The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 26, 1901, Image 2

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the mums trim
IltA I HAKE, Proprietor.
nnia. . m. tm inviNnn.
-AUllAia. ' . .... --
Tho Nebraska tcnato has possod
bill legalizing tho practlco of oatcop
athy. Governor General Wood has appoint
ed a commission to rovito the Cuban
R. W. Funk, president of tho Jack
sonville, 111., Creamery company, com
mitted suicide.
Samuol I. Irvine, of Iowa, a $1,00G
clerk In tho pension olllco, has boon
promoted to $1,200.
Congressman Marriott Droslus,
chairman of tho commlttco on banking
and currency, died at Lancaster, Pa.
Oliver Dowoy, aged 96 yoars, died at
tho homo of his son, County Survoyoi
R. K. Dowoy, at Greenville, 111. IU
was a distant relative of Admiral Dew
ey. Secretary Root has appolntod Mrs.
Dlta Hopkins Kinney of Now York
City superintendent of tho femalo
nurso corps undor tho army re-organ
Izatlon act.
Lamar C. Qulntoro, a well known
young lawyer of Now OrJoanB, has
beon appolntod a member of tho su
premo bench In tho Philippines at a
salary of $7,000.
Eugono Zimmerman of Cincinnati,
tho fathor of tho duchess of Manches
ter, and Miss I). Evans, aunt of tho
duchoss, sailed for Liverpool on tho
steamship Umbria.
M. Bologlopoff, minister of public In
struction, who, whfTo holding a recep
tion February 27, was shot by Potor
Karpovlch, formorly a student at tho
University of Moscow, died of his
Burglars entered tho Valentino post
offlco by cutting tho wlro screen and
breaking out a light of glass. They got
only about $3 In change from tho cash
drawer. They did not disturb any of
tho mall.
Montpollor, O., tho other morning
saw a nil rag o of a cluster of buildings,
troca and streets, etc., which as easily
recognized as tho village- of Edon, eight
miles distant, on the line of tho Wa
bash railroad.
Intlmato f Honda of Androw Carnegie
Bay that It 1b tho Intention of tho steel
master to glvo at least $26,000,000 for
tho creation of buildings and for tho
endowment of tho proposod technical
school of Pittsburg.
Tho Easton, Pa., board of school con
trollers rofuBo to lncreaso tho tax rate
one-half of a mill for the matntonanco
of a public library, thereby practically
refusing tho offer of Androw Carnoglo
to glvo itho town $50,000.
Miss Edna Horrlck, a handsome
young society girl of Canton, Miss,,
committed suicide- At a hotel In Jack
son by swallowing tho contents of two
bottles of laudanum. No motive has
yet boon assigned for tho not.
Tho city council of St. Joseph, Mo.,
accepted the offer of Mr. Androw Car
ncglo, giving $25,000 to South St. Jos
eph for a library and night school,
providing touchers and a librarian and
assistant wore supplied by tho city.
Mary E. Ford, ogod 74, living -with
hor son, Noah, a woll known farmer,
nlno miles north of Logansport, Ind.,
waH burned to death, hor clothing tak
ing fire from a lighted lamp which
sho had just prepared for tho night.
W. B. Martin, secretary of state, as
tonished tho members of tho Iowa ex
ocutlve council and tho railroad attor
neys at Don Moines working on the an
nual railroad assessment by introduc
ing a resolution calling for an Increase
of $2,600,000 In tho railroad assess
Tho Now York Herald says that a
lottor JuBt received In Now York from
Sir Edwin Arnold shows that ho has
boon obliged to relinquish much of Ills
actlvo literary work owing to blind'
In a mossago to tho legislature Gov
ornor Odoll rocommonds a continuation
of tho work begun sovoral years ago of
dcoponlng tho Now York Btato canals
to nlno fcot and lengthening t?io locks
Tho coBt of carrying on UiIb work to
IUi completion 1b oatlmatcd at $25,000,-
Tho dry goods firm of Gazlngan, Par
maleo & Whltloy, at Clovoland, 0 was
placed In tho hands of a recolvor.
