I y CZrAH'S THROSfE WITHOlT AJ HEIR Olga, Tatlana and Mario, the throo Utlo glrla of the Czar of Russia, havo "ust had a charming photograph taken, nnd hero Is probably tho first copy of It to cross tho ocean. Tho fact that theso thrco children THE THREE nlcs of a nation that Includes a tenth or .the world's population. Although tho llttlo grand duchesses can never hopo to Inherit tho throno of Russia, they can bo pretty suro of being queens If they grow up. It has ROMANCE OF A Grand Duchess Helen of Russia Is tho center of a royal romance that has wonderful possibilities for the making iof history. Slier Is a lively, attractive, GRAND DUCHESS warm-blooded girl, who knows how to Jljrt, and who has already broken many hearts, alio is now Being courted ono hand by tho man who would bo emperor of France If Napoleon's lino had not been overthrown, and on tho other hand by a grandson of Queen Hear I'urnncn lloracmuu. When a grizzly sees a human form ho does ono of two things runs right away from tho stranger or right at him. In tho latter caso It is generally all up with tho stranger. In Routt county, Colorado, a man went out to round up somo of his stray cattle. Ho did not find them, and was standing by his horso wondering which way to turn next, when ho heard a stir In tho hushes. Ho parted them expecting to find a cow, and to his horror confronted n big grizzly. Ho did not stop to tako a second look, but mado a bolt for his horse. Tho steed had also seen tho bear and did not wait for orders, and It was only after a run of about ono hundred yards clutching to tho pom tnpl that tho man managed to throw Himself Into tho saddle. Meanwhllo tho bear was losing no time, and as ho mounted a huge claw ripped off ono heel of his boot and a portion of tho hevso's hide. However, this acted on tho horso better than a spur and ho mado racing time. Hruln also let him self out, and It was nip and tuck until they reached tho door of the rancher's abln, whn Uie irlzzly turned -about oven been said that one of them hag already been considered seriously by Queen Victoria, who Is tho greatest royal matchmaker In Europe, as a pos sible futuro queen of England, for It would be dimcult to find a more exalted spoiiBO for little Prlneu Edward of York CHILDREN OP THE CZAR Of RUSSIA. who has now reached the mature age of six. Tho Grand Duchess Olga Is five, Ta tlana Is three, and Marie was born only eighteen months ago. Their mother, tho Czarina, Is a granddaughter of GRAND DUCHESS VIctorln. Reports of her engagement to each havo been printed. Tho grand duchess hcrseir Is a migh ty Important llguro in Russia, qulto HELEN OK RUSSIA. aside from any matrimonial possibili ties, for her father Is tho powerful Grand Duko Vladimir, who stauds a good chance of succeeding t tho Uus slan throne Helen Is nn uncommonly clover girl, nnd her rank, good health and good and mado for tho woods. Tho man had a gun InslJo his cabin, but ho was too frightened nnd exhausted to touch it until tho benr was out of Hlght. A Dlntutln Kiprrt. John Lawson Johnston, tho rich man who recently rented tho Duko of Ar gyll's nncestral castlo of Inverary, died suddenly on his yacht at Cannes, France, a few weeks since, nged 02 years. He had mado a peculiar and profltnblo business for himself that of dietetic expert In relation to military operations, nnd was employed as such by tho French and other governments not by tho Hrltlsh or the American. Had ho been engaged by our govern ment at tho opening of tho war with Spain many lives and much scandal might havo beon saved. Ho had work ed out tho problems of military ra tions for the camp or field and for forced marches, and for hospital com forts. Incidentally ho Invented bovrll. For a whllo ho owned tho prince of Wales' racing yacht Hrltannla, and had lately bought Mrs. Lnngtry'a Whlto Ladyc, aboard which his death came. Springfield Republican. Queen Victoria, and a cousin of Em peror William of Germany, whoso boys will also bo looking for sultablo prin cesses before long. Tho Czar Is a nervous and rathcr'delT lrato man, Whose life Is nn uncertain affair at best, even If tho Nihilists sparo li I in, nnd if he should have no son tho throno would puss to tho Grand Duko Michael, tho only brother ho has left, and after Michael, who Is not yet mar ried, comes tho Czar's uncle, tho Grand Duko Vladimir. looks mako her ono of tho most dcslr ablo unmarried princesses In Europe. Perhaps her only rival would bo Prin cess VIctorln, tho only unmarried daughter of tho Prlnco of