V r Bicycles 1901 Models S 8 ft Wo lmvc the newest mod- s? 8 S els of the w v ijj Crescent S Bicycles ? in stock and would be J $ pleased to have you call $ w ana examine mem fl1 LADIES' AND MEN'S MODELS Clinton THE JEWELER, i V Mi XL. 'A Site $tw WfrtUy ftribuar. FRIDAY. APRIL 5, 1901. Prof. J. C. Orr transacted busi ness in Kearney yesterday. Although the weather has been unfavorable, dealers report satis factory sales ol Easter millinery. Mrs. W. D. Pulver is the guest of her daughter Mrs. L. C. Hansen in Grand Island. Everett Evans came up from Lincoln last night and will visit his parents for a few days. Today being Good Friday, a three hours service was held at the Episcopal church from 12 to 3 p in. Messrs. McKcen, Hosier and one or two others eucceded in killing two dozen wild ducks at the Turpie ranch Wednesday evening. The membership of the Retail Clerk's Union was augmented Tuesday evening by the admission of nine lady clerks. Judge Grimes writes that he will probably be kept at Albion for ten days longer. The Judirc is holding a term of court there for Judge Thorn psou. Choice lot of Alfalfa Seed for sale. O.F.Iddings. Dr. V, S. Seymour, the Lincoln eye specialist, spent yesterday in the city and apparently had many callers at his rooms in the Hotel Neville. He was accompanied by Mrs. Seymour. Elmer Coates is home from a trip to Wyoming in the interests of the North Platte Hour mill. The Hour made at the local mill finds a ready sale in the Wyoming towns and heavy shipments are made there week I v. In one town Mr. Coates ' sold a carload of rye Hour. Kou Sam: Seed wheat. Inquire of Jos. Sciiat. A big audience assembled at the opera house lat-t evening to see the moving picture show, but were dis appointed at the indistinctness o the pictures, due to the poor qual ity of the calcium light. The phonograph was fairly good, being lieatd in all pails of the house. ' Snow Flake Flour, you know the rest, at McGloue's, Foley block. At the sale of personal property of the Keith estate on April 13th six mouths' time at six per cent interest will be given on all pur chates amounting to ten dollars or aver. This is ail increase of time and a reduction in the rate of in lurer-t from .the terms first an uouncid. Chicigo forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Generally fair to night and Saturday. Warmer Sat urday. Maximum temperature yesterday was 41: one year ago it f5. Minimum ii'Tning was 3J; temperature thU one year g it was 39. LISTER LAYS. l l-inch Fiiibhcd Lavs S1.M) M-inch Ulauk Keg-ulai Pat tern LIS 16-inch Blank Regular Pat- tern 1.2 14-inch Blank" llapgood Pat-- tern 1.00 10-inch Blank llapgood Pat tern 1.10 14-inch Blank Eagle Pattern 1.00 10-inch Blank Eagle Pattern 1.10 14-inch Blank Plow Lay 90 10-inch Blank Plow Lav .... 1.00 24-ihch Go Devil Steel each . .2 Wilcox Department Store, SEASONABLE GOODS! Blue Grass, Clover and Garden Seeds, Onion Sets, Garden Hose, Fish. AST Car of Early Ohio Seed 'otatoes due next week. File your orders for delivery when car arrives. Harrington & Tobin, The neatest grocery in town. Easter Services. The program of Easter services at the Episcopal church is as fol- ows: MOHNlNll. Processional "Praise Ye The Father.'" Gounod Christ Our Passover Chant Gloria Patri Chant Te Deum Laudainus Alzamora tibilatc Alzamora ntroit Hymn 110 yrie Eleision Wilkinson Gloria Tibi Chant Hymn 111 Gloria Patri Chant Anthem "Christ The Lord Is Risen" Adams Presentation of Alms Chant Sanctus '....Wilkinson Communion Hymn 228 Gloria in Excclsis Chant Recessional Hymn 121 KVI'.NINC. Pre c sioual .-..Ilyinn 514 Gloria Patri Chant Magnificat Eastham Nunc Dimittis Eastham Hymn 110 Gloria Patri Cham nthem "He is Not Here, But Risen" Millard Presentation of Alms Chant Recessional Hymn 520 Grand Chiof Arthur Coming. Chief Engineer Fikes, of the lo cal division of the B. of L. E , is in receipt of a letter from Grand Chiel M. Arthur stating tbat he will make the division a visit ,and bt present at the annual May Party. irranci iiuet Arthur is a very popular otlicer and during his last visit here was given a warm and royal reception. His coming visit is looked forward to with pleasure, ind the local memhers will see that the Grand Chief is given a wel come that is doubly hearty. Roy Vernon went to Omaha today. Tom Palmer of McPherson county, shipped a car of cattle to his farm at Carks today. Mrs. F. L Williams, who har) been the gueht of her parents, Mr and Mrs. E. W. Crane, has re turned to her home in Lincoln. 