m. m i i i w SEVENTEENTH YEAH. N011TH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, MAltOH 15, 1901. NO. 15. i r 9 i OUR SPRING GOODS Will be here before long nnd in the meantime we desire to dispose of Odds and Ends in Furniture and offer you attractive prices on these goods. If you need a piece of Furniture you can find it here, and the price will be as highly satisfactory as the article. We have established a reputation for selling good furniture at low prices; we propose to maintain that reputation. How About a Range? Do you need one? If so let us give you low prices on a good one. Ginn JOHN DKATTt fc. K. UUUUIV1AIV. ...JOHN BRAXT & CO Real Estate, Loans m Insurance X NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. X WW i Jsforth flodie ftlocir j ........ lylaijUfactU ed by JfoftijjPiatte fiolieir njilis Used by economical housewifes in fifty towns in Nebraska and Wyoming and pronounced the equal of any flour manufactured in Nebraska. fl Trial Sack uuill Coijvlijce yoti of its H)eit North Platte Roller Mills C. I. 1 DDINCS uiirwiffJttiffWflWiiiriuiirjuiffiuiffJttflriuiffJifflriikmK j Say! Is Your Wife Cross? g IF SO, BUY HER SOME OF THE.. New Aluminum Ware fc: fc at A. L. Davis' Hardware Store. Just like a 5 mirror and will make her smile all the time. 3 QaaJq We have Rice's Northern grown Gar- OCCUo den and Flower Seeds in bulk or pack- g Hge. S p We sell Hardware, Stoves and Tinware S : Gives us a call. S A I HAVIQ A L II A T 1O5 CARRIE NATION! Public opinion seems to pursued by this ladv, that PALMER'S CAR NATION PINK (the juice of the flower) is the most lasting and exquisite odor to be obtained. We have it in bulk. NORTH PLATTE PHARMACY, "Pasteur Vaccine Trade-Mark SAVES CATTLE FROM BLACK LEG "BUCKIBCINB.' Neatly 2,000,000 successfully treated In U. 3. nnd Canada during the last 0 years. Cheap, safe and easy to use. Pamphlet with full particulars, official endorsements and testimonials sent FRGE on application. Pasteur Vaccine Co., SEt.LINd AdENTSi Live Stock Vaccine & Medicine Co,, Denver. Colo. For Sale by A. F. Streitw. & Weingand. The Hardware man that g no one owes. :3? be divided as to the course but the universal opinion is District Court Jurors. The following jurors have been been drawn for the March tcrin.of court: NAMK. PRECINCT Andrew llaliu Miller W. A. Salisbury Plant C. V. Wolf Fox Creek Jodson Burroughs Walker Fred Bremer Lemon Wm. Laken Hooker Robert Lawrence Deer Creek W. W. Hunter Seller Henry Keblinuten.No. Platte No, 1 Jerome Bailey Dickens Alex Brown Cottonwood W. S- Ros Myrtle W. W. Groves Rosedale Fred M. Baker Somerset B. L. Robinson. .No. Plalle No. 2 Frank O'Rourkc Cottonw pod L. 13. Lawdeu Whitficr Allen Jared Ta'blc G. L. Mudd , Nichols Donald McCrumb Wallace Fred Wyberg Miller T. M. Lee ...Medicine R. C. Burk Bradv Win. Roberts Maxwell Tho Train Was Lost. Westbound passenger train No. 3, due here last evening at 9:30, was lost for over two hours be tween this place and Alda, reports Ihe Shelton Clipper. The train was reported out of Grand Island on time, and the operator at Alda reported it out of that place on time, hut that was the last that could be heard ot the whereabouts of the train for over two and a half hours, when it pulled into Shelton, having been two hours longer on the road between the two towns than it is supposed to be by the schedule. When the train failed to show up here on time the night operator reported to the dispatcher at Grand Island and he reported back that it left there on time as did also the operator, at Alda. There being no night opera tor at Wood River no communica tion could be had with that point. The train dispatcher continued at intervals to inquire of Shelton whether the train was in pi y li t and was as often informed that it was not to be seen, and when