Thp corpora to oxlstcnco of tho Me
chanics' National Hank of Cedar Rap
Ids has been oxtonded until Murch 13,
Mr. Henry Rochofort Is organizing a
big lottery throughout Europo in nld
of tho Boers.
Tho now Bulgarian ministry of tho
Interior haa reltoratod Hh order that
4ho Macedonian rtflo clubs shall bo dis
armed and prohibltod from drilling,
Tho wholesale drug house of Loem
Ing, Miles company burned at Mon
Tho mowor and reaper fnctory of
Sloborllng & Mlllor at Doyloston, O.,
was burned; 1ob3 $GO,000, uml throw
ing 100 men out of work.
.. . m, . ti... I- Tl i
1"n,y mumates -inai urnsms rrescni
Methods Won't Suit Nikado.
Csnr's Mysterious Overtures Suspected to
ThrcHtcn Kncronchment An Omdnl
8nys Mtlle Island Wouldn't llesitmo
to Tucklo the Kmplrn.
LONDON, March 23. Tlio Foreign
omco3 takes a pessimistic view of tho
immediate situation In tho east, in
spite of the tcttlcment of tho Tien
Tsln question, and entertains grave
fears that the relations between Japan
and Russia may shortly reach tho
danger point. Judging from lnforma?
Hon obtained In various official quar
ters in London, Japan has confided to
at least somo of tho powers hor deter
mination to oppose, nt all costs, nny
secret agreements made between Rus
sia and China by which tho formor
could secure territorial or other ad
vantages contiguous to Korea.
Tho British government has receiv
ed no omclal confirmation that tho
Japancso flcot Is mobilizing, but it
would not be surprised to learn such
were the facts. A highly-placed Brit
ish official said to a representative of
tho Associated Press today:
"All Japan wants Is a free hand
against Russia. This sho has got, so
far as England nnd Germany are con
cerned, and, I prosumo, so far as tho
United Stntco govornmont lc concern
ed, although I do not lmaglno for ono
moment that nny of tho powers men
tioned would bo drnwn Into n fight
between Jnpan and RuBsln. If Japan
sees nothing for It but to fight sho
would havo the moral support of ob
jections committed to paper by nt
least two other powers agntnst socrot
treaties with China. That Is nil; but
Japan scorns to consldor It sufficient
to provldo against Interference."
Confirmation of tho forognlng defini
tion of tho situation was afforded by
tho socrotary of tho Japancso legation,
who said, in the course of un intor-
"While rejoicing nt tho fact that
England nnd Russia havo reached a
pacific scttlomont ovor tho minor is
sue, tho main quostion tho Integrity
of tho Chlnoso empire remains unset
tled. In response to nrossure brought
by Jnpan upon Russia it wns announc
ed that RitBsla'B socret treaties with
China had boon modified, but tho
terms hnvo boon withhold. Until wo
sco tho treaties wo will not bo satis
lied that tho modification docs not
consist of words merely, without nny
alteration In tho spirit. In this con
tention wo bollevo other powers will
support us."
It appears that Great Britain would
bo qulto willing to refer tho whole
Manchurlnu matter to arbitration on
tho linos of 'Tho Hnguo conforonco.
Tho Tlon Trin siding affair is not
considered Important enough to bo dls
poBcd of in this way and It will Inv
modlatoly bocomo a mntter of diplo
matic lntorchango botween St. Peters
burg and London.
Cuban Committee, on isolations Opposes
I'art of I'latt Amendment.
HAVANA, March 23. The commit
tco on relations of tho Cuban const!
tutlonal convention mot today to con
nldor tho report drawn up by its sec
retary, Scnor Juan Gunlbartez.
It ia understood tho roport rojects
four clauses clauses dealing with
coaling stations, forolgn relations, tho
right to Intorvono to prosorvo pcaco,
nnd tho entering Into treaties cov
orlng tho points in quostion. Tho
othor clauacH aro treated on tho lines
of tho provlous, tho sanitation of tho
IbIo of Pines being virtually agreed to.
