The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 08, 1901, Image 5

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A fine line of Black and
Silks from $3 g
to $10.
2 rAiw
Judge Morrison of Gandy and tlic
editor ol the Gandy Times arc
transacting business in town to
The bi-weekly social of tbc 15 pis-
opal guild will be bold Friday
afternoon at the borne of Mrs. C. S.
Miss Kunicc Babbitt is looking
after matters pcrtainiug to tbc
county superintendent's office dur
Something' line in Fans g
just the thing to pre- $
sent to young ladies. &
Also a very pretty line of jj
Cut Glass and Silverware
$ suitable for wedding prcs-
a cnts.
Jftmi-WrtMg Srifeuar.
TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1901.
Mr. and MrB, T. C. Patterson re
liirnpH frnm flmnlm Tliio morn in nr.
s.uw4 ..V... a..... ...... .......a. aaa
T C -
niisa Jennie ouyrcs icaycH in
day or two for a visit with triends
at Julcsburg.
Neal Turpie will entertain
party of friends at the Turpie
ranch next Friday evening.
It is expected that everything
will be in readiness for opening
the bowling alley tomorrow.
Wanted A first class crew to
put up 320 acres of hay. Apply at
once Harrington & Tobin.
Congressman Neville has been iu
Omaha for a couple of days past
looking after business and pohtica
Father Kennedy went to Omaha
Sunday night to attend the annual
retreat of Catholic priests at Creigh
ton college,
15. R. Ripley began marketing
fine quality of red raspberries this
week, of which he will have quite
heavy crop.
Thus. O'Neal shipped by express
ychicrday a pointer pup to Porter
villc, Cal,, a distance ot over two
thousand miles.
Solomon In a Crltioal Condition.
A telegram rcccvcd late last
evening lrom V, T. Wilcox ad
drets:d to Julius Pizcr stated that
Sol Solomon was in a very bad con
dition and that thclattcr's relatives
should be notified. The Solomon
family who reside at Au Sable,
Mich., were at once wired.
A few Points ol Interest I r
that should not be lost sight of.
ROPE-Stackcr Rone, Hard
The rWrnm did not state iust
. . I rt , Ti r 1- " 1,
what turn Solomon's wound had -. wist ivopc, Manna ixopc in an
fnfcon. hut it . ....nnoiicd that SIZC3, anil tllC pHCC '0U KnOW IS
. . ?. m --i-i ?; :,.i. i.irifit
mg meaoscnceoi miss x nutinv, . . . ,.;,. ont ... The 'Jo'"' ?o-...v,i. aim -4-...v...
who is attending the N. h. A. aM tcicrrrt,,, created much surprise and
UCirOtt I f i ttitttit 1. a vntinrr ttinn'n
triends as it was supposed all
trict court enjoining the school aionir tijut Solomon's condition
board of Nichols precinct from wa8 noi dangerous.
allowing certain parties the rigut
to hold dances In the school house. Albert Scbals. has returned lrom
Stacker Rope, 10c per pound
Machine Oil, Eldorado Castor
Oil, the best on the market, goes
farthest, at 35c per gallon.
Mica, Castor Oil and Frazicrs.
COFFEE In your hay camp
..(. i lln in IfAIIH
Who was it said -A rolling stone a visit with relatives at Salt Lake. " - coffeeVold
gathers no moss?" It don't mat- The l.ullicrau .antes' am society jn North Platte that is equal to
tcr. Doollttle says "Moving goods will meet Thursday aiternoon witu our 12 cent bulk coltcc. Two
gather no dust." No old stock the president, Mrs. Syl. Friend. pounds of it is equal to any pack
allowed to gather there. Smaller Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peterson of affC coffee sold and you get
orders and fresh goods is Doolitle's Cheyenne, visited the former's C0,Tcc; mcn and tw
J 1 nnnnrlu rtf it ntKl vr.ll MMll nfVfl"
motto. parents in this city Sunday. J " "i7: " ...