the oper ator here finally informed him that the head-light of the train could be seen the dispatcher no doubt heayed a sigh of relief. The delay was soon evplnined by the train men after their arrival here, and from them it was learned that a steam thresher engine had broken down on the track about three miles cast of Shelton, and all efforts to get the track clear proved fruitless until after a delay of over two hour had been caused to the train. What had become of the train was a mystery for the time being and caused considerable un easiness on the part of the railroad employees as well as to people who had friends on the train. It is not often that an entire railroad train is lost, but this was indeed an occasion of that kind. Republican City Convention. The republican electors of the city of North Platte are requested to elect delegates to a city conven tion to be held at the court house on Saturday evening, March 16th. at 7:30 o'clock for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for Mayor, City Clerk, City Treas urer, City Engineer and Police Judge; also two candidates for members of the Board of Education. The basis of representation is one delegate for each twenty votes or major fraction thereof cast for presidential electors in the election of 1900, which gives the following representation in the convention: First ward 5 Second ward 13 Third ward (, It is recommended that the ward caucuses be held on Friday evening, March 15th. at 7:30 o'clock at the usual yoting places, and that each caucus nominate' a candidate lor councilman for its respective ward. A. S. Baldwin, Clirmn. Ira' L. Bare, Sec'y. BETWEEN THE RIVERS. We understand that J, W. Liles will dress S. L Funkhouser's res idence near Hershey up with a. new1 fcfcrat Uf paint Mori, J. V. Robinson delivered CC6 pounds of milk at the Nichols creamery on Monday and Charles Tlllion 550 pounds, with several others ranging from 50 to 400 pounds, Mrs. S. L. Funkhouser is re ported a quiet ill at this time. Wm. Ware had a fine milch cow die a few dayB ago from a cause unknown. There were 5,898 pounds ot milk delivered at the Nichols creamery on Monday. Ed. Stone at Herslicy lost a cow last week from some unknown dis ease. Mrs. Fanny Brooks of Nichols received the sad inteligence on Tuesday of the death of her brother II. D. Rodjjers on March 7th 1901, aged 78 years and iiye months. Al. Seibert of Cheyenne visited relatives at Hershey Tuesday. Elmer Edmistcn returned from Kansas via the B-. & M. with one hundred head of two year old Bteers. J. B. Tillion, Jr., will pasture the Feeken land thiB season near Nich ols that R. W, Ciilhouo pastured last season. While in the village of Hershey the other day and having plenty of time we concluded to take in the town, The first place we visited was Ware & Co.'s new store where we found a spacious room well filled with all kinds of first-class merchandise at prices that can not be duplicated in this comity. After putting a nickle in the riot nnd drawing a crook ciirar we took a bee line east and after falling over a dog in which Hershey abounds we picked ourselves up amid the cheets of several small boys and pulling up to M. Mickelscn's depart ment store where we found each place complete in its line with prices as low as the lowest. After dropping a nickle in the slot we departed with a B cigar for Dr lives office which we found vacant because he was out in the country attending a patient. The next place we visited was the post-office where we spied Postmaster Prickett Bcnted in an easy chair smoking his pipe of peace and patiently awaiting the arrival of No. 5, which was about two hours late, with the morning mail. From there we made a break for the Carpenter livery barn where he was just making ready to drive two traveling men to Sutherland