The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 24, 1900, Image 4

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    FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1900.
t. UnoHtitlMHfi ..!. - riliniP.I nllit n r. . . 4 ... 4 1, rl .S-1 .1 I, l C I
ant for Utiitcd States senator, pub- ever developed institutions that Iff I i N A I i 1 1
Hshcs a card in the Bee in which he mark the prosperity and fore- - iJ-uu.
M. i. : ,itii,,,r 4tinf 4i, thoiiLrht aniontr the masscsof the
IRA L BARE, Editor AWDPnorniKTon republicans for senator be ascer
taincd by a submission oi the
4 t
preference of the Douglas county people astncivincncan lie. nsur-
cut time. State Journal.
One Year, cnh In ndrsnce, ...i 11.25
names of the several candidates on
the ballots .it the primary election.
Shnatok Hoak lias finally had
his eves opened to Bryan's anti-
six Monthi. cart Id 78 ontf This method will strike the avcrace imperialism intentions and what
KntrdtihNorthpiatu(NbrMka)poitooot republican as beinj; very fair, and they really mean. He declares
Republican Ticket.
For ProBldont,
willian Mckinley.
For Vlco-Prosidont,
For Oovornor,
For Ltoutonont Governor,
For Secretary of Stnto.
For Tronsuror.
For Auditor,
For Attornoy Gonornl,
For Lnnd Comtnislonor,
For Sunt, of Publlo Instruction,
Presidential Electors.
For Congress, Sixth District,
if the other asn rants will fall in l ' !' " am
line With Roscwatcr's suinrcstion it ?n PH arc V.Ut a "mslf
will probably simplify matters in
Douglas county so far as a sena
torial candidate in concerned,
to cover the things they have
most at heart, viz: v rcc silver
and free trade, the overthrow of
the bankmir system and the rc-
rf(r:iiiiz:i I inn nf flip iiitntfmr
f.... . ...... C-... ... . mm I Vniinlq I 1 ' 1 .
ofcAiuK oir.itim, ''""' court. Senator Hoar also charo--
i.iT I . "
who so zcaiousiy supponca uryan CH on jjrvnn tnc direct responsi
four vcars atro but will now support bHitv of whatever President Mc
" - . I y
McKinley, says -that the anti-im- Kinley has been compelled to do
ncrialista" arc responsible for the in the Philippines and which
continuanccof the rebellion against may have had an appearance of
American authority in Luzon. The imperialism, iic poinis out tne
Senator cannot affiliate with a
party that allies itself with insur
rectionists who arc killing Ameri
can soldiers anu iirtnir upon uic
stars and stripes,
And all kinds of
Farm JWaehinepy.
Standard Goods at
Reasonable Prices.
The defendants Stephen A. Albro. liana
Alliro, Samuel Albro and Mr. Albro his
wife llrst name unknownl 1'hocnl.x Invest
ment Co.. Wllbcr A. Urothwcll and Mrs.
llrothwell wife first name unknown, will
take notice, that on the 2.1th rtav of June,
ltHX). the nlalntllT. The Countv of Lincoln, a
corporation, tiled Its petition In the district
court of Lincoln county. Nebraska, the
object and prayer of which Is to foreclose
certain tax liens, duly assessed by said
plaintiff apalnst the southwest quarter of
section 0. in township 10, north of range 3.1,
west of the Sixth principal meridian, Ne
braska, for the year 1KM In the sum of JO. 03!
ior wic vcar iwi in mc sum oi .imj; lor mu
car 1KK5 in the sum of 17.01; for the year im7
n the sum of M.73; for the vear 1H18 In the
sum of ta.TO; amounting In the total sum of
t39.70; with Interest at the rate of ten per
cent per annum from the llrst iliy of May,
in i. an oi which is uuc anu unpaid.
1'lalntiri prays n decree of foreclosure
of said tax Hens, and a sale of said prem
You and each of you defendants, arc rc
Hilred to answer said petition on or before
londay the 3d day of September. IW.
A Corporation.
J-171 My II. S. ItldRley. Its Attorney.
one fact that has been referred
to so often, Bryan's advocacy of
the ratification of the Treaty of
Paris, which was adopted by a
very close vote for which Bryan
was responsible. No matter
whether the treaty should
have been ratified or not
Lnfid onice nt North Platte, Neb.
Aucunt Gth. 1WXI.
