The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 12, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 40.
Blow! Blow! Blow!
It is natural for some people in business to
BLOW. It is not our object to BLOW,
give glowing descriptions, or make risky
assertions in prices.
This is no circus bill and we have no red
lemonade for sale. Plain facts go farther
than fiction which will not bear investigation
Our goods speak for themselves. No
flowery figures of price are necessary.
Housecleaning Time
is here, and you will prob
ably find that some pieces
of your furniture looks
shabby; that they need to
be replaced by new. Wc
arc here to supply your
needs, and wc arc confi
dent wc can suit you.
Something" here to please
every taste; something'
here to suit every pocket
coal oil for fuel.
in several sizes.
Ginn & Weingand
Real Estate, Loans m Insurance
V Jtlofoi-oiioo:-ijiy 23n,xxlx. In. 3NTol3X'a.8lK.a.
Five Cent Cigar to
The North Platte Pharmacy,
Exclusive Agents.
Free Sample Shade Cards.
Farm Implements,
Buggies, Wagons,
Windmills, Pumps,
July 8, 1901
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment, present Carpenter and Mc-
Cullough comissioncrs and County
Clerk. Claims were allowed as
follows on the general iund tor
witness fees in case of slate against
Corda Ilauglaii $36 00
J. A. Harsh Held 8 00
Corda Hauglan 22 00
J. C. Fogg 9 00
Irvin Austin 7 00
Clias. Harney 9 10
13. M. Smith 5 60
Mrs. J. A. Harsh field 8 00
Ellen Lumborn 10 00
Otto Nelson. . . 8 30
Millard Ross 7 00
John Ritncr 4 50
Walter McNeil 5 50
Geo. Skinner. 10 00
Hugh lirogan 8 20
John Schick 8 00
Geo. Fcrbrach 6 60
Nathan Trego 10 00
Chas. llendy, Sr 3 50
Thos. Stcbbins 1 10
Trot Robert" 5 50
U. W. Baker 4 10
Geo. S Johnson 8 00
A. S. Baldwin 2 10
13d Murphy 6 60
Chas. McDonald 5 10
Wni, Vol incr 2 10
M. Holcomb 6 50
Stephen Lowe 8 00
Geo. Roberts 5 50
Lester Walker 4 10
T. T. Keliher 2 10
Sam'l LaRue 8 00
V. C. Elder fees 17 13
Fees in case of stale against
S. B. Funk ? H 50
Chas. 1511 .' 2 10
Mrs. Chas. 1311 2 10
Syl Fricud 2 10
John 1311 2 10
George 1311 2 10
T. T. Keliher 2 10
W. C. Elder fees 16 73
Fees in 61 - state, against
Frank Gusmcyer:
E. P. Rnelling $24 '00
Josiah Weir 6 90
T. T. Keliher 4 10
J. II. Abshirc 6 70
Louis Schladcrman 7 00
Frank McFaddcn 7 70
II . A. Patrick 9 00
J. C. Weir 6 90
Chas. McDonald ,. ... 4 10
Mrs. Mary Ert 7 00
Cole Guuncll .. . , 7 00
W. C. Elder fees ' 11 68
Fees in cose ot State. vs. Edward
Martin Obcrst $ 4 10
Mrs. CliaB. Jensen 5 00
Lewis West 5 00
Chas. Jensen 5 00
M. McNamara 4 10
Carl Newton 4 10
W. C. Elder feeB 379 60
S, Richards mdsc 4 50
Bertha Thoelecke expenses. . 44 93
The following fees were allowed
in the Knapp, Mulholen aqd Combs
insane cases:
F. H. Longley $32 00
W. T. Wilco. , 6 00
W. C. Elder 19 55
Stacker Rope,
Wood Pulley Wheels,
Hay Forks,
Grind Stones,
Carriage Bolts,
Machine Bolts,
Leather Fly Nels,
Fly Sheets,
Cotton Fly Nets,
Sweat Pads,
Double Trees,
Single Trees,
Oil Cans,
Machine Oil.
We have these -and every
thing else, in the tool lino
that you will neod ,
Store open evenings un
til 8. o'clock.
Wilcox DeD&tffcmenfi SfenrtR. i
W. T. Wilcox 3 00
II. M. Grimes 2 00
C. O. Weingand 2 00
C, F. Ridings 2 00
A.S.Baldwin 2 00
F. II. Longley 8 00
W. T. Wilcox 3 00
W. C. Elder 7 05
J. T. Combs '. 2 00
John Combs 2 00
J. L. McGrcw 2 00
Mrs. E. C. Halner keep and board
of H. Heppner two months $24.00.
