t Barter, Easter comes to April's tryst, Wltkjii gnrland on her hair. And a sown of silk nnd valr; On her breast an amethyst Fastened In n silver twist, With pnlo cowslips faint nnd fair, In the rosy breast-knots thero. Fresh from oft the rainbow stair Hl'lno her ltttlo feet, made bare Of nil shoes, for hIio haa fouml God's crcen earth Is holy ground. Dellcato and debonnalr Wjndllowcrs, of comlntr 'waro, With faint sweetness tako tho air. After her tho blossomed pear IMIngs its flowers, tho vetch and tare Know hor, oven ns tho roso In Its bud her passing knows. Dreams her look of lovo nnd care, And, fnst-shut, more lovoly crows, Till Juno gathor It to wear. After her tho West wind blows. And tho rain beforo her goes, Companlcd with Hying mist: Fearless of their human foes. Conies shy and timid does, Ewes nnd lambs besldo Iter paco. Looking In her lifted fuco. All things In her sweetness share, All would stay her, and nono dare Keep her hero n fortnlcht'a spaco. Savon dnys wo sec, of graco, Knstcr In this earthly plaoo. Raster, kindling graBH and clod With tho oyes that have Been Ood. Live Easter Coos. Sain Leo was n great chlckon-fanclor, for n small boy, nnd lllco most peoplo with n fail had no pntlonco with tho fads of others; no when ono day ho was telling his mother of a lovely brood of bantams ho had seen ("Not much hlggor than btimblohcea, mother, honest! "),ho wns provoked when Grnco camo in with a baslcot of cgg3 to color for Easter, and took off his mother's attention by her questions. "Eastor eggs!" ho scornfully snld. "What good arc thoy? You can't cat 'em! You can't hatch 'cm! It's all Just nonsense!" Graco retorted hotly, and a quarrel seemed very near Indeed; but Just then grandma snapped her lingers sharply, In a funny way sho had. Mother Bald, "There, another thought has struck grandma!" and they all laughed, and tho "war-cloud" rolled away. Eastor morning, when Sam camo to breakfast and found at every plato but his a pretty nest of moss and wild flow ers holding threo colored eggs, ho wouldn't have owned to feeling neglected nnd left out, but ho did! More than that, tho family certainly looked nt him with n queer smile, and grandma cvon left tho table "smiling nil over her face." Could It bo they wcro smiling at his discomfiture? Sam plucked up pride, and even was gener ous enough to ndmlro tho baskets. "When ho went to his room to get ready for church, ho saw tho Joke! There on hfs gas-flxturo hung two largo, handsome, egg-shaped Chlneso lnnterns, Just what ho had wanted. "Ah!" said Sam, "there's whero grandma's thought struck!" Ho started to tako them down, nnd heard ni strango scrambling, sound! Hastily opening them, out fluttcrod a tiny pair of 'silver bantnms( and the llttlo rooster flapped his wings and crowed! ' "Hurrah" cried Sam", as ho dashod "THERE'S WHERE GRANDMA'S THOUGHT STRUCK." downstairs to plant n resounding kiss on each of grandma's soft cheoks. "Thoso Eastor eggs aro something like!" LIzzIo E. Johnson. Schoolboy's Tribute to "llurroiiftln. How close that veteran friend of birds nnd nnlmuls and trees, John Bur roughs, gets to the heart of mankind is Illustrated by n letter which ho re cently rocolvcd from n schoolboy. Tho letter, as printed In an article by CHf ton Johnson In Outing Is ns follows: "I roccntly got ono of your books through tho mall, marked second-class mat tor.' But It Isn't second-class matter. I havo read It, and It Is first-class mat ter. Tho binding nnd get-up may be second class, but tho matter is first- class." Tho boy wroto to John Bur roughs as ho would write to any othor hoy frlond whom ho considered had been dealt with unjustly. Ho had road tho book, nnd he knew and wanted to ussuro his friend that what ho wroto was flrBt-clasa mattor In splto of what any postmaster general said. Tho customs, traditions nnd super stitions connected