10. B. Maguiness is home from a trip to Oklahoma, where he yisited relatives and investigated th country with the view of probabl) locating there in the tutu re. (juris Johnson lias oeeu ap pointed superintendent of th cemetery, and lot owners can make arrangements with him to have their lots properly attended to dur ing the year, A man down from Logan county today says the loss of cattle in that section has been heavy. Among the principal losers are the Black Bros, who lost about 3)0 head and E. S. Smith, who is short 100 head Mrs, HiilTinau has a larger and more complete line of Millinery than usual. The North Platte roller mill .vliicli had been closed down while repairs were being madf. resumed running yesterday. Among the iui orovements made is the addition ot i machine for grinding lye Hour, About sixteen tracts ot laud wen i-o'.d by Slicrilf Kelilier last week under foreclosure for taxes due he county. In nearly every salt the purchase price was sufficient lo nay the taxec, interest and costs assessed. How to Orttri'omr l!ulifulnrn. You will overcome your bashfulness by going -frequently Into society, and nmlnnvnrlni. M In3f Vnlll' ftMf-On- scloiiBneas. Try to art naturally and without restraint, no matter whoroi No. 2'Kochester Lamp Chim you aro; and do not imaglno that tho . eyes and thoughts of tho cntlro com- nc cac11 lUc pany aro constantly concentrated on 1 10-inch White Dome Shades that comes from your Hps. It Is this kind of self-consclousnosa which makes mon Uutfhful-'!W M Wbokly. Meeting of Preibytory. The tweutieth spring meeting of the Presbytery will be held in the Probytcrian church in this ciy next Tuesday and Wednesday. The opening sermon will be deliv ered Tuesday evening at eight o'clock by the retiring moderator, Rev. Scuddcr of Shclton. The program card states that Rev. Thos. Marshall, D. D.( of Chicago, field secretary of the board ot foreign missions, expects to be present. There will be a popular meeting u the Presbyterian cutircu on Wednesday evening beginning at 7:30. At this time Mr. II. T. Arm strong will be ordained to the uospel ministry after which Dr. riiomas Marshall, will deliver an address. Dr. Marshall has visited the missionary fields in person and his address will be both interesting and instructive. The Woman's Prcsbyterial So ciety will meet in this city at the same time in the Baptist church. The ladies of the different churches arc cordially invited to attend these meetings. These meetings will be attended by perhaps fifty clerical and lay delegates from the district com prising the Presbytery. Will Banquet Evnns. The six or eight lodges of or- canixed labor in this city are mak- ng arrangements to tender Rep resentative John E. Evans a recep tion and banquet. The date of the affair has not been definitely decided, but it will be some time between the 10th and 18th inst. This reception will be giycn Mr. Evans as a recognition of the stand lie took against D. E. Thompson, candidate tor U. S, Senator, in which he acquiesced to the ex pressed wish of organized labor in this city. The occasion will be entirely void of political coloring. Lutheran Suppor. Supper will be served by the Ladies Aid Society of the Lutheran church next Tuesday in the room formerly occupied by the Fair Store. Many useful and fancy articles, home made candies anil cut flowers will be offered for sale. The supper menu is as follows: roast turkey, roast chicken, roast beef, ham, mashed potatoes, potato salad, cabbage slaw, pickles, rolls, cake and coffee. Notice to Masons. As matters of much importance in connection with the building ol the Masonic Temple is to come before the meeting Tuesday even ing, April 9th. all Masons are re quested to attend. John Souenson, Master. Tniinnl Umlor ltiynl l'lilncv. Within a few weks the tunnel un der the royal palaco of tho qtiirln.il at Rome will bo completed, it will piaco tho older part of tho eternal city In direct aud level communication with that new quarter of Itomo erected smco 1S70 beyond tho qulrlnal. It Is to bo brilliantly lighted by electricity and will bo carefully watched by tho po lice, who aro In dread lest It might servo some anarchist plot to blow up tho palaco above. Ciuiudlun I,oiiilnra Aticetry. Robert Laird Dorden, tho now leader ot tho opposition In tho Canadian parliament, Is of American ancestry. His family lived In Connecticut and was loyal to England during tho rev olution. NEED LAMP SUPPLIES? This is the place to buy thcmC Aladdin Mantles for Gasoline Lamps, each 10c No. 1 Lamp liurnera each. . . . 