Dr. N. McCabc services to county
poor $290.25.
Settlement was made with S. V.
Fender overseer road dist, 58.
Report ot Wm. Holtry as county
clerk for first and second quarters
for 1901, examined, checked and
Adjourned until tomorrow.
July 9, 1901.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment, present Carpenter and Mc
Cullough commissioners and county
Report of A. S. Baldwin county
judge for first and second, quarters
of 1901 examined and approved.
Report ol T. T, Keliher for first
and second quarters of 1901 ex
amined and approved.
Board adjourned until tomorrow,
July 10, 1901.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment, present commissioners Car-
enter and McCu'lough and county
Contract with M rs. Pulvcr for
eep, care and board of county poor
f hereby renewed.
Claim under contract of II. S.
Kdlncr lor building jetty in North
Platte river lor the protection ol
the bridge considered and allowed
on general fund for $50.
Claim of Mrs. Emma Pulvcr lor
keep and care of county poor under
contract allowed on general hind
for $885.25.
Claim of M. B. Cryderman for
hauling dirt and manure for court
house lawn allowed on general fund
for $61.20.
Claim of M. B. Cryderman lor
moying county attorney's safe and
delivering ballots allowed on gen
eral fund for $8.00.
Board adjourned until tomorrow.
J, M. Dwyer had a fine colt badly
damaged in a wire fence the other
day. It will recover but will be
badly scarred. He also had an
other older one get a leg broken in
some unknown way.
E. F. Seeberger returned the
fore part of the week from a busi
ness trip to Chappell.
Grasshopcrs are still located here
but are harmless as ever for which
the tiller of the soil is very grati
We counted thirty-two large.
plump kernels in one head ol
wheat the other day that was
grown on a yallcy farm.
The intense heat the first of the
week done up several men and
Fall grain is all in the shock.
The second crop of alfalfa as well
an wild hay is being piled up fast.
Sugar beets are doing fairly
well at this time,
C. L. Bowen and Geo. Hatfield
arc repairing the Farmers & Mer
chants canal at the present time.
Isaac Dillon has just finished
loading twelve cars of new baled
hay at Pallas. W. F. McGlone
of North Platte shipped it.
The chinch bugs have damaged
spring grain to some extent lately
but it ih about all out of their
reach at Hub tunc in this section.
The old canal company have had
a crew of men at work on their
canal tor some time.
Wltlte Man Turnod Yollow.
Urent consternation wbb felt by tlio
friends ot M. A. IIonarty ot Lexington,
Ivy., when thoy saw ho was turning yel
low. His skin slowly charmed color, also
lila oycB, and ho euirored terribly His
malady waB Yollow Jaundice. Iio was
treated by tho boat doctors, but without
bonfflt. Thon ho was advised to try
Hlootrio llittorfl, tho wondoriul Htomaon
and Liver Kemody and ho writes:
"Aftor takinu two bottloft I was wholly
on rod." A trial provoB Ub matahlofls
morit for all Stotnaoh, Llvor and Kiclnoy
The White Cottony flculo.
Nearly all the maple trees in
North Platte arc affected with a
pest which turns the leaves to a
light yellow, and later the leaves
curl and to some extent die. In
Bpcaking of this pest Prot. Bruncr
of the state university says: This
insect 1b known as the white cot
tony scale of the maple tree. I
would suggest that it might very
readily be handled at this time by
spraying the trees quite copiously
with kerosene emulsion, hlncc now
is the time when the scale insects
are running about over the tree
and without the usual scale cover
ing ot the body. It is useless to
try to destroy these inscctB after
they once become settled upon the
twigs since they are then covered
with an impervious scale that pro
tects them from the effects of kero
Bene unless sufficiently strong to
destroy the tree along with the
icsccts. Even a good drenching
with soapsuds, if applied with
great force by means of a strong
force pump will do much in the
way of waohiiig off the young insects.
Whereas, The angry billows of
life's troubled sea have engulfed
our trieud, and the life of John
Baker has gone out in the stream
and his form has been laid away in
peaceful rest,
Therefore be it resolycd, That
in the death of our friend our sister
Mary A. Baker loses an affection
ate son and the family a devoted
Resolved, That it is a just trib
ute to the memory of the departed
to say that in regretting his re
moval from our midst wc mourn
tor one who was in every way
worthy ol our respect and regard.
Resolved, That S. A. Douglas
Relict Corps No. 110 sincerely con
dole with the family of tbcdcccascd
in their affliction and commend
them for consolation to Him who
orders all things and whose chas
tisements arc meant in mercy. .
RcBolyed, That we tender a copy
of these resolutions to the family of
the deceased, that a copy be spread
upon the minutes of this Corps,
and that they be inserted in the
city papers.
