mlg ftnlnme. can SEVENTEENTH YEAK. NORTH PMTTE, NEBRASKA, JULY H), 1901. NO. 61. Blow! Blow! It is natural for some people in business to BLOW. It is not our object to BLOW, give glowing descriptions, or make risky assertions in prices. This is no circus bill and we have no red lemonade for sale. Plain facts go farther than fiction which will not bear investigation Our goods speak for themselves. No flowery figures of price are necessary. A. L. DAVIS, THE HARDWARE MAN. BLUE FLAME W1CKLESS OIL STOVES for cooking. Uses coal oil for fuel. REFRIGERATORS in several sizes. WE A RIO STILL SELLING MAJESTIC RANGES. JOHN UK ATT. E. R. GOODMAN. JOHN BRATT & CO.. Real Estate, Loans m Insurance X NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. X t Jttotoronoo:-Any Souls, ixx THE BEST Five Cent Cigar to A.T SOIIIMI.A.IjZIRIBID'S. ASK ANY PAINTER ABOUT HEATH & MILLIGAN PAINTS The North Platte Pharmacy, Exclusive Agents. Free Sample Shade Cards. JOSEPH HERSHEY, WINDMILLS i PUMPS PIPES AND FITTINGS . BARB WIRE ROUND AND HALF ROUND STOCK TANKS " LOCUST STREET, NORTH PLATTE, NEB, 7V Blow! f Housecleaning Time is here, and you will prob ably find that some pieces of your furniture looks shabby; that they need to be replaced by new. Wc arc here to supply your needs, and we arc confi dent wc can 'suit you. Something' here to please every taste; something here to suit every pocket book. ? 3 DEALER IN Farm Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Windmills, Pumps, m i stern jNcbraskaeVr ottpe 1 INTERNATIONAL! DN3HIC I Good Cheer. Have you had a kindness hown las It on, 'Twas not given for you alone I'ass It on. I.i't It travel ilown the vcars, Let It wipe another's tears, Till In heaven the deed appcara, l'assiton. (Icncral Iteadtiuartcrn, M Fifth Ave. , , New York City, Nebraska Slate Division, Myrtle, Neb, Colon. Yellow and White, Flower. Core opsin. Song, "Scatter Sunshine," All lottni-j Inmit.1... ...... IriK Sunshine work Hhould lie addressed to Mrs, Anna K. Moore, Myrtle, Nel)., and notices for publication should reach uh not uai man eiincHuars. Heartsease band of Giltncr, Mrs. K. .1. Lcinbergcr, president, reports two new members, medicine sent to a sick child, papers to a lonely old lady, a plant to another aged lady cherries and strawberries to the sick and lonely, a large collection of poems to Miss Ada Coultcs and two handkerchiefs to Band No. 2 of Lincoln. Mrs. Leinberger is making a stamp collection and writes if any one could pass on either United States or foreign stamps to her she would be grate ful for them. Address Mrs. K. J, Lcinbcrgcr, Giltncr, Neb. Arborville branch, Mrs. Jennie Wilcox, president, held its first regular meeting June 27th it the home of Mrs. Kraucis Newman, six new members being enrolled. This band will piece a quilt for the Mother Jewels Home at York. A number of the Myrtle Division carried good cheer to an aged and lonely man in the shape of milk and other food, and reading to help pasB the louclyjiours away. Other members have sent out cancelled stamps and reading matter while others hrfvc been active in doing deeds of kindness that help to make life brighter for having been remembered, (11.KAN1NCH Miss Clarice Lausworth of Agee, reports having passed on cancelled stamps and papers to Miss Griifeti, papers to Mrs. Carter and to Mrs. McGuc, patterns to Mrs. Bolk com as dues for June. North Platte members con tributed two books to Nebraska Sunshine Library, magazines and one dollar to aid the state fund. Miss Lizzie Graf of Gandy paid her dues for the month by passing on a number of cards, There will be a day for Sun shiners at the Pan American Ex position when all visiting Sun shiners will be entertained. The ladies' board of managers conferred with Mrs. Aldin, and October 12 was selected as "Sunshine Day". Bob Dwyer was made happy on the morning of the Fourth, by the loan of a team so he could make a visit. Bob had not been off the farm for a long time and "Anony mous" of Gandy sent good cheer" to him in an excellent manner, The Tecumseh Chieftain of John son county has given liberal space for Sunshine reports" from that county. Johnson county has a number ot Sunshiners and they will be throughly organized in the near future. Arc you a sunshine member? If you are not, bend in your name im mediately. You surely have some thing to "pass on" tor Sunshine, There is no one in the world who can not make somebody happy by passing on some of the special sun- . Some Coffees are Glazed xmf with a cheap coating. 