THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE IhA I.. DADK, Proprietor. TERMS: $125 IN ADVANCE. NORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA. THE NEWS IN BRIEF. I Colonel Jolin S. Mosby, tho former confederate guerrilla, has been ap pointed Bpeclnl land agent for thi Btato of Nebraska. Hon. James A. Kasson has gono to Poland Springs, Me., where, according to bis usual custom, ho will remain through tho Benson. Tho comptroller of tho currency has nuthorlzed tho First National bank of Salem, S. I)., to begin business with u capital of $25,000. Tho flro loss of tho United States for tho month of Juno aggregated $, C!)9,000, against $21,281,000 for tlia samo month In 1000. Crown Prlnco Frederick received Lloutcnant Commander E. N. Hughes of tho MnssachuBotts school ship En terprise nt tho palaco In Copenhagen. A largo portion of tho business sec Hon of Colcbrook, N. H., was destroy ed by flro which broko out on Main strcoL Tho loss is cstlmntcd at $1C0, 000. Sixteen school teachers from Porto Rico wcro passengers by tho Red D. lino steamship Caracas which arrived nt New York from Ponco and San Juan. Epcs Randolph, superintendent of tho Southern Pacific company at Tuc son, has tondcrcd his resignation, to tako effect at tho end of tho present month. Qlaaco Crews, colored, died nt his homo nenr Whltovlllo, Tcnn. Ho waB 110 ycers old and up to n short tlmo ago ho walked to town, n dlstanco of two miles Tho popo has sont a letter to tho suporlors and generals of tho religious orders and institutions, condemning tho French exceptional legislation against tho congregations, Duko of Aosta, heir to tho Italian throno, fought a duel With and severe ly wounded a Russian, presumably tho Duko of Luchtcnberg, who mado a rjlghtlng remark about Queen Hclcnc. Rov. Peter J. Muldoon hoa been ap pointed auxiliary bishop to Most Rov. Archbishop Fcenhan of Chicago. Ho has boon for many years chancellor of tho nrchdloccno and Is rector of St. Charles parlBh. Judgo J. II. Baker of tho United States district court nt Indianapolis announces that ho will not bo a cnndl dato for tho vacant placo on tho fad oral court bench caused by tho death of Judgo Woods. Delegates representing 8,000 work Ingmou in all branches of tho leather trado in this country and Canada, nt a meeting In Philadelphia, formed tho Amalgamated Leather Workers Asso ciation of America. Herbert L, Brldgomnn, secretary of tho Peary Arctic club, and head of tho expedition to tho north by which It is hoped to discover tho fata of Ex plorer R. 13. Peary, his wlfo and llttlo daughter, has left Now York for Syd noy, C. B., which will bo hla sailing point. Edward S. Martin, formerly lieuten ant in tho United States army, plead ed guilty beforo Recorder doff at Now York to a chargo of passing a bad check for $4G 011 tho Qorhnm Manu facturing company. Martin was ro ccntly dismissed from tho army on ac count of Irregularities in hla cautcon accounts. Prlnco Christian, eldest son of crown prlnco of Denmark, Intends to visit tho United States on board his yacht In tho spring of 1002, unless in tho meantlmo tho king's ago should bring about tho accession to tho crown prlnco. Princess and Princoss Charles of Denmark also cqntomplato,a trip to America la 1902, American and Danish capitalists pro poso to start n direct steamship lino from Copenhagen and Chrlstlania to Chicago. American capital will bo largoly interested. Ex-Congressman A, N. Martin, dem crnt, died in tho hospital at tho Sol dlors' homo at Marlon, Ind of con sumption, Ho represented that dis trict In tho national hoiiso of repre sentatives thrco terms, 1888, 1890 and 1802, during which tlmo ho was chair man of tho committee on pensions. Ho was 00 yenrs old. Franz Ronz, leading circus proprie tor of Germany, is dead. Mary Elliott Lumbal d, n prominent club woman and wlfo of Jules Lum bard, well known throughout the country na a lawyer and singer, died at Omaha, aged 00 years, Ilordcrus department stores, consist ing of eight-story buildings fronting on three streots, woro practically de stroyed by flro at Sydnoy, N. S. W. Tho damage is estimated nt over 500,000. Tho Insurance amounts ta 394,000, mostly in local companies. Mexico's' delegates to tho Pnn-Amcrl-Kress have mot and elected commit oca on International law, agriculture, Industry and commerce, in mercantile) law, patents and trade marks. Min ister of Foreign Relations Murlscu presided. TOE DRY SPELL BROKEN Crops Drink Up Brief Bhovors and Grate fully Look Up