The fireman of engine 1809 com- irT nnp,Icn cn,unrn .mn.1
urday evening front a trip to St. hag down on No. 4 last night nv e110 il ur for SI. 00 ner
Joe and other points. The weather gave out at Kimball and the brake- SnCi. Snowllake, irood as any
was so extremely hot and ice man kept her hot until Sidney was Minncanolis Hour retailed at
water so plenty that he came home reached, when another fireman was $1.25, for $1.10 per sack. Get
sick and Sunday aud yesterday secured. our prices on 500 pound lots.
was not able to look after much Road men say that the hot wind Swift and Co. 's Bacon, Hams,
business. n( Ttcrdnv wnn lelt n fnr n-et ai, SaltPork, Cooked Ham, Bonc-
The first four bonds of the Archer. This is very unusual, as Jess , Ham and Bologna, arc the
xiil nrsi iour oonus oi uic ' ,.(.i,iBB best, and they cost no more than
twentv thousand dollars iundinir the altitude at that point precludes ' 4linm
issue of 1887 will be paid this week the possibility ol frequent hot sively
by County Treasurer Scharmann. winds. Hammond Packing Co., of
The bonds are of denominations of Rev. C. P. Wimberly will deliyer Cheyenne, put up only absolutely
one thousand dollars each, aud a lecture before the summer school nurc iarti': we have it in 3. 5 and
hereafter four will fall due each students at the high school audi- 10 pound pails and it costs no
vear. the last four to paid July 1st, torium nrxt Friday evening. Mr, more than others.
1905. Wimberly'a subject wiU be 'Talk
and Talkers."
Clothing House,
Max Klrschbatiiii, Prop.
Great Summer
Clothing Sale.
$8.50 ?
Men's Blue Serge Suits
all wool, $io value, at
Men's $io and $12 all
wool suits, consisiing of
Black Cheviots, Unfinished
Worsteds and Fancy Cas-
smicrcs, at.
Chicago forecast for North Platte
and vicinity: Generally fair tonight
and Wednesday; cooler Wednesday.
The maximum temperature yester
day was 100; one year ago it was
8(. The minimum temperature
this morning was 72; one year ago
it was 66.
Conductor Dentlcr and brakemen
Healy, Hostetter and Rankin of
this city and Conductor Hubbartt
of Cheyenne went to Omaha Hub
morning to bring up a couple of
the ISpworth League specials which
will begin coining tomorrow. It
is understood there will be ten
sections of train No. 101 tomorrow
Claude Weingand devoted a cou
ple of hours this morning to catch
ing grasshoppers with a closer on.
Feed vour chickens irround
oyster shell and make them a
paying investment. Worth 24
cents per pound.
OATMEAL We load in
his alfalfa field just west of town. Prices as well as quality. We
The catch amounted to about five will sell you 9 pounds of the best
bushels. The work of extennina- DUiK oatmcal Ior 10 ccn8'
Ave will sell vou a 5 pound
nacKagc 01 uanncr uats, witn a
fancy decorated china bowl for
tiou will be continued for several
We learn that seyeral ont-door 30 cents.
laborers around town yesterday Bulk Gloss Starch for 5 cents
were compelled to cease work on per pound.
account ol the intense heat. The PRODUCE Wcarc receiving
weather bureau thermometcrlregis- enormous quantities of butter Sunday
j 1 . ...
tcred 100, but those on the streets oecause we pay more ior 11 man switch
1:.. :.. l 13.. !i x .... I
.. 111 mi.- .1-.I.1I1V 111 III 111 U W 1. I1I11IL' L IU US I .. r
i.i 11 uu tin 1111:11 ci i. lie ury i . , . , . . I joun 14
hot wind made the heat all the ana receive me n.gncsi price
Wc Lead in Price and Quality,
Men's Blue all-wool Serge Pants, S3 values, at $2.00
Men's Crash Coats 95c
Men's Crash Pants 75c
We have a few odd things which we offer you at odd
figures. We don't expect to come out even on them,
just want to get them out of the way.
