The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 30, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 20.
coal oil for fuel.
in several sizes.
Real Estate, Loans Insurance
tv Jw.oforon.oo:-Ajtiy Ban "It lxx 3J"o"
When You Buy Paint
Buy Good Paint...
And that means SOERWIN & WILLIAMS'
PAINT. We have been handling this make for
many years and have found that it gives excel
lent satisfaction in every instance. Tt may cobt
a trifle more per gallon than inferior paints, but
it's cheapest in the end. It sticks and holds its
color longer than other paint.
"Wo can furnish you any color or quantity.
A. F. Streitz, Druggist.
! fsforlh f l&tte fTloar 1
lylarfUfactUrccl toy lortrj Platte Koiler njiiis
Used by economical houbewifes in fifty towns in
Nebraska and Wyoming and pronounced the
equal of any flour manufactured in Nebraska,
fl Trial Sack uJill Corvirjce you of its fljerit
North Platte Roller Mills
C, F, idDINb'S
Housecleaning Time
is here, and vou will prob
ably find that sonic pieces
of your furniture looks
shabby; that they need to
be replaced by new. We
are here to supply your
needs, and we arc confi
dent wc can ;. suit you.
Something- here to please
every taste; something"
here to suit every pocket
& Weinganl
Farm Implements,
Buggies, Wagons,
Windmills, Pumps,
Early Closing Hours.
To Tin: Eimtok ok tiik Nokth
Plattu Thiiiunh:
Believing that the public is in
tcrested in knowing- just what
and the other labor organizations
antlthc Wilcox Department Store,
wc publish their correspondence
and our reply in the order in
which they were received and
answered. In regard to the last
communication the president of
the clerk's union was told that we
had no reply to make.
Yours respectfully,
"Wilcox Dkpaktmunt Stohk.
Vc, the -'trndersigncd mer
chants of North Platte, hereby
enter into an agreement with
Local No. 475, Retail Clerk's
Protective association, to close
our stores on and after March 4,
1901, at 7 o'clock p. m. (central
time)cvcry day except Saturdays
and pay days and from the 10th
of December to the 27th of De
cember. Sam Richards
W. T. Banks
Hub Grocery Co
McCullough & Carter
Geo. T. Buzza
Harry Dixon
W. A. Vollmcr
A. L. Davis
Harrington & Tobin
Julius Pizcr
Decatur & Beeglc
Mrs. G. S. Huffman
II. F. Doolittle
10. B. Warner.
W. F. McGlone & Co
S. C. Harshlleld
W. M. Baskin
Ginn & Wincgaard
J. Haler
C. H. Stamp
C. S. Clinton
To the General Manager Wilcox
Department Store, North
Platte, Nebraska.
Dear Sir: The different labor
organizations of the city of'North
.Platte, ten in number, desire to
place before you certain facts
which have come under their ob
servation, and to speak of certain
efforts for bettering their condi
tion, which have been made by
the Retail Clerk's Protective as
sociation, of which they take cog
nizance. After the clerks of this city
had organized in accordance with
the rules and regulations of the
Retail Clerk's Protective associ
ation, thev made a united effort
to have the merchants of North
Platte close at a certain hour,
set forth in the following propo
sition, viz:
"The merchants of North
Platte arc hereby requested to
enter into an agreement with
Local No. 465, Retail Clerk's Pro
tective association, to close their
stores at 7 o'clock p. m., central
time, every day except Saturday
and the evenings of the 10th and
10th ot each month, being nay
days, and from the 10th to the
27th of December of each year;
the clerks on their part agreeing
to concede their supper hour till
after 7 o'clock p. m., and in every
other reasonable way strive to
enhance the business of their
This appearing to us to be a
fair and reasonable proposition,
made as wc in good faith,
and it further appearing that all
the merchants, with one excep
tion, were willing to agree to the
terms set forth herein, providing
that all others wouldsoagree; and
it further being made to appear
that the Wilcox Department store
was the only firm in the city re
fusing to concur in said agree
ment, therefore
The various labor organiza
tions of this town, after due de
liberation, not wishing to do an
injustice to any one, but at the
same time desiring that fairness
shall be meted out to all, and
with a full Knowledge of the re
sult to which their concerted ac
tion may lead, and hoping that
no extreme measures may have
to be adopted by the different
Respectfully ask you to con
cede to the reasonable request
made by the said association, and
join with the other merchants in
granting to those making the re
quest, that which we ourselves
would expect, and probably even
demand, if wc were placed in like
condition with themselves.
