Ona lndiBnenaiblc: and he would give FKiDAY, AUGUST 31, 1900. lo our hopc9 ol far eastern trade the greatest shock possible. In IRA L BARB, Editoh awd PBorniirrori the presence of the representatives oi other nations the vast populace rt.t 1 .1 1 . . . 1 . . I 4 tin 1 1 4 r tt BUBSOBirTION KATES. OI llllia wouiu i.iugii ui m wu.. j I. a 1 1 1 J . I Year. cash In adranee $1.23 that COUIU 1101 HOiu lis own aKa...t su MonUn, ch in dTnc 7S onU lc adventurer and bribe taker, nUredithNorthputte(NbrMk)potoffloM Acuinaldo. Politically, Mr. Bryan's issue is without reasonable founda tion, because it is contradicted by a thousand things in the history of the United States before the treaty of Paris, which Bryan favored. Practically Mr. Bryan's policy is howling nonsense. New York Sun. Additional Local. oond-cltitmatUr. Republican Ticket. NATIONAL. For Froflldont. WILLIAN MoKINLEY. For Vico-Prcsidont, THEODORE ROOSEVELT. STATE. For Govornor, CHARLES II. DIETRICH. For Lioutonnnt Govornor, E. F. SAVAOE, For Socrotnry of Strito, GEORGE W. MARSH. For Tronmiror. WILLIAM STEUFFER. For Auditor, CHARLES WESTON. For Attornoy Gonornl, FRANK N. FROUT. For Lnnd Commifiionor, FRED D. FOLMER. For Sunt, of Public Instruction, W. K. FOWLER, ProBidontlnl Elootorn. JOHN F. NESBITT, R. IJ. WINDHAM, EDWARD ROYSE, L. W. HAGUE. S. P. DAVIORON, JACOB L. JAl OUSON, JOHN L. KENNEDY, JOSEPH L. LANOER. For ConKrdefl, Sixth District, MOSES P. KINK A ID. COUNTY. For County Attornoy. II. S. RIDGLEY. Senatorial Convention. Th republican elector nf tho Tlilrlloth Bon ntorlal dlitrlct of Nebraska, are requested to aond defoliates to a senatorial contention at Sidney Nebraska, on Tuesday, the Ittb day of September, 1000. at 1 o'clock p. m for the purpose of noml. Ektlnft a candidate for Senator and the transaction, of inch other business ag may bo necessary. Tho several coontlea In the district are entitled to rep resentation as follows! Manner 2 Cheyenne 11 Dawson 13 Doael 4 a rant 2 Hooker 1 Keith 3 Kimball 2 Total 57 It ! recommended that the donates present be permitted to cut the full vote of their dela tions In case of absonteos therein. F.P.,OOUUIOK, Chairman, A. B. DAIiUWIti, Becretarr. preentatlve Convention. There will be held In Hldney, Nebraska, on Tnnsday, September 11th, IB00, at 1:30 p. in., a republican delegate convention to place In uoiul nation candidate for member of the legislature from me sun nepresoniauv District. Oountlei will bo enUUbd.to representation at aald convention, based upon the voto for Judgo M I). Reese In 18W,as follows: llanner, 3 Lincoln 13 uneyeuna o Mcpherson l t reruns .-. a 3 Bcotts llluffs 4 . . 1 . , i Total IW It Is ezpectod Uiat every county will bo fully represented. J. K. Kvams, 0, 1). I.TOK, Chairman. Hocretnry, Deuel HMlh RTmball, J. A, Goodman was taken serious ly ill last night. W. C. Twohig is entertaining his brother J. J. Twohig of Terre Haute. The latter may conclude to locate here. John and Dave Cannon, who have been working at Salt Lake for some time, arc in town visiting relatives and Iricnds. The Columbus Argus states that Dr. J. B. Pulia, who has accepted the pastorate of the Baptist church, will move his family to this city this week. Chicago weather forecast for North Platte and vicmitv: Gener ally fair and continued warm to nignt and Saturday. The maxi mum temperature yesterday was 88; one vcar aero it waB 80. The minimum temperature this morn ing was GO; one year ago it was 58. One of the big features of the street fair will be a balloon race on Friday between Prot. "Winterringer and Prof. Murphy, the one reach ing the greatest height in the least time receiving the prize and winning the bet which the aeron auts will make on the side. A !iann.,.,.'.'..'!!!.'