7c No. 2 Lamp Burners, each ... 10c No. 1 Lamp Wick, per yd .... 2c No. 2 Lamp Wick per yd .... 3c No. 3 Lamp Wick per yd ... . 5c No. 1 common LampChimney each 5c No. 2 common LampChimney each 7c No. 2 heavy Lamp Chimney each 12c 7c (Tubular Lantern Gloheseach Railroad Notes. I Compound engine 1835 is in the shops to have its tires turned, n ice gang composed of fourteen men was put to work yesterday. Trains No. 102 and No. 0 were several hours late this morning. F. F. Thompson. U. P traveling freight agent, is doing business in town today, The walla, hydrants and cup boards in the roundhouse arc being painted a combination of black and red. Traveling Agent, Howell of the C, M. & St. P., spent part of yester day in town rustling business for his road. V. L. Headland has gone to Genoa to visit his parents lor ten days. Sam Hooker is filling his place as night check clerk. T. V. Sandusky, one of the night switchman, went to Council Bluffs Wednesday to make arrangements to bring his family to this city within the next thirty days. We learn that the U. P. company has decided not to furnish ice to employes in the future, as they have been doing for several years past. The employes will regret this order. L. L. Brown, who has been acting as extra telegraph operator at this station, has gone to Julcsburg to take the place of operator Waynick, who has been transferred to the Wyoming division. Supt. Batcr and Asst. Supt. Ware went west Wednesday to inspect the ballast work on the Third district. The several ballast gangs, consisting uf about four hundred men, were put to, work Tuesday. Bert Wingct, the heavy weight engineer, secured a new suit very easily the other day. He was in Omaha and noticed that a clothing tore advertised a good fit for everybody; 'that any man who could not be fitted would be pre sented with a -made-to-order suit free. Bert needed a suit so he went into the store and asked to be fitted. The clerk and also the manager dcyoled much time to Bert, but no fit could be secured, atid true to the advertised promise, he was taken to a tailor's and measured for a suit, which will be sent him in a few days. Florida Thronged with VUllora. Florida Is now thronged with vis itors from tho northern and westoru statos. Tho leading hotels of the prin cipal cities and towns report "full houses," and tho boarding hotiso poo plo arc also reaping a rich harvest. Every arriving train adds to the crowd. From Lakelund one day last week 3,000 quarta of strawberries wero shipped after tho local demand had been supplied. Introiliirar Nomtml introduction. A fussy little man from Ohio met Senator Huuna in a commltteo room of the senate, dragged him over to ona sldo and said: "Senator, I want you to meet m frlond, Mr. Soandso," Mr. Hannu shook tho stranger's hand cor dially, expressed formal pleasure at tho meeting, and added: "Will you kindly mnko mo acquainted with tho mau who Introduced mo to you?" Copper from Covornor's CuMu. John 13, Clovclnnd of Spartansburg, 5. C, litis olforcd to present to South Carolina a niomorlal tablet, to which Is affixed a plato of copper tuker. from tho coflln of James Glenn of Long croft, Scotland, who lies burled In tho 'iiiclont churchyard near Linlithgow castle. Mr. Glenn was governor of bouth Carolina from 1738 to 1755. An J'cypt'im lined. Tho Egyptian reed, which was used for making tho pens found In Egypt ian tombs, Is a hard variety growing to about the dlamctor of an ordinary goose quill. Pens mulo from It aro paid to last for a day or two and do excellent work. A CAR of Fine, Large. ; 1 Smooth t MUM POTATOES which we are selling at Same Old Price, 20 Cents a Peck, Wilcox X LI Up 11 1 HUK " I tJlWl . The Model One-Price Clothing House. .SSL m honor to this thing- we To get cial price with the $20.00 SUITS ....FOR ... $18.00, Easter Salo. A very special showing of New Spring Suits for dress or business in all the latest pat terns. Handsome Serges, Cheviots, Worsteds, Mixtures