Not I co Is hereby ulvon that Henry Lohr. Well
fleet, Neb., has tiled notice of Intention tn make
llnnl troof before register and receiver nt their
ofllce In North 1'lntte, Neb., on Friday, the 21st
day of September, 1100, on timber culturo aill-
ftnfi.m twi. ii.u. rfip inn Ann tmir urn uianai
democrats Bl'Van's action in Slinportillir it I quarter and southwest fiuarlor nouthoost quarter
lio. .a. in mwnniiii mo. iu norm, rnnue No, :-u
went. IIo names as witnesses, (toilirey Klulnow.
Fritz Kostor. Frederick Kruaor. of Wollflcet. Neb.
nod John Kolchort, of Kcbo, Nob.
niH UKonoK K, FnKMcii, Hcclstor.
and tlicn immcdiatclv scttintr
hiniscil up in opposition to those
things which followed as'thc log
ical effects of ratification, leaves
him in a pretty close corner from
which escape win oc lmpossi-
For County Attornoy.
Senatorial Couvontlon.
The republican olectors of tlio Thirtieth Ban
Morlal district of Nebraska, are requested to send
delates to a senatorial convention at Hldner,
Nebraska, on Tuesday, Hie lllh day of Heptomber,
1000, at 1 o'clock p. m for tbo puriOHe of noml
noting a candidate for Senator and Iho transaction
ot such other business as may bo necossary. The
teroral coontle In the district are entitled to rep
resentation m follows:
The North Carolina
made a most complete iob of red
shirting without the consent of
the red shifted.
Tammany !b raising a campaign
fund of $2,000,000. This will natur
ally make a little inroad upon the h,jCt Kearney Hub.
oro its ot tuc ice trust.
t ii. i
!, . ...,! - l iorin utirojinii ib n uumoenmo einio
i-rosperous ran ways muiuau hnvinir ronublionn Kovornor. Minno
coutury. iNo nation boU is n ronuulicnn stnto iinvlnc a dora
ocrniio covornor. uoveruors win uo
olocted in both this year.
Sinco iho Knnsne City convention
twonty-nino Minnosotn domocrntlo
nowsnnnors hnvo dosortod tho ticket nnd
.1 l - x , ..Tr : i c ; . i. ,...
editorials, points to the pension roll nr OBltontIri, Cnmlm,;n tho ronublicnnH
of Union soldiers as evidence of the of Hint stnto hnvo pninod llfty-four
can thrive when us
arteries arc clogged.
The New York Journal, a paper
for which Bryan writes political
Land Ofiko at North 1'latta, Nob.,
Aiiuust 15. IWX).
Notlco Is hereby ulveu that tho
settler has filed notlco ot his Intention to tuako
final uroof In sunnort of his claim, and that said
proof will bo miido beforo KeRlstvr and Ilecclver
it fiortu rlatto, aicu., ou beiilemuor -itli, iwu, viz
who made homestead entry No. 107h'.) for tht
wost halt of northoast quarter and east half of
northwest quarter of suction 30, township 11 north,
rntiKO w west.
Ue namcH tlio followlnu witnesses to nrovo His
continuous residence upon and cultivation of said
land, viz: K. L. Garrison, Wllllnm Itoso, Fred
Ilellur, lid Donaldson, or Nortu rlatio, Nob.
al74). fLO. K, FllKNUII, IteKlster.
Isn ? called that Mr.
Aicrnerson i
rerklus. .,
Hcotts UlalT
Iiauner 2
Olieyenne..... II
Dawson IS
Douel 4
Urnnt.-. '
Hooker 1
Ktlth ., 8
Kimball 'J,
It Is rocommendod (lint the iloleRatea present
bp permitted to east the full vnto ot tbolr delega
tions In case of absentees therein.
r. V. COKKIOK, Chairman,
A. H. 1IAL11W1N, Secretary.
Xepreiaatatlva Convontlon.
Thoro will bo hold In Sidney, Nobraska, on
Tunsday, Hoptemuer lllh, 1V0U, at 1:30 p. m., n
republican delcgato convention to place in noml
nation a randldste for member of tho legislature
from the Kith llopresontatlve District.
Counties will bo entitled to representation at
said convention, based upon tho vote for Juilgo li
lt, llerso In 1800,'as follows:
llanner...... 3 Lincoln l!t
CUeienno a MoPhorsan........... 1
Donel 4 Perkln , S
Keith 3 HcotU Iliad 4
Kimball 'i
Total M
It Is eipectotl that every count will be fully
J. K.Kvahs, O, D.Ltok,
Chairman. Hotrotary,
Secrbtary Poktur has decided
that the mld-roaders cannot have
a nlace on the ballot under the
designation of 'populist" but may
appear as "mid-road populist."
