li SIXTEENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER II, 1900. NO. 92. It-jit IT "S j i; ; 4 'if- Increasing Business, Have You Noticed Ttiat It has and it's our low prices that does it. We are giving the public prices on our line of goods that can't be equaled in western Nebraska. We arc at present over stocked on Bed Rooin Suits. That wc arc letting go at 20 per cent off the regular price. That means 40 per cent less 'than you can buy any place else. We have a beautiful line of Combination Book Cases and Ladies Writing Desks that wc arc selling at prices within reach of all. A swell line of couches at reduced prices. Now is the time to have your pictures framed. Remember we save you at least SO perkcent on your frames. Our Inc of furniture is the most complete in North Platte. Come in and get our prices. Ginn & Weingand, A fine line of undertaking goods. A good hearse in connection. Mail and telegraph orders promptly attended to. Q. F. IDDINGS X-i"u.32Q."ber, Coal Yards and Elevators at North Platte, Neb., Sutherland, Neb., Julesburg, Colorado. NORTH PLATTE MILLS, (C. F. IDDINGS.) Manufacturer of HIGH AND MEDIUM GRADE FLOUR BRAN AND CHOP PEED. Order by. telephone from Newton's Book Store. Allen's Talcum Powder Regular Price 25c. Our Price this week 10c NORTH PLATTE PHARMACY, T. XX. STONX, 3VXn.23LCi.cox. Trnde-Marka "BLACKLECINE." "Pasteur Vaccine" SAVES CATTLE FROM BLACK LEG Nearly 2,000,000 successfully treated in U. S. and Canada during the last 5 years. Cheap, safe and easy to use. Pamphlet with full particulars, official endorsements and testimonials sent FREE on application. Pasteur Vaccine Co.9 Chicago. SCLL1NO AOENTS s Live Stock Vaccine & Medicine Co., Denver, Colo. For Sale by A. F. Streitz. THE Ciim rati Clair BEST 1 ITt il ISai TOW A.rj? SCHMALZRIED'S. Solid Merit Lutheran Church Schodulo. WEDNESDAY. All members of the Sunday school arc requested to meet at the church immediately after school for rehear sal ior Christmas program. The choir will meet for practice at 7 p. m.. sharp. Every member will realize the necessity of being present at this time. THURSDAY. The ladies' aid society will meet in the afternoon at the home of Mrs Brctzer, on the north side. The children having recitations for Christmas will meet the super- intendcut in the church immediate ly after school. Silk Mufflers In handsome but subdued colors. Prices: 25c to $2.50. Stak Ci.othino Housic. Mazic Trumbull, the clever little soubrettc. who will play "Baggage'' in Clias. II. Hoyt's revival ot his famous farce, 'A BrasB Monkey" at the opera house next Saturday evening, lias made a great hit in this part. She is a talented little comedienne who can really act, sing and dance. Her stage methods are very refined and her comedy work is entirely devoid of coarseness, which is far too often considered an adequate substitute for ability. You will not realize what Eu reka Stock Food is worth to you until you have given it a thorough trial. It is money in your pocket to feed it to vour stock. Buy a trial package and be convinced. Five pounds for $1.00; larger quantities cheaper. Eureka' Stock Food is the 15s seuce of Stock Foods and one third the quantity accomplishes better results than any other food on the market, making it the cheapest and the best to feed. Try a package and sec result. Beautiful is the word todiscribe the line of Music Kolls, Writing Cases, Pocket Books, Card Cases, and other Leather goods at Doolittmc's. P. W. Sitton has sold several pianos lately, and received two more from Omaha today. 