TUESDAY, OCT. 2. 1900 lHAIi BARB, Editou and rnoi'itiETOii SUBSCRIPTION KATES. One Year, cash in adTance, ....."ill.25 Bix Montlu, ciuh In ndranco ...l&&nl' EnteredaltheNorthPlUe(NebrMkA)potoffloM iocond-olwunmtter. Republican Ticket. NATIONAL. For President, WILL.IAN McKINLEY. For VieoProsldont, THEODORE ROOSEVELT. STATE. For Oovornor, CHARLES II. DIETRICH. For Lioutonnnt Governor, E. P. SAVAGE, For Soorotnry of State, GEORGE W. MARSH. For TronBuror. WILLIAM STEUFFER. For Auditor, . CHARLES WESTON. For Attornoy Gonornl, , FRANK N. PROUT. For Lirnd Commisionor, FRED D. FOLMER. For Sunt, ot Public Instruction, W. K. VOWI.HU, Presidontlnl E. torn. JOHN F. NB-iiITT, R. 1J. WINDHAM, EDWARD ROYRE, L. W. HAGUE, S. P. DAVIDSON, JACOB L. JACOHSON, JOHN L. KENNEDY, JOSEPH L. LANG Bit. For Congress, Sixth Difltriot, MOSES P. KINKAID. For State Senator, 15. D. OWIONS. For Representative. JNO. 13. 1SVANS. COUNTY. For County Attornoy. II. S. RIDGLEY. II. G. Stewart, who was tiomi natcd for congress by the nud-rond populists of this districe declines to accept the nomination. This action on the part of Stewart had been anticipated for several weeks. Jas. B. North, who was internal revenue collector for Nebraska under the lust Cleveland adininis tratiou, has bden nominated for the state senate by the republicans of the Twelfth scnaiorial district) Here is another good man who could't stand the vagaries of, the Bryan crowd. For the benefit of a few demo cratB in North Platte who don't seem to know as munch as they profcsB, we make the statement that the act for the increase of the "army to 100,000 men tor the enter genctes following the Spanish war expires by limitation on the first day of July, 1901. This bill for the increase of the army was passed in the senate by a vote of ftftv-fivc to thirteen and in the house by a vote of 203 to thirty-two. So this wonderful army was created by democratic u'h well as republican votes, and if this is militarism we lrucss the democrats must take their snare of the burden of blame Senator nuvERiuoi: Btatfd these facts in his speech at Columbus last Friday: "There is only one possible way of regulating trusts That way ia by the congress of the republic controlling corporations. This is one country now. We have outgrown Htate riirhts. There is no reason why a corporation organ izcd in New Jerbey should have greater privileges than one organ ized tir Nebraska. A trust, to sue cecd, miiBt do business all over the country. Therefore, it ought to be controlled, not by a stale govern meat, but by the nation's govern ment. It is the old struggle be tween the nation and state rights. The constitution does not permit that at present. The republican party proposes to amend the con stitution bo that the national gov ernment may control trusts. The democratic party voted solidly against that proposition. Why? Because the democratic party was mnrA it tntrr f( t rm.1 u 4 tin 1 1 tin n- iiiui id iuiui v i it unto i ii it i publican party? No. Both parties i " nnt f 11 t twrnluot ilii ttf 1 1 Ml rusts, liut tile democrats opposed lint minMiire. ivliirh :t1mw i'hii euro lif nv nf Irnctu liurmiui it i n IMHIUUCilll mt-'iiHiu L. II III 1 llltiV WULIUl . . i . ..i.l! nn morifiiiro uMrlirmt nrnfrtaf 'Ph i 1 moult in thnt- tlu rnniihliin n nnriv have proposed the only possible .. . i i i i.. fi..r .... ecuiion, INI 1 1 IK Fusionists Painfully Silent on the $100,000 Deficiency In the Public Funds. ttrynti Knibrncc tlio Tnmiimiiy Tiger and llnsi Crnkor Is Winking tho Other JJyc. Oiniihn, Oct. l.Governor Poyntor mid tlio fusion newspapers, us well ns nil of the fiiHloti lenders, nrc painfully sllont on the report that at the end of Poynter's term there will bo a deficit or shortage In the public funds of no less than .? 