Apparently this will answer the
purpose of the mid-roadcrs. What
the fusionists wanted was to keep
them off the ticket.
militarism fostered by the present
Assailing Colonel Roosevelt's
war recora in tuc interest oi Air.
Urvan will be sure to produce a
boomcrantric effect. It will be re-
j.incoin.. i i "
uryati started
a to acquire a war record.
Thk Btate board o': transporta
tion aincc its creation has cost the
tax-pavers of the state one hun
drcd and thirty thousand dollars
and for this huge expenditure the
people have received no benefit
whatever. The board is a very
costly luxury and tuc sooner it is
wiocd out of existence the better.
General Ferdinand C. Lathrobe,
Total r,7 an old line democrat who served as
mayor of Baltimore for seven terms,
declares that McKmlcy and Roosc
vclt will carry Maryland by a hand
some inaioritv. Mr. Gorman tic-
clitics to identify himself with the
Bryan campaign in that state.
The Illinois Central Railway
Company has given its employes
notice of an additional ten per cent
increase in their wages, This is a
pleasing exhibition of advancement
without the request of the ad
Every prediction made by Bryan
in the campaign of 18, except
that of his own election, has been
proven to be faUc by the history ot
the last four years, and as he now
goes auout propucsyiug sun
heavier calamities there is comfort
iu the thought that he docs not
know what he is talking about.
A pretty good indication of how
the political wind is blowing in
Keith county is shown by the fact
that one ot our local merchants
ordered two boxes of campaign
badges the first week every Mc
Kinley badge was sold; three weeks
have elapsed and the box of Bryan
badges remains two-thirds unsold.
and were crazy to sell at any price
and could not, arc now worth 40 or
50 thousand dollars,- Ogalnlla
nowBpnpors, whilo tho domocrnts hnvo n
not loss of twenty.
"Tho intornrotntion of Iho doolnrntinn
mnuu by AurMinm Lincoln is klonticul
with that nindo by William J. Brynn,"
says tho WnrJu-IIornlu. Tins, if true.
ndua now luster to tlio nntno ot tho
innrtyr pronidont. Lincoln snoko llrst
nnd ho cortninly wnB inspired when he
uttoroii tlio snmo opinion mvon out oy
w. J. iirynn thirt v-uvo years intor.
Fromont Tribune.
On Jellies
preserves nnd pickles, spread
a turn coating of retlnod
Will koep thsm absolutely molntnrn and
acid proof. I'srsRIno Wi Is slsousslul In,
dosn othrr wars about t hs honso. trail
dlrsctloniln such pound psclugs.
Sold everwhirs.
I Lnnds nnd UuiklinKB will offer nbout
7,500 acres ot school lnnd for lenso at
DUblicntiction nt JNortli l'latto nt tho
County Treasurer's ollico, beKinninc nt
0, m.. Stntombor 28, 1900, undor tho
following provisions of tho now school
lnnd law:
'If. aftor ustna duodlllKonco toleasosnld land
at an annual rental ot six per cent upon tlio
annralsed valuation, tho Commissioner Is miablu
to do so, he may oiler the samo for loase t Ipsa
man I'io apprairou vaiuauou ami leaso It to tlio
porson or persons wno lll pay six por cent on the
flintiest ottered valuation, as anuual rental. If. In
his Judgment, It Is to tho best Interests ot the
stato to accept sucli old."
Persons desiring to oxnmino tho lnnds
to bo loused tnny secure lists of thosntne,
Miowinp; tho presont npprnisomont
thorooi, as well nsnny othor inforinntion
unon npplicntion to th" County Trons
uror. or by nddrossintr thoCommiBFionor
Lincoln. At tho becinninc of the
auction, tho Commissioner will Kindly
nnswor nil inquiries In regard to tho
school lnnd business or tho workings of
tho now inw.
