The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 10, 1900, Image 3

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f Slio boy who is dancing a jig,
i And the girl in the chorus who sings,
And the man who exhibits a pig
He ; was'tnught to do wonderful things
Way dio disappointed, but still, in their
hearts, they are hoping away
To make the great thing which they call
"A hit"
Soma day.
The poet who sciibble-t and sighs
And squander his paper anil ink,
Who cudgels his brain and who tries
To think and cause others to think,
May die disappointed, but still, in his
heart, he is hoping away
To sing out a song that will mako
",4 hit"
iotiie day.
The man who is daubing his paint
On the canvas no other shall buy
The mnn who with hunger is faint,
Hut is never too lifcigry to try
May die disappointed, but still, in his
heart, he is hoping away
lo lay on the lines that will make
"A hit"
Some day.
The man who iswaving his arms
Like a windmill churning tlm
Has few of the orator's charr..
He may die disapnointcl, but still, in his
heart, he is hopina away
To deliver the words that will make
"A hit"
Some day.
O let each, go on with his part!
'Tis better a thousand should fail
Than that one should be taken from art
Through n critic's discouraging wail I
They may die disappointed, but where is
the judge who has power to sav
Which one of tnoso trying shall nccr
iilakc ' n hit"
Koine day?
S. E. Kiscr.
Her Me mbition,
Oil Rutus Tracy Stream. M
HA KM IN G Sybil
wiib nt her desk,
busily wrltlng.when
I entered the room.
.She glanced up for a
second. smiled cheer
fully mil said:
"Sit down, Don.
I'll be nt leisure In
a moment."
Now I wnsn't In a mood for waiting,
ho 1 didn't sit down.
"It seems to me Hint yon have grown
wonderfully Industrious of lute," I re
marked. "Yes," replied Sybil, "I have."
"What are you writing?" I asked.
"Another love letter to Burns?"
"No; of course not!" she answered.
"The Idea I don't write love letters."
"Indeed!" I said. "What are you
doing, then?" And I peered over her
"It seems to mo that you have grown
wonderfully Ill-mannered of late," she
retorted, covering tho pages with her
linnds, nnd giving mo nn Indignant
glnnce, but not before I hud seen the
first few lines.
"Ho, ho!" I cried. "A story, Is It?"
"A novel," corrected Sybil, Hushing.
"That's worse nnd more of It," I
muttered, half to myself.
"It Is what?" cried Sybil, turning
"I said, 'Let's hear more of H," I
replied, calmly.
"Oh, I couldn't-not now. But I'll
let you help me read proof."
"That's very kind of you, to be
Biire." I said. "But Burns could do
much better."
"A plague on Burns!" ejaculated Sy
bil, crossly. Then, suddenly, "Why, I
do believe you're Jealous of him,"
"I Jealous? Not n bit of It, my denr
cousin! I was just In a teasing mood,
Hint's nil."
"Well, I wish you had chosen a moro
opportune moment to gratify your
whim. Don't you seo tliat I am very
"No." I lied. "I hadn't noticed it be
fore." "Well, I am. And your coming
spoiled ono of my best chapters. My
thoughts are so scattered uow that I
can't write another line."
"I'm glnd of It," I said, unfceMngly.
"You enn devote your time to me.
Come, now, Sy, tell mo the name of
your story."
"I haven't given It n title yet," she
admitted. "Authors usually leave
that until the last."
"So you are an author an authoress,
"Not now, mnybe. But I Intend to
be, some day. Just think how pleas
ant It must be to hnvo the whole world
talking of one's books!"
"Yes, nnd the crltrcs, too," I added.
"Oh, they help to make one fnmous,"
filio declared.
"Sometimes. Not always.. It all de
pends upon the merit of the book or
the social standing of the author."
"Haven't I both iunllflcatlons?"
"I'm not ccrtnln nbout the tlrst," I
said. "You won't let mo seo oven tho
beginning. By tho wny, how does It
open? Itoses, June, sunshine, river,
and so on?"
"No, It's not such n stereotyped af
fair us you may lmnglne," she replied.
"It begins with a splendid church wed
ding." " 'Good beginning, bad ending,' " I
quoted. "And when do tho hero nnd
heroine meet? I suppose you have
thoso characters In It?"
"Yes, Indeed! All good.novels must
have those essential features," she an
swered. "And love, too," I added.