with Eastor nro al most Innumerable. Their origins nro In tunny cases Impossible to determine, becauso they evidently took placo nt a tlmo when tho season was still pagan In Its chornctcr. Otners, again, nro di rectly connected with tho Christian ob servance of tho festival. Tho early Christians In many countries used to greet ono another on Easter mornlns with tho salutation: "Christ is risen." Tho reply to this was: "Christ Is risen, Indeed, nnd hath nppeared to Simon." "This custom, It Is said, Is still ob served In tho Greek church. Tho giving of eggs nt Easter, or tho spring festival, Is ono of tho most widely known, as It Is nlso ono of the oldest, of tho customs. From tho re motest times tho egg has stood to tho Eastern nations ns tho symbol of tho universe, nnd Hb breaking1 nt thnt timn has represented tho opening of tho now iifo or tho year. When tho eustom wns cnrrled over Into Christian prac tlco tho Easter cges wcro usually sent to tho nrlcsts to bo blossod nml nnrln. kled with holy water. In later times tho coloring nnd decorating of tho eggs was Introduced, nnd In a royal Children's Easter I It was the Saturday beforo Eastor, and tho children all ran out to tho barn to hunt eggs, with Egypt, tho tamo crow, hopping nftor them. Nan ny wns suro thoro must bo several dozen eggs In tho hen house, Billy thought tho haymow was tho best placo to dud them, and Kitty said sho hnd seen old Topknot flying out from Dob bin's manger. Egypt said nothing, OUT IT CAME WITH A LOUD "OW!" but I rather think ho knew as much about tho nests as thoy dhl. Egypt was a sly old fellow. Ho liked buttons nnd pennies, but ho had tho greatest fancy for pins. Ho would pull them out of every pin cushion In tho house when ho could get n chanco, so you might search through room after room, and not como across a singlo pin. Nobody knew what he did with them all. Ho was fond of eggs, too, ami I am afraid this was tho rea son thnt tho children had such a long hunt for them, and found so few. At last they climbed up tho long lad- dor Into tho mow. Tho hay was piled almost to tho roof and covered tho windows. It wns so dark thnt Nanny nnd Kitty wero a llttlo bit afraid, but Billy went first, floundering along In tho hay, Just ns you wado through n snow drift. 'Guess thoro nro nests on this beam," said Billy, "but it's so dark I can't see. I'll feel." Through tho long night of darknoss and gloom Wo follow Theo unto tho opened tomb, And, staudliiR by Ita side, IJehold Ufu Klorlllcd, Know Immortality, liccauEo of Tliec. Through tho brlKht morning stilt wo follow Thee, Our fears forgot, our faintest doubts shall llco. Let prulsos llnner lonir. For death Is conquered. Lot tho farthest nklcs Aro filled, with song I O heart, rcjolcol Art blinded at tho door Of thy uafo tcnt7 Thy l'llot went boforo, He lpadti theo In; then sins', "Ours Is tho victory, O euffcrlnir Ono, Dccauso of Thee!" Homeless cro yt Ho know tho darkened tomb, Homeless henceforth no moro; In each glad heirt STi home. Wakul every flower ot spring, And swell tho ICaater song, And ovary bird awing Tho prulso prolong! roll of the time of Edward I which 1 preserved In tho Tower of London, thero Is an entry of 18d. for 400 eggs, to bo used for Eastor gifts. In tho last fow years artificial eggi of candy, china nnd othor mntorlnls, and egg-shaped articles of all kinds, havo largoly roplnccd tho real eggs as Eastor gifts. Tho shop windows each "CHRIST IS RISEN! " yenr at this season testify to tho In genuity exponded In devising now nnd attractive objects In which tho Idea of tho Easter egg shall bo proscrvod. In Paris theso Easter presents nro gener ally given on tho flrst day of Passion Week. All aro emblematic of eggs, and aro known as "ooufs dea Paquo," or "Paschal eggs." In went billy's hnnd, nnd out It camo in a second, with a loud "Owl" "its nornots or ycliow-jnckcts or something!' 