A. tte SEVENTEENTJl YEAll. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, MARCH 22, 1901. NO. 17. Jlorih ijlattc OUR SPRING GOODS Will be here before long nnd in the meantime we desire to dispose of Odds and Ends in Furniture and offer you attractive prices on these goods. If you need a piece of Furniture you can find it here, and the price will be as highly satisfactory as the article. We have established a reputation for selling good furniture at low prices; we propose to maintain that reputation. How About a Range? Do you need one? If so let us give you low prices on a good one. Ginn JOHN UK ATT. ...JOHN BRATT & CO.,... Real Estate, Loans Insurance X NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. v BTHoforonoot-Any Iff Iff : fvforlh pi&ile fHour : lai?Ufacttu:ecL by Jottt) Platte fioiieir T)iils Used by economical housewifes in fifty towns in Nebraska and Wyoming and pronounced the equal of any flour manufactured in Nebraska. fl Trial Sack urjill Coijviijce yoix of its njeirit North Platte Roller Mills C F, 1DD1NCS luiffJumiumiumjuiiriUiirwiffJumiuiirJUflraJuiffK Say! Is Your Wife Cross? g IF SO, BUY HER SOME OF THE.. 3 New Aluminum Ware at A. L. Davis' Hardware Store. Just like a mirror and will make her smile all the time. QAAIc We have Rice's Northern grown Gar- g OCCUo den and Flower Seeds in bulk or pack- ? 2 age- We sell Hardware, Gives us , 1 A. L. DAVIS, CARRIE NATION! Public opinion seems to be divided iis to the course pursued by this lady, but the universal opinion is that PALMER'S CAR NATION PINK (the juice of the llowcr) is the most lasting and exquisite odor to be obtained. "We have it in bulk. NORTH PLATTE PHARMACY. - "Pasteur Vaccine" Trnile-Mrk 8AVE8 CATTLE FROM BLACK LEG "BMCKLIGUE." Neatly 2,000,000 successfully treated In U. S. nnd Canada during the last 5 years. Cheap; safe and easy to use. Pamphlet with full particulars, official endorsements and testimonials sent FREE on application. Pasteur Vaccine Co., SCLLINd AQCNTS t Live Stock Vaccine & AUdlclne Co,, Denver, Colo. For Sale by & Weingand, rVVWVVVS E. K. COODMAIV. Bnnli in WolDraslta. Stoves and Tinware g a call. 3 The Hardware man that g no one owes. !s: A. F. Streitz. Frod Douglas Married. Fred Don jj las and Miss Ida Deems were united in marriage Wedncsdiiy evening at the Douylas residence by Key. Wimberly in the presence ot a dozen or more friends of the family. Following the cere mony a wedding luncheon was nerved. The bride has made her home with the Douglas family for a num ber ofnyears, nnd is a young lady possessing many admirable trails of character, and is highly regarded by all acquaintances. Mr. Douglas ha spent most of his time in North Platte for eight or ten years, but for a number of months lias been living at Cheyenne, where lie t employed in the service of the Union Pacific. He is a steady, bright and active young man of good character. Mr. and Mrs. Dougla9 expect to make their future home in Chey enne. Asacsors' Meeting. North Platte. March 19. Meeting called toorder by county clerk. 12. L. Caress of Whittier precinct elected chairman and V. C. Dolan of Maxwell secretary. Adjourned to meet at one o'clock. At the afternoon session the fol lowing rules were adopted: Firt, That all horses and cattle six months old or over and all othei stock three months old or over bt assessed. Second, That all property be asessed at one-fifth actual valua tion. W. C. Dolan. Sec'v. BETWEEN THER7vn.S. J. H. Efhtlman, assessor elect for Nichols precinct, altended the meeting of the county assessors al he county seat Tuesday of this week. Leonard Laubner and Mr. Wood will farm the