Throe of the flvo members of tho
commlttco objected to tho rojcctlon In
toto of tho four clauseo mentioned and
urged that Borne consideration should
be glvou them. No voto "wan taken,
but a majority was opposed to accept
anco. Tho committee adjourned until
Tuesday next.
Carnegie Answers Vn Wyck.
NEW YORK, March 22. .Mayor Van
AVyok recolvod tho following cable
gram from Androw Cnrnoglo today In
roply to tho ono sent to tho latter yes
"Many thanks, my dear mayor, for
your kind tolcgrnm. Delighted and
grateful for opportunity to servo Now
Two Iteglmimt lteturueil.
MANILA, March 23. Tho United
States army transport Grant salla for
San Francisco tomorrow with tho
Twonty-nlnth and Thirty-second rogl-
montB of volunteer Infantry.
(Irnn's Lending Mini Is Dend.
DENVER, March 23. J. W. Kings-
ley, leading man of tho Julca Gran
Opera company, died at St. Joseph's
hospltnl In this city today of puoumo
nla, aftor a week's illness,
IS, V. Henderson Confesses to Slinro In
Ctidnhy Crime.
DALLAS, Tex.-, March 22. Sheriff
Johnson tonight mado this statement:
"II. C. Henderson this ovonlng con
fessed to mo and County Attornoy
Summers that ho Is ono of tho Cuda
hy kidnapers. His confoislon was
mado voluntarily. Ho stated that ho
had squandered and used in floslng
from Omaha most of tho money ho
got aa his share In tho kidnaping
Job before I arrested him in this city
as a suspect early In February. Coun
ty Attorney Summers asked Hender
son why ho had not admitted hta Iden
tity earlier and ho said:
" 'Hcrotoforo when I have been in
troublo 1 havo had a man tbetwosn
mo and tho court house. But now I
sco thoro is no chance for mo to get
out of thirteen yoarB' Bontcnco on my
conviction hero In Dallas for theft,
and I might as well own up to the
Omaha Job.' "
Transfer from Military Control of Phil
WASHINGTON, March 22. Tho
traafcr from tho military to tho civil
govornment In tho Philippines Is ex
pected to occur about June 80, accord
ing to calculations mado at tho War
department upon information receiv
ed from the Taft commission nnd
General MacArthur. It 1b known that
ovon whoro civil governments are be
ing established by tho Philippine com
mission, tho military will bo neces
sary for somo time, to Bupport the
civil nuthorltio3. It is tho intontlon
to withdraw tho military as far as
posslblo, howovcr, from any participa
tion in tho governments established
and tho soldiers will bo mora of a
police thnn a military forco. Wher
ever poEolblo nntlvo pollco will bo or
Centrnl I'ntsciiRet Association Men Meet
nnil Definitely Decide.
CLEVELAND, 0 March 22. An Im
portant meeting of railway men was
hold at tho Hollenden hotel In this
city today, at which tho 1-ccnt a mile
rate promised for tho Grand Army of
tho Ropubllc national encampment, t)
bo hold In Cleveland next Soptomber,
was formally promulgated. This fixes
tho railroad rato absolutely and fin
ally. In St. Louis January 21 last tho
govornment commlttco of tho Grand
Army accepted tho rato and tho en
campment was located at Clovelani.
Tho Centrnl Passenger association ap
pointed n commlttco to fix tho rate,
formulate ticket conditions and make
other arrangements to govern for tne
thirty-fifth Grand Army oncampmont.
Indians on Ynklma Iteservntlon In Wash
ington Make Claim.
SPOKANE, Wash., March 22. Ton
million dollars will bo asked from
congress at Its next session for tho
fourteen tribes of Indians on tho Ya
kima reservation 'In this stato. So
Btatea Rov. Thomas Pareno, nn Indian
Methodist preacher, tho representative
of tlho fourteen tribes, who was In
Spoknno last evening on his way
homo from an lntorvlow with Presi
dent McKinlcy and other high officials,
Parono says whlto mon havo settled
upon a million acres of land of hia
peoplo, worth $10 an acre.
