The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 26, 1901, Image 4

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    3kc Wfdity ftrUmtu
FRIDAY, JULY 2G, 1901.
1HAL BARB, Editou and PnorniETon
hubbomftion bates.
On Year, cash In advance, 11.25
Bli Months, oath In advancs..., 75 Cents'
The republican county central
committee is hereby called to
meet at the court house in North
Platte on Saturday, July 27th, at
one o'clock p. m. for the purpose
of selecting- a date for the county
convention, fixing the basis of
representation and transacting
such other business as may prop
erly come before it. Each
committeeman is urged to be
Ika L. Bank, Chrmn.
A. S. Baldwin, Secy
Chaikman Lindsay, of the re
publican central committee, has
issued the call for the state con
vention. Lincoln county will
have fifteen delegates.
It is believed that Governor
Savage will be furnished with
the names of all who borrowed
money from ex-State Treasurer
Bartlcy that this is one of the
conditions of the parole. The
agitation that this plan of the gov
ernor will cause, in high places,
this torrid weather, must be
awful. But it is none too early
for just that kind of an effort.
Grand Island Indcpcndant.
With the departure of the
foreign troops from portions of
China the natives arc again
causing1 trouble and the author
ities arc unable to control them .
There is a possibility that the
excesses of foreign troops will
be like the sewing of a crop of
dragon's teeth. Naturally su
perstitious and resentful when
they think they have been
wronged, the effects of these
outrages arc likely to kindle a
fire beside which the former out
break will be child's play. In
dealing with such people it is
always well to follow the policy
of General Crook with the
Indians fight when it is neces
sary, but always be just. Bee.
roxBxcm crop failures,
Reports ot corn failures abroad
continue, the'eondition in some
of the European countries being
the worst in many years. Less
than a month ago ' the French
wheat crop was estimated at 300,
000,000 bushels, but the latest
advices place it at a much lower
figure. Germany's yield of
brcadstuffs will be far below the
average and the same is true of
Austria-Hungary, the latest
official estimate of the current
crop placing it 10,000,000 bushels
less than last year.
The condition of affairs in
Russia is alarming. There has
been phcnomenalhcat throughout
northern Russia and in some dis
tricts almost the entire growth o
cereals has nenshed. The
crops in Siberia arc nearly
total failure. The New York
Journal of Commerce says the
significance of the later Russian
news is increased by going back
sonic months. In February
several Russian provinces were
suffering acutely from famine
in the north and cast Volga pro
vinces the people were reportcc
to be living on roots, grasses
and offal. In April enormous
mortality from famine and typhus
was reported in some sections
In June it was admitted that
winter wheat had suffered very
generally, but there were hopes
of a large yield of spring wheat
All the news of the past month
has been unfavorable to spring
wheat. The first of this month
the prospects in some of the
Volga provinces, where famine
prevailed last winter, recalled
the disastrous crop failure ot ten
years ago. Ten days ago dis
patches from Odessa gave a still
more unfavorable account of the
crop prospects in the Volga pro
vinces, where it is said the
peasantry are practically desti-
,ute. The latest advices show
that the deplorable conditions
previously reported have grown
worse and this is general, the
wheat crops in the south of
Russia being rather below the
Tnc' United States has a large
wheat crop, but it is a question
wheather there is a sufficient
surplus to provide what Europe
will need. At all events it ap
pears inevitable that high prices
for brcadstuffs must prevail lor
he next year, which means
irivation for millions of people
abroad, particularly in view of
the fact that there is industrial
depression in every European
country except France. It is a
gloomy outlook for the people of
ICuropc generally. Omaha Bee.
Additional Local.
Mrs. C. 10. Norton went to Sid
ney yesterday for a brict visit.
Mrs. D. II. Davis and children
went to Lodge Pole yesterday to
spend a lew days.
A party ol North Platte people
are arranging for a ten day fishing
trip to the mountains in Wyoming.
Miss Lucy Wimbcrlcy, a sister of
Rcy. C. P. Wimbcrlcy arrived Wed
nesday night and will visit here for
several weeks.
Prof. O. W. Ncal and Misses
Pranzin and Murray have been re
elected as teachers in the Suther
land school for the coming year.