The organization's presenting
this mcmoVial, representing as
they do several hundred people,
yvill be pleased at your concur
rence, and they trust that you
may find it to your advantage to
sanction the early closing move
ment as outlined in this docu
ment. C. W. Baskins
H. W. Bird
R. O. Chamberlain
B. of L. 10.
Fred C. Letts
S, C. Mecombcr
J. M. Moonev
O. R. C.
F. A. Simpson
Frank Brctzer
Charles Wingct
B. of L. F.
Mrs. J. II. Fonda
Mrs. C. A. Dill
Mrs. Elizabeth Crusen
L. I. A. B. of L. 15.
Mrs. Magnolia Duke
Mrs. Carrie Crockett
Mrs. Anna Hosier
L. 1. A. B. of L. F.
William J. Roche
Danid A. Russell
v John A. Dwver
1. A. M.
George Small wood
1 B. Z. Millikan
f Henry Breternitz
B. of B. M. & I. S. B.
L. 10. Woods
i , 10. A. Scarle
. O. K. Peck
. B. of R. T.
Mrs. J. M. Simpson
Mrs. J. B. Jeter
Mrs. Richard Williams.
L. I. A. to O. of R. C.
Mrs. W. 10. Goodwin
Mrs. F. J. Doran
Mrs. F. J. Liddcll
Sarah 10. Murphy
VNorlli Platte, April 16, 1901.
To the Labor organizations of
North Platte:
Having received a communi
cation from you in regard to the
early closing movement, and,
believing that you are willing to
grant that there arc two sides to
the question, wc submit a few
reasons why wc do not favor
closing at 7 o'clock p. m. during
the entire year.
North Platte is situated in the
center of a territory that draws
trade from forty to sixty miles.
There arc in that territory about
12.000 people, of which wc have
3,700 here in North Platte. A
great many of the 8.300 people
living in tnat territory oiusiuc
of North Platte come long dis
tances to radc, taking them all
day to reach town with tneir
loads. Not being able to do any
trading in the evening makes
them late in getting started home
the next day and they cither
drive late into the night or take
part of the third day for their
trip. This class of customers
live as near, and in many cases
nearer, other towns that do keep
stores open evenings for their
accommodation and that pay as
much for their farm products as
wc do in North Platte. We be
lieve that North Platte will lose
a considerable portion of this
trade, amounting to thousands
of dollars annually, by closing at
7. m. the year around, practi
cally saying to the farmers: "Wc
don't care whether we accom
modate you or not."
Another thing wc are opposed
to is waiting until seven o'clock
for supper when we have to be
gin to go to dinner at 1 1 :3() a. m .
It may not make any difference
to a clerk that boards, but to
either a merchant or clerk who
keeps house it means that their
women folks will have no even
ing at all as they would not get
their work done until 8:30 or 9
o'clock p. m .
We submit another fact: Wc
are the only store in North Platte
that has had a regular hour for
opening and closing, having for
three years closed our store
promptly at 9 o'clock p. m. week
days and at 0:30 p. m. on Satur
days, and for about two months
past have closed at 8 o'clock p.m.
It is not a question of hours
witli our clerks, as we have no
clerk in our employ who is dis
satisfied with either the treat
ment received or the hours
The agitation for early closing
appears to have come entirely
from help employed by our com
petitors and their employors who
nave lor llie past three years
compelled theiremploycs to work
from one to two hours longer a
day than we have. Wc further
submit, that the clerks of our
competitors admit the fact that
our help is the best treated of
any in town; in fact, the presi
ident of the Clerks' Union said in
conversation with us yesterday
that he would rather work for
the Wilcox Department Store
than any firm in North Platte.
It is also a fact that there never
has been a proposition submitted
to us that was not an ultimatum
and of such a nature that the
other merchants of the town
knew wc would not sign it, and
their signatures were attached
with the understanding on their
part that thev would close if the
wncox department store would.
A considerable number of mer
chants that signed the agreement
were no more in lavor of it than
wc arc but try to place the blame
on us because they knowwc have
the courage to say and do what
wc think. Wc consider it rather
inconsistent for merchants in
the town who have compelled
their clerks to work from one to
two hours a day longer than ours
have, and part of that time on
commission that docs not allow
of their making good wages, to
criticize us tnrougn tne newspa
pers and in that way try to pose
as the friendsof labor. Wc sub
mit our record for treatment of
our help and offer as witnesses
the clerks of our competitors.
In a store work is done differ
ently from a trade. If wc have
a busy day with lots of custom
ers to wait on we do not get our
stock work done. If wc shorten
the hours we work wc have to
employ more help to do the stock
work, as it is not expected that a
man can do more business inlcss
tinic There arc only two ways
in which a merchant can employ
extra help and maintain his net
protits: One bv raisimr the nrice
of what he sells, and the other
by reducing the wages of the
clerks he employs to pay the ad
ditional wages of the additional
ones required.
ruiowing mat tncre area great
many things to be considered in
a question of this kind, and that
there has been a great deal of
misrepresentation as to our po
sition on the matter, wc take this
time to set some of them rierht
and at the same time submit a
schedule of opening and closing.
We believe that this not only
concedes cvcrythinir that a reas
onable clerk can ask, but that at
the same time shows some con
sideration for our countav trade
and is as much as we arc willing
to (io in tne matter.