.V'.!."l2 balloon race is a novelty that is Mcl'heraon 1 1 i i,: t tutuijr DbUll .Wljr vi uiii uuu lino vi itself ought to attract a large crowd to town. Rooms have . been secured in which to place several hundred cots, but where to get the cots at a reasonable figure is what is troubl ing the committee on public com fort. The committee is doing some tall hustling today and will probably make arrangement h whereby at least four " or live hundred people can be accommo dated at night in addition to those wlio can be quartered at the hotels One of the nuisances of the fair will be the men and boys with their rubber balls to which an clastic cord iB attached. These balls arc thrown at passcra-by, and while tiicy cio not always strike one in the face, they arc annoying to tay the least. In line with the ball throwers are the conletti throwers. It is claimed, however, that tlienc nuisances are customary accompan iments of a street fair and the proper thing for the average per son to uo is to look pleasant no matter how mad he may feel. The Union Pacific offers a reward of four thousand dollars for the capture of the four men who at tempted to hold up the second sec tion oi train No. 3 near Tipton, Wyo., last Wednesday evening, Down at Kearney the city and the water company is having a merry time of it. A dispatch in Thursday's State Journal says: Water was turned off yesterday at the cemetery and the street sprink ler man could not work his hydrant for even a drop of water. At the last meeting of the city council a demand was made to pay the com pany over a thousand dollars for water services or go dry. The city is now at trouble with the water corporation for rental of fire hy drants and water service forihc city hall. Oyer twelve thousand dollars is tied up and the city will not pay until the water rate is re duced for fire service. The ceme tery and street sprinkling service is a new deal and should this phase of the case work the company will shut off water for fire hydrants and the city hail, w (1 tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt The Model's Fall and Winter Opening. I 0 41 ) to to to to to to to to to to m to to to to stylish $ human S TO You pay such little prices, if you come here, ilii Ti iTi iai When he Begins School, Sec to it that your hoy is comfortahly attired. If his clothing is right if he is dressed in proper, clothes he will naturally do his best, for that's nature. that if you're the sort of a father the boy admires, you'll cheerfully equip him as any modern, active boy de servesyou'll see to it that he's in proper trim for the running. Notice, The school board of District No, 37, Lincoln Co., Neb., will tell at rmfilir enln fnr .noli r 4li litrrlmaf bidder at the North School House VW Qnhnnl Qnifo of Tiffin l),-!nn in said district, on the 1st day of UK UVllUUi ULlllO ClL LvlLLlU 1 Rnntpitihpr. 1000. nt nnn o'clock v I "" ' . " ' :. .. . 1 ili -I Kill 1 1 , i tti t- i vs. .dug cue ngnciy maae, comtorcaoie, uressy ciocning. iiivery ioys k. Stur in rhiP cfA r nn mnfl-nit nnnt rvrir Mi riinn Irkitit3 rr rv ri in tt tt p. m., tuc srnooi uuiiding Known as tuc bisson sciiool UOUBC. D. B. White, C C. Wetzel, Wm. Evans, School Board. Suit in this stock, no matter how low the price, bears of best tailors, and is superbly made, and gives long service ear-marxs and r Perkins Hcolts UluPT. Thomas Tun transfer of Senator Stewart, the patriarchal silver man, from the Bryan column to McKinley is a matter worthy of note. Senator Stewart was one of Bryan's stanchest supporters four year ago but he cannot now follow him in his senBclesa tirade against the administration on militarism' and anti-imperialism." Senator Stewart declares there is nothing in these, whatever; that the rcpub lican party isn't in favor nf cither proposition. Senator Stewart is eminently correct. the populists ot Nebraska arc assured by the democratic bosses that Adlai Stevenson ib thoroughly committed to the principal features of the populist program. Wight years ago says an exchange he announced himself a sound money man in his letter of