r T.nnal Np.ws in Brief. The Gaudy Pioneer says tlie Iosb of cattle in Logan county on ac count of the storms will run into the hundreds. Marti has a larpe and handsome assortment of potted plants for sale, and will also have cut llowcrs lor sale for Easter use. A large box of California lillics consigned to P. E. Dullard were re ceived ycBtcrdny and will be used to decorate the Episcopal church on Sunday. Best line of Pancy Dried Fruit in the city at McGlonc's, Polcy block. Baptist church J. D. I'uli pastor. Services April 7th 10:30 a. in 7:30 p. in. Subjects: morning, 'EaBtcr Sermon;" evening, "Why We Love Him." You arc invited. C. P. Kobb will survey and plat an addition to the village of Suther land, consisting of eighty acres of land belonging to Emerson. The lots will consist of five acres each. A couple of hundred pigeons to be used in the contest between the Grand Island and North Platte gun clubs next week, were shipped in to Geo. Carter this morning. Clerk of the court Elder was kept busy all day yesterday filling out pension vouchers for the old veterans. About one hundred pensioners live in North Platte and vicinity. An agent's complete line ot samples, purchased at one halt. You get'them at wholesale cost at Mrs. IIUI'l'MANS'. T. C. Patterson went to Omaha Wednesday night and today will argue the demurrer to the bill of particulars in the tax case of the county against the Union Pacific railroad. George McEvoy, who has been suffering for four mouths with a physical trouble that seeniB to baflle local physicians, will be taken to Omaha today for examination by physicians of that city. All parties indebted to me will please call and settle with Mrs. Meyer, who will be found at 1. A. Fort'soflicc over Hub grocery store. Victor E. Mbver. It is said that a number of stock men in the county find themselves short of hay, and as a result arc losing more or less cattle. The winter season up to the middle of Pcbri'ary was to pleasant that the stockmen thought they had surplus '0 l& if) Air W Ti TT lis m 1 EASTER CLOTHING BOYS' SUITS Made in the most elegant style, in dark blue and black or fancy, single or double-breasted style, for ages 12 to 20 years, at $5, SO, $7, $7.50, $8, $8.50, $9, $10, and $12. Smaller sizes, 8 to 16 years old, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2 50, $3, S3.50, $4, $4.50 and $5. i In 2-piccc styles 1 for aires 3 to 8, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50 $4, $4.50 and $5. All the i late style s a n d new shades. No tice show window (0 MEN'S SUITS Ik Of all the latest styles and goods prices from $4 to $15.00. Dress tip for Easter. Dutchess Trousers, W. L. Douglas, and Dr. Kccds Cushion Shoes, Long ley Hats, Wilson Bros. Elgin, Gold and Sjlvcr, Waclnisett, McDonald, Ideal Brands of Shirts. New Easter Ties and Hose. New Goods. Ot)c fHce ai7ct 1PXa.it) FigUtes. STAR CLOTHING HOUSE. W. A. VOLLMER, Proprietor. 1 Hi Hi h it iv Hi H) Hi Hi Hi PEOPLE AND EVENTS Mrs. J. Bresnahan is the guest of friends in Cheyenne. I. A, Port returned Wednesday trout a business trip to Omaha. O. K. Peck went to Blue Hill, Neb,, to speud ten days with relatives. D. II. White went to Omaha last night to see his sister, who is crit ically ill. Miss Pannie Von Goetz is ex pected up from Omaha Sunday morning. Tax Commissioner Swingley, of the Union Pacific, spent yesterday in town. Mrs. Minnie Sumner, of Bloom- iugton, Neb., is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Federhoof. Sam VanDoran has returned from Sidney, where he had been doing mason work for the Union Pacific John E. Evaus returned from Lincoln Wednesday and has resumed his duties in the county clerk's office. County Attorney Kidgley went to Omaha last night to be present at the hearing of the tax case against the Union Pacific. Mrs. Stewart, mother of Mrs. II P. Jeffrey, left for the east yester day morning after spending about a year with her daughter. H. V. Ililliker came up from Grand Island yesterday for the purpose of finding a purchaser for his house on we6t Fourth street. Chas. Ilughep, a former North Platte resident, but of late livinir in Canada, came in yesterday and