"Of course. That is a foregone con
clusion." "How do you keep the two main
characters separated until tho end?"
I Inquired. "Do you make them qunr
rel, or marry each to the wrong per
son, and then kill off thoso poor, un
offending puppets In time to secure
the popular aiding?"
"I'd have you know that this Is orig
inal, Don," she said. "I have no quar
rels, no separations nt all. They arc
commonplace. I simply compel tho
man to wnlt until my heroine will
QNxrrr Urn,"
"Pooh! That's not nt nil uncom
mon," I said.
"Isn't It?" sho replied, surprised nnd
disappointed, Judging from tho ex
presslon of her face.
"No," I sold. "Why, I know of two
persons who nro living Just such a ro
mance." "Who nro they?" she asked quickly.
"That wmitd bo telling," I replied.
"But youv characters are they drawn
frcm real life?"
"Most of them are," she said.
"Whnt does your heroine look like?
Give tae n description of her. I sup
pose she Is a blonde, with chemical
hair nnd blue eyes."
"The very opposite," said Sybil.
"Good!" I exclaimed enthusiasti
cally. "A brunette Ih my Ideal."
Sybil glanced at mo sharply. She Is
one of the forest of blondes. I did not
meet her gaze, but stared dreamily nt
the figures on the celling.
"I suppose sho looks very much llko
Vanillic McGrnth," I continued.
"Not hi the least!" contradicted Sy
bil. "She Is much prettier than Pau
line." "So?" sold I. "Why, I think MIbs
McGrnth Is n very beautiful girl."
"Do you?" retorted Sybil, with
clouded brow. Then, u moment later.
"It seems to me thnt you have come
to sec me Just to be disagreeable.
I wish you'd go."
Now, such words froln nny lips but
Sybil's would hnvo rrozen me In nn
Instant. But I know her too well.
"No," I assured her. "I enmo here
Intending to be very plonsnnt. But
the turn which nffalrs took qulto made
me forget my mission."
"I saw that Sybil was becoming In
terested,) o I continued:
"The truth Is, I have decided to get
"To whom?'; gasped Sybil.
"Oh, I haven't made up my mind
on thnt yet. I camo over to see
whether you might not have compas
sion on me.
"Don't be silly, Don," sho warned.
"Pin not." I snld gravely. "Dou't
you love me, Sy?"
"Yes, of course," she replied quick
ly, "ns n "
"Second cousin should," I finished.
Sho laughed a little hysterically.
"Then you will marry me, Sy?" I
said slowly.
"No, 1 don't think I can." snld she.
"And why not?" I asked. "I sup
pose your book lias so absorbed your
thoughts as to leave none for mar
"That Is about true," she confessed.
"There Is only ono thing thnt I de
sire, and that Ib to become famous."
Then I burst Into n hearty laugh.
Sybil looked very much surprised.
"You do not know how happy you
have made mo," I said, still laughing.
"Happy?" repeated Sybil, wondcr
lugly. "Yes," I answered. "No doubt you
thlni: I ought to feci quite forlorn and
cut up. But I'm not. Quite the re
verse, I nssuro you."
I paused to note tho effect of this,
my last card. There was a look of
mingled nuger nnd amazement on Sy
bil's face. '
"You see, Sybil," I continued, "I
was really afraid you had learned to
care for me. You remember the Inst
three summers at the seashore?" Sho
nodded. "And tho past two winters
In the city?" Sno nodded ngnln. "Well,
considering nil that, I am truly glnd
I have not awakened any other feel
ings thnn thoso of friendship."
I saw her wince at that, and I felt
my consel3iicc goading me, but I
had to carry out my He.
"Of course," I rattled on, "If I lind
found that you loved me, I should
have married you. As It Is, however,
I nm free to follow my own sweet
will." And I arose to take my lenvo.
"You're not going, Don?" sho snld.
"Yes,"' I answered. "I must make
another call. And since you are my
best friend" I emphasized tho word
"I may confide n little secret to you.
I truly believe thnt Paulino McGrnth
care.i for me, nnd I nm going over now
to find out."
Sybil did not speak, nnd I went into
the hallway to get my top coat. I was
putting It on when 1 detected the rus
tle of skirts behind me. I pretended
not to have heard, however, aud
hummed it few bnrs of n light song
Avhlle arranging my tlo before the
"Don!" snld a low voice behind me.
