IN SENATE Al 11015 Hide Exhibit Mcasuro Qoea Through tho Lovor Branch.' KIDNAPPING BILL IN THE SENATE I'roTlntoiK of (lie AleKiirn AVIilcli linn nn Kmergonoy Oliimo Altnelicil Hon HUM Intrculureil nmt Oilier thnt lVrrc Indefinitely l'oiitiinr(li HOUSE Tho houao on tho 20th, Roon nfttr convening, pnssed senate lllo 44, Senntor Van Honklrk's .hirto ex hibit bill, by a vote of 81 yeas to 7 Jiays. The bill wna passed -without amendments nnd Just uh It eamo from tho senate. Threo of tho bllU In dorsed by tho Stnto Unr association woro nlflo put on tholr third roadlns nnd passed. Thcso wcro houso rolls 230, E33 nnd 231, all by McCarthy. Tho first provides thnt cnno3 taken to tho supremo court on error must bo filed within alx months after the doclelon of tho lowor court. Tho see and fixes a uniform tlmo for mimmonii In error ennca nnd tho third requires tho filing of a bond for tho payment of rent In rasca whore a Judgment foreclosure la npponlcd to tho mipromn court. Houao rollB 4 ixnd 170 wcto rooommendcl for paBsnge. Tho for mer npproprlntca $75,00,) for a now llro-proof wing to tho Hnstlngu asy lum, nnd tho latlor provldea for the transfer of Inanno convlcta to ono of tho Insano asylums. Houso roll 410, Introduced by It. W. Lnllln, la n bill for nn net to provide for an additional annual llcenso tnx upon ovory Insur nnco company, association of partner ship transacting tho bualnosa of In Hiiranco In this state, nnd organized or Incorporated under tho laws of any other than this atnto, or of any ter ritory of tho United Htntc.i. or of any forolgn coiintrTNL n Ur2Sjr,rT WT- iitTKroas carnlnga. loss the annual tax now lovlod. Companies nt stttinf afntrta trlllat nnv anmn tnv 111 Nebraska that Nebraska compnnlca pay in tholr statea. Fraternal ordora ro exempted from the provislonu of tho bill. , , Mbfc.S9 IIIIIU. UHUIU HOUSE. In the house on tho 19th consideration of senato (llo 44, by Sonu tor Van Uosklrk, to compel the exhibit of hides by original Bollora of hoof, wna resumed. After somo amendmenta tho bill wna recommonded for passage. Among bills Introduced wna "An act to provide that tho stato treasurer shall bo required to give bond to faith fully nccount for all monoya that may corno to IiIh hands, nnd also providing that ho shall make sworn statements of all fundH In his hands or under his control, and deliver tho same to tho governor, tho sumo to be opon to tho public Inupcctlou nnd to bo furnlahcd for publication, and providing that tho treasurer's bond shall at all times bo opon to public Inspection, and iiIbo pro viding for tho nppolntment of examin ers of tho Btnto treasury and tho mnk Ing of their examinations and reports, and, that tho Bnnlo Bhnll bo open to tho inspection of tho public and shall bo tirtiishcd to tho proas for publication." .Tho following bills woro recommended or pnssngo: Houao roll 150, by Stock well, to permit mutual 11 ro luaurnnco associations to continue Insurance on personal property temporarily removed from tho territory In which It 1b In sured. Houso roll 205, by lloyd, relat ing to tho duties of district school boards. Following Is tbi voto for sen ator: Allen 28, Horgo 2, Crounso C, Cilrrlol3, Dlyutrleli 1, Harlan 2, Hln shaw 13, Hitchcock 28, Hnlnor C, Har rington 41, Klnkald C, Martin 7, Mel klejohn 33, Murlan 1, Roaownter 10, Hansom 5, Thompson, I). 15., 35, Thomp son, W. II,, 11. , HOUSE.ln tho house on the 18th n fow bills woro read for tho first time. Houso roll No. 233, by Hawxby, rotat ing to tho organization of now school districts, wns recommended for pann age. Houso roll No. 142, by Fowler, for tho protection of owners of stnl lions, Jacks nnd bulls was recommend ed for pasBngo, by a rising vote of 30 yens to 20 nays. Sennto lllo No. 41 by Senator Van lioaklrk, to protect grow ers of cattle by providing for a regis try and exhibition of hides, tho bill domunded by tho cnttlo Interests of .Weatorn Nebraska, wna next consid ered. On motion of Fowler of Fill more tho bill wns amended to make It offcctlvo only In such countleB In which due nutlco of Its effectiveness Is given for four wcoks by tlu county board. .Tho mattor went over ono day. Among bills Introduced wan ono to encourage tho cstnbllBhmcnt