'ho screamed. "Fetch tho barn lantern, Kit, and I'll knock 'em out!" Kitty brought tho lantern, nnd thon ran to tho other sldo of tho bam, for fear of tho yellow Jackets, Billy hold tho lentern over his hear and peeped In. What did ho 'boo? Not hornets, but pins. Ho had run his hand Into Egypt's own llttlo "hldy-hole," whero tho sly llttlo roguo had laid away a wholo pllo of bis favorlto treasures. No wonder they pricked llko hornets. But what the queer old bird was saving them for I novcf know, JVaiure'f Easier Girl. Tho gladsomo Kastcr-tldo comes on, Tho scsamo of spring; When birds begin to tuno tho volco, A Bummer'H prulso to sing. Tho leaves upon tho trees bud forth, Tho daffodils unfold; All naturo opens llko a bud, Tho sun flood: earth with gold. No moro In this, our butter ago, Do maidens seek In dress. And costly bonnots to express Their Buster happiness. Tho modern maid, with brimming health, Gives locks a saucy ouri; Urtngs forth her blko and natty suit Blio's Naturo'o Eastor girl. Urinin Ot UnStCr HatS To neglect tho putting on of somo entirely now nrtlclo of dress on Eas ter Sunday was regarded by tho Eng lish of olden times as suro to bring bad luck, and certainly this is one of tho prnctlces which hns lost nothing with tho Increaso of years. Only now it has been slightly altorcd, so thnt to havo no now clothes to oxhiblt nt tho Easter parndo Is considered sufllclcntly bad luck ln Itself, without the fear of any further misfortunes that may result from It. After donning their now Eas tor garments tho English country pco plo dined oft tansy pudding and bacon or tansy pudding and "good red her ring," tho tnnsy bolng tho symbol of tho blttor honbs commanded to bo eaten at tho Paschal feast. IT LOOKS LIB THEFT GoTommont Uneaiths lmmon;o Shortage in Luzon Ooimnissionary Department, OITICERS AND CIVILIANS ARRESTED List Includes n Umitructor, Cnptnln llnr row. and Many Othcrii-Sommi. Sup- Itrs WutedUucou, flour, ml Otlict OooiU nro round. mmui, iAITU i. uucii-ai. m wiu , . , , , , . .. ncr was prostra'cd nnd about to por nlgh overshndowed In Manila by scu- . . . t . . buuuiuii tiuvciuiiiiit'uui, jiiunuiii. uu prospective, of frauds In tho coinm'.s tary department. How wldoly theso extend has not yet been ascertained, but enough Is known to Justify tho belief thnt they nro far-reaching. Captain Frcdolck J. Barrows ct tho Tt-.ltln1 tfnlniilAAM InfrttitfV nllnrtnh '""""" iwiumvBi . v. I ma8tcr of tho Department of Southern! Lu7on, together with soven commls Bary sergeants, several civilian clerks, a prominent governor contractor, the assistant manager of tho Hotel Orl cnlc, tho proprietors of thrco ol tho largest bnkcrle3 tn Manlln, n number of storekeepers nnd n number of othor persons hnvc been nrrcsted. Tho In- vcstlgatlon has scarcely begun, but thousands of sacks of Hour, a quanti ty of bacon and wngonlonds of other goods, all bearing government mnrks, havo been found In tho possession ol unauthorized persons. It Is alleged that tho contrnotor In question, who has heen doing n bus lncs3 approximating $100,000 per month, has spent hugs sums in enter- lu iung o.ucurs. .a pru.uiuunv com- ! I A I A I m.ssary omccr is nccuseu oi K-aiung u umm.uua.jr .,mu. u.u. it . acrted that largo quantities of stores t I A A t I i . II . -1 i no uecn losi or sto.cn in inuwii a.m also that thero Is a shortage In tho commissary depot. wow sennunm nro uovciopeu uauy. 1 I Illicit transactions havo been traced back to June, 1000, nnd It Is possiblo mat inero aro otners oi earner uaic. iuq exoruunni inriu on provisions maitcs tno surreptitious removni ot supplies immensely promnmc. it w umicrstoou unit other united btatca ouiccrs may do nrrcsteu. Lieutenant rhllip K. Sweet ot tho l-orty-sixin volunteer miuniry is prosecuting tho Investigation under tno uirccuon or colonel