The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 21, 1901, Image 8

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    Local News m Briol. s
Mi A, Brown, editor of the Kcar
uey Hub, spent yesterday in town,
Almost new range for sale, cheap
Geo. Dttlancy. Block south-cast of
high school building.
The Sisters, who had been con
ducting the Nativity Convent, left
Wednesday for Concordia, Kan
W. V. Hoagland returned Wed
nesday night from Lincoln. His
wife will continue her visit there
for a week or so.
Baptist church, J. D. Pulis, pas
tor. Subjects morning 'Lost
Power," evening The Greater than
Solomon". You are invited.
Lester Walker, Jr., was in Den
ver the early part of the week on
business connected with the pro
posed electric light plant.
Do you know that Doolittlc has
the lovlicst line of Pocket-Books in
the city? One entire show case de
voted to Pocket-Books Irom 5 cents
to $6.00.
The committee having in charge
the sporting events for the Fourth
of July arc preparing one of the
moat attractive programs ever
given in town. Country residents
who desire to pass an exciting as
well as pleasant Fourth of July
should come to North Platte.
A seven room house for sale on
reasonable terms. Inquire of Mrs.
L. Boguc, or at thio office.
Tuesday attcrnoou the Tobin
ball nine defeated the Friend nine
by a score of seventeen to six.
The batteries were Tobin and San
dall, and Friend and Cohcgan.
The same teams will play on the
Had City Attorney Ray found a
atatutc of the law under which
Johnston and Jones could have
been arrested, tried and convicted,
he certainly would have advised
Mr. Hcysc to have filed a complaint
against them. Mr. Hcyse's admis
sion that Johnston and Jones had
caused him no damage, knocked
out about the only prop under
which they could have been placed
under arrest
The Rev. Mr. Swing once said
that a novel is the world's truth
with a beautiful woman walking
through it". Generally, we may
add, with a man after her. Doo
littlc has a new invoice of the
latest novels.
The people ot the south side arc
making arrangements for holding a
basket picnic at Stcbbin's grove,
six miles southwest of town, on
July 4th. Addresses will be made
by W. C ISldcr and J. J. Halligan
and a program of music will be
rendered. Mr. Stebbins will fur
nish free hay for teams and plenty
of good water is available. The
public generally is invited to at
tend. One of the best ball games of the
season was played on the local
grounds Wednesday afternoon be
twecn the North Platte Juniors
and the night round-house force.
lOlcvcn innings were necessary to
decide tho contest, the score stand
ing four to two in favor of the
round house employes. Mercer
and Ouimcttc formed the battery
lor tnc employes, and Priest, Arm
strong and Vernon for the Juniors.
Our Shoes arc so skillfully and carefully
modeled that they require no "breaking in' J
if properly fitted to the foot. There's com- j
fort from the first wearing. Get fitted here; !
you'll have easy feet, longer wearing, better
looking and always stylish Shoes, !
Tan Shoes will add to your comfort these !
warm days. They attract less heat and let j
""ore air. There's a big variety of leathers j
5 and styles here. Choose any you like, it I
will be right.
$3.00, $3.50, $5.00.
! Yellow Front Shoe Store,
8 door south P. o.
Seasonable Goods at
Reasonable Prices.
to -
checks equal in quality, make and lit to any $20.00 Suit, at
Cheaper suits
$13.50, 9.00 and as Low as 4.50.
Stout Men, Long Men, Short Men, Fat Men, Thin
Men, in fact men of every build, can be perfectly fitted
without any or very slight alterations.
Our Trousers Department is now at its best; several
handsome styles to choose from at from
75c to 5.00 a Pair.
All Wool Trousers
W. A. VOLLMER, Proprietor.
to 8
to I
For sale 1,000 bushels of shelled
corn. Inquire of N. B. Spurrier.
W. A. Stone, of Dcs Moines,
Iowa, spent Wednesday in town as
the gucBt of C. I. and W. A. Voll
mcr while enroute to Seattle. Mr.
Stone is an attorney and lor scycral
years practiced in Washiugton,
D. C.
The supply of butter coming in
from the country is considerably
greater than the local demand, and
merchants arc making shipments
east. LaBt Monday W. F. Mc
Glonc shipped about one thousand
pounds, and yesterday shipped
another lot ol about five hundred
Members of the Buffalo Bill Gun
Club arc doing considerable target
practice these dayB and arc making
some excellent scores. Yesterday
afternoon Geo. Carter broke thirty
eight blue rocks out ol forty, miss
ing two out of the first five and
then breaking thirty-five straight.
Geo. Winkowitch, shooting at
doubles, made a straigh bcotc.
N()rUl ii,atlCi Ncl)(
Men's Fashionable Suits, in
serviceable fancy Cheviots in
checks and stripes and standard
black, blue and gray worsted
Splendid values for
stores ask
$15.00 for same
A superb array of Men's Fash'
ionablc Suits, Superbly Tailored f
from high-class fancy Worsteds, M
Mack and Blue Serges, extra- f
ordinary value to
Men's extremely Fashionable
Suits made from the finest
American Clay-Worsteds. Also
fancy Worsteds in stripes and
A worthy family in the couutry is
destitute ol clothing Man, wife
and five children, oldest girl oi 13.
