&c Jfrml- WffMy rttnmJ FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1901. 1RAL BARB,EDiTonAKDPnorniKTon BUU801UPTI0N IIATK8. Ont Year, eh la advance f 1-2S Bit Hoathi, cash In advance It 0nU' KnUrdslthKotthPItt(Nbrikk)poitoaotM oond-olastmatttr. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION , The republicans of Lincoln county arc hereby called to meet In convention at the court houne In North l'lattc, on Saturday, AURUst 21, IWI, at 10 o'clock, a. in,, for the liurpoHe of clcctlnR llftccn tlclcRaten to the Keimlillcan State Convention, and to place In nomination candidates for the several county omccs, to be voted for November f, IWI, to.wlti Treasurer, Judge, Clerk, Superintendent of 1'ublc Instruction, Sheriff, Surveyor, Coroner, The dclcRatcs from the Third G'ommls MonerJDUtrlct will place In nomination a candidate for commissioner for tho said Third District. The basl of representation of the several precincts Is fixed as follows: One delegate at large for each precinct and one for every twenty votes, or major fraction thereof, cast for William MclClnlcy for president In 1U0O: Precinct. No, Del. North Platte No. 1. 0 North l'lattc No, 3.11 North l'lattc No. 3, 7 Antelope, 'i Mini wood , 'i llrady ,. 3 lluchanan 3 Cottonwood fl Cox 1 Deer Creek i lilckens i Kalrvlew 'i Vox Creek 2 (larlleld I (laslln 2 1U11 n Table 2 lllnman 3 Hooker I l'reclnct No. Del. Lemon 2 Maxwell 3 Medicine I Miller 2 Myrtle 2 Nichols 3 Nowcll 2 Osgood 2 I'cckham 2 Plant 2 Koscdalc 2 Sellers 2 Somcrsot 3 Sunshine 2 Sutherland Vroinan 2 Walker 3 Wallace 3 Well 2 Whlttler 1 Willow 2 Kent Jcflrcy I It Is recommended that no proxies be al lowed In said convention, but that the dele Kates present cast the full vole of the pre clnct. It U recommended that the prlmarlen be held Saturday, August 17, at H o'clock p in, unless otherwise ordered by the precinct committeeman. Iiia U. Haiik, Chr'm. A. S. llAi.nwtN, Sec, North l'lattc, Neb.. July 27, tool. In the central part of tlie state wheat is selling for fifty-two cents a bushel and corn for fifty cents. The farmer who raised a good crop of wheat this year is not qmtc so well off as the farmer who has a few surplus criba of last year's corn. Following on the heels of the report that Church Howe would be a probable candidate lor gov ernor on the republican ticket in 1002 comes the declaration from that gentleman that he is out of politics. Whether or not Mr. Howe means what he says, he would make a mighty popular candidate. Although nearly one half of the sixty day parole granted Joe Bartlcy has expired, .the gov crorhas not yet taken the public into his confidence sufficiently to tell wliy the parole was granted It may be that the time for the governor to divulge the secret is not yet ripe, but it is hoped that he will not delay the explanation any longer than is absolutely necessary as the people are im patient. A HAii.KOAD official who lis us traveled over a big part of th corn belt in Nebraska is conl cietu mat mere will be more than a half crop of corn in N braska. He bases his opinion not only on what he has seen b from reports which he has gathered from manv sources While the corn crop will short, tne price will be unusually high, so that after all the average Nebraska farmer will not be bad off, especially those who h so at in a fair acreage of winter whei at the yield of which has been u n usually large. This appointment of II. Cle m u caver of Omaha as receiver the O'Neill land office will stri a good many republicans as if c ;i peculiar appointment. Dcav cr has had the reputation of being a political traitor and knave: a though professedly a populist evidently rendered some scrvi to Edward Rosewatcr last fall the legislative campaign ICO in in Douglas county and to him Dcaver probably owes his ap pointment. borne loyal renul lican applicant for the office has pecn turned dovn in