uud mnlutcnanco of free cchools. Provldea that such schools shall bo exempted from taxa tion j alto houso roll No. 401, by T. E. Jllbbcrt, a bill for an act to prevent tho discharge of firearms uppji any public highway In this Btnto within 1C0 yards of any public building, Hehool building. Bloro, unop or any oc cupied dwelling, and to provide a pon ulty for violation thereof. Tho voto "or senator resulted: Allun 35, Horgo i;, Crounso 5, Currlo 12, Dietrich 1, Hulner 5, Harlan 2, Harrington 1, Hitchcock 19, Hlnshnw 10, Klnkald 4, Martin 8, Morlan 1, Melklejohn 28, HoHowater 15, Thompson, I). E., 29, Thompson, W. 11., 23. HOUSE. Tho only business trans acted In tho houso on the morning of tho 10th waa tho adoption of utundlug committee reports placing a number of bills on general file. Houso roll 52, by Uahlsten, providing thnt county at torneys shall be elected only In coun ties of more than 3,000 population, In other counties to bo appointed by the county commissioners, at a salary of .not to exceed $300 per year, wna rec ommended for pnssagi). Loomla of Hodge called up his resolutions of Tuesday last eonnnonionitlvo of tho llfo nnd Bcrvlcr.H of Hon. Humuol Max well, nnd spoke eloquently nnd feeling ly of the virtues nnd deeds of the dcud Jurist and statesman. Ills re marks woro ultontlvoly llBtonod to, nnd produced a deop Impression. Mc Carthy of Dixon nlso pnld tribute of respect to Judge Maxwell's long nnd distinguished services to tho Btnto and Bpotless private llfo. Ho was followed by Lane of Lancaster, who spoke In n similar slrnln. The Breaker con cluded the series of remarks by re lating a Utile Incident Illustrative of Judgo Maxwell's noble character. The various addresses were ordered spread upon the records, whereupon, by n standing vote, tho bouse, ns a further ; token of respect, adjourned until next Monday. Tho senatorial vote: Allen 45, Ilerge 3, Crounso 4, Currlo 18, Hal tier 4, Harlan 2, Hitchcock 45, Hln shaw 18, Klnkald 4, Melklejohn 29, Morion ., Martin 9, Roscwatcr 15, Thompson, 1). E 30, Thompson, W. H 7, Whltmoro 1, Householder 1, Mcndcnbnll 1. HOUSE. At the morning session of tho houso on the 14th a number of hills woro placed on general file. Tho committee on public lauds nnd build ings submitted a report of its Investi gations of tho condition of tho asylum for tho Insane at Lincoln. Tho com mittee reports that the buildings were found to be In good condition with a new wing to tho capacity of 150 patients yet uncompleted. It recom monds, however, that repairs should be provided for the old building, par ticularly na regards plumbing, flooring nnd kitchen supplies. A metal celling Is recommended for tho laundry room together with tho purchase of nuothcr patent washer. Tho houso reconsid ered Its action of yesterday In Indefi nitely postponing sennto lllo 3p, by Hnldrlge, which leaves It dlscortlonttry with tho county board to voto nld to fakirs. Houso roll 79, by Lane, nppioprlatlng $50,000 for tho purchase of land for state fair purposes and Improvement thereof, wns recommend ed for papsngo by tho committee on public lands and buildings, with nn amendment reducing tho appropriation to $35,000. Houso roll No. 177, by Lane, was rend for tho third time and passed. This bill creatos a stato board of chnrltlcs nnd corrections, uo composed or me govornor.jffrjf land commissioner iuidJHTato' 8upcrln tendent, flh-npITolnt four ndvlsory aecreja not moro thun two of Thorn shnll belong to tho snme polit ical party. An appropriation of $2,500 annually la provided for to cover tho cxpenHes of tho board. Tho voto for scnalor lcsultcd: Allen 52, Horgo 5, Crounso I, Currlo 18, Hulner 4, Hnr lan 2, Hlnshnw 14, Klnkald 4, Melkle john 31, Morlan 1, Martin 10, Rose water 15, Thompson, I). 