"Come to offer your congratulations
already?" I said. "Don't bo too cer
tain ns to my fnto."T
"Don," repented the voice, with a
notlcenblo catch In it. "I believe
there Is something I would rather bo
than a great writer."
"Is there?" I cried Jo.-fully. And
I removed my top coat again.
"But your Icl?al?" said Sybil, nfter
a few minutes had elapsed.
"Oh," snld I, "such things nro pleas
ant subjects for day dreams, but we
never mu;t them In real life. Beside,"
I ndded softly, "one mny change his
There was nnothcr blissful pause.
"How about your novel, Sybil? Whnt
will become of It nnd your fame?"
"Oh, they eon wait. But love love
can't." Waverley Magazine.
A Speedy Kentucky KUliworm.
The other day Jeff Kddlns noticed a
fishing worm coming out of the ground
nt a rate of speed lie thought It Im
possible for a worm of that kind to
attain. After landing on the surface
It kept up Its gnlt, which was account
ed for when a mole popped out of the
ground nnd took after tho worm. Tho
mole was killed nnd the wo'rm spared.
Burlington Recorder.
Crape Makers' Contracts,
Girls employed In tho crape manu
facture in Europe nro under n curious
contract not to engage In nny house
work nfter their hours of labor. The
reason Is lest their bauds should be
come conrse ami unfitted for tho deli
cate nature of. their employment.
The Detroit Journal Is moved to re
mark that walking encyclopedias and
walking dictionaries nro often too
poor to ride.
Alfred Austin snys ho never rends
American criticisms of his poems.
This mny account for tho fact that
Alf keeps on writing them.
Germnny has ndvnucd furthest !n
electric railway work among the Eu
ropean countries, with Great Britain
and France following It tho order
Tho customary reports that microbes
lurk In kisses nnd Ico cream sodn
wntcr have been put In circulation.
But statistics show that Ico cream
soda water has suffered no diminution
of popularity.
'A New York man with nn Income
of ?50,000 a yenr hns committed sui
cide. Ho wns probably despondent
because of tho poor prospect of mak
ing It $75,000 nnd thus getting Into
n position where the strain of life
would bo cased somewhat.
With reference to China tho situ
ation hns changed with such nations
ns Russln and Germnny. As Cecil
lthodes called the British ling a "great
'commercial nssct," so the foreign
olllces pro coming to regard the mis
sionary in China ns a great political
asset. The killing of one of them Is
worth n seaport. The slaughter of
half n dozen may bo worth n wholo
province, observes the Louisville
Pckln Is of little Interest to a busi
ness man. There are no foreign stores
of nny account and no manufacturing.
Iluln, filth and the direst poverty arc
everywhere evident in this, the dirtiest
city In China. Minister Conger ex
pressed the hope that more Amcrlcnn
business men will soon awake to the
opportunities for them In China. He
says It Is not pleasant to sit Idly by
and sec the English, Germans nnd
other European people furnish all the
machinery and manufactured goods In
Pckln. American products arc as hard
to find In - China ns the proverbial
needle In n haystack.
According to our Paris correspond
ent there Is a tendency in tho French
fashion centre to bring nbout a re
vival of the hoop skirt or crinoline,
states the Dry Goods Economist.
Considerable uncertainty seems to
prevnll ns to whether tho revival can
bo effected or not. Wo hardly think,
however, that such n cumbersome nnd
ridiculous fashion could bo adopted
In these dnys of common sense dress,
even In Paris, aud wo nro satisfied
that the athletic go-ahead American
woman is not golug to handicap her
self by a return to tho enormous bal
loon skirts of forty years ago.
Iteturns Just Issued by tho British
Bonrd of Agriculture are dismal read
ing for the English farmer. From
them It is learned that tho ever In
creasing Importation of dead ment
to tho United Kingdom has
reached tho dally average of
over i!300 tons, while wheat,
butter, eggs, rnbWts and game have
all enormously Increased In tho extent
of tho Importation. Tho foreign pro
ducts being almost invarlnbly cheaper,
tho farmers are confronted with tho
prospect of eventually having no homo
market. For these conditions the
Board of Agriculture suggests uo rem
edy. Fire Insurance experts report that'
the last year hns been ono of great
lire losses. They think the "moral
hazard," ns the risk of people burning
their own property to get tho insur
ance money Is cnlled, was probably
smnller than usual on account of
good times. When buildings nro pret
ty well occupied thero Is less tempta
tion to commit the otfensc than In n
period of stognntlon. Just now, elec
tricity comes In for a good share of
the blame for llres. As n cause, It op
erates for tho most pnrt out of sight,
behind walls and under lloors, and
whore the evidence of Its work per
ishes In the flames.
