W il 11 r j t waiciies, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware 8 (.4 0 AND A FINE $ ASSORTMENT OF 8 x Novelties in Stork ing Silver and Cut Glass, 1 $ AT PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT. 5 til ii (A 8 K11 urnao w atones ior t,n Railroad Men. Would bo jj Ploasod to boo you. 8 CLINTON, THE JEWELER. i&he t ml - WcfMg SrHmtif. TUESDAY. OCT. 2. 1900. Pat Norris and family left for the east this morning. MrB. Dunn, who had been visit ing at the home of her sister, Mrs. Jas. Hurt, left for the east this morning. John Neary, the reliable shoe maker, has removed his repair shop to the room lately occupied by Landgraff'8 barber Bliop' on Front street. The county commissioners con vened in session this morning, and today are considering matters per taining to roads. They will prob ably remain in session several days. Lost, this morning at the opera house a small hand satchel contain ing gold bowd spectacles, two handkerchiefs and some silver coin. Finder will please return same to this office. The ladies of the Lutheran church will give their annual chicken and waflle Rupper Thurs day evening, Oct. 18th, at Lloyd's opera house. Be sure to come and enjoy a good supper. For Sale- 132 teet of picket fence at 15 cents per toot; or ten cents per foot if purchaser removes it. Inquire on my premises. Mrs. E. Donaldson. .Chicago forecast for North Platte arid vicinity: Unsettled weather with rain Wednesday. The maxi mum temperature yesterday was 81, one year ago 94. The minimum temperature this morn'nj was 52, one year ago 54. Rev. W. C. P. Wimberly, who has been assigned to the Methodist church of this city, is in town and will oecupy the pulpit next Sunday morning and evening. Mr. Wim berly's family will arriye in the citv next week. We make Cash a Power; the re sult of painstaking management and studied effort to keep abreast of the times, and give better values for your money than elsewhere. Now is the time to buy a fall and winter Overcoat $4.50. 5.00, 6.00, 7.50, 8.50, 9.00 and 10.00. Star Clothing House, The school board held its regular monthly meeting last evening, but aside from allowing bills no important business was transacted. The board is desirous of finishing at once the basement rooms and moving one or two gradeH thereto, but are hampered in this direction by lack of funds. It is quite likely that the board will run up against a shortage of funds before the new building is completely finished and furnished dud the ways and means to meet this probable shortage must be devUed. g Round and Half Round Stock Tanks, all sizes, for sale by Jos. Hershey. Rey. Siebert, of Sedalia, Mo , delivered two eloquent sermons at the Lutheran church Sunday and in the evening at a congregational meeting, a call was extended to him to become the resident pastor of the church. Mr. Suibert will notify the church council of his decision in the matter after the meeting of the Missouri Synod, which convenes next week. It is understood that he lias received a call from a church in western Kansas at a higher salary than the church here has offered, and there is some doubt about his accepting the call to this church. Mr. Seibert id a young man, very eloquent, enthufciastic and would prove a valuable minister for the local church. to Tho Roosevelt) Mooting Governor Roosevelt and party, accompanied by the republican nominees for state ofliccs, who are making a four day tour of the state, arrived in the city at 6:30 this morning on a special train. As the train pulled into the city whist les were blown at 1he water plant, the shops and on locomotives stand ing in the yard. The crowd began gathering at the depot at seven o'clock, and by half an hour later there were in the tie ghborhood of a thousand persons in the vicinity of the depot and more than that number on near by streets. At a few minutes before eight Governor Roosevelt and party alighted from the trian, were met by a reception