Wales. The morn notable of tho Hghthearted Helen's suitors Is Prlnco Victor Nnpo leon, head of tho Ronnpnrto family of today. After tho great Napoleon's death, tho succession went to his youngest brother, King Jeromo of Westphnlla; thenco to Jeromo's son, Prlnco Napoleon, who was known to famo as Plon-Plon. Prince Napoleon had two sons, Prlnco Victor and Prlnco Louts. Victor Is tho elder and lives quietly In Ilrusscls, studying the history of tho first Napoleon nnd planning what he shall do whon tho turn of tho wheel In French politics brings him on top again. Ho looks Hko George Gould, and Is rapidly growing fat. No ono seems able to determlno whether ho Is a great man biding his tlmo or a com monplnco ninii making n bluff. Tho other claimant for tho hnnd of Grand Duchess Helen Is Prlnco Albert John Christian Frederick George, only surviving son of tho fourth of Queen Victoria's six children now living. His mother, Princess Helena, married Prince Christian of Sehleswlg-Holsteln, and his elder brother, Prince Christian, lately lost his life In tho Uoer war. Ucforo that bereavement Prlnco Albert John wns rather a gay boy, In splto of tho fact that ho Is poor, but It Is said that ho has now settled down Into steady ways. It was his sister, Prln cess Arlbert, who cut a flguro In tho United States a while ago, nnd who hon Just been divorced by her husband. There- would bo no particular effect on affairs of stato If Grand Duchess Helen were to wed tho Anglo-German prince, but if she were nllled to Prlnco Victor Napoleon It 13 believed that the match would greatly strengthen tho French Imperialist cause Order of tho Kloihnnt. The Danish order of tho Elephant, which has lately been bestowed on I'i'esUlent Loubet by tho king of Den mark, Is ono of tho most ancient of European orders, it wns founded by King Christian I., of Denmark, In tho year 3192, nnd was renewed by Chris thin V. In 1093. It Is conferred on sov ereigns anil heads of Btates and occa sionally on statesmen, but thero nro not many knights of this order. I'-CK I'u'l y Hon. Science, prompted nnd urged by tho commercial Instinct, has demonstrated that casein, from ordinary cows' milk, Is qulto as good for baking ns tho finest hon eggs.and a company with 10,500,000 capital has been formed to manufac ture out of It a substitute for tho "fresh" und "strictly fresh" product of tho poultry yard. Ono pound of casein Is equal to six dozen eggs. August Uolmont Is a large stockholder In thla corporation, which already, though only nn Infant, puts out about 1,200 pounds a day, tho equivalent of 80,100 eggs. Tho hen's only remaining ad vantago lies In tho unhntchablene3s of tho rival product and Its Incascment in a box Instead of n shell. Sho alono can bo tho molhor of broods nnd Hock3 of chickens. Casein cannot deprive her of that cherished privilege. Tho artl llclal egg has arrived, but not tho artl flclal brollor, fowl, capon, roaster, etc. Now York Press Canned goods of nil kinds should bo emptied from the cans as soon as they nro opened. Thoy should never on any account be left to stand In tho cans. ANIMALS FEAR MEN. Wlerceit of Them Seldom Attack, Bv Whon Wounded. Of all questions asked by peoplo who havo never been much out of doom, none seeniB so slmplo to tho old-timers as that which concerns tho dangers to which tho camper may be exposed from tho uttacks of wild beasts, mya Forest and Strcnm. It Is chiefly women nnd children who ask such questions, but It Is evident thnt In tho brains of mnny Inexperienced persons Is firmly estab lished a belief that wild animals aro dangerous, thnt wolves, panthers nnd bears prowl about seeking whom they may devour. This bollcf Is In all prob ability a survival In part of earlier days, when tho most civilized men dwelt lnrgcly In tho East, where might bo encountered lions who -would attack them, or hyenas ready to snap up tho stray child wandering away from tho camp, or bears of tho typo encountered by tho Irreverent Infants who apostro- pnizcti Ellshn; and also In part of that tlmo whon tho weapons of primitive man wcro so feeble and of so llttlo avail against tho wild beasts that theso wcro Justly to bo feared. Thla feeling al ready existing Is encournged and strengthened by a certain amount of tho writing of tho day. The average man nnd woman lovo to rend a bear or panther or wolf story not less than do small boys and round-eyed children listen with pleasure to tho tales of somo vcncrnblo uncle or grandfather who relates tho story of tho wolves that used