$fec tmt- WffMH BrHmtw FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1901. I IRA Ii BARE, EniTon awd PnoPBiKTOR 8UI180IIIPTION BATES. On Vtfir, cnhlnlYnc, 1,25 Bli Monthi, eh in advance 7B Cnt" nratheNorthritt(Nbrrt)poioffleiM eood-otaiimttUr. Additional Local. SiinrifT Kclihcr took in the ball game at Kearney Wednesday re turning the same night. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Hoagland ex pect to leave tomorrow for a visit with relatives in Lincoln. h. 13. Hcskctt of Birdwood was in town Thursday and reported every thing O. K. itf that country. Mrs S. 13. Bangs left Wednesday night for Dcs Moines, la., where She Will make an CXtcnUCO VlSll. The Uniscopal guild held their ecmi-monthly social this afternoon at the home of Mtb. A. F. Parsons, 13berly Woodmansce is filling the position of chief clerk in the post office during the absence of Albert Sdiatz. 13 A. Carv and Butler Buchanan who attended a session ot tiic Kearney prsbytcry in Grand' Island returned home Wednesday. ier ion .Irivs onlv: two storv. six room house and three lots for $735 or cattle. ... MissAUUa KOCKcnnas acccpicu an invitation todo institute work at Sidney. The institute at that place begins on inc oi June. Syd Lcntz of Wallace transacted business in town Wednesday. Mr. Lcntz BayB that prospects for crops in his neighborhood is good this BCason. There are on an average about fifty tramps passing through this city cycry day. Most of them how- ever, spend but little time in town, leaving the day they arrive. Mrs. I. N. Dempscy ot Moorciieia ia the irucBt of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Cunnintrham. On her return home Mrs. Cunningham will accompany her for a brief visit. Alfred A. Oilman returned Wed- ncsday uiht from Philadelphia where he graduated from a thco locical colleirc. He will be ordained to the diaconate next Sunday. If it isn't an Eastman it isn't a kodak, and Doolittle is aijent for Eastman's goods One of Harrington & Tobin's de hyery teams took a spin around town WedncRuay noon causing puitc a little excitement, The team was finally caught in the south part of town, No damage resulted except to the wagon. A trayeling photographer struck the city this week and took a num- NT.H. TJInltn fr.lom Tlinorlni, If waB his intention to sell the pic tttres around town, but finding that the pnvclegc would cost him $15 iu order to Bccurc license he decided that the game was not worth the candle, and went iarthcr cast. The Nebraska Teacher is making arrangements for a state spelling contest. The list of words for this contest was published in the June number ot that paper. At each county lustitute those attending will spell for the championship. The best spcllcrB will be chosen to rcnrctieut that county at the state teachers' meeting. A prize of from iifty to one hundred dollars will be J giyen to the winner in the state contest. Such a match will be held in connection with the Imcoln county teachers' institute. OVERALLS AND JUMPERS Kailroad cut, same style '"as Carhart's, made of same weight goods, buttons put on with rings. Price, what our prices always arc, KIGHT. Blue and, White Stripe per suit x $1.40 Overalls 70 Jumper 70 HEAVY 1JLUIC DISNIM, same weight vou imv from $2.00 to $2.25 per suit for Overalls 80 Jumper .80 Suit $l.f0 HluStorc open evenings until b o'clock. Wilcox Department Store. Judgo Soughorty Send. Judge Kay received a telegram this forenoon annottiicinir the death at Denver of Kalph C. Dougherty, father of Mrs. Ray. Judge Dougherty was one of the pioneer settlers of North Platte and a prominent and influential citizen during his residence here. lie served a term as county clerk, and as a justice of the peace in the earlv life of the