committee, escorted to carriages and driven to the opera house, headed by the cornet band. As the Governor stepped from the train he was given rousing cheers. Arriving at the opera house, the party tound the hall packed to its utmost and hundreds unable to find scats. As the party ascended the stage hearty cheers were jjven for Roose velt, The time here was limited to thirty minutes, and it was there fore necessary that the talks be very br.el. In a few words W. T. Wilcox introduced Roosevelt who spoke for about ten minutes. The Governor's remarks were along general lines, the bi ief time allotted him making it impossible for him to deliver a set or connected speech, but his remarks wore pointed and emphatic and were loudly ap plauded. He is no' what iniyht be calted a polished orator, but he drives home a point with each sentence, and expresses it in a manner that is easily understood. The vigorous campaign which the Governor has been making in the west for the past three weeks has had a telling effect upon him, and in order to save his voice for the big evening meetings which he will hold this week, he 1111st necessarily make brief talks. The Governor was followed by C. II. Dietrich, republican nominee for governor, who made a live minute talk upon state issues. He in turn was followed by Curtis Guild, of Boston, who is an excep tionally ready and vigorous talker, and in the short time allotted to him he devoted his remarks princi pally to what the democrats call "militarism," and fully exploded the claim that we are drilling that way. The meeting was certainly a most successful one; lor an early morn ing gathering it was a phenomenal one, and far exceeded the ex pectations of the committee having the meeting in charge. There was a large attendance of people from the country, some hav ing driven thirty and lorty miles in order to get here. There was quite a delegation down from Sutherland and Hershey. Some few expressed regret that Roosevilt did not talk longer, but when they understand that he has been talking from fifteen to thirty times a day for the past lew weeks, and must do so for a week or two longer, they can teadily see that hii remarks at the meetings must necessarily be briel. The fact that they saw Governor Roosevelt, proved satisfactory to a majority of the people. At the Methodist conference at Lexington, Rev. R. S. Miore was re-appointed presiding elder of the North Platte district. Rev. Ran dolph was appointed pastor of the church at Gering, and R. E. Gilpin who has been stationed at Wallace, succeeds Mr. Randolph on the North Platte circu t. Rev. Derre herry has been assigned to the Paxton and Sutherland charge. The social event of the week will be the dance given Friday evening by the Ladies' Society Ii. of L. F. at Lloyd's opera house. Music by Hart's orchestra. Tickets 50 cents. SPECIAL. VTe want you to come and see the exquisite novelties in Hoy's apparel; for, wheth er you wish to buy or not, a real treat is in store for you. Men's Fall Weight Top Coats are ready. $( for a thoroughly food coat, and $7.50 and $10 for still better ones. Star Clothing House. , A Uknngo of Pastors. Rev. C. C. Wilson, who has been paftor of the Methodist church for three years, has been assigned to the church at Holdrege and Rev. W. C. P. Wimberly, who has been stationed at Wauncta, has been assigned here. Mr. Kimberly is said to be one of the strongest men in the West Ne braska conference, and has had signal success wherever he has been the resident pastor. Rev. Wilton's work in the city has been of a vigorous nature, and it was under his pastorate that the handsome new church was built, and his removal will cause uni versal regret in our city. Boy Accidentally Shot. A sad accident occurred at the home of W. E. Gartrcll who lives in Somerset prcLiunt, Saturday evening at six o'clock. Mr. Gartrcll had been out after a load of corn and upon his return left a shotgun lay on top of the wagon while he went to the