to howl about hl cabin or visit his sheep fold when first ho set tled in tho country. In this land of mcrlcn, as many know, thero aro no such things as dangerous animals, though there aro creatures which may bo mado dangerous. Tho wolf, tho bear and tho cougar aro far moro nnxlous to get away from man than man Is to got away from them. If given tho oppor tunlty thoy will nhvays Blip away and run, nnd If they light It Is because thoy bellovo that they havo been cut off from ovcry nvenuo of escape. Where an animal has been wounded It Is a different matter. Then, often, consld orations of prudenco aro forgotten and tho animal acts on impulse, instead of doing what It knows to bo wlso: but cyen so thero Is much moro danger from n wounded deer than from n wounded panther, and vastly moro from n wounded moirye. Hut for tho nverago man who Is traveling through a now country where wild anlinnls may bo plenty, who stops when ho has made a day's march and Is at homo whero night finds him, thero is not now, nor ever wns, moro danger from tho wild animals of tho country than from tho lightnings which blazo In tho summer sky. Many moro peoplo havo been killed by lightning than havo been run over by stampeding buffalo herds, or killed by unwouuded grizzly bears, or by all tho other anlmnls of tho pralrlo put together. Ono might nlmost say that moro peoplo havo been struck by falling meteorites than hnvo been kill ed by panthers or wolves. And yet from day to day tho nowspnpers con tinue to print bear stories, catamount Btorlcs nnd wolf Btorlcs, and probnbly they will do so until long after tho last bear, catamount anil wolf shall havo disappeared from tho laud. STEALS IN PRISON. All Time und I'lncen Aro Allko t 1'iniim Ford. Emma Ford, a giant negress who was convicted several days ago of rob bing Dr. Hayes of Cripple Creek, Col., and sentenced to ono year In the bride well, wns transferred from tho county Jnll to tho house of correction yester day afternoon, snys the Chicago Inter Ocean. Hoforo she wont sho Is alleged to havo stolon a pocket-book from Mrs. Elizabeth McDonald, colored parole of ficer of tho Juvenllo court nnd presi dent of tho Hethol Houho Missionary society. Emma Ford has boasted of htw dexterity In relieving persons of their valuables, and whllo being tnkon to Jail for trial picked a watch from tho pocket of a deputy sheriff whp had her in charge. Mrs. McDonnld was with her for somo tlmo yesterday In tho corridor of tho womnn's depart ment in tho Jail. Tho probation ofllcor carried n hand bog In which was her purse, contriving a smnll sum of money and some papers of value. Somo tlmo Inter sho had occasion to open tho bag and found tho purso gone. Tho prisoner's honbtcd skill caused sus picion to bo directed towurds her. Meanwhllo sho had been taken away. Tho olllcors at tho bridewell worn In formed and tho woman was searched, but tho purao was not found. Kliinoth Udy llook AKriit. A smartly dressed woman has been reaping a golden hnrvest In Now York through u process of book canvassing which savors strongly of blackmail. Sho travels In a earringo with a liver led footman. After gaining admission to tho homo of a wealthy family, sho urges a subscription to a "beautifully Illustrated edition" of somo standard work, giving tho namo of n society leader as a reconimcndutlon. Tho vic tim signs what sho supposes to bo a list, only to Iliul Inter that sho has contracted for a largo number of very oxponslvo books. Tho only means of escape Is by "settlement" on stlir terms. (Juenii IlerelviiH (Jnld Afudstl. When tho Gorman Emperor heard or tho courageous net of tho Queen of Portugal In saving a boatman from drowning ho nsked tho Queen to nc copt the German Gold Hnlvngo Medal. Her Majesty at tlrst hesitated In ac cepting this grnciotiB offer, because, with her usual modesty, she had al ready declined similar decorations which tho Portuguese government and tho Humnno society nt Lisbon wished to confer upon her, but sho Anally gave way and signified her willingness to receive tho medal, HIE BIGGEST BIRD. C&NDOR OF THE ANDES GIVEN FIRST PLACE. Ilnppjr i:;islo of tho I'lilllppliir ( Second I'liiro Our Own Turkey I i (lootl Third f-'onio Deiimnd fdeonrt l'luoe for the llmtnrd. Tho ornithologists of Great Britain nnd America havo Just finished a spir ited discussion which has lasted for moro than a year, as to which Is tho largest hlrd that flics. Tho prlzo has been awarded to an American bird, tho great condor of the Andes. To nn other bird, which Is nn