The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 17, 1900, Image 6

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    The Semi-Weekly Tribune.
IRA I ItAltE. Proprietor.
The Alabama miners liavo decided
riot to strike.
Franco is going to send two moro
cruisers to China.
The Oregon cannot ho repaired at
Port Arthur. The dock Is too small.
An electric car at Webster, Mass. A
steep grade. Threo men fatally hurt
The social democrat of Connecticut
named their state offlccrs nt Now Ha
ven. Hamilton Smith, a well Known Now
York mine operator, died nt Durliam,
N. H.
The Christian Endcavorers wero
lato in getting started from New
General Jamont hna passed up his
Job as Inspector general of iho French
Charles HlgglnB, assistant 'general
passenger agent of tho Santa Fo road,
is dead.
Tho Coal Exchnngo store at Scran
ton, Pa went up in smoke. Loss,
Tho Arions of Brooklyn won tho
Kniscr Wllhclm prlzo In tho llrooklyn
Tho Drltlsh arc running up against
heavy roads In the march to tho relief
of Kumassl.
Tho Burlington Is going to extend
its road west from Guernsey Into tho
Mormon state.
A Cincinnati cloctric car whirled
around a bend and Jumped tho track.
Ono mnil was killed.
Ignatius Comlskey, brother of Char
Icy Comlskcy, tho famous baseball
man, died In Chicago.
A couple of frlcght. trains mixed up
nt Medicine Bow, Wyo., una consid
erable damage was done.
Flro destroyed tho rag mill of tho
Plover Paper company at Slovens'
Point, Wis.. Loss, $75,000.
Rear Admiral Barker has been
elected to fill tho Job left vacant by
tho dcmlso of Itcnr Admiral Philip.
Kid Broad was given his fight with
Davo Sullivan of Ireland, nt tho Sea
side Athletic club. Sullivan fouled.
Tho Pennsylvania railroad has pur
chased tho Allegheny Valley and tho
Western New York & Pennsylvania
Tho branch factory of tho Stand
ard Wheel company was nenrly totnlly
destroyed by flro at Sandusky, O. Loss
At Annlston, Aln., Hon. John L.
Pennington, ox-govornor of Dakota,
editor of tho Alabama Home, dlod at
the ago of 7G.
Tho lono robber Is becoming popu
lar. Tho passengcro on tho Burling
ton near Billings wero relieved of
considerable coin by one.
Puddlors to tho number of 200, em
ployed nt Moorhcad's plato mill,
Shnrpsburg, Pa., struck ngalnst a re
duction of 20 per cent In wngos.
At Calico, Ark., an cntiro family of
nlno persons, namod Fink, have died
from eating toadstools, under tho im.
prcsslon that they worn mushrooms.
Now Orleans has gono exposition
mnd. They nro planning an inter
oceanic exposition to bo held on the
completion of tho Ntcnrauguan canal.
George Schoenlg nnd William Grab
wero killed nnd Fred Frlgo probably
fatally Injured by a Baltimore & Ohio
train which struck their buggy nt Co
lumbia, 111.
Harry C. McGowan of Louisville,
Ky a noted trainer of trotting horses,
was run over nnd killed by n streot
tar whllo returning from tho races at
Terro Haute.
At San Francisco, Honry D. Cogs
well dlod ngod SO yoars. Ho waB tho
founder of tho Polytechnic College In
thnt city, and was an ardent prohi
bitionist and philanthropist.
Threo moro bodies wero recovered
Monday from tho wreck of tho steamor
Saalo. This makes 118 corpses thus
far recovered of victims of tho North
Gorman Lloyd pier flro nt Hoboken.
Tho Chicago Democrnt, forinorly tho
jjispaicu. an artornoon pnpor, found
cd In 1892. has susnendnd thn niihll
cation of Its dnlly edition, nnd will
be continued as a weekly. Lack of
patronage causes tho discontinuance
oi mo tinny.
Charles Bockman, tlio ramous horso
breeder, is dead.
Tho secretary of tho Interior has
appointed J. B. Mclntlrc, of Kallspoll,
Mont.: .Tnmos H. McNcelev. of EvniiH-
vllle, Intl., and G. H. Hoyt, of Beat
rice, Nou commissioners to deal with
tho Crow, Flathead and other Indiana
umior the net of Juno u. 1900.
Tho Washington stntuo bar) been
unveiled In Paris.