city administered justice without fear or favor, All our old-time citizens knew Judge Dougncrty and they will regret to learn of his death. Owing to slack business ten fire men were suspended at this point today by the Union Pacific. Chicago weather forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Show ers and thunder storms tonight and Saturday. The Kensington of the Ladies' Society of the B. of h. F. will be held at the home of Mrs. A. 13. iaica iiuai iiicBuay .uicriiuuii. Mrs. Pitt, who has been conduct- ing the Farmers' Home restaurant has sold out to Mrs. Jenkins, who lok possession today. Henry Rcbhauscn a few days ago purchased a half interest in the Vienna restaurant and is giving the business his personal attention, rnc rainiaiuasi nigiit was l.u: inches. Thus far the rainfall for me montu lias ueen -'.Ob, as corn pad with fif ty-cightli one hun- dredth ol an inch for the same pe- nod of last year. ... marriairc todav in Ciilcatror to Jom D Kya( Among the wedding prc8Ct8 ;9 a beautiful silver berry 8et fron, 1Jridc of Nebraska No. 1. L. O. T. M, of this city, Miss Yhitc having been a faithful mcin- bcr of this lodge for a number of years. At the meeting of tlio Konrnp.v a ; Presbytery at Grand Island Tues- day a committee was appointed to thoroughly investigate the trouble and dissension ot the Presbyterian i - church of this city. It is hoped mat inc inaucr may uc peaceably settled and the members be able to work m harmony SHIRTS AND NIGHT SHIRTS. Men's Fancy Shirts with . collars 50 Men's Fancy Shirts detach able collars . . . . , 50 Men's Fancy Shirts band collars 50 Men's Unlaundricd White Shirts 50 Men's Fancy Shirts all SIV1CS IS cns irancv Shirts all SIJ ICS 81.00 Men's Muslin NiVht Shirts. .50 Men's Muslin Night Shirts, extra line ipl.U Men's Outing- Flannel Night Shirts 50 Made by the Wood Mftr Co., it. Tir I .ii ci.!. -i rvz llllU IIIU tYilUIIllHUll oiuri uu. iiQX.Storc open evenings until 8 o'clock. I Wilcox Department Store. All Kinds oi $HOE REPAIRING 5 Ml Mu AND Volvo t IZnhlyov ioc.s (the best) at C. NEWMAN'S U M Mi Mi Mi Ml Ml Ml Ml REPAIR SHOP. Corner of Sixth ami Locum Street. 1 ONE FAKE Plus $2.00 for the ROUND TRIP to CHICAGO, ILL. For Summer Sessions Kduca- tional Institutions at Chicago, iiuriug- .nine, ivui, me UNR)N PACIFIC will sell tickets June 12 to 15 inclusive, from all noints on its lines iu Kansassind Ne braska, at the above greatly re duced rate. Final return limit September 1MI1, l'JUl. For full information, call on JAB. B, SCANLAN, Agent. The body of an unknown train P was lounu ucau near uotnicr, a sidetrack on the Denver branch. seven miles from Alliance Wedncs day. No marks were on the body and it is not known whether he fell irottt a train or was struck by light- ning. The remains were taken to Sidney. u JL.yH Every womnn in the country ought to know nbout issuer's Friend Those who do know about it wonder how they over fjotnlont; without it. It lias robbed child birth of its terrors for many a young wife It has preserved her girlish figure nntl saved her much suffering. It is nn external lini ment niul carries with it therefore, nbsolutcly no danger of upsetting tlio system ns drugs taken intern ally are apt to do. It is to be rubbed into the abdomen to soften nml strengthen the muscles which aro to bear the strain. This means much les9 pain. It also prevents morning sickness and all of the other discomforts of nrcininiicv. A druggist of Macon, Ga., says: " I have sold a largo quantity of Mother's Friend and have never known an instance where it has failed to produce the good results claimed for it." A prominent lady ot Lam- berton, Ark., writes: "With my first six children 1 was in labor from 24 to 30 hours. After using