The members of the lQpworth
League held a picnic at Stcbbiu's
grove last evening. Those prcs
cut report a delightful time not
withstanding the threatening
K. 13. Haskell of Lena was in
town yesterday. Mr. Haskell is
making arrangements to pasture
1,000 head of cattle trom the drouth
stricken portions of Kansas on hie
ranch near Lena.
M'ihs Delia Marovislt closed her
summer school, which she con
ducted in the First ward today
Tomorrow AUss Maroviali will tro
to Fremont to attend the Normal
school for a few weeks.
Two Kxponslvo Depnrtuiuiit.
Tho two most oxponalvo donnrtmonti
In tho Now York city government nro
thoso or education nml police. Tho do'
partmont of education costs nearly
119,000,000 a year and tho dcpnrtinont
of pollco noarly f 12,000,000. Hut thero
aro 11,700 employes of tho department
of education and 7,710 ot tho depart
mont of pollco, and thus por man It
costs moro to pollco tho city than to
cducato Its children. Tho avcrano no
Hco salary Is higher than tho avorago
teachcr a Balary.
Country Colpitis Do Nut Flgnrn.
Turks have no family names writes
Gen. Gcorgo n. Williams In tho Now
York Telegraph. For example: A man
named Mohammed has n son named
Ahmed nnd n daughter named Sophia
Tho son will always bo known merely
as Ahmed and tho daughtor nlway
merely as Sophia, In tho latter enso
oven after marriage. Tho result Is that
mombors of families after one or two
generations become lost to each othor.
In fact, tho "sisters and tho cousins
and tho aunts" business Is not much
exploited In Turkey. Ono may bo talk
Ing to two brothors or two sisters with
out tho fact bolng made known. Thor
bolng no family tics no nrlstocracy
Tho grand vlzlor of today may luiv
been a camel driver or a servant. Ilia
rlsu Is not duo to family Inlliionco iw
mi it i it
At Nurlh Pintle, hi Urn Htntn of Nolirnokii, nt
llio cliwoot business, July lMli, 1001,
lionnsnml illsoount..,, iU
Overdrafts, secured mid unsecured
U. H. IioiiiU to Mritrn rirculntloii . In
Blocks, swurllli'f, ito... 211
lliiiiklug-luiue, (iirutliiru mid fixtures. Zi
Other nml estnto owned. . , . ,
Dun from National llnlik (not rm-rve
agents) jo
Duo from Blnto Hunks nml llnukurs ...
Dim from iiiproviil rcwrvu agents M
ttilurmil Itevtmuo hltampn
Ohrk nml otlior t'Ah item
Note of oilier mitloiml hunk
Kriu'ttoiml paper currency, nickels nml
cents ,,,,
Bpecle i) IK) Oft
Legal lendor notes 7 MM Oil
Ilpileuiptlmi futiil with P. H. treasurer
(live percent ot clroulullmi )
I7ll 07
I lift in
Mi hi
ttM 71
III) 711
711 .11
win m
ill In
lU 00
W 77
iv-o m
Total $.101 ill" M
Onpllnl Mock pnlil In , fjo (lot) ft)
Huriihm Mini 15 WO 00
uiiiiiviiieii prom. mH expenses nml
taxes pnlil l m M
Nilllnual jiuiik union outstanding 19 SOU 00
jiiiu iiimuio uutiks nml buitkom 72 2M
Individual ili-piiflU subject to cheek . ISO WW 1M
Demand ceitltlcatcs nf delimit (i inn in
iinw coriiiiciitr of deposit 73 IM 71
i.uriuirii-uupcxs 131 10
'FoM. pkjr012S5
niiu m ni'uri(in,u(mnijr of Lincoln s, .