Will somebody gather up what can
be spared of their cast offu and let
me know?
Jamks M. Ray, Poormastcr,
Advertising agent Primrose, ol
Gentry's pony show, spent Wednes
day in town putting up advertising
matter. The show this season is
larger than last, having six cars
instead of four. The date in this
city is July 1st.
For Saw: Set of farm harness
cheap. Good as new. See J. Bill-
The land contest of Alex Brown
against Jcpsen, which was heard a
couple of weeks ago before the
local U. S. laud officers, has been
decided in favor of Brown. The
case will probably be appealed to
the land commissioner at Washing-
oir. aim airs. iv. j. i.ewioii came
up trom Brady Tuesday evening
and will take up a residence in one
ol the Cody houses in the Second
wnru. iiv, icwion lias oeen ser
i . i
iously ill for some time, and he has
been brought here in order to re
ceivc medical attendance.
bol holomon tells us that he will
engage in bustuess at Sutherland
and will have a store opened there
in time for the fall trade. He
thinks that village ia one of the
best business points for its size
that he has ever seen. He was up
at Sutherland yesterday utakinir
arrangements lor a room,
ii. .n i
li.uui ,1 u.iy passes out some
one comes into the store and says:
"1 see by the paper that you have
sucli anil such a thing." That is
what advertising docs. Watch
these columns for information
about Doolittle's stock.
The committee solicting hinds
for the Fourth of July celebration
succeeded in obtaining about $325,
and have not yet completed the
work. There will be plenty of
funds to insure a good celebration,
and the fire department, which will
have entire charge of the program,
will give the people a day of sports
long to be remembered. The pro
gram will be published next week.
Sowart Again Promoted,
Alex Stewart, who was promoted
from division foreman at IOvanston
to a similar position at this place
only a few weeks ago, has, at the
suggestion of President Burt, been
given the supcrintcndcncy of the
big U. P. shops at Cheyenne.
This position was abolished a few
ycarB agot but has been rc-estab-
ished, and Mr. Stewart was con
sidered the best and most available
man. The chance is an advance
ment for Mr. Stewart, the salary
being larger and the duties greater
than in the position held here.
Mr. Stewart went to Chevenne
Wednesday night and assumed his
duties yesterday. This promotion
bears out the prediction rcccntlv
made in these columns that Mr.
Stewart is the coming man in the
motive power department of the
Union Pacific.
It is understood and Bcmi-offici-
illy announced that the position of
division foreman here has been
offered to Matt Wilkins. who has
been in charge of the company's in
terests at Grand Island. He is
rated as one of the best motive
power men on the road, being an
expert in mechanism.
A fine, registered Polled Angus
bull for sale very cheap.
Tnos. B. Doomttmj.
Rev. J. F. Scibcrt has accepted
an invitation to deliver an address
at Gandy on July 4th.
Mrs. Elizabeth Donaldson ex
pects to erect a residence this sum
mer on the cast lot of her premises
on West Fourth street.
M. J. Colin, oue of the earliest
settlers of Cottonwood precinct,
was in town Wednesday making
final proof on his homestead.
Carpenter work began this week
on tnc Ericsson House on west
Fourth street. It will be one of
the best cottages on that street.
A new invoice of New Books at
Doolittle's. Stop at the window
and look at them.
Dr. Julia M. Donahue, a returned
missionary from China, will speak
at the Methodist church next Sun
day morning at 10:30. The theme
of the speaker's address will be
missionary work.
The county commissioners began
Tuesday attcrnoon to sit as a board
of equalization and have been de
voting most of their time so far to
comparing assessments in the
various precincts, which they find
rather unequal. So lar few tax
payers have appeared to make com
plaints against their assessments.
Two men named Pesky and Har
ris were arrested Wednesday even
ing lor using obscene and vulgar
language to Rev. Wimberly, who
afterwards filed the complaint.
The men were drunk and deserved
a cood thrashing, and this Mr.
Wimberly felt at first inclined to
do. A number of ladies were with
in hcarinfr distance when the
drunken galoots made their attack
on the minister.
Bo You Want a Homo?
We have three residence properties
n good repair, $1,000 each. It you
can pay rent you can own oue ot
these places.
& Are not as stylish as they were. What few we have
V in stock we will sell you t$t
At Reduced Prices. $
v $1.10 price now
& Misses' Tan Shoes, size 124
vp price now $1.10 p
$ Misses' Tan Shoes, size 12J4 to 2 regular price $l.f0, f
! price now $1.25
J Misses' Tan Shoes, size 12J4 to 2, regular price $1.S5, 0
price now $1.45
Little Gents' Tan Shoes, size ') to 13, regular price
$1.75, price now $1.35 A
Ladies' Tan Shoes, regular
Ladies' Tan Shoes, regular
W Ladies' Tan Strap Sandals,
0 price now
$ Men's Tan Shoes, regular price $2.50, price now $1.90 $
These goods will wear well and are made on late style
J lasts. Remember we keep the best wearing shoes in
A North Tlatte. X
t tSTStore open evenings until S o'clock. &
Wilcox Department Store.