The defendants J. I.. Mooro. trustee of tho
Qlobo Investment Company, Tho fllobo Invest
ment Company, Dell linker and John Doo true
name unknown, will tako notice that on Iho 10th
day ot July, 1C00, tho plaintiff The County of Lin
coln, a coriMirntlnn, filed Its petition In tho district
court ot IJncol'i county, Nebraska, tho object and
prayer or wincn is to rnrecioso certain lax liens,
duly asscseod by said plaintiff against tbo north
west quarter nf section 'JO, In township It), north
of rnngo "0, west nf Sixth principal meridian,
Nobraska, for tho year 180:1 In tho sum of $11,711
rnr tuo year im't in tho sum or ti.w, for tbo year
lMISIn the sum of (7.01: for tho vear IBM In tho
sum ot J-8.20; for tho year 1897 In tho sum of tO.Rli
ior inn year lava in me sura or ti.Kli for me
year lhVJ In tho sum ot f 1.23; nmnuntlr.R In the
total sum of $77.11; with Interest at tho rato often
per cont per annum from tho 1st day ot May,
1900, all of which Is duo nud unpaid.
l'lntntlS prnya n decrco ot foreclosure nf said
tax Hon and n salo of said premises,
Tlin ilAfnnriant the Globe Investment Company,
the Dakota Loan Corporation, O, W. Richardson,
nrst name unknown, and John Doe, true
name unknown, win taie nouce ui on m
lOthdavof Julr. 1000. the plolntltt, The County
of Lincoln, a corporation, filed Its petition In tho
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, the ob
ject and prayer of which Is to foreclose cortaln
tax Hens, duly assessed by said plaintiff against
the southeast quarter ot tho southwest quarter
northeast quarter of southeast quarter, south halt
of southeast quarter of section 2l, In township 10.
north of rniico St), west of the Sixth principal
meridian. Nehrnidia. for the voar IMC! in tho sum
of for the year IHW In the sum of (41.72; for
me year 18VI in tlio sum of W v; ior mo yoar isw
In tho sum of Ifl.Oli for the vear 18WJ In the sum
of 8.57 for the year 1897 In tbo sum of 17.63; for
inn jenrjHW mine sum oltv.ui; lorine year
lMft) in the sum of 7.00; amounting In the total
sum ot f80.rKI; with Interest at the rate of
ten per centner annum from the first day of May,
lvuu, an or wutcli Is due and unpaid.
Flalntlff Drays n dncrnn nr fnrnrlnsnrn of said
tax lion and a sale of said premises.
You and each ot you defendants, are required to
answer said petition on or bofore Monday, the
17th day of September. 1000.
A Onrnnmtlnn.
"71 lit It. S. Rldsley. Its Attorney.
You and each nf you defendants, are required to
nnswor said petition on or before
17th day of Heptetubur, 11.00,
Dated August 0th, 1W0.
A Corporation.
a74 Uy U. S. ltldgley, Its Attorney
The defendant Mattl h. Durffec. will take
notice that on the 3d day of August. MW,
the Dlalntlll. The Cltv of North l'latto. a
corporation, tiled Its petition tn the district
court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, the ob
ject and prayer of which Is to foreclose ce
tain tax liens, duly assessed to said plalntl
aj;alnst lot I In block llR.clty of North l'latte.
Nebraska, for the vear im In the sum of for the year iroo In the sum ot $110.08,
ror the year 1801 In the sum of (110.38: for
the yeor 18ltt In the sum of IS0,!!2; for the
fear inn in mc sum orjiuini: ior uie vear
KOI in the sum of fto.BJ. for the vear 895 In
thcstimof C7.H0; for the year IKOfl In the sum
of 70.10; for the year IH'J7 In the sum of!i for the year 1W8 In the sum of 52.70;
tor tne year iwu in tne sum of so.ih; tax
certificate llfty cents; amountlnR In the
total sum of tPU-J.Ol; with interest at the
rate of ten per cent per annum from the loth
nay or otuy uw, an oi wnicn is tiue ana uiv
l'lalntlff praj-s a decree of foreclosure
of said tax Hens, and a sale of said prenv
You and each of vou defendants are re-
requlred to answer said petition ou or bc-
lore uic inn uay oi ncnieinncr, nw
A Corporation,
a7l Hy A. II. Davis, Its Attorney
Tho defendants Nellie O. Kennedy. Ken
nedy, bar husband first name unknown, Esthers.
Hlllor. will take notlco that on the 10th dav nf
July, 1000, the plaintiff, tho County of Lincoln,
a corporation Sled He petition In Iho district
court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, the object and
prayer or wnicn is io rorocioso ceriain tax Hens,
duly assessed by said plaintiff against the east
half of tho northwest and east halt of southwest
quartor of soutlon 10, In township 10, north ot
rango 20, west of tho jSlxlh principal meridian.
