The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 18, 1901, Image 4

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    lu cmi- WrcMjj vlbuuc.
FRIDAY, JAN. 18, 1901.
IRA L Lt ARE, Editor and Pkoi'Iuktoii
One Your, cnah In advance,.... H.2.'
Blx Month, cash In advance 75 DenH'
aeoond-claai matter.
M. S. Quay was elected scna
ton from Pennsylvania Tuesday
with three votes above the re
quired number- This settles
one of the most bitter fights that
has ever been waged against the
re-election of a United States
It is quite evident that the
Omaha I3ec would much rather
have Conirrcssman Mercer at
Washington than in Lincoln.
The Dee, however, is not alone
in questioning the propriety of
Mr. Mercer inicctinir himself
into the senatorial fight.
Tnic introduction of bills in the
legislature goes merrily on not
withstanding the excitement of
the senatorial struggle. The
legislators seem determined to
do sufficient work to earn their
salaries, even though eighty per
cent of their bills never see light
after introduction.
Sun'Atow IJaujhigk has intro
duccd in the state senate a bil
providing for nine judges of the
state supreme court. The con
gestcd condition of that tnbuna
certainly calls for assistance.
This thing of having cases pend
ing in the supreme court for two
or three years before being
reachedis ridiculous.
Tun vote so far on Unitec
States senator gives no inkling
as to the final outcome, but indi
cates pretty conclusively that
neither Thompson or Rosewatcr.
can muster sufficient votes to
elect. It looks very much as
though a deadlock cannot be
.averted, the breaking of which
will be a difficult mattter.
Wh learn the apportionment
bill introduced by Representa
tive 10 vans is very favorably re
ceived by members of the leijis-
laturc, both fusionists and re
publicans. The former regard
it as very equitable nnd that it
docs not savor of politics. In
drawing the bill Mr. 10 vans did
not consider the political condi-
tions of the territory which he
embraced tn districts.
first bills recommended
for passage
l) tne legislature
were uiose appropriating money
it i
ior incidental expenses 01 tne
session and for payment of mem
bers, officers and employes of
the legislature. The boys evi
dently want to spend their money
as fast as they earn it, and this
they can very readily do. The
member who comes out "even"
at. the end of the session is
lucky fellow.
That General Wood is taking
care ot the interests of the
Cubans in every possible way is
seen in the report that he will
have an ice plant erected at Man-
zanillo, to compete with the com
bination there of two companies
already established, who charge
such exorbitant rates that the
poor people cannot buy the. pro
duct. General Wood will have
what would be under civil law a
municipal ice plant constructed
to cost about $10,000, and to sell
ice at a reasonable- figure.
Boston Transcript.
j. his jjaiiy oiaic capital, a
newspaper published for the ap
parently sole purpose of defeat
ing D. B, Thompson, is giving
that senatorial candidate some
warm shots. Here is one: So
bold and unprecedented, and so
black with dmhdnbr Svus Thbnip-
I A Twentieth. Century
Shoe Sale
tpiCNlC J f I
We have just received 5,000 pairs of the Hamilton-Brown best known
brands which are now on sale at right prices. This special shoe sale will
continue the balance of this month. PR EE With every pair of shoes
costing $1.00 and up a pair of Hose will be given free.
SPEC1K L Through the courtesy of the Hamilton-Brown Oo.
we will present a pair of the finest baby shoes made free to babies born dur
ing the year 1901. This offer holds good throughout the year.
We are exclusive agents in this" county for the
T ! 30 Ol 1.1. 1 L 1 il ' ..I 1 P .1
ojuuius qiiuu, miu
200 pairs of Ladies'
$2.00 per pair, your choice at 98 Cents.
1W E
son's part in. the closing-act of
the drama of two years ago, and
so moved were the people when
they saw their beloved Hay ward,
after his two months battle with
this political bully, sink- broken
hearted and exhausted into a
premature grave, and so untver
sal was and is the revulsion
against this man in every town
and voting precinct in the state,
that now, the name of "D. 10.
Thompson," called out by a lew
of the republican members of the
iiuui.. 10 tun ,,. nU!.Hu,
factory answer ever riven back
t0 Nebraska people by their rep-
A Baby's
ls very much like the blossom
Iiik of a flower. Its beauty and
perfection depends entirely
tinou tho caro bestowed upon
its parent, Kxpectant mothers
should have the temlerost care.
They should bo spared all worry
nnd anxiety. They should cat
plenty of Rood nourishing food
nnd take gentle exerchea. This
will go a long way toward preserv
ing their health and their beauty
ats well as that of the littlo one to
come. Hut to bo absolutely sure
of a short and painless labor they
should uso
reRtilarly ilurlnpr the mmitlm of k"U.