I. AHhtlr M.Mm,.1oi ll.iatil.. ... .1... -t
.. ......... M.V..H......H, .'iiMiini iii mn niiiiiii
named bank, do solemnly inr Hint tlio nlmvo
Ulfiuont Is true to the best nf my knoalodiro nml
,. . ajuiiuh jiLviAJiAiiA, (jnniiirr
nuimcriuuii ami nworu to boforo tun IHI iiltli
of July 1V01,
V"'?i ,u-l 'ttiiion. womry I'uU o,
Corrcct-AtlMti It. H, wiiitk. I
l'. A. wit, V Direct
I I I'M W U 1)11 II li
Mnnllncn of m rrmnnturely Reiponilbto
Street Wnlf.
lie wasn't very big, but he was a
sturdy llttlo chap with a faco that boro
tho marks of much thinking nnd pre
mature responsibility, I learned after
ward that ho was supporting a crippled
mother nnd an Invalid sister who had
been 16ft helpless In the world by tho
death of her father. Ho might hvo run
away from homo and evaded tho re
sponsibility, but ho didn't think of It.
Ho Just sold papers. At tho loop on
Fifteenth street a crowd gathered,
waiting for tho evening cars. A ragged
young girl was selling flowers at tho
fifteenth street end of the wnltlng ta-
Hon when a man, rushing to catch his
car, knocked her ngalnBt tho sldo of
tho building. Without stopping, prob
nbly not having noticed what ho had
done, ho continued his rush, when tho
boy stepped In front of him, defiantly.
'Say, what do you want to knock a
girl down for? Hit me; I'm big
enough." Tho man paused in surprise,
and then glanced around. Ho saw tho
flower girl picking up her wares, nnd
understood. Without a moment's hesi
tation ho went back to her, gave her
enough mooy to mako her oyes
spnrklo with Joy and snld: "I'm sorry,
my dear, that I hurt you. I didn't
see." Then, turning to tho boy, ho
continued: "You said you woro big
enough, young man, but you'ro a great
deal bigger thnn you think. Mon llko
you will have a lot to do with keeping
this old world In condition of sclf-ro
spect." Then ho caught his car and
tho boy nnd tho girl stood thero won
dering what ho meant.Kaasas Clttf
rarlf Man Get Thorough Thrashing for
Joke of Year Before.
Tho world nlways laughs when tno
practical Joker Is "como up with," oven
If many years have elapsed since tho
okor had his inning. It wns In 1800
or thereabouts that n Paris drummer
boarded a train In ttordenux for homo.
Ho had made a good salo In Bordeaux
and was feeling rlpo for nnythlng. It
occurred to him whnt a good Joko It
would ho to loan qut of tho window of
tho car and slnp somo one's faco as tho
train rolled out. Ho did tho act, pulled
his hcMid In and chuckled nil the way to
Paris as ho pictured what tho victim
of his Joko was, Baying to himself and
to others. Years passed and tho drum
mer prospored. Ho went Into business
for hlmsolf, nnd consequently grew
staid and sobor. A little whllo ngo rus
ho was walking nlong one of the boule
vards in Pnrls a man stepped up to
him nnd asked him If he hnd ever lived
In Dordonux. Tho staid and sobor
business man said ho novor hnd, but
when ho used to bo a commorctnl trav
olor ho frequently hnd been In tho
town. Whereupon tho stranger re
called tho face-slapping episode and snld
ho was it, and begged permission to re
turn tho compliment, which ho pro
cccded to do vigorously. Tho staid and
sobor business man regained his lost
youth marvolously quick, nnd It was a
lively Bcrlmmago when tho pollco
stopped In and ran both mon off to tho
station house. Thoro upon reflection
tho business man refused to enter a
complaint ngalnst tho mnn with a
memory, nnd decided to call tho affair
To I'roiluco Annentlientn.
A new method for producing nnes
thesla was discussed at n rccont meet
ing of tho Medical Society of Dorlln.
Dr. Wohlgemuth has constructed an
apparatus by which patients lnhalo
chloroform mixed with oxygen. It has
boon tried by mnny prominent sur
geons, with results that aro roportcd
nB satisfactory, tho disagreeable sen
tntlons bolng obviated.
Occupations of t'ollcce-llreil Necrooi.
Professor Du Dols reports that ono-
half of tho 1,312 collego-brcd negroes
hoard from at this year's Atlanta nl-
vorslty conforonco nro engaged In
teaching; ono-Blxth nro preaching nnd
ono-slxth nro "professional men," ot
nro still studying. Six por cent nro
morchnnts, artisans or farmers. Four
por cent aro employed by tho govern
Kllturnnr Knclet All Klilnl.