James II. Hoffmnn, presldont of tho
Hebrew 'technical Institute, trusteo
of tho Baron Do Hlrsch fund, nnd for
moro thnn thlrty-flvo years prominent
in Jieorow cliarltles In tho united
States, Is dead, at Now York, aged C7
Gcnernl Wood has sent In n long
list or tiontiiu from yellow fovor.
At Jollet, III., tho converter and bll
lot mills of tho Illinois Steel company
resumed and nearly n thousand men
wore put to work. Tho Amalgamated
scalo lino not been signed, but tho In
tlicntlons aro that ' a speedy settle
mont will no effected.
Nathan Bnkor killed his daughter,
BcsbIo by cutting her throat and then
shot himself dead at Richmond. Ind.
United States Commissioner General
Peck gave tho last of his functions nt
Purls, n dinner to tho Jurors. Ovor
100 people sat down to tho In
tlio united States national pavilion.
Sir Thomas Fnrrol, tho famous
sculptor, died nt Dublin.
In (ho English house of lords tho
government was defeated, 62 to 59, on
a motion of viscount Templeton (con
servatlve) to appoint a royal commls
alon to consider the claims of' Irish
landlords for compensation for injuries
Buffered by legislation since 1881.
Blanket Indiana in Minnesota Are Ex
cited and an Outbreak is Feared.
Nothing lias llnoii Henril of Captain
Morcer Slnco III Departure (or the
Agency Hint Ila Mny llnva Hern Slain
(treat Kicltemnnt nt Ited Luke.
SOLWAY, Minn.. July 14. Danger
pf nn"outbrcnk by tho blanket Indians
on Hod Lnko Is Increasing. Tho In
dian police from tho agency liavo
gono over to the point whero tho man-
kctors aro still holding their wur dnnco
nnd it Is expected that troublo will
Bulletins hnve been posted In tho
Chlppowa language warning nil friend
ly Indians and whites to remain away
from tho point or suffer tho conse
Twonty mounted men left Solwny
lata Inst night and will proceed to
tho agoncy and take Instructions from
Indian Agent Mercer, The men .aro
well armed and carry osich 1,000 rounds
of extra ammunition which will bo
distributed among tho sottlcrs.
A petition will bo sent to Governor
Llnd tomorrow, asking that a detach
mont of stnlo troops bo sent to Ited
Lako at onco,
Tho Indians keen un their war
dances and th'elr shouts can bo heard
for threo miles nt frequent Intervals.
They dlschnrgo tholr rifles In tho air.
t is said that a largo body of rods
from tho northern part of tho stato
has Joined forces with tho blankotqrs
nnd small bands of Indlnna nro Join
ing tho mntn body hourly. It is es
timated that tho entire force, numbers
ovor 300 at tho present. Tho squaws
nnd papooses have boon sent north
nnd only tho young bucks remain at
tho point.
Tho white pcttlors at tho point nro
propnrlng for nn iillack. Tho Indians
nt tho agency have assured tho whites
t tholr support, but It Is thought that
many of thorn aro going ovor to thu
Nothing has been heard of Captain
Morcer slnco his departure for tho
lnko and fears nro entertained for his
Chinese minister Undorlalce to Out Mrs-
IB" Through to Conner.
WASHINGTON. July 14. The Chi-
ncBo minister, Mr. Wu, has undertaken
to got through ti clphor cable mcs
sngo from Sccrotnry Hay to 'United
Mates Minister Conger nt Pekln nnd
to deliver bac,c tho reply of tho latter
If ho bo nllvo. Mr. wu forwarded tho
cipher dispatch, t.ogother with on ex
tended explanatory mcssngo of his
own, on Wodncsday, and tho results
nro now being eagerly awaited both by
Socretary Hay nnd tho Chtnoao min
ister, although It Is appreciated that
somo days must clapso before runners
can carry out this plan or opening
up communication botween tho Amer
ican government at Washington and
tho American minister ut Pokln.
It was coon nftcr Minister Wu pre
sented tho text of tho edict issued by
tho Chlno30 Imperial government thnt
Mr. Hay requested him to got through
a rnossago to Mlnlotor Conger. Slnco
tho Chlneso govornmont ban succeeded
In getting through Its own communica
tion from i okln, Mr. Hny felt that It
was quito rcasonnblo to nak that llko
communication bo opened between our
minister nnd thu government hero. Mr,
Wu readily nssontod to this proposition
nnd evidenced an earnest dcslro to
uro all his personal nnd offlclnl influ
ence In gottltig through tho mcssngo.