wnuer, cnici or police. WASHINGTON, April 1. It was saiu at Doth the wmto Houso wm War department tonight that abosluto- ly nothing had been received by tho government regarding tho nllcgod tin- oartlilng of crooked work on tho pnrt ot any quartermasters und others In Luzon una mo arrest or n number or persons In and out of tho army for scaling property oi uio govcrnmoni or receiving Btoien government prop el ty. General Corbln said further more that tho government had no ln tlmntlon of any sort thnt such devel opments might bo oxpectcd. Ho was Inclined, for this reason, to think tho frauds against tho government could hardly bo so serious as reported, though admitting this opinion was based wholly on tno lack of advices frr,m thn envnrnmnnL Cnntnln liar, rows, ho said, was not tho regular quartermaster for southern Luzon and must havo been acting quartermaster thero at the tlmo of tho arrests. WILL ACCEPT SENAT0RSIIIP. Oeltrlch Stamp u Fitlne tlio Auertlon That Ho Wilt lUvOfii. LINCOLN, April 1. Rclatlvo to tho numerous conflicting reports that Chvo been circulated relative to tno prouaoio courso no win puruuo in nc- ccpung uio senaiorBinp uovornor uio- trlch tonight mado tho following stutcmcnt 'Tho assertion that I will re3lgn tho scnntorshlp to which I havo been elected Is absolutely fulso and cntlroly without foundation or reason. I shah accept tho position nnd ln nil proba bility I shall resign tho governorship within n short time." lounns lluy Nelin..U Htock. KANoAa an, April l.A salo of Shorthorn cattlo from tho herds ot u. o. cowin or New Point, Mo., T. n. nankin or 'larklo, mo nnd T. o. Hag- gnrd of Western, Neb., began nt tho Etock yards In this city toJuy. Tho offorlngs includo fl.iy-ono hnnd ot lino cattle, all of which nro ln exc.l out breeding condition. Rev. StonchotiBc, of tho Ixmdon Mis- alonary Society, has been murdered by brigands, fourteen miles enst of Tien Thin. MnvtiinrnU of till) "qnndron. SAN JUAN, Porto Rico, April 1. Tho North Atlantic squadron, Rcnr Admiral Farquhar commanding; ar rived off Snn Juan, Tho United States special Ecrvlco vessel Uncas, Chief Boatnwaln J. W. Mclaughlln, dollvor- cd tho malls, nnd tho saiudron laid In nil night, proceeding today for Culo- Uiu imuuu, umiu viucin uiu "iwwui I T .1 . 1 1 .. by Armlrnl Farquhar directing tho squadron to go to Venezuelan wtttoro nt oncfl I DIES FOR HIS COMRADES. Uominniiilcr Hcper Suffocated In Attempt ing n Darin; llcictte. CAVITI3, April 1. At 7 o'clock this morning flro was dl covered In tho sail room of tho United Stato3 gun- ht inl, Lieutenant Commander Jerao Mlms Roper commanding. Tho sail room Is a small compartment ad- Joining tho magnzlna Tho heat wait lntons0( tho smoko suffocating nnd the flames difficult to extinguish. Lieu- tenant Commander Roper was tho first to descend Into tho hold, but ho was iw,ii, m.v per endeavored to rcscuo him and was suffocated In Uio nttompt. Lloutonnnt Joslah Slutts McKenna and Cadot Lewis sufforod sovoroly In bringing tho boJy of Lieutenant Com mander Roper to tho dock. Twenty-two of tho crow wcro pros- .,,, . , ..., r1 ...., T . .... :,, son, Cnhoy, Burton, Smith, SuUlvnn nnd Foraboon sorlously, but nil will recovor. Tho contents of Uio sail room wero destroyed, but tho dnmngo to tho gunboat wns slight. The or igin of tho flro has not boon osccr- Possibly It was n coso of Bponlnnoou8 combustlon. T,m (loaUl of LIoulcnnr leutennnt Commander Roper Is greatly deplored. Ills body will bo sent (o tho United States April G 'by tho Buffalo. STAYS GOVERNOR TILL FALL 1)IeUlch ,r.nt, t(, rulnll 1IU ,.,,, ol AdiuliiUtrutlnii. LINCOLN, Nob., April 1. Sena- t01,oln.t nlntrlol, nnnnuneml .lnflnlfelv - w. tonlght tlmt woul(I not rcs,Bn 8 covcrnor .lntl, laln ,,. nroll. nb,y not unU1 nftcr e()ctl:,n( barrlug, of nn t ec83, of ' grcsa( whch ,10 (U(j not rogar;1 n8 prolh ob,0t GoV0rn0P