbs'
office asking that six engineers and
six firemen be sent to the Kan
sas division to help out the rush
occasioned by the shipment of the
big wheat crop in Kansas. In re
sponse to the call engineers I.
15. Stroude, Joe Swaigcr and Geo,
Weinberger, and firemen R. W.
Smith, Geo. LeDoyt, Albert Brown,
F. W. VoBlipa and W. D. E-diclmcn
Dickens people Thursday night. It
looked so Btormy that night that
most of the people were afraid to
venture out.
Ray Rathbun of Hayes county
was in town Friday after lime to
be used in piastcrleg his father's
Merrill Fristo waB transacting "
business in Curtis Saturday. He
reports crops in a very good con
dition down the line.
J. P. Gardner went to North
Platte Saturday with a load of
potatoes. Mr. Gardner has some
nice potatoes and will probably
find a ready market lor them.
Mrs. Sayers of McCook is visit-
ing with joun tstaicy ana whc,
this week.
Fred LaBclc and sister Mrs.
Sterner of Somerset were in these
parts taking photograpliB for
Dickens people a few days ago,
Received at SchleBingcr's Louvre,'
Mixed carload of Imported German
Beer Culmbachcr and . Wald-Bchlocschcn.
Arc something you buy often.
For that reason small amounts
saved on them count up into
Wc Sell-
Walter Bakers' Cocoa lA lb. ''
cans 25
Sage, lb pkg 04
Hops, lb pkg u
Chipped Beef, Rex brand,
ys lb can 10
Chipped Beef, Libby & Mc-
Ncill'c, lb can 13c, 2 cans 25
Veal Loaf, lb can 10
Veal Loaf 1 lb can 20
Kippered Herring per can. . 20
Lard, 3 lb pail 35
Lard, 5 lb pail 55
Lemons per doz 25
7. M. C. A. Notes.
A good audience listened with
marked attention to a fine addresB
on "Stewardship," by Dr. Suther
land, president of the Graud Island
college, last Sunday.
While out soliciting for new
members and renewals the other
dav. the secretary came in contact compared the 'teaching ot the past
with Mr. E. B. Warner, the furni- with that of the present, and spoke
ture man, was kindly received in of the criticisms which are made
his store and went out smiling with today ot the teachers aud the
satiBfation and a thankful heart, schools. Many good points were
But it cost Mr. Warner a five dollar made by the speaker which arc sure
bill, to prove a benefit to the teachcrB.
We want by September 1st a Preceding the addresB the Arion
memhershio of 350. A little extra Glee Club rendered two selections,
advanced studies at Lincoln, has Idt for Kan8a9 city this morning. K c. Baking Powder, 10-oz.
xwooriliree uinci uuincum win
helD on the part of our members
will brincr it to that number. S.
In no year has the value of irri
gated land as compared with the
o -
recipe for making rabbit pot pie as unirrigatea snown up ,nor Fru,.
. :'F ...I .ku!4. i. nentlv than tb s year. On land in
Inl nnta I M ITCI I .1 T I II lilt" I i I 1 1 II I L. I J '
luiiunoi ' " - - I .
The wav to be sure that you have
Earl Stamp gave a well executed
cornet solo, aud following the ad
drcsB Mibbcs Burke and Langdon
gave evidence of their ability in
rendering a piano duel.
value received for your money is to.
"First buy your goods at Doolit
tie's." The goods will do the rest.
Real estate agents Bay there are
. , 1 , i A
no vacant nouses m iuwh, uuu
that the demand Is greater than
7 the supply. It seems that no
matter how many houses are built
each season there is always a short,
age of house to rent. This is an
excellent showing for the town aud
is evidence that the population is
steadily increasing-
Men's Gloves.
14-pint Jelly Tumblers,
tops, per doz 30
Plain Glass Tumblers per set .20
Plain Thin Tumblers per set .30
Fancy Thin Tumblers per set .45
Needle Etched Thin Tumb
lers per set 50
Store onen evenings until 8 Josephine Goodman,
Wilcox Department Store
T.incoln countv not irricated a
yield of twenty bushels of corn to
the acre will be an exception, while
.- trrirrnlpH Innil n vicld of seveiltv-
fivetoeiirhtv buehels will not be Wc have just received an entire
an exception. In fact wc are told new line of
that mere are neius oeiwecii ukic Mow'
and Hershey that will produce one
hundred bushels to the acre. Sev- Men's Work Gloves per pair 50c
eral farmers in that section have Men's Work Gloves per pair 75c
frotn fifty to one hundred acres of Men's Fireproof Horsehide
corn and from this acreage alone, Gloves per pair
figuring corn at fifty cents a Glen's Fireproof Horsehide
bushel, they will realize nearly as Gauntlet Gloves per pair,
much money in one season as they Men's Buck Gloves best you
have invested 111 their Jarm laud can buy per pair ,
and water rights. On the other Men's Driving- Gloves
hand the "dry tanner" uaH no corn
to sell at the advanced price.
An absolutely Bafe investment in
which man, woman or child above Men's Driving Gloves
five years can inyest $2.50 per
month or more. Better investment
than building and loau. It will pay
you to call and obtaiti particulars.
John Bratt & Co., real estate,
loans, insurance and collections.
Miss Adelaide Stotts of Enter
prise, Kas., a friend of Miss
vlll arrive in
town in a week or so ana expects
to remain permanently. Mias
Stotts is a graduate ot the Chicago
College of Music and will give
piano instruction.
returned home.
Sam Richards left at noon' today
on a short business trip to St.
Joe, Mo.
Georire Goodman, of Denver, is
visiting his parents and will re
main a couple of weeks.
The Originate will play a game
of ball with a picked nine at
Athletic park tomorrow afternoon.