Ho suggested, howevor, that Mr. Hay
hlmsolf should write tho mcssngo In
clphor, ns tnls would bo proof positive
to Mr. Conger of Us genu:cncss,
whereas nny opon rnossago to tho
minister might bo under tho suspicion
of having emanated from the Boxers.
St. I.nulH Authorities Tuke Member of n
Despurutn (lit nor After u Flsht.
ST. LOUIS, July 14. Ton dotoctlvcs
ongaged this morning In n thrilling
utroct light with John Nelson, alleged
to bo ono of tho gang who robbed tho
Illinois Central express car of SlO.OuO
near Wlckllfto, Ky early Wednesday
morning. In the bnttlo, which began
In tho liouso on Finney rivonuo nnd ex
t'Midcd to tho Vandovontor street sta
tion, forty shots woro exchanged, Nol-
son was badly wounded, but oscaped.
Onnoral Special Agont Gcorgo Murray,
chief of tho Illinois Central railway
detective bureau, was shot by tho fur
tive and is in a hospital with his left
thumb shattered and a ragged pistol
wouud ranging through his loft arm
from tho elbow to tho shoulder.
Charles W. Barnes, snld to bo a mem
ber of tho gang, was quickly ovorpow
orod at 4300 West Bollo placo at 3
o'clock this morning and is now In
INklitltiK A mo iik Themselves.
NEW YORK, July 14. A dlspntch
to the Journal and Advertiser from
tihnnghal sayB: Tho viceroy of Fuh
Klcn has received a dispatch from
I'uklu, dated July 7, announcing that
General Nlch, with 9,000 men, had
reached there from Lutnl by making
a long detour of tho north. Ho met
and defeated Prince Tunn's army nnd
rescued Prlnco Chlng, but lost 2,500
men In tho operation,
Ho Is now trying to rescue General
Yung-Lu nnd thus save what may bo
left of tho legations In Pckln. Nloh
is favorable to tho foreigners.
Explosive Arc it Mmterjr.
PARIS, July 14. Tho origin of tho
two boxes of explosives dlscoverod
by a watchman In tho cellars of tho
grnr-t placo of the Champ Ulysoo is
.Ulll a mystery. Tho police bolleve
they wero loft by workmen when
they excavated tho foundations of
tho building or were hidden there by
Inloves who Intended to recover them
later. Tho feeling In other quarters,
howuver, 1s that a plot existed to
nurn the palaco and a conncctlou Is
inado between tho discovery and the
lecent lire at he Chaeau d'Eau, whloh
Investigations showed to have beau
tno work of an Incendiary.
Tito Duron Mora llodle Wero Found In
Hold of Btrnmer HUnlc,
NEW YORK, July 12. Twenty-tour
bodies wero recovered from tho hold
of the Soale today, which makes tho
total number of dead taken from this
ship nlono sixty.
Most of tho bodies wero so badly
burned or mutilated that recognition
was impossible, but several wero
identified by initials or names on arti
cles taken from parts of clothing that
sometimes remained. All of them ap
peared to bo workmen In the holds
of the stenmshlp.
Great pumps were worked in tho
Saalo today and by 2:30 p. m. tho ves
sel wns floated. Tho ship was In nine
or ten feet of mud and when sho Anal
ly freed herself from this body sho
seemed to Jump fully two feet out of
tho water,
When tho sixteenth body was
brought out it was then nearly 7
o'clock. Coroner Hoffman said that
he would not stop until nil the bodies
had been brought up, but his workmen
said they could not sec. There 'were
eight moro bodies, according to the
report of tho coroner's men, In tho
steward's room. How many moro
there wero In tho ship no one could
tell. It wns believed by tho workmen
thnt all had been found.
Tho faces of tho dead wero horribly
distorted and swollen. The odor of
tho bodies pervaded tho ship and waB
detected on tho Jersey shore when
the wind shifted that way.
Tho work of tho wrecking company
may bo finished tomorrow or Friday.
Up to tonight 159 bodies of victims
had been recovered nnd eight moro
nro known to bo on tho Saalo, having
been located but not taken out. This
mnkes 167 bodies recovered from the
ship, river and bay. .Ono other body
wns found of Rockawny, making the
total thus fur 1G8.
British nnil Ittmslnn Legation nl l'ohlii
lUtlcred Down liy Artillery.