American now, has been given tho second prlzo. It Is tho florco harpy caglo of tho Philip pines. Our own turkey comes near tho second place, and If England succeed In a present nttcmpt nt reintroducing tho famous great bustard Into tho tight llttlo Island it will havo tho next larg est bird to our turkey. In this discus sion tho term "largest" has been do- lincd ns meaning a bird which has both uio largest spread or wing nnd the heaviest weight. This combination of two essentials has mndo tho oxnet cholco for second, third nnd fourth plnco a matter for flno calculation. Hut thero Is no question about tho cholco for first plnco. Tho condor Is king. In tho United States wo havo, besides tho turkey, four other birds which nro ranked high In tho list of tho largest Hying birds. They nro tho beautiful golden eagle, tho national bald-headed eaglo, tho great wild swan, known spo clflcally as tho whooper, und tho Call fomla condor, which Ih nlmost as largo as his South American brother. In many respects tho South American condor Is tho most remarkablo of all living creatures. No other bird can lly so high. Humboldt saw ono Hying over Chlmbornzo at a holght of 23,000 Cripples : Her Hobby j Mrs. Izora Plorson, a widow living in Hngcrstown, Ind., Is about to marry a citizen of Rock Ford, Colo., after a series of matrimonial ventures thnt nro unique. This will bo her fifth hus band. Her first mnrrlngo wnB not out of tho ordinary. Her second husband wns a hopeless erlpplo and horribly deformed. Her devotion and lovo for this man wero never questioned, nnd when ho died sho laid him nway with every Indication of genuine grief. Her third husband was 82 years old and almost hclples3. Ho was In llio last stages of senile debility. Nevertheless sho upparently loved him nnd nursed and tenderly cared for him until his death which occurred within two years after their marriage. Her fourth hus band was Oscar PIcrson, 22 years old, of Mount Holly, N. J. Ho was help lessly crippled from birth nnd wns From OtKer V V- Worlds Tho most unique declaration of tho many uttered by men of bcIciico In connection with tho opening or tho now century Is that of Nikola Tcsla, tho wizard of electricity, who says that attempts nro being mado by tho Inhnbl tants of somo other planet to caminunl cato with tho peoplo of tho earth. Ho says: "In somo experiments I havo been conducting lately I havo noticed disturbances which have a pocullur ef fect on my Instruments. 1 am llrmly convinced that they aro tho result or an attempt by somo huninn beings, not on our world, to speak to us by sig nals." Tcsla professes to bellovo that ero long theso signals will bo observed AMERICA AND RUSSIA. Ctar'H Country l'xeeed la I'opulutlou hut Wo'ro OnlnltiK. Tho population returns of tho world's two most rapidly expanding nations havo boon published recently, showing that tho United States has 70,000,000 Inhabitants and Russia has 130,000,000. Tho HgurcH for Russia comprlso that empire's population In Asia ns well as In Europe. Tho cable dispatch does not separate tho Inhabitants of tho two sections, but tho computation of a fow yearfl ago would indicate that out of this 130,000,000 somewhere near 110, 000,000 aro In European Russia, with about 20,000,000 In Its Afrlatlo domin ions. Tho figures for Russia nro, to n considerable degree, merely estimates. A census whb taken fts recently nn 1897, at which tlmo tho population of tho oinpiro was put at 129,000,000, but no such degreo of accuracy was aimed nt an Is obtained In tho United States, England, Gorinuny und France. Tho preBcnt cstlmato of 130,000,000 In got by adding tho nssuiucd excess of births over deaths In tho past thrco nnd a half years to tho population total In 1897, eays tho St. Unils Globe-Democrat. Theco figures, which may bo hold to be approximately correct, put Rus sia far ahead of nil tho other nations tho Germnn empire with f.2,000,000, tho United Kingdom with 10,000,000, and Franco with about 39,000,000. Ap parently Russia Is growing moro rap Idly than nny other great nntlon In tho world except tho United States. At tho present time, If tho estimates for tho past few decades bo trustworthy, feet it acosan to fly an cosily and breathe as easily In tho r.arofltd atmos-i phoro at that trroat IioJffht no IV does) nt tho lovol of tho nca. Mo other ctc- ated being can do th!d,aun no othop living craatr.ro can UK 'itsoH ao fau above tho earth, Whoa fly Ilia It calhi in majestic circles or hnng.1 pMd In' tho air bo If suspended tlioi'o by an in