Mother's Friend, my seventh was born in 4 hours." Oct Mother's 1'rlciiri attticdruir More, 91.00 iter liotllu. THE URADHELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, CA. Will for our fret llla.lr.t.1 lKlr, "BEFOBE BABY STEBBINS' STABLE. Liycry, Feed, Boarding- and Sale. NEW RIGS, Accommodations Good. FCC(i cr team to haw 35 cents a night; noon feed 15 cents. L. C. Stebbins, 'Phono 101. North Platte, - - Nubrnsku. He's Had a Fit which becomes him immensely, mainly because we gave it to him Our made to order suits hanjr on the wearer as naturally as the bark on a tree. There's nothing- stiiT. awkward nr in mil' wnv J -"j suggestive of ready-made com promises for the real thine in any of our artistic dress creations. woolens, genuine; patterns, handsome; styles, correct; prices, squar. F. J. fitoekei'. c Stitch in Time Saves Nine Is a trite old saying, and is particularly true when applied io ouoes. uur Dusiness is to mend Shoes, and people eive us tho credit of IfttnwittiT nnr himinoqq frmn n tnv Tfvr.nr c w!.' i v I llltllUHiy, UllUy Uicm Here. G-eovge Tekulve. YKLL0W 1'KONT SHOE 8T0HE. CALL ON I. TK. FORT T'Olt II D M I) nml aIiai U. I .11.11. (111(1 OlJllil J( 00,000 acres of U. P. K. R. and other lauds for sale.. . BARGAINS IN RANCHES AND PASTURE LANDS. Olllco iu Ottouatoln Block. NORTH PUflTTE, NEB. WW Drugs, Paints, Varnishes, OILS, ALABASTINE, PAINT BRUSHES, TOILET SOAPS, Perfumes, Liquors and Cigars. CITY PHARMACY, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. j UY lilt, L. II. Z,OA'GJ31 . i 1 r r Davis, the Hardware Man. I1' Wc sell Masury's Paint, if your house looks like a fright, Paint it, or how will it look bv the nuw uujctkic ught? A To keep hot or cold, purchase i. Gasoline Stove, r V r C TT 1 -KT ...1 ui win iiuruwai u man wnom If you like'sport wc havcGuns, Fish Hook and Lines, , Bicvclcs and Hammocks to help you kill time. Bring- in your repair work and old gasoline stoves, They will promptly be repaired where nobody owes, xu v or Kakcs, llocs and Shovels, Ot Knives, Razors and Scissors, wc still have a few, Can give you a sole or heel for f' uur I'ots, rans and ivcttics anu Aluminum ware, "Will open your eyes and cause you to stare, "Wire Netting-, for Poultry, Screen Wire for Hies, And for a plumber wc have captured a genuine prize. (t lJ il 11 iJ (il (i (VJ fcj (VJ 1,' I: mi m Cent Cigar to AT SOHEMALZRIEnD'S. ASK ANY PAINTER ABOUT HEATH & MILLIGAN PAINTS c The North t., a 'Free Sample Shade Cards. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C. V. BEDELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Onicoa: North Tlntto Nntional Bnnk Building, North Plntte, Neb. ?. K UENN1S' M D" IIOMOEOPATIIIST, Ovsr First National Unnk, NOIIT1I l'LATTK. NEI1HA8KA. J, S. Hoagland, W. V. Hoaomnd Hoagland & Hoagland, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS Onloo over McDonald's llnak. NOHT11 l'LATTK, NEB. yiLCOX & IIALLIQAN, ATTORNE YS-AT-LAW, WOltTll l'LATTK, - - - NKUHAHKA OlUca over North I'lntte Notional Unnk. tt S. KIDQELY, J 1 . ATTORNE V-AT-L AW. Otllco MoDonahl Ulook, Dewoy stroot NORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA yt. G. 1J. DENT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ollice over I'ost Ollice. Tckpliouu 115. North l'lntto, - - NobniBlui A. 11. DAVIS, i A'LTO I IN 13 Y-AT-L A V. NORTH l'LATTK,, - - NEBRASKA Gnuly UlocU Rooma 1 &2. 