Etta S. Jkwkby,
Viola M. Davis,
Fanniu E. Hamilton.
Wc have what you want in this
Team Harness,
Concord Harness,
Horse Collars,
Work Bridles,
Heavy Traces,
Trace Chains,
Hamc Straps,
Bolt Ilamcs,
Clip Hamcs,
Hook Hamcs,
Burlap Fly Sheets,
Leather Fly Nets,
Cotton Fly Nets.
otorc open evenings
until 8
Wilcox Depaifcmeqfc jStotfc.
Notice to Students and Teachers.
Section 8a, of Sub-div. VII. of
the school law provides that the
county superintendent shull, on
the third Saturday of July, con
duct an examination of appli
cants for admission to the State
Normal School at Peru.
In accordance with this law.
I will hold nn examination July
20th, 1901.
County Supl,
Tho Rooky Mountain regions of Coi-o-iiado
roaobod boat via tho Union l'nuilio
provido lavishly for tho health ot tho
invalid and tho ploanuro of tho tourint.
Amid thoso nipped stoopa aro to bo
found fomo ot tho most charming and
restful spots on ourth. Fairy lakes
ncstlod amid Piinny poaks, and ulimato
thatohcors and oxhilaratoa. Tho
Bunuaior Excursion Bates
put in olToot by tho Union Pacific on
nbloyou to roaCn theoofavorod looalitioH
without unnecessary oxpondituroot timo
or monoy.
Ouo Faro for the Round Trip
plus 82,00 from MiBHOttri River, in ofToot
Juno 18th to liOtli; July 10th to Auijust
Bint inclusive
Tho Union l'nuilio will alHo Roll tiokota
on July 1st to 0th inclusive, Septouibor
1st to 10th Ino'imlvo, at 81C.00 for tho
round trip from Missouri lliver points.
Roturn limit Ootobor 31, 1001.
Proportionately low rates from intor
mediatu points.
Full Information ohcorfully furnished
upon application.
JAS. B. SOANLAN, Afjont.
The following lands in Lincoln county, Neb., bought in by the
county under foreclosure of tax liens arc now offered for sale bv
the county commissioners at the price given at the right hand end
of each description. Arrangements for the purchase of the land
nc qr.
sw qr.
nw qr.
nc nr. .
no qr sw qr, s hf sw qr,
nw qr se qr,
nc qr
sc qr
s hf sw qr s hf sc qr..
nc qr
sc qr
se ne qr n hf sc qr sw
qr se qr
w hf sw qr
nc qr
sc qr
nw qr
c hf nw qr c hf sw qr
w-hf nw qr w hf sw qr
nw qr
sw qr
nw qr
se qr
sw qr
s hf nw qr n hf sw qr
nc qr
w hf nw qr nw qr sw qr. . . .
sw qr ,
ne qr
se qr
ehf nw qr ,
nw qr
nc qr
sw qr. ,
sc qr.
sc qr.
nc qr
n lit nw qr se qr nw qr.
sw qr
b hf sw qr s lit se qr. . .
sw qr
ii hf nw qr se qr nw. . .
bee. Twp. Rg. Acres Ami.
20 ') 32 160 $149 75
31 10 33 160 130 23
. 6 12 30 160 164 98
26 y 34 160 .,212 92
6 12 33 160 135-83
18 1,1 -31 160 1Q4S3
8 10 33 160 116 35
35 9 30 160 105"'J3
18 9 30 160 148 81
31 9 30 . 160 , 149 19
27 9 30 160 158 33
31 9 27 80 118 84
8 9 34 VD 172 98
2 9 34 160 210 71
1 9 30 160 128 80
19 16 26 160 136 10
27 16 26 160 163 43
20 9 34 160 140 43
18 13e 33 160 139 03
28 10 33 160 103 93
10 13 33 160 119 28
6 10 33 160- 117 08
30 12 31 160 101 98
11 16 31 160 135 65
17 16 26 120 113 43
26 12 31 160 119 63
17 11 33 160 112 83
17 11 33 160 112 83
3 12 30 80 76 13
32 13 33 160 157 13
30 16 28 160 150 28
17 16 28 160 123 00
13 16 29 160 150 28
35 9 28 160 152 00
13 16 29 160. 138 73
24 9 28 120 117 56
33 15 29 160 . 106 05
24 14 29 160 103 10,
20 15 30 160' 10L55
27 9. .31 420 136 83
9 10 . 33 J60 120 28
15 . 10 33 160 116 58
, , -,
troubles, Only oOo. Bold by A. F,
n w qr .
btrcitV, druggist;
nw qr