The monetnry vnluc to a small com
munity of tho presenco of n great
university is nptly shown In figures
collected by tho statistician of the
fcenlor clnss of Yale. During the four
years' stay of these young men, num
bering 327, they have spent a million
nnd a quarter of dollars. Tho grand
total for tho university iftay be esti
mated on this basis, with an enroll
ment for the four clnsses of 2517. Tho
value to local business of tho sums
stated nnd suggested lies chiefly In
the fact that they are made up of
Innumerable and steady small expend
itures. New Haven enn afford to
wink at the pranks of the youngsters,
nt the rnto of some $2,500,000 n yenr
distributed among the shopkeepers.
Something About the Strange lleast in
tho It run x l'ark Zno.
At the new zoological gardens In
Bronx Park, New York City, there Is
on exhibition from Venezuela a giant
ant-enter, one of the most outlandish
creatures In nil the domain of nature.
It Is an nnlmnl nbout two nnd n half
feet high. The body nnd tnll taken
together measure nbout seven feet In
length. Tho tnll Is usually carried
curved over the back, draping nnd
shading the body. In nppcarnucc tho
bushy tall mny bo likened to n
clump of ornamental grass. The head
Is very Binnll, but It Ib prolonged Into
n snout n foot or more In length.
The mouth Is at the extremity of this
The nnt-ontcr belongs to thnt group
of tho nnlmnl kingdom known ns the
Edcntntes, n class usually toothless.
If they have any teeth nt nil, they
arc very few In number, of n rudltncu
tnry or simple form, In tho back of
the head. The nnt-cntcrs are toothless.
They resemble In this respect birds,
nnd they furthermore bear n resem
blance to the bird creation, In tho pos
session of a muscular glzznrd-llkc
stomach. One fenturo of the Edcn
tntes Is that they all have somo pecul
iarity In the covering of tho body.
Tho nrmndlllo, for Instance, hns a shell
of armor, the pangolin n series of
sblngle-llke scales; the nnrd vnrk, na
tive to tho Trnnsvnnl, n plg-llko skin,
Hcantlly covered with hair, nnd lastly
the nnt-enter with n bushy tnll nnd
tho body plentifully covered with hnlr.
The nnt-enter Is In many wnys un
like other nnlmnls. The most strik
ing dissimilarity Is In Its mouth,
which does not open t.nd shut with
nn up-und-down movement of tho
lower Jaw, as that of nil other quadru
peds, but It Is n mere aperture, open
ing only enough to ndmlt the pnssage
of the foot long whip-like tongue.
In captivity the ant-eater is fed on
bread nnd milk. In Its untlvo haupts,
the forests of iSouth America, It feeds
exclusively on termites, or, as they
nre commonly cnlled, white nnts.
These termites nbound In the wilds
of tropical America, nnd the nnt-enter
tears open with Its sharp foreclaws
their conical mud nests, nnd with Its
slender tongue licks up the Inmates
out of every nook nnd crevice.
The nnt-enter has a queer way of
walking it Is the mnnuer In which It
uses Its fore limbs. The claws of Its
fore limbs nro so constructed that they
nre Incapable of sustaining the weight
of the body, but nre turned bnckward,
compelling the nnlmnl to stnnd nnd
walk on tho outer surfaco of the
wrists. When It nmblcs around, nwk
wnrdly ns It appears, It seems to be
using two amputated fore limbs.
The specimen nt the zoological gar
den Is of gentle nnd harmless disposi
tion, nllowlng itself to bo handled.
Tho keeper enn stroke Its head with
Impunity. There Is, of course, no
dnnger of being bit by this toothless
creature. It Is now temporarily quar
tered In tho green-house. Forest nnd
Conservation of Chirographic Energy.
"My husband," snld the lndy who
combed her hnlr straight back from
her brow, "used to waste words u
good deal, but ho has gradually out
grown the habit since ho nnd I have
known each other."
"And how has this happened?" ths
other woman asked.