plow laud on Henn Foulk's farm the coming season. The weather the past week ha- been a genuine March production. Geo. Edminsten and family who have resided on the Max B er ranch the past year have recently moved into the Strickler resideno f Hershey. J. C. Gigerof the Nichols cream ery was down to Gothenburg on business the first of this week. Ware & Co. at Hershey have just received an invoice of new dry goods of the latest patterns. Travel by teams along the rail road between Nichols and .Hershey will soon be stopped as some of the farmers in that section will conned their fences from the south with he railroad fence, which will throw i lie travel to the county road about i quarter ot a mile north. We understand that P. E. Erick. son will in the near future asMirm ch irge of the Nichols section again. He is the foreman who came so neai 'leing killed by a train at that phice last summer. W. H. Hill at Hershey received a car load of farm implements and buggies the fore part of the week. VV. L. Iirownfirld and family who have resided on the Guthrie farm near Hershey for the past two or three years are at this time moving over south to the Max Beer ranch which they have leased lor the com ing year. 15. F. Seeberger has been improv ng the looks of hia premises at Hershey in various ways lately. He has put down a new well and wind null to irrigate his lawn and also to furnish water for his bath room. H. Newberry of McPherson county is putting in small grain on his farm in the valley near Nichols. N. B. Spurrier, who took a car of hogs to Denver about two weeks go, has returned after a short visit with relatives and friends at Den ver, Greeley and Eaton. The gentleman from Cozad who Sveberger &. Co. of Ilershev sold a car load of hogs to did not ship hem from there until Thursday. The cold snap this week lias im peded fanning to some extent and been rather against fall grain. The valley is full of wild ducks, eese, cranes and brandl and the wily sports are on the war path with fair success. James Clemmens is working on the Nichols section in II. H. Hoi- lirjgsworth a place who has charge of the Sutherland section. 13. C. McCord who had in several acres of onions last year and made good money out of them, will in . !.! ... ne.ise ins acreage hub season, lie will also put out a few acres o sugar beet. Henry Fulk has taken possession ot the residence on (he J. C. Ahl born farm that he lately purchased. STATE NEWS? Mr. Harper, who owns a majority f the slock in the telephone line fr mm Bavard to Sidney, has taken down the line because it docs not pay. Huffman & Rollins, ranchmen near Neligh, will this year put in 300 acres more of alfalfa. This will make 1,100 acres of alfalfa on their ranch. The postnfficc at Dix was entered hy burglars and robbed of $60 worth of stamps and 515 in cash The same night SIS was stolen from the store of Bushcc & Vogeler. The women ot the Methodist Episcopal church at O'Neill ran 'he Independent of that place last week. They put out a sixteen-page piper, jammed full of advertisin- and plenty of good reading matter The Westbrook elevator at Alb on collapsed wrecking the build ng and spilling 20,000 bushels of wiieat. corn and oats into a pile The grain can be saved with com paratively small loss, but there is lothing but kindling wood left of he elevator. Senator Thurston has been id m it ted to practice before the in erior department at Washington .ind it is understood that for a yar or so. at least, he will make that city his home. He has exoress d 'limself as loth to quit the national capital, though he lud no ambition to remain as United States