Miss Coatcs went to Lincoln
Wednesday morning.
J. 10. Bvaus has returned from a
business trip to Lincoln.
Mrs. F. W. Riuckcr and children
lctt this morning for Chicago,
F. W. Rincker has improved his
residence by having it repainted,
Mrs. Bd Rcbhausen left Wednes
day for a visit with Omaha friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Bugcne Picard
went to Brady Wednesday morn
ing. Frank Hoy and several other
Garfield residents were in town
W. R. Mclvecn spent Wednesday
in town while enroute from Omaha
to Cheyenne.
Mrs. W. M. Cunningham and
sou leave next week lor a visit with
relatives in Portland.
Chas, McNamara came down
from Wyoming Wednesday to at
tend the wedding of his sister.
Misses Kate and Margaret Gil
man leave next Tuesday for a visit
with Iricnds at Seattle, Wash.
Managers Graves and Richards,
of the ball team, returned from the
east part of the state this week.
Frank Mooney will probably at
tend the Bpworth League conven
tion at San Francisco next month.
Miss Tecnia Dick left Wednes
day night for Greensboro, N. C,
where she will visit relatives until
September 1st.
J. S. Hoagland returned last
night from Hayes Centre where he
had been transacting business
connected with the Odd Fellows
We will close our Store at 9
A. M. July Uli, and will not
open until 7:30 A. M. July 5tli.
The strawberry season is now
drawing to a close in this section
and the prices have advanced this
week to 121 cents yer box for home
grown berries. The berry crop
haB been the source ot a nice
revenue for Messrs. Otten and Rip
ley. The committee of five appointed
by the Kearney Presbytery to in
vestigate the source of the anony
mous letter received by Rev. Verner
and also to make inquiry in regard
to other matters pertaining to the
Presbyterian church of this city,
held its fir&t session Tuesday night,
with following sessions on Wed
nesday and yesterday and closing
its work last evening. The scs
sions were held in secret, and the
witnesses summoned one at a time,
nearly every member of the congre
gation appearing before the com
mittee. This committee will
make its report to the presbytery
at a special meeting soon to be
held, and until then the findings of
the committee will not be known
'JS l
to 2, regular price $1.35, $
price $2.00, price now. . . .$1.55 j
price $3.00, price now.. . .$2.25 4
regular price $1.50, t
$1.25 fc
JLUU 111! tiOU 1U1U UVU1 D11UVYU
in the city
Prices far Below
Last Year.
Make your selections early.
You will find just what
you want at
Furniture Store
Twenty-five years ago, on May
20, 1875, the Hebron Journal made
this observation, and it yet lnlds
good: "The grasshoppers, about
which so much has been said, do
not come as a judgment, nor as the
result of an accidental freak of
nature, but as the natural and
legitimate result of the wholesale
destruction of bird?, which has
been carried on so wantonly in the
Do You No oil n Pavomont?
I am prepared to lay brick or
cement pavement on short notice
and at prices as low as anybody.
Work guaranteed to be firtt-class.
Let me give you figures.
Con Wai.kkr.
Stoves stored. Gasoline, stoves
repaired and enameled. Good
second hand gasoline stoves lor
sale cheap. Western Stove Repair
Works, two doors east of First
Horses Tor Salu.
By Joseph Ilershey,
street, North Platte, Neb.
Do You Want Hay Land?
Get prices and terms on 340 acres
on north river, seven miles from
North Platte. 240 acres southwest
of North Platte about five miles
and 300 acres one mile from city.
These lands arc cheap and will sell.
Buchanan & Patterson.
A s uinmer school for teachers and
prospective teachers will be held
at North Platte. Term, six weeks,
beginning July 1st. Tuition, $5.
Instructors, 15. Lance Jones and
O. W. Neal.
All branches required for a sec
ond grade county certificate will
be taught,
Further information will be
cheerfully furnished upon request.
Bertha Thogmjcke
Co. Supt.
Do you Play Ball?
We have a full line of
Base Ball Goods.
We Sell
Rcachc's League Ball $1.00
Best Louisville Slugger Bat
Taped 85
Louisville Slugger Bat 70
Men's Wagon Tongue Bat.. .30
Rcachc's Black Enameled
Wire Mask, with Neck
Protector $2.50
Men's Amateur Bright Wire
Mask 80
Boys' Amateur Bright Wire
Mask 80
Also a full line of Balls and
Bats for the Boys.
Wilcox Department Store,
cJuiY 2727 13 INCLUSIVE 50
First and BcsairoMhcJason
All Attractions High Order.
ConccrtMusic a Special Feature,
Grand Fourth of July Celebration.
Genuine Mexican Bull Fights.
Everybody Invited
Reduced Rates From All Points.
Don't Fail to Come.
JULY 2 TO (3.