Nebraska Nattonnt llnnhs.
WASHINGTON, March 20. Tho ro
port of tho condition of tho national
banks of Nebraska, cxcluslvo of Om
aha and Lincoln, at tho closo of busi
ness Fobruary D was today mado pub
lic. Compared with tho provloua
statement In Decombor, loanB and dis
counts have Increased from $18,708,783
to $19,003,350, and individual deposits
from 19,45G,GS5 to $20,040,GGC.
Insists on Piece Work.
CEDAR RAPIDS, In., March 21.
At a conference botween General Man
ager Williams of tho .Burlington, Cedar
Rapids & Northorn ami striking shop
men this nftornoon. Mr. WilllamB of
fered tho mon ninny things thoy had
not asked for, but Insisted that thoy
would Inaugurate tho pleco work Bys-
tern throughout. Tho machinists,
bollermakcrs nnd blacksmiths will not
work undor this systom.
Insurgents llurn Village.
MANILA, March 22. Insurgents
havo attnekod nnd burned tho ungar
clsonod vlllago of Uglus in tho prov-
Inco of South llocos. A detachment
of tho Twentieth Infantry ovortook
and chastised tho marauders.
What Hpnnliirds Couldn't Do,
BOSTON7. March 21. Tho Olympla,
Admiral Dewey's flagship, was placod
in tho dry dock todny to be scr.iped
nnd painted below tho water lino. Tho
govornment Is sponding about $500,000
on It for alterations.
Will Prohibit Cigarettes.
ST. PAUL, Minn., March 22. By a
voto of 72 to 30 tho houso today pass
ed tho sennto bill prohibiting tho man
ufacture, sale or giving away of cigarettes.
Sanguilly Ohango of Front Gives tho Con
servatives a Boost.
Mnkes Visit to the Constitutional Con
vention nnd Advise thnt It Act Delib
erately on the 1'latt Amendment ai
fur llest Interests.
HAVANA, March 22. An clement
of doubt now exists as to what will
bo tho final attitude of tho Cuban con
stitutional convention. Tho prepon
derance of public opinion In favor of
tho Piatt amendment in tho last few
days la having the effect on tho rad
ical members and General Sangullly's
press uttcrnnccs today further tend
to weaken tho strength of tho radicals.
General Sanguilly was tho most radical
of all tho delegates. Ho favored dis
solving tho convention when tho
United States congrcsB adopted tho
resolution. Lately ho has expressed In
prlvato tho views, to which ho has
now given public expression, but few
oxpected him to maintain tho stand.
Ho now Bays: "A literal Interpreta
tion of tho Piatt amendment might
moan tho loss of Cuban independence,
but tho liberal view which President
McKinley and tho convention would
give would leavo nothing to bo feared
by tho Cubans. I do not bellevo that
by waiting wo would got better terms
from tho next congress. Independence
with eafo restrictions is prcforablo to
a contlnuanco of military rule, which
would Burcly follow a rejection of tho
Piatt amendment.
"If tho Americans want tho Islo of
Pines I am in favor of giving It to
them. I am also In favor of establish
ing coaling stations on somo of tho
keys, or nt somo of tho small ports.
Tho prosenco of the authority of tho
United States would bo a guaranty of
our Independence so far as our exterior
safety is concerned and would Bnvo ub
tho expenso of maintaining an army
and a navy."
Tho committee on relations did not
roport today. Probably It will submit
its report tomorrow. Tho view as
serted in tho report that tho resolu
tion establishing relations cannot be
settled by tho convention, but should
bo loft to the futuro republic, is Uablo
to cause a break In tho radical ranks.
Tho conservative clement Is endeavor
ing to keep the convention from taking
a final vote on the question until a
commlttco has beon appointed to wait
on Governor General Wood or go to
Goneral Miles, who has returned
from the Isle of Pines, visited the con
vention with Sonor Quesada, nnd mot
many delegates whoso acquaintance ho
formed during tho Spanish-American
war. Ho advised them not to act hast
ily with reference to tho amendment,
and pointed out that tho people of tho
United States had nothing to say but
In praise of tho constitutional conven
tion, nnd that tho amendment waB only
carrying out the Teller resolutions.
lloer Comninniler-ln-Chlef Suffers Lois of
KlmniHii In Fight.
