1 SIXTEENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1900. NO. 48. f x ! mmwwitFwitfuntfwitr m m row w wjf roim m m HAYING TOOLS... ( MOWERS, Mrr.nrmirlr4 rakes. "IVVUI ,U1VI SICKLE GRINDERS, and repairs for same. Champion ISIks. ana repairs tor same. If AVCtntlA I HAY LOADERS. Keystone ) side deliverV rake. uaii ana see tnem. DAIN SWEEPS. OSBORNE RAKES. LIGHTNING HAY PHKSS, MACHINE OIL. JOS. HERSHEY. Locust St., North Platte, Neb. 1 PAINTS. A FULL LINE OF John W. Masury's Celebrated Paint ON SALE A'l Davis' Hardware Store. j jj When you get ready to paint your house, S 2 . call on us and let us sell you first-class j Paint at reasonable prices. 7aiUiU1YFiU1Uiil1!FiU1!riil1YFitFiil1YFiU1Yriik1TFiU1!Fiil1YFllii Populist Convention. The populists held their county convention at the court house Sat urday afternoon, the attendance of delegates being rather light. Tins principal business transacted wa i the selection of delegates to thj state, congressional, senatorial and representative conventions. Reso lutions condemning every move that the republican administration has made and endorsing the work r f Poyntcr. Allen and Neville were adopted. While the convention was waiting for the report of the com mittee on resolutions, feeble callu were made for Nevi'le and when hi; took the floor no applause greeted Him; he was received witli an icy heart. Mr. Neville threw a sop to the populists by saying that Bryan was as good a populist as any oi them and that eight years ago Stevenson was elected on a platform that declared for the coinage of Bilvcr at the ratio f 16 to 1. A committee was appointed to confer with a committee from the demo cratic convention in session at the same time in regard to the nomina tion of candidates for county attor ney and county commissioner No agreement, however, was reached and candidates for tlion: two offices will be placed in nomi nation by a conference of the central committees of the two parties. The only ripple of excitement during the convention was caused by a motion introduced by J. W. Mc Cawlcy, the populist statesman of Miller precinct. This motion watt to the effect that the delegates to the senatorial convention be in structed to cast their votes either for a fanner or a laborer. Though this was a direct slap at J. G. Deeler, the motion carried, bul later was reconsidered and voted down. It is said that the idea of the motion was to boom Morcv Alexander, of Garfield, for the nom ination for state senator. Mr. Bceler, we understand, is now un decided as to whether he will allow his name- to be presented to the convention. 9 v 3 2 After a Good Dinner, HENRY A smoke is in order. Only fine cigars form a proper sequel to a feast, as other wise the aftermath would mar the plcasutc of its fore runner. There's nothing more praised by good livers than our cigars, which are fit to follow a royal meal. These goods arc "manufac tured exclusively fro m choice grades of tobacco. 9 1 THE QUESTION s often asked, What Paint shall we use? THE ANSWER '. If you are looking for covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and your money s worm, you must buv The Sherwin-Williams Paint. Omtt UctU ICO! eelt Wtar longtst, Mosi economical, Full Measure. BRUSHES, COLORS IN OIL. HOUSE A COACH VARNISHES, Our prices are for "best goods" first, last and all the time. , We are in the business to stay and S. W. P. stays with us. A. F. STREITZ, DRUGGIST. O. F. IDDINGB Hi"CLxr2-bex, Coal Yards and Elevators at North Platte, Nob., Sutherland, Neb., Julesburg, Colorado. NORTH PLATTE MILLS, (O. F. IDDINQS.) Manufacturer of HIGH AND MEDIUM GRADE FLOUR BRAN AND OHOP FEED. Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store. COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS. July 6, 1900. Board met pursuant to adjourn mcnt, present Commissioners Mc Neel and Carpenter and Countv CWk. Claim of Jno. Alexander for$12 00 allowed on bridge fund. The tollowing claims were allowed on the general fund: Sophia Anderson care of sick $135 00, R. 15. Aruudale janitor services iil.Q0, Ira L. Bare printing 154-25, Guy Boycr 14.00, A. S. Baldwin 15.70. J. G. Beclcr 5.00, Frank Boyer jail guard 70.00. G. T. Field c.ial 09.33. G. T. Field lumber 554.75. County Clerk instructed to notify John Alexander to come in and sign contract for grading. Adjourned until tomorrow. July 7, 1900. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment, present lull board and county clerk. The following bills were allowed on thegeneral fund: II. S. Kidglcy salary as county attorney jhOO.OO election expense bill due sundry persons 678.80, Wm. Woodhurst cash items advanced to relieve county of permanent wards 46. 85, A. L. McNcel salary as countv commissioner to date 105.90, W. II. C. Woodhurst insurance premiums 300.00. Bill of Thos. Hanrahan allowed on bridge fund lor 25.00. In the matter of petition ot John Murray, 15. 15. Erickson and others to change county road No. 237, county clerk is hereby instructed to notify Chas. P. Ross to survey the proposed change and report. N EIGHBORHOOD NEWS. The Pioneer says the enumerator found 1496 people within the city limits of Lexington, Grasshoppers are doing much damage to crops in sections of Dawson county. Some of the farmers are using dossers. Jim HenderRoii. employed on a ranch north of Cliappell, was thrown from a horse last week and so badly injured that death shortly ensued, The nine year old daughter of II. Rosenthal "of Gothenburg was bitten by a rattlesnake last week. The prompt application of remedies saved her life. Thirty carloads of wool will be shipped this season from Alliance and nearby stations The sheep industry in northwestern Nebraska is assuming big proportions, C. II. Ballinger of Lexington shipped 7.000 pounds of wool to St. Louis last week for which he received twenty cents per pound. The average clip of each animal was twelve pounds, A man at Ausley broke his wife's nose and unmercifully pounded her a few days ago, and a daughter who attempted to protect her mother was also badly bruised, Indignant citizens are considering the advisability of giving the brute a ciat of tar and leathers. BETWEEN THE RIVERS. A Union Pacific fence gang is now located at Ilcrshcy and work ing cast. Louis Toillion went to Fremont on business Saturday last. Joe Kcbout lias lately pniutcu the iron roof on the Mickclscu building at Ilcrshcy. II. 15. Linstrom lias returned from a business trip to Cliappell and has charge ol the Nichols cream separator station again. The heaviest rains ut the season prevailed here last Wednesday evening and Thursday morning. They came in the right time and -r! . - ,l l.i l r ... were ucncuciai iu an kiwis oi gram and pastures. Y. K, Kycriy and tamuy ana Will Uowhower of Hershey, re turned from Brady Island Thurs day where they spent the Fourth of July. Marion Hall, who resided on an old canal farm Ilinman precinct, departed a few night's ago, taking team, wagon and Household effects, leaving his crops, a horse, buggy and a nil; behind. John Adrian, wttc, twouaugiiters and a sou of Illinois, arc the guests of Mr. and Mrs, L. 15 .Jones at this time. Mrs. Adrian is Mr. Jones' sister. Frank Ilibncr and family of the county scat were . visiting J. L Stnckler and family at Ilcrshcy the forepart of this week. Jim Clemons, one ot the Nichols section crew, is off duty at thin time owing to a lame hand. Irrigation m this country is a thing ol the past for this year un less it should be late corn. Several farmers in the valley will harvest oats and spring wheat this week. Night Operator Williams of Ilcr shcy. who t.pcnt the 4th of July at his home in Gothenburg, reports a pleasant time and a large and peaceful audience. Scycral of the boys attended a social dance at the Cordcs ranch on the south side Saturday night. Miss Dora Wright of North Platte, visited with Miss Louise Seebergcr at Hershey the first of