100,000. Their answer to this Is abuse of Re publicans, but abusing Republicans will hardly satisfy the tax payers, who will have to go Into their pockets and pay the blllH. The fusionists hnvo boasted of the Havings they have tnndc In managing tlio statu Institutions. How does this compare with facts? Four years ago they pointed to the reduction In the amount asked of and appropriated by the legislature. The result was that at the end of the first two years thoro was a deficiency ap proximating nearly $10,000. Two years ago they came to the legislature with n demand for more money than had ever before been required, with a large delleleney and any number of unpaid claims. The legislature two yenrs ago, not only made a large de ficiency appropriation, but appropri ated more than $2,000,000 for the two years ending In 1001. All this lias been squandered ami It will require 100, 000 more to pay unpaid bills anil labor claims. The shortage Hit the penitentiary fund alone will amount to about $.10,- 000. There are at least 11 Institutions that will come In with shortages rang ing nil the way from $1,000 to $10,00a and In some Instances the amount will he oven larger. This amount added to the amount ap propriated will run the expense of maintaining these Institutions to n higher figure than has over before been reached In tlio history of the state. These statements aro based, not upon observation alone, hut upon the show ing made by the olllclal records In the auditor's ollleo at Lincoln. It Is useless, therefore, for the fu sion leaders to deny them, for two rea sons: First, because they are abso lutely true and substantiated by the olllclal records; and, secondly, because It Is only a few months until the legis lature meets and then all the fuels will havo to come out. When the legisla ture meets and the various Institu tions make their wants known, when the request for a deficiency appropri ation of at least $100,000 Is made, as it surely will he, perhaps those who may doubt the truthfulness of the BtatementM now will ho fully con vinced of It (hen. BADLY INCOMP ETBNT. As an executlvo olllcer Governor Poyntor Is notoriously Incompetent. This fact so openly manifests Itself that It Is hardly necessary to call at tention to It. Aside from extrava gance, It Is a fact patent to everyone that lu the exercise of executive au thority ho has been both weak and vacillating. Every time ho has had occasion to exercise this prerogative he has evinced pitiable weakness. Ills at tention has been called to corruption and malfeasance on the part nf some of his appointees, hut lu each Instance ho has signally failed to apply tlio law ful remedy. Tlio manner In which he handled the managenient of tlio Insti tute for the Feeble Minded Youth at Ileatrleo has hecomo almost a public scandal. Ills appointees have learned that, no matter how they may violate tlio law, all they havo got to do to keep from being removed by the gov ernor Is to show fight and ho wi'.' weaken. This accounts for the con tinuous turmoil and clash between the governor and his appointees over slneo ho assumed the executlvo chair Such conditions as these must of ne cessity resint in the dcinornllxntlon of the public service. As the head of i family and as the head of a business estiibllshui'Mit must, when the occasion requires, be resolute, so, too, the head of a' state gov rninoiit must he. Va dilution lit i iy position In life where business customs, where law or where organised rielety requires resolution, 'must ultimately be attended by results Inimical to the Individual and public alike. Nehi-'ska Is a largo suite with largo business Interests. The ehlif executive not only has supervisory control over the expenditure of mil lions of dollars of tlio people's money, but ho Is entrusted with the respon sibility of executing all laws on the statute boons. 'Hie time may never eonio when vacillation on the part of the executive might endanger life am' properly, thus this, even In the beat regulated communities, Is a danger al ways to be reckoned with. Hut the time Is always at hand, lu the manage ment of domestic ntt'ulrs, yhon weak ness of this character means corrup tion on one hand and Increased ex pense to the taxpayers on the othei. That this deduction Is logical Is proven by results attained under the Poyntor administration. DISTORT! NO FACTS. It remained for .Mr. ltryan to at tempt to make political capital out ot the strike of working men In the coal regions. Everybody olso knows It to bo n result of a dlfferenco of opinion between the employers and their em ployes, not over a reduction In wages, but over an Increase lu wages, a ques tion wjth'iyhlch politics has nothing to do. If Mr. Bryan