The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 11, 1900, Image 7

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    Ske ftwi-Wflty SritMir.
TUESDAY, DEC. 11, 1900.
IRA L BARB, Editor akd Pormrron
auBtoitmox katm.
One Tmt, eaahla advaaf IMS
Me MooMm, Mk la idnm T 0mW
mmMmi matter.
Quite naturally, the Nebraska
representatives in congress will
fight to a finish the proposed
decrease of one member of con
gress from this state under the
new apportionment. f
Sinch England began its war
against the Boers she has lost
14,300 men from wounds, fever
and exposure. Sherman sized it
up correctly when he said, ''war
is hcllf"
Tim men who believe in hold
ing wheat for a higher price arc
encouraged by the presence of
the Hessian fly in the entire
wheat growing rctrion cast of the
Rocky mountains and north of
Oklahoma. The fields of winter
wheat arc looking unusually fine,
but the scientists say that the
seeds of the pest have been
thickly sown and that unless
something unforscen occurs the
wheat crop of next year wiil be
greatly reduced. State Journal.
This fusionists will go out of
the state offices leaving a defici
ency of one hundred thousand
dollars existing, which represents
the sum that the present state
administration has expended
above the amount appropriated.
This is just a sample of the
''economy" of which we have
heard so much about for two
years past It fully explodes the
false claims of the popocrats and
is on a par with about all .the
claims that brand of politicians
Dukino the tpast two years the
barbers of the state have contrib
uted about six thousand dollars
to the State Barbers' Board, and
it would be interesting to know
just what benefit the barbers
have received in return for their
contributions. If a single one
has been benefitted we would
like to hear of him. There is no
question,! however, about the
benefits the'men constituting the
board have received. One of the
many duties ot the incoming
legislature is to abolish the State,
Barbers' Board.
Spkakino of the senatoria
matter the Lincoln News says
"It is not unlikely that the sena
torial ngntjfviil be ended Very
hoc after it has begun. Mem
bemof the legislature who drop
into Lincoln from time to time
tteem to nave their minds made
up that there are subjects o
legislation that occupy more at
tention than the ambitions of a
number of senatorial aspirants.
They say that there will be no
long drawn-out fight like that of
two years ago because the con
ditions will be different and the
press of other business too great
to permit of so much time being
spent on this matter,"
Tim Lincoln correspondent of
Bcc says: For maintaining all
state offices and institutions, for
repair and construction of build
ings, and for all other expenses
of conducting the state govern
ment for the two fiscal years b;
ginning April 1, 1901, the- legis
lature will be asked to appro
priate $2,721,001. This amojunt.
is $129,628 in excess of the total
of all appropriations made by the
legislature of 1899 and doc's not,
include a lot of deficiency claim.4
that will be presented by various
.institution. Neither docs it in
clude the loan of $20,000 made by
D. , Thompson for the trans
portation of the First regiment
none. It is estimated that the
total amount of claims, yet to be
jrttted WiU1 amount to possi
bly $300,000,, which will bring
the grand total up to nearly $3,-
-O0WK0.: The: legislature will be
ask4 to appropriate money .for
and this item alone will form a
argc portion of the balance of
appropriations yet to be asked
A statu society of labor and
industry is incubating under the
patronage of the state labor com
missioner, the chief object of
which is to promote legislation in
he interests of labor. The first
obstacle against which the or
ganization will bump will be the
problem of convincing the
farmers and watrcworkera that
their interests are identical.
This problem has been taken up
several times in this state but
nofyct completely solved. Bcc.
In his annual report the secre
tary of the interior urircs the
importance of governmental' aid
in the reclamation of the arid
lands of the west by irrigation,
thoufrh he docs not tro further
in the line of practical suggestion
than to recommend mat a com
mission composed of experts
now engaged in the examination
of water and forest resources be
formed to put the data acquired
in compact and intelligible form
and present their recommenda
tions to congress. The la&t con
grcss appropriated $100,000 to be
used in the geological survey in
its study of the problem of irn
gation and the secretary advises
a further increase.
