f Bicycles 1901 Models ft Wc have the newest mod- jf els of the S 1 to Crescent Bicycles (A to to to to in stock and would be $ pleased to have you call $ and examine them I s LADIES' AND MEN'S MODELS m to to to to to to to .w Clinton 8 a 3 THE JEWELER, She emt - Weekly S&rltnuf. FRIDAY. MARCH 15. 1901. The Fair store employes are busy today moving- the stock to the Ross build ing. J. 13. Bush formerly of this city has located in Ord, where he will open a drug store. W. -T. Banks denies the report that he wlil move his stock' to the rooms being vacated by The Fair. Miss Georgie Breyer leaves the firat ot the week for Salt Lake, where she will spend several months visiting. James Ware was in town this week purchasing lumber with which to build a new house on the Keith ranch at Pawnee Springs. H lv Peterson, who has been at Green River for several months, has been transferred to Mr. Park's office in Cheyenne, beginning his duties at the latter place next Monday. W. C. Reynolds returned Wed nesday trom a two weeks visit at Danville, 111. He says you hear no talk of hard times in that country, everybody apparently being pros perous, happy and contented. Messrs. Funk and Scott of Suth erland accompanied by their fatni lies, left this week for Seattle, where they will make their future home. Nels Swanson will aUo se'l his place and move to the Pacific coast. C. P. Ross is at work making estimates of the cost of an irriga tion ditch which a mutual company propose to construct in the east part of this and the west part ul Dawbon county. The ditch will, if built.be one of the largest in this section of the state. During a recent fire in Columbus K A. Garlichs. formerly of tl is city, had his piano and other must cal instruments, clothing and room furnishings badly damaged by fire, smoke and water. He carried seme insurance on the goods, but his net loss was several hundred dollars. Sweet Pea Seeds in bulk at Mc Glone's, Foley block. Land up in Garfield precinct must be rapidly advancing in price Todnythere was filed in the county clirks office a deed conveying 240 acrjsin teotion 12, town 16, range 27, from A. P. Stevens and wife to 1). T. Joues for a consideration o six thousand dollars. This is said to be raw prairie land. The Sutherland Free Lance says: Spring work has opened up in earnest this week and gang plows are at work preparing the irrouud for spring seeding. While the acreage of wheat will probably be reduced some thin year under the ditch, there will be a considerable acreage sown, Gua Smith and family and son George and family leave some time next week for Krin, N. Y., where they will permanently locate on a farm which Mr. Smith owns. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have been resi dents of North Platte for thirty years and their large circle of ac quaintances will regret their de parture. The Burlington has placed an order with the Schenectady com pany for fifty locomotives of the prairie type. This type has an ex ceedingly wide fire box and an extra length of boiler and is said to saye from ten to twenty per cent more fuel than auy other type now m'nde'. SEASONABLE GOODS ! Blue Grass, Clover and Garden Seeds, Onion Sets, Garden Hose, Fish. Our Fancy Greeley Potatoes are going- like hot cakes. A car load every three weeks. Have you bought any? Harrington & Tobin, The neatest grocery in town. Glnn & Weingand this week shipped a casket to Gandy and also one to Lena, the former to enclose the remains of Henry Viemcvcr and the latter for George Farrow. The next attraction at the opera louse will be Rosco & Hollands minstrels on the evening of April 2d. This company has been here before and gave excellent satis faction. Chicago forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Fair tor.ight and Saturday; warmer Saturdry. The maximum temperature yesterday was 46; one year ago 44. Minimum temperature this morning was 22. one year ago it was 9. Oscar Schipfer of Iowa, a cousin of 10. F. Seebcrger, is is in town today enroute to Hershey to yisit the latter. Mr. Schipfer has been here a number of times bclore and is well known by many of our citi zens. His pilgrimage here is for the purpose of shooting geese. Snow Flake Flour, you know the rest, at McGlotic's, Foley block. Mrs. D. H. Ileagy of Lincoln, state organizer of the ladies an. sal ary to