this week. C. F. Williams, who has been night agent at Hershey lately, went to Ogalalla Sunday and for a few days Agent Spear will go it alone at Hershey. The check in the 1 & M. canal just north of Nichols came very near washing out, caused by the surplus of water in the canal since the recent rainB. The second crop of alfalfa in the valley is looking line at this time and will be a large crop if the hoppers will let it alone. It is reported that the village of Hershev will soon have a new graded school. An addition 30x40 tcet will, it is stated, be built to the present school building which will make a very commodious structure. Seebergcr & Co. recently pur chased about sixty-three hogs of J. H. Hershey which they shipped west from Hershey with others a dav or two ago. J. M. Dwvcr. A. F. Becler and Everett Ware attended the county fusion convention at North Platte Saturday as delegates from Nichols precinct. Mr. Laynard. the sugar beet ir rigator ot Salt Lake, who had been at Hershev for a few days went to Grand Island Friday night. Three second lloor, keeping. For Rent. rooms on uewey suitable tor street, house- T. C. Pattkkhon. STATEMENT Of the enmlltlon of ttic Mutual IIuIIiIIiir ami Loan AnHodatloii ol North I'latte, Nc braxka, on Hie With lav of .lunc, IWM. ASSKTS. Flint mnrtKaRcloaiiH.. Jl'.'rt'JiO () Stork loan? HNiOUO Ileal cMtatP "WW Caul! mi lullllltlClll Illtl'IL'Ht, prt'lllllltMH aul lines aim uuch .. i,.wn It is Hot Weather There is no question about that hut. the ques tion before North Platte people is ''WHAT SHALL WHEAT THIS HOT WEATHER? HARRINGTON &TOB1N Arc in the lend as usual and have Speckled Trout in tomato sauce, Underwood's tomatto sauce, Sardines in Underwood's Sardines in mustard sauce, Fresh Mackeral in must ard sauce, Gold Label Sardines in Olive Oil, Kippered Herring i n Olive Oil, French Mushrooms, Peas and Sardines. Club House Clams and Lobsters, Lunbar's H a r a t u r i a Shrimp, Potted and Deviled Ham and Ham Roll, Potted Ox Tongue and Chicken, Veal Loal, Corned Beef, Hamburger Eels smok ed and pickled in jelly, Vienna Sausage a n d Saner Kraut, Chipped Beef and Salmon, Russian Caviar and Can ned Saner Kraut. We have the finest line of Pickles, Jellies, Jams, Pre serves, Mustards and Sauces. Include in your next order a bottle of "Fern dale" Salad Dressing. You can save SO per cent if you bit' your coupons of us, for cash, and buy your groceries just as cheap as any place in town. LEGAL NOTICE. Tho dofondunta Potor H. Gnvln, Gavin his wlfo, first nnmo unknown, Lombard Investment Company. Stnto lionlc ot Wnllnoo, will toko notiuo thnt on tho 20th day of Juno, 1000, tho philn HIT, Tho County ot Lincoln, n corpora tion, filed IU petition In tho district court of Lincoln county, Nobraskn, tho objoct nnd prnyorof which is to forccloso certain tax llona, duly nBscsBed by paid plaintiff avainst the southwest quarter ot Boutioa 14. in township i), north of rnnRO 31, wost of tho Sixth prinolpnl moridian, Nebraska, for tho year 1803 in tho sunt 315.11; for tho your 181)4 in tho Btim ot 812.03; for tho year 1805 In tho Biun ot 811.01; for tho yenr 1800 in tho Bnin ot 814 53; for tho your 1807 In tho Bum of 812 21; for tho yonr 1803 in tho sum ot 80.38; amounting in tho total sum ot 8102.01; with interest nt tho rnto of ton nor cont per annum from tho 1st day ot May, 1000, nil ot which is duo nnd un paid. 1'lnintilT provn a decroo of foroolosuro ot eald tnx Hon nnd n nalo of said promises. You nnd onch of you dofondnntB, nro required to nnswor snld petition on or bof nro Moodnv, tho 13th dny of Aun;uut, 1000. TIII2 COUNTY OF LINCOLN, A Corporation. j31 By II. S. IHdgtpy, Us Attornoy. Kxpi'liHcs anil taxes paid. inner axHuiH Total I.IAIIIMTIKS. Capital Mtork palil up Ituperve I unit Undlvlilcil prolltH Ailvatici: payment) l'ruuilmiiH unearned IS05 nil lim ih JII.VJM II ivn.vm I? Mm m . :i.47 m I.HTII III) . Cl.l.'l Id Total li:i,2M li IIKCIUPTS AND KXI'KNUITURBS FOR Till: YKAK HNMNU JUNK W, IWMI. IIKCKIITH. Ilalanci! on ham! July I, llx) i M ) Uuvh U'.:wi mi Inlerent, premium ami linen 7,M7 i Other fee Ill Ileal estate wn Wi Rent ".! w T.ixe. and Insurance ai Ui liXI'KNIimiHK). r.oaiiK ... f.'uni 7h I'.XIIITIHCM IVW.'