If irrigation is to be prosecuted
on a large scale in the west, the
participation of the federal gov'
crnmcnt m tne work seems un
avoidable. Private enterprise
may reclaim comparatively small
tracts , of land and con tro
streams here and there, but if
there is to be any adequate con
servation of the water supply on
the watersheds for the irrigation
of considerable stretches of tor
ritory there must be fedcra
assistance, and it is the belief of
many students on tne subject
tliat this aid could be extended
with direct profit to the treasury.
Forest preservation and the irri
gation of arid lands are twin
problems and the solution of one
carries with it the consideration
of the other. The co-operation
Of state and national govern
ments in putting a stop to the
waste of resources nqw in
progress is of imminent import
ance. Minneapolis Times.
Sort tml Ulcers never become chronic
wmleM the blood is iu poor condition is
luggiih, weak and unable to throw off
the poisons that accumulate ju it. The
system must be relieved of the unlcJUiy
suiter through the sore, and great danger
to life would follow should it heal before
the blood lus been made pure and healthy
and all impurities eliminated front the py sr
tesn, 8. S.S. begins the cure by first cleans,
ing and invigorating the blood, building
tip the general health and removing from
When this has been accomplished the dis
charge gradually ceases, and the 6ore or
steer heats. It is the tendency of llicsu old
indolent sores to grow worse und worse,
and eventually to destroy the bones. I.ocnl
applications, while soothing and to some
extent alleviate pain, cannot reach the scat
of the trouble. S. S. S. docs, and no matter
Sow apparently hopeless your condition,
even though your constitution has broken
down, It will bring relief when nothing
else can. It supplies the rich, pure blood
necessary to hcnl the sore and nourish
the debilitated, diseased body.
Mr. I. n. Talbert, IakIc Ilox 7M,Viiiia, Miss.,
swat v8Ue year aio my leu fiom tliu Umc lo
the fool wis one solid sore. Bcvcrnl tltyslcla tia
treated me and X made two ttlpt to Hut Hprliies,
but found no relief, I v. Induced to try H, H, H I
netir wen nan ever a
it .wiu iit.c iuiri a iiuyc occu n per.
ftetljr well man ever since."
Is the only purely veg
etable blood purifier
known contains no
poisonous minerals to
ruin the diccstiou and
add to, rather than relieve your suffer
inga. If your flesh does not heal readily
when scratched, bruised or cut, your blood
ia in bad condition, and any ordinary sore
is apt to become chronic.
Send for our free book, and write our
physicians about your case. We make ua
charge for this service.
mi. A I Of ay reliable. I.i.(llw,Mk)rumUtrbr
fsM mulllo box ra, Healed with blue ribbon.
Th other. StrruavilnnawriiMaaulMtl.
(HUtMMakMlHtllMltHU. nuyuryourl)ruilt4,
or newt In atainna for Particular, Trail.
anatlila and "Keller ar Uilln," In Mtrr,
rJllal. le.Mtt'mttmonl&l, Hold by
"W XMwa 4warr, I'Mlba., PA.
A Great December Sale!
On account of this mild winter weather we find our
selves over-stocked and in order to turn these goods into
money we have inaugurated this December Sale.
We have placed on sale this month 200 Suits in
black and fancy Cheviots and Cassimcrcs in square and
round cut. These arc well made, pertcct fitting suits
gotten up with the idea of excelling any Suits made by the
cheap tailors to sell for 15.00. Choice of this lot for December
3ig cut in Boys' and Childrens' Clothing, comu and a,
attend this great December Sale and you will find it pays
to trade at the
The. larircst exclusive Clothintr House in North Platte.
a - fj
...JOHN BRATT 8 C0.,.f.
t Real Estate, Loans Insurance
Vtm.oToxrBXxooi-jSLjarv Banlt, lax N'o'bx-asBlK.f.