and one to North Platte. Then we struck for the north side where W, W. Youngs hardware store and coal and lumber yard is located with W. H. Hill as manager. We had no difficulty t,herc soon ascertaining that everything ut-ually kept 111 those, lines were there and at rock bottom prices we struck the trail from there for Seeberger & Co. office where we lotind D. M. Leypoldt figuring up his profits on a carload of hay and E. F. Seeberger calculating on how many ducks a good shot ought to get in twenty-four hours with the wind blowing at fifty miles an hour from the northwest. From there we went to the depot where we found Agent Limpus busy with Ins everv day employment. After the above visit we started for the outh side, just missing a light extra composed .of a man pushing a cart loaded with coal. We landed safely at A. A. Leister's black smith and wagon shop where we found him mid his brother Will both so busy that they could not stop even to talk. Then we drifted into G. W. Brown's department store where he seemed quite busy attending to the wants of cus tomers. Feeling at this time some what weary and hungry we stepped into C. E. McClain's boarding house where we filled up lor 25 centH, after which we quietly departed from the town. Night Was Her Terror. 'JI would cough nearly all nightlong wrilnn Mm. Pima. A mihirmtn nf Ainu undrlii, Ind., mid could hardly got any slfop. I hud consumption -o bad that if I walked a block I would cough frigh ruiiy nrci spit mood, mil whon all otuor iiiMillciimH fnilod. throe. 81.00 bottles of Dr. KitiL'sNew Discovery wholly ourei 1110 mid I gained Ti8 pounds." ItV nbso llltttlv irillinintniwl In imrn f!.nilia n. .I.ln Ijii Grippe, Bronchitis and all Throat and Jjmig Troubles. PrlcoH.&Uo, nnd lr. ! JOSEPH HERSHEY, WINDMILLS i PUMPS PIPES AND FITTINGS BARB WIRE. ROUND AND STOCK TANKS' LOCUST ; NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Z ................................................ AMERICAN BEET SUOAR CO., Grand Island, Neb. Terms of Contract for 1901. Under the. provisions of this contract the grower is assured of a fixed price for his crop. All beets testing 14 per cent or leas will be paid tor at the rate of $4.00 per ton, 25 cents being paid for each per cent of sugar above 14, tractions n proportion. That is beets test ng 14.1 per cent being $4.021 : 14.2 being 84.05; 15 per cent $4,25; 15.1 per cent $4.27. An additional 20 cents per ton will We paid for all beets siloed. The factory will pay freight on all beets delivered by rail, cars to be loaded to their capacity, thus placing the grower at a distance on a satisfactory footing. Further information or blank contracts-can be obtained by apply, ing to American Beet Sugar Com pany. Grand Island, Neb., or E. F. Seeberger. Hershey, Neb. STATE NEWS. Emmett Saterwhite haa been granted a franchise to build a heat ing plant at Falls City. The Nebraska veteranB of the battle of Shiloh will hold a reunion at Columbus on April 9 and 10. William Davis, a Ponca farmer, marketed eighteen hogB. ayeragiug more . than 500 pounds each. Postmaster Enael of Holdrege, has received a tiger cat sent him by Frank Marblefrom South Africa. A woman at Weeping Water wat- relieyed of a lizard one day last work Shu had swallowed it while drink ing water. An enterprising Niobrara citizen will operate an automobile between that village and Verdigre to accom modate the travel. A party of Gretna liunterB have built a cabin on the island in the Platte river and taken up their abode there. They expect to stay several weeks. J. H. Meserve. ex-state treasurer, has secured a controlling interest in the Adams county bank at Hast ings, and will assume the office of president. J. W. Joice, near Gordon, boasts of a cow which has furnished milk. cream and butter for seven, families, com