LONDON, March 22. A dispatch
from Lord Kitchener dated at Pretoria
March 20, Bays:
Philip Botha, a brother of tho Doer
commander general, was killed on tho
Dornburg. Ills two sons wero wound
ed. Tho Boers of tho Orango River col
ony havo disbanded nnd scattered. Do
wet 1b In tho neighborhood of Hell
bron. Mtrcer mid Party Iteturns.
WASHINGTON, March 22. Con
gressman Morcer Mrs. Morcor and tho
baby returned from thoir trip to Cu
ba, whither thoy went, together with
membors of tho rlvor and harbor
committee of tho house, on a tour of
inspection of tho southern coast of
Florida and Cuba. Morcor was at tho
Whlto Houso on mattera connected
with army appointments, nnd after his
lntorvlow with tho president ho said
that ho could not Indlcato who would
rocolvo tho appointments from Ne
Hastonlnii Join liners.
LONDON, March 22. "It ia report
ed hero," saye tho Amsterdam corre
spondent of tho Dally Mall, "that a
company of American volunteers,
mostly llostonlnns, recently landod at
Kohl Bay, Tongaland, crossed Swazi
land and Joined Goneral Louis
New Kxeeiitlve Commit ten.
now Transvnal oxocutlvo council, np
pointed by Sir Alfred Mllner, gov
ornor of tho Transvaal and Orango
Rlvor colonies, la as follows: Gsnrgu
V. Fldds, sccrotary of administration;
Mr. Duncan, secretary of tho treasury;
Rlchnrd Solomon, attornoy gonornl,
Sir Godfrey V. Lagden, commissioner
of natives, nnd Mr. Wyborg, commls
Blonor of mines. Tho appointments aro
well received.
Latest fjuotntlnn from South OtEsli"
nnd Knnim City
Union Stock aVrds Cattle There wan a
light run of cnttlo nnd, the demand being
of liberal proportion, prices were strong
er nil around. The mnrket linn !een In
good shape all tho week and It Is safe
to call prices on tho better prudes fully
15c higher for tho week. Tho commoner
grades have ulflo Improved somewhat, but
not qulto uh much as tho choicer cuttle.
Everything In tho yards today was sold
In good season. The cow tnnrkct was
also active and higher. Thoro were only
nbout IS cars offered and they were picked
up In a hurry. For the week the mnrket
can safely bo quoted 15c to a quarter
higher. Tho greatest advance has been
on the choice cows nnd heifers, but tho
medium kinds havo Improved easily 15e.
Light and handy weight bulls wero In
good request at good, strong prices. Thoro
were very few feeders offered but, the de
mand being In fair shnpc, It did not tnko
long to clear the yards of all desirable
stock cnttlo of all weights.
Hogs There was a light run of hogs
and the market opened a big dime higher
than yesterday. Tho bulk of the hogs
sold nt J5.SO and J3.S24, with the choice
heavyweights selling mostly nt Jfi.SG, and
n top of J5.87Vi. At those prices the mar
ket was fairly active, and, tho receipts
being light, It did not tnko long for tho
bulk to chango bands. The lightweights
wero very hard to dispose of as packers
would hnrdly bid on thorn nt all. They
finally sold, however, from J5.77H down.
Tho Inst half of tho market wns good
nnd strong, which mndo the long string
of hogs sell nt J5.82&.
Sheep Quotations were: Choice fed
wethers. JI.40tf4.C5; fair to good wethers,
J4.2CO4.40: cholco lightweight yearlings,
J4.C004.M): fair to good ysarllngs. JI.4W0
4.00: cholco lightweight ewos, JI.W4.30:
fair to good ewe, $3.9054.15: choice lambs,
J3.15fl6.25; fair to good lambs, J1.90G6.15;
feeder ewes, J3.25i3.50; feeder wethers,
J3.75S4.0O; feder lnmbs, JI.30tf4.G0.