will visit friends for a week. Mrs. Agnes Miller, of Milwau kee, sister of Mrs. Kebhausen, arrived here Wednesday, being summoned here by the serious ill ness ot the latter. Wall Paper The largest line ever shown in the city Prices far Below Last Year. Make your selections early. You will find just what you want at WARNER'S Furniture Store Ice cream and cake will be served. The whole thing for 15 cents. Tickets on Bale by the committee and the secretary. Proceeds to finish paying the last $25 on the piano. S. AMURICAN BBBT SUOAR CO., Clrnnd Island, Neb. Terms of Contract for 1901. Under thn provisions ot this contract the grower is assured of a fixed price for his crop. All beets testing 14 per cent "or leas will be paid tor at the rate of $4.00 per ton, 25 cents being paid for each per cent of sugar above 14, tractions in proportion. That is beets test ing 14.1 per cent being $4.02J; 14.2 being 84.05: 15 per cent $4,25; 15.1 per cent $4.27. An additional 20 cents per ton will be paid for all beets siloed. Tun factory will pay freight 011 all beets delivered by rail, cars to be loaded to their capacity, thus placing the grower at a distance on a satisfactory footing. Further information or blank contracts can be obtained by apply ing to American Beet Sugar Com pany. Grand Island, Neb., or E. P. Seeberger. Ilershey, Neb. Mrs. Huffman does not add $2 to each hat for a trimmer. Conductor Mooney lost several head of cattle on his ranch during the late storms. Rev. J. II. Derreberry, who has charge of the Methodist church at Paxton and Sutherland, spent yes terday in town and made this office a brief call. The present condition of the Btreets suggest the need of consid erable work during the next municipal year. The dry weather and strong winds has resulted in a pretty good job of scooping out the center oi the streets. Sweet Pea Seeds in bulk at Me hay and sold .considerably more Glo'ie's, Foley block. than they should. The late storms The Kusco &. Holland minstrels and cold weather has therefore amused a good sized audience at caught them with a short supply. The remains of J. C. Walker the opera house Tuesday eyening. The performance, taking it all were shipped Wednesday night to through, was fairly fjood. Colored Mt. ClemmoiiB, Mich., for inter ment. It had been announced that the funeral and interment would be held here, but later ar rangements were made to ship the body'cast. A short funeral service was 'held Wednesday evening by Rev. Bccchcr which was attended by; relatives and members of the Knights of Pythias lodge. John W. Welch died at his home in Buchanan precinct Wednesday morning from the effects of la grippe nt the age of seventy-six years. The funeral will be held nt the residence today and the body deposited in the cctnetury at Well fleet. The deceased came to Lin coln county fifteen years ago, and resided 011 his farm during that time, and his deal li removes a prom inent, resident of the south part of thq.county. He leaves a wife, two sons and a daughter. Geo. C. Granger, painter, paper hanger and decorator. Carriage and sign painting. Estimates cheerfully furnished. All work guaranteed. Inquire at Brool.B house west Sixth treel. Tuesday was the most quiet election North Platte has known for years, about one-half of the vote bing polled. Lester Walker, republican candidate, was elected mayor over Farrlngton by about 125. With the exception of council mail in the First ward there was no opposition to the republican candidates. In that ward Warren Lloyd defeated John Sorenson by Hix votes',, The officers elected were! Mayor, ; Lester Walker; Clerk, Greeley Untidy: Treasurer, Robl. Shuman; Police Judge, A.JS, Bald win; City Engineer,' C.' P. Ross; Couucilmcu, Warren Lloyd, W. J, Crtisen, II, O. Evans; Members Board , pf Education, E. A. Cary iudN, E. Workman men are not, however, very good comedians. It is Baid a strong petition will be presented to Major Walker when ho takes his seat asking that the saloons be closed tightly on Sunday and that gambling be pro hibited. As we understand it this petition will not be necessary, as Mayor-elect Walker will Hee that these two things