Terrific Price Cutting in Boys' Clothing.
Odds and ends in Boys' Vcstce Suits, ages tf QtJ
3,. 4, 5 and 6, $3 and $4 values, at J
Boys' Knee Pants, 25 and 50c values, at jf,
Yes, we give the money back, but nobody ever
wants the money back.
Max Kirschbaum, Prop.
Exclusive agent for the Celebrated Carhart Overalls.
1 Railroad Notes. J
Switchman Bailey was discharge:)
for wrongly throwing a
more keenly felt.
Rev. J. A. Gearharl, who prior
to 1881 was pastor ol the I'rebbytcr-
Sam Grace returned Sunday from
. m a ry 1 ... t. . t.
st . r!ii 1 .. j 1 nrnn 111. wiirir in: 1 1: 1 1 1 c 1 . . . .
irf, uarrii: umuru .uiu uauguicr ' ian-cuurcu m mis city, and WUO is
lodge in tue con- . . . , r .tc,lfieId wiu
iniernaiionai vsso
ciation of Machinists. Kuroute
irf. uiirric uiimru aim uuuynii:r - . '
who had been visiting relatives at eented the local
Grand Junction. Col., returned vention of the lm
preach at the Presbyterian church
Kev. Gear-
home ast n irht. ciauoil ui wammnih .vu.uu . mnrnin.r
------ m , ...... . . . . .. irl- 1 '
Owing to the non-arrival of the nome ? erai l,.,e MO hart came here several weeks ago
1 . I.. , 1 Al I I ...!(. -Hu"l"u "u'u ""1 ' J"u" (n rimitnln ..,1 1,. I,nn4l...
ICni. IVVUIIKCIISI 1 LWUUU UlIU YVIIC ... ... " I"- " IJUO UWtll lilt
.a.v irnest of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. Her
. L 1 ! . ..1
noi yev ucmg ... ..uc. ...a Bh dividing the time between
uaa a yery pieasani inF. . . , ,,,..,..
A special meeting of the members He is enjoying his stay very much
of the Commercial CluS will be and is rapidly gaining Htrcngth.
held next Thursday evening and it I He has many old-time friends in
is earnestly requested that every town who will be glad to hear his
member be present. Several discourse and again shake his
Questions which affect North
Platte people will be up for dis
cussion aim action, uci every
member attend even if the
weather is warm.
will not be able to begin their
meetings this evening.
The attendance at the summer
fccliool was increased to sixty-two
yesterday. This is a very gratify
ing attendance to the instructors.
Father Haley in a letter to F. T.
Kedmond sayB that be is visiting
his brother Peter Haley in Phila
delphia and will probably remain
there for some time,
T. M. C. A. NOTES.
Mr. John J. Pressler, a member
of this association, lias accepted a
Some unregenerate fellow stole a
half dozen of V. J. Roche's black
Laugshan chickens Sunday night,
whereat Mr. Roche is pretty darn
mad. He ia not the only person
who has suffered from the depra-
dation of chicken thieves. and
there is now on foot a movement to
organize a vigilance committee who
will pay special attention to the
chicken houses. If a thief is caught
he will not be taken into court, but
iustead will be rode out out of
town on a rail. A fellow who is
mean enough to steal chickens
doesn't deserve to live in a respecta
ble community.
The Gordon Cornet baud will
give a concert on Wednesday
evening of next week, July 17th, at
the court house park. If the citi
XXXX Coffee 3 pUgs. .. , . . .25 zeus desire thcfce weekly couccrts
Will do more work iffed
on our groceries.
Wc Sell
Snow Flake Patent Flour
per sack $1.00
Gothenburg- Best Patent
Flour per sack 1.10
2lb Sack Corn 25
35-oz, can K. C. Baking;
Powder , 20
10-n con Kf 0. IWdng
v Pow der , , . .OR
Corn Starch pep pkg , .05
Lion Coffee 2 pkgs
Arbuckle's Coffee 3 pkgB.,. .
position in the Rio Grande shops at Mjxed carload of Imported German
1-lb pkg Church's Soda. .