Cattle Light fat steers nnd Texnns, 10
15c higher; heavy beef steers steady,
other cnttlo sternly to 10c higher; nntlvo
steers, $4.5005.00; Texas steers, J4.COfi5.00;
TexaB cows, J2.653.75; natlvo cows and
heifers, J2.40ft4.S0; stockers nnd feeders.
J3.75iH.S0; bulls, J3.00J4.25; culves, $4.00
Hogs Mnrket CftlOc higher tho highest
price, J5.97H. since 1891 being reached.
Hulk of sales, J5.S0?5.90; heavy. $5.90
5.97V4; packers and mixed. JTj.SOQ5.90; light,
J5.70H5.S5; Yorkers, J3.C0ft5.S0; pigs, JS.OO'tf
Sheep Market strong. Muttons, J3.40
3.90; lnmbs, J3.10ft6.30.
Withdrawn! of Troops from Disputed
I.nnil Averts Collision.
PEKIN, March 23. Troops on both
sides of the disputed land nt Tien Tsln
have boon withdrawn nnd nil danger
of a fracas Is ended. Tho opinion of
tho BrltlBh is that tho promptness of
General Barrow In calling up tho ma
rines from Taku prevented a collision.
Tho British roport that prior to the ar
rival of tho marines sentries wero sup
plied from tho Madras Pioneers, who
for several days wero surrounded by
cowds of foreign soldiers, mostly
French, who assailed them with all
kinds of abuse, calling them "Coolies."
Tho Madrasscs were becoming restive
whon tho marines arrived at night and
quietly relieved them, and it was only
when daylight appeared that tho, Rub
slana discovered the change.
Members of Cnbluet Plensed With Re
ports from Philippines.
WASHINGTON, March 23. Tho cab
inet mooting today was not protracted.
Tho latest advices from China, largely
press reports, Indicating an adjust
ment of tho acute situation between
tho Russian and British at Tion Tsln,
was considered reassuring. Secretary
Hay submitted tho recent dispatches
from Commissioner Rockhlll. Tho ro
ports from tho Philippine commission
submitted by Secretary Root, Indicat
ing rapid progress of the establish
ment of civil govornmont at various
points In tho Islands and showing a
constantly increasing disposition at
on tho part of tho insurgent chiefs to
surrender, wero considered very satis
Ht. I.onls Wants to Accept.
ST. LOUIS, March 23. Public-spir
ited citizens havo offered conditionally
to free tho site of tho exposition if it
can bo secured for tho uso of the pub
lic library In order that the city may
avail ltsolf of the $1,000,000 gift of
fered by Androw Carnegie.
Tho Public Library board, at Its
meeting today, determined to mnko
ovory effort to obtnln moro ground for
tho now building.
Ilenlnl of Cnblnet Htory.
WASHINGTON, March 22 It Is
stated on high authority thnt Formor
Senator Wolcott, of Colorado, Is not
to Biicceod Sccrctnry Hitchcock as tho
head of tho Interior department, ns
published this morning. Sccrctnry
Hitchcock, when shown the Item, said:
"So far as I nm aware there Is abso
lutely no foundation for tho story."
Improve Itrnp ilnrgmisi'ir.
WASHINGTON, March 23. Tho ord
nance department of tho army has ar
ranged to equip nil tho United Stntea
Krag-Jorgenson rllles with a now
sight, developed by tho department nf-
tor years of enrcful experiment. Tho
feuturo of tho sight la tho combina
tion of tho ordinary hinged elevating
eyopleco with a side movement, con
trolled by a Blmplo and Btrong friction
clasp, which turns tho sight Into a
very effective, graduated wind gauge.
Seorotary of Ouban Oommittco Says Piatt
Plan Will Bo Bejeoted.