are not allowed. V, E. Meyer left the early part of The trustees ot the Methodist the week for Colorado to look after church yesterday purchased of J his interests in mining property. E. Baker the house and lot just east Two penny slot machines, one of the church tor a consideration of delivering gum and the other $350. The lot is twenty-two feet caramels, have been placed in the waiting room at the depot. Don't miss the neatest and latest creations at Mrs. Huffman's. Fireman Ben Viers has purchased a lot in the Third ward of Ed waru bctiarmanu anu will, we are told, erect a new house thereoi:, Butler Buchanan returned last evening trom Mount Pleasant. Iowa. Mrs. Buchanan will remain there some time longer, as her father is still critically ill. The differences between tire Unitarian society of North Platte and the parent society of Boston, which involved the ownership of the building at the corner of Locust and Fourth streets, has been finally settled and the local society retains possession of the building. If you fail to attend the boiler- makers' ball Monday evening you will miss one of the smartest social functions ever given in North Plitte. The committee has been lavish in its preparations ior the event and they feel confident that their cITort s will result in a pleasant eveuing for all attendants. wide. The house will be sold and moved, and the ground used as part of the. church yard. A report is being circulated that the machinery of the Nebraska cotton mills at Kearney will soon bi moved out of the buildings there to make room for improved 'equip ment for a beet sugar factory. An eastern syndicate, which conttols the New England mills, is inter ested in the mills at Kearney and it is asserted that they have made arrancments to transfer the machinery of the latter to some point either in the east or south Residents of Kearney who are in terestcd in the mills are reported to have already made arrangements for the installation of the beet sugar making machinery. Notice. All who are interested in W. C. T. U. work arc invited to meet at the Methodist church Tuesday afternoon, April 9th, at 3 o'clock. By request of Mrs. S. M. Walker. State President W. C. T. U. Lutheran Church. The Easter festival will be fit tingly celebrated. Joy will be the keynote of all services. The church will be profusely decorated. New members will be received and the catechumens confirmed. Sixty addi tional chairs have been secured to provide as far as possible for the large number who will be present. Sunday school will not begin until 12:30. The order of service which be gins at 10:30 a. 111. is as follows: Anthem, "The Chrlat Is Risen." Ashfonl. Introlt. Kyrle. Gloria In Kxcells. Collect. Commandments anil Kyrle Klelson. "The Epistle. 1 Cor. 5:6.8. Hymn. "The Happy Morn is Come." The Gospel, John SO: 1-19, Nlccnc Creed. Hymn, "Christ the Lord Is Risen." Continuation of catechumens. Reception of members by confirmation, etc. Offertory solo, "Glory to God," Rotoll, by Mrs. C. F. Scharmann. Easter ofterlnK, The prayer. Anthem "The Lord Is Risen," Ashford. The Holy Communion. Nunc Dlmlttts. Renedlctlon. In the evening the Sunday school assisted by the choir, will render the caster service, "Who is This," by B. F. Allemau, D. U., and give the annual offering for church ex tension. Rev. Seibert will deliver a short address on the resurrection. The Lord's Supper will again be administered for such as cannot be present iu the morning. Horses Tor Salo. By Joseph Ilershey, street, North Platte, Neb. Locust What's Your Notion ? PRETTY EASTER SHOES o s (I 0 a e e The choicest the market affords will be found here as usual. An iyroyation of dainty, attractive, comfortable Dress Shoes for Women, that includes every de- -sirablc new stvle, and in a range of grades that will allow any purso to afford attractive Easier Shoos. $2 00 to $4.00. Notico, The board 01 county com missioners arc hereby called to meet iu special session on Friday, April 12, 1901, for the purpose ot ppointing ati Assessor for Ante ope precinct and the transaction of any other business found necessary. W. M. Holtry. County Clerk. DRESSY LOW