J -lb pkg Dwight's Soda .
Yeast Foam 2 pkgs
Vinegar per gal
White Wine Vinegar per gal
I continued during the season, the
baud will be glad to do to if suffi
cient funds to purchase sheet music
arc donated. For several years
Un Time Yeast -'pugs us paht lnm; weekly concerts have
20 b:en a pleasant e itcrla'niug fc; t ire
,25 for our reople, and we doubt not
boys arc will
in it to contribute tneir time to
140 lb Sack Salt. ... . 1.05 practice and playing purely the
Horse Shoe Tobacco per business men and others should be
pjUg. 45 willing to Contribute the necessary
Star Tobacco per pluir 35
V Keroaene Oil per gnl 15 bl1 llic necessary funds to ins
... t, , , . their continuance can easily be
V.waltor Baker's Cocoa tf-lb curcd( u,c band , v
Battle Ax Tobacco per plug .35
Store onen evenings until 8
WilcoK DupMtmBnt fM.
Stoves stored. Gasoline stoves
repaired and enameled. Good
second hand gasoline stoves lor
Bale cheap. Western Stove Repai
Work, two doors cast of Eirb
National Bank.
W. F. McGlone.
Judge O'Rourkc is up from Gaslin
precinct today transacting business.
The members of the local
ISpworth League will extend greet
ings to many of the delegates who
pass through town this week,
Wm. Chambers moved his hay
outfit to Maxwell yesterday where
he has leased considerable land on
which he will tut the hay.
Frank Erica son who was up
from Gaslid precinct yesterday said
the grasshoppers are doing consid
erable damage to corn in that sec-tiou.
Received at Schlesinger's Louvre,
Burnan, West Denver, Colo,
Say, men! Do you need a bath?
Why not join the Y. M. C. A.
where you can cet $25 worth ot
privileges for 53.00 per year.
The meetiug held in the rooms
ast Sunday directed by Mr. A. Mc-
Nichol was a good one.
A number of young men have
been visiting other associations.
Qne of the first places they came to
on returning to the Platte was the
rooms over the Star restaurant,
their own Y. M. C. A. Their ver
dict isi North Platte association
is as goo:l au any of them, and
better than most of them.
Ueer Culmbacher and Wald
Hcliloeschen. Up to last Saturday reports from
the country precincts were that
corn was still in very good shape.
However, days like yesterday
would have a telling c fleet aud un
less rain falls this week the outlook
for the crop in many precincts will
be pretty slim.
The average daily temperature
for the past thaee weeks has been
about three degrees warmer than
for the same period last year. It
has been a long stretch of hot
weather and has had a withering
effect upon cyen the most ambiti
ous. For Sale
Second hand phaeton, cheap; or
will trade for good cow or calves.
Dick, who ia firing a
switch engine at Sidney, spent
Saturday iu town.
S. C. Mccombcr returned yester
day morning from Omaha where he
had been transacting O. R. C. bus
iness for several dayp.
While In town Sunday M. K.
Barnum stated that a division lore
man for this point would be here
within the next week or ten days.
The Sidney Telegraph says that
notwithstanding the sweeping re
duction of the U. P. force at that
place the company will still pay
out about $3,000 per month to em
ployes .
Five train crews will come down
from Denver tonight to take back
Epworth League specials tomor
row. Nearly all the special ' traitiB
will go via Denver over the Rio
Grand Western.
Train No. 5 had liye Pullmans
and three chair cars this morning
and every scat was occupied. A
majority of the passengers were
euroute to Frisco to attend the 10.
L. convention.
The first of the many special
trains bearing delegates to the 10p-worth-League
convention at San
Ffancisco will pass through to
night. Wednesday and Thursday
will probably be the days on which
the greatest number of specials
will go through. The order sent
here to prepare for forty-eight
trains has not yet been modified,
and it is believed that that number
will go through over the Union
Ik Dazslaa Tho World.