O. K. C. , arrived in the city Tuesday night and spent Wednes day afternoon inspecting the local auxilary. After the meeting a fine supper was served in honor of the guest. This division was organized by Mrs. Heagy about a year ago and is in a flourishing condition. Sheriff Goodall left this morning with his prisoner Jack Joyce for North Dakota. The charge pre ferred against Joyce is grand lar ceny. He was sent trom North Dakota over into Michigan with a carload of horses which he sold, and pocketing the proceeds, about eight hundred dollars, skipped for greener pastures leaving the owner of the horses in the soup. J. S. Hinckley of Co. E, U.S. En gineers stationed at Manila, sends a photograph of the deputation of of Igorrote chieftains who visited the Philippine civil commission about February 1st last and re quested that school books and American ilags be furnished to the people of their province. There are fiye chieftains in the group. four of whom are costumed in scanty breech clouts and the fifth wearing pants. They are -rather barbaric looking, but tho.(fact that they haye shown a disposition to become enlightened by requesting books is eyidence that they have better hearts within them than their exterior indicates. A republican city convention will be held at the court house tomor row evening for the purpose of placing in nomination a city ticket and two members of the board of education. So far but one candi date has publicly announced him self Greelry Bundy. who desires to be elected city clerk. At ttiiB time it is not known whether Mayor White will accept a nomina tion. A letter has been written him asking whether he would accept, but as yet no reply has been received. C. F. hidings has been mentioned in connection with the nomination for mayor, but we are not adyinud as to whether he would accept. He would make an excellent mayor. His long service as councilman has acquainted him with every detail of the city's busi ness. No names have been men tioned as to candidates for treasurer and police judge, Clias. P, Ross will probably he nominated for city engineer. We have heard of but two names mentioned for members of the board of education, 15. A. Cary and David Scott. The latter, however, said thi- morning that he would not be a candidate. In the Second ward Claude Weingand will accept the nomination for councilman if the people want him to run. In the other wards we have not heard of probable candi dates. Alfalfa Seed for Sale. By Joseph Hershey, Locust street, North Platte,. Neb..' , , , , W. 10. Bomberg round-house boiler maker, had an eye badly injured yesterday by running the spout of an oil can into it. The sight of the eye was not destrayed. Owing to illnesB. Dr. Seymour was unable to fulfill his dates made in this city in January, but as he has quite recovered his health, he will be here without fail Thur day April 4th. Best line of Fancy Dried Fruits in the city at McGlonc's, Foley block. The degree of Master Mason will be conferred Tuesday evening, March 19. After the ceremonies refreshments will be seryed through the kindness of the ladies of the Eastern Star, All Masons arc cor dially invited. J. Sorenson, Master. J. C. Walker, brother of Major L. Walker, who came here from Lead City, S. D , the latter part of December is lyi"g in a critical con dition at the Walker ranch north west of town. The trouble with Mr. Walker is heart affection, and he 'came here in the hope that the lower altitude would prove bene ficial. This, Imwevcr, has not proved true, for although he has had excellent nursing and medical attendance his days on earth are considered but very few. The nfllictcd man is about fifty-four years of age. A Now rirm. Win. Stack and II. l Kelln-r have formed a partnership and will engage in the stove business and buy and sell all clashes of second hand goods, They haye rented the Lam pi null building on east Sixth street and will open their establish ment the early part of next week. The firm expects to carry a full line of stoves of all descriptions and will make a specialty of hand ling stove castings and doing re pair work. Horses For Sale. By Joseph Hershey, Locust street, North Platte, Neb. Y. mTc. lTnOTES. Missed it! Every young man who staid away from the gospel meet ing last Sunday. It was one of the best talks given in the rooms this winter. We wih