Nebraska, for the year VSQl In the sum of 17.08;
for tbi year 1603 In tho sum of tO.72; for tho year
1WI In the sum of 10 20; for tho year 1M5 in the
sum of M.OIl for the year 1800 In the sum nf (8.S0;
ior me year lavt in uie sum or 7 a:; .rnr tne year
1808 In the sum bf 7.01t for tho year 1809 In tho
sum nt 3.r3; amounting Iu tho total sum ot 7S.77
with Interest at tho rate ot Inn per cent
from the 1st day ot May, 1000, all of which Is due
and unpaid. .
rialutlfl prays a docreo of foreclosure of
said tax Hen and a salo ot said premises.
You and earh ot you defendants, aro required
to answer said petition on or beforo Monday the
inn uay ui oepiemoer, iwu.
Dated August 0, 1000.
A Cornorntlon.
a74 Vy U.S. ltldgley; Its Attorney.
The Btatr or Nebraska, ) In the County
Lincoln uounty. ) court.
In tho mattor of tlio estato of Howard F. Jeffrey,
On reading and filing the notltion of Ettn 8.
Jeffrey, piaying that administration of said estato
may bo granted to bor as administratrix,
Ordered, that September S, 1000, at 0 o'clock
a. m., Is assigned 'for hearing said petition, when
all persons Interested In said matter may appear
at a County Court to be held In and for sold coun
ty, nnd show cause why tbo prayer ot potltlotrcr
should not be granted.
uaiou August J3, IVW. A. B. U ALU WIN.
(A truo copy.) all-l County Judge.
Legal Notice.
Tho doteudnnts Wostorn Union Farm
Lonn nnd Trust Compnny, li. W. Tul-
loys urst nnrao ununown, liurnbnm Tul
leys nnd Compnny, Henry Wilson,
Wilson, his wifo, first namo
unknown and John Doo, truo
unmo unknown, will tako notlco thnt on
tbo 24th dny of July, 1900, tho plaintiff,
Tlio uounty oi Liincoin, n corporation.
tiled its petition in tho district court of
Lincoln couuty, Nobrnskn, tho object
Iiogal Notice.
Tlio dofondnnts John M. Youmr.
Liuirn loung ins wifo, nntl Htull
ltmf.bnrR ri Tinrtnnromn ittl1 t..lrn
notico that on tlio 21th dny of July, nnd prayer ot which iB to forocloso cor-
luuu, mo pininuu, rno uounty of tnin lax lions uuly nseBsed by said
Liclcohi, a corporation, tiled its potition
in tho district court or Lincoln county,
Nobrnskn, tho obi'ect nnd prayor of
which is to forocloso cortnin tax lions
duly assessed by raid plaintiff against
tho southeast quartor of section 18. in
township 9. north of rnno 30, west of
Sixth principal niorulinn, JSebrnskn. for
Uioyo ir lo'Join thoFtitn of; for tho
The defendants Olive T. Webster.
Webster her husband, llrst name unknown.
and John Doc, true name unknown will
take notice that on the and day of July,
1D00. the plaintiff. The County of Lincoln, a
corporation, filed Its petition In the district
court of Lincoln comity, Nebraska, theob-
ind prayer of which Is to foreclose cer
tax liens, duly assessed bv said nlalntlff
acalust the southwest ouartcr of section
:t, In township 0, north of ranuc20, west of the
aixui principal meridian. jNenrasKa. lor tne
year 180ft In the sum of iO.&j; for the year 1800
inthe sum of $7. HI; for the year 1807 In the
sum of 11000; for the year 1808 In the sum ot
7,8l; amounting In the total sum of 12.03;
with interest at the rate of ten tier cent
per annum from the llrst day of May, 1000,
all of which In due and unnald
i-iainun prays a decree oi lorcciosurc
1897 in tho sum of 9.08; for tho yonr 1898
in tho sum df 8.12; for tho yonr 1899
n tho sum of 80.37: nmountintr in tho
total sum of 600.27; with interest nt tho
rnto of ton por. cont pf r annum from tho
lllh day of July, 1900. all of which is
duo nnd unpaid.
rlnintill prays n dooreo of forocloeuro
of said tax luin nud n snlo of snid prem
You nud onch of you defondnnts aro
required to nnswor sum potition on or
beforo Aionuny, tho mil day of Soptom
tier. iuou.
