Wat ' Jloriit SIXTEENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTFy NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1900. NO. 03. THE EUREKA STOCK FOOD The Eureka Stock Food has no superior on tho mar ket. All kinds of stock like it. It is compounded on scientific principles from the best, purest nnd most nu tritious ingredients. Tt is tho very essence of stock foods. "One-third the quan tity accomplishes equal or better results than any other stock food on the mar ket. It helps digestion, makes fat, bono and muscle, prevents diseases and cures them. BlHjjif For Horses, Colts. Milch Cows or other Cattle, Hogs or Sheep, Eureka Stock Food has no superior. It keeps them ina- thriving healthy condition when fed according to directions. Testimonials arc coming in daily from parties using it praising its medicinal, nu tritiouq, fattening and cura tive qualities. . - .-4 T" ' It is the best Stock' Food on the market and a faithful test will verify our statement. If your dnuggist; or grocer doos not. have a supply of Eureka Stock Food on hand, write or wj reft the manufacturers. am ' Try it and be convinced, price only 25 cents a package; 5 pounds to one ton lots proportionately cheaper. THE EUREKA STOCK FOOD COMPANY, A Oood Matrimonial Chance. Is there a young couple in Lin colu county or western Nebraska who want to be married and would like to pet a good start for house keeping without any expense to themselves? If so, the executive committee or the North Platte street fair would like to make their acquaintance. The committee will pay all ex penses of a wedding ceremony to take place in public on a platform in the street during the street fair. In addition the couple will be presented with a cash prize of $10 by the committee, a gol'd wedding ring and a gold pin for the bride and a large number of useful and ornamental articles of dress nnd household utility. Any conple who will agree to be married in the manner desired are requested to address or call upon. 13. E. WouE, Charmn, Matrimonial Committee. An Early Morning Wedding. Arthur B. Yates and Mtss Mollie Connelly were united in marriage at St. Patrick's church Wednesday morning at half past live by Kev. Haley in the presence of.fifty or more invited guests. Following the ceremony a wed ding breakfast was served, and at 7:30 the bridal couple left on a tour that will include Denver, Salt Lake Citv aud intermediate points. They will be absent a couple of weeks, and upon their return will take up their residence in the house in the Third ward which the groom bought and furnished prior to the ceremony. Mrs, Yatea is the daughter of Mrs. Kate Connelly and has resided in or near the city all her life. She attended the North Platte schools and later took up the vocation of teacher, in which she was very successful. She is a bright, pleasant young lady of many charming traits of character and will make the man of her choice an ever faith ful and happy helpmate. Mr. Yates has resided in Lincoln county for fifteen or more years, coming here with his lather in the early 80's., and settling near Sutherland. For two or three years past he has been employed as a fireman on the Union Pacific. He is a steady, sober and in dustrious young man, aud the fact that he purchased and furnished a house prior to the wedding in dicates that he has not wasted hi substance in riotous Hying. To Mr. and Mrs. Yates we ex tend, with many friends, our best wishes forfuture success. BETWEEiV THE RIVERS. L E. Jones had the misfortune thtt other day to have a fine milch cow die from eating too much alfalfa. 6. W. Rich ol Maxwell, will take charge of the Nichols school on Monday next. Del Urowulield has completed his job of plowing the fire guards along the U. P. section at Nichols. Miss Kate Sullivan of Nichols has been with friends at the county scat on business this week. Seeberger & Co. have taken in several bushels of new wheat with in the past few days at Ilershey. F. 10. Turner and Miss Bertha Piersou will take charge of the O'Fallous school on Monday, Sept. 10th. A representative ol the Omaha World Herald was trying to do business up this way for that paper the forepart of the week. O. W , Sullivan marketed hogs at Sutherland last Monday. Mrs. William lives returned from North Platte the first of the week. She will return within a few days aud then remain until after the street fair. A. B. Goodwin is attending the street fair at Grand Island this week. G. L. Mudd on the Paxton ranch shipped a car of fat hogs to south Omaha Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Hill of Her shey and their guests Mr. and Mrs. Win. Day ot Oweiro, N. Y., have returned from their visit to Denver and other western points, A family by the name of Wilson from down the line now occupy the W. 10. Park residence near Nichols. The ice cream social in the hall at Ilershey last evening for the benefit of the M. 10. pastor was well patronized and a neat little sum of money realized. Geo. Wilson and Miss Blanch