A Stove
5 it is always well to be prpparefi fqr
cold weather. When you are up against; a j
blizzard, it is not always easy to have a !
s stove sot up. They arc cheap if you buy
now- i
g Acorn Stoves and Ranges
g The Genuine Round Oak.
5 The finest lino of Heaters in the city.
A I nAVIQ rj-'lie Hardware man that
rm in I ivj)
a-S ft Jk I a AAA I a aaaa i i i . ........ ...
5ine ferfcimes
and oaps.
We are showing an exceptionally line line of Per-
fumes mid Soaps, hv9 articles which are . household
necessities. .
We carry Perfumes in bullc hs wvH as. n punce
)9tt)cs one s jtist as choice as the other.
Fine Soaps in hpxes
15 to 50 cents per box,
I A. F. Strietz,
We have Men's Suits at $10.00
$12.50, $15.00, $16.50, $18.00,
and $20.00 in many nice patterns
equal to Tailor Made Suits for
twice the money.
Ill Overcoats
and Ulsters
We arc the king ot the
North Platte valley. We. have
them for $4.00, $5.00, $7.50, $1000,
$12.50, $15.00, $16.50, $18.00 and
$22.00. 25 per cent less than any
other store dare sell them.
noonoowos. 3
... ... ... ' '
of thref cakes, rangjny from
runuoATiON notice.
John Furnish. Cora A. Furnish and John
Doc. real name unknown, defendant, will
take notice that Jainea 15. Secley, plaintiff.
has tiled his petition In the uimrlct court nf
Lincoln county, Nebraska, against said tie
fendants. the oblcct and uraver of which
are to foreclose a certain moricacc executed
October Int. 802. by the defendants John
Furnish and Cora A, Furnish, on the follow.
Ins; described real estate, to wit! The south
halt of, the northwest quarter and the north
cast quarter of the southwest quarter of
section twelve! and the southeast quarter of
the northeast quarter of (section eleven, all
In township nine, north In range thirty,
west of the Sixth tirlnclnal meridian In Lin
coln county, Nebraska, satd mortgage being
executed to secure the payment of the one
principal promissory note of said defendants
John Furnish and Cora A. Furnish, for the
sum of i&oo. with ten Interest coupon notes
uicrciu auacucu; cacu 01 nam interest,
notes tidnir for thi stim nf 9.17 ft! nml 1ni
respectively on the flint days of April and
vu.lw, iuni( IOWi rtillt lOVf,
mortgage Including the amount paid as
taxes on said premises, and the costs paid by
is now uuc tne niaintin on said notes and
iiainun in inc iorcciosurc cases commenced
iv the Countvof Lincoln for the foreclosure
of taxes on satd premises, the sum of 9738.40,
wun interest inercon at inc rate or ten per
cent per annum on KK2.W thereof from the
1st pay of April, 1805, and on lf5.B9 thereof
from the Mb-dav of August, 1900, and plain,
till prays for a decree-that said defendants
be required to pay the same or that said
premises be Sold to satisfy said amount with
Interest and costs of suit.
You are rcnulred to answer said netltlon
on or before Monday the Slat day of Jan
uary, iwi.
JAMES r. skkmct, 1'iaintni.
dlH Iiy W. S. Morlan, his Attorney.
St. hqke's Military Academy
This school lias recently been
re-organized and placed in cliarce
ot Archdeacon Atmorc whose
scholastic attainment!) arc well and
favorably known in many portions
of the United States. Here is the
opportunity for parents to procure
tor tueir children a good, whole
some, sound and all arouud ed
Terms reasonable.. The netft
term commences January 17th.
1901, and arrangements can be
mand by which pupils may enter
at once, or at any time. For fur
tlier information address,
Archdeacon Atmore,
Kearney, Nebraska.
References: Rev. G. A.
North Platte; Hon John I. Redick,
Kearney, Nebraska.
And all kinds of
Farm Machinery.