acceptancit. using the following language. "To the plain and unequivocal declara tion of the convention in favor of sound, honest money I subscribe without reservation orqualilicatijii. . t . . a i saie circulating medium is absolutely essential to the pro tection of the business interests of our country, winie to tuc wage- earners or to the farmer it is all- important that every dollar, what ever its torm, tnat iintis its way into his pocket shall be of equal. unquesuoneu anu universally ex changeable value and ot equal purchasing power." The motives for the recent Amer ican expansion in the east were to better our stragetic position against iiohtilc countries and to I protect and still more to extend, our Oriental trade something at present enormoub and potentially immeasurable. Mr. Bryan would, thwart both of those purposes, in order to be elected president. He would take from the Utiited States their foothold near the Asiatic coast, proven invaluable within a On Monday, September 3, Labor Day, the general delivery window at the postoflicc will be open trrm 8 to v'.&v a. m. when it will be closed for the balance of the day. u, w. him,, Postmaster. I Mad I H(nn5arl I Oil t ... I In every town and village may be had r9, the Mica Axle Grease that makes your horses glad. A Fact no Longer Questioned. Physicians and laymen alike, now fully recog' nizc the benefit yes, the necessity of using cereal foods in the daily bill of fare, especially for breakfast. Always up to the times, we have about all the best brands and will get those we have not in short order if requested. Have you tried Cream of Wheat, Grape Nuts, Whcatcl, Postum Cereal, whole Wheat Flour, Schrcd cd Whole Wheat Bis cuit for sale by the pure .food house. RUSH & MURRAY. tt tt tt tt tt best satisfaction. Prices run like this, and when you note the to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to quality of the materials, you'll feel it difficult to duplicate guch 3 values. School FurnishingsRightly Priced tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt to to to to to And the kind the parents prefer, for they're newest, freshest, fjy styles, and that's worth something. Values too the kind that to W to to to to to to to to to to mean the biggest results for the smallest outlay. Come and give us a call and you will find it pays you to trade at k Mi One Price Clothing m MAX KIRSCHBAUM. Prop. i LLOYDS OPERA HOUSE OUST 33 DSriG-IEET. Miss Nellie Sullivan, X. TKAUMUlt OF piano, mandolin, a: and harmony, At Mr. James Halt's. LAND OFFICE NOTICES. TIM11EII OULTUItE FINAL I'ltOOF-NOTIQE VOll l'UUMGATION. I-nud Olllco nt North I'lutto, Nob. , , , AuKUdtOtli, 1W0, Notice la hereby ulvon Mint llnnrv rhr. wnll (lout, Neb., linn tiled notlco of intention to innko flmil tironr Dorore reuletor ntiil receiver nt tliclr oillce In North l'latle, Nob., on Frlclny. the lilst ilny ol Heptembor, 1000, on timber culture nmill cntion No. 12,007, for the east hnlf eouthwest quarter ami southwont quarter nouthonst quarter and enuthoast quarter northwest quarter of voctlon Mil !tn In tnumutitn V in it. V. ..... , ... 4,,F, 4U iiuitii, rnuue rtu. ou west. Ho names as witnessed, flodfroy Kleluow, FrltB Koster, Frederick Kruuer. of Welldnnt. NbIi. aud John Folcherfr, of Echo, Nob. no ukoiuik E, FiiKNcit, IteKlster. Saturday, Sept. 1st. Mr. Hurry Lillford presents J. lie Lomodian ffll?. WflhTEl? WAhpt? Accompanied by the Dainty Comedienne fIiss JVIildped St. Pierre, and original coterie of play ers in the Three Act Ilea rid Square Comedy. "THAT MAN" A Society Comedv enlivened by dash of force, flavored with a touch from The French. Scats on sale at Clinton's. Prices 25, 50 and 75 cents. NOTICE FOll 1'UltUOATION. iJinil Ofllco nt North I'latte, Neb,, , , , Awlist 1.1, WOO. Notlco Is hereby Hlvon that tho follow! settlor tins tiled notlco of his Intention to lunko final proof In support of his claim, nud Unit raid proof will