7H l O. I'ATTRltSON, ' KTTORNBY-KT-LHW, Olllco ovor Yollow Front Shoo Storo NORTH 1LATTE, NKB. F. ROCHE, A'lIO UN E Y. AT. LAW, HlNMAN HI.OCK, - Dl'.WKY StRKKT, North Pi.atte, Nkiuiabka. a Refrigerator, Kanyc or , . nouoay owes. Nozzles, Sprinklers, Hose, I yonr shoe. (j fc fcVJ (V) (j (J bt fcSJ 41 tl (J fc bVJ 1 1' Platte Pharmacy, Exclusive Agents. FOR SALE. FARM WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS TOP BUGGIES, And all kinds of Farm flflaehinepy. Standard Goods at Reasonable Prices. LOCK & SALISBURY NORTH PLATTE. Wm. Gaxiivt, Blacksmith mid Wngonitiaker. Horse Shoeing a Specialty Horse Shoeing $4 per Team. Also reductions 111 the price of all otlicr worK. work LMiaraiucud or money refunded. Give us a call Locust street south of Yost' harness store. J. F. FILL10N, Plumber, Tinworkcr General Repairer. Special attention given to WHEELS TO RENT LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE FOIt I'UIILIOATION. Loud onice fit North I'lntte, Nob., Mny 18, 1901. Notice In lierrbr olvon thnt tho foltowiniMinmed pettier has Oleil notice of his Intention to mnke flnnl proof In support of his clnlm, nml lhnt snld proof will be mnde before Register nml ltecelrer t North I'latle.Neb., on July Mb, 1001, vlzs JUIIN II, JKNKI.NM, ho made homestead rntrv No. 1T731 for the nortlienst qunrter of section 28, township 15 north, range 30 went. Ho nnmeii tue following wltnpp.cn (o prove run continuous residence noon nml cultivation of snld Innd, viz: Fred Mnlohn, Enoch Oimm.lngs, W. K. CotIIIb nnd II. Dicker, nil of North Pintle, Neb. tnZl-U "liO. rc. FHKNGH, IleRlster, NOTICK FOH PUIIUOATION. Lnnd omco nt North I'lntte, Neb., ) afar 2,1901. ( Notice Is horcbr civet) Hint the following. nsmen. settler tins filed notice of his Intention to mnke flnnl proof In support of his clnlm, nnd thnt enld Drool will bo mnele before lteulster fcnd Itecvlvor nt North Flntte, Neb., on June 17th, 1(01, vim OHAHLES U. OOttOHKY. Who inndo Homestead Knlrjr No. 1M07 for lots ii, 12, i;i nnd ii, Hoctlon 13, Town iz, norm, ltnnge 28 wost. He nnmos tho following witnesses lo nrovn his continuous residence upon nnd cultlvntlon of snld Innd viz: W. I). Lylo, llrndjr, Ncb.i E. K. Erlciwou, i reo l.ricupon nnu August Joiinson, Maxwell, rich. ruin IIMIKUK B. rilKIvuil, llrglMnr, TIMUElt OULTUUK, FINAL 'I'llOOF NOTICE TON PUDLIOATIOh. Iind OlUce nt North l'lntto. Neb. Mny Oth, 1(01. Notice Is hereby itlven Hint Jnmos A. HoberlH has filed notice of Intentlou to mnko flnnl proof before register nnd receiver nt their office In North l'lntto. Neb., on Moiulnr the 1IU dny ot June. on tlinlmr culture smill- cntlon No. K',U7M, for tho nouthonst (junrtor ot secuon no. e, in lownsnip no. 1U, norm rnnuo No, 21 west. Ho tinmen ns witnesses: J. W. Johnson, ot Inghnni, Neb.) Mnrlou Chester, ot urniiy isinuu, nuu.t neoruo uuno ami usenr ii. lirndicy, OI Moorenold, Noli. mm Ufconoie u. ritKNcn, llPKlstnr. NOT10B FOH i'UIILIOATION Lnnd 0 ill co nt North I'lntte, Nob. ) Mny 4th, 1001. f Notice Is horoby nlven tbnt tho followlnif turned settler lins tiled notice of his Intention to mnko flnnl nroof In suonort of his clnlm nnd Hint. snld proof will bo mndo boforo ri'Rlstcr nnd re colvur ot tho U. 8. Ijiud Ofilco nt North l'lntto, nou., on Juno a, w, JOHN EIIM'.IIS, who mnde homestond nptillcntlon No, 17,1111 for tho south hnlf ot the northwest iiinrtor nnd wot unii oi souinwpMi qunrior oi section Zl, lown 1U, north rnnuo J wont. Ha nnnies the followlna wltnesNen to tirovn his continuous resldpncouiion nnd cultlvntlon of snld lnnd, viz: Ulins. J, tioikiu.or i:clio, tivh.i Frnnk OyKiu, Hunry I.ltiiioineyor nnd Honry Ehlors, of uucnnnnn, nou. lmu ueo. i:. iitKNCii, ltoglstor. NOT1CK FOR rUllMOATIO.V. Lmul Olllco nt North l'lntto, Neb. Mart), 1TOI. Notleo la liorcby rIvod (lint tho fnllnwlim-nnmoil dottier Iuh riled notice of Ills Intention In mnke flnnl proof In ftupport er alt clnlm, nml Hint enld nroof will bo rumlo boforo rcclnter nnd rercivur of tho U. H. lnml olllco nt North l'lntto, Neb., on judo nun, iwi, viz: MAQNU8 J. GOIIN. who in ado hotnustonil entry No. 17,887 