1C. R. Ripley returned Saturday from a business trip to Denver and other western points. . McCullcugh & Carter received a carload of New York apples today. is the foundation on which is built the enduring fame of the emington Standard Typewriter Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict, 327 Broadway, N. Y. 1619 FARNAM ST., OMAHA. CAPITAL CITY LETTER. Lincoln, Dec. 10, 1900. There is a general hope that the republican caucus will be held and the senatorial fight disposed of be fore the 15th of January, the time tor the joint session, in order that ncccBBary legislation may not be re tarded, So far as the state in general is concerned, there is no great demand for legislation at the hands of the coming session. The need of anew revenue law is recognized, but the difliculty of passing one is also rec ognized. Attempts along this line in the two last sessions failed. Two years ago the fusionist olli cials, although all elected or appointed on a platform demanding HOll-lll Olll.tilU f 1 ... llAfl.rt 4 1... -.1111111 OU(U( 11IHIW UUIUIU LliU iw iBlature and asked for increases. Under their strenuous repieseuta tions many of the state-house dcpir ties received larger salaries than had eycr before been paid. The in coming republicans will reap tin benefit of this example, but n doubt they will be criticised by Hit fusionists for desiring to keep tin salaries at their present figure. It !h conceded that Hub move it quite a. proper one. They will fee at home. Nearly every one of tlu whole crowd of leaders lived soutl ot Mason and Dixon's line befon they came here to "reform" Nebras ka. Now they have concluded tha the winters are too cold in this lati 0) to ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft GREAT CLOAK SALE THE LEA3DER IK- llS 1? -c IK, JaB mm 1 JK WW' The Stern Clonk Co., of Cleveland, Ohio, consigned to us a shipment of GOO Ladies' and Misses' Jackets and Capes which have been placod in four lots and will be sold at the following prices: Lot 1 at $4.98 Lot 2 at 6.75 Lot 3 at $8.50 Lot 4 at 9.48 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft "ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 19 S These garments . -ire made of the finest material, in the latest designs, in all colors, and not one in any of the four lots is worth less than $10 'and up to JjJ $25. These goods must be closed out between now and New Year's Day. fi Now is your chance to buy a Jacket or Cane, as such opportunities may ft nflVAv nrrnin lin. nrnsnntofl fn vnn. Tlinsn ornrmnnfsi unll bi' sinlrl fnr CASH -ft ONLY. The sale commences at oncev so como quick before sizes are broken. Garments may be selected now and by making a small cash payment will be laid away for you until Christmae. THE LEADER First door south P. 0. J. JPIM, Ptop. . A largo supply of tailor-made Suits, Dress Skirts, Infants' and Child ren's Cloaks and Jackets on hands at cut prices. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft J3 (IV if V ney-general will inherit a number of buncome law-suits against starch factories and other institutions, and it is not beyond the possibilities that the Smythes and Oldhams will ask to be allowed to nibble at the public crib until these suits are dis posed of. A long-haired attorney- general who has maintained a pri vate office in Omaha and allowed the state to shift for itself except dur ing political campaigns, may de clare himself indispcnsible in tliu settlement of these campaign, law suits. The new attorney-general, however, may decide that an cx-olli-cial who uses hair, oil externally, and an ex-deputy who uses it inter nally will be of little assistance in these suits. -The pretended contest against Dietrich to prevent him from taking hi Beat has fizzled out. The tun ionists knew that the case was a hopeless one, and besides the dis appearance of certain of their cam paign funds has giyen them trou bles of their own. There is a well grounded suspicion that high mogt'ls of the fusion crowd used up the funds to bet on the election. Now, while they accuse each other, the legitimate remain un paid. It is believed that this inter nal quarrel has only just I'cgun and that beforu the colony leaven for Oklahoma there may be some startling