for More. MUCH BENEFIT ALREADY SHOWN Thousands Upon Thousands of Dollar! Raved to the Farmrs Mlnoarl and Kansas Sprinkled Iowa and Nebraska Alto Favored. WASHINGTON, July 16. Relief for the heat-stricken corn belt tomorrow Is predicted by tho weather bureau to night. No general rnlns, apparently, nro yet in sight, but thunder showers, with consequent lower tcmpcrnturo, nro probahlo In Nebraska, Kansas, Mis souri, Iowa and Illinois and possibly Indiana. Thcro Is a prospect of a contlnunnco of theso showers Wedncsdny In tho Ohio and Mississippi valleys and In tho upper lake regions, bringing cooler Tscathcr for tho tlmo being. Today tho hot went her continued throughout the corn bolt and over tho lower lake region and upper Ohio val ley, but temperatures foil considerably during tho early evening over tho lat ter district under tlip Influcnco of local thunderstorms. Thunderstorms nlso occurred In South' Dakota, northern Illinois, por tions of Ohio, Missouri and Arkansas and nfforded somo relief from tho heat. KANSAS CITY, July 1C.-A portion of the drouth-stricken southwest has boon rollovcd by rnln during tho past twenty-four hours. Great good has al ready resulted to crops and us thcro aro prospects lonlgbt of a further downfall, it Is believed thousands upon tholisands of dollais will bo saved fnrmerB on stock and crops. Novcrtho Irs much grcutcr quantities of rain must como beforo a lasting benefit Is done. In tho portions of central and western Missouri, western Kansas and tho territories still untouched by rain conditions romnln unchanged, tho tcm poraturo ranging from 98 to 100, tho latter nt Hutchinson, Kas. , Tho rnlns, which como nt tho end of a drouth of from four to eight weeks' duration covered southwestern Mis-, sourl and portions of one-third of Knn uns, tnklng la tho southeast corner of tho Sunflower state from Riley and Dickinson counties down to tho Okln noma lino. The first break came Inst night when fairly good rains fell In Barton and Green counties, Missouri, and on tho Oklnhoma border In Knn sns, In Cowley nnd Chautauqua coun ties, and along tho Union Pacific rail road In Riley county. Theso rains whllo good wcro sulllclcnt to plnco tho burned crops out of dnngor. This morning a heavy rain fell in tho vi cinity of Joplln, Mo., and traveling west, covered, portions of Montgomery, Btitlor and Sedgwick counties, Kansas. Around Joplln thcro was a heavy fall for ten minutes. At 1:30 a Boaklng rnln fell In Cliorokeo county across tho lino In KnnsnB, preceded by hall, ben efiting pastures nnd Bmall grains lm meiiBCly nnd bringing rollof to tho crushing plnnts in tho zinc mining dls trlct. During tho afternoon a heavy rain foil in tho vicinity of Coffoyvlllo, Eldorndo uild Wichita. Kan, At Cof fcyvlllo tho people held a Jublleo on tho streets during the rain. Two coun ties west from Kansas City, in Jeffer son county, Knusas, a full inch of rnln fell this afternoon, whllo in Kansas City a tomporaturo of 101 provallcd and hardly a cloud was visible. OMAHA MAN'S DIAL KILLING. Ilnbort I'ruiige Simula Wife and Self at Nt. Jon. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., July 1C. R. Prango, whoso business cardii represent him to have been manager of tho Schlltz hotol, Omnhn, and mnnngcr of tho Schlltz llrowory agency at that point, murdored hla wlfo near Lake Contrary Into ycatorday nfteruoon and then committed suicide. Ho mado careful preparations for tho crlmo by destroying everything about his clothing that would lead to his Identity. Prango eamo to this city yc3tordny morning from Omaha to look for hla wlfo, who hud left him Boveral days ago because of his alleged dls Boluto habits and cruelty toward her. Winnipeg U Rtnrni Swept. WINNIPEG, Man., July 10. A ter rific storm struck tho Pleasant Point district on Carberry plains Saturday night, doing $100,000 damage to crops and farm bulldtngB. At Rat Portage nnd Norman a tornado scattered lum ber in ull directions. Five Kilted on the Itntl. PARSONS, Kan., July 10, A head end collision between two local freight trains on tho Missouri, Kansas & Tex as railroad near Wymnrk, I. T., killed flvo men. Thrco others were probably fatally Injured, Another Carnegie Library. LONDON, July 10. Andrew Cnmo glo hns offered 10,000 for tho erec tion of a frco public library In Auncn, Scotlund. OBEY HIE ORDER TO STRIKE. All Members of Amalcamnted Associa tion Remain Away. PITTSBURG, July 16. Tho Btrlko of tho members of tho amalgamated association employed In the tin plate, shent