Welliver were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents last Wednesday in the presence of several relatives and intimate friends, Justice of the Peace Brooks officiating. Their many friends all join in wishing them much happiness. We understand that relatives of Mrs. II. 10. Stone from Paxton will soon start a boarding house in the Strickler residence at Ilershey. DICKENS DOINGS. KubscII Bickford of Welllleet, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fristo and family this week. W. J. Duggan went to South Omaha Sunday morning with two cars of cattle which he placed on the market. Mr, Duggan had some fine cattle and got the highest market price. Miss Nellie Cossclmau of North Platte, is visit intr with relatives and friends in this community this wecK. Cecil Tucll received a car of groceries a tew days ago which he has opened up ready to sell. lie also received his dry goods and Invites everyone to call and look over his stock. Roy Bickford of Lincoln, Neb,, was visiting with Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Ftisto and fa'mily a few days last week. Six trains passed over the Burlington Saturday. One train had eighty cars. Six years ago a train of eighty cars would have hauled all the freight that was shipped on the road in a week. "Hurrah for McKinley," Miss Bertha Austin of Ogalalla, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Hodges this week, We regret to learn that one of bur preachers Rev. Frank Johnson f will depart in a few days for Omaha to receive medical treat ment. He has very weak lungs and he thought perhaps he could he helped. Rev. Johnson was well liked by all who knew him and it is hoped he can return in a few mouths. We are closing out our go-carts for twenty per cent less than regu lar prices. Ginn & Whjnoand. A MAN who takes pride in his per sonal appearance a good "dresser" docs not buy his dress suits from ready made stocks he gets a tai lor to make his clothes and thus secures a perfect fit. We, make suits mid guar antee them to 'fit at prices from .... $25.00 Up. We have a fine line of Kail and Winter Suitings. F.J. BROEKER Merchant Tailor Over Moreoh's Harbor Shop. Drs. Sliepard & Headrick These Physicians Decide to Make North Platte a Consultation point and will visit here regularly every month, ARE THEY RELIABLE? Drs. Shopurd ,t Hondrlok aro not "traveling dootors" in nny sonse. Tholr proottoo has Leon established in Oinahn for nine yours. Tholr llnnnolnl standing can bo ascertained through tho banks. They huvo largo nnd woll equipped oIHcob In tho Now York Lifo Building, and also conduct a Sanitarium, or Fri vato Hospital, whloh iH usually fuil of patients. Tho dootors will visit North Platto ovory month, for ono day, to per sonally cotiHult with tholr patlouts In this county. This motithly visit will bo a permanent feature of tholr work, In tending patlouts may consult nnd bo oxatninod freo of chargo. Hoforoncos by permission to Linooln county pooplo who know all about Dn. Shopord & lloadriok'u methods from personal ox porionco. HOW MUCH TO PAY? Feeh aro oxtreinoly light. All charges aro buHori upon tho wholemdo cost of mudiuinos required in each ease. Worthy people wishing troiitmont, but utiablo to pay cash for services, will bo givon reoBoiiitblo titno. Poor pooplo will ho trcntod for wliatovor sum thoy nro ablo to pay. All aro invitod toeomo. DISEASES OF WOMEN. Our Homo Troiitmont is ollleient ii all mild forms ot wonkiico mid uilmonta ot womon. Our main olTort is to pickvknt TIIK NKKI) OP OI'I'.ltATIONH. Many CU8C8 may bo ourod by mild moans at tho pationt'e homo. Wo invito womon to in yostigato wlmt wo nro now doing for their newborn in their own town nr county. Sevoro canes requiring oporn-1 tionB nro enrod for at our Sanitarium. MTOMACX, UVXK, XXDXBYS, NXXVKi AWD XMAJtT. Tho vnrloua ailments of these import ant organs treated by new mothod that give prompt relief in nil curable cases. Please ask us for our special literature explaining our way of rapidly handling nil chronio affections. CATARXH, DIATOMS AMD LUWO TXOUBLX. Cutarrh, Headache, Deafness and Bond NoIboo promptly benefitted, We linvo trontod 12,000 such easM in the past ton years. Wo furnish references nmoDg your own neighbors. Examina tion freo. Bronchitis, Asthma nnd be ginning Lung Disease successfully treat ed by Ozono InhnhUIonc. Thoeo nro givon at tho ofilco or nt the patient's homo by monns of tho Shopard & Hend rlolt V zone Inhaler. Ask for names of cured cobcb. Tho Consultation date for North Platto 1 Saturday, Scjitcmhor 8th nt Novlllo Hotel. THE QUICK TRAINS A HE RUN VIA THE Union Pacific 10 Hours Quicker to Salt Lake City, 15 Hours Quicker to Portland, 15 HourB Quicker to San Francisco PKOM MISSOURI RIVER THAN ANY OTIIKR LINK All Trains Wide Vestihuled, Splendid Rquipment, Pullman Palace Sleepers, Dining Car Service. Pullman Ordinary Sleeping Cars Daily, and PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS EVERY WEEK. For full iuformatiou call on Jas. B, Scanlan, Agent,