LONDON, July 13. Tho Shanghai
correspondent of tho Dally Mnil says
tho following story regarding tho po
sition In Pokln omannUs from Chinese
ofllcial sources:
"Tho two remaining legations, tho
British and Russian, wero attacked in
force on tho evening of July C, Prince
Tunn being in comtunnd. Tho nttacks
woro divided. Prlnco Tunn command
ed tho contor, tho right wing wns led
by Prlnco. Tsal Yin nnd tho loft by
Prlnco Yin Lin. Tho rcsorvea wore
under Prlnco Tsln Yu.
"Tlio uttack begau with artillery
fighting, which was severe nnd lnstcd
until 7 o'clock In tho morning, by
whloh tlino both legations wero de
stroyed nnd nil tho foreigners wore
dead, whllo tho streets around tho le
gation wero full of doad bodies of both
foreigners and Chinese.
"Upon hearing of tho attack Prince
Citing nnd Goncrnl Wang Won Shao
went with troops to tho nsslstnnco of
tho foreigners, but thoy wero outnum
bered nnd defeated. Both Prlnco
Chlng nnd General Wang Wen Shoa
wero killed.
, "Two foreigners nro said to havo cb
capod through the gates, ono with n
heavy Bwort! wouud on his head.
"Prlnco' Tunn, la colobratiou of tho
victory, distributed 100,000 taols and
hugo quantities of rlco to tho Boxers."
Tho Chinese representative nt Berlin
denies tho statement thnt Li Hung
Chang had sent to him a hopoful tolo
gram. Ho toys, on tho contrary, no di
rect telegram has bf.en recoived by
him from Ll Hung Chang for somo
Tho remaining nowa is restricted to
tho usual crop of untrustworthy ru
mors, tho most serious or which, re
portod by tho correspondent of tho Ex
press, is to tho effect thnt Europeans
nro directing tho Chlncno military opo
rations. Tho correspondent nssorts
thnt Captain Balloy of H. M. S. Auro
ra distinctly saw n mnn In Europcnn
garb directing tho Chlnoso nrtlllery
operations outsldo of Tien Tsln.
Captain Dortil In Northwestern Luzon
Hit it Thrilling Experience.
WASHINGTON, July 14. Tho Wnr
department hna recoived an interest
ing report from Cnptaln Gcorgo A.
Dodd, Thlra cavalry, In rcgnrd to op
erations In northwestern Luzon with
Troop F of that regiment from April
8 to May 3 last. This troop enjoys
an envlablo roputatlon for export
horsomnnshlp nnd military drill In
this country, having participated In
various military tournaments nt Mad
ison Squaro garden at Now York, com
ing out with flying colors in each. Cap
tain Dodd's force, consisting of eighty-
soven men nnd ninety-seven horses,
loft Vlgnn, tho capital of I locos Stir
province, on April 8 and headed north
ward. Early on tho morning of tho'
15th Inst his command encountered a
largo party of Insurgents under Gro
agiro Agllpay In tho mountains near
Iu a fierce fight lasting nn hour
forty-nlno lnsurrectlos woro klllod,
four wero mortally wounded and forty
four woro mado prlsonors. Tho affray
took placo in a thick Junglo. which
mndo tho movoments of tho soldiers
very difficult. Tho command then pro
ceeded to hunt down n largo body of
Insurgents believed to bo somowhere
In tho vicinity of Baloc.
flro Dmtrojr Chain Work.
PITTSBURG, Pa., July 14. The
Garland chain works nt Rankin, Va
woro destroyed by flro nt 4:30 this
afternoon. Loss, $100,000. The fire
was caused by the explosion of a tank
of chemicals, but no ono was injured.
New Trenty Flrnsr llerlln.
BERLIN, July 13. Tho signing nt
Washington by Secretary of State Hay
and Dr. Von Holloben, the Gorman am
bassador, of tho reciprocity agreement
between the two countries has had an
excellent effect horof especially as tho
Berlin foreign office states that it was
dono without exacting special concea
slons from Germany.
The Semi-official Post says: "The
Importance of tho concession does not
lie In the market advantage, but in the
recolnlng of the reciprocity nrlnclole
and in the fastening of friendly ties."
Myriad Army of Chinese Sweep Down
Upon tho Foreigners.
Henry Itnlnfnlt Jtt Opporttuxi.Tlme Bare
Foreigner From Dliaiter Much
Dout I Thrown on Optimistic He
port Concerning Legation.