Leo Tobin has gone to Hi ft",
Col., to superintend putting up hay
on land which his mother owns in
that vicinity.
Tim TRinUNK was a little pre
mature in announcing the date of
Fred Waltemath's marriage, the
date selected having later been
V. II. Fikcs has been off duty
for a week past owing to organic
trouble which seems to resist
the remedies applied. We regret
to learn of Mr. Fikes illnesBT
Chicago forecast for North
Platte and vicinity: Fair tonight
and Wednesday. The maximum
temperature yesterday was 87, one
year ago 84. The minimum tern
efattire this morn ing was 00, one
year ago 60.
A number of engineers drew
checks last Friday that hugged the
two hundred dollar mark. But
then, every one of them well earned
all they received, Running an
engine these days on the commu-
iiitv-of-iutcrcstH railroads differn
vastly from Hwininug in a ham
The Omaha Bee says that
figured out that the principal oper-
allicd with the
can ,
will probably go down later in the K. C. Baking Powder, 25-oz
week. can ,
i. : Ki C. Bakinir Powder, 50-oz
TT f Tlnlfiiur Pmvdnr. RO-nz
iu.i .....1. w " r '
Northern Pacihc in the community Snidcr'sCatsun, 1-2 pint hot-
m a nr ii ! 1
ot interest Bcuemc uj aiiuiauuna tlu
and connections of the present Snider's Catsup, 1 pint bot-
members of the board ot directors tic
rnntrol.a railway mileaire of 102.411 Ktnirsford's bilvcr Gloss
mlliM.. n cnnitalization of S2.842.- btai'Cll.
1 tj" ! r , ,.. r oj..i.
000.000. and a bonded debt of $3,- iyngsiuau s v,ui n ouu ui..
023,000,000. The mileage consti
tutes more than half, or, to be more
exact 55 per cent of the total rail
way mileage of the country The
magnitude of the interests that
have been bouud toircther by these
Lewis' Lve per can
Merry War Lye per can. . . .
Yeast Foam 2 pkgs
On Time Yeast 2 pkgs 05
Arbucklc's Coffee 2 pkgs...
Lion Coffee 2 pkgs
XXXX Coffee 2 pkgs.
giant railway combinatioiiB could Searchlight Matches per box
not be more graphically portrayed.
To Save Xer Child.
From J frightful diBilguromont, Mrs.
Nnnnio tlnlloger, ol a UrniK,un., ap
plied Buoklon'H Arnlcn Snlvo to Brest
sores on hor bond nnd face, nnd writes Soda, D wight's, per pkg-. . . .
its nutok euro exceeded nil nor nonos. Gold Dust, 4-1 b pKg
It works wondors in Soros, UruieoB, Skin
Eruptions, Cuts, UurnB.HenldH nnd l'ilon.
2T)o. Cure gunrantoed by A. If Stroitz,
Pcarlinc per pkg 04
Sapolio per pkg 9c, 3 for ... . 25
Soda, Schilling's Best per
pkg 08
Soda, Arm & Hammer per
Driving Gloves per
Mocha Gloves
, ..$1.25
Men's Finest Kid Gloves
per pair ." . .$1.50
It does not make any differ
ence what your work is, we have
Gloves suitable for it. ,
a?Storc open evenings until
8 o'clock.
I Wilcox Department Store,
130-lb Bags
lOO-lb Bags
50-lb Bags
This is the
best Stock
Thursday Uvoiiinff Program.
The following program will be
rendered at the opera house next
Thursday evening in connection
with the teachers' institute. For
adults free admission; children not
Music-Summer School Octette.
Violin Solo, Romance in 10 Plat
by Rubenstein Wieniawski Alvin
Piano Solo Miss Bratt,
Lecture, Sour Grapes-tRd Am
herst Ott. Dean of Drake Univer-
Music- Summer School Octette.
Salt in the market-
W. F. McGlone
Land Ofllco at North 1'lMlo, jhu, I
Auuuat lllth. 11MJI
NotlcB Is heroliT utvon Unit tlio following
limiieil nottler tin Iliad notlco ol III IntoMtloli to
make Html proof In rnpport of hlrt Halm and that
aid proof will Ui muifo liufore ri'Klntor anil ro
colvur ot Hie U. H. Land Ofllco nt North I'lnllo,
Neb,, on HeptttMlHtr in, lvui.
who mad homc'Htoad Kntry No. 1H,82 for
tlio Kmt!ieuKt quarter of tlio norl!u'ant quarter
and north half of niiutliCBt quarter and mmtliwf-Ht
quarter nt nnuthtnat qiinr tr of evtlou 4, town
ill. north ranue lift wot.
lit, tinmen the following wltne.sen to provo IiIh
ennllliuouH rnaluuncoupim ana cultivation ot ma
land, tut wiuaru u. iienewa, jonn .Minor, i.
Hell hoJ lluYZGttti J, Wilton nil of l'oiton. Keli.
alSiV Qko, E. Fbkncii, lloltnr.
Potatoes per peck 25
Granulated Sugar per hun
dred $C.2S
Granulated Sugar IS lbs for 1.00
Rock Salt per hundred 80
Salt 1-40-lb Sack 95
nv, ki o.,u o u,,fiu ne,
Cheese best full cream per
pound 15
Kerosene Oil per gal 15
Horse blioc 'lobacco per
Star Tobacco per plug-
Standard Nat-y Tobacco per
Battle Ax Tobacco per plug-
J. T. Tobacco per plug. . . .
Duke's Mixture per lb 35
Gothenburg Ucst latcnt
Flour per sack bi.iu
Snow Flake Patent Flour
per sack 51.00
Red Seal Patent Flour per
sack 1.10
Jewel Patent Flour per
sack 1.00
Corn Meal, 25 lb sack 35
Store open evenings until 8
Wilcox Department Store.