Standard Goods at
Reasonable Prices. ,
Anticipating the wants of
fjien who wear good clothes
gpo4 material, gppd workman
ship and gport fitwe have
laid in a nice line pf Fajl and
Winter Suitings an4 Pants
Goods, and solicityonr orders.
We can satisfy you in fit and
ririt Door North Wilcox atoro.
Stitch in Tim
Is a trite, old saying, and is
particularly true when applied
g Sljqes. Our is to
fiicnd Shoes, and people crive
US tlip credit of knowinc our
business from a to Jf your
blioes upctf mepdipg, bring
tnem nure,
Get in line with the best
judges of cigars by making your
purchases "at Henry Walte
math's. We have a great' va
riety of GigarsKey' West, pleap
.Havana an IJomestic but ilq
poor ones.. Fpir a gqqd smpke we
rccqfnmcnil any qf qur niany
William I. Pnttar. Emma II. l'nttitr. J. t Cn.m
Tliro.lilnn MachlnoCotnpnnr. Corporation will
lake notice that on the 2d tier of Notembor, IttK)
Kpnrmm II. Hcrshej, platntllT heroin, (llod hl
rctltlon lu tho dlitrlct court of Lincoln countr,
Nebraska. nRilnst sMd defendant, thq olxct and
ItraTOr ot Which apn tn fnrnclnn a cnrtAln.mnt-i.
Rage cxecntcd by Wllllmn I. poller, hnd Kmma 11.
rotter, to thoAj plaintiff, tipnu tho nortlu"at
quarter of fcctlon It), In lownfhlp 15. north of
raoRe :w west, uncoln county, Nebrtrta, to Mi
cure the payment of a certain prowlsnory nolo
with coumjiis attached, dated December tho Slut,
1KD1. for tho UIU of tilCO rtnn nnl ..o..l,1t In ft .it
years from tho date thereof. The Interest too.
pons belilff len In number.eocli forflfteon dollars,
one falllntr due overr kIx month, nrinr ih i.i
ot the note; and that plaintiff liaa paid (he taie
on the aboTO descrlbod premlfos to protect tils
.11111 iui ma ;onra iruiu io tnClUSITe
That there Is duo upon eald nolo and mortuaKO
and for Uxea pnld tho aum of tCU7.00, for which
aura with Interest from tho let day of January,
WO I, plaintiff prays for a decree; that defandania
Potter's be required to pay tho Naruo, ot that aald
premlnoa may bo aold to nntlafr Iho amount. du.
nd that the pretended judKtnent lien bold by do.
fendant J.J.Caro Threahlnrr Machine Company
may uenecreen to do junior ami inrcrlor to plain,
tiff 'a mortoo lion.
yon are roauired lo nnawnr said petition on or
before the filh day of DoCeulbor 1CW.
Sated Notc tuber Z, 1900.
0- . Efmuaim II. lUnnitKY, UnlnllfT.
Noll CO ((Thereby olvnn that cm Wiuln entity. Ihn
I9tli day of Pocotnbcr, 1HO0, at a o'clock, p m.. on
lots & and 0 In block 174, In tho city of North
Plattn, Nebraska, nt tho barn known tin tho Wlilto
Klcnhant Darn, thero will bo aold to the hlulm.t
bidder for cah, one LlqhtnlnR Hay Prena, Held
aalo la niado by vlrtuo of a chattel mortago dated
Dupwmuer sznu. low, eignca oyu. a. Iluflman,
and Riven to tho Kaunas city Hay Prett, and
Machinery Company, lo hecuro twil notca of
tU3 W each ot ovoll date thr reutlth. ono of which
notes Wan duo March 1st, MOO, and ono duo Jan.
uary Int. 1001, and thoro la now duo on Hald notes
andinnrtKaKOtboaumotS122. Bald morlaB U
on Ola In Iheofflcu ot tha county clerk of Keith
county. NcbraHka,
Kinsas Clir Hat Phaa k Machinkhv Coufamt.
mi' uy ncox i ualllRan, 1IH Attorneys.