Senator. An Indian in Nebraska lately got verdict for $3,000 damages igainst another redskin for alienat ing the affect ions of his squaw. Hie simple child of the wilderness is discovering-, from association with civilization, that the pocket of i man is a surer spot to touch for revenge and satisfaction than even his scalp. Gov. Dietrich recommends an ap iropriation of one hundred and ten iliousand dollars for the rebuilding f the Nebraska penitentiary, the new structure to have the alest auitnry arrangements. The gov ernor has not been in favor of re milding on the old site, but dnnbl- less finds that to rebuild entire eNe- vhere would cost more than the late can afford to expend on the iistitution. Colonel Neil Brennau of O'Neill received f om Ireland a harp-shaped levice decorated witli the genuine shamrock from the old sod. It was -flit to him by the Sisters of Charily in his old home in Ireland. Colonel Brennan has been a con- -tant contributor to the work of the Sisters and every year just, before St. Patricks day they send him nine such remembrance of the laud vhich gave him birth. The report of the condition ot tue national banks of Nebraska, x'xclu- tve of Omaha and Lincoln at the ciose ot uusiness reuruary o, is made public. Compared with the pre vious statement in December, loans and discounts have increased from f 18 709 783 to $19.'(3,356 and in dividual deposits ftom $19 426,085 to $20.0-10,666. The average reserve is 34.81 per cent against 35.51 per cent in December, The present hold- ng of gold coin aggregates $691,517 a decline of about $100,000. Going to Fence This Year? If so you had better figure with us for either of these Barb Wire, Poultry Netting. We have both in stock. Wilcox; Department $im, Ml JOSEPH HERSHEY, WINDMILLS X PIPES AND FITTINGS BARB WIRE. ROUND AND HALF ROUND STOGK TANKS' LOCUST STREET, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. 7l Grazing- lauds in Indian Terri tory winch formerly yielded a rental of 10 cents per acre, are now in sharp demand a't from 30 to 40 cents per acre, with the cattlemen eagerly competing tor them at the advanced rate. Bids tor the leas ing of 70.000 acres of pasture lanlls belonging to the Kaw Indians were opened in Washington the other day, the aggregate of successful bidders being $26,000 per annum as against $6,000 for the same acreage under former contracts, The price of beef on the hoof in the western cattle markets, is thus subjected to a new element of increase, which in due course of time will be reflected in centers of domestic trade and in international trafiic in live cuttle. Night Wat Her Terror. "T irmilrt nnnrlv nil nlolit. Innrr. writes Mr. Cline. Appli'Kiito of A'nx nndriii, Ind , and could hardly got any sIhoii. I hud consumption fo bud Unit if T II I.l..l. T .1.1 1. t.l. l wuiKtHi ii uiuuh x wuuiu uiiuk'i iriKiiv- fully mil spit blood, but when nil otnor If..! ..tl.l ai fil tf I. i . I iir'uiuiuun iiiiiuu. uiiun on uuiaicu in Dr. K lncr'n Nmv nimnvnrv wlinllv nil rod - ...... . ...... - - - mo and I gained f8 pounds." It's nbso utoiy guuninloi'd to euro (Jnughfl, UoldH, Liii fi ritinc. Uronehitis and nil Thmnt and Lunu Troublos Prions 5Dc. nnd 8i Trial bottlo iron at Htriotz a Drug Store. Object linn to ttm ltrt. Maid of Athens, cro wo imrt. Give, oh, give mo back my heart I Or, since that nns left my breast, Keep It now and tako the rest!" "I like your cheek!" thereat quoth sho, Out I knew she spoko sarcnstlc'lly. In t'm Air Dob Jones was killed while skylark ing. Herb Whcro was he? Hob Up In a Killnmh PHENOMENAL, j EVERY TUESDAY . .in. . MARCH and APRIL The Union Pacific will sell tickets from Nebraska and Kan sas points at the following Greatly Reduced Rates: TO CALIFORNIA. San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, including all Main Line Points, north California Staie line to Col ton, San Bernardino and San Diego. $25 To UTAH IDAHO, OREGON, MONTANA, WASHINGON, Ogdcn and Salt Lake City, Utah, Butte and Helena, Montana, ::.;.;.:" $23. 