would only stop and think for a moment he woulJ rendUy realize the folly of his deduc tions. In the first place workmen can not strike unless they arc at work. In the second place a strike that Is duo to a demand for more wages simply means that times arc good and that workmen want what they think Is their share of prosperity. Then, too, on the subject of strikes Mr. llrynn and his party should go a little slow. Under Democratic rule, from 3802 to JS90, 282,000 laborers went on a strike against n reduction In wages. More than .'100,000 were thrown out of employment without nny wages thiMiigh the operation of the "Wilson law a Democratic frco trade that closed more than half the facto ries In the United States and vraa an Incumbrance on every Industrial en terprise and domestic Industry. It Is well remembered that In the largo cities free soup houses had to bo maintained to alleviate the suffering of the masses. Many citizens of No braska will recall that in the city of Omaha a place known as Itcscuc hall, a largo building on Douglas street, was maintained by charity and was each day and night called upon to feed nud shelter hundreds of Idle people from tlio storm nud cold, all willing to work but none able to find employment These were Democratic days. Bryan may havo rorgotten tnoni, nut there are thousands: of others who were Idle then and are at work at good wages now who have not nnd never will. The Impression made upon them was one they will ever remember. "What is true of Omaha is true of all the large cities. especially those cities whose popula tion Is lnrgely employed In manufnc taring Industries nnd which felt the full force of the terrible suffering and distress at that time. It will go Into history that under the McKlnloy administration not one of the 30,000,000 wage earners of this country went on a strike against a re ductlon in wages. There have been very few strikes In the Inst four years, nnd those that have occurred have been caused, If ovpr a dispute about wages, not by a decrease, but as the result of n demand for an Increase. Mr. Bryan's solicitude for labor, while advocating frco trade and spu rlous money both fatal to the welfare of the artisan- brings the subllmo and the ridiculous Into very closo contact. OAVOHTTNO WITH TAMMANY HALL. In a public speech Boss Grokcr of Tammany Hall stated that It Is the Intention of Tammany Hall to give Bryan on his forthcoming visit to New York "the greatest reception ever given a presidential candidate.' This Is a big contract Tammany Hnll has taken, but It ought to he equal to the occasion. It has stolen enough from the people of New York City lu the many years It has had its tentacles fastened upon :them to pay for most nnyuiing. Atiino enu or. its many a years of 'oxlstcnc'o It enjoys the unen viable distinction of being tho most Iniquitous nnd corrupt organization of Its kind th" world has over known. For years it has been a mentor of pub lie thieves and a czar In Now York polities. It has existed on the spoils of otllco from the dato of Its birth. The story of tho "Forty Thieves" Is, with the exception of a numerical dlscrep aney. a true history of Tntnniunv Hull, Mellaril Crokor, chief of Tammany Hull. Is as Imperious In Democratic politics In the Umpire State as tho czar of Itussla Is In -the government of the Itusslau empire. Ills edict Is law and his command and orders are as exact lug of obedience as any Imperial decree could possibly he. When Tammany Hnll speaks New York Democracy bends the knee. ltryan and Tammany Ilnlll What a theme for contemplation out here In Nebraska! A nice picture, Isn't it for "reformers" to look upon? Tla! Tam many tiger snarled and snapped at 0 rover Cleveland because that gentle man refused to he dictated to and In slsted, even In politics, on his right to choose his associates. Hut It has dually succeeded In luring the "boy orator ' Into its den. (jlovelnnd did a few things for which he deserves to be remembered, and one of these was when Tammany Hall demanded ns a price for Its support all tho appointive olllees In that state, when he boldly declared tlrt "I'll ho doubly damned If I'll do It " Whether he meant that the public would so trent him or meant that he wo-ild not make such a per sonal saerlllco lias never been ex plained. So It Is today. If Tammany Is for ltryan It Is simply a question of spoils It exists on spoliation, It lives for It, It has no o"ior or higher object In pol It ics. 