A Corporation.
ti71 By II. S. IlidRloy. its Atty
cin, and
of said tax
You and each of
sale of said prenv
are re
vou (Iofnnilni Is
ntllrcd to answer said lietltlnn nn or lwfnrp
Monday, the 3d day of September, 10no.
Dated Julv 18. 1W,
A Pfirnnrnttrtn.
J12W Hy H. S. HldBicy, Its Attorney.
When people sit down nnd calm
ly reflect that Candidate Bryan
never has an issue that will last
four years they will realize how
ephemeral is his candidacy and
how flcctinp; his principles. First
the "robber tariff," then the gold
standard, with Uh, "destruction
greater than war, pestilence and
famine," and now "imperialism"
with its dreadful consequences. He
is an invcutlye geniuB and he can
manufacture isBiicH about as fast
aB he can be licked. Fremont
In last Monday's Bee ten old line
democrats, amonir the number Dr.
Geo. L. Miller. W. A. Paxton,
Judge WaUely, Dr. George Tildcn
and 15. L. Stone, give reasons why
thoy will oppose the election o
Bryan. Kach declare that the in
fection of imperialism into the
campaign is a bugaboo and a choice
bit of demagogiBin calculated to
catch the vote of the unwary. The
ten men who express their opinions
so forcibly are among the leading
business and professional men o
Omaha and their expressions are
entitled, to much consideration by
the thoughtful voter.
Tho American Investor .
NowRtissia turns to the United
States tor iunds to pav the ox
idises involved in the costlv op
lerations in China. Money will
c furnished, it is reported, to
the amount of about $150,000,000
y a syndicate composed of the
ending life insurance companies
of this country.
This loan will oc the most 1111
lircssive object lesson yet furn
ished of the growing- financial
strength ot the United states.
It will indicate too that the groat
wealth ot this nation is distnbut
ed among- the people and is not
iggreguted in a few hands. The
assets of the insurance compan-
ics oeionir, just as cmpiiaticaiiy
as the assets of the savings banks
to the average American citizen.
When this money is loaned to the
Kussian government it means
that the savings of thousands of
people in moderate circuinstan
ces are collected by the perfect
machinery of the life insurance
companies and are so handled as
to he factors in a great interna
tional financial transaction. It
will he a demonstration of the
value of the great companies in
encouraging- thrift and of the
ability of the great common peo
ple to lay by large amounts Irom
their carning-s by the exercise of
a nine uuHiness pruuencc. I'roo
5 P1CT0
rr n -, n - wr iun year in-ja in mo um or Jiu.'jtjj fni
vn SVIM,IW,M IU 1 M for tlm yonr 1807 tn tho mnn of $10.8
' I ll, tUOJ 1.. t. .1.. r .
....ON ...
Only Two Nights
For ticltots, timo tables nnd
full information, cull on
Jamkh U. Soanlan, Agent.
The dofendantft Mary Juoophlno MoCounniiRbay
McOonnnuclinT hnr hn.linml nr. I nnma
uuknnwu, W. I). Maud, nud l'n. A. Kllnor,
stnckholdora of tlio Mend Htnte llmik, (Implnniled
with othera) will tuke nntlcu that on tho 24th day
of July, 1000, the plnlntlff, Tim County of Lincoln,
L'ur'iriuuu, mud us jwillion in lll lllntrlct
court of Lincoln eouuty, NebrnsVa, Iho object and
prayer of which U tu furrcloro rortaln tnx lions,
duly iiood hy Mid plaintiff hkhIiihI tho pouth-
woet ipinrier or soctlou 20. tnwnrhlp 10, north
of rnuiio 00, went bf tho HUlh piloolpnl murlillau,
Nobraska, tor tbo yonr 1MU In (he mim of 10,11;
for the yenr 1H03 in tho asm of 10.'illi for tho
Htl Inr
thoytiir IStW lu Iho uiu of $7.21: for tho yenr
"win imiruui tn i oi; ninoumiiiK in tlio total
auni (if ICU.:i.1; with IntereBt nt tin. rnt nt Ii.m
porcont por nmmm' from Iho lllh day of July.
UK)0,iill of which Uduonnd uiipnld.
I'inimiii pniya n uecreo oi rorojloftiro of mid
tnx lieu nnd n talo of inli nrciuUo.
You nnd ench of you defomtnnU nro reiiulrrd to
ntmwer until putltlon on or boforo Monday, tho
A Corimrntlnn.
o1?! l)y 11. 8. ltlilKloy, lis Attorney.