"It has Just been n sort of natural
development. Evolution, you might
perhaps call It. The nrst letter ho
ever wrote to me wns shortly after
we had become ncqunlnted nnd before
there wns renlly anything like nn un
derstanding between us. This is tho
way he signed It:
"Yours, my denr Miss Winston, most
sincerely, John Hamilton Easton."
"There, you see, were ten words
enough for n telegram Just to bring
a commonplace friendly letter to nn
end. But nfter wo became engaged
his first letter to me was 6lgned In
this wny:
"Yours, my darling, nffectlonntcly,
"Thnt, you will observe, was a re
duction of 00 per C3nt. from his con
clusion as a mere friend. The first let
ter he ever wrote to me nfter we were
married wns signed:
"Yours, John."
She Bt--ped for n moment nnd
sighed, and then continued:
"We hnvo been married seventeen
yenrs now. Yesterday I received a
letter from him. Here Is the way It
was signed: 'J.' "Chicago Times
Herald Favors I.ntn Hupper.
A London doctor In nn Interview re
cently spoke strongly ngnlnst tho the
ory thnt Into suppers nro Injurious.
He declares, in fact, that many per
sons who remain thin and weakly, In
spite of 11 precautious In regard to
diet, etc., owo the fact largely to habit
ual abstemiousness nt night. He says,
very truly, that physiology teaches us
that, In sleeping, as In walking, there
Is a perpetunl waste going on In the
tissues of the body, nnd It seems but
logical that nourishment should bo
continuous ns well. The digestion of
the food taken nt dinner time or In
tho enrly evening Is finished, ns n
usual thing, before or by bedtime; yet
tho activity of the processes of assim
ilation, etc, progresses for hours af
terward. And when ono retires with
nn empty stomach the result of this
activity is sleeplessness and an undue
wasting of tho system.
Jiut Like a l'eriaKogue.
An nbsent-mlnded Germnn professor
was ono day observed walking down
the street with ono foot continually
In the gutter, tho other on tho pave
ment. A pupil, meeting him, .saluted
him with: "Good evening, Herr Pro
fessor. How nre you?" "I was well,
I thought," answered the professor;
"but now I don't know whnt'o the
mntter with me. For tho Inst ten
minutes I'vo been limping." Answers,
I) road Tires For Wagon.
HE use of the blcyclo Is nf
fording nn illustration of the
operation of the brond-tlrod
rchlclc In keeping roadways
In good condition. This Illustration Is
conspicuous after showers, when It
will be noted thnt the tires of tho bicy
cles bent down nnd harden tho blcyclo
path much more rapidly that the narrow-tired
wngotiB restore the rondwny
proper to n smooth condition. It Is
true that the notion of the pnoumntlc
tiro is more beneficial to n soft road
way than thnt of tho hard broad tire,
but Its tamping effect Is nn Illustration
of what the wide tire does In compari
son with the cutting effect of the con
ventional narrow tire.
Were It possible to substitute broad
tires for the narrow tires uow gener
ally used, the condition ol the average
country rood would be Improved lu n
comparatively short time. Not only
that, but the efficiency of the average
draught horse would be materially
raised. Instead of cutting Into the
soft spots lu n roadway, the wide tire
compresses the soft earth nnd passes
over It, leaving the spot In nn Im
proved condition for the passage of the
next wheel.
An exhaustive test of the broad nnd
narrow tire, nt the agricultural
experiment station of the Missouri
State University, demonstrated that
on hard, smooth nnd nearly level mne
ndnm roadways the strain required
to haul a given load wns .'15.7 per cent,
less with the brood tire than with the
nnrrow tire. On n gravel road with n
hard surface, there was n margin of
33.3 per cent, lu favor of the broad
tire. On n road composed, of n lnrgo
quantity of sand mixed with gravel,
the mnrglu wns J15.5 per cent. In favor
of the broad tire. Over n new, unused
dry gravel road the difference In favor
of the broad tire was 2tl.(l per cent."