Diotrlch jU8tincd this ,.,,. ,.v ... Umt .... ollHincd Btnto Illlmi!1i..Pntion whlch ho ,,... ..nxlolin . ..... ito ..fft. nnd ,n thla ho ,B uphold b. lloutonnnt oovon,OP snvico T.irn.n Auciut,,t anrr,tn,.v nt vv MolkloJohn. who had been a caudi dato ln tho senatorial contost, loft tht3 CVOnlng for Washington to con linniiBiin,i work at. tho Wr da- nnrtmcnt. Mr. Meik'cJohn said ho ...,., COnllnuo to mako bin homo at Fullorton, Nob., hut would dlsconUnuo tjl0 1)ractico of law. Ho gnvo no doll nit0 information of bin nlatis nftor ho concludes his mission nt Washington. iwnnii. nHRirt thai: ho haa been ton- (icrcd waition 0f rosponBlblllty with a iaurt nml manufacturing company In moxico nnd that ho has tho offer un cr consldoratlon. It Is also said that a position awaits his acceptance In connoctlon with somo of Uio nowly nc ,jU,r0(1 ,3liuul possessions, but ln what I cnpaclty Is not disclosed. TO RELIEVE THE VOLUNTEERS. IIimtlliiB Curulry nnd Infantry Itrcnlnrs to the I'lilllpplnrs. SAN FRANCISCO, April 1. Tho animal transport Arab Ballod today for tho Philippines with 070 horses for cavalr' alrcm,y on th. MlT n""- Tomorrow UIO uuioril win nan wllh two t00 ot tho F,rat B(lardon ot tho VltnntH cavalry, ono company ot 1110 lc,ua "wxmTy nnu 1,10 "'Ul battalion or tno iuin lnianiry. ino Kllpntrlck, scheduled to sail Friday, will carry tho Third bnttallon or tho EJovonth Infantry nnd tho two com panies of tho First Infantry. On tho 10th tho transport Ohio will onll nnd on tho 8th tho Aztec Is expected to ct tlway, 0n April .15 tho Logan probnbly will depart for Manila with two companM 0f tho First infantry, tho Tnlnl Hqimdron of tho Nlntl cavnlry. tho second Bquudron of tho Tcnth cavuiry nnil tt bnttallon of tho Eleventh infantry, now at Governor's Ishuld and Fort Ethan Allen. Col. Mct'lure guits. PHILADELPHIA, April 1. Colo nol A. K. McCluro today writes: With this issuo of tho Phlladol phla Times my connoctlon with the editorial Btnff of tho paper dlscontln R . not ,ny wjeU or nUrntS0 to rctiro from JournallBtlc work, hut lindor oxlstlnir conditions tho rosnonsl ,)lo editorial direction of the Times Hll0,lU1 ln oUl0r )iandU. "A. K. M'CLURE," Agulniildo T.lkva tlm I'luor, MANILA, April 1. AgulnBldo con tinues to oxprcss himself as plensed w,t, n,,dt ho courteous iruaiiiiuiiL aauiuuu mui uy uuituiai MaoArthur. "I nm a prisoner," Bald ho today, "but I am treated llko a guest." Inpi tn (live Moiipy, LONDON, April 1. "Japan lina mado dlroct representations to St. Pe tersburg against tho Manchurlan oon vontlon," aays a dispatch to tho TImos from Toklo, dated Saturday, "but the rcnult la not yet known." "Jnpanoso public opinion la vory strong on tho subject. Tho cablnot lu .... fl. .,. ,,.,,, hs fr, HrmT i ai M. h,0 "atl1nal thuslasm vlilch is car . . I In nnn umhin tlAlillri(y ID UK UUUUU lUIUlUb AN ALL-DAY SUNDAY SESSION. Until Itrnnchrs nt the Ncbrnnkn LrRenU tnro Tut In Lone llonn. After nn nil diy's Sunday eosbIot extending far into tho night both houses of Iho NebraBkn Btnto lcgls- lnluro, at 12.30 a. m., took a recast until 10 o'clcck Monday morning, when tho business of tho twenty-sov-onth session will bo Anally coaclud.d. Tho two days nnd nights tho houso nnd sennto wcro nt loggerheads over .few Items of tho claims appropria tion bill, nnd It was to adjust theso differences that Sabbnth desecration becamo n nocc3slty. Through tho ap pointment and dlschnrgo of many con ference commlttccn and stubborn adoption and rejection of reports tho objcctlonablo clalmn wero finally weed ed out and nn ngrcemcnt roachwl be tween, tho two houscB. Monday all thnt will bo necessary will ba for tho presiding ofllccrs to sign tho hill In tho ipreicnco of a nominal quorum 4u ollhor houso, nftor which tho g-.ivola which ring Uio death knell of tho ses sion will fall. Tho most Important of tho claim over which