General Hepairor.
Special attention given to
Ijegal Notice
llio dorondntits Jolm Shilnnil nnd
Jolin Jloo truo nnmo unlcnown will
tnlto nolico that on tlio lGtli duv r,f
July. 1900. tho nlniiititr. Tlio f'nnntv nf
Lincoln, n comorntion. lllod its not it Inn
in tlio district court ot Lincoln countv,
ruitmiBKii, tno obioct nnd nrnvor i f
which la to forocloso certain Ins liiinn.
duly nBecEDi'd by enid plaintilV niininst
tllO POlltllWeet OUIirtor ofspntmn in. in
townfihip li, north or rano wiHt of
tuo oixin -princiimi nioriilmii, NoliniBlta,
for tho yoar 181KI in tlio mim or $l).li);
for tho yoar 181)1 in tho Rum of H.Ofi: for
tho yoar 1B05 in tlio mini or 0.70; for tlio
year lSOQin tlio stun or V2XYJ; tor tho yonr
1807 lu tllOBtltn of KI.ll! for llin vi nr 1R!)H
in mo Bum oi iu.i)c, ior llio voar ib'J'J
in tho Bum or 87.75; ntuntintinu in tho
total Bum or 80.1.77, Avilh intoroflt nt tlio
rato ot ton nor cent por annum rrom tlio
llrst day or May, 1000, all or which a
duo anu unpaid.
PlalntilT prays a dooreo or roroolcsuro
or Biilu tax Hon nud a salo or said prom
Vou and oncii or you defondnntH nro
, i ... . , :
ruiiuirou to nnswor Bnui potition on or
boioro Monday, tlio 17tli day of Soptom
uor, jyju.
TUB t.llUrTV Ul" I.INt Of,N,
A Ctirnorntion.
n71 ny II. S. ItldKloy, its Atty
plaintiff ncninBt tho Bouthonst qunrter
of Sootion 10, in Township 0 north,
or lltngo 30, wost or tho Sixth
priucipnl niorulinn, Nob nska, ror tho
year 1800 in tho Bum of ai2.27, Tor tho
yenr 1807 in the Bum or 0.10; for tho year
lays in ino sum or v.ih; ror the year
1809 in tho sum of 0.07; amounting in
tlio totnl Biim bf 811.42. with internal, nt
. tir r !.. ti ... m r . i 1.. ... .
onr iow in tno sum oi rj ou; ior tuo year tbo rate of ton per cont per annum from
tho 14th day of July, 1000, all ot which
is duo nnd unpaid.
rintntui prnvB n docreo of fore-
olosuro of said tax Hen nnd n sale of
sni'l promises.
iou anu oach or you defendants nro
roq-jired to answer enid petition on or
boforo Mondny, tho 17th day of Sop
tombor, 1000.
A Corporation,
n71 By H. S. Ridgloy, ita Atty.
ROAD No. 250.
Lonvl Notice
Tho dorondonts Charles Piodlor.
Firdlor, his wifo, first nnmo unlcnown.
(Impleaded with others) will tako
notico mat on tlio 'Jlln day of July,
1000, tio plaintiff, Tho County or
Lincoln, n corporation, tiled Us petition
in tho district oonrt ot Lincoln countv.
Nobrnskn, tho obioot nnd pravor or
To all whom it may concern:
i no commissioner appointed to locate
n county road commencing on tpo nprth
oounuary ot ino towpsiio pi tirnuy
Island, nt tho north end of Main street.
nnd thonco in a norUioustprly direction.
11, tho northwest quarter Boction 2 and
tho south half nud northonst nuarter
sootion 1, of township 12 north, rnngo
27 west, and through tbo onst hnlf of
which ib to foreoloeo cortnin tnx 1 Ions 600uOn 31 , the southeast quarter section
duly nEseeeod by Baid plaintiff acamst in ti.,o..i. on ,i, n..,mof
tho northoiist quarter of seotion 10, in quarter nml north hnlf eootion 28 to tho
lownsliip 0, npith of rango ilO, west of northonBt cornor of pootion 28, nnd
r" Voof , o " ? ' thonco east one miioonme Geotiou lino
tlio yoar 1891 in tho sum ot S8.87: for the
yoar 1805 in tho sum or 12.05; for tho yeor
j duo in ino sum or ror tlio your
1807 in tho sum of 8.83: for tho veor
189S in tho sum of 7.78: for tho vonr
1890 in tho sum or 1.05: amounting in
tho total sum or 87C.05; with interest at
llio rato of ion porcont por annum tram
tlio 11th day or July, 1000, all or which
to duo and unpaid.