The narrow tire required less strain
for hnulage on n rond where water
covered the surfaco and loose sand
from one to two and one-half Inches
deep wns found. But while the broad
tire required a greater strain for hnul
age, It did uo Injury to the road,
whereas the nnrrow tire cut through
the soft earth beneath the water, and
destroyed the surfacing. The brond
tire was nlso nt u disadvantage on
roads where the hnrdpan was covered
with dust, as the narrow tiro cut
through to the hardpau, while the wide
tire pinched and heaped up the dust
and thus lucrenscd the strain of haul
age. The broad tiro also required n
greater strain on some kinds of mud
ronds. But as a whole the tests were
strongly favorable to the use of broad
tires for the nvernga roads.
Homl ltonils ami t'olltlcs.
Vice-President Kingsbury, of the
League of Amcrlcnn Whcelmqu, has
been discussing the good ronds ques
tion In n most sensible nnd mutter-of
fact manner.' He thinks that It Is per
fectly proper that the demnnd for
good ronds should be recognized In
both the Republican nnd Democratic
speeches this year. It has been a long
twenty yenrs' campaign of education,
commencing with local work and the
distribution of literature and working
gradually by the expenditure of thou
sands of dollars nnd the distribution
of millions of pamphlets to successful
legislation in many Stntes, nnd to the
adoption of the Stato aid system,
which hns proved an unqualified suc
cess wherever tried.
Mr. Kingsbury thinks thnt tho time
hns nrrlvcd for n Avlder movement,
nnd that from tho League of Amcrlcnn
Wheelmen should come the primary
efforts which wtould result In a thor
oughly prnctlcnl system of national,
State nnd city rond-bulldlng. Tho ef
fect of the Insertion of n strong plank
in favor of national highways, which
with the united efforts of fanners, nu
tomoblllBts nnd wheelmen would not
be dllMcult to obtain, could have only
beneficial results, even If . It were
plnced there only with the ldcn of
vote-getting by tho party managers.
The good road movement to-day Is
strong enough, Mr. Kingsbury asserts,
to follow up such n party promise with
demands for its fulfillment.
This would provu tho entering wedge
which could be driven deep enough
Into Congress to produce Immediate
results, and the gentleman Is confident
that It will be accomplished, nnd that
we shall mark tho beginning of tho
coming century by a general starting
of national highways throughout the
United States.
An Kxporlment With 1'rUoueri.
The experiment of employing per
sons committed to the county Jail In
making roads Is now being tried In
Oneida County. The Hood Commis
sioner of WhltcBtown bus forty of tho
county prisoners nt work, one gunrd
bclug employed for eight prisoners.
The Commissioner furnishes board
aud lodging to the prisoners, and pays
tho county for the services of ench
man 25 cents n day. The county Is
thus the gainer financially, the pris
oners nre better for working lu the
open nlr, nnd tho expeuso of making
the roads Is somewhat diminished,
Many of tho Inmates of the county
jails nre not dnngerous criminals, nnd
with n proper classification of prison
ers tho experiment In Oneida County
ought to succeed, It certainly de
serves to bo watched by tho authori
ties of other counties, who now hnvo
legal power to use this class of labor
In making ronds for the construction
of which tho State grants nld, Now
York Post.
'A Policeman's Legacy.
The will of S. Boblnson, n Boston
Oollcemnn. benueaths S10.000 to tlm
town of GUmnntou. N. II.. tho Incnnio
iR bo expended exclusively to build
ing nnd maintaining jjgod roads about
the place.
Vice-consul Murphy Unable lo Fenetrnte
Its Deepest Mysteries in Germany.
VIcc-Consul Murphy nt Magdeburg
writes to the State Department nt
Washington concerning sauerkraut In
Germany as follows:
"Tho best Gorman sauerkraut Is
made In Mngdeburg; but when n con
sulnv olllcer attempts to ascertain how
it Is made, he encounters tho usual
Insuperable obstacle business secrets.
Tho mnnufucturer politely replies to
nil Inquiries: 'My receipt is whnt
makes my business profitable. If I
gave It to you, you could make tho
same sauerkraut In Washington. The
fame of Mngdeburg would thus bo
dimmed, nnd whnt would become of
the orders which menu so much to
"The process of manufacture, omit
ting business secrets, Is nbout ns fol
lows: Take n number of bends of
white cabbage, us fresh ns possible,
nnd cut them Into line, long shreds.
Place In layers lu barrels or kegs,
strewing solt over each layer, using
one-half a pound of salt for each twenty-live
cnbbnges. Press the mass
down with clean feet, wooden shoes,
or n heavy stamper. Place a cover
on the barrel and upon this lay a
heavy stone. This presses the .muor
kraut. more nud conserves It better.