'Hint lias ueen Its price for sun port In tho past and It Is Its price now. It Is but consistent with historical facts to assume that the bargain has been made. When Tammany shouts It Is when there Is plenty of provender In sight, plent.v of hay lu thu manger. Uut how will Mr. Hryan's Nebraska constituents look at It? Will they make room lu their affection for that hydra-headed monster, ' Tammany Hnll? Will hey follow Ltryan In mnk lug a truce with the foulest beast that ever strode ilie arena of politics, the Tammany tl;or7 Will they Join him In a coinproinb'o with what for years has been known as a menacing evil? Will they uphold a man who reforms by going over to the enemy? The moiiu tain didn't come to Mohammed ami It Is just as certain that Tammany Hall didn't come to ltryan. It was only a few weeks ago that David II. Hill. In speaking of Tain many, said It was "a monster of Igno ranee, tyranny anil persecution." This Is the saint Tammany that, cording to Croker, Is going to glvo ltryan ono of the "greatest reception over given a presidential caiidhlaU. ' BOILS These unwelcome visitors usually appear In the spring or summer, when the itself from the many impurities that have accumulated during Baneful Boils Mr. It. M. Pratt. Cave. 8. C. wr lies ! J'or twenty venrs 1 wna notelv nflllctecl with boll nnd carbuncle cnmetl tiv Impure blowl. n li Iiiiikjs lt)le tofecrlbe my MilTerltiK i part of the time being' unable to work ornleep. Several doctors trented me, nnd I tried all the so-cnllcd blood remedies, but notlilnir neemed to do me ntiv crood. During tlie fctimmcrof iH83 I was per minded totry S.8.S.,nndnftcrtnkliiL' eereral bottles wni entirely cured, nnd nave unci no return oi mese painiui pots up to the present time." and any information or advice wanted will whatever for this service, bend for our book on Blood nnd Skin Diseases free. Address. Tho Swift Snnclfln Co.. Atlanta, fin LEGAL NOTICES. I.EOAI, NOTICE. Tlx, diifelldnlit. AnuiiKlft Wnltbtunth. will tako nollrn Hint mi tlio ffiith dnjr of f (ptcinber, A. . I'.W, thu plnlnttrr. I'rliKlrlch Wnllcmntli. tiled Ills IK'lltlmi in tlio district court of Lincoln count jr, NobrhHlm, tho object atlrt nrnynr of which nru to nbtnln n dvcreo of illvorco from tlio nbovu named ilofcnilnnt, for adultery Hum iiiifoniimit Is required to answer paid peti tion on nrbeforo Monday thu 12th day of Novem ber, A. I). UKJO. FniKiinicn Waltkmatii, : ny it. 8. iti(iior. his counsel. Iierrnl Notice Tlio rlnf.itwlrinla llivnlintli Knivnnmlm. Nowcombo hor huahnnd, tlrst name unknown, will tako notico that on tho 1th day of Septombor, 1SK)0, tho plaintiff, Tho County of Lincoln, a corporation, lilod its netition in tlio diKnut court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, tho object and prayer or whioli Is to lorocioso cur tain tax Hons duly nsosEod by said plaintiff against tho northeast quarter of section IB, in township 0, north of rango .'U, west of Sixth principal meridian, Noliraslui. for tlio yoar ivj.j in mo bum of 818.02: for tho yoar 1891 in tho sum ot 10,1)8; for tho yoar 189.") in tho sum of 111 87; for tho yoar 1890 in tho sum or llMio; ror tlio year invt in tno sum of lX7.'i; for tho yoar 1893 in tho sum of 12-30; for tho year 1899 in tho sum of fJ.21; amounting in tho total sum of 90.15 vitli ' intorost nt tlio rato ot ton nor cent per nnnnum from tho Uth day of August, 1900, nil of which is duo and unpnid. Plaintiff nravs n douroo of foreclosure of said tax lion and a ealo of said prom ises. ou and onch of you defendants aro required to answor said petition on or bofore Monday, tho Cth day of Novem ber, 1900. THU COUNTY OI' LlISUOLiN, A Corporation. e2U By II. S. Ridgloy, its Attorney. Legal Notico. Tho defendants CathorinoM.Tomkins, - Tomkins hor husbnnd, lirst name unknown, Frnnk B. Lamb nnd John Duo true nntno unknown, will tako notico thnt on tho 4th day of Soptombor. 