and hoop mills, which was or dered Saturday night as a result of tho disagreement between tho confer ees of tho United States Steel corpor ation and tho amalgamated associa tion, was generally observed In tho Pittsburg district this morning. At tho mills whero tho strike ordor ox tended tho skilled workmen who nre under tho control of tho union failed to put In an appearance, or, if they did go to tho mills, It was merely as spectators and with no intention of working. Early reports received nt the general ofTlccs of tho amalgamated association wcro meager of details, but indicated that tho strlko order was being observed nt all mills of tho tin plate, sheet and hoop combines. President Shaffer is in communica tion with lodgo officials at all these plants- and ho is confident that tho as sociation will mako such a Btrong showing on this preliminary suspen sion of work that n general strlko of nil tho mills of tho United States Steel corporation will not bo necessary. This latter proposition Is tho strong enrd which tho amalgamated president haB up his bIcovo nnd which ho has threatened to play If an early ad justment of tho difficulty Is not mado. This Btrlko bcarB resemblance to tho historical Homestead strlko In 1892 in that It is not a question of wngeB, but of recognition of tho amalgamated as sociation. Tho association InslstB up on unionizing all tho plants of tho thrco companies In question. Tho maufacturers rcfuso to grant this dc mnnd nnd sny that tho Individual contracts with workmen which are In forco at a number of tho plants must stand. WILSON STILL OPTIMISTIC. Thinks Iteports of Dumace to Crops Is Ureiitly ICxngcnrntt'd. NEW YORK, July 1G. Secretary of Agrlculturo Wilson hopes that tho corn crop of tho western states has not yet been ruined by tho drouth, says a Washington dispatch to tho Herald. Ho Is disposed to bcllovo that tho reports as to tho damago havo been exaggerated. He la quoted as follows: "I do not regard the corn crop as seriously damaged, notwithstanding tho reports from tho western states. On July 1 tho condition of tho corn crop was moro promising than on tho samo dato last year, and even If tho prcs3 reports aro not exaggerated, al though I am Inclined to think that they ovorstnto tho real conditions, thcro Is not as yet cause for gcnulno alarm. "Throughout tho area of tho great corn crop tho drouth has not been sovoro enough to seriously affect that crop. Hot weather Is not damaging to crops nt this season. In fuct, high tomporaturo at this season is 0110 of tho requisites of corn dovelopment, nnd so I think that wo had better wait a whllo beforo wo say that tho corn Is ruined. "For myself, I think that wo shall havo plenty of corn In this country. Tho reports from Kansas nnd Nebras ka aro, It course, discouraging, but tho crop In those states Is not great, ex cept In tho eastern portions. Tho grcnt corn bolt of this country Is cast nt tho Missouri river and west of the Ohio. . "I hnvo not yet seen anything to Ju dicata that thcro has been a largo amount of damago to this area of country. I am going to wait, there fore, until I hear whether tho drouth has beon disastrous in Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Indlnnn, Michigan and Wis consin beforo I become really alarm ed." Wrons Time of Yenr for Knllstments. COUNCIL BLUFFS, la., July 10. Lloutcnant Johnson, In chargo of tho recruiting ofllco recently established In tho federal building, is not meeting with much success in tho matter of ap plications to Join Undo Sam's army. In tho three weeks he bus received only elven applications. Of theso eight woro uunblo to pass examination. Leo H. Craig and Donald G, Mad docks, who enlisted n the field artil lery, havo passed and has been sont to Fort Riley. Cleriunn Kiiilcnttlon Statistics. BERLIN, JJuly 1C. Tho emigration from Germany by way of Hamburg nnd Bremen during tho first six months of this year reuehod 112,96S, bb against 117,930 for the corresponding period of last year. Kdlann I'rotrrts Ills Nnine. WILMINGTON, Del., July 1C At tho Instanco of Thomas A. Edison, Judgo Bradford hnndnd down a decrco In tho United States court enjoining tho Edison Chemical company from using tho namo Thomas A. Edison or tho term "Wizard" In connection with its business, Unless sotting forth that Thomas A, Edison Is not con nected with tho company or its busi ness. Tho company Is chartered In Dclawaro and has ofllces in New York. ROAST IN MANY STATES Government Reports Eleven Sweltering in tho Boiling