ot'det lo make room for this nondescript politician. This is not justice, neither is it politics. Tin; eighteenth winner in the Lawton district at the big Indian Territory land drawing was Miss Minerva McClintock, a young lady of Oklahoma City. Jut woe is she, says the I' rc- mont Tribune. The day before he wheel of fortune stopped at licr name she was married and so will forfeit a valuable farm worth several thousand dollars, for a husband. Minerva may be angelic in her disposition, doubt- ess is, but before she is through with her other prize there arc ikely to be limes when she will remind him that she paid a big price for him and he must be good. The prospect doesn't look tltogcther pleasing for Minerva's Irst husband. Tiik New York courts have eclared unconstitutional the re cent law passed by the legisla ture prohibiting the handling of railroad tickets by scalpers, .Phis position is probably correct. When a man purchases a ticket ic buys the right to travel the number of miles for which the ticket is good, and the 'ticket is therefore his personal property. flic desires ito sell that ticket ic has a right to do so, and the nirchasor has a right to demand transportation for the number of miles the ticket entitles him to so long as the second sale docs not contravene the provisions of the contract under which the ticket was first purchased. Game and I'Msh Warder Carter says that many of the boys around town hayc been killing song and insectivorous birds, which is con trary to law, and for the benefit of the boys desires us to publish the following section of the low which relates to the destruction of these birds: "Sec. 3a It shall be tin lawful lor any person in the state of Nebraska to kill, injure or harm any robin, lark, thrush, blue bird, king bird, wren, jay, swallow, oriole, wood pecker, yellow ham mer, cuckoo, yellow bird, bobolink, or other bird or birds of like nature that promote agriculture or liorti culture by fecdinir on noxious worms and insects, or that arc at tractive in appearance or checrfu in song. Provided, hawks and owls may be killed on one's own premises. It shall be unlawful for any person to destroy nests and eggs and carry away the efjijB or young of any ol the birds de scribed in this section. Provided that schools, colleges and universi ties may, when authorized bo to do by the game and fish commissioner take or kill lor educational or scientific purposes, not to exceed twenty-live in number of any one species or kind of birds protected by this section, The penalty is a fine of $5 lor each bird killed." fltlAIt thA "ccompnuied by ffVIICII IHv ,ll,1C0U3 patches in tin; mount , ertip Main E-. t'ons on me sum llllll If III sore throat, comic colored Miloldics At swollen (;l:ui(ls, aching muscles llllll "nil hones, the disease in itiakinir nijiiil headway, mat fur worne ytnptbms will follow unless the hlood is promptly nud eiTcctunlly cleansed of this violent destructive poison, S. S. H. in thu only safe and infallible cure for this disease, the only antidote for this specific ixiison. It cures the worst cases thoroughly and permanently u.a -iiif n In the fall nf Itll VVHalllUH lUUia I contracted lllooi! u ... ,., Poison. I tried ilVC DCCH nt) WOrSC. .locior, but I b e I r treatment did me no noods I wns kcIIIiht worse all the nine; iny imircnmc out, nicer npiiciirt-tl III inv throat mid moiitli, my Imdy was almost covered with cornier colored snlntches nntl oITciihIvc ores, l Buffered severely from r liciimn t lo pains in my siioiiiuers mm ninis. my munition coma have ticen no worst; only thoealllK-tedns I was ran understand my HtrfcrliiKX. I had nlmut lot nil hope of ever being welt nRalu when i tiecmcu io try ti, , n., but iuul confess I lind little faith left in any medicine. After taking the third bottle I noticed n chance In my condi tion. This wns fruly en. courncliiK, mid I deter mined to nlve