stable. During his absence his little live year old bov climbed up on the wagon, picked up the gun, and in handling it tne weapon was discharged. The con tents struck a three year old Gartrell boy in the back of the head, tearing an awful hole and producing instant di'.ith. The funeral was laid Sund.iv, n large number of fni'iuls ntteucMng In this very sad accident the par ents have the sympathy nf al acquaintances. The unqualified 'success of th. Roosevelt meeting this 111 truing has made a number of the fusion ists fuel very fiore, especially when they remember the ' frost'' winch they encountered at their opeiiing meeting several weeks ago. Tak ing into consideration the hour at which the meeting was .held this morning it was by lar the greatest political demonstration ever held in North Platte. Had Roosevelt been here in the afternoon or evening, he would have drawn the largest crowd which has ever attended a political gathering in western Ne braska. However, the meeting well served its purposes, one of which was to make the iusiouists nervqus, fidgety and mad. There are some people who think that because this is known as the best clothing store, we don't sell clothes as low in price as the other fellows. We don't ask a premium lor our bestness. so call and see those Men's Fail and Winter Suits at $5.00, 6.00, 7.50, 8 00 and 8 50, and save from $1.00 to 2.50 a suit over credit stores. Stak Ci.otiiino IIousi:. The rainfall at this place last month was but one-fourth of an inch, which is the' lightest of any September since 1894, and with two except i( ns is less than any September bince 1877. Since January 1st the precipitation has been 3,82 inches below the average fall for that period for twenty-nine years. The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. church will meet in the church parlor next Thursday after noon. A full attendance is carii estly requested. The Ladies' Aid Society will meet at the home of Mrs. H. W. Bird next Thursday afternoon, Oct. 4th. All the ladies are re quested to be present. For that creepy leeling along the spinal column apply heavier under wear. Sure cure. One dollar a suit and upwards. Star Clothing IIousi;. On account of a Jewish holiday the Model Clothing House will be closed from six o'clock this evening until six o'clock to-morrow evening. Harry Goodall, one of the leading attorneys of Ogalalla, is spending today in town, having come down to attend the Roosevelt meeting. Frank Edmonds, we understand has been campaigning for the fusion ticket in Dawson and Buffalo counties. Hermann, the greatest living ex ponent of legerdemain, will appear at the opera house on the evening ol October 12th. Geo. E. French and Leo Hart leave next week for Lincoln to at tend the grand lodge of the Knights of Pythias. Miss Bertha Thoelecke has re turned from her visit in Salt Lake City, a trip that proved a most pleasant one. Mrs. Geo. G. McKay and children haye returned from an extended visit at St. Catherines, Canada. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Harper of Wallace are North Platte visitors today. NEW GOODS " f ' V.'' JUST ARRIVED. Pierre Viatt's Pure Mapietap, New Crop Japan Tea, Swan's Down Cake Flour, Fresh and Sound Cranberries. Imported Swisw ChcfKcV'- ' Last Call for Peachcfs, fiu!lbf the season. We will bvc fhe first New York Grapes itla'few davs. ' v Harrington '& Tobin. Jolly !3olln. Pvlnjle. The popular star opened her four nihts engagement at the opera house last night to r big house. Miss Prlrtgle h.i the best repertoire show we have ever had in North Platte. Tho specialties arc I'm..' an 1 the Rceiury w.is the best we ever had at any price. To night, thry present Faut. for which they carry over two, lona f special scenery, and no doubt packed houses will greet t'lum every niht during their engage ment here. Snrgaino in &cl Estate. For sale cheap for cntti. L four, I six and 1 seyen roomed house, well located. One 160 acre irrigated farm with 5 acres blick loctiBt and 5 acres box elders. 