Snn. KANSAS CORN CROP CUT SHORT Mast Ship Cattle to Market Decanse Water Is (Jetting Scarce Pastures Dried Dp and Fruit and Vegetable Crop Almost Ruined. WASHINpTON, July 15. Roports to tho weather bureau show that tho hot weather continued yesterday In nineteen states and territories of tho great corn belt, tho Ohio valloy and vnrlous portions of tho south. Thcro seems to bo no Immediate evidence of abatement, except in tho south and eoiMhwest, whero local thunderstorms may cnuso somo moderation. Tho states, affected lncludo Indiana, "Ml nole, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iown, Mis souri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama. Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Ok lahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, South Da kota, North Dakota, Colorado and Michigan. It hns becomo considerably warmer also In tho upper lako region and in Now England, Marquette, Mich., reporting todny a record-breaking tomporaturo of 102 degrees. Hope of rain todny In tho region affected by tho heat was not fulfilled, only traces of It appearing In ono or two sections, exebpt nt Galveston, Tox., whoro about two-thirds of an Inch fell, and In eastern Texas, whoro there woro local thunderstorms. Tho tem peratures reported today show only slight variations from tho extremes of tho last few days, and theso aro duo to local conditions entirely. In Des Moines, In., today tho tempera ture was 100, In Knnsas City 102 and in Omaha 102, whllo at Davenport, la., Denver, Colo., Llttlo Rock. Ark., Now Orleans, North Platte, Neb., St. Paul and VIcksburg, Miss., It 'wns 96 or higher. KANSAS CITY, July 15. No rc'.lcf camo yesterday from tho heat. It was a repetition of tho past two weeks, with reports from many plncea in western Missouri, Kansas and tho ter ritories of temperatures over tho 100 mark. At most places tho Bun shono mercilessly with not even a fitful cloud to break Its rayB nor a slight breeze. In Knnsas City last night proved moro bearable, a breeze from tho north nllovlatlng tho condition, but a day of intenso heat followed. Tonight thcro Is n prospect of rain, In Oklahoma, but there aro no Indi cations of a change In nny othor part of tho southwest. With no relief In sight tho fears for tho crops that havo been expressed aro fast becoming realities nnd tho Bcnrcity of water nnd generally dry most serious one. What tho real dam most Berlous ono. What th crcal dam ago to corn, tho crop most nffeoted, will bo is problematical, but It Is prob ably safo to say that half tho crop will bo lost. Tho supply of water is short in almost every direction nnd tho shipments of cnttlo and hogs to this market to save them must con tinue. In Kansas City today tho gov ernment thormomoter reached 102 and at Mnrysvlllc, Kan., 104 wns recorded against 100 yesterdny. Thcro wero thrco prostrations nt Marysvlllo. LINCOLN, Nob., July 15. Nebraska again suffered from tho heat yester day. Tho highest temperature report ed by tho weathor bureau was 102 de grees at 4:30, but tho thermometers In tho business district recorded 109. Tho mean tcruporature of tho day wa3 90' degrees, tho highest of tho year. Tho' roportB show that no rain has fallen in tho Btato during tho lust twenty-four hours. RoportB that reach Lincoln tonight Indlcnto that rain falling within two days will yet snvo tho corn crop. The wind shifted to tho EouthonBt this evening nnd tho ntmosphere Is some what cooler. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., July 15. Tho long continued drouth has resulted In tho" cntlro ruin of tho corn and cat3 crop In this section of tho country. Corn hns commenced to tassel only .1 fow foot high nnd no nmount of rain would now bo of any benefit to thai cereal. Tho fruit nnd vegetable crops nro nlso complete failures, nnd tho pnstures havo dried up bo that tho fnrmors nro paying enormous prices for hny and feed. Todny was clenr nnd hot, with no relief apparently lu Bight. Minister Conger to Leave. SAN FRANCISCO, July 15. E. II. Conger, United States minister to Chl nn, has nrrlvod, en route to Pokln. Minister Conger will sail noxt Wed nesday on tho steamer Nippon Muru. Stable llor .Mule Desperate. KANSAS CITY, July 15. A special to tho Times from Newton, Knn., says: Last night Miss Omn llocrfl, tho 18-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fo-nnk Doers, was shot and killed by Herbert Shncklott, a stablo boy for merly In the famlly'B employ, who nf torward shot himself through tho