13., 33, Thomp son, W. H,, 57, Mondcnhall 1, Owens 1. HOUSE. In tho houso on tho 13th tho following bills woro read for tho third time and passed: Houso roll 77, by Ollls, providing for the appointment of a committee to nppralso damages caused by tho opening of now roads. Houso roll 73. by Jouvenat, providing for a landlord's lien upon crops plant ed or sown on demised premises. Passed after call of tho house, and without tho emergency cluuse, by voto of 53 to 41. House roll 90, by Corneer, providing for tho safety of employes by requiring tho construction of coun ter floors In tho erection of buildings. Houso roll 189, by Hohwor, curative, to vnlldlfy tho presont law relating to county tcachern' lustllutcu. Houso roll C, by Mocltett, fixing tho salaries of tho county commissioners of Lan caster county nt $1,800 ench por an num. Passed With emergency clause. Among bills Introduced wcro tho fol lowing: A bill for nti act to amoud section 5, chapter 83, nrtlclo 1, com plied statutes of Nobraaka for tho year 1889, and to repeal said occtlon nu It now exists. Fixing tho salary of tho governor's prlvnto Becrotnry nt not to oxceod $2,000 por annum. A bill for an act to amend section 77 of chapter (7, nrtlclo 1, of tho complied statutes of Nchrasku, 1899, and to repeal said sect Km 77. Providing that In counties of moro than 125,000 Inhabitants the rata of tax for county purposes may bo up to 17 mills, Instead i.f 15 mills, as at presont. Emergency clause. The voto for senutor was na follows: Allen 01, Horgo C, Crounso 7, CurtiO;20, Hnln cr 4, Harlan 2, Hitchcock 51, Hlnshnw 14, Klnkald 4, Melklojohn 31, Morlan 1, Martin 8, Ransom 8, Itosewntcr 15, Sutherlnnd 2, Thompson, D. K., 33, Thompson, W. H., 7, Van Duson 1, I'hl 1. SENATE 11 y a voto or 18 yeas to 12 nays, which hickad tho necsary two-thirds, tho sonate on tho 20th re fused to permit to ho engrossed for third rending Senator Llchl ell's reso lution requesting all employer. of moro than ten employes to pay salaries onco n week and In cash. It waa con sequently ordered to tho general flic. Senator Harlnn'n bill, senate fllo No. 15, providing imprisonment In the ponltontlnry for not more thnn twen ty yeara nor less than ono yenr for kidnaping a child under the ugo of 18 yeara, was placed on third rending nnd pnssod without a dlssontlns vot An emergency eluuso Is attached. Senato fllo No. 71, by Harlan, ameudlng tho lawn relating to cities of tho first class, waa considered at length and recommended for passage. Senato file 153, by Olcsoii, permitting residents in tho conter of a section of land to have a road to tho outaldo world, win lndollultoly postponed. House roll 01, by llrodorlck, wan Indefinitely post poned. It related to "ronds" and tin same subject Is moro thoroughly cov ered by houso rolla 50 and 58, which are recommended by tin cojiity ;otn mlHslonora of tho utnto. Senate lllo No. 150, by Sto-jlo, to provide for tho licensing of persona who operate steam engines, steam boilers and steam generators, and to establish a commissioner of engineering nnd a board of examining engineers, was In dellnltely postponed. Sonnto lllo 180, by Miller, was recommended for pnss ngo. It provides that tho electorn of nay town nt tholr annual meeting may levy an additional tix of not moie thnn threo mills to bo used exclusively for grading and ropalrlng roads. SENATE. Tho following woro rend tho third tlmo In tho senato on tho 19th and declared pnssed: Semite file 31, by Klcglcr, to restrain male anlmnla from running nt largo and to repeal soctlon 4 of chapter 4 of the Btatutes as they now exist. Senator Herlct was tho only one voting nay. Senate fllo 72, by O'Neill, providing for the admis sion of Noldlors of tho Spanluh-Amorl-can wnr and tho war In tho Philippines, together with their mothers nnd wid ows, Into the soldiers and sailors' homes of tho stnto. Senato fllo 1 10, by Young, providing that tho board of mnnngers of tho Stnto Poultry nsaocln tlon shall bo empowered to decldo tholr annual January convention shall bo held. Senate lllo , by Young, nmcndlng tho present ntatutes relating to punishment for vngrancy. At tho afternoon session, nftor passing house roll 49, declaring in favor of election of United States Bonators by direct voto, tho Bennto went Into committee of tho whole, with Senator Llddell in tho chair, to consider bills on general flic. Houso roll 49, a Joint resolution asking congress to call a constitutional con vention for tho purposo of considering an nmendmont which will pormlt of election of United States senators by direct vote, waa recommended for pnss ngo. A number of bills wcro Intro duced nnd the sennto then adjourned. SENATE. In