1000, tho plaintiff, Tho County of Lincoln, a corporation, tiled its potition in tho dis trict court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, tho obioct and prayer of which is to foroeloBo cortain tax lions, duly assessod bv said plaintiff against tho pouth half tl northwest quarter of sootion 31, in township 9, north of rnnBo 31, ivost of sixtli principal meridian, Nobrasko, for tho year 1893 in tho sum of 87.01; for tho year 1890 in tho sum of 7,70; for tho year 1897 in tho sum of 5.89: for tho year 1893 in tho sum of 5 02; for tho voar 1899 in tho sum of 2.77: amount ing in tho total sum of 82908; with in terest nt tho rato of ton por cont por annum from tho 13th day of August, ID'K). all of which is duo and unpaid. Plaintiff nravs a dooroo of foreclosure of said tax lion nnd a salo ot said prom ipcp. You nnd onch of you defendants aro ronti'roil tn nnswor miiil netition on or before Monday, tho fitli day or XNovom bor, 1900. TUK COUNTY OF LINCOLN, A Corporation. r21 1 Uy II. S. Ridgloy, its Attornoy. liKQAL NOT1CK. The defendants Hurnhain Tulleys A.Co.. r.ydla Hatty ami Cliloe SIkmoii, administra tors of the estate of Cornelia W. Ketchiini, deceased. w.J. uawanu nroiner. ami .loan Doe. true name unknown, (impleaded with .toll n A I.aiiL'ilon. et ali will take notice, that mi the ltstti day of July, coriKir.itlnn, Hied llx petition In the dlHtrict nsm. me DKiiiiiiu. li e iiiiiuiv in i.iiiriiin. a court oi Lincoln county, iNeurasKa. inc object anil prayer of which In to foreclose certain tax liens, duly assessed by Hatd planum attainst the west nan ot northeast miarier ami east nan norinwcsi quarter ot secttou IS, In township II, north of range StI, west oi me nixin principal incruiiau. ise- braska. for the year IH'J.' in t hern um of )7 II: for the "dr imki in the sum ot fin so: ror the year ism in inesuni ot tiT.'Ji; tor ine year isro in tho sum ol il'.Vi: for the year IMH) In the sum of $-.KJ!W; lor the year ISUTIU the sum of JJ3:M; for the year 1WN tu the sum of $I7.M; for the year IHW la the sum of $uo.0t; ainouuiiiiK in me mini sum oi i.ini.'i: wiiu Interest at the rate of ten per cent per an num i loin me ursi uav oi .iiiiv, ii'ou. an or which Is due and unpaid. Plaintiff prays n decree of foreclosure of said tax liens, ami a sale oi said prem Ises. You anil each of voti defendants, are re- quired to answer said petition on or before .Monday tnc imii oar ot ucinncr, asm. THK COUNTY OP MNCOI.N. A Corporation. sll lly II S. ltldKlcy. Its Attorney I.KOAI. NOTICK. Tlio defendants Nathan Mcdee. Mcdce his wile, llrst name unknown, ami John Doe true name unknown, will take notice tnat on trie L-iin nay oi August, iihxi, tlio i alutl T. The KHiutvot l.tnco n. a cor. ixiratioii. Hied Its petition In the district court oi i.iucoiu couiuy, .-ei)iasK. me nnjeci ana prayer of which Is to foreclose certain ta.x liens, duly assesked by said plaintiff against the southeast quarter, section II, lu town ship I'.'. north ot range .in, west of the Sixth nriucinai meridian, isetirasKa. lor the v lsVU lu the sum of 48 M. for the vear l&ninth Minn of 0:iY for the vear In the so in n J10-.H. for tlie year ml lu the sum of W Uli for the yeur IMH lu the sum of IU.-joi for the year IKW In the sum of ft). 01; amounting tne total bum tu n'..xi wun interest at in rate of ten tier cent tcr annum from th illst day of July, 1W0, all of which Is due and uiin.ild. ! Plaintiff nravs a decree of foreclosure of said tax liens and a sale ot said prem IHCS, You and each ot you defendants, are re quired to answer said petition on or before .Monday, tne-.-ytn nay oi nciouer, uni. THK COUNTY Ob' LINCOLN, A Cornoratlnn. CARBUNCLES Carbuncles, which are more painful and dangerous, come most frequently on the back of the neck, eating great holes in the flesh, exhaust the strength and often prove fatal, H0II9 are regarded by some people ns blessings, nnd they patiently nnd uncomplainingly endure thcpaln nnd inconvenience under the mistaken Idea that their health is being benefitted, that their blood is too thick anyway, nnd this is Nature's plan of thinning it. The blood is not too rich or too thick, but is diseased is full of poison and unless relieved the entire system will suffer. The boil or carbuncle gives warning of serious internal troubles, which arc only waiting forn favorable opportunity to develop. Many an ola sore, running ulcer, even