WWWWVVWVWWVVWV i Local Nows in Brief. All the late novel at Doolittle's. Holland & Kohco'b minstrel at the opera houc April 2, MU Watic Austin has cloned a very Mjcccnhful term of bcIiooI in District 87. John Keith has returned from a three week,' stay at Hot Springs, Arkansas Will Wnodhurst Ih figuring on creeling a limine on his lot on went Firnt Htrcct. The late storm will prove a litl'c hard on ratine cattle which are not clone herded, and home Iohiich can rcaHonably be expected. Dr, Seymour, eye specialist, corn i"l,r. H. K. Votaw han carpenters figuring on the cost ol a two story residence which he will erect on went Fourth Htrcct this season. Full Hue of hulk Garden SecdH at McGlone's, Foley block. Fred Hecnx Iiuh sold to H. Strick land the HouthwcHt quarter ol sec tlon -l-l 1-20 for twenty-four hundred dollarM. The laud Ih situated in Peckhum precinct. II. D Luce haH purchaHcd the wcHt lot of the KIch property on went Third street and will creel thereon a rcHidence. The lot one of the most desirable on that Htreet. The Htormy weather of tnc pant ten days has greatly interfered with early building operations, and contractor are earneHtly louinu lor the appearance of pleaH.int dayH. Father Lynch of Wood Klvcr, Father Tetrarch of Kearney and Father Burke of Lexington have been in the city assisting Father Haley in the forty hour service which began Sunday morning. Marion Carrier, who recently purchased the lot went of the Blankcnbiirg residence on weal Sixth Htreet, will erect thereon a 24 x I0 brick blacksmith shop. J. A. Mc.Yllehael han the contract and work will begin an uoou au the weather will permit. A line of pianos and other mus ical Instruments will be added to the stock at the Doolittlc book Htore. Mr. and Mrs, M. K. llarnum and children enme up from Omaha Sun day morning and are visiting rela tiven and friends. Mr. Bariium wilt probably return today while the family will continue their visit a few days longer. J. F. Clabatigh Iiuh purchased the F. J. Dentlcr lot and we under Htaud will move oil to it the house in which he now lives, He will then erect on the lot from which he removes the houe a two Htory res! deuce. The price paid for the Dottier lot wan four hundred and fifty dllar. California Huuih are Helling at 8Jf cenU per pound at Unskin's meat market. They arc first-class Better order one. Alviu Pool, who ih attending a college of iuuhIc in Chicago, is making exceptional progress am! will render a violin selection at the next recital given by the advanced HtudcntB of the college. To be given thlH privilege 1 countered an honorary mark. Alviu in also a member of a stringed quartette, in which he plays the viola, II Ih ad vanccmcut has been ho satisfactory this year that he will attend the college next year and graduate as a finished violinist. Dtb. Seymour and Williams, eye car, nose and throat specialists coming to thin city Thursday April 4th, at the Hotel Neville The annual meeting of the build iug and loan association Saturday was exceptionally well attended considering the very stormy weather, stockholders representing nearly 500 shares being present Twenty shares ol stock were sold at premiums ranting from twenty two and one-half to twenty-five pur cent. Nine directors tor the eusuiiiL' year were elected by ballot, those chosen being the same directors as managed the association during the past 5'ear, namely. Messrs. Patter son, Finn, Clabatigh, Evans, Soren son, Roche, VonGoetz, Rannie and Redmond. The fourteenth annual report ot the secretary shows that the association is in that same sat isfactory condition that haH marked It since Ub organization. The four teenth series was opened till month and already over 400 shares yave ueco subscribed c BOYS' SUITS We have (t The Fabrics are W Absolutely Pure Wool , . . i-., fi 1 lie Biyie 111 some 01 me simuer sizes, 3 10 8 are beautiful in design and combination of trimming. The larger cizes are of course made with plain doub e-breasled jack ets, or with single-breasted coat and vest made like pop's suit. All of them are sewn with practically unbreakable heavy silk, and every exposed point is strongly rein forced. All the profit that is made 011 these suits the purchasers will have, for neither the manufacturers nor ourselves (0 '0 make enough t6 count. This is one of our cflorts to give mothers unmntchable values. '0 Oije Price at)d to to to to STAR CLOTHING HOUSE. W. A. VOLLMER, Proprietor. IIV Children's Shoes. You all know how difficult it is to get n Child's Shoe That Will Wear. We know what we nig about when we arc say talk that We Have Them Ranging1 in price from 50c to $1.85. Hoys Shoes rang ing in price from $.25 to 82.00. ICverv pair made of good solid leather. Not a shoddy shoe in the lot. Store closes at 8 o'clock p. m. except Saturday. Wilco Department toUe. Ladies call and see the Passe- Portout outfits at Doolittle's. Peter Ueering and wife will leave about April 1st for a visit with relatives in Sweden. Material for the W, T. Hanks house in the west end is beginning to arrive. N H. Post has the con tract and the price is thirty-one hundred dollars, including the heating plant. April 10th has been definitely decided as the date tor holding the big live bird contest between the North Platte and Grand Maud teams, There will be twenty men to the nhle with ten birds to a man Dolnn predicts that this time North Platte will prove the victors MM... l..w.i ...ill l. . A. I.I... I- iiu niiiiwi will uu iii'iu ,iv llllicill. Park in this city, In addition to the team content there will be a number of individual contests. : WOMEN'S ! SPRING $3.00 A handsome, durable new spring street shoe, flexi ble extension soles, thick enough to keep the fe t drv, pliable enough for perfect ease in wear ing. Fine blnck kid up pers, pretty toe shape.new heel styles, ntjntiuc eye lets, nicely finished ami trimmed 3 00 Yellow Front Shoe Store GF.OKGi: .M. 3 doom houUi I'. O. to to to to to ,:r. SIZKS 3 to 16 $5.00, 4. 