Man. Tills H n slmplu llnltntnt, which
to Un npplloil i-xtcrimlly, It kIvch
MiiMiRth nml vltwr to tlio luuBclra nml
prrvt-nlHiill ot thoillncointortHot iire.
iiiim-y, which women useil to think
worn nbnohitrlv ni-emsary. When
Motlipr'H Krieml Is uut-il Micro U no
ilotiRcr whatever,
Oet Mother'H l'rleml at tho Jruc
more, t i I'it uouie.
I lie uiunncLD iicgiiutor co.
Wrlu for tor fttt Vock," ll.tor. I1.V7 1, Botji."
Wo have secured
the agency for the
well known and pop
ular Hamilton
Brown' Shoes
for Men, Women,
Boys, Girls and
ui:st snuu in uie worm ior cue money. j
and Children's Shoes in broken sizes, some worth (ft
I he
lbt door south P.O.
Voto on Souator.
The vote on United States
senator yesterday was a follows:
Allen...'. t 57
Hitchcock 57
Crounse 10
Currie 22
Hainer ! f
Ilinshaw . . lf
Kinkaid 4
Martin 4
Meiklejohn , 24
Morlan 1
Murphy 2
Rosewatcr ; 15
Thompson 32
Harlan 2
Van Duscn 1
Hays 1
Sutherland 1
Harrington 1
Necessary for choice 67.
Uncle Tom's Cabin.
The famous plav, which dates
back so far that some people have
a va:uc idea that it caused the war
of rebellion, has been presented with
religions regularity each dramatic
season, sometimes with double
little lCvas and double Uncle Tom s
even but never has it been given
with such an elaborate stage dress
nig and realistic effects as this, In
fact several of the features are in
themselves stiflicciitly novel to make
it worth while to see "Uncle Tom
Cabin" for the forty-seventh time
Topsy is a fine piece of character
and dialect acting with the addit
ional virtue that la exceedingly
funny. But the leading feature of
the production is the gorgeous
trniistoriiiaiiou scene w'ncli repre
cents little ISva m the golden
real ins. 't ins tableau is a beauti
ful and striking one, representing
the flight of the angels of death
hind the opening of the iroldeii
gates, There are also several other
noteworthy stage settings, reprc
seining a cotton picking scene,
hliza crossing the ice, etc. Som
very pleasing singing of plantation
melodies iB given by a colored
quartette, and there is some wing
(inncmi that is a great noveltv.
nil. .. .. i i .
i ue aiinieure iasi nigni was
large one. The Times. April 14.
The Ed. V, Davis colossal spec
tactiiar uncie lonra uaom com
pany win appear at the opera
uouse January ;iiu,
famous Queen Quality ;Ji
Texna Flooil uarrieu Awny Uanket.
Search for tho casket containing the
remains of Charles Coghlan has been
abandoned at Galveston. Tho noted
JI..1 I luc o
:.., ,..mntn Nn.nn ,.
BU"'U1 Dr 1 " ,"V
tallie casket containing tho body was
sun in uiwvusiuii nnvn uiu ici jimu
tidal wave swept over tlio plaeo Sept. S
last. Tho casket was swept from tho
receiving vault and Is .now belloved to
have been carried out to sea. Most l'oimhir Hook.
Tho Blblo Is still tno most popular of
all books. During tho year 1SU!) tho
American Blblo society issued 1.40G,-
800 copies In fifty-eight different lan
guages. In tho eighty-four years ot
tho society's existence It hns Issued
C7,3C9,30C copies.
Olllcos: North Tlatto Nntionnl Bank
Building, North Platto, Nob.
Ovr Flrnt Nntionnl llnnk,
TXT TO R IS 15 Y-RT-LK ln,
Olllco over Yellow Front Slio Store
Moaland& Hoagland,
OIBi'h ovir
Mt-Dounlil'K llnnk.
smvrn plattk, . . . nemiuska
OIUcb ovxr North PlnltH Nntionnl linuk.
OlUeoin Hinmnn Block, Dnwoy street.
iNUUlll I'UATl'I'i, - - NEBRASKA
Ulllce over Post Office.
Telephone 115.
ISorlh Platto, - - - Nebraska.
A. II, Uivu.
unniy uruwt Kouuuii&y.
Witj Ofi Compliments
anu our best wishes lor vour
continued good health and hap
piness, we present for New
Year's, l'JOI, a line variety of
champagnes, other wines and
liquors, imported and domestic,
for tbe season. It is our especial
care that no inferior brand shall
find its way to our shelves or eel-
Logal Notico.