L'laintiu nrnyB n dooroo or foroolosuro
of nam tax loin and a salo or said prom
louand onoh or you defondanta nro
required to nuBwor snid potition on or
uororo Aioiulny, tlio lith dny or Soptom
uor, inw.
this l'uumty or LINCOLN,
A Corporation
botwoon sections 22 and 27, ot township
13 north, rnogo20 wost, nnd terminating
nt tho southeast corner of eootions 22,
township 13 north, rnngo 20 wost, nn
further shown by the pint nnd field notes
ot tho survey on tilo in tho county clerk's
odlco, line reported in fnvor ot tho es-
tnblisumont thereof nnd nil olnims for
dnmngos must bo filed in tho county
olork'e office on or boforo noon of tlio
10th dny of Ootobor, 1000, or tho road
will bo ostnblishod without rofororco
thoreto. W. M. HOLTRY,
nl71 County Clerk.
Logo! Notico.
Tho dofondanta J. Crnwford first
nnmo unknown, William Qoddnrd.
By II. S. Ridgloy, its Atty. Qoddnrd his wifo, first nnmo unknown,
vjinrn uouuins, iiouoins, nor hue
unnd, urst name unknown,
Logal Notice.
Tho defendants Tlio Globo Invest
ment Company will tako uotico
thnt on tho 10th dny of July. 1900.
tho plaintiff. Tho Countv of Lin-
coin, a corporation, tilod its potition in
uioiiistrioi court or Mnco n countv. No.
bniBka, tho object and prayer ot which
Ib to torooloeo certain tnx lions duly
iiHsoscu iy snui
tho northwest
Edwnrds. Edwnrds her husbnnd.
llret nnmo unknown and John
Doo, truo nnmo unknown, will tnko
notico that on tho ICth day ot July.
1900, tho plnintiff. Thb Countv of Lin-
coin, u corporntion, filed ifs potitiop in
tho District Court of Lincoln Countv.
Nobrnskn, tho objeot nnd prnyor pf
'plaintiff ngninst which ia to forocloso portniu tax IjetiR,
tt-r of section 12, duly nssoBBod by Raid plnintiff ngainet
i ot rango 20, west tho northeast quarter or section 23,'town-
111 lOWUHIlip 10. Iiorl l Of rant'O 'JO. WOBt tho UorthnilBtniinrtnr
ot tho Sixth prhicipnl meridian, shin 0. nnrth nf
rs.'i,'"?"n' rf!r tho year lbOl n tho sum priucipnl tnoridinn. Nobrnskn. for tho
rvr I U I rir tlwt vnim 1 Ul I t it 4 I a n f I
; i ' ' , num oi year iouo, in tno sum of; for tho
7. (i; for ho yenr lhOtl in tho Bum ot year 1890, in the sum of 23 00 for tho
8.20; for tho year 1807 in ho Bum or your 1897, in tho sum ot P.lfljfonho
0 M for tho year 1898 in tho biuii or year 1898, in tho sum or 4.88; for t o
i.8l; for tho year IfiOi) r tho sum or year 18TO, in the sum ot (5.14; amounting
8. W); lUHOtinthiK in tho total sum or in tho totnl sum of ft79.r,o. ,i,i. t..," '"'
n i on . ...l.l. i . .
cm mi; uum iiiiuretiL
nt tho i nto or ton nt tho rnto or ton por
nnr nnnl nnr nniinni frnm Mi. 11, c .1.... ..p I .1.- i .
May 1000, all or which iadtio and unpaid which is duo nnd unpaid.
Plnintiff praya a docreo ot foreolosuro Plaintiff prajB n deoreo of
or enid tax loin and a oalo of said prom- of said tax lions nnd n Bnln nf
cont per nnnuni
1000, nil of
, -...w w. uuiu utcni.
Vou mid enoh of you dofondnntfl nrn v nn.i ni,
reouirrdto nnswor said potition on or required I to ruoavermtFYti?n Wy
boioro Mondny, tho 17th day 0r Sontem. l.Xrn Mnn,in"8,Vlrin, P?"" .n
nn r: v., uuy oi oeptom-
our, iiw,
n71 By II. S. Ridclov. iia Attv. n7i i... rr o V.rP0r.all0D-
her, 1900,