00:::::t::v.:-. Portland, Ore., Spokane, Wash, Tacoma and Seattle, Wash. :::-r::v.$25.00:::::::::r:::: Full information cheerfully furnished on application, JAS. B. SCANLAN, Agent. DEALER IN Farm Implements, i Buggies, Wagons, Windmills, Pumps, 5 t pumps : PROKbSSIONAL OARDS. 0. V. UEDELL I'HYSIOIAN AND SURGEON, Olllces: North Plntta Nntional Uimk HuildhiK. North Plntt. Neb. K UENNia,M. D., IIOMOEOPATHIST, Over FlrM, National Hunk, NOllTIl PLATTK, . . NKIIUAHKA. J, IIOAOLAND. W. V. HoAnr.AMi "oagland & Hoagland, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS OM co over McDouiiIiI'ii Hunk. N0IITII l'LATTK, NED. ypLCOX & HALLIOAN, A TTORNK Y8.AT.LA W, V0RT1I l'LATTK, . . . NEBRASKA Omen ovr North PIU National tank. H. S. ItlDQELV, A tto n vp. v. a nT . a w. Ofllco in lliniiuin JJlook, D wey stroot. NOUTH PLATTB. ' NRUftAHICA IVt.U U. DUNT V PHYSICIAN AND SURGISON, Office over Post Office. Telephone 115. North Plntto, - - - Nebraska. A. II. DAVIS, ATTOKNEYS-AT.LAW.-NORTH PLATTB,, - - NEBRASKA' Orndy Bluek Rooms 1 A If. fhc Reason Why flO,000,00 ACRES m th llfiST CHAIN mowi.No 4 niiAS. INO LANDS on the roa. tlnrnt nr btlng ITcr4 ritEKItthat nrltlcmcal r iheaa ! arcaa l re quired br the Uerrra. nrntarthe lUnlaUnel Caaada. Location near line ol r&llrn&il alrAil I.I.IU n. oniter conetruollnn In ITOi, ISaiMBOIi. lLHItTi ,mi BIIKIT. CHi wis, mo.t f.rored dlatrlota In weeiera Uaaaila. Thouaande ot Americana bar taken advantage ot the offer made loeecure Free Homes. Deep loll, well watered, wooded, wheat areraneasato 40 tmthele pel aorei oata CO (o 100 bualiele, ar.l othei iralna In proportion. Cattlethrlrt and ratten on the nattre grauM. Fuelabundant,ellmatehaalthMt In Ibe world, aoolal condltlonetha beat. Educational adrantagea un equalled. Taiatlon nominal. f ree Karma of ISO acrra to ererr maleotel ihteen eare ot ate, and to ererir female bead of a famllr. Itallrnad and Uorernment Lande tor aale at low prloea. For taller Informntlon applr to V. Pedler, Hunerlnleiiilent of Immigration, 7 Wz$h mm W. V. DENNETT, SOI N. Y. Ufo Bids., Omnha. Neb. Bpoclol low exouralon rntes aurlnct February, Moroh and April. W. V. Bennett, 801 New York Bldr. Omaha, Neb. Dr. Humphreys' Specifics net directly upon tho disease, without exciting disorder in othor parts of tho system. They Curo tho Sick. mo. cures. rnicu. 1-I'cer, Consoitlom, tuflammatloni. .MS 't Wornn, Worm Fovcr, Worm Colic... ,'J5 Ct-Tectlilnjf,Collc,Crylni;,Wakerulnesa .'J 5 ' 4-ninrrlir-n, ot ChllJrou or AUulta ti5 7-C'oiulii, Coldi, Droncbltli 35 H-euralgln, Toolbncbo, Taceacho !ii O-llendnrlic, Slclt Ilcadacbo, Vcrllco,. ,'iS 1 0-11 vlf"ln. lmtlBcstloii,VoaltStoraach.'J3 1 l-Kiippreaard orl'alnriil I'rrloda tt3 l'J-U liltra, Too I'rotuao Tcrlod a 3 J .'I C.'rci it i, I.nrvnsllla, Iloanrnost 'iS l l-S'nlt Itliouni, Erysipelas, Eruptions,. 13-HliriiinnlUin, Ulii'iimatJo I'nlns Sff lU-.Mnlnrln, Chill, I'ovcr and Aguo 'is lf)-'ntnrrli, Inllocnza.ColJ lu IlioIIcaJ .S3 tiO U'liniipliiE-Cuiiu'li i, ,1$ C7-Mdncy IHsrnar , 35 'JS-.Vorvoiu Drlilllly 1.00- ao-l'rlnnrv Weakness, Wcttlns Cct.,, .25 77-(rlp, Hay Fovcr 5 I'r. Ilumtihrovs' Maninl of all Diseases at your DruKKlms or lal.Ml rri-o. Kulil tiy Urimmila, nr wnt on rrrelpt of price. Hiw'tW ''' 0,'W""anl JohHt'