Governor-General Wood Propones to Pro
vide for Settling Disputes Arising from
Spanish Contracts Four Oppose the
HAVANA, March 21. Tho commlt
tco on foreign relations today decided
to hold a mooting tomorrow, when
tho report on tlio Piatt amendment
will finally be discussed.
Scnor Juan Alberto Gomez, who
drew up tho report, asorts that four
of tho five members of tho commlttco
will recommend tho constitutional
convention not to accept tho
amendment, but to leave tho wholo
Question to tho futuro republic. Ho
Bays ho Is confident that tho conven
tion, which will meet Friday, will
adopt tho report.
Governor General Wood and tho
cabinet secretaries today discussed tho
advisability of establishing a court of
claims, to which could bo referred
claims against municipalities arising
out of old Spanish contracts. A num
ber of these aro pending throughout
tho Island and It is expected that In
demnity on tho city loan contract will
bo tho first before tho court.
Scnor Carlos Roloff, tho nowly ap
pointed treasurer of Cuba, whoao terra
begins April 1, will qualify with a.
bond of $200,000.
Abandon Fight for n Mew Trlnl nntl CJIve
Themselves Into Custoday.
OMAHA, March 21. C. A. Rolmcrs
and B. O. Relmers, father and Bon.
convicted of violating tho federal stat
utes In connection with tho wrecking
of tho First National bank of Nollgh,
como In yesterday from their homo at
Pierce, Neb., and surrendered them
selves to tho United State3 marshal.
They wero taken to Sioux City In tho
afternoon by Deputies Pcarsall and Al
lan to sorvo out their Bentoncoa of flvo
years In tho penitentiary.
Whon their motion for a now trial
was overruled and sentence linposod.
they wero given ten days in which to
perfect their appeal, and thla tlmo
expired Tuesday. At tho last moment
they concluded not to fight tho caso
further. Tho Impression seems to pre
vail around tho federal building that
tho offense of thO'Rolmora was rather
technical than otherwise, and that thoy
wore mado to boar tho brunt of a lot
of systematic wrong-doing In which.
Cashier C. R. Alldor, who ilod to Mex
ico, was tho chief actor. Much sympa
thy was expressed for thom. Both tho
unfortunate men soemod to feel their
position keenly, and thoy hod somo
difficulty at times In controlling their
Uerrlman Hnjrs Dlscrepanccy Cases Will
lie Prosecuted.
WASHINGTON, March 21. Regard
ing irregularities in tho census enu
meration In Maryland, Director of the
Census Morrlam said today;
"I havo been simply amazed at tho
Irregularities we havo discovered. It
is too late to chango tho figures of
tho tenth census, but It will be the
policy of this offlco to punish every
offender. St Mary's and St Charles
counties woro tho districts in which
tho worst irregularities occurred. Ia
ono county of ono of the districts BOO
names woro added by the enumerators.
Tho total population, Including tho
padded names, aggregated 18,130. Tho
enumerator, S. F. Aboil, was arrested
last night and hla caso will servo
as an example. Tho penalty Involved
Is $5,000 fine and two years' imprison
ment Wo will press all cases of this
sort discovered anywhere, although It
is too lato to chango tho figures."
Wish to do to Liberia.
ATLANTA, Go,, March 20. Four
negroes, representing, It Is said, 1,000
of their raco, living In Elbert county.
today appeared boforo Governor Cand
ler and asked that he furnish trans
portation to thom, that they may go
to Liberia.
Flood Holds Column llitck.
DURBAN, March 21. Owing to tho
Klip river being flooded Goneral
CnmpboU'B column has been unable to
return to Standerton, from which point
it wont to bring away tho garrison at
Vredo, which tho British evacuated.
Tho column had hoavy fighting going
to and coming from VroJo and Gen
eral Campbell now lias about 200 sick
and wounded.
Krmicli Triumphs In Aiders.
ALGIERS, March 20. Goneral Ser
viero tolographs that tho French mis
sion to tho oases of Tuat and (Warn
against tho hostllo trlbesmon is near
Ing conclusion and that Tnlmln, In tho
oasis of Gurara was occupied March