Tlio dofendnntB II. Emerson, first nnd
ronlnnme unknown. (itnnlondoil with Tho
Nebrnskn Loan it Trust Compan) , ot nl.)
will tnko notico thnt on tho lth dny of
Sopt. 1000, tho plaintitr, Tho County
of Liincoln, a corporation, tiled its peti
tion in tho district court ot Lincoln
county, Nebraska, tho object nutl prayer
of which is to foreclos-o certain tax liens.
duly nBsessod by said plaintilT against
tho BoutlionBt quarter of section in
townsinp U, north of ranco .11. west of Hie
Sixth principal moridinn, Nebrnskn, with
tlio pommies nnd intorcst amounts for
tlio year 1891 in tho sum of 810 HO; for
tno year lo'Ja in tno Bumormsi; for
tlio voar 1890 in tho Bum of 10.08: for
tho year 1897 in the sum of 11.10; for
the year 1898 in tho sum of 1IJ.75: for tho
year lavj tn tno sum ot u-rj; amountini;
in the t"tal sum of $83 9o: with intoreht
on $01.07 at tho rato nf ton por cent
por annum from tho l.ith day of August,
1900, all of which Is duo and unpaid.
I'laintiir prays n decree of foreclosure
of said tax lien nnd a salo of said prom
oi and each of you defendants aro
required to answor said petition on or
before Alonuny, tho 11th day of leb
runry, ivioi.
A Corporation.
jil By II. S. UidRloy. its Attornoy.
Tho name of this corporation shall bo
The Commercial tjluo.
Tim placo of businosB of this corpora
tion shall bo in tho City of North Platto,
Tho object of this corporation shall be
to fostor and develop tlio resources of
North i'latto and tho general prosponty
woial intorcourso among its mombors
and provido for thoiu musical aud litor-
ary ont0rtainmont and tho comforts and
eonvoniouoos or a clut) nouso.
Tho capital stock of this corporation
slinll bo limited to not oxeoetl tbo sum ot
$500 00, divided into 'JoO shnresof 82. 00
aaul filiares to bo iu l iv nam wnon 8110-
senueu ior.
Tho iudobtodness of this corporation
shnll not any timo oxceod tho sum of
or iuu.w.
Tho ofllcors of this corporation shall
consist of n board of elovon dirootors to
bo olectod by tho stookholdors nt tho
annual mooting or tlio corporation, nnti
a nrosidpnt. vico-prosidont, sporotnry
and tronsuror, to bo chosen hj tho board
of dirootors from thoir own mmborsliip.
In witness whereof wo liavo iiorounio
sot our hands this Illst dny of Decom
bor. 1000.
E B. Wabnkk, Iiia L. Bare,
W. A. Vom,mi:ii, C. P. InniNcis,
It. L. GiiAViis. U. T. Field,
W.I1. C WooniiUKST
The (lefuuilnr.U. Allen II. Coffin. Chnrloa II
OnlHn, tier hutbund. SInry A. Preat, Corn O. Mc
Neill. Clinrlo Mo.-sem, nor iiusuiiun, UKrirum
HmMh nnd Jnnnlx L. Keith, IkiIiir bntr)clnrlea
nnd leKHtvps umlur the will ot Morrcll O. Kt-ltli,
ileCHnoml, In tbo hnpicnlnK o( cortnin oontln-
Kt-ncles, win tnKO nonce umt on mo linn uny oi
OctolNT, iwi. wiiinru il. Aiuinrn, na cxrcuivr nnii
trnsti-K. nnd Wllllnm A I'mtnn. Sr.. nml K. H
Vnn Tlii-'iHl. UK niimilllatrnlnrH o. I. a. oi inn
ertntx ot M. 0 Keith, decenrod, tllod tbelr poll
lion In tun district court ot Lincoln county. Nl-
brnrku, thu objeot nnd prnyur ot wlilcli tti for nn
orilor from this court pormlttlnK Ilium to toll lota
Four to Nlnn IucIukIvh, In llloclc'.l. of llliimnn-n
Hiti-ond Aildltlon to tho cltv ot North 1'lntto. Lin
coln county, NMbrnka, for thenum of $7,UOO.0O, to
one L'lmrlKH I-', kkiuiks. anu in ounn-j uie name
l(, uou ly lut'lr ill L'u lis nuuii iriirni-uiiiki,L-.
You nnd ench of you, defendant, nrn n-qulrod
to uiii-Br huld potltion "il or boforo Monday, luo
Iblli dny ol I'd), miry. 1W1,
Diiti-d nt North l'lnllo, Neu., nut mu tiny oi
January, umi.
An Executor nnd Trustee.