be untile before HoKlster and itccolver tt North I'lalto, Nob., on Kepteniber-'7lh, ItHX). viz: OKOItOK N. HTEWAHT, nhoiundo humeste.iil entry No. I07MI for the wnt hnlf of nortlioaht qtiaiterniid east half of northwest quartor ot section 80, townnlilill north, lie names tho follnnlnu wltneksna In nmu. i.u i ...... . '.'V I vim, ill,,, iun ivniuviiuu u,illll IIIH1 CUIUVnilOn Ot SUlU land, viz: E. I,, (larrlson, William Itose. Fred Heller, Kd Donuldsou, of North l'latie, Neb. "i.u. r I'KKiNUll, IteKlster, BLKCK LEG Pastoni' Vacomo. K SUCCESSFUL RE7VYEDY. nn )Vim r?r ,,5oofB cov.or.i.,,K ,lvo Jfira' ubo m tho United Stilton. Oyer ono million homl HiiecoBBfnlly troatod. StnKlo Vncoino fl.00 por 10 dom pnoltotBi Doublo Vituolno $2 por 10-iloe.; pitoUotfl.Outllta comploto 55.00. SL4C"t.e'GVe,-Anotl)or form of PASTEUH SIurIo Vao oino, roatly for inimoiliuto ubo, l.f0 per lO-doeo pnekots: J.C0 por 20 dosopiioltolB.eO.OO porCO-doBo piioUota. XIVH STOCK VACCINE & MEDICINE CO., 27 Rnllroad Buliainff, 15 & Larlmor St., Donver, Col. uu sale nr a, k sTith'irz. xoiiru vlatvk. r MIR COMMISSIONWU LW 1UUM0 1 LntulB nud UuiltlitiL'fl will olJVr al,mit. 7,000 noroB of Bohool lnnd for loitso at puulio nuotton nt Nortli I'lutto nt tho uotiniy TrcnBiiror a o 1 uo. bec nn nir nt 1(1.. ... C... I OO innn ... 1 .. it'll, in., uv jiiumuui imiu, iituior IllO oiiowinK proviBiuiiB or tho now Bohool lnnd Inw: "ir. alter usluuiluudl luence to IenH uil.l in,i at au nuuuai rental of six por cont upon tho Hl'juninrii rniuaiiiiii, uie uommissiouer s unatle to do so, he may niter the tamo for lease at less than tho apprateod aluatlon and lease It to the person or persons who will pay six per cont on (ho hlKhcit ottered valuation, ns animal rental, If, In his JudRiueiit, It Is to the best lutoresls nf Dm state to auoept such bid." PorsoiiB doBiriiig to oxiunlno tho Iniuls to bo loitBod miiy boouto lists of tho buiiii, showiuff tho proaont upprniBotnont thoroof, ns well iianuy othor infornmtioti, ilium nppHcntion (o th Uotinty Trons uror, or by uildroflflinK tlioComtniBf ionor, ut Lincoln. At tho boKinniiiR of tho miction, tho ConitniPBionor will t-ludly auBwor till iinjuirios in rojjnnl to tho Bchool lnntl bUBinosa or tho workings of tho now Inw. I PAINTS. A FULL LINE OF John W. Masury's Celebrated Paint ON SALE AT. Davis' Hardware Store. j E: When you get ready to paint your house, 5 call on us and let us sell you first-class g Paint at reasonable prices. TH E QU ESTION is often asked, What Faint shall we use? THE ANSWER I If you arc looking (or covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and your money's worth, you must buy The Sherwn-Wiluams Paint. Cowrs Wfljf, Lock Best, Wears Longest, Most economical, Full Measur BRUSHES. COLORS IN OIL. HOUSE 4. COACH VARNISHES. Our prices are for "best goods" first, last and all the time. We are in the business to stay and S. I. P. stays with us. A. F. STREITZ, DRUGGIST. OltDEIt Or HKAItlNO. Tut: 8tatk or Nkiiraska, i Uncolu County. j ss. Iu tlio County Court. Iu tho matter ot the estate ot Howard F. Jeffrey, deceased. On reading and filing tho petltlou ot l'.tta H. Jeffrey, praytnK that administration of said estate may bo urauted to her as administratrix, Ordered, that Hpptomber .1, MOO, at 0 o'elnok o. m., Is aeslitned for hearing said petltlou, vthen nil persons Interested In said matter may appear at a County Court to be held In and for said uouu, ty, and show cnuso why tho prayer ut petltlouer should not be Kranted Dated Aufjust 13, I'.KX). A. 8. II AM) WIN (A true copy.) ali-l Couuty Jud, 9 9 AS A HOT WEATHER BEVERAGE Good, properly cooled and served beer is always a strong favorite you try other drinks, but you come back to beer. Made of pure water, pure hops and other materials and manu factured by skilled workmen, Schlitz is hard to equal, impos sible to excel. Sold in cases containing- 36 pints at $3.50, delivered. 9 Henry Waltemaths,