SHOES. n Pretty new Oxfords for Women Black Kid with or without Cloth Tops all the new Toe and Heel styles -light, medium 01 heavy soles nothing- you would want but what is here, at prices that rauc from $1.50 to $2-50. Yellow Front Shoe Store Cl'.OUCi: AI. GRAHAM, Mgr. a 3 doors south 1. O. . North I'lntte, Neb, Have You Noticed How our Shoe Trade is growing this Year? We Have Noticed That the customers who bought of us last season are coming here for SHOES again. Not only that, but they tell us that our Shoes wear longer than any they have been buy ing. If you arc not get ting satisfactory wear out of your shoes TRY OURS. Wilcox Dptat Store, 7. SC. C. 'A. NOTES. Railroad men! Do you want to sleep next Sunday afternoon be tween the hours of 3:30 and 4:30? If you do; don't come to the special Easter services that will be held in the rooms at that hour, because it will be a bright wide awake ser vice consisting of five minute talks, interspersed with songs. Special numbers will be sung by the quartette and others All men cordially invited, but we do hope that fvery railroad man will feel that this is his meeting and will be there. Wanted! Song books called Best Hymns used in the Schivera meet ings last year in Lloyd's opera house There are a number nf them laying away in the homes of North Platte people unused that would give good service in the meetings at the Y. M. C. A. Wc would like to have them at once. Who will kindly respond? Sunday men's meetings are get- tinn better. One of North Platte's brighest young men was beautifully saved in the rooms last Sunday. A meeting will be held in the Y. M. C. A. parlor on Tuesday, April 9th, at 4 p. m., to reorganize the Ladies Auxiliary. All ladies that have been members, and all others interested, are urged to be present. The association has prospered, having on March 31st, 325 members iu good standing and about twenty- five others that may be soon. This means an increase in work and re sponsibility. We believe the ladies can greatly help us, and wc need their help now. We trust that every lady reading this notice will feel that this means her and will speak to others about it and come to the meeting. The social and entertainment to be given on the evening of the 13th.in the K. P. Hall under Hie direction of the Reception Com- Here are a few of Ours. J. & P. Coats Thread per spool 4c 100 yd Corticelli Spool Silk per spool 8c 50 yd Corticelli Spool Silk per spool 4c Cotton Tape per roll lc Linen Tape per roll 3c Heavy Tubular Shoe Laces 3 pair for 5c Sewing Machine Needles per paper 5c Waterproof Dress Binding per yd 8c S. H. & M. Dress Binding per yd Sc 1 gross Agate Buttons 5c 36 sheets Writing Paper .... 5c Slate Pencils b for lc Spencerian Pens, per doz.. . 8c Vaseline per bottle 5c Featherbone per yard 10c Skirt Bone, per yd 5c Piping Bone, per yd 3c Peerless Carpet Warp on spools, white, per lb. . . . 20c Peerless Carpet Warp on spools, colored, per lb... 22c We have other notions, one of them is that you pay more for these elsewhere. tfilco Department! foorJe. FOR SALE. FARM WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS TOP BUGGIES, And all kinds of Farm Jflaehinery. Standard Goods at Reasonable Prices. ""V. LOCK 8 SALISBURY NORTIT PLATTE. HUMPHREYS' Witch Hazel Oil THE PILE OINTMENT. One Application Gives Relief, It cures Pllet or HemorrboldsExte rani or Inter nal, BUnd or Blcodln8,ItcblngorBunUng,F1saurcs and Fistulas. Ilcllef Immediate cure ccrtolu. It cures Burns, Scalds and Ulcerations tail Con trnotlon.i f romBmns. The Relief Instant beall nc tvoodorful. It oiiro4 Tom, Cut or lacerated Wounds ind Bruises, It curt Bell. CsvUwcIm, Felons, " Resrousdv tnoert, OW Bore, UcWog Zraptlun, Scurfy or Soakl Ocad. It cures Inflamed or Caiod, Dream and Sore Xlpplcs. Invaluable. It curca Salt Ithoum, Tetter, Scurry Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever mister, Sort Llpi or Nostrils. Corns, Bunions, Soro aad Chafed Feet, 8 tines of Insects, Mosquito Bites and Sunburns. Throo Slzos, 26o,, 50o. and $1,00 Sold by Druggists, or sent pre-paid on receipt of price. 'mlttuc prmniecfl a jfood program. y,'t'o UIIUDUDPVCi svarrt rr T