William A. I'axiok, Hn., nnd lt. 8, van TAmill,
bh ndiulnlHtrators c. t. n. ot inpoetnte oui. u,
Jill l)y I'nul Charlton, their Attornoy
To th Mond Hnnd k Trut Company. John Don,
reef Ivcr of mo sicnii nono & i run i;ompnny,
llrt nnd truo unmo unknown, iinu-n-siuuLi uo-
You. and ench of you, will tnko uotlco Hint on
tho lltli dny of January. 1P01. Clinrli'i 1". Oltson,
plnliitltt liorrln tiled iiH piUltllon In tlio district
court nt Lincoln couutv. Ncbrnslfn. tb object nml
prayor or which nro to rorecinMi n rorinin mort.
Kn oiocuted by lloa Kuibry nnd Illrniu Lmbry
on tlio notith half of tho soutbwoat qtmitor of
Hcctlou Thirty nml tho lite ninth luilfoflhe
iiorthuptt iitinrtor of Section Thlrly.oni', all iu
Towiifhlp Mite, ltntlKK Thlrty-Thrne, In Lincoln
county, Neiriinkn, nicn nun moriKiute wnt KiM'n
lo Kocurc mi, ninineni oi u reriHio priimiMoi'T
note of tlio onld noun rinbry In Hut miiiii of torn) (K)
wtlh ntoreKt horeon Irom tho nrsi ilny ol Do-
ceiubur, There la duo nnd unpaid mi nml
nolo nun iuorii:ni.-n uie Hum oi iikiim. i-iiuii'I I
nakalhnt kind pri'inlx'B mny bo hold to antU(y the
amount an found dim oil aabl note nnd mnrt;nno.
Ynu nre renulred to nliawi-rt-nia PttlllUlli on or
DCtore JinnOftV. ino ijiu ony oi I unrnary, nvi,
iwtutl mil Ituu any oi jnuanry, iiiii.
t!niln Hi I!. OinfaV.
D'y C.Ai nullnn', brt Attoml-y
Jolnr I-'urnlsh. Cora A. Furnish and John
Doc, real name unknown, (lcieniiants, wm
take notice that James 13. Secley. ulalnMff.
Iiiw lllca his pennon in 111c uiiiii.i k
Lincoln county, Nebraska, aRalnst said tic-
fcndantH. the object and prayer of wliLil "J
are to foreclose a certain mortRaec executed
October 1st. M2. by the defendants .lonn
Furnish nnd Uora A, l- urnisn. on u e ionu
ln described real estate, to wit: The south
halt nf tin. nnrthwestouarter and the north
east quarter of the southwest quarter of
section iwcivcj ano inenouincanmuanci
the northeast quarter of section eleven, all
In township nine, north In raiiRc thirty,
urstof the sixth nrlncltial meridian In Lin
coln county, Nebraska, said mortRaec belnfi
executed to secure me payment in iiib wn;
principal promissory noteof said defendants
John Furnish and Cora A Furnish, for the
sum of itotj, with ten Interest coujHm notes
thereto atiacneu: encu oi saui nueieni
notes beliiKfor the sum of 17 no and due
r.-MtHTtlvelv on the llrt ilavs of Anrll and
October IWS, MM, IbM, 18W), and IK7 There
is now due the piainun on nam nuicn anu
mortgage IticltullnB the amount paid as
taxes on said premises, and the cotts paid bv
plaintiff in the lorcciosure enscs commenced
by the County of Lincoln lor tno lorccKwure
of taxes on said premises, the sum 01 sim w.
with intnrnt ilicrnin at the rale of tenner
cent per annum on 0i!.fiO thereof from the
istpayoi April, irv.y, ami on iuiw iiicuui
from the nth dav of AtiRUst, nxa. ami plain
tin prays for a decree that said defendants
ue required 111 pay me Haniu or mai.
lreiniscs lie sold to saiisiy sam ainuuiu wim
Interest ami costs of suit.
You arc required to answer said petition
on or before Monday the Slst day of Jan
uary, 1W)I.
.1 vmes 11 Ski:i,kv, IMalntlrt
Ily V. H. Morlan, Ills Attorney.
Ziciral Notico.
Tlio defendants V. O. MoMiolmol, W.