to thank Mr. Vertier for that talk and pray that the young men that heard it may profit much by it. The weeks, mouths and years are quickly passing and with them op portunities for improvement. Young men don't waste the precious moments. Come to the meeting next Sunday at 3:30 and hear Dr. Ptilis. He is a man of large experience and is able to help you. Fireman Darnell will conduct the service and the male quartette will sing two selections. All men are welcome. financially the association has done well for the last six mouths and in order to keep up this good record it will be necessary for the sixty persons owing various amounts to the association to call on the secretary or send it in. The association needs the money now Kindly respond promptly. We are pushing now for 350 members by April 1. A good word spoken for the association may land a member. Rooms full of good things and all for $3.00 a year. Wanted returned to the library at once books No. 472yi Tales of the Trail, and No. 444 The Choir Invisible. Parties having these books out will please bring them in and oblige a number ol persons desiring to read them. The rooms and library committee have ordered a splendid list of per iodicals for the reading room Some new ones will boon the table, namely: Everybodies, Harpers Weekly and louth s Companion. The 100 Y. M. C. A. pins are( all sold and enough money was realized on the sale to buy a good striking bag. It has been ordered and it is hoped it will be here in a few days. Spllcna The latest fad for the ladies three for five cent1 up to fifty cents each. UMNTON TUB JKWIU.KK, Monoy to Loan on good security, from three to live years. Address Mrs. J. D Mathews, the Lelaud, 1518 Curtis St., Denver, Col. SPIKES, Gilt Braids, Gilt Buttons, Gilt Belts, Gilt Beltings. Our line is complete. Wiloox Department Sfoifle, Railroad Notes, ijj Supt. Baxter looked after the company b interests in tills city Wednesday. Fifty men arc at work ballasting the Union Pacific between Kearney and the Watson ranch. Engine 1401 came out of the shops the early part of the week and went out on train No. I yes terday. Master Mechanic Bamuin came up trom Omaha Wednesday night and spent part of yesterday in town. Engineer Strotidc returned last night from a month's visit in Kan sas City and Ossa watonuc, Kan. He reports a very pleasant trip. The violence of the storm Tues day evening blew down the Union Pacific poles and wires between Grand Island and Wood River and trains run without orders. Compound engine 1621 was sent back to the Wyoming division Wednesday, Her work on the Second district was not as satis factory as expected. Engine 1725 was brought from the Wyoming diyision Wednesday night and will go into service on the Second district with Wood White as engineer. In abolishing the pooling system five freight engine crews will be placed on the extra list. This has caused a little "beefing" among those effected, but the older men are more than satisfied that pool ing has been abandoned. Upon the Wyoming division the company has been experimenting with the new 1600 class of com pounds by replacing the single nozzle with a double one. Engine 1642 has been thus equipped and the change is said to be a success. John Bey. who has been working in Kansas, arrived in town yester day and will be installed as day foreman of the round house, vice II, D. Luce. This change has been on the board for some time, and was expected to have occurred about two weeks ago. Freight conductor Jenkins and crew took supper in Grand Island at the usual hour last evening, came to this city on one ol the sections of train No. 19, caught a stock extra out of here at four this morning and at eight o'clock were eating breakfast in the Island. Engino Fooling Abolished. The hystem of engine pooling which has been in vogue on the Second and Third districts lor a number of months has been abolished, and hereafter engineers will have assigned engines. That is, instead of going out on one engine one trip and on another the next trip, each .engineer will have regular engine. The discon tinuance of the pooling system is hailed with delight by engineers. It means easier and less ttying work for them and will result in better service for the company and the engines will be kept in better shape. The pooling system was one of President Burt's hobbies, but had never been endorsed by Manager Dickinson or Supt. of Motive Power McConnell. These latter official evidently convinced Mr. Burt that the system was poor economy. A row of Our Bargains, 160 acres of hay land cose to Hershey will sell for cash or trade for good sheep. 