13 eacs old, one of the best farms in the valley. Forparticulara sec me. J. K. OTTKNSTRIK. A Picture of Health! r-a e a pyift'ir The ciiild who lias been weaned and derives its principal nutri ment from the many excellent "Pure Food" preparation such as arc on wale at Rush & -Murray's' will grow "up well, strong and good humored. If you are wise you will increase your grocery bills and reduce "your doctors' and druggists' bills. RUSH & MURRAY. Baldness and Gray Hair n.UH censed by the. proper na of German Hair and. Scalp Producer. Alter which ualurc will grow luir where the hair follicle ih not en tirely destroyed. Ladle or j-tnUe- ineu ih your .cai) amuascU uy, which i he hair follicle Udeatroyed Then you are urc olaHtld lifud ami y ray hair. So i u cl.ae a buttle ut, uiy antiseptic remedy at once, thereby retaining tour hair and pride. Permit oh.iuld fiermnii llalr I'roducer cu tlnir cliildri'ii' fiMlp a a toni and ventatiye. If conditions t the rc.ilp ban not improved by tho ptoptr use of half a botile, return the bottle and money will he refunded. If not for Htle in your tmvn send to my addrcF. Mdiiu fact tired by tfltOr. C. K. VOBTSX,, ICeAi-ney, Uob, For Kile in iN'orth Platte by barbcrBnnd by A. F. tilreiu, drug giht. Price $.100. P tana rice You pay for Groceries is never lotifer than we ask. Because wo lwVfc mado tho pricas on Grocer ies what lljoy are. Diamond C. Soap. 9 bafs .25 Pearline. per pkg. . .. 04 5c me Paddle, Blue :. i04 10c 1k Paddle, Blue....' i07 Corn 8tareli, per pkff '05 Arffo GloM Starch, per pkg. ... .05 Kingfordfl Silver Olo Starch .08 KitlgafOMjs Corn Starch 08 ii pint Or. Price Extract Va nilla 15 Walter nkcr Cocoa. ;i lb. tin ,25 Walter Bakers Chocolate 18c 2 cake 35 Eiu-le Brand Condeuscd Milk 18c 2 can 35 KuiporaUU Cream 13c 2 cans for .25 A !!' A !. r3rnnv0r kntu IK . . m Fi iZiCrV AXie Grai 2 boxes .15 Sewing Machine Oil, per bottle .05 ira ml IV Wonder Soap,' per bar 05 Yeast Foam, 2 pkg 05 On Time Yentit. 2 pkg .05 Sap-, per pkjf ' 04 lli'ps. per pk 04 Tabic Salt, 2 back..' 05 4-1 !. package Gold Dual 18 Sc:ni:ii Light Mfcltvt per box. ,04 lliril Seed, Mb. pUtfi 07 Vinegar, per a h Hon 20 WliVtemorc'a Otlt Kige Shou Polish. ;. 20 'M-'ttcmore' Haby ISlite Shoe l'v..iti . 10 Cream of Ylieut. per pkg 15 Pillhbury' Vito I3r, afks 25 Sh'cldetl Whole Wheat Biscuit ' U 2 pltg ; 25 B ittle Ak Tobacco, per ping. . . .35 nra Shoe Tobacco, per plutf 45 Star Tobacco, per lb 45 J. T. Tobacco, per plug Iliiktti .Mixture Tobacco, per lb. .35 Arhncklc" Ortffei! . . . 1.V- 1 nk.r OS Li'.n Coffee ISc. 2.nlres 35 juLO ia O Li."., or ' Wc liar von as mu.-li w(. for y.iur produce and charge you nn i i ' uii'iv iir goojs cvciiangetl for pro (hue than you pay in cash. Wileox Department Stoi'e. ' WE HAVE Tboac C0RDUE0Y PANTS As well as other 4 ODD PANTS ' At prices from $1.25 TO $8,00, Goods in.thcm more than worth the price. ' llll!ll' P. GtTtnun Coffee 13c, 2 uUuh 25 "f which is due an g-oo(h per'pkg wioraxniav1' Dcpartat Sioi 'nsaiBanBSBra.ar3ggrgrre G. F. IDDING8 Vnrdi nnd Klevatorn at North Plafcto, Neb., Sutherland, Nob., " Julosburg, Colorado. I''i' mnm platte mills, (o.k. ipmxcii.) Manufacturer of k , HIO-H AND MEDIUM GRADE FLOUR BRAN AND OHOP PEED. Order by, telophone from Nowton's Book Store. THE QUESTION is often asked, What Paint shall we use? T HE AIM SW E R I If you are looking for covering cajiaeity, wearinj; qualities, general appearance, and yuur money s worm, you must buy The Smwm-WLUMfs Paint. Odtm Kilt, Len'iJ rett. IVtais longest, Most economical, full Measure COLORS IN Oil., HOUSE & C6A(:t1 VAfl r IXH E8, A. F. BTBEIT25, BEFORE that stove is put up YOU will need to BUY a new carpet of Oil, CIOTH or . IIIpiEUlyl'. SICE US. Wilcox -Department Store. r,i:o.t. notioi:. Tlin ilofrnilnlita t V. Tnlley, trttleo. Anwln Amor If nn JlottKHo It Trust Ocmimtijr, J. V. Mr. powll, -Mt'pnwtill, wiro llrnt nnnm mi known. Tn-.l J TmiiMn.. CiUliorlno M. Tomklnd hi wlfo, ntul Jolm l)m, trim immn un known (Inn,U.i.!