The finnans eagles which used to
haunt tho lakes of Klllarnoy, innklim
tnoir neat In tho "Eagle's Nest
MountnliiH, have been oxtermlnn'
witnin uio past three years.. Th-y
woro exceedingly picturesque, nnd oh
Jects of great Interest to visitors. Tlmlr
depredations, however, nmongst tho
grouse, and their capture of lamba
nnd kids from tho farms all along tho
countryside, rondored It absolutMv
nccoKsary to got rid of thorn, nnd tho
last or tho birds has been shot.
She Didn't Woar a Tansk.
Hut her beauty Iwas coruplotelT
hidden by soros, hlotohos nnd pimples
till Hl.o used Uuoklen H Arnica Salvo,
Thou tlioy vanished as will all Enip
tioiis, Kovur Sores, Dolls, Ulcers, Car
bunuloH and Felons from its ubo. In
fallible for Cuts, Coma, Durus, Scalds
and Piles. Guro guaranteed. USo at
A. v , btroltz s drug store.
Cheap Summer Exonrsions Via Illi
nols Central R. It.
St, Paul ami return, July lO-IHst. .12.05
iMinnonpollB and return, July 10-
:nst 12.05
Dututh nuil return, July lO-Hlnt. . . 10.05
Chicago and roturn.July 23-25.... 11.75
Iioulsvlllo nnd return, Aur, 21-0.. 21.50
Dutfnloaml return, ovory day 25.75
Circuit tours via Great Lakes to Du t
falo nnd Intermediate points, Stnto
rooms resorvcil in ntirnnco. Call nt
City Ticket Olllce, 1402 Fnrnntn st, for
pnrtlaulnrB, or udurcBs W. H. Drill, D
P. AI.O. H. R.,Utnnhfi, Neb.
A Bmby'm
is very much like the blossom
ing of n flower. Its beauty and
perfection depends entirely
upon the care bestowed upon
its parent. Expectant mothers
should have the tenderest care.
They ihould bo spared nil worry
and anxiety. They should cat
plenty of good nourishing food
nnd take ccntlo exorcises. This
will go n long way toward preserv
ing their health nnd their beauty
as well ns that of the little one to
come. Hut to bo absolutely sure
of a short nnd painless labor they
should use
regularly during the monthn ot gesta
tion. This Is a simple liniment, which
Is to bo applied externally. It gives
strenRth and vigor to the muscles and
prevents nil of the discomforts of preg
nnncy, which women used to think
were absolutely necessary. When
Mother's Friend Is used there Is no
danger whatever.
Get Mother's 1'rlend at the drug
store, 81 per bottle.
Wrtlt for ear ttt Ink, " Btfor Bkj I. Horn."
if Wax Candles
Prepared In minj color tints
iu uarmoiiift WHO BUT
ronndliiff In dining
room, urawinc room
bod room or hill. Bold
TorrwHara. Made bw .
Dr. Humphreys'
Specifics euro by acting directly upon
tho diso&so, without exciting disorder in
ajy other put of the system.
'io, emu. rtacxt.
I PeTers, Congeatlotu, Inflammations. .US
U Worms, Worm Ferer, Worm Colic... ,!i8
3 Teethln,Collo,Cr7lng,WakefuIness .33
4- Dlarrhea, of Children or Adults US
7 Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis US
8 iVeuralgla, Voothache, Faceache US
9 Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .US
10 Drpepila,XndIgeitlon,WeahStomacb,U6
11 Huppressed orl'alnftil Periods US
155-Whites, Too Profuso Periods US
13 Croup, Laryngitis, HoarsoneM US
1-1 Salt ntieum, rjrtlpeIss,Eruptlons.. .US
10 nheumatUm, llboumatlo Fains .US
16 Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague US
IB-Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in the Bead .US
UO-Whooplng.Couth US
UT-Kldney Dlsenses US
UH NervouDebllltv 1.60
30-Vrlnary Weakness, Wetting Bod US
77-rlp, Hnjr Fever, US
Dr. Itumphreys' Manual ot all Diseases at your
DruoRlats or Mailed Free. ,
Oflico ovor Huffman's Millinery Store
Ofllces: North Platte Nattonnl Bank
Building, North Platte, Nob.
jp V. DENNIS, M. D.,
Over First National Dank,
Hoagland& Hoagland,
OlDre orer
MoOonalil's Ilauk. NORTH PLATTE. NEB.