6 ro m hotue iu North Platte to trade for residence in Fremont, Nebraska. Corner lot residence in North Platte to trade for heifers and cows. 40 acies of land, 5 room house, within one mile of North Platte, will sell or lease for term of years. Small dwelling in Hershey to trade for good horses. 160 acre farm under North Platte Land & Water Co. ditch. Will sell cheap. One of the best farms in the valley. Grazing lands all over the county from SI. 00 per acre up. John Bkatt & Co. Strikes A Rich Find. "I was troubled for sovornl yours with nhronio indieoHtlon and nervous dt- hllitv" writes P. J, Uroon, of Luncns tnr N fl.. "Nil rotnedv holned mo until I hoirim UHinir Elorctio Hitters, whioh did mo moro irood iluin any tnodioino 1 ovor iibaiI. Thov have also kont my wife in exenllont health for ninny yours. She wivh Eli-ertio Hitters nro just splondid for fomiilo troubloflj that thoy nro a irrnnd ton o and Inv urorutor for wean, run down womon. No other modiolno can tnUo !lh placo In our family." 'Iry thorn. Only 5Uo. HnUBinution Hiioroniwu by A'. F,.Btruittf Going to Fence This Year? If so you had better figure with us for cither of these Barb Wire, Poultry Netting. We have both in stock. Wilcox: Department $fcore, IS. B. Warner today handed Jos. L. Davis a draft for two nundred dollars from the Macca bees to which he is entitled under the disability clause of the policies issued by that order. This is the fifth payment Mr. Davis has received. II. S. Kidgley went to Cheyenne on legal business last evening. Scnilliln divine. Russell A. Oimlncr, a vchlclo manu facturer of St. LoulB, khvo 110,000 to his employes as a Christmas present. when ho balanced his hooks for the year ho found that tho company nad nindo 110,000 moro than had been ex pected and more than was necessary for the business or for personal wants. Fho money was distributed among tho mploycs according to their leng.h of service. Collection of American I'octrr. l'rofcBsor Koninnun, 1 brnrlnn ot Brown university, attended the salo ot tho famous prlvato library ot Thomas .1. McKeo of Now York.' nnd through funds supplied by Chancellor Wllllnm Goddard was able to purchase tho hooks necessary to complete tho Harris collection of American poetry now In tho possession of the univer sity and tho best of Its kind extant. Noble to Succor Oilier. It Is quite certain that, of all tho things that minister to tho welfare and good of man, of all that make tho world varied and fruitful, of all that make society solid and Interesting, of ull that make Ufa beautiful nnd glad and worthy, by far the larger part has reached us through the activities of tho struggle for the life of others. Henry Drummond. IiicomUtoner of Proton t, l,n. A Now Jersey lmkor who was lined for soiling bread on Sunday has do monBtrated tho Inconsistency of prcs-. cut laws by buying on Sunday a cigar at tho drug store kept by tho Justice who fined him. Ho also hotiKUt stamps at tho postolllce, showing that tho government Itself violates tho law. To Protect !oi riiiimiit limtruincnln. Various sclentiilo departments In England recently hold a conference In which thoy sought to ohtnln govern ment powers for protecting, tho djll cuto instruments In tho ICow and Greenwich observatories from any magnetic disturbances that arise from tho working of eloctrlc tramways and railways In their vicinity. Wlrelni T If Riiyliy for Jupau. Two wireless telegraph Instruments, said to ho tho most powerful ever made, aro to ho Hhlpped from New York to, Japan. Thoy wero mado especially for Japan, and will bo Installed on two of, the fastest Japanese cruisers. It Is ex pected that they will bo nhlo to trans mit messages at loast 1 25 miles. Trumping Cure Cnniunitpii. A Dayton, O.. man claims that ho has conquered conmtmptlon by lend ing a nomadic life. Twenty yenrs ago his doctor told horn ho could not llvo six months. Then ho set out to roam over tho country. Aftor all theso yenra of wandering ho claims to bo cured and has returned to his homo. Country' Urcntait UoliI Cuinp. Crftplo Crock Is tho greatest