The sauerkraut must then be allowed
to ferment In a cellar for from three
to eight days, according to the temper
aturo of the room. The barrel should
then be tightly closed nud kept In a
cool place, preferably lu n cellar.
"Fancy grades or sauerkraut nro
produced by pouring white w4no Into
the barrels after they nro filled. Ap
ples chopped very fine nro nlso some
times mixed with tho cabbage.
"After the barrel Is closed the saner
Ijraut will bo ready for use in about
a week. As soon as somo la used, tho
barrel should be cohered and a stouo
ngnln plnced on top.
"In propnrlng nnd keeping sauer
kraut sunshine nnd extremes of heat
and cold should bo nvoldcd."
r Mnn Ib unjust, but God Is just, nnd
flnnlly justice triumphs. Longfellow.
Thero Is little Influence whore there
Is not great sympathy. S. I. Prime.
lu every rank, both great nnd small,
It Is Industry thnt supports us all.
Walter Scott.
He that Is ungrateful has no guilt
but one; nil other crimes may pass for
virtues In him. Yoilng.
He Is armed without who Is Innocent
within, be this thy screen, nud this thy
wnll of brass. Horace.
Whnt Is often called Indolence Ib, In
fnct, tho unconscious consciousness of
Incapacity. II. C. ltoblnson.
You nre tried alone; nlone you pass
Into the desert; alone you nre sifted
by the world. F. W. Itobertsou.
Human nature Is so constituted that
nil sec nud judge better In the affairs
of other men than lu their own. Ter
ence. lu life It Is dlfllcult to say who do
you the most mischief enemies with
tho worst Intentions or friends with
the best. Colton.
Let all your views In life be directed
to a solid, however' moderate, Inde
pendence; without It uo man can bo
happy, nor even honest. Junius.
Whnt right hnvo wo to pry Into tho
secrets of others? True or fnlse, tho
tale thnt Is gabbled to us, what con
cern Is It of ours? Bulwcr.
l!xpeio Fur Turgttt 1'inctlce.
A single bij gun of the many now
being put In place for the protection
of seacoastu costs a large sum, Somu
Interesting figures on this subject have
Just been submitted, sayB the Scien
tific American.
A twolvc-lticu brcceb-londlug rifle,
with Its disappearing carriage, costs
ono hundred nud forty-one thousand
dollars; n ten-Inch bteich-londcr, ulnc
ty-iilue thousand two hundred u.nd
fifty dollars, nud nn eight-Inch, seventy-two
thousand dollars. Tho figures
show that modern high-powered guns
cost grent sums, nnd tho cost of firing
them Is proportionately large.
Tho report of experts who have In
spected theso guns and tho devlccH
for securing nu accurate aim, shows
that great saving Is effected by mod
ern ruuge-tlndlug nnd position-finding
"The demoralizing effect of n hit ns
compared to n miss," snld one of theso
reports, "cannot bo reduced to
money value, but It costs big money to
shoot a big gun nnd then miss the
"Take, for example, the twelve-Inch
gur. To miss the mark Is simply to
throw nwny live hundred and sixty
one dollars aud seventy cents. With
the ten-lueh gun the loss Is three hun
dred and twenty-two dollars nnd for
ty cents, nnd with the olght-lneh rlilo
It Is ono hundred nnd sixty-four dol
lars nnd 'Ixiy-flve rents."
Nhuep Itulnest Kxeiiipllileif .
"The stupldlst animal lu the world."
said Henry Itudolph, "Is Just n plain,
every-dny sheep. About two weeks
ago n sheep belonging to G, W.
Painter, who lives nbout threo miles
south of town, turned up missing. Mr.
Pulnter concluded that It had been
killed by dogs; but a fow days ago,
wnllo looking uuder tho burn floor for
somo purpose, he saw tho missing ani
mal In n salt barrel. Tho barrel was
lying on Its side, and the sheep had
gone In to lick up" tho salt which ad
hered to the sides of tho barrel. Flud
lug that It could not go on through,
It stopped, nud had been there nlho
days, when discovered, without food
or drink. And It would hnvo stayed
there until It perished. All It had to
do was to back out of tho barrel, but
It hadn't sense enough to do it"
Punxsutowney Spirit.
A gossip it a person who believes
the stories he Invents.