11 gltumg helps coffee why aren't the high pi iced Mochas and lavas glazed also? Lion Coffee is not glared, It is per fectly pure nnd has a delicious liavor. Tli. ictlcl cU; In.utti mil- shine about him. If you want to be happy send in your name to Sunshine and with one kind deed pay your dues for the year, BETWEEN THE RIVERS. Miss Bessie ICahlcman who has been attending the Fremont normal school haB returned. She will teach in the llcrshcy schools the coming year. W. T. Wilcox of North Platte was shaking hands with old time friends at Ilerslicy on Tuesday evening of this week. Binders, mowers, rakers, balers, haulers and pitchers are all busy in their turn at this time. The old canal company has com pleted a hay dam in the north river that has filled their canal with wuter to its fullest capacity as well as all of the laterals where they were cleaned out and attended to properly this spring and every body is getting plenty of water but it takes several ditch riders to sec that all arc treated according to their share, Fred Cole and S. L. Fuukhouser arc looking after the Jones lateral and A. B. Goodwill the main canal. II. Newberry came down from McPherson county the first of the week and harvested about ten acres of fine oatB on his iarm in the valley, The McConncll boyh and several others have harvested very good crops of small grain. Corn as a gcncial thing is not in very bad shape and as the canals are full of water at this time and it can easily be irrigated it will make a fair crop. Tin farmers in this section are far from starving at this time. A crew of carpenters have been repairing the U. P. buildings at Nichols and Hcrshey. Old lady McConncll it reported quite ill at the present tunc. Dr. ICvcs is the attending physician. I. 11 Bostwick and S. J. Koch of of the south side arc both in the hay business again this season. W. J. Shiukle who has the con tract of putting about 3,000 acres of hay from the field into the cars is busy at it. Friend Carpenter has twenty five acres of sugar beets on old canal company land near Hershey that are fine. Several other parties have line beets but a smaller acreage. Mr. Carpenter is one of the largest growers in the valley. During the busy season of hay ing and harvesting the business houses of Hershey all have a big trade from all directions. When in Hershey don't forget to try one of Mrs. Carpenter's meals and it you want a good night's reBt try one of her fine beds. 13. F. Sceberger says that he is thinking strongly of quitting the irrigation business after this year and run for road overseer in Nichols precinct. It is almost impossible to get dairy butter at all in this locality. The Nichols creamery is having a big local trade on its butter. Threshing machines will be pounding away the coming week as several parties will thresh right out of the field, A gentleman by the name of Anderson of Texas, who has a herd of cattle now in charge of parties near Wallace, was over in t Ilia country the first of the week try ing to dispose of them, A fusion candidate trying to run down an office in this county at the coming election will be like the small boy who tried to catch a large rooster and only succeeded in getting a tealhet, J. M. Dwyer a well-to-do farmer near Hershey drove down to the county scat on bubiucss Wednesday evening returning the following day. Mrs. G. L. Mudd on the Paxton ranch visited friends at the county seat this week, STATE NEWS. State Treasurer Stuefcr has just issued a call for the redemption of $75,000 more of state warrants. A car of fine horses on the Bur lington road got afire near Platts moutli. Of twenty-seven bead, only three were gotten out alive. It is estimated that 25,000 bas kets of fine peaches will be gathered from one peach farm near Wymorc this season. During the past three ycarH it ia estimated that fire insurance com panies havo collected in Nebraska over four million dollars. Grace Snyder was bitten by rattlesnake while tripping across her father's field at GarriBon. She received the customary decoction of "snake bite" and will recover. A drunken fellow climbed to the top of the standpipc at Sidney last Sunday and Bicpt off his jag in the cool, upper current, while a crowd stood beneath in torrid suspense. The undertakers of Central City have bought a new patent device for lowering colli ns into the grave, The Democrat says it works splendidly and those who use it will use no other, J. R. Young, a merchant of Lodge Pole, who was instrumental in suppressing a liquor joint in the town, waB assaulted by three toughs for his good work. They arc in jail and he is in bed. Bad Thunder, an Indian on the Winnebago Agency quarreled with his squaw and then comtnitcd sui cide on Wednesday by shooting his head off with a shot gun. Hc'a si goodlndian now. Arthur Parsons, a farm baud working for John Echtcncamp near Arlington, was robbed of $104 a few days ago, a thief breaking into his boudoir and abstracting the cash. This is what comes of being a plutocrat. II Finlcy Helens, a Lincoln den tist, has been sued for breach of promise by Louise Lacy of Chi cago, a