cancer, is uic rcsuu oi n negiccicu oou. Keep the blood pure, nud it will keep the skin clear of all the irritating impurities that cause these painful, disfiguring diseases. S. S. S. cures boils nnd carbuncles easily and permanently bv reinforcini. nunfvimr nnd building up the blood nnd ridding the system of all accumulated waste matter. S. S. S. is made of roots nnd herbs which act directly on the blood, and all poisons, no matter how decp-scated, are soon overcome and driven out by this powerful purely vegetable medicine. fa. fa. S. is not a new, untried remedy, but for fifty years has been curing all kinds of blood nud skin diseases. It lias cured thousands, nnd will cure you. It is n pleasant tonic as well as blood purifier im proves the appetite and digestion, builds up your general health and keeps your blood in order. Our physicians have made blood nnd skin dis eases n life study write them fully about vour case. be cheerfully given. Vc make no charge TIMI1KK CUI.TtlHE, FINAL NIOOF-NOTIOE FOU 1'UllLIOATlON Lnmt Offlcont North Plntte, Neb. September 10th, 1IHJ0. Notlrols hereby lven that UeoiRO 11. SIiirIo has filed notico ot intention tn nrnku final proof before rcsiftter nnd receiver nt their olllce In North Platte, Neb., on Friday tho UHh day of October, UKJO, on timber cnltnru application No. ll,7f7, for the nnrtheant ouarter of ectlnn No. '20, In tnwiililp No. 12, north rnnwo No, 110 wot. llo names ns vUiipmph: James K. Crow, James O. Crow, William W. Hunter, GeorKo E. lTosncr, nil of North Platte, Neb. IWI flKomm E. FnitNCH, llejrlMor. CONTEST NOTICE. S. Laud Ofllce, North Platte. Neb. September fi, 1HUU. A siifllclont contest afllilavlt having been filed In this oftlco by John 11, Konwles. ennteftaut, agnlnut Homestead Entry No. 17.KMJ. made May :i, lbON, for south half of northeast quarter nnd lots 1 and '2, ot soctlon 3, township II. rnnKo'Jl, by Peter Carlson, contestee. In which It is al leged that Peter Cnrlson hns not resided upon or cultivated said trnct since January 1. UHK), but hns wholly abandoned the same; that said defects exist to this date, nnd thnt said alleged nbsenco from tho snld laud wns not due to his eiuyloymollt In the army, navy, or marine corps, of the United States, said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond nnd offor evi dence touchlnK said alienation nt 10 o'clock, n. in., on .November .1, 1WK), before tho re(tstr nnd re ceiver at tho United States land otllco lu North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, The snld contctant having, In a proper affi davit, tiled September .1, 1U00, sot forth facts which show thnt after due diligence personal sorvlco of this notice can not be made, it Is hereby ordered nnd directed thnt such notice bo vivou by duo nnd proper publication. s'Jlli OEOltOE E FItENOII. IteRlstor. LEGAL NOTICE. The defendants Wm. it. Hlldebrand, - Hlldo brand his wife, first name unkuowu, Adolhaldu Schrocter, nnd John Doe. true name unknown, will take notice that on the 4th day of Septem ber, HKK), thu plaintiff, Tho County ot Lincoln, a corporation, tllotl Its petition in trio District Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, the objoct and prayer of which Is to foreclose certain tax ens. duly nssessod bv said plaintiff, ncalnst tho northeast quarter of Section 11, . In Township 111, llantte 31 wet ot the Sixth principal meridian, Nebraska, for the year 1803 In tho sum of (20 70; for the year ISO! lu the sum of 113.38; for the yenr 1E05 In the sum of $13,21; for the yenr mm in tno sura of S15.7U; for Uie yenr IB'Ji In tlio sum of (S.30; for the yenr 18RS in the sum nf 10.13; for the yenr 18118 In the sum ot (5.30; amounting in tlio totnl sum ot (HJ.20; wltri Interest nt the rate of ten per cent per annum tromtlio lltli day ot August, UKJO, nil of which Is due nndunpnld. riainutl prays a ilocree ot roroclosuro of said tax lien and n salo of snld premises. You and each of you defendants nru required to answer said netition on or before Monday, the Sth day of November, 1000. Dated Bepteiuuersi, lvw. fifi.' cmiwTV nv T.iNnnr.w A Corporation, Kill lly II, 8. llblKiey. its Attorney I.KOAI. NOTICK. The defendants Minerva IUood. I Hood her husband, tlrst name unknown. and Johh Doe, true name unknown, will take notice that on the '.'7th. day of August, 1B00, the platnttrt The County of Lincoln a corporation, tiled Its us petition in ttie district court ot Lincoln county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of wnicn is to iorecio.se certain tax liens, iiuiy assessed by said plaintiff against the south west quarter of section is. in townshln li. north ot ranee 30, west of Sixth principal meridian. Neurasica. tor inc year isva m ine sum of 89.