nenrt. Shaeklett becamo fascinated with tho young woman, who did not return his Infatuation. Tho bodies wcro found iu the roadside. OHIO BRYAN MEN DOLT. Ten of Ills Democrttlo Follower In Cleveland Deride to Act. CLEVELAND, July 15. On July 31 Ohio democrnts who bellcvo in Bryan nnd tho Issues which ho represents, which tho recent democratic conven tion Ignored, will nssemblo in Colum bus nnd make up n Btato ticket. Ten men met this morning In a downtown ofllco building In this city nnd de cided that a bolt should bo mado and thnt n new party should enter tho field of Ohio politics. Tho attendance nt tho confcrcnco was larger and represented a greater area In tho stnto than, was expected by thoso who called tho meeting. A formal statement of principles was submitted to tho conference and was adopted. This will bo printed and sent throughout tho state to thoso who nro known to bo faithful to tho Ncbrnsknn. A convention was decid ed upon to bo held nt tho Great South ern hotel on the last day of July. To this convention may como nil thoso who sign their namo to tho declaration of principles. START OUT TO FIND PEARY. Kxpedltlon on the Steamer Erllc Balls North to Aid Kxplorers. HALIFAX, N. S., July 15. Tho steamer Erik left North Sydney this morning on its voyngo to the frozen north. It Is to call nt Labrador and then nt the various Esquimaux sta tions In Greenland West, reaching Etah under favorable conditions in about threo weeks. At tho various stations it will mako inquiries as to news of Lieutenant Peary nnd the Windward. Tho Erik took 350 tons of coal and Is provisioned for nt least a year. Tho members of tho Peary Arctic club, who went on tho steamer, nro Dr. F. A. Cook, surgeon of tho expedition; Her bert Stono nnd Herbert Berri, both t.l Brooklyn; C. F. Wlkoff nnd L. C. Bene dict of Ithaca, and L. C. Whitney Church of Elgin, 111. AMALGAMATED STRIKE IS ON. President Shaffer's Orders to Continue HtriiKElo Will Do Obeyed. PITTSBURG, July 15; From pres ent Indications It looks probablo that President Shaffer's strlko order, Issued last night to the Amalgamated asso ciation members In tho employ of tho American Steep Hoop company, tho American Sheet Steel company nnd tho American Tinplato company, will bo obeyed nnd tho groat struggle be tween tho Amalgamated association and tho steel compnuics will bo on In enrnest today. In tho union mills of tho threo com panies against which a Btrlko baa' been declared It Is predicted that not a wheel will turn. An effort will bo mado also to closo down somo of tho non-union mills of tho companies and to crlpplo tho rest Tho Amalgamated peoplo are very sanguine of success. HAVE TO PROTECT THE WHEAT. Farmers Around York Are Flonlnc Fire Uunrds Sloce Itecent Dimes. YORK, Neb., July 15. For miles and miles along both sides of tho Bur lington, tho Elkhorn and tho Kansas City & Omaha railroads In this county nro fields of winter whent shocked and Blacked and tho long wheat stubblo is dry, easily catching fire. Yestorday morning tho Elkhorn train coming from Henderson, this county, set flro to wheat stubblo in Bovcn dlfforent places. Tho train stopped each time nnd tho trnin crew with shovels put out tho Arcs beforo doing nny damage. Yestorday nineteen shocks of wlntor wheat wero burned up on Hon. An drew J. Saridnll's farm east of York, supposod to havo caught from engines on tho Burlington. Nearly all of tho farmers aro plowing flro guards bo tween fields and railroads. CELEBRATE PERRY'S VISIT. American nnd ilnpniivso Hpenkrra Dwell on Friendly Delation. YOKOHAMA, July 15. Tho cero mony of unveiling at Kurlhnma tho monument to commemorate tho land ing thcro of Commodore Perry, July 14, 1853, was performed yestorday by Rear Admiral Rodgcrs, commanding tho United States visiting squndron. Viscount Kntsurn, tho Japanese pro m lor, delivered the memorial nddresB and a number of othor Japanese olll clals of high rank woro present. Thrco Ainorlcun nnd flvo Jnpuneso warships saluted. Vurloim upeochca woro made by AmorlcuiiH and Japanese, nil dwell ing on tho t-loso relations between tho two powers. Votinci-r Druthers Are Out. ST. PAUL, Minn., July 15. Cole man nnd James Younger, who woro grantod a conditional parole by the board of pardons on Wedncsdny Inst woro released from tho Stillwater pen itentiary at 10 o'clock this morning. For tho present they will mnko their homo in Stlllwntor, and it has not yot been docldcd whero they will bo em ployed. Tho men spent their first day of freedom upon a steamboat