LONDON, July 12. Tho Express
this morning publishes a dispatch
from Tien Tsln, dated Friday last, via
Che Foo, Baying:
"General Mn has defeated tho allied
troops and reoccuplcd tho Chlneso
eastern arsenal, after Inflicting great
loss upon Its dofondors. Tho engage
ment lasted six hours and was fought
with great determination by both
sides. Tho Chineso were eventunlly
ablo to utilize tho effective guns of the
fort nbutting on the city walls near
tho tno tal's yamen, the allied troops
suffering severely from tho lack of
heavy guns and cavalry.
"Tho Japanese commander sent an
appeal to hurry reinforcements, ns
tho allies wero in Imminent danger of
a general defeat."
havo endeavored to send up reinforce
ments from Tien Tsln, but Instead of
that they arc still In force in tho neigh
borhood of that place, and aro assisted
by tho Imperial Chlneso troops.
According to n Che Foo dispatch tho
lighting nround Tien Tsln on July 3
nnd 4 was tho most severe yet experi
enced. Tho British loss alono was
thirty killed or wounded. Tho Chlneso
hnd 75,000 men attacking simultaneous
ly from tho west, north and east and
mndo excellent practice with ovor 100
LONDON, July 11. "No authentic
news from Pekin" Is still tho burden
of tho dispatches from tho far east,
and although the disposition 1b to be
lieve the optimistic reports from Chi
nese sources, no real confidence Is pos
sible, until tho legations, If they are
still in oxlstenco, nro permitted to com
municato with tholr governments. If.
ns is alleged, tho Boxer movement is
losing ground In Pokln, it might havo
been supposed that tho Boxers would
guns. Tho defenders numbered 14,000,
with scant supplies, nnd it wan only
tho prcsenco of tho newly arrived
Japaneso and Russian guns that pre
vented a disaster. Ono Russian com
pany of infantry numbering 120 men
hnd 115 killed or wounded. Tho Gor
man contingent also suffered heavily.
By tho evening of July 4 tho situa
tion wns very critical. Tho allies nar
rowly escaped total defeat. Providen
tially when things woro at tho worst
a heavy rainfall compelled tho Chinese
to rotlro.
On July C, tho rain having abated,
tho Chlneso renewed tho nttack, open
ing flro on Tien Tsln with two bat
terles of four-Inch guns, but tho nlllea,
aided by two H. M. S. Tcrrlble's four-
Inch guns, succeeded In silencing tho
Chlneso artillery after eight hours of
fighting. At Shanghai it scums now
to bo tho general belief that tho dato
or tho dispatch of July 3 asserting
thnt two legations woro still standing
wns an error, accidental or inten
tional. Tho couriers must havo left
Pokln at loast five days earlier, mak
ing the real dato of tho message Juno
28, whllo tho nllegod massacres aro
said to havo occurred on June 30. Un
til this point can be cleared up tho
greatest anxiety will bo folt as to the
fate of tho Europeans.
According to tho Shanghai corres
pondent ef tho. Expross it 13 war to
the knife between tho downgor em
press nnd Prlnco Tunn. In nn edict
tho latter boldly discards his mask
nnd signs hlmsolf ns emperor. Ho
warmly commends tho prowc38 of "hl3
faithful Boxers," and In flowery lan-
gungo appeals to their cupidity and
fanaticism. In tho samo decreo Prince
Tuan appoints Prlnco Tzunn. tho "Iron
Capped" Princo Tsaishan, his Imperial
clansman, and Knng Yl to command
tho throe chief wings of tho Boxer
Tho Chinese vorsion of tho origin
of tho outbreak bb published in Shang
hai 1b that Baron von Kcttelor was
haltod by tho Poklneso, .who, tnklng
ndvnntngo of tho condition of affairs,
shot him out of revenge,- theroby caus
ing a conflict botweon tho Chinese
troops nnd tho Germans, tho latter de
stroying tho tsung 11 yamon. The in
furiated soldiers under Prlnco Tuan
then gained complete control over the
dowager empresss.
Btrllier nuil Tramlt Company Tell Dif
ferent Btorle.
SU LOUIS, July 13. Cars aro run
ning ob usual nnd traffic on tho va
rious lines of tho St. Louis Transit
company is growing heavier. Officials
of tho Transit company declaro that
a number of tho strikers have desert
ed the union nnd aro applying for
work. This is denied by strikers' ex
ecutive committee, which makes a
counter assertion that men nro leav
ing tho employ of tho company.
Efforts aro being made by tho citi
zens' committee, of which John T.