No Discovory in niodluino lins oyer
orotitod ono quarter ot tho oxuitomont
tlmtlniB boon uausori by Dr. Kiiiu'h Now
DiBcovory for Consumption. It's savor
ost tosta hnvo boou on liopolons vlutlma
ot Conmiinptlon, Pnouiiioiiiii, llmuor
rluiKo, Pleurisy mid Hronuhilltj, thous
nnds of whom it linn restored to porfeut
health. For CoukIih, CoUIh, Asthma,
Croup, liny Fever, HorsonoBH and
WhnopltiK Couuh it is tho quiukuBt,
surest euro in tho world. It is sold by
A. F. Stroitz. who fjuarnnteeB BiitlBfiu:
tion or rotund tnonoy. Lnrno bottloB
TOo nnd Sl.'R). Trial boltlos froo. i
irst and Best Fair of the Season
All Attractions of High Order.
Concert Music a Special Feature.
Grand Fourth of July Celebration.
Genuine Mexican Bull Fights.
Everybody Invited .
Reduced Rates From All Points.
Don't Fail to Come.
JULY 2 TO 13.
Tho Rooky Mountain reulonH of Colo-
ironich Ml08tv,ll4li!10 Fni,.? Pn.0,!i0 Inquire at this office
provide- lnvishly for tho health 1
invalid and tho pleasure of tho tourlHt.
Amid those rugged atoopB nro to bo
found tomo of the most charming nnd
restful spots on earth. Fnlry lakes
noetlod amid Bunny ponks, nnd olimato
that oheorB and exhilarato. Tho
Summer Excursion Bates
put in effect by tho Union Pacific en
able you to roach theno favored localities
without unnecessary oxpondituroof ttmo
or money.
One Tare for tho Round Trip
Child's Patent Leather Slip
pers, 5 to 8 per pair
Girl's Patent Leather Slip
pers 8 to 11 per pair. . ..
Misses' Patent Leather Slip-
plus 82.00 from Mbaourl River, in ,r " " "
Juno 18th to .TOth; July loth to Auimi i Child 's Red Kid Slippers 5
11 4 T I I - v - -
Tho Union Pacillo will also eell tickets
on , juiy iHt to mil nuluBivo. September Girl's Red Kid Slippers 8
1st to 10th no'iis vo. nt. ftir.nn f. ii... 11 '
round trip from Missouri Itivor noit ta to 11 Pcr Pa,r I'25
Return limit October SI, 1001. ' C4 .
Proportionately low rntos from intor- frc pcn evenings Until 8
mediate poiuta. nVWfc
Full information chcorfully funded
Upon application. ,,.,,-.. . .. .
wnuax uepatumeni tore.
-pint Jelly Tumblers, tin
tops, per doz 30
Plain Glass Tumblers per set .20
Plain Thin Tumblers per set .30
Fancy Thin Tumblers pcr set .45
Needle Etched Thin Tumb
lers per set 50
Store onen cveninirs until 8
Wilcox Department Store
A Poor Millionaire
Latoly ntarved in London bccauBO ho
ootild not digest hla food. Early ufo of
Dr. Kinir'a Now Llf Tills would have
8ii vou him. 'llioy strongmen ino oiom
ach. a d ingestion, nrnmou) aBHimuauon
laiprovo appetite. Price 2.rjo, Money
, Stroitz, di'i'ml.
A full lino of
Embroidery Silk, Lunch jf'
Cloths, Sofa Pillows,
Stump Linona of all kinda. Stamp
ing i-auorna, jmiirotuory Noodles' A
a uu noojifl. w
t,rTAnyone biiylriK Jl 00 worth of f
Silk or l.laenH will receive one free A
Ichkoii, b
Mrs. II. J. CLARK.
At Mrs. Scliarmann'H.onnoHltc M. B.
Oliurcli. A
Genoral Kepuirort
Special attention driven to