B. 8. H. a thoioiiKb trlnl, I'rom lli.U tlmcoiilliclm jirtivr nietit wns rapid; S. B. 8. "reined to hive the ills ense completely under nutrol : the sores nnd ulcers healed nud I vrns soon free from nil sli'in nf the disorder, I lmvo bocil slrniitf Atnl lienllliv ever since. I W. tiMirn, Lockllox 0u, NoblMvllle, Inil sAfe h the only purely vcc- m. "s m i -s nunc nioott partner m m m known, ft,oool3 L. offered for proof that it contains a particle of mercury, poiasn or outer mineral poison Scud for our free hook on Wood l'oison it coiitnlun vnluuhlc information about this disease, with full ditectlpns for self treatment. We charge nothing tor meul cm advice ; cure yourself nt Home, THE SWIFT IPCClPIO CO., ATLANTA, 8A. Blow! Blow! & It is natural for some people in business to BLOW. It is not our object to BLOW, give glowing descriptions, or make risky assertions in prices. This is no circus bill and we have no red lemonade for sale. Plain facts go farther than fiction which will not bear investigation Our goods speak for themselves. No llowery figures of price arc necessary. A. L. DAVIS, THE HARDWARE MAN. 41' & i. When You Buy Paint Buy Good Paint... And PAINT. We have many years and have lent satisfaction in a trifle more per gallon than inferior paints, but it s cheapest in the color longer than other paint. We can furnish you any color or quantity. A. F. Streitz, Druggist. Country Coiuln. Do Not Figaro. Turks hnvo no family names writes Gen. George B. Williams In tho New York Telegraph. For cxamplo: A man namcil Mohummcd hits n son named Ahmed nnd n daughter named Sophia. Tho son will always ho known merely as Ahmed and tho daughter always merely ns Sophia, in tho latter case even after marriage. The result is that mtuuhers of families after ono or two generations become lost to each other. 3n fact, tho "sisters nnd tho cousins and the nunts" business Is not much exploited In Turkey. Ono may bo talk. Ing to two brothers or two sisters, with out tho fact being mndo known. Thero being no family tics no aristocracy. Tho grnnd vizier of today mny hnvo been n cnmol driver or n servant. His rlso Is not duo to family lnfluonco or connection. IIIr Tips Demoralize VVatt.rt. Thero Ib ono form of wealth which Is distinctly reprohonslble, tho kind that distributes big tips along the summer routes of travel. It Is done for display. The mnn who has made a strike wants to show off nnd his way of doing It Is with fivo-dollnr gold pieces, or munlllconco of that common Eort. Tho cxtravaganco slmnly de moralizes waiters. It Is no good to tho hotels or restaurants, nnd It makes everybody olso who has not five-dollar grntultle's to distribute loss comfort able Philadelphia Times. Ciiiutmlgi AiwInU Dueling Pilnco z'.t l.oowcnstoln, president of the Gorman Catholic Union, has under taken a systematic campaign against dueling. lie has' therefore drnwn up a statement, to which ho has obtnlned 118 slgnnturen among his own friends and acquaintances. Tho prince de clares that tho number of signatures would olrondy bo Incomparably larger If officers of iho active army thought thny could publish their real views without Imperiling their military posl tlou. What A Talolt Tolls. If that mirror of yours shows n wroluhod, hallow eotnploxion, n jaun diced look, moth patches and blotches, on the skin, its liver troublo; but Dr King's Now Life Pills rcffulato tho llvor purify tho blood, give oloar skin, rosy eheoks, rich eotnploxion. Onlj U5o nt HtruitK'ti drug store. TOR A SUMMER OUTING. Tho Kooky Mountain roidoiiH of Pom itADo reached best via llm Union Pnuillo provide lavisniy ror the health of tho invalid ami tho ploasuro of the tourist. Ainiii tiiotio rugged stoops are to bo louiut bomo ot tbo moHl chartniug and rosttul spots on oitrtlt. Fairy lakes nosiiou nmiti sunny peaks, nntl olimato that ohoors and exhilarates. Tho Summer Excursion Bates put in olToot by tho Union Paciilo en abloyou to roach thono favored Inmiiiiau without unnecessary expenditure ot tirao or monoy. Ono Tnro for the Bound Trip plus W.OO from Missouri Ulvor, in effect Juno 18th to aoihj.Tuly 10th to August IJIbI iuulus vo. 