Offloe ovsr North Platte NaUooal Bauk.
Olllco MoDonnld Block. Dewov atrnet
Office over Post Office.
Telephone 115.
North Platte, - - - NobrnBkn
uratiy llloolt Rooms 1 & 2.
Olllce over Yollow Front Shoo Store
HtNMAN Block, . Dkwbv Strert,
.W'H-M ft W U
You Will1
Money's Worth
when von have
your shoes fixed
The Cobbler. Everybody
knows he can fix hem.
Corner of Sixth and Locust Streets.
And all kinds of
Farm fflaehinery.
Standard Goods at
Reasonable Prices.
Ralston & Fonda
Live Stock
Commission Merchants,
Union Stock Yards, South Omaha.
By good sales nnd courteous treatment
our customors bavo bocomo our bost
solicitors. Wo nro fully equipped to
handlo nil business entrusted to our
enro and enn offor unoqunled servico
nnd nbsoluto snfoty. Qivo ub a trial
nnu wo will convlnco you. Market ro
portB furnished on nnnllcntion. Wo re
for by permission to First Nntionni
uank or Morth i'lntto.
or south of Chicago ask your lo
cal ticKct agent to route you nc
twecn Omaliaand Chicago via the
the shortest line between the two
cities. Trains via this popular
road depart from the Union de-
not. Omahn. clnllv mnnnrlintr
t-- 'j ,
with trains from the west. Mag-
nincentiy equipped trains, nal
ace sleepers and free reclining
chair cars. Dining cars and buf-
iet, iiDrarv ana smoKing cars,
All trains liirhted bv electricitv,
For full information about rates,
etc., address,
General Western Airent.
1504 Farnam St.. OMAHA.
H. W. Howell, Trav. Frt. and
lJass. Agt.
Wm. Gaiit,
" Blacksmith and
Horse Shoeing a Specialty.
Horse Shocinc $4 per Team.
Also reductions in the price of all
other work. Work guaranteed or
money refunded. Give ub a call.
Locust street south of Yost's
harness store.
County, Precinct and District Leviei,
North Platte. Nob.. June 25. 1001.
The county commiHslonerH, sitting as a
ooam 01 equalization, proceeacu 10 maae
and did make the levies following an pro
vided by law for the several funds of the
tun my, uoiiiicu precinciH ana Hcnooi (ii.
IrlctH ot the countv for the cotnlne vear
County Rcneral fund nine mllln on the
dollar valuation.
County road fund, four mills on the dollar
County bridge fund, one and eight-tenth
mills on the dollar valuation.
County soldiers relief fund, two-tenths of
oi one mill on ineuouar valuation
County fundlnc bonds intereat, tlve-tenth
nun, ana two nuns levy to pay oonus moh
b. o. 7 and 8 fall ns due Ju v 10. nxr.
Jail Irnud Interest, two-tenths of a mill
Hlnklnir, three-tcntlm of a mill.
North Platte brldee bonds. Interest three
tenths of a mill; sinking, live-tenths of a
lirailv iHiann uruige ik)iuis..i mills 4 mills
Kureka bridge bonds 3 mills 8 mills
Nichols bridge bonds,. !. mills 4 mills
O'Kallons bridge IhiuiIh, , ..'.'mills '.'mills
lllrdwood bridge bonds ft mills ft mills
South Side Int. Imp, bonds, .7 mills 10 mills
Mct'nerson int. imp, uonus.ns mills o mill
Medicine road bonds 6 mills Umlll
HONDED 8011001, DlSTllICTfl.
Dlsttrlct No Sinking Interest
13 7 mills 6 mills
H7 10 mills t) mills
if 1ft mills 10 mills
in fi mills I mills
'-D ft mills 4 mills
10 mills ft mills
"1 l& mills ft mills
73 10 mllln 3 milts
80 10 mills 4 mills
10 is milts 6 mills
M 6 mills 3 mills
07 6 mills 3 mills
101 o mills 4 mills
13 7 m lis ft mills
loo IS m lis 4 mills
32 to ml Us n mills
M 3 mills a mills
ai 10 ml Is 4 mills
102 10 mills 3 mills
City No Platte ........ 2ft-0mllls
tipeciat iey .on insirici wo. vi to jiay
Oil! Ell LCV1I8.