(Ml llh Wlllliini Hmlth, tt will tnk.i nollco Hint on llin lot It lnr of Brp loinlwr. llim, llio plaintiff, llio Comity of Lincoln, n wiriMUiiilon "IimI II iwiltloii In tho clt-.li let wmrt nf l.lm'oln ctiuntv. NVtirn.Vn. thn nlilnxt nn.l I "f ,,h!'!1 I t forcclnn, certnlutnxllvn. .11111 iwrrH vy mm uniiuui nRiunt mo norm l,U unrtlimwt ntul n.Milhrnt minrter of iiortliwnut IIIB.-t.ir 4t .lulfmi A- ... ...!.... .1 ... . a -j .. .'. "wvimii 1 , 111 iiiwii-iiii, 1 nwriii ,l rnp 81, wt of the Hlstli nrinclnnl nmrldlnn. Nvtmrkn. fur llio Vlnr I Ml:! In I In, .11111 ,,r.l!l'Mi 11 ror llio j-tmr I SKI In llio Mini of t9 1 for llin jrnr I8DI In tho of lU.iil) for tho jonr tSU"i In tho Mini of llli Hi; forlhoyrnr 16111 In dm rum of JI0.40 for tho yirnr 107 In tho tinn of DU.1; for thn yonr IMS In llin 'unt of S..H for IhoynnrlSWIn llio ,im of f l.:i; niiiniintltift In tho Mnl mm of f77 llt with Inlorint nt tho rnlo of Ion tior cont pjr ntimtm from IhoMlli ilny of AiiKUst, WOO, nil of whlcli h iluo nml unpnlil. rinliitlir prnyn a iloerm, of forocloxuro of will tax lion mid n mil of nnld promtm. You nml m-li of you ilofoinlnutri, nro roipitrod In nncwnr nnld piitltlon on or bvforo Moiulity tho tilt Uny of .NnvoniW, IIW. TlIK COUNTY OF LINCOLN, . . A Oorpnrntlon. stl lly It. 8. lllilKloyi ItH Attonioy. IiKCUIi NOTICII. The iloremlantH !', II. UI1chrl.it Lumber fNinilMiiy, anil John Doe. true name un known, win take notice that on the u.h, .Iay ...ot September, liKX), the jilalntlrt, The County or Lincoln, a corporation, nieil Its petition In the tllMtrlet court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, the ob ject ami Prayer or which Is to foreclose cer tain tax liens, duly aHnosHert by Hald plaintiff, UHuliiNt i he Northeast quarter of Section Tweiitvuiic, In Township Fifteen North of ltaiiKeThirty-oiie West of the Sixth l'rlncl pnl MerliHan, Nebranka. for the year ma in the mnn otfU.Oli for the vcar IWI In the sum of turn, for the year IHfo In line mini or lo.wi: for the year 1MM In the mint .20' "L f,,r le year IW In the mint of o.tv; ior me year iw.i in the Hum of l.-ll, for the year iw.i In the mini of 8..ti, !.r?S,.l.li.l.!,F,r.i.llS "f.t.SnJ."Snl.lSr a.!lT uiiiiiiiiiuiiK in uie uiiai Hum ot iiw.;i witu .f iiiM. iV.i.... .. ...i .. ......i.i " i.iiii uiiiaiii. i iiecruc m lorecmsurc ;uul ii Hale of hrIiI prem- u anil each of you defenilantH arc re !'.,:L,.,,.r."'V .t.. n'Hv.r?M n r luic ,,iuiiu;iv the I'Jth ilav of Novi'inlii.r. I (Intl. TIIi; COUNTY liV l.INCOliN. A Cnriioratlnn, lly II. S. Ittdnely, Its Attorney. Iiognl Notlco. Tho (lofoiuliintH Oolbert R Mnllolto inulCarrlo Mnllolto IiIh wire, willtulto notiuo that on tho '27th tiny ot Auubt, 1J')0, tho iihiutiir, Tho County ot Liu eiiln, a eorjionilion, Hied Ub potition in the dintrit!t eon it of Lincoln eounty, No brnfkn, tho object nml pruyor of which in to forooloso cortiiln tnx lions, dulv nf.i?cR8ud by eiud iilnititifT ngaliiBt tho omit half of soiithwept quarter nnd woflt half of liouthoaHl (piartor of Bootion 21, in tovnpliii 15, north ot rango 110, west ct tho Sixth priiiitipal meridian, No brnnlcn. for tho vonr 180(5 In tho Rum of j fSlO.ijfi; for tho year 1807 in tho mini of !.-, ior mo year lava in ino Bumor H.OI; f(,r tho ear ISO'.) in tho BUtnJoC .!)-; aiiiniititing in tho total Bum of S.'W.(j8j with hitoroft at tho rnto of ton por cont ior anmiin iro'in tho .Hat tiny ot Hi, 11)00, all cf which i duo nml unpaiil. l'liiiiitiir nravB n dooroo of foroolosuro of Bind tnx lion and a nalo of said proui, Ihos, Vou and onuh of you dofondanla are roqiiirod to niiHwor Bald potitlon on or boforo Monday, tho 20th tiny of Ootobor, 1000. Till'. COUNTV OF LINCOLN, A Corporation, nl 11 Iiy II. S. IliriKloy, ita Attorney. 1 X-iio.rrLfoer, Coal Our prices are for "bet goods" first, last and all the time. We are in the business to stay and S. W. P. stays with us. BEUGQIST.