F. Bnbcock, T. M. Marshall, 0. II.
Coopor, A. S. Sands, llrat ronl nntno .
tinltiiown, (imtilcndcd with Jnrius Dr
Lewis, ct nl.,) will tuko notice
that an tho 18th dny ot Juno. 100,
tlio plnintitr, Tho County ot Lincoln, n
corporation, Hied Ub potltiou in the dip
triut court of Lincoln county, NobriiBltlr
tlio object nnd prnyT of which is to
I foreoloBo cortnin tnx lionB, duly iiBsossod
by eniil plnintitr n'uiiist tlio poutli-
weat quurier ot eeotlon -I, in lown-
ship 9, north of rano '27, west of Sixth
principal meridian, iNouraBKa, wincn
with the pcualticp and intoreBt amount
for tho year 1892 in the sum of 88 012;
for tho year 1893 in tho sum of 9.11; for
tho year 1891 in the sum of 8 III; for
tho year 1893 in tho sum of 7 98; for
the your IbUO in tho buiii of bVlfi; ror
tho year 1897 in tho stun of 15 83; for
tho year 1893 in tho buiii of 7.11; for
tho year 1899 in tho sum of 7.0G; nmount
itiK in tho total sum of 8711 10; within
torost on $r"i.Gl at tho rato of ten per
cont per annum from tlio 1st day of
iMay, 19'jO, all of which is duo and
l'laintill nravs n uocreo of foreclosure
of said tax lien nnd u sale of Buid prem
You nnd each of you defendants nro
required to answer said potltion oil or
heforo Monday, tho 11th day of Feb
ruary, 1901
A Corporation.
231 By II. S. Itidtfloy, its Attorney.
Legal Notice. A
Tho defendnnts Oeorcc R Whito (im
pleaded with John V. Wood otal.,) will
lake notice that on tho !!d day ot April,
l'JUO. tho plnintitr, Tho County of Lin
coln, a corporation, tiled its potltion iu
tlio di!trict court ot Liincoln enmity, ino-
braskn, tlio object and prayer 01 which is
to foreclose certain tux lions, duly as-
seeded by said plaintiH against tlio
southeast quarter of northwest quarter
aud lots i, 1 and o of section b, in
township 1-. nortli of ranL'o .'U, west
of Sixth principal moridian, JebraskiV,
which with tho ponaltics and intercut
amount for tho year 1802 iu tho sum of
S '2 1.-15: for tho year 181KJ in tho sum of
9 10; for tho year lS'Jl in tho sum of
10.85; for tho ynr ibiw in tho sum of
11.15; for tho year iSJKl in tho sum of
latrj; for tho year is'Ji in tho sum ot
10,1)5; for tho year i898in tho sum of G7G;
for tho year i899 in tho sum of 0.G0;
amounting in the total Bum of 810,'t.08;
with interest on 8 ( at the rato of ten
per cont por annum from tho 1st day of
.May, 1900, all of which is duo and unpaid.
l'laintill prays a docroo or foreclosure
of said tax lion and n salo of said prom
You and each ot you defendants aro
required tonnswor said potition on or'Y'
boforo Monday, tho 11th day of Fob- v
ruary, rJOl. '
A Corporation.
By II. S. Hidgloy, its Attorney
Iegnl Notice
ThodofondantB, John Mattson., Jr.
MnttBon hiB wife, lirst real naiuo un
known, O. II. Jacobson, llrst roal name
unknown, Jacobson his wife.
tlrst real namo unknown and John
Doo, real namo unknown will
tnko notico that on tho lth day of Sept.,
1UW, tho planum, Tho uounty of bin-
coin, a corporation, filed its potition in
i ho uistriot court or ijincoln Uouniy,
Nebraska, tho object nnd prayer of
winch is to foreclose oonaiu tax liens.
duly ns'cstod by said plaintiff against
tlio nnrthflliRt nnnrtnrnf nnotinn 0. tnvvn.
8hip 1(), north of rango !W. west of Sixth
pnnoipal moridinn, Nebraska, with
ponaltics and intorost amount for the
yoar 189.'! in tho sum of 811.21; for tho
year 1891 in tho sum of 9,72; for tho
year 1895, in tho sum of 8.17; for tlio
yoar 1890, in tlio sum of 1081; for tho
your 1897, in tho sum ot 8.70; for ihq
yoar loua, in tho sum ot l U'i; for fcboV
your 1899, in tho sum of .'1.05; a mount ing
in tho total sum oT 859.92; with interest
on tho rato of ten por cent per
annum from tlio 11th day of August 1900,
all ot which is duo and unpaid.
l'laintill prays a docreo of foreclosure
of said tax lions nnd a salo of said prom.
Yon and ouch of you defendants nro
required to answer said potition on or
boforo Monday, tho 11th day of Fob
ruary, 1901.
Till' I'Ot'NTY Ol-' LINCOLN.
A Corporation.
251 By II. S. RidKloy, its Atty-
Plumber, Tiuworkor
Oenernl Repairor.
Special attention given to