City ot North Platte, revenue purposes
icu ilium.
City of North Platte, street lights, flvi
city ot Norm riatie. water fund, fcoven
Cltyot North Platte, Judgment fund, nine
Village of "Wallace, ten mills.
A, U. MoNekl,
M. L. McCuixocoii,
On account of tho very low rntos
mntlo to Colorado polnta
hns placed in servico another through
Pullman Sloopor on trnin No. .'), for
Denver, lenvinir Omnlm nt 4:'2.ri n. m.
dnily, nnd continuing until September
A Tourist Sleener will nlno bo nttnehod
to this trnin for Denver, July Cth to 13th
Thin servico u fiords nnsacnunra tho
very best nccommcxlntions with tho
grontoat toBsiblo comfort.
ueservnuons should bo inndo ns fnr in
ndvnnco ns possible.
JAS. U. SOANLiAN, Agont.
A full lino of
Embroidery Silk, Lunch
Cloths, Sofa Pillows,
Stamp Linens of nil kinds. Stnmp-
nnd lioopn.
rAnyonc buying II.OO worth of
Silk or Linens will receive one free
Mrs. II. J. CLARK.
At Mrs. Scharmann's, opposite M.K.
Land Olllce at North Plnttn, Neb.,
Julj- H, 1D01.
Notlco Is hereby tdven tlintthn fnllnwinu.nm.i.,1
settler hns filed notice ot his Intention to make
nnal proof in support of his claim, anil that said
proof will be made before Iteglnter nml needier
tt North Platte, Neb., on August 10th, 1901, vlzs
rAimuiv uiJHiiiMi.
who made homestead entry No. fnr ihn
east half ot tbo northeast quarter nnd the north
half of tho routhoait quarter of Section 13, town
ship 0 north, range 31 west.
lie names lue following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon nnd cultivntlon of snld
land, viz: Mike Ulirln, David Anderson and A.
J. Dlougher of Wellfli t, Nob.; Mnrtln McDer
molt, of Bon.erset, Neb.
3W OKO. K. FRKNOH, lleglster.
To Mrs, Almeda Drum, formerlr Mrs. AlmrcU
Leonard, Drum, husband of Mrs. Almeda
Crura, first and true nnruo unknown, Kntln Lonu-
ara. ueorge ixjonard Ulnrk Leonaril, nnd Mnbol
Leonard, minor children nnd heirs at lnw of
Albert O. Leonard, deceased.
You and each of vcm will tnkn nntlrnOmt nn ll.
llth day of Juno 1001, Chnrlro K. Olbson filed his
pennon in me district court of Lincoln county,
Nebrsska, the object end prnjrcr ot which is to
iorocioso a cerwuu mortngnge, czeoutod by
William II. Mlnnoy on tbo southenst ounrtnr nf
section twcnty-nlno (20), township ten (10),
rango iiiirir-iwo Lincoln county, Nobraskn,
to secure the payment of n promissory note for
tho sum of KiOU, nnd interest, at tho rate often
nor cent per annum from the first dny of April,
181)1. and upon which Is now duo the sum of MM.
rinlntlff nrnys Hint said mnrtcnau mnr Ivo inr
closed nnd snld premises bo sold to satisfy tho
amount due on said nolo and K.ortgage.
i ou are required to nnswer snld petition on or
boforo Monday. July 29th, 1001.
UHAnLES E. amnoN, PlnlntlrT.
Dy O. A, Hoblnson, his Atty.
Know nil men by theso present:
Thnt wo, W. II. l'luiuor. E. D. Murphy, O. L.
8wnncutt, H. C. Ilurko, W. B. Cowglll. William
llnl.n. .T. IT nifflimi.,in IT V, .. .. t I .
" ....... HltU ... i.uuum III Jllicillll
county, state of Nebrnskn, have on the It day of
rr . ifmi n . I i ... i . i . , .i . . .
purpose of forming n corporation under tho
laws of tho stnto of Nebrnskn, nnd for thnt pur
uoso hnvn adnntpil Ihn fnllnulm, A ,il,.tnu ... in.