Wilson Is chairman, to settlo tho strike
by arbitration. Tho commltteo has Is
sued a statement reviewing tho sltun
tion and requesting' both parties to
tho controversy to submit tho matters
In dlsputo for scttlomont by a board
of arbitration. Neither sldo has an
swered the request. Tho Trnnslt com
pany officials say that as far as they
aro concerned there Is no strike.
Clenerul Wood I Appreciated.
HAVANA, July 10. Civil Governor
Betnncourt of Matanzas called upon
Gonernl Wood today to express his
appreciation of tho stops tho gov
ernor has taken towards giving Inde
pendence to the Cubans and also of
General Wood's attitude In ondoavor
log to lift up Cuban public life. In
this connection he mentioned tho re
organization of tho Havana university
and said he h'oped that In the future
It would be ft university iu fact as
well as In name and that, and that
Its professors would be chosen rathor
for their fitness than becauso of their
relations to politicians.
Lnttst Quotation From South Oninhit
anil Knnia City.
Cattle The week opens out with a lib
eral run, 00 loads, 4,CS2 head, including
M londs of western runners, prnctlcally
the first of the season. Trade opened out
slow. Somo of the best cattle brought
very nearly steady prices, but more cattle
sold 6B10c lower than any other way.
stuff ruled slow, fully 10c lower. Veal
calves, bulls, stags, etc., ruled steady,
ihe stooker nnd feeder market was very
slow nnd prices were unevenly lower,
more particularly for the lighter weights.
Beeves, $4.80f4.it5! poor to fair steers, $4.50
64.R0; good to choice cows nnd- heifers,
J4.20i7-t.TC; fair to good cows nnd heifers,
XCOt;4.00; common and canning grades,
$2.00'3.60; bulls, stags, etc., $3.2504.35:
calves, common to choice, $3.0030.50; good
to cholco stockers nnd feeders. $4.00114.40:
fair to good Blockers nnd feeders, $3.75111
4.00; common to fair stockers and feed
ers, $3.25S3.CO; milkers and springers, $3.00
04. 50.
Hogs The week opened with an aver
ago Monday run, C9 cars, 4,900 head, ns
ngalnst 5,600 on last Monday. The quality
wns Just about like last week, pretty
good, but thcro was quite a InrRo pro
portion of light mixed stuff. In sight In
tho west, 52,000, ugulnst 66,000 u week ago
nnd 61,000 n yenr ngo.
Tho matket opened fully steady, with
all of tho puckers In tho competition, and
tho feeling grew stronger right up to tho
close, some Into sales 60 higher. Tho
rnngo was narrow at $3,101)0.' and the
bulk of the supply brought $5.1235.15,
with the former leading price and the
latter representing Inst snfes. Tho pens
woro cleared early. Butcher nnd heavy
hogs, $3.l2i4f?S.20: mixed nnd medium
Weights, $0.105.15; light nnd light mixed,
Sheep Receipts wero heavy, 22 londs,
7.0S0 head, practically all western grass
crs. There was a talr demnnd from all
sources, but tho market waB slow and 10
WlSo lower than Inst week. Western,
grass wethers, $3.G5ff4.00; western grass
ewes, $3.2503.75; western graBS lumbs, $1.50
6.23; western Btock sheep, $3.00(3.50.
Cattle Receipts, 7,CW: market 10c lower:
natives, $i.73'aG.43; Texans, $3.00Q4.6O;
stockers, $3,2514.75.
Hogs Receipts, 7.000: market steady;
top, $:,.33; bulk. $5.20fi5.27,4.
Hhoep Ilecelpts, 2,5lK) head; mnrket 10c
higher; muttons. $3.&fi4.5Q; Inmbs, $3.00
ft 6.00.
Lord Itobcrl Ituio-tH Successful As
snnlt of llrltlsh.
LONDON, July 11. Lord Roberts has
sent tho following dispatch to tho war
"PRETORIA, July 10. ClementB'
nnd Pagct's forces entered Bethlehem
July 7. Tho former on ncarlng tho
town sent In n flag of truco, demand
ing Its surrender, which was refused
by Dewet, when Paget, making a
wldo turning movement, succeeded In
getting hold of tho enemy's most Im
portant position, covering tho town.
This was carried beforo dark by the
Munstcr Fusiliers and Yorkshire light
Infantry. This morning the attack
was continued nnd by noon the town
wns In our possession nnd tho enemy
In full retreat.