'Iho Union Pacillu will Itlso sell tickets on July 1st to 0th inclusive, Septoinber 1st to 10th Ino'usivo, at 815.00 for tho routitt irip irom MiHBourl Kiver points Koturn Hunt October 31, 1001. Proportionately low rates from inter mediate points. Full information choorfully furnished ujiuii iijiiuiuiiuun, JAS. B. SOAKL-Aft, Agont. Blow! t t 4 , QtTm?WIM Xr Wrr.T.TAMQ' been handling this make for found that it gives excel every instance. It may cost end. It sticks and holds its FOR SALE An Irrigation Pump that will throw between 30,000 and 40,000 gallons per hour, 20 horse power engine and 24 horse power boiler to operate same. All complete and in good order. Apply to Buchanan & Patterson. Summer Suitings that arc comfortable, cool and stylish are the desire of every sensible man, and that desire . . An i f , can be best filled from our goods and our tailoring. You can find just what you need in our display W.'P lrains "om the west. Mag nf ft..!., .-.hi r... , nificently equipped trains, pal " ,v-' i,,m u,c V ni anu correct style we give you will add to your comfort. We tiikc i.rid.. in m,r rfn,i 4ii:.,.- 1 - B ami aiwas satisiy our customers, F. J. Broeker. Shoe Repairing A Specialty. Always carry a select quality of sole leather to please our patrons atiu our ami is to pieanc as near as wc can. Colored Laces. t.ci your colored laces at the iciiow Front suoc Hospital. GEO. TEKULVE, STCBBIMS' STABLE. Liycry, Feed, Boarding and Sale. NEW RIGS, Accommodations Good. Feed per team to hav IS ,nnc r , V' centb a night; noon feed 15 cents. L. C uu: Phoao ioi. North Platte, - MvJ. . -ftJiT'. UTAH AN IDEAL CLIMATE Tho first whito mnn to eot foot on Utnh soil, Farther Silvostro Voloz do bBcnlnnto, who roachouluo Groat Salt Lake on tho 23th dny of Sept., 1770 wroto in ills tinlry: "iloro tho climnto is so doliciotiB, tho rtir bo bnlmy, that it is a ploasuro to bronth by day nnd by night," Tho climnto of Utah is ono of tho richest in ondowmonU of nnturo. On tho shores of tho Great Salt Lako espfecially and for fifty miles therefrom In ovory direction tho climnto ot climates i" found. To onnblo poreons to participate n thoso scenic nntl climatic attractions and to roach tho famous Health, Bathing, and Pleasure Xeaorta of Utah, tho union Pacific hns made a rnto to Otrden nnd Salt Lake City of ono faro for tho round trip, plus $2.00, from Missouri Klver, to bo moiled Juno 18th. to 30th. inclttoivo, July 10th. to Auir. 31st. inclusive. Rotum limit Oct. 31st, and KW.00 for tho round trip on July 1 to 0 inclusive, Sopt. 1 to 10 inclu eivo. Pronortiouatoly low Hntes from intor- modiato points. For full information, call on or ad- droes, J, B. SCANLAN, Agont OUT YOUK Money's Worth when you have yourshocsfixcd k A. T1?Iirif k TVMC The Cobbler. Everybody knows he can iix them. Corner of Sixth anil Locust Street. FOR SALE. FARM WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS TOP BUGGIES, And all kinds of Fawn fflaehinepy. Standard Goods at Reasonable Prices. LOCK 5 SALISBURY NORTH PLATTE. Ralston & Fonda Live Stock Commission Merchants, Union Stock Yards, South Omaha. By good sales and courteous treatment our customers bavo becomo our best solicitors. Wo nro fully equipped to handle nil business entrusted to our caro ana can oiler, unequnleu service nntl absolute surety, uive us u trial nnd wo will convince you. Mnrkot re ports furnished on application. Wo re for by permission to First Nntionnl Bank of North Platto. IF GOING EAST or south of Chicago ask your lo cal ttcket agent to route you be tween Umaha and Chicago via the 'Milwaukee 'I'c shortest line between the two cities. Trains via this popular roa(l