A proposition rcirardinir the
opening and closing of business
nouses in JNorth Platte, submit
ted by the Wilcox Denartmcnt
Store and which it agrees to sign
and enforce if accepted:
1 . All business houses to close
on central time and no entrance
permitted after closing hours.
2. All business houses to re
main closed on Sunday.
3. All business houses to
close at 9 o'clock a. in., on Deco
ration Day, July 4th, Thanksgiv
ing Day, and not to open Christ
mas uay.
4. No delivery orders taken
after 6 o'clock shall be delivered
until the next day.
5. All clerks . whose supper
hour naturally comes before
closing time shall go to supper on
employer's time.
6. All clerics shall be allowed
one week's holiday each year on
imi pay or in ncu tnereoi, one
week's extra pay, provided they
remain in employ beyond the
year's time. Time for taking
vacation to be agreed between
the employer and employe.
7. The following schedule
shall be used covering hours for
opening and closing business
Opening hour. Mouth. CloBinfj'liour.
7:4s a in January 7:00 p m
7:45 a m February 7:00 p m
7:45 a. in March 7:00 p in
7:30 a in April 7:30,p in
7-3U a m May 7:30 p m
7:15 a m June 8:00 p m
7:15 a in July 8:00 p m
7:15 a in August 8:00 p m
7:15 a in September 8:00 p m
7:30 a m October 7:30 p m
7:30 a m November 7:30 p m
7:45 a m December 7:00 p m
Except, all Saturday's closing
hour shall be one hour later, and
from Dec. 10th to Dec. 22d clos
ing shall be 9 o'clock p. in. Dec.
23d and 24th hour of closing shall
, i i . ..
uf at any time employer suau see
Violatidn of this agreement by"
any merchant shall release 'all
other merchants from its terms.
Respectfully submitted,
J. Q. Wilcox,
C. O. Wilcox,
D. P. Wilcox,
Directors Wilcox Department
Whereas, Wc the representa
tives of the different union labor
onranizations. in ioint moclintr.
v- j j O '
considered a proposition of the
wm.u. .wuparimcni oiorc, on me
evening of April 25th, 1901, and
Whereas, Wc realize that the
plan submitted is not advisable
and that tlin oMior tuprelinntsi
could not agree to it, therefore
be it
Resolved. That vrirpirc.t tint
proposition and will sustain the
Retail Clerk's Protective Asso
ciation in their original proposi
tion, and would request that all
merchants in North Pin Hp. r.1on
their places of business on and
after May 1st, 1901, also on Sun
days, in accordance with the
proposition, submitted and signed
by them, regardless of any action
of the Wilcox Denartmcnt Storo.
And all merchants submitting to
tne proposition will receive our
moral and financial support in so
S. C. Mecombcr, O. R. C.
Wm. J. Roche, 1 . A. O. M.
V. E. McCarty, B. of L. E.
F. A. Simpson, B. of L. F.
B. Z. Millikin,
, B. of B. M. & I. S. B.
Committee renrPHPiitimr Hip
International Assnri.-ilinn nf
Order of Railroad Conductors.
Brotherhood of Locomotive
Brotherhood of Locomotive
Brotherhood of Railroad Train
Brotherhood of Boiler. Mnkoi
and Iron Ship Builders.
sanies' Auxiliary of B. of L. 10.
Ladies' Auxiliary of B. of L. F.
Ladies' Auxiliary of 0. R. G.
Retail Clerk's Tntnnmfinntil
The oil strike m Sonne Vallev.
Utah, ia causing considerable ex
citement and a number of companies
have been organized to develop the
properties. ThiB oil is said to be
the hnrliest grade ever struck in
me wona, analyzing ninety-live
per cent pure petroleum.
We Are Still
Selling Potatoes at
20c a Peck.
Wc also sell as follows:
Kerosene Oil per gal 15
Arbucklcs Coffee 2 pkgs 25
Lion Coffee 2 pkgs 25
XXXX Coffee 2 pkgs 25
Yeast Loam 2 pktrs 05
On Time Yeast 2 pkgs OS
Vinegar per gal ,20
White Wine Vinegar per gal. ,25
Bakers chocolate 18c, 2 pkgs. .35
Walter Bakers Cocoa 25
Bluing Paddles 10c size 07
Bluing Paddles 5c size 04
Searchlight Matches per box . .04
Sulpher Matches per box 01
S.ipolio per cake 9c, 3'lor 25
I'carline per pkg 04
41b pkg Gold Dust 18
Kingsfords Silver Gloss
Starch per pkg 08
Kingsfords Corn Starch
Pul l'kg 08
Corn Starch per pkg 05
Argo Gloss Starch per pkg.. .05
Dr. Prices Vanilla per bottle. ,15
1-lb pkg Dukes Mixture To
bacco 35
1 II) pkg Old Style Tobacco. . .30
Horse Shoe Tobacco per plug.' .45
Star Tobacco per plug 45
Standard Navy Tobacco
per plug 35
Battle Ax Tobacco per plug.. .35
140-lb Sack Salt $1,05
Wilcox DerjMfcmenft $foFe,