tho sennte on tho 19th senato files Nos. 122 and 187, both by Cummins, woro Indefinitely postponed. Both proposed nn Increase of tho otato tnx on peddlers of watches, clocks, Jew elry, patent medicines nnd other wares, making tho llcenso Tor each vendor $100. Ono had an emergency clause at tached. Senate fllo 23, by Ilausom, relating to descondonts and providing that certain relatives mny Institute proceedings for loss of llfo In event of tho next of kind not bringing it, wns pnssed by a voto of 29 to 0. Sen nto fllo 112, by O'Neill, providing that nssessora shall return n list to tho county cleric each year of tho soldiers in their precinct, township or ward who served In tho war of 1812, tup Moxlcnu wnr, tho wnr of tho rebellion, tho wnr with Spain and the vvrfr In tho Philippines, was passcd-Viy n voto of 25 to 2, Senators Johmftm nnd Miller voting ngainsi lttfie following res olutlon wasTfminlmoualy ndoptcd: "ItesolvcA'tfy tho senato of tho stnto PJWQooraaka, That tho death of the Hon. Samuel Maxwoll closes tho llfo of one of Nebraska's most upright citi zens. Ills long years of public service in various departments proved his abil ity as a lawyer and his Integrity na a citizen. Ho brought ever tho test of right to tho discharge of duty and with a purposo only for Justice. Ills career na a Judgo rellocted credit upon himself and tho several courts of which ho wns at various times n mem ber. Duty waa well done, an upright life, a conscientious Judge, a kindly man, a useful citizen, a man loved by those who know him these aro mem orlca recalled of Samuel Maxwoll. Tho state has lost a good citizen; human ity a frlond. SENATE. Tho Bcmito on tho loth Indefinitely postponed consideration of Sonator Ilaldrlgo's bill providing for humane shoeing of horses In cltloa having a population of 5,000 or more. Van Ilosklrk'n measure proposing es tablishment of nub-stations of tho No braaka agricultural experiment station nt or near Ogallala, Culbcrtson and Alliance, mot u similar fato. The bill introduced asking for an appropriation for erection of a monument on tho battlefield of Shlloh, in honor of No braskuns who lost their Uvea hero, wns withdrawn by request of Senator Steele. Ho said It should go to tho houao, first becuuso of tho appropria tion feature. Tho original copy of somite fllo No. 220, Van Ilosklrk's bill, relating f,o priority of wator rights In irrigation districts, mysteriously and inexplicably disappeared from Senator Owens' desk. Tho Bonator brought the fact to tho attention of tho sena tors nnd naked that the custodian of the chamber bo Instructed to take bet ter caro of It. SENATE. In tho aonato on tho 14th tho following bills passed: Sonnto lllo No. 101, by McCnrgar, requiring a stamp or label on every ball of binder twlno offered for buIo In tho Btnto. Emergency clause attached. Senato lllo No. 22, by Ransom, provid ing adequato punlshmont for parties found guilty of kidnaping. Senato fllo No. 171, by Mlllor, permitting di rectors af the Stato Dairymen's asso ciation to decide on tlmo and place of holding tho annual convention. Son nto fllo No. 110, by Pitney, to prevent spread of contagious nnd Infectious dlsoaso by empowering county boards to establish boards of health and to enforce quarantine regulations. Sen ato fllo No. 40, by Olesou, amending section 958a of the civil codo, relating to changes of venuo In suits beforo Justices of tho peace. It provides thnt when a chango of venuo Is taken tho proceedings shall bn transferred to tho npnipRt inn! ten (if thn noMon nlrlkltn- ' out In tho present law tho additional claufo, "to whom the said objections do not apply." Sonato fllo No. 90, by Arends, for encouragement of forestry and nrborlculture. Tho request of tho houso that It bo permitted tp. reconsid er Its action on senntirtlo No, 39, which It Indefinitely jWtponed yester day, wna gnintud. This Is Ilaldrlgo's bill for Incorporating county fair na Boclatlous. SENATE. Tho senate on tho 13th Indefinitely postponed quite a number of bills: Uroderlck'a bill for tho es tablishment of two normal schools waa recommended for passage by tho com mltteo on university and normnl achoola, and was ordered to the gonor al flic. It la house roll No. 37. Tho following woro also ordered to tho gen eral file: Houso roll 9, providing a lino of not less thnn $50 nor moro than $500 nnd Imprisonment In the county Jail not moro than six months for Illegal voting In nny precinct or ward In tho state. Hoimo roll 51, making It a crime to threaten, etc., the same ns senate lllo 73, mentioned above. Semite Hln 1R4. tirnvlilltw Hint proposed amendment to the eoustltu- Jl.... ..I. ..II 1. 