depart from the Unlor dc pot, Omaha, daily, connecting ace sleepers and free reclining chair cars. Dining cars and but- lcl Horary and smoking cars ' trains lighted .by electricity For full information about rates etc., address, F. A. NAS1J, CJcneral Western Aircnt, 1504 Farnam St.. OMAHA, U. W. IIowiiLL, Trav. Frt. ant Pass. Agt. A SWELL TRAIN The Electric Lighted Limited tp Chicago and Milwaukee. Kales from Omaha $14,75 Chicago ami return July 23, 24, 25. S1S.T5 Milwaukee and return July 20, 21 and 22. An Electric L'ffht in every Berth C. M. & St. P. Ry, bhort Lme to clcago. .tVory lo7 r,"te! to thJ? nuffal Exposi. tion ft"d Eas orn Sumtuor ltesort Wnto for rates oto. oun"uor "tBort r. a. nash, uon 1 wont. ASt, mi Farnnra St II. E. MvUAW, PHYSICIAN AND SURGKON. Olll co ovor IIuiTmnnB Millinery Storo North Platte, - Nkiikaska. fl V. BRDELL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ofllcefl: North Platto National Bank Building, North Platto, Neb. j V. DENNIS, M. D., IIOMOEOPATIIIST, Orer Flrat NftUonM llonk, NORTH PLATTE, - NE11KA8KA. , S. IIOAOIAND. V, V. IIOAOI.ANU Hoagland& Hoagland, ATTORNEYS AMD COUNSELORS OfBcn oyer McDonald'. Dnnk. NORTH l'LATTE. NEU, TILCOX A HALLIGAN, ATT0RNE YS'AT-LA W, WORTH PLATTE, NEDKAHKA Offlc orer North Piatt NnUoanI Bank, JjJ S.KIDGELY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW . Ofiico McDonald Mock, Dewey street. NORTH PLATTE. - - NEBRASKA jyt. G. B. DENT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office over Post Office. Telephone 115. North Platto, ... Nobraslta. II. DAVIS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. NORTH PLATTE,, - - NEBRASKA Grady Block Rooms 1 & 2. T a PATTERSON, RTTORNBY-HT-LKW:. Office ovor Yellow Front Shoo Store NORTH PLATTE, NEB. E. ROOIIE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, IIinman Block, - Dkwey Stukct, North Plattk, Nkbuaska. ADDITIONAL ACCOMMODATIONS. On account ot tho vory low ratos mado to (Jolorauo points THE UNION PACIFIC lias placed in sorvico another through Pullman Sleopor on train No. 3, for Donvor, loavinc Omaha nt 4:25 n. m. daily, and continuing until September 1UU1. A Tourist Sleopor will also bo attached to this train for Denver, July Gth to 13th inclusive. This service n fiords passengers tho very uost accommodations with tho greatest possible comfort. Ko8orvntions should bo mituo iib far in ndvnuco iib iiossiblo. f J Acj. IS, oUAiNLAN, Agont. Wm. Gauivt, Blacksmith and Wagotimaker. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. Horse Shoeing $4 per Team. Also reductions in the price of all other work. Work guaranteed or money refunded. Give us a call. Locust street south of Yost's harness store. 0" rcr- -r i-( FANCY WORK. A full lino of Embroidery Silk, Lunch uuiii, aujii niiow, Stump Linens of nil kinds. Stamp im? Patterns. Emhroiilnrv VnnillnH and hoops. rTAnyoiiu buying il.tx) worth of Silk or MnciiHwill receive one free lcsHon. Mrs. II. J. CLARK. AtMrM. Srharmnnn'M. ntmnultn t v. Church. NOTICE FOU I'UUUOATION. LnnJ OlUie nt Nortli l'lntte, Noli., July 8, W01. Notice li hereby Riven that the followlDB-uamcl iettler hai filed notice of liU Intention to make nnsl proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be mude before HtKister and Receiver it North riatto.Neb., on August Ifllh, 1P0I. vlri l'ATHICK OUBIItNO. nho made homentad entry No. 17511 for llm eat half of tho nortlieatt iiinrter nud tho north half of tho Houtheaftt quartor of nectlou 13, town, thiol) north, range 31 went. He nameH the following wltneive to prove his contlnuoua residence upon nnd cultivation of said land, viz: Mlkeuhrln, Dnvld Anderson nnd A. J. lllougher of WellHiat, Neb.j Mnrtln McDer inott, of HoiLernet, Neb. JWJ GEO. K. FRKNCir, HeRlster. J. F. FILUION, top G oncnil Hcpuircr. Special attention jriveu to WHEELS TO RENT V DCST CROWN uuCmampaST y IT it aw ww - i' r i . n nri i 'a aa F - -1 MUM fb