-.W: for the vear 1W)I In the sum of 8.0!: for the vear 1895 In the sum of H.l. forthe year I801n the sum of 8.!, tor me year ibut in me sum ot 7.vn: tor me ear mn in the sum of 7.ui; for the year 899 In the sum of 97.13. amounting In the total sum of $77.37: with Interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 31st day of July, 10U0, all of which Is due and untiaio. l'lalntlft nravs a decree ot foreclosure of said tax lien and a sale of said premises. You and each of you defendants arc re quired to answer said petition on or before Aiouuay, xuin nay oi uciouer, niuu. THIS W)Ul l UC lilflLUliN, A Corporation. si ll Uy 11. S. Hid Rley. Its Attorney LEGAL NOTICE. Tho defendants 11. F. Newport. Newnort bis wife first nnme unknonu, L. W, Tulleyn, Trustee, Anglo American Loan A: Trust Com pany, 'nud J on ii Doe, true name uuKoowu, will take .notice that on the 4th day of September, 1WU, tlie plaintiff The Couuty of Liu coin, a corporation, filed its petition In the district court oi Lincoln eouniy, neurnsKa, tne object ntnl prayer of which la to forecloco certain lax Ileus, duly axewert by raid plaintiff ngnlnnt tho north eant quarter nt section 3.1, la township 9, north ot range ill, went of Hlxtll principal meridian. Nehruka. for the year 1895 In tho sum of 1 13.87: for the year 1890 lu the sum of $15.91; fur the year fh7 1u the inn of iU'.t)7: for the year 1893 In the sum of 111.71: 'or the year 1899 In the cum of ffl.Ui ninouutlr.g lu tlie total sum of 100.27: with Interest at the rate ot ten per cent per annum from the Mill nay ot August, ivuu, an oi wutcii is due ami unpaid. I'iniutitr prays a uecreo or loreciomiro of eaiu las lien and n ealo of said promises. You ami each ot you defendants, aro required to answer mid petition on or before Mouday, thu Sth day ot November, 19U0. Dated September 20th, 1900. THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, A Corporation. 214 Uy II. B. ltldgley, Its Attorney Legal Notico. Tho dofondnntB A. Andorson. An dereon his wife, tlrst nanio unknown and John Doo truo nnaio unknown, will tako notico that on the -it a day ot Son tombor, 1900. tho plnintilf. Tho County of Lincoln, a corporation, tiled its poti tion in tho district court of Lincoln County, NobniBka, tho object and prayer ot which is to forocloHo certain tax lions. duly iiBHOBsod by said plamtitT, against tho south halt of northwest quartoi and north half southwest quartorof section 10 in township l'J, north of numo 11, west o Sixth prinoip-il moridinn, Nebraska, lor tho yoar 1895 in tho sum of 812.70; for tho yoar 1890 in the sum ot 11.20; for tho yonr 1897 in tho sum of 10.81: for tho yoar 1898 in tho sum of 7.11; for tho yonr toir.t in too sum of ;jou; amounting in tho totnl sum nf 18.80; with intorost nt tho rnto of ton per cont nor nnnutn from tho 11th day ot August, 1900, all of which is duo and unpaid. Plnintitr prays a docroo of foreclosure oi Bum tax unB nnu a snio oi said prom ises. ou nud each of you defendants aro required to answer said potition on or uoioro flionuny, tnooth day of IVavotn uor, nsju. THIS COUNTY OF LINCOLN, A Corporation. blood, is making an extra effort to free the winter months. Dangerous Carbuncles Legal Notico. Tho dofondimts Etta S. Bakor, linker her husband, tlrst name unknown, will tako notico that on tho 1th day of September, 1909. tho plaintiff, Tho County of Lincoln, a corporation, lilod its petition in tho district court of Lin coln county, Nebrnskn, tho object and prayer of which is to toretslose cortain tax lions, duly ns'esped by paid plaintiff against tho southwest quiirtor of section 20, in township i2, north of rango 3i, west of tho Sixth principal moridinn, No braska, for tho yoar i891 in tho sum of 8i3.89, for tho yoar i895 in tho sum of i270, for tho yoar