visible- cord. Darwin oaco vratooofl r condor for hali nn bom on It huiif? over nn Andean valloy, anil navcr once. did ho dotoct the slightest rnovemon In tho great bird or Itn wlilraproaiV pinions. Its homo 'la nbovo Ilia snow line, and It chrosoa nn ltd favcrlM dwelling places vhcro great cllffa do- Bccnd sheer down for thousands of feet. It wanders sometimes to vhuro tho cliffs of Patagonia frown over tho. troubled sens, but prefers to scok ltn food In the mountain valloya. It la n bird blessed with an appotlto ns re markablo as Itself, and ono condor hn been known to dovonr a calf, a dogy and a sheep In n Blnglo week. On tho other hand, It can go without food for moro than forty days. ' Probably no oilier created animal has such keen sight as tho condor. From trnmcndouii heights and from great distanced II enn spy n carcass and will swoop down on It with tho rush nnd speed of tint wind sweeping through tho mountain gorges. Thero nro thoso who not only de mand second placo for tho bustnnl, but aro Inclined to glvo him first placo titiwt1r Min Ulr.la Hint lit THirnn Kllrfl an eminent nuthorlty ns J. EV Hartlrirr of London, seems to Incline that way. Hut tho biggest bustard Mr. Hnrtlnu cites Is the Hovlllo bustard, with u weight of 30 pounds, und tho biggest authentic spread of -wings ho cltcn Itt only hovoii feet, threo inches. Tho Gorman naturalist, tho younger Nnu mann, tells of bustards weighing" 33'. pounds, and says that ho haa been as sured of tho formor oxlstcnco of speci mens of tho bird 'wolghlng 35 or 3 pounds. Boston Journal. This Woman Mar ried txnd Doted on No Less Than Three. pruatrnto on his bed, from which ho Was unnblo to rlso. Ho mado laco with his curved and knotted flngoru whllo lying thus. In ordor to sustain hlmselT. This laco was sold to n atoru which employ peddlers to carry tho goods about tho country In packa. In ono of his packages of laco Plqrsqu placed a noto In which was dcscrlbod his pitiable condition. Ho Iniplorcil whoover might receive tho noto1 to havo compassion on his lonely stato and nu slst him to secure tho services of n physician, nnd, If posslblo hotter hlu condition. Thnt nolo fell Into tho hnnds of Mrs. Izora Roher,. thrlco a widow, nnd past graduato In, curing for helpless husbands. Sho felt a presenti ment that tho noto would lead to their union, and, therefore, Joyfully ad dressed a respouso to tlio nppoal of tho poor cripple. Their mnrrlngo won tho result. Tcsln. Says Folks tho St&ra Wtxnt ToJIt With Us. by pcrBons outsldo tho realm of sclenco., At first they will bo Indefinite nnl. will bo nothing mora than an liitlma-. tlon of tho dcslro to converse with uSv. Hut beforo long wo could understand what thoy wero trying to say anil ulti mately both worlia would reach a. common basis of understanding. Thcin would como rovolatlonn thnt'wIbuliVtui-' tound us all. Tesln thlnkn Venus I the planet thnt Is causing tho plic-' nomcun ho has noticed, for it Js whoit VoniiB la rising thnt ho has noticed- thn' disturbance of his oleutrlenl apparatus.. Ho urges that somo arrangement bo mndo by scientists fur recording theso disturbances In u coherent manner.' Observatories might bo established. Russia doubles her population ovcry fifty or flfty-llvn years, whllo tho. doubling In thn United State, which had 38.000.000 lnlmbltanlA In IS7n m..i 70,000,000 In 1890, Is mado qyipy. thirty years. Tho two natlonn hnvo' been on tho most friendly terms'slnco tho day when Catherine II. placed Waidilnton first on tho list of heroca of history, and, happily for mankind, thero nro ho Indications that tho amity between theso lenders In world expansion will over bo Interrupted. . , I Itrure of Cool TIiIovom. About tho coolest thieves on recoiil did a Job of work In Phlladolfihln a few dayB ago. Early In tho morning, whllo hundreds of neonlo wnro irolni? to work, half a dozen mon arrayed 'na mechanics appeared In front of u Turkish bath (rstabllshment in WnlnuC street, and with cIiIboIb, hammorr and wrenches took down tho lmmluomo bronzo ornaments and railing which ornamented tho place. Thon thoy calm ly walked away with tho plunder. I I'.itulillohti Quarry Abourd Khlp. ' A very singular and costly ucolilen.t happened to tho sailing ship, Spring Hold, which recently arrived at San Francisco with a enrgo of Portland commit from London. After her, long voyage around tho Horn It wan found thnt tho cement had bocomo wet Jn trnnslt, causing it to run tcgothor and solidify In one ndamantliw mnsa. Tho only way to get It out v o juarry it, 1