50, 4.00 $ 3.50, 3.00, 2.50 $ to hundreds of suits at lower to prices. Some at SI .50 and $2.00 a suit, but the suits that we are advertising at $5 arc more value for this price than ever before heard of. to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to tor to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Worsted. . - JPlaii) Yi&Utes. MisH Bertha Koons. who had been critically ill with erysipelas, is re ported as convalescing. u. u. hie le is making arrange ments to build an addition to his residence in the Third ward. Eureka Stock food will do all 18 claimed for it. Try a package and be convinced. The M. 10 ladies aid society will meet with Mrs. S. C. Sherwood Thursday afternoon at half past two o'clock. Do not fail to see Drs. Seymour and Williams the noted eve, car. nose and throat specialists, when they are here Thursday, April 4th. Mrs. Julia Casey will enlarge her residence on west Fourth street this ea0n by building a second story and increasing the ground plan of the present house. The ladieBof iheO. K. S. will hold a dime social Wednesday after noon at the home of Mrs. Abbie Patterson. All members are urged to be present. John Hurke iB making arrange meuts to build a one thousand dollar house on his corner lot. in the First ward. Work on the building will begin at an early date. List your hill ranchen with us for sale. If price is right we can sell them. John Hkatt & Co. At noon yesterday the pissen gers on train No. i. which arrived here the night before and held on account of the snow blockade were transferred to train No. 5, also held here, and the train turned and run east as No, 2. Shortage of equip men 1 uuiaua made mis move mcessary. STYLISH FOOTWEAR $3.50 The most approved late dress shoe styles, light weight soles, dress toes and heels, bright or dull fiuihhed kid toes, patent leather or kid tips, Care fully made in every part, easy fitting, hnudsonic looking, finely finished. Several patterns nt tltc price of 3 50. GRAHAM, Mgr. North Uttc, Neb. t Conscicace Money. County Treasurer Scbarmano re ceived through the mail Friday an envelope containing a fire dollar bill and on a sheet of paper were written the words: Return to general fund." No signature was attached and the writing on both envelope and sheet of notepapcr gave evidence of having been dis guised. Some one has at some time wrongfully obtained money from the county, and having atrophied conscience returned the bill re ferred to which may form part or all of the money illegally secured. This is the first instance wo. have heard of conscience money being sent to the county treasurer's office. Mrs. Herrod is making a number of improyements to as well as en larging her residence property in the First ward. Misses Laura Murray. Kate Gil man and Annie Swaiger made their regular Bcmi-monthly viBit home Saturday. John Sorenson has received plans for a house which he may decide to build this season on his lots in the west end. Morgan W, Dayis, who for mauy years lived in iNortli I'lattc, lias leased his farm near Wellfleet and will move to Lannia, Col. Latest sheet music at Doolittle's. Sentimental songs, Comic songs, Coon songs, Sacred songs, Waltzes, Cake Walks and Musical Publica tions. Mr. and Mrs. Butler Buchanan went to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, yester day on receipt of a telegram an nouncing the serious illness of Mrs. Buchanan's father. J. A. McMichael has the contract for building a hve-room residence foj Roy Vernon in the south part f town; also for a two-room ad dition to the O. V. Morrison resi dence in the Third ward. From adyance announcements we learn that the Wild West Show has idded a new feature this season en titled The Capture of Pekiu by the Allied Forces. This feature is aaid to be Lrottcu up in an excellent manner and will add much to the attractiveness ot the program. The Wild West will open a three weeks' engagement at Madison Square Garden next Tuesday. Best line of Fancy Dried Fruits iu tnc city at Mcuiones, roicy blnck, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Meyer re lumed Saturday from their eight months' visit in Europe. Their itin erary inciuueu a numoer 01 European countries, with pro tracted stops at London and Paris. and their trip throughout was a pleasant one. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer will remain in town for some time, but they have decided not to again ocate here permanently. Thin Purses Grow Fat "When their owners buy things to eat from us ... . Here arc .1 few of our prices: Kerosene Oil per gal IS Searchlight Matches per box. .04 Yeast Foam 2 pkgs Oo On Time Yeast 2 pkgs 05 Walter Bakers Cocoa 'jAU can .25 Kingsfords Corn Starch per pkire 08 Kingsfords Silver Gloss Starch per pkgc 08 Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour per pkge 10 140-lb. Bag Salt $1.10 Arbuckles Coffee 2 pkgs 25 Lion Coffee 2 pkgs 25 XX XX Coffee 2 pkgs . Bee Coffee per pkg M Horse Shoe Tobacco per plug .'15 Battle Ax Tobacco per Plug. .35 Star Tobacco per plug 45 Standard Navy rI obacco per plutf 35 J. T. Tobacco per plug 20 We pay j-ccnt each for your Tobacco Tags of the following braixm, Star, Horuc Shoe, J. T., Standard Navy, Spear Head. btore closes at U o'clock p, m. except Saturdays Wilcox Dp'tal Store, Wall Paper The largest line ever shown in the city Prices far Below Last Year. Make your selections early. You will find just what you want at WARNER'S Furniture Store Tbo Masonic Temple. The committee appointed by the Masonic orders to take in charge the building of a temple on the corner of Dewey and Fitth streets will hold its first conference this even ing. This committee has been given lull power to act, the only restriction placed upon it is thai the total cost shall not exceed twenty thousand dollars. While a general plan of the building has been discussed in the meetings ot the lodges, no definite plans have been decided upon, but it is prob able that the dimensions will be 50x110 feet and a height of two stories. The lower floor will be diyided into two business rooms, and the upper room Ubed exclusive ly tor lodge purposes. We learn from a member of the committee that it is quite probable that nearly the maximum amount named by the lodges will be expended in the building, which will insure a struc ture second to none in the city. It is the intention to complete the preliminaries as early as possible. and begin the construction woik at a date that will insure the comple tion of the building before next fall. The addition of this building to Dewey street will make a decidedly marked improvement to that tlnroyghfare. Mrs. James Burns came down trom Sidney the latter part of last week and is the truest ot relatives. A lew days ago a car was loaded with cattle at Vesta, Neb., and started on its way to Soutu Omaha. When the train arrived at Tecum- sell, it was noticed that the car door was open, but the stock seemed to be all right. While the train was yet at the depot a steer came running down the track bel lowing for his mates, He was driven to the stockyards and again loaded into the car. Investigation disclosed the fact that the steer had fallen out of the car more than mile out of town and being unin jured had at once given chase to rejoin his companions. best Five Cent Cigar to A.T SOHMALZRIBD'S. I fTine ferf cimes I and oeip5. Wc are showing an exceptionally fine line of Per- fumes and Soaps, two articles which are household $ necessities. We carry Perfumes bottlcaone is just as Fine Soaps in boxca 15 to 50 cents per box. A. F. Streitz, T. M. C. A. XOTX8. . Five hundred dollars, and other stories is the name of a good book recently placed in the library through the Unlness of Miss Sarah Ferguson. Thanks to her. We are drinking from a new cup. and brushing our bats with a new wisp broom kindly furnished by the Wilcox Brothers. Thank you gentlemen. MUscd it! Every one that did not hear that splendid helpful talk by A. F. Parsons in the rooms lat Sunday missed one of the best talks of this year. May it do those good that did bear it, Fifteen new members and twelve renewals to date this month. Double it fellows by April 1st. If you want to have a good time you can have u by attending the entertainment at the K. P. Hall on the evening of April 13th by the reception committee of the Y. M. C. A. S. The Cbristain ladies aid society will meet at the home of Mrs. Mc Cullough Wednesday afternoon, Sam VanDoran returned Satur day from Robcoc where he had been plastering the section house. We have stock cattle to trade for bouse and lot. John Bratt & Co. AMERICAN BEET SUOAR CO., Grand Island, Neb. Terms of Contract (or 1901. Under the provisions ot this contract the grower is assured of a fixed price for Imb crop. All beets testing 14 per cent or less will be paid tor at the rate of $4 00 per ton, 25 cntB being patd for each per cent of sugar above 14, tractions in proportion. That is beets test ing 14 1 per cent being $4 02i; 14.2 being 84.05: 15 per cent $4,25: 15.1 per cent $4.27?. An additional 20 cents per ton will tie paid for all beets siloed. The factory will pay freight on all beets delivered by rail, cars to be loaded to their capacity, thus placing the grower at a distance on a satisfactory footing. Further information or blank contracts can be obtained by apply ing to American Beet Sugar Com pany. Grand Island, Neb., or E. F. Seeberger. Hersbey, Neb. Build up a Library for Your Home FREE. Save these checks and when you have sevenly.five or more you can choose from hundreds of standard books. The following merchants will give a check with every twenty five ceut cash purchase. THE LEADER, J. PlZER. A. L. DAVIS. STAR CLOTHING HOUSE. W. M. BASKIN. HARRINGTON & TOBIN. A. F. STRE1T55. GINN & WEINGAND. FRED MARTI. HARRY DIXON. Books 011 exhibition and checks redeemed by A. F. Streitz, Drug- .git. in bulk as well as in ounce choice as the other. of three cakes, ranging from 4ft druggist. I