for tho vouthwest qtinrter toctlon 11, towiiKblp 12, north rntiKO 28 wont flth I. M, Ho nnmos tho following wltnciiC8 to nrovo his contlnuoun roflilenco upon and I cultlvntlon of nhl lnnd: w. J). I.ylu, nnd T, I,. O'llnurke, of Ilrady, Neb.; .Ipwph Herbhoy nnd Luke F. Hnloy. of North l'lntto Neb, in"!) Oeo. K. Fhkncii, Uoaintor. NOTICH FOll I'OIIHOATION. Lnud Olllco nt North Finite, Null,, Mny 10, Notice Is horoby ulvon thnt tho following nnmed nottler has filed notlco of hln Intention to mnko flnnl proof In nipixirt of Ills clnlm. nnd lint pnlil proof will bo mndo boforo rt'KlHtor nnd recoiver ni norm rinue, reD., on .nine jstn, im, viz: QUY FITT, who mndo homentvnd entry No. 17. UK), for tho northeast qunrtor of soutlienst qunrtcr, guuthenst qunrter of northenst qunrter and lots 1 nnd 'J. Miction 4. town 11 north, rnnuo 27, west: Ho nnraes tho following wltnosces to provu uin continuous residence upon nnn cuiuvn- tion or gain innci, viz: Aincrc aikji, uoipuyn Moyern, Hnrvey Mnnn nnd Tllilon Meyere, nil of rvuinru, ncu. mllU OKOltOK K. JfllKNCII, ltOKtstor. NOTICE FOIt FUULIOAriON. Lnud Olllco nt North I'lntte. Nub., Juno !l, Ull. Notlco Is hereby id ven thnt thefollowlnK-nnmed settler has Hied notlco nt hln Intention to mnke flnnl proof In support of his clnlm, nnd thnt snld proof will bo mndo boforo register nnd receiver nt North I'lntte, Nob., on July 15. 1901, viz: TIIEODOKK SMITH, who mnde bomostend entry No. 17,529, for tho southwest qunrtcr of section iS, town 10 north, rnnuo Hi wost. 11 o nnmos Iho followltiK wltnusren to nrovo his continuous icsldunco upon nnd cultlvntlon of snld innd, viz: l.eo smitii, uicxens, neu.; wnuor Unrtrell. tllibort Hmllli nnd :Artnur unrtroll. oi Snmorrct, Neb. jiii uEonoK e. riiENcn, iicginer. NOTICE FOll FU11MCATION. Lnnd Olllco nt North l'lntto. Neb., June :i, UWI. Notice Is hereby aleu thnt the follolnir-nmiiod settlor has tiled notlco ot his Intention to mnke flnnl proof In support of his clnlm, nnd thnt sntd proof will bo mnde boforo register nnd recelvor nt North l'lntto. Neb., on July 15, 1(101, viz: I.Ki: SMITH. who mnde timber culture) entry No, 111,701, for the nortuenst muirter of section i'l. town IU north, rnne SI west. llo nnmos tne rollowinft witnesHes to provn nis continuous residence upon nnd cultivation of snld lnnd. viz: Tlioodore Smith, of Dickens, Neb.; Waltor Onrtroll, Gilbert Smith and Arthur Onrtioll, of Somerxet, Neb, jin ukoihie a. I'jiKNcn, neKisier. NOTICF FOll I'UIILIOATION. Ijind ollice nt North Finite, Neb. June :i,l(01. Notice Is hereby Rlvon thnt the follninrnnmed sottler lins filed notice of his Intention to mnke llnnl proof In support ot Ills clnlm, and thnt snld proof will bo mnde betoro register nnd receiver at North l'lntto, Neb., on July 15th, 1001, viz: LEE SMITH, who mnde hnmostond entry No, 17,528, for the northwest qunrter of section 21), town 10 north, rnno 112 west. He names tho following wltnessen to prove his continuous residence upon nnd cultlvntlon of snld lnnd, viz: Theodore Smith, of Dickens, Neh, Wnltor Onrtrali, (lllbeit Smith nnd Arthur Onr troll, of Somerset, Nob. Jill Okoikif. E. Fhkncii, Iteglster. IF GOING EAST or south of Chicago ask your lo cal ticket agent to route you be tween Omaha and Chicago via the WlwaukeM the shortest line between the two cities. Trains via this popular road depart from the Union de pot, Omaha, daily, connecting with trains from the west. Mag nificently equipped trains, pal ace sleepers and free reclining chair cars. Dining cars and buf fet, library and smoking cars. All trains lighted by electricity. For full information about rates, etc., address, F. A. NASH, General Western Agent, 1S04 Farnam St., OMAHA. H. W. Howell, Trav. Frt. and Pass. Agt. y ...