stubborn dlrputo occurred wero Uie dally ncwBpapcr claims for tho publication of constitutional nmondmonts ln 1895, amounting to somo $15,000. Theso woio finally stricken out nltogethcr. Tho claim of Dr. S. R. Towno in tho sum of $1,- 251.15, for sorvlcca In tho suppression of Binnllpox, disallowed. Tiho claim of Laura B. Taylor of Omaha for $7,500 feen duo hor fatho-, ulnco deceased, for services as Btito welghmastcr, compromised nt $1,000, to bo paid tho administrators ot tho CBtnto of W. B. Taylor. Tho claim of J. E. Hill for $3,502.G0 attorneys foes hi tho cheo of tho state ngalnst Hill, dlsiltowcJ. Tho claim of Murphy & Swain for $370 attorneys' fees In tho enso of Dccrintr ngalnst Long, allowed. Tho claim of M. C. Dnwcs for $3C6.C7 as matron of tho school for tho blind nt Nebraska City, allowed. Tho claim of Mr. and Mra. F. W. Bn- Htrom for $117, for cxpenron nt do'o gates to tho Atlanta exposition, nnd ti similar claim of J. E. BuL'or for $180 ns delegate to tho Noshvlllo exposition, disallowed. Tho I.nura B. Taylor and exposition claims wcro tho ones over which tho most obstinacy was exhibited, tho sen nto Insisting thnt they bo rojocted nnd tho houso that Uicy bo allowed. In tho houso Mcmboro Brown of Fur nas, Whltmoro of Hamlltcn nnd Sprcchcr of Colfax fought tho allow ing of theso und other claims, Just nn determinedly ns thoy woro opposed ln tho sennto by Croun&e, 0'o3on and Martin. For a tlmo bo blttor did tho opposition of tho latter ticcomo tint thero wns grave danger of tho defeat of tho measure In toto, tho Bouato re questing Uio houso that tho bill bo returned to It for furUior considera tion. Hnd Iho Jiouso granted tho ro- quest It Is highly propablo that tho sonnto would havo indefinitely post poned tho bill. Roproscntatlvo Ollls' freight rate bill, providing n reduction of 10 par cont ln tho rnten chnrgod for ship ments of cattlo, hogs and Bhoep, dhd a Bad nnd lingering (loath In tho bou nto. Tho first .blow was struck In tho forenoon. At tho nfUrnoon session Senators Weber and Miller tried In vain to call It back to llfo, but their ministrations wcro unavailing, Houso roll 150, by Stockwoll, em powering insuranco companlos to ex tend policies to covor porsonnl prop erty iwhen temporarily romovod from tho territory ln which Insured, but In no Instance shall Insured property bo romovod boyond tho limits ot n ad Joining county, was passed by tho senate, Houso roll 23, by Hithom, to em power tho governor to convey to him tltlo to a quarter section of cchool land In Red Willow county. Crounso and Oleson voted against It on tho ground that tho legislature Is llmltsd from taking such nctlou by soctlon (1 ot nrtlclo 8 of tho stato constitution; wns passed by tho Honato, LEGISLATIVE NOTES. A list of nets passed by tho legis lature up to and Including March 31st havo boon signed by Governor Diot rlch. Governor Dietrich on Uio 31st sign ed olghteen bills. Among thorn wivi ono by Lootnls to make tho warden of tho Btnto penitentiary tho oxecutlonor ot death penalties. Tho houso pxssod tho bill providing for a atato exhibit of tho agricultural, Industrial and educational resources of tho Btnto at tho Pun-Amorlcnn ex position to bo hold ln tho city of But falo, N. Y., In tho year 1001, and to provide for tho appointment by tho governor of a commissioner, who Bhnll havo chargo of Bald fltato oxhiblt. Immediately after tho opening ot tho session In tho houso on tho 30th Ollls of Vnlloy moved to commit tho Hartley bondsmen compromlso bill to tho committee of tho wlio!o for amend ments, nnd was defoated by a rising voto of 15 to 12. This motion being lost tho bill was roid a third tlmo and Uio roll called on its passage. Sovoral members sent up written ex planations of tholr votes, but no 1 BroocnoB Tvoro n,nuo ouupr ,or "r - aBftlnat tho ,, Tho voU) VTO8 53 tr 'i'A m lavur ui iia yjttv. 1 I