1 fill 1. ! mm Hiiaii no Huummcu to tno votors in such form as tho act relating to their Biibmlsslon mny provldo. Senate file 193, proposing a alight amnudinont to section 509 of the civil codo. Sen ato file 132, on request, a bill relating to municipal affairs, and especially to elections. Semite lllo 131, on requost, provludlug for laying of sldowalks at a cost not to exceed 50 cents por lin eal foot, In cities and villages having less than 5,000 population. LEGISLATIVE VOTES. ry a voto of SI to 7 Van Paiklrk'a hldo Inspection bill pas;od tho houso, and tho governor a slgnaturo Is tho only thing lucking now to make It a law. It contains nn emorgeney cluuse nnd will therefore besomo offectlvo as hooii as signed by tho governor. Four bills Introduced by McCarthy nnd Indorsed by tho State Rnr asso ciation were taken up by the houso and passed without doiate. Those woro numbered 230, 232, 233 nnd 234, nnd all were recommended tor pansago by tho commltteo of fho whole. They affect supreme court procedure, espe cially In tho manner of appealing nnd disposition of cases. Tho kidnaping bill passed In the senate provides that any person who shall maliciously or forcibly lend, take, or carry away, or decay, or en tice away, any child under tho ago ot 18 years, with Intent unlawfully to detain or conceal such child from lta parent or patents, or guardian, or other person having tho lawful chargo of such child, shall bo impris oned In tho penitentiary not moro than twenty years nor less than ono year. Among now hills Introduced la one by Senator O'Neill, providing for tho nppolntment of a deputy auditor for tho Insurance department. The bill provides that the auditor of public ac counts shall have power to appoint a deputy for tho Insurance department of his office, who shnll glyr- -n -bGuiV to tho stnto In tho sum of $5,000. Tho deputy, wnen authorized or ncting for, or Inatcnd of the nudltor, in all mat ter pertaining to lnsuranco, Bhnll have and may exercise the same power and nuthorlty-confcri-cd by law upon tho audltor'of public nccounts. Ile'nrescntatlvo Fowler's bill for tho 'protection of owners ot stallions, be ing houso roll 220, has been recom mended for passage. Senator Owens intends obviating le gal obstacles before irrigators of tho state, according to recent dcclalous of tho supremo court, nnd with that end In view proposed an amendment to tho constitution In the senate. He pro poses tho plan suggested by Senator Martin, so far as method ot voting Is concerned, a plan whereby it Is thought nlmost every nmendmcnt sub mitted may be curried. Heretofore' proposed amendments have been de' feated by tho great number who failed' to voto on them. Tho houso holdup committee put in nn afternoon Investigating charges' that have been mado in connection with the bill to appropriate $50,000 for permanent state fair grouuda. It la assorted that a well-known lobbyist offered to push this mcasuro through tho legislature for $1,000. Tho mam has been subpoenaed nnd will bo ques tioned by tho committee. Tho sennto this afternoon passed sonnto flic 22, providing penalties for kidnaping. Tho bill provldea that any person kidnaping or carrying oft any' person fraudulently ahall bo confined In tho penitentiary not lew thnn three nor moro thnn soven years. Whoever Bhall unlawfully carry off, decoy, cn tlco away or secrete any person for tho purposo of extorting money, prop erty or other valuablo shall bo Im prisoned lor the term of his natural life. Should the kidnapers injuro or threaten to Injuro any persoil In their power shnll, upon conviction, suffer denth or bo Imprisoned for life. The house committee on public lands nnd buildings reported on tho condi-. tlon of tho Hospital for Insnno at Lin coln, recommending on appropriation