blond stenographer. She wants $10,000 in gold from him, enough to plug" a large collection ot decayed teeth, In a pleasant little Saunders county village the pastor of the Methodist church preached last Sunday from the text, "Be ye therefore steadfast." In the write up by the local paper the printer made it, "Be ye there for break fast." A cat belonging to C. S. Allen of Geneva, lost all but one of her kit tens when but a few days old. The following night puss went out and stole a pug pup and carried it to the nest and placed it. beside her lone kitten and 1b just aB solictious of its welfare as if itwas her own, An editor in Platte countv printed an item which stated that "the man who was hugginir the hired girl had better Btop or Iiib name would be published." In a few days about twenty-five citizens paid up their subscriptions and told the editor to 4,pay no attention to tooliBh stories goin' round." It is reported that chinch buirB are so thick in Custer county that it in thouirbt that all irmin. with the exception of winter wheat and rye win oe destroyed. Corn ia being badly damaged . by these pesta. in tne vicinity of Arcadia it is claimed that not one bushel of wheat can be saved. Requires Stacker Rope, Wood Pulley Wheels, Hay Forks, Grind Stones, Carriage Bolts, Machine Bolts, Leather Fly Nets, Fly Sheets, Cotton Fly Nets, Sweat Pads, Housings, Clevises, Double Trees, Single Trees, Oil Cans, Machine Oil. Wo have these and every thing' clse in the tool line that von will need . f Store open evening's tin- til 8 o'clock. i Wilsox; Department j&ofle, I HAYING SEASON I HARNESS Wc have what you want in this line Team Harness, Concord Harness, Horse Collars, Work Bridles, Heavy Traces, Trace Chains, Hainc Straps, Bolt Hamcs, Clip Ilanics, Hook Hatncs, Burlap Fly Sheets, Leather Fly Nets, Cotton Fly Nets. Store oncn eveninirs until 8 o'clock. Wileox; Departmeqlj j&ofle, STATEMENT Of the condition of thu Mutunl lliillillnir and Loan AniocIuMou o North Platte, No braxka, on tliu .TOtli day of June, iwii. ASSKTS. KlrHt ninrtirairoln.iiiM fti' m stock loans i.icuki Heal estate n.005 41 Canli 888 W I'ciiuiiucni intercut, iiremiuniR anil lined nx!i fin K.Mkmimch anil taxcH lialtl TtW M T.ixch and Insurance Total i:m,ou m MAIUMTIKS. Capital utock iau1 up 71 il'HITVC I ii mi n,o oil Undivided iiroiltn n,i;w hi Due Hliarelioldern on Incomplete loallH t "Ml L1I uttiurllaullltlcH iwrni m Total tm,0ti Wt KKUKIPTH AND KXPKNDITUKKS KOIt THIS Y1SAH HNDINO JUNK 30, 1K)I. IIKOKI1TM. llalaneo on hand July 1, 11X11 $ I 01 Unen ( Interna, preniluttm and linen 7,(W3 4() l.oaiiH repaid Ml Kntrv fee. cle skis iji Kent wo 00 Total. .V)l,in W) KXPKNDIrtllllCH. I.oailS , 110.771 117 KXpCIIHCM IKl .11 StockM reiliTini'il . o.inx "r. CaHh tin hand i.ww m TaxcH and Insurance si I Mi Total 3I,I70 W) State of Neliraxka Lincoln county, hh. 1, Samuel (loo.ce, Hebretary of the above named artxoclatloti. do Noletnnlv mi-mr th:it the forcRolnif Htateinent of the condition of wald .iNNoclatlon. Ih true and correct to tho heat of my knowledge ami belief. Sulwerllied and mvorn to before me thin lHt MAjuui'ii, uihjW'.I', secretary, dny of July. IW)I iy ot .inn V Approved: w. ii. Notary I'ubl c, viniiu vimuuuTZ, I T. Kkiimonii, VUlrcctorn .1. r Oi.AiiAmiii. I STEBBINS' STABLE. ivory, Feed, Boarding-and Sale. NEW RIGS, Accommodations Good. feed per team to hay, 35 cents a nigiu; noon tecu is cents. L. C. Stebbins. 'Phono 101. North Plntte, - Nebraskn. Notice to Students and Teachers. Section 8a, of Sub-div. VH. of the school law provides that the county superintendent shall, on the third Saturday of July, con duct an examination of appli cants for admission to the State Normal School at Peru. In accordance with this law. I will hold an examination July 20th, 1901. IllCHTIIA TllOKUCCKU, County Supt, FOR, A SUMMER OUTING. Tho Iloolty Mountriii) retfiotiB of Coi, "Alio Touched bunt vlu tho Union l'aoillo provido lavishly for tho health of tho invalid unci tho ploasuro of tho touriut. Amid tlioflo rupRi'd atcojm tiro to bo found fomo of tho most uhiirminR und reatful opotn on oiirth. Fairy InUen noBtlod nmid Htinny pealtn, and ollmitto that choorn ami oxhilunitos. Tho Summer Excursion Rates put in client by tho Union Pnollio on nbloyou to roach thono fnvorod loctilltion without uunocosonry oxpondituroof tuno or money. One Taro for tho Round Trip nlua 32.00 from Missouri Wvor. In effect. .Juno 18th to .'10th; July 10th to August iifli inclusive. Tho Union Pnolllo will (ilso noil liokota on July 1st to 5)th inclusive, Soptotn.bor 1st to 10th ino'tislvo, at 815,00 for tho round trip from Missouri Hivor points. Uoturn Jlmit October HI, 1001. Proportiontitoly low rntoa from intor mc'dinto points. ' Full information oheorf ttjly furnished upon application. t JAS. D. SCANLA.N, Agont.