and Stripes in sacks made up in new broad shoulders and military effects. $16.00 SUITS FOR.... $12.00. Easter Sale. $5 Child's Vestcc 3-piece Suits . .for... $3.00. A new line of FANCY MONARCH SHIRTS, introducing all the new color effects at $1.50, $1.00 and 75c. EVERYTHING NEW IN Hat departmenta great Easter Sale at S3, $2.50, $2 and $ 1 .50. The Largest line of MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOES in North Platte. Model One-Price Clothing' House, MAX KIRSCHBAUM, Prop. Kuroiiean MumL In Thibet, In Ccntrnl Asia woolen hIiawIh of Euiopcnn manufacture Mud n ready sale. Tho trade In merino shawls In Thibet bids fair to develop Into a prof itable business. Tho shawlH como from Franco and Gormany, and, being very clump, aro roaally sold. They oven Boom to bo supplanting the better, but much dearor, "pashmlnlaB," or cashmere shawls. American Kilucatlou In llontlurn. An American education Is to bo ox- tended to the yoniiB women of Hon duras. Dr. Jenckes of Indianapolis, lias opened a school for girls at Santa Cruz and tho government and wealthy people have subscribed enough to erect permanent stone structures for u collego for women. Apparatus and a full corps of American teachers ro ccntly left New Orleans tor tins work. Ililllil it I.(iRtliiK Iluitil. D. N. Mcl-ccd of Newberry and Ter ry Scanlan of Day MWh are contract ing for sovon miles of 40-pound steel for a now logging railroad. Mr. Mc Leod has taken a contract to log .10,000,000 feet of plno twolvo mtlca past of Grand 'Marals for Hall & Mun jion company. Ho will cut It In two years. Tho roadbed Is graded and ready for tho steel and that will b.q laid as soon as tho snow goes off. rimlilon AfTeoL lltn Itlhlmn Trmle. There Is unusual dullness In tho silk ribbon market. Ribbons aro used ex tensively for the decoration of ladles' wear, and when anything else Is sub stituted naturally there la not so much demand for ribbon. For some tlmo women have been wearing but llttlo ribbon, nnd the market Is consequently overstocked. Philadelphia Public Led ger. How In SI like Ice. W.iler In u bhallow pan, in a shel tered placo, will freeze oven when the thermometer 1b abovo tho freezing point. This Is duo to the rapid loss of heat of tho earth after nightfall, In somo hot countries Ico Is obtained In commercial quantltlos by setting filial low curthenwuro pans of water on tho ground protected from tho wind. Mexican nclclnlU Aro Vowerful. American barrooms aro multiplying hi th" City of Mexico. Their so'Callcct "American drinks' aro almost as dead ly as knockout drops, and tho Imbibers of them aro vory llkoly to bo glvon tho chanco to sober up In tho police biatlon. Three Mexican cocktails aro usually powerful enough to parulyzo a muiD, Max Kirsclibiutm, Prop. SPRING OPENING SALE. You are invited to our exhibit of Fashionable Attire for Spring, 1901 of which we have assembled the choicest novelties that ever came market, eclipsing" by far any ever previously attempted. our goods talked about and to encourage early buying- we make spe inducements from now un til Easter. You will be delighted goods when you see them. $13.50 SUIT FOR.... $10.00. Easter Salo. $10.00 SUITS ... FOR.... $7.50. Easter Sale. 3.50Child'oVcstcc 3'piccc Suits FOR- 2.25. HATS is represented in our PROFESSIONAL OARDS. 0. V. I1EDELL I'HYSIOIAN AND SfJllQEON. Ofllcos: North Platto Nnttonal Unnlt Uulkling, North Tlatto, Nob. Jjl V. DENNIS, M. D., IIOMOEOPATIIIST, Over Flrat Nntloiml Ilnnlc, NOHT1I VLATTK, - - NKIIUAHKA. J, 3. IIOAOr.ANl). V, V. IIOAUUAND Hoagland& Hoagland, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS Ollloe over MoDonald'n Hunk. NOKTII l'l.ATTK, NKI1. ILCOX Jc IIALLIQAN, ATTORN K Y8-AT-LA W. rtOKTll 1'I.ATTK, . . . NK111IAHKA omce over North 1'liUL National Hank. IT. S. RIDQELY, ATTORNEY. AT-LAW . Olllco in (Unman Uloclc, Dwoy stroot. NORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA D R. O. 1). DENT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Oll'ice over Post Oflice. Telephone 115. North Platto, - - Nobrnska. Y DAVIS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. NORTH PLATTE,, - NERRAHKA Grady Illock Rooms 1 &2. f) C. PATTERSON, ' KTTO R N BY-KT-LKW, ' Ofllco over Yollow Front Shoo Store NORTH PLATTE, NEB. J. F. FILUON, General Repairer. Special attention giveti to WHEELS TO RENT