of $4,000 to completo construction ot now wing. It also recommended sev eral repairs In the main building. Senntor Mnrtlu's bill to repeal uio stato barbers' examining board law,, haa been Indonnltely postponed, this action being recommended by tho com mltteo which had tho bill under con sideration. Tho commltteo on normal achoola hua reported houso roll 37, by llrod orlck, for passage, It being a bill to provldo for tlto" location of two addi tional normal schools. Sonator Lyman's bill, providing for tho appointment of six deputy lnonec- tors, whoso duty It shall bo to Inspect tno accounts or tnc state and county treasurora, waa recommended for poat ponomont, but upon motion tho report wna not concurred in nnd tho bill went to general Hie, whoro It might bo discussed. Among tho bills that havo been In- troduced in tho houso Is one by H. Ot- Sears, creating a commission ofento mology, providing for its oflWfs mid defining their powers and duties, pro viding for an Inspection' of nursery stock' shipped Into the stato or from ono county to another of this state and of tho orchards, nuraerles and Holds of this stato;, authorizing tho quarantine, treatment and destruction of Infested trees or plants, the fee8 for the same and the manner of collection; defining violations thereof and fixing penalty tneroror, ami tno malting of nn an- proprlatlon for tho purpose of carry- ing tins act into cllect. A Much l'rlrrd Vuiw. There la ono pane of glass nt Marl borough houso, In England, that has a peculiar sort ot history, and Is most carofully guarded. Tho Into Duko of Clarence onco entered tho sitting room of ono ot his shTUjrs and scratched with a diamond onxtho window his nnmo, "Eddy." Soon nftcr tno present emperor of Russia entered tho room. and noticing tho handiwork of his cou sin, aerntehed "Nicky" beneath It. Will Export our Aimmcn. Attempts will Boon bo mado by Cal ifornia merchants to put fresh aspar agus oa the market In London and othor places In Great Hrltain. Tho Cal ifornia navel oranges nro growing In favor in Englnnd and are being muph appreciated. It Is expected that Cal ifornia asparagiiB will compcto vlth French asparagua, which la sent to England In lnrge qunntites. llitnUlicil nt 1'iiiiUliiiiriit. Hanlshmeut wna tho unusual heti tence imposed upon n Syrian by a New Jersey Judgo tho other day. Tho Syrian had been arrested for assault. Tho Judgo offered to relenso htm If ho would leave the country. Tho Syrian ngreed, nnd In charge of nn olllcor ho wna brought to Hobokeu and placed aboard an outbound steamship. Tho Diamond Match"" company re ports not earnings of $2,014,833 during 1900, a llttlo moro than 11 per cont on that company's $15,000,000 capital stock. Francis 11. Loomls, tho United States minister, la very ill nt Caracas, Venezuela. a 7f yf ff i 4 'h its. its. J .i COMTAfUOfi 7Jy Louhc "Bedford. Cfc iii. idil iiiit' y !' liyill iteiHili l iliiil !! ! V CHAPTER XII. (Continued.) "I thought you would want to hear tho story somo day," said Clarice. And then bIio told It very Dimply, na tho Doctor had tcld It to her, of tho poor boy's promise of nmendment of life, and of tho act of bravery which had brought it to a close. "Doctor Drako aald that whatovor his llfo may havo been, he died llko n hero," Bald Clarice, her own volco breaking a llttlo as sho repeated tho words. "Did ho sny that? What a good, kind man ho is -the bcsf'frlcnd I liaVo cvcr had, except you, Clarice," said Janctta, smiling through her tears. "Your brother's death Bcemed so peaceful by comparison with that poor wretch's whom tho Doctor hunted down," continued Clnrlco. "I often wonder whoro Masoh Is. Sho -wont off apparently early on the night of tho robbery, and tho pollco havo nover been able to obtain tho faintest cluo to her whereabouts. It was quite clear from tho letters sho left behind her that tho man was her lover, and had Obtrtlned all his information from her." "Oh, yea; It was tho samo voice," Mid Janctta, then started and colored. Sho lvad not meant to botray tho fact that sho had overheard Mason talking to somo unknown man In tho shrub bery, and had warned Mrs. Mortimer about her. The words had slipped from her. "What voice?" aBkcd Clarice eagerly. And Janettn thought It best to relate tho story. "Ah! that makes many things clear which I found It so hard to explain," said Clarice, thoughtfully. 