"Our casualties wero four officers
and thirty-two men of the Munstera
wounded, ono missing; Captains Mc
Pherson nnd Weakcs and Lteutennnt
Conwuy sovorely, nnd Lleutcnnnt Boyd
Crochefort, hcotlsh Rifles, slightly
wounded; nevcn men of tho Yorkshires
wounded; ono killed; two wounded of
the Imperial yeomanry.
"Paget reports thut but for tho ac
ctirato practice of tho Thirty-eighth
Royul nrtlllery and the Fourth City
Imperial batteries the casualties would
have been many more.
"Badcn-Powoll reached Rustenburg
during iho evening of July 8 without
opposition. Ho found nil quiet there
and public confldenco satisfactory,
thanks to tho prompt and bold grasp
of the situation taken by Mnjor Han
bury Tracy. Tho district west of this
Is somewhat unsettled, owing to tho
small forco which attacked, Rusten
burg being still In that neighborhood.
Measures aro being taken to meet this.
"Further Information regarding the
capture of Bethlehem has now been
received from Clements. Ho states that
tho country there In broken nnd diffi
cult. Consequently his nnd Pagct's
cavalry wero unable to mako any wide'
turning movement. Clements attack
ed ono position, while Pngot attacked
another. The position nssniled by Cle
mentB was gallantly taken by tho
Royal Irish, who captured a gun of
tho Seventy-seventh battery l03t at
Stormberg. Tho list of casualties has
not yet been received, but they are
fow, considering tho strength of the
positions assaulted.
"Hunter's cavalry, under Broadwood,
reached Bethlehem Jtuy 8. Hunter,
with his main force, was within nlno
miles of tho town when Clements dis
patched his reports."
I'ut Illume un IilIcr'K Crew.
CLEVELAND, -July 10. No at
tempt has been madu to recover tho
bodies of Mrs. James Corrlgan, her
three daughters, nleco and grand
daughter, who wero drowned by tho
cnpslzlng of tho yacht Idler off this
port last Saturday afternoon. A ter
rific galo blew nil day yesterday and
continued until lato this afternoon,
making it impossible for tugs to get
near tho scene of tho wreck for tho
purpose of making n search. A party
will go out to tho wreck with dlvcrB
Vint Army In I tilllpplnr,
WASHINGTON. July 10. A state
ment .prepared by tho adjutant gen
eral shows that tho total strength of
tho United States army In tho Philip
pines Juno 30 last was C3.42C officers
nnd men. Of that number 31,821
wore regulars and 31.C05 volunteers,
distributed nmong the dlfferont nrms
aa follows: Infnntry, 54.SG8 officers
and mon; cavalry, 3,492; nrtlllery, 2,
291, and staff corps, 370. Tho total
strength given includes 1,330 officers
and men of tho Ninth Infantry, since
transferred to China.
Frepnrlng for Itenl Wur.
WASHINGTON, July 13. It la in
ferred ni. tho War department that
Colonel Llscum and tho two battalions
of tho Ninth Infantry, which arrived
nt Taku on Friday, havo reached
Tleu Tsln. Colonel Llscum was given
a frco hand in the matter of an nd
vanco and it Is thought by prompt
movement ho hau already reached the
boloagured city of Tien Tsln, where
according to advices today to tho Brit
ish admiralty, reinforcements wero
urgently needed.
Unnutlientlcntrd Itumors All tlmt Eml
nate From Chinese Empire.
LONDON, July 10. With tho for
eigners in Pekin probably safe amid
civil war, with Prlnco Chlng on their
Hide, with the powers united and their
forces constantly increasing, tho out
look in China is rather more hopeful
thnn it has been for a month past.
It appears from the cautious statement
given out by Taotal Shong In Shanghai
that tho reason that tho levy guns bear
ing on tho legation In Pekln wero not
used 1b that Prlnco Chlng, who Is
served by 10,000 mounted troops, seized
all tho artillery ammunition. Shong
likewise Intimates that Lung Yu, com
mander In chief of tho northern nrmy
Is associated with Prince Ching in op
posing Princo Tunn's ferocious designs
and dictatorial ambitions. Sheng, who
nppears to be tho sole Shanghai con
duits of Pekin news cheers tho
foreign consuls by these confidential
communications, but takes excosslvc
precaution to prevent the Chlneso from
thinking him friendly to foreigners.
Tho feeling of unrest in tho southern
nnd centrnl provinces continues. Tho
members of the official classes In those
provinces strlvo to remain neutral with,
a leaning toward tho foreigners until
they shall know whether tho moderate
or extremo factions will win In Pekin.