AnucLE I. Tlio name of this coriorntlnn Is
the Maxwell and Drndy Telephone Company.
Art. TT. Tlin nrlnMnal nt I... . t . .. r
this corporation is nnd shnll be Ilrndy Islsnd,
Lincoln county, Nebrnskn.
ABT. Ill, The geuornl naturo of the buslnoss to
T.a nn.i.lotn.l I.. ..I.I .1 I . 11.
vj umuu.iuu .j j p..,., wryuniiiuui is ami Minn UB
tho construction and operating telephone lines,
mu icuuuk ui .oioiiuiines in suDscriueis at n
monthly rental, the acquiring and owning the
necessary real estate, tho erecting and mnlnten
nnco of necessary buildings for company offices,
switchboards, and telephone exchange, and to
perform such acts ns aro necessary to conduct n
complete telephone system.
Ani TV. 'I'll 11 n tiwm 1. 1 Ik. ..I I -1 i. .
- ... .uH.uiu,a. ... vuo i,.iini n.lJVA 111
said corporation shnll be 2,000 divided Into 200
shall bo non-assessable.
Abt. ft. The date nf tho commencement of thin
corporation Is and shnll bo the 1st day of May.
imt "Mil rumi luuhuuo ui juWI UII10S8 (IIKSOIVUU
niuiuni vvjipi-ui ,ir nvi in low.
Aut. VT. Thn rorrwirnltnr. khnll I. . .... II..
tp sue nnu oe sued, to grnnt nnd receive grnnts,
to do all nets which It mny do nt nil, In its cor-
- i . " ...... .in .... ii 1 1 Mn.u vug ffiiwor
iniiuiu .mini.. i umn h cuiumon sent wnicn 11
can mako, alter or destroy at its pleasure. To
)l,1V MtlH MaII ...I I a I . nml nit... -. 1 I
transmit tho same Iii succession.
abt. vii. too business of tills corporation
shall bo conducted by n board of five directors.
These officers as well as the president, secretary
and treasurer, shall bo elected by the slockholil
umniiuaRuuuui luecwuK ami tuiau serve ior tue
term of one yenr. or until their succensors nro
elected and qualified.
A HT VttI Thla rn.n..ll. .W.ll ... I.I-...
Ittelt to an Indebtedness to succeed In amount
uuoiuuruj UK ujuihmu up capital SIOCK.
Abt, IX. The capital stock of this oorporatlon
.""J .mv.vuovu II , (.11 J , . 11J M UJ a VUle UI IU0
stockholders representing a majority of shares of
.mlil ii i .,u.V
I ' .iui-i
Abt. X. This coriwrntlnu hns tlm powor to
make by-laws or rules to govern Itself, which by.
laws shall not conlllot with these Articles of In.
corporation. Those articles may be nmended or
changed by a majority voto of tbo paid up stock.
K. V. Mcnriir,
O. II, Kuhnv,
WK.tlAM DoitAH.
II n llltnui.
W. H, Cowilll.L,
u II. OtrrtN,
RIllAnf r I. . ..
On this 10th day of June.'lWH. personally np
penred before me, Joseph J, O'Hourk, n notary
publio In for the stale nnd comity nforesald. tho
abovo-named W. II, I'lumer, E, D. Murphy. Q. L.
8wancutt, It. O. llurkn. V: S. Cowglll, William
Uolan, J. Ii. Oluln nnd O. II. Kuhns. to me per
sonnlly known to be tho Identical perrons whoso
names are atUxed to tho nbove Instrument, and
(tvurnllv nrlctintvlfwfcrrl ttm ....fl..ii... ... i.
to be their voluntary net nml deed for Ihe purpose
thfirpln nvtirAauM.I '
In witness whereof, I herounto subncribol my
nnmo and nfflxed my official seal at lirady Jtlandi
Nebraska, on the datn last above written,
Heal Josri-H J. O'ltpunitK, Nntsry I'ubllc.
My commission expires Doc. 19, 1MQ, 2.V
J. F. F1LLI0N,
Pliniilicr, Tinwf ker
Generul Kcpuiror.
Special attention given to
i55 Champa S!