'T could never mako out why Mrs. Mortimer seemed to blame herself so blttorly for the burglary having happened. I qttlto accepted her confession of Injustice to you and declined to tako her notlco to leave, as you freely forgave her; but I could not boo In what way sho could consider herself responsible for tho robbery. Poor woman! how terribly alio haa suffered; but It has dono her good, Janotta. Sho la far gentler and kinder than sho was, and bIio 1ms kept a dragon watch over tho houee, nppnr ently, during our absence. I think It's getting chilly. Hadn't wo better be making our way back to tho hotel?" When they got back to their hotel they found that table d'hote was al ready served. "Wo will go In an wo are," said Clarice. And they advanced Into the brllllnntly lighted salon nnd toc.k their places. Seated exactly opposite them waa Doctor Drake, who regarded them with smiling eyes. "What, again?" said Clarice, with a nod and a laugh, greeting him as if they had only parted tho night before. "You must bo apendlng a perfect for tune In traveling expenses! And look, your occupation Is gone!" eho said, with a proud glnnco nt Jnnctta. "Sho docs not look ns It she needed much doctoring, does sho?" "My visit la entirely for pleasuro," said Doctor Drako, laughing. "I'm out for a holiday at last. Tho world jvajU before mo whero to cliooK"nhTnf I vo taken a fancy like yomselves to visit Spain, I cannot se-ivhy you should make any obJeUon." "None Iruttlo world," retorted Clar ice, morrfiy. JAMion dinner was ended it waa but -natural that the doctor should Join tho girls in tho hall, and, sitting down by their sldo, tell them all tho homo news. "Wo have agreed tbla. afternoon that wo will go back," said Clarice. "Wo aro tired of wandering, aren't you, Jan otta?" Janotta nodded. "Wo aro waiting for an outburst of welcome from you," sho said, smiling at tho doctor, who Boomed lost in a fit of nbstractlu. "It would havo found vent beforo this, except that your homo-coming will not benefit mo much, I'm going to leavo NorthclIfT." ' Tho faces ot both his listeners grow blank. "How horrid of you!" cried Clarlco petulantly. And tho Impetuous words brought a pink flush to tho doctor's fair face. "I supposo It's a case of money." "Yes; It's money and a baronetcy," roplled tho doctor, dryly. "You nro Joking." "I'm not. I'll go nnd wrlto my nnmo In tho visitors' book this Instant If you don't bcllovo me. 'Sir Robert Drake!' Do I look tho part?" ho went on, with rather a forced laugh. "Two distant main relatives died ono after tho other, and I nwoko one morning lately to find myself transformed from a doctor in a country town Into a baronetcy and tho fortune." "Then 1 suppose wo must congratu late you," said Clarlco, in a volco that nevertheless sounded a llttlo told and stiff. To tell tho truth, she did not at all rolisli tho notion of tho sudden removal of a knight upon whoso will ing devotion sho could always depend. "You need not. Llfo Is one big dis appointment. It o.Tora gifts that ono docs not caro for, and donlea mo tho only ono which would mako It worth living." Ho roso abruptly i nd -vent off to tho smoking room, nun when, toino five minutes later, .Tnneita stole a ftirtlvo glanco at Clarlco, sho saw that her faco -was white and that her Hps trom bled. "Sir Robert chooses to bo cynical," Bhe said, throwing back her head with a pretty gesture of doflance; "but l'vo j ft n 7i fi n no doubt ho'll Boon roconcllo himself to the baronetcy nnd tho fortune." Sir Robert's routo ndjuatcd Itaolf very much to that chosen for tholr re turn Journey by tho girls. Somctlnica ho would bo away for a day or two at a tlmo, then reappear at tho town and hotel whoro ho was tolerably certain to find them, and thoy nrrlved In Eng land on tho samo day, but whilst ha stopped In London, tho glrla wont on to Northcllff. Tho wclcomo they received from Mrs. Mortimer was of a warmth thoy could havo hardly bollovcd posslblo In a woman eo self-contained; nnd It waa pleasant to find thomselvca onco moro ncatcd by tho fire In Clarice's sitting