Prlnco Chlng seems to bo standing
for the dynasty and tho old order
ngalnst Prlnco Tunn's Inordinate am
bition. From n foreign point of view tho cap
ture of Pckln is tho key to tho sit
uation, as there is fear, according to
tho Dally Mail's Shanghai correspond
ent, thnt delay now means one hun
dred recruits for tho Boxers for every
soldier of the allies In tho land.
Two couriers nrrived at Tien Tsln
on July from Pekln. Ono .brought a
letter from Sir Claude MacDonald
tho British minister, to tho same effect
as that previously received from Sir
Robert Hnrt. The couriers confirm the
reports of the denth of Baron voa
Kettclcr. They say that Prlnco Chlng
Is doing his utmost to protect tho for
eigners, but that tho natlvo feeling
against tho whites Is strong. Two of
flclnls opposed to tho Boxers nro re
ported by tho couriers to have been
Sir Claudo MacDonald's letter 1b
dated four days earlier than that of
Sir Robert Hart's.
Uodlc Itccovcred From Snulo Srelt
Number of Hoboken Flro Victims.
NEW YORK, July 9. Threo moro
bodies wero found today on tho Saale.
This makes twenty-nine bodies thnt
havo thus far been taken from tho
wreck of tho Saalo slnco tho flro and
14C bodjes in nil recovered. Tim bodies
recovered today wore found in the
second cabin In tho after part of tho
ship and they wero horrible sights to
look upon. They had very little cloth
ing on and wero nil victims of the
flre. They could not bo identified.
No bodies woro recovered from the
Bremen or Main today, although the
work of searching was kept up.
Dynnmlte wns exploded on the river
bed nbout tho wrecks of tho piers ot
tho North Geramn Lloyd today with
out bringing to tho surface any moro
Ono charge was sent down between
tho ruins of tho Thlngvnlla lino pier
and the pier of the Hamburg line. A
column of water was hurled Into tho
nlr nnd the wnter ngltated for a long
dlstnnco by the charge, but no bodies
wero flontod. Another charge was
fired, but to no purpose.
Filipino Hnd 100 Men Killed VM!t
AniorlrmiK Lose Kluvn.
MANILA, July S. Tho Inst week's
scouting In Luzon resulted lit oloveu
Americans being killed aud sixteen
wounded. Ono hundred and sixty Fil
ipinos were killed during the week und
eight Americans, who hnd been prison
ers in tho hands of tho rebels, wore
surrendered and 100 rifles were turned
over to tho United States ofllclals.
Tho enemy ambushed a wagon train
between Indang and Nalc. Tho Third
infantry lost nlao men, while on an
expedition to punish tho Lndrones la
the Delta of the Rio Grande.
In tho Antigua province of Panay a
running fight of three hours' duration
resulted In tho killing or wounding oE
roventy of tho enemy. Thero werj up
casualties among the Americans.
IVdcral Marsh tl I Shot.
Today word enmo over tho telephone
from Marlbo, Menefee, county, that
Peputy United Stntes Marshal Howard
Wilson had been killed and Tip Day
and Joseph Bush of this county mor
tnly wounded nnd could not live only .1
fow hours. Wilson, accompanied by
William Stnmper of this pace, had
gono In search of Day, who was want
ed In Virginia on special charges, In
cluding alleged violation of tho Inter
nal revenue lnws. Not far from Marl
bo, In Menefee county, about thlrty
flvo miles from here, they camo up
with Day, James Bush and two wo
men. It 1111 Dnwn hy Train.
ST. LOUIS, July 9. George Schoon
lng nnd William Grab wero killed and
Fred Frlgo was probably fatally In-
Jured nt Columbia, 111., near here, this
afternoon. Tho three mon woro In a
buggy that was demolished by a train
nt a Baltlmoro 6 Ohio Southwestern
railway crossing.
Iliilmnlo I'higuit Frurrd In Nleiirsigiin.
MANAGUA, NIcnr., via Galveston,
July 13. Tho government is renewing
Its sanitary measures for Its preven
tion ot tho Introduction into tho coun
try of tho bubonic plague.
WnnU tu Itun Whirlpool ltnnlds.
Bowser, the Chicago man who pur
poses to run tho Whirlpool rapids In
his llfo boat, did pot succeed In launch
ing his craft today. Preparations were
mado to put the boat In tho 'rater,
but again tno Canadian police Inter
fered under the Sunday law.