gold camp in this country, and Its produc tion Is very great. Tho coro of tho gold country thero is a strip of ground six miles long by threo miles broad. Out of this comparatively small area of ground $20,000,000 In gold will ho taken this yenr. Moaiilne of True FrlmiiUlilp. By friendship you moan tho greatest love, tho greatest usefulness, and tho most perfect trust, and tho most open communication, and the noblest suiior lugs, and tho alncorost truth, and tho heartiest counsel, and tho greatest un ion of minds of which bravo men and women aro capable. Joremy Taylor, Another Nomi Kiuli Kiuix'tril. How many will go to Capo Nome In tho spring to search lur gold Is tin question troubling StrUlu, Wash., out llttejs. Tho llret wild rush Is over but It Is expected that, In spite ot this, between 0,000 nnd 8.000 will bo on th .r way to the gold Ileitis when tho Hoasoii begins. OUAUDJAN'S samj. v.itii-H u hnrnliv irlvun that liv virtue of lirvnui. iKHiicil March 0. IW)1. liv Hon. II. M (irlincH. Judge "f the district court of the mill Judicial (llsttict of NcbraHka, I will oiler, tor sale to the hlKtiest lildticr ir eah,the following UCHcrilKMl real umaic, in-wii: tinff of T.nt No. fl. In Illock No. 1)7. and I.otB Noa. 3 and I. In Illock No. 1M. all In the city ot worm naue, tiincoiu coumy, hale to be made at one o'clock l). m.,and kept open one hour, of April 0th, 1001. at the earn front door of the court house In the city of North fiatte. Dated March 13, 1001, KURtijtttKT Sue.. idIM Ourlllup of Ijatilct Shea. Clilncin Dootorn llnra Ability. Tho Chlncso nro not bo far behind us In tho practice of mcdlclno ns has been supposed. Whllo tho yellow phys icians aro deficient In their knowlcdgo of anatomy, and thcrcforo amount to nothing as surgeons, In their treat ment of common ailments they aro In some cases practically abreast ot tho most advanced practfeo In this coun try. Mr. Justin McSweonoy, formerly ono of tho most prominent owners on tho Australian turf, and a well-known Sydney citizen and man of business, has mado somo rovolatlons of a sensa tional character regarding horso rac ing In tho antipodes. Ho confesses that ho has lost $150,000 in horso racing, and that within his limited export enco ho has seen about thirty wealthy men ruined on tho turf. DO YOU KNOW that we carry a complete line of PAINT Varnish, Oils, Brushes, etc? If you have not BOUGHT OF US you should examine our line. It is not only a saving to you but it 18 RIGHT in quality and price. DeVoc Mixed Paint per gal. $1.60 Mineral Paint in S gal. cans per gal 85 Murphy's Varnishes per gal $1.40 to S2.8U Carriage Paint per qt 60 Carriage Paint per pt 35 Wagon Paint per qt 50 Linseed Oil per gal .75 Alahastinc 5-lb pkg 45 Floor Paint, Varnish Stains, , Paint Brushes all kinds, Paper Hanging Brushes, ' ' Whitewash Brushes, ' Wilcox Department Store. REMEMBER First The land I olfer for sale t carries with it the prettiest laud- scape view iu Nebraska. hecond A never failiuir stream of pure spring water. Third Hundreds of acres of free , grazing land. Fourth ISii'litv acres of the richest crop land can be irrigated i uesireu Fifth Only five minutes walk to school house. Sixth A line lake can be con structed at a cost of forty or fifty dollars. Address, Isaac Lami'mjgii, North Platte, Neb. Geo. C. Grander, painter, paper hanger and decorator. Carriage and siiru painting. Estimates cheerfully furnished. All work uuarauteed. Inquire at Brooks house weBt Sixth street. Round and Half Hound Stock Tanks, all sizes, for sale by Jos. Hershey. & Stitoh in Tim Saves Nine Is a trite old saying, and is particularly true when applied to Shoes. Our business is to mend Shoes, and people give us the credit of knowing our business from a to z, If your Shoes need mending, bring them here. George Tekulve. YELLOW FKONT 8HOE STORE. THE FAVORITE LINE TO THIS EPWORTH LEAGUE CONVENTION. San Francisco, Cal. July 11)01 WILL HIS THIS urior pacific. Tho fusttrnins of tho Union P oillo reach San Fran cisco fifteon hours ALL COMPETITION DI8TANOED. ahead of all competitors. If you aro in no hurry tako a slow train by ono ot tho dotour routoB, but if you want to j;et thoro without de lay take tho bistorio ami only direct routo, tho UNION PACIFIC. Very low rates. Full information choorfully furnisbod upon applica tion. JAS. B. SCANLAN, Agont. m. ,. m .t r