developments. Under the circumstances the reform leaders will go pretty slow about i heir con test, and will sing low the nong'of the use and abuse of campaign hinds. Governor Dietrich seems to be iroing about the makitig of his ap tude. and that it la too hard Ionian ipulate elections' The. newjUtor! pointmentsjn a business like way. I When he finds a mail in every way qualified for a place he announces the appointment. So far no criti cism has been heard. At least two ol the places given out by common ousent. John Mallalieu as the head of the Kearney school was an unqualified success in the years gone by, and tne desperate attempt of the Mutz sniffling commit tee to blacken his character three years ago was a dismal failure. It was conceded that Mallalieu was the proper man for the old place. Dr. Green, of University Place, for the head ot the Lincoln asylum was another expert whose qualifications and claims were generally conceded. In regard to the other appoint ments so tar made qualifications seem to have been the best indorse ment. Adam Gkanokk. Hpoiitiiuooiift CoiuImikIIoii ii f liny. The Question ot spontaneous com bustion of hay hns recently been ln- cstlKU'cd by oiiq of the alllclals of tho United Htutiu weather niireou, wuo suys that fornieiitatiou within moist hay may ralao tho temnornturo to an degrees Fahrenheit, at which tempera ture clover hay will Ignite. Ucllulniii Ki)vltu In Clilnu. A ClilncEo dniicltiB muBtor, Hung Koo Clioo, announces In a Chlncso paper that ho Is to hold a religious service, to which ho Invites ovory one, In hon or of the 100th anniversary of tho death of his ancestor, who was tho first of tho family to take up tho profession. Baward for' Muii-Kitting TlRrcm. A reward of 900 ropces ($200) has ben placod by tho Drltlsh authorities on the head of a man-eating tigress In the Seoul district, Central province, India. Four porsona aro reported by the pollco to havo boon killed Uy It In the month of July lost. Sovoral, lnmt m are ln soarch of tho tlgross In viow of tho reword, i , ,-. Hot Wilier In Culm. Hot water Is very difficult to obtain In Cuba. Wutor Is la-atod In small vessels and a surprisingly meagor amount seemB to bo needed In tho day's work. Cuban cooks lmvo dovol oped tho syBtom of washing dlchea in cold water to an art, biit American servants find It difficult to got accus tomed to this hot water scarcity. Victoria rrrHBiiU !' Torrler. Queen Victoria has scut a present ol two carefully Holoctcd fox terriers of tho best breed to tho Hmperor Menetolc of AhyBslnla. Tho same steumor con voved four beautiful pedigreed grey hnnniU which aro a nresent to tho Emperor Monclek from the govern mont. . . Tim Tkiiiuni: and the Prairie Farmer one year lor $1.25. A.A.I cuxca VETERINARY SPECIFICS iVKVKHS, i'mim-KllmiPi, Inllniimin. I lion. Luiik Fever. Milk I'oit. H. B. I NI'IIAIIVH, Immune... Injuria, cvBaa J Hheumatlmii. !.;. (HOHH TIIIIOAT, lulnVi Uplzoottv. conaatUUtcmpor, SjKuwn"MH, IlnU, !rul.i, K. 8.ICOUOIIH. Cold. Inflamr,! ctmwi Lunga. rlnuro.l'uuuiiiiiiiln. . I COMO. IIHIvnrli.'. Wlud.lllowu, V. V. cumM $ Diarrhea. Ilvnciitcrv. O.U. I'roTcnK MIHCAIllllAtilC. il'i; jKinM:v k iii.vunuii DihoiinKiiH. I.I. 1HKIV DIHHA8HH. Mmifte, UnuHloiii. cubbh J Ulrrm. Jree, I'ircy. .1. H. jllAU COMIITIOV, Hlnrlna Coot. I'tnuu ( liidUeatlon, htmnarli Hiuunrrii. COo. cachi Stable Caio, Ton Spnclncit, Hook, &o f. At tlruKKlut or Bent jiropalil on ri'i'elpt of iirlco. llumphreyt' Metllclim Co., Cor. Wllllum A John 8U., Waw York. Vwkkhiahy )UiimL Bkmt i'liau NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL. AVKAKtVKSS and Pro8tvntton from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopnthlo Spacjlflo No. 128, In ujoovoii40 yoniu, the only Buccoasfiil rumody. $1 per vlat,or opeclal packaao with powder,for $3 Bold tr Uriif tin., or nl foil pIJ on rtcelrt ol nmrsKatt' mku. to.. cr. n mi ik su.,