Jnmpii l. PtnrrA nnd tnt. VmmnHIn tiIha
defendanta, will take notlco that on the 2nd day
ni V.tii.M.ill.a ffrWt t ..Ul.llfl I .. . . . . .
... ..w.cuiuri, .tw. iuu uiuiuiiit uureiii, iaTjti
Maatora, filed Ida petition In tho district court of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, against Balddofend.
anta Impleaded Mill John 14 Pierce, ltebeccn
Pierce and MUHcatlne MorfRito A Trust Com.
pony, the object and prnyor ot which nre lo fore
cloae a certain mortgage executed by the defend
anla Jamea M. Pierce'. Emmcttlo Pierce,
John Hv Plerco hnd Itcbecca Pierce, to
MQscatlno MortKaeer and Trust Company and by
Bald company aSNlgned to tho plaintiff herein,
upon tho southwest quartor of section 22. town
ship 0, north of range 20 In Lincoln county, Ne-'
braaka, to scenro the payment Xt six promissory
notes, dated March 1st. 1691, for tho sum or 1150
each add duo and 'payuble. one March 1, 1MW,
ono March 1, 1HH1, one March 1, 1000, ono March
1, 1001, one March 1, 1002 and one March 1, 1W3.
that there Is now duo upon Bald notes nnd mort
caco and for taxes nald on nnlrl nrnnnrtv ttiABiim nf
l,4n2.1l, for which sum with Interest from March
1. HKJl at ten por cent, plaintiff plays for a decreo
thatdofendanta bo required to pay tho same or that
sold premises may Lo sold to satisfy the amount
fonnd duo.
You nre required to answer satd petltlton on or
before January 7th, 1001,
David Mastxiui, Plaintiff,
n20- Wilcox k UalllRan, his Attorneys.
Notice for publication.
Land Office at; North Platlo, Neb.,
NoVember 22, tOCO.
Notice la hereby nlvon thot tho following-named
settler has Hied notice of.'bpr lutentlon to make
final proof In support ot hpf claim, and that said
proof will be inudo before Itegliter nnd 'tlecelva'r
t North plalte.Neb., opPecembor 28tb, 1BO0, vlxs
who made homestead entry No, 1CS8I fof the
west half pf northeast quarter and west jialf nl
southeast quarter pf spctfon 10, township 10 north,
rango 30 west. r '
"She names the following witnesses In prove hp
continuous residence upon aud cultivation ot saji
land, vlai Georgo Spbrocpngnst, J. Herman Vail
Brocklln, Oeorgn Cooper, ot Ucho, Nob.i JonapU
Wolllvor, of North platto. Neb, '
I12M, I OEO. K. FltLNOIt, Keglster,
Land Office at North Platte. Neb., )
Novembor 22nd, K'OO.
Notice la hereby given that tho followiug-named
settlor baa filed notice of his Intention to mako
final proof In support ot his claim, and that sold
proof will be made before Register tnd Itecelvor
at North Platte, Neb., on December 2Sib, 1103, vlx:
who modo llorafhtond Entry No. 10004 for tho
soulbwost quartor Hectlon 10, Town 10, north,
Bange 30 west.
Ho namea the following wltnesses'to provo his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of sold
land vlx: Oeorgo Schrocongoat, J. Herman Yan
llrockllii, Oeorgo Cooper, of Echo, Nob.; Joseph
W0lllvpr qf'NoMh Platte. Nebraska. V ,!
ll238r piiOKOK E. FHElCH. Register,
J. F. F1LU0N,
General Repuirer.
Special attention given to
bicycle immi
AN ""
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"The Pacific Express
"The Chicago-Portland
1 Special,"
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NORTH' 12 5), a. m,
NpRTH PfvATTJC 3:2P p. pi,
PpronaUy Popductpd pike a
Ja'8, B.,ScanlRn, Agent.