i89G in tho sum of 1 1.03, for tho year i897 in tho sum of i i.3o, for tho year i898 in tho sum of 7.79, for tho yenr i809 in tho sum or 3.83, amounting in tho total sum of 801.57, with interest nt tho rato of ten porcont per nnnutn from tho ilth day of August, i900, all df which is duo and unpaid. Plaintiff prays a docreo of foreclosure of said tax lion nnd a salo of said prem ises. You and each of you defendants aro required to answor said potition on or boforoIMondny, tho 5th day of Novem ber, i900. THE COUNTY OP LINCOLN, A Corporntiou. s2il By II. S. Ridgloy, its Attornoy. Legal Notico. Thodofondnnts E. A. Kisselburch KiB8olburgh his wife, tlrst nntno un- Known, nnd Kiley jJrotherp. will tnlro notico thnt on tho lth dny of Soptombor, 1900, tho plaintitr, Tho County of Lin coln, a corporation, tiled its petition in tno district court of Lincoln county. Nobraskn, tho objoct and prnyor of which is to foreclose cortain tax lions, duly iiBsesood by said plaintiff nuninst tlio northwest qunrtor of section 20, in town ship 9, north ot rango ,11. west of tho Sixth principal moridiun, Nebraska, for tno yenr ism in tiiosum of sio.KJ. for tho yonr 1893 in tho sum of 11.87, for tho year 1800 in tho sum of U.C1. for the year 1897 iu tho sum ot 13.70, for tho yoar la.us in tlio sum of 13.75, for tho yoarl899 in tho sum of 1.81). nmountina in tlio totnl sum of $7f.88. with interest at tho rato of ton por cont por annum irom tno i;nn dny or August, 1000, all ot which is duo and unpaid, I'lamttii prays a deoroo of foroo osurd of said tax lion and a 6nlo of said prom ises. You and each of you defondants aro required to answer snid potition on or before Monday, tho fith day of Novom bor, 1000. THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, A Corporation. s2-l Uy II. S. RidL'lov. its Attornov Legal Notico. Tho defendants Cnthorino M. Tomkins, - Tomkins hor husband, first nntno unknown, Frnnk 13. Lamb and John Doo truo nntno unknown, will tnko notico that on tho 1th dny of Septem ber, 1900, tho plnjntiir, Tho County ot uincoin, a corporation, lilod its petition in tho district court ot Lincoln county, Nebrnskn, tho object and prayer of which ib to foroloso certnin tax liens, duly OBsossod by said plaintitr against tho south half of northenst quarter of section .13, in township 9, north of rnngo 11, west of Sixth principal meridian, Nebraska, for tho year 1893 in tho sum of 87.01; for tho year 1890 in tho sum of 7.01; for tho yonr 1897 in tho sum of fi.89; for tlio yonr 1898 in tho sum of 5.(52; for tho yoar 1899 in tlio sum of 2.75; amounting in tlio total sum of S28.il; with intorost at tho rnto of ton por cent por annum from tho 11th dny of August, 1900, all of which Is duo and unpaid. Plaintitr PraVB It doornn nf fnrnidnmirn of said tax lion nud a salo ot said prom- 1BOS. You and each of vou dofondnntB nro required to answer said potition on or beforo Monday, tho Cth day of Novom bor, 1900 THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, A Coroorntion. 2ll Uy If, S. Hitk'iov. Its Attornov. Legal Notico. Tho dofondnntB Octuvtis Robortson, Robortson his wifo tlrst nnmo un known, nnd John Doo trno nnmo un known, will tnko notico that on tho 27th day ot August, 1900, tho plaintitr, Tho County of Lincoln, u corporation, tiled its potition in tho district court of Lin coin county, Nobrnska, tlio objoct a d prayer of which is tu foreclose certain tax liens duly nsHP6sed by said plaintiff agaltiBt tho southeast quiirtor of section 10, in township 12, north ot rango 10, west of tho Sixth principal meridian, Nebraska, for tho yoar IMC in tho Bum of 810.02; for tho yoar 189(5 in tho sum of 8.15; for tlio year 1897 in tho sum of 0 (58; for tho year 1898 in tho sum ol'5.8J; for tho year 1899 tn tho sum of 5.89; amounting in tho total sum of 847.08; with intorost at tho rato ot ton percent por annum from tlio list dny of July, 1900, nil of which is duo and unpaid. Plaintitr prays a docreo of forooloauro of said tax lion and n salo of enid prom ises. You nnd each of you defondants nro required to nnswor said potition on or iooo 0Ulluy' tho -9Ul d"y ot Qototw, THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, J. 8111 Uy If. S, lildsley, Its attorney 821 1 By H, S. Ridgloy, its Attorney