excur sion that went up the St. Croix river. COM IS SORELY KING It Makes Another Big Advanco on Chi cago and New York Markets, BROKERS SWAMPED WITH ORDERS farmers Decome Dulls When Profession als Decln Deadline Wheat Conspicu ous Dr Giving Corn a Close Race In the Advance. NEW YORK, July 13. Thcro was a sceno of great excitement In both tho wheat and corn markets at Now York today, tho trading nggregaatlng ono of tho largest day's totals In a year or more, especially as to corn. Prices Jumped 2 5-8 cents during tho dny in corn, making 6& cents advanco for tho week. Orders poured into tho market so fast that tho brokers could scarcely execute them at tho prices de sired and tho usually Bninll crowd around tho corn ring was increased to such an extent that at times It nl most outrivaled that In tho wheat pit. Tho farmers havo taken tho bull Bldo . Into their hands and in tho faco of heavy realizing on tho part of profes sionals havo kept prices going until tho cry Is for CO-ccnt corn in Chicago. Whero the present bull movement will end depends a great deal on weath er conditions In tho leading corn states. Wheat also took an extraordinary Jump today and from being in a posi tion almost entirely friendless nt onco leaped into popularity with tho bulls, and gavo corn a closo raco for leader-, ship in tho advanco for tho day.; Prices in New York closed 2 and 3 cents higher than yestorday and prac tically at tho top price. Professionals wero caught In this bulgo In wheat and somo of them lost about all the money they havo mado by selling long corn to tho bull public. For weeks; and for months wheat has been ham-; mered persistently by everybody In tho! belief that the crop would bo a record' ono nnd moro than enough to mako Hp tho foreign shortage Tho result has been a huga short Interest, part of which was caught In yesterday's big advance. Tho remainder Is in a stato of anxiety as to what tho out come will bo, realizing that a much, greater upturn must mean tho covering' of a big lino of wheat. Today bulls woro still further encouraged by re ports that whent in tho Red river val ley was being Injured by exccsslvo heat after recent wet weather. CHICAGO, July 13. Today's advices to tho Board of Trado grain compa nies are to tho effect that the heat and drouth In tho southwest aro un broken. It Is said that tho damago outside of Kansas nnd Missouri is com paratively Blight, but that unless thcro is relief within tho noxt ten days tho corn crop situation will npproach a calamity. A messago from Topeka, Kan., says tho prospects nro for a crop of but 50,00,000 bushels of corn, although last year's crop was 1G3.000.000 and tho year before 237,000,000 bushels. Tho loss of hay and potatoes Is also great, second only to the loss of corn. It is estimated that tho farmers of Kansas and Missouri have already lost $50,000, 000 by tho torrldlty and drouth, The straits In tho corn crop Is said to bo owing to tho Intense heat and lack of moisture nnd is reflected In tho courso of prices of that coreal on tho Board of Trade. Corn for Sep tember delivery at tho opening today sold simultaneously from 52c to 52c, compared with the closo yesterday nt 51511(!c; shortly afterward it was quoted at 52;4c, or 9 cents higher than tho price ono month ago shortly be foro tho hent nnd drouth began to arouse misgivings as to tho future of thi crop. F.I Itenn Crowd Is Thinning. WASHINGTON, July 13. Secretory Hitchcock said that reports from tho Oklnhoma registration showed tho crowds In that country had digested thoroughly tho president's proclnmn tlon nnd realized that there was no chnnco for speculators, Intruders, tres passers or gnmblcrs. "The peoplo." Bald tho Becretary, "realize that tho lnnds nro being opened in good faith to everybody qualified nnd thnt what is given them Is not transferable." Don. Klchnrd Hubhiird Drnd. DALLAS, Tex., July 13. Hon. Rich ard B. Hubbard, n former governor of Tcxns nnd during President Cleve land's administration United States minister to Japan, died nt his homo In Tyler, Tex., today. Its a Mnimgenhle Dnllnon. PARIS, July 13. M. Santos-Do-mont's clgnr-shnped balloon, driven by a motor, bnd a trial from St. Cloud across Paris, around tho Eiffel towot and back to St. Cloud. Tho paporB say tho trip was qulto successful and that the balloon ascended and descend ed npp'arently at tho will of the aero naut. Tomorrow ho will make an ofll clal attempt to win tho prlzo of 100,000 francs offored by Henry Dcautsch for a manageable balloon,