prising forty-two people, be sides selling five pounds a week and fattening eleven pigs on the buttermilk. William Falstead, a Callaway farmer, owes his life to a pack of cards. He was feeding a corn sueiicr wucti 111s clonics were caught in the cylinder and he was being rapidly drawn in to the fierce teeth of the shelter when a pack of cards fell from his pocket and clogged the machinery. Working 34 Hours A Dny There's no rest for thoBc tlroloss little- workors Dr. King's Now Life- Pillu Millions aro nlwiiyB busy, ouring Torpid Liver, Jnundieo, niliousnesR, Fever and Ague. Thoy banish Hick Hfndnchon, drive, out Mnlnnn. Novor gripo or wonkon. Small, tnsto nice, work won (torn, Trythtfrri, SJli tff StHiUe Drufc BWro. AS, DEALER IN Farm Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Windmills, Pumps, HALF ROUND STREET, PROFb SSIONAL CARDS. C. V. 11EDELL l'HYSIGIAN AND 8CJRGEON, Oflloee: North Plutto National Bank Building, North Plntte. Neb. Jjl F. DENNIS, M. D., 1IOMOEOPAT1II8T, 0er Flrot NiitlouM llank, NOHTU 1'LATTK, - . NE1IRASKA, J, .S. HoAOr.AND. W. V. HOAOLANl) Hoagland& Hoagland, ATTORNEYS AMD COUNSELORS Olllne over Stonotmld'n llank. KOKTU l'LATTK, NEU. yiLCOX & IIALLIGAN, ATT0RNEY8-AT.LAW, iORTH l'LATTK, . . . NKMU8KA Offlo oTr North Platte NaUonal Dank. H. S. RIDGELY, ATTORNEY-AT-L.AW . Ofllco in (Iinmnn Block, Dwoy etroot. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA JQR. G. B. DENT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office over Post Office. Telephone 115. North Plntto, - - - Nobraako. A. " DAVIS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. NORTH PLATTE,. NEBRASKA Grady Block Rooms 1 &. 2. Awaiting Settlers inouinnaa or ckuu Grant Hotnetteid (100 acroil In tlio Hard Wboat Ueltof Manitoba, Aailnl bola, Alberta and Saikat chewaa (Western Can ada.) Experience abowa that tbo lands of Western Cna nda arb unexcelled for (train Orowlni, Mixed Panning and Dairying;. Railroad oxist and are projected whererer settle ment extends. Schools and churches conrenlent. Taxrs merely nominal, Climate the Healthiest In the World. Crop always good, Wheat ary lag from V to 40 buihels to the acre. Oats CO to 100 bushels, other vralns In proportion. CATTLE RAISINS morn nrnfltitM Minn l.l.' - . ...whvmu.v .MRU UiaOVtMUaO UU thn I '.ill I Inn... Mnli.ll. I.. ot highest prices Is particularly easy. Low Fluuresasked for lands W h ? iiomestoaa lianas. ot letters from unttlnra nud dole- ;aie8. Aucirnss r. l'wlloy, nupor Intenilent of Immigration, Ottawa, Cannun. or (n W. V. 13I3NNETT, SOI N. Y. Llfo Bids., Omaha, Neb. Bpeoioi low exouraion rtnon uurinat February, Moron and April. W. V. Bennett, 801 New York Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Dr. Humphreys' Specifics net directly upon tho (liucaao, without oxciting disorder in othar parts of tho Bystom. They Cttro tho Sick. do, cunr.s. rmcts. I fevers, Congestions, Inflammations, ,'J5 U-Worins, Worm Fcvor, Worm Colic... ,'iS 3- Teelliliw,Colle,Crylns, Wakefulness .25 4- niarrlirn, of Children or Adults '2S 7-Cnuihs, Colds, nroncbltls .35 H-.Veurnlnln, Toothaclio, Kaceaclio 'Ji O-lleailarhn, Blclc Headache, Vcrtlso,. 10-l)ytppp(ii,Iudlgcstlon,Wcat;Stomacb,tf.5 1 l-Hiipprcucd orl'alnrul 1'rrMs 1'J-Whltrs, Toorrotuso Periods 23 13-L'roup, i.nrvncllli, Hoarseness '23 1'1-Kalt Itheuni, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25 1 3-lthciiniallsni, Ilbcumatlo Tains 25 10-Mnlarla, Cbllls, rover and Ague 25 1 0 ii t arrh, Influents, Cold In tbo Ilead ,33 2(-Vhonpliia.('ouch 25 C7-Kldlicy Dlsrnsr 25 2H-.rrvous Debility 1,00 30-l'rlimrv Weakness, WcltlosEcd... .25 77-.'rlp, Hay Fever 25 , nr. Humphreys' Manual of nil Diseases at your liruifijUuor llallcil Krcu. i Uold oy UruiMtihi. r wot on receipt itf OTlCf . umphri-ys' 0k. ( Cot;Wt Uwt oWMav luwYorsj,