room, with their feet on tho fender, reading tb Eivcral letters they hn found awaiting their arrival. "I'vo got a long letter from Harry," iiahl Clarice. Janetta started vloleutly. Carofully an each of tho girls had followed Cap tain Mcrlvnlc's brilliant careor In tbo Indian campaign, his name until now had not been mentioned between thorn since tho night of Junctta's confession. Clnrlco's eyes wcro Bhlnlng.thero was radiant triumph In her smile. "Ho Is coming back, Janotta. And ho says--he says that ho should llko us to bo married ut onco. Thoro can bo no posalblo reason for delay now I am well, and ho hopes I will ho gottlng my clothes ready. He adds In n postscript that ho thinks I must pension off the good Mra. Mortimer," Clarlco said, with a little' gay laugh; "but ho makes no suggestion for your future" "Ho need not," said Janettn, Bitting upright, nnd clasping her hands tight ly. "I shall find another situation." "That sentence and tho way you say It makes me quite certain that you aro well. It was Bpoken with all your old horrid pride and independence," oaid Clarice. "Hut would It not bo well to suit my convenience? I've not dono with you yet, you neo. You must stay until I marry, and that" there was a llttlo break In tho voice sho had trlod to mako so gay may bo somo time, or may never be. I'm not going to marry Harry, and tomorrow I shall wrlto and tell him so. No. Plcaso don't look at mo like that nor say anything. I can't bear It! "You have prevented mo from mak ing the awful -mistake of marrying a man whom I havo leved, but who never loved mo as ho Is capable of loving a woman really suited to him. Tvo thought a great deal over it, and I'vo nald my prayers about It and that la tho only conclusion that I can arrive at." ' "And I have prayed, too or, how earnestly that ho may llvo to marry you, that so I might feci myself for given!" sobbed Janetta. "But you put your own Benso of for giveness beforo my happiness," nald Clarice," and so God haa not listened." Hoforo Clnrlco- went to bed thnt night sho had written her letter. "Good by, dear Ham- (wore thccloa lng wyrtrstT"l3omc Jay, If not at onco, von -will bless mo for setting you free. Looking back, I can seo now that you nover cared for mo aB I loved you; and when you met this woman who could stir your heart to Its very depths you found It out. Somo day I hopo I may llvo to seo you married to her. "Believe me, ever your frlond, "Clarlco Seymour." Tbo breaking off of Clarice Sey mour's engagement was a nine days' wonder in Northcllff and lta neighbor hood. "Sho chooses to say that it Is hor own doing," Bald tho gossips; "but, de pend upon It, there la more behind than meets the eye. It la not to be wondered nt If Captain Mcrlvalo turn ed restlvo over the evident flirtation that girl carried on with tho doctor. Anybody can Bee with half an cyo that ho haa been hcad-ovcr-ears In love with her for yeara past." Certainly It was a fact Sir Robert mado no attempt to conceal nt pres ent Ho was always back In North cliff upon Bomo pretext or other; but month nftcr month passed by, nnd ho still waited, not daring to put his fate to tho test. (To bo Continued.) Itoynl .Mint In Cauntlit. The establishment of a royal mint In Canuda will make tho fourth branch or tho English mint In operation outsldo of London. Tho other threo ramifica tions nro located In Australia, at Mel bourne, Sydney nnd Perth respectively. According to recently published re turns, tho value of tho gold coin out put from thcso four mlntn during 1899 wns as follows: Tho royal mint. Llns don, $42,001,555; Molbourne, $28,138, S35; Sydney, $10,020,000; Perth $3,458, 530. It has also been mooted that tho government proposes ultlmntely to es tnbllsh another branch In the Trans vaal, AVultifiilU lo (Icncmtu Kiiclrlrll. Tho Adriatic Railway company of Italy has decided to equip electrically two branches of the main lino down the coast to Hrlndlsl. These branches extend from the main lino toward tho Interior, whero tho Apennines furnish abundant water power. In the lilgh lunda of Italy there la considerable water power which haa never boon utilized and It ia considered possible to use theso fallls Tot tho generation of electrical power.