.'I StoekH reileeiiRil IWI M P:ih1i on liand Mil Taxes and linmrauru , 7 M Total. i m.iti- nf Neliraxka Llnciiln countv. mm. I I. .Samuel tlonzee. xecretarv of the above i named association, do solemnly swear that tlie loreKDUiK vtaiumeni oi ine condition oi nuIiI association. Is true and correct to the liest of my knowledge ami liriief . kamukL flOOZHiC. Secretarv. Suliscrlheil and sworn to before me this Mil day ut July. iwm. W. 11. McDonald. Notary I'ubl c. Approved- T. a. l'ArrKHHON. - J-'. T. KKUMONU, J-Dlrectorti W J KOCUU. ) LEGAL NOTICE 1 ho dotondnnlB. .Murtln E. Groon. Cordelln Union, his wlfo, will tnko notice thnt on tho 18th tiny or Juno, 1000, tho plaintiff, Tho County of Lincoln, incor poration, tiled ilB petition in tho District Court ot Lincoln county. Nebraska, tho object nnd prnyor of which is to foro- cIobo coruitu tnx lions, iluly nssossoil oy snld plaintiff nunlnst tho west half northonst quarter, east half northwoBt qunrtor of Boction 20, In township 0, norm nt rntiKO "J, west or blxtti prin cipal moridian, Nebraska, for tho yonr 1802intlm sum of 88.02; for tho year 18!):), in tho sum of 88.20; for tho yonr 1891, in iho sum ot 87.10; for tho yonr 1M)."), in tho sum of 87.20; for tho yonr IHIKI, In tho Biun ot tiVO; for tho yonr 1807, 1 u tho mini of (150; for tho yonr 1808, In tho mini ot 7.00; amounting in tho total sum of.877.Cl; with interest nt. tho rnto ot Ten por cent, por annum from tho tlrBt dny ot May 1000, nil ot winch ib duo ana unpnid. Plaintiff prays it docreo of foroolosuro ot said tnx lion nnd n nolo ot snld prom. ibcb. ion una onch ot you UofonilantB nro ronulroil to ntiBwor snld notltion on orboforo Moudny, tho 20th uny of Aug- UBl, 1UUU. Tin: County ov Lincoln, A Corporation, liy II. S. RiniiLKV, Its Attornoy. LEGAL NOTICE. Tho dofondnnte Willnrd T. Hill, - -Hill his wlfo, tlrBt nnmo unknown, will tnko notico thnt on tho 25th dny ot Juno, 1000, tho plnintiff, thoCounty or Lincoln, ii corporation, filed Its potition in tho (liBtrict court or ljincoln county, iNo bniBku, tho objoot nnd prnyor of which Ib to forocloHo cortniu tnx lions, duly (iBRCBood by snld plnintiff nsninBt. tho Bouthwefit qunrtor ot eoctlon 2, in town ship 0. north of rnnno 31. west ot Sixth principal meridian, Nobraskn, for tho yonr 1803 in tho sum ot 817.70; for tho yonr 1801 in tho sum or tl2.03; for tho yonr 1805 in tho Bum of 813 38: for tho onr imxt iu the Biun orgio.tnj; for tho yonr 1807 In tho sum of 812.71; for tho yenr 1808 in tliosum of 811.17; nmount ui; in tho total sum or 81H.H2; with In- toroBt nt tho rnto ot ton por cont pot annum rrom tho 1st any ot may, nxw, nil of which is duo nnd unpnid, Hulium prnyR n uocroo or rorocloHiiro ot Biiid tnx lion nnd a salo of Bind promises, l on una onch ot you aoioiuiiiniB, nro required to miBwor Hitid potition on or Imforo Monday, tho 13th day of August, THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, A Corporation. j31 lly II. S. ltldKley, Itfl Attornoy LEGAL NOTICE. Tho dofondnntB J. It, Honeywell. Unit nnmo unknown, - Honeywell Iiih wife, llrst nnmo unknown nnd Ciiarlos Maples, will tnko notico thnt on tho 18th day of Juno, 1000, tho plnintiff, ThoCounty ot Lmicnin, u corporation, llleu Its potition in tho district court of Lincoln county, NobniBkn, tho objoct nnd prnyor of which is to forooioHo cortnin tnx 1 ons. duly nsBOHseil by. snld plaintiff nuiiitiHt tho northi'iiHt qimrtor of section 0. in township 5, north of range 27, wett ot tho Sixth principal meridian, Nobrnsku; for tho 1801 in tho huiu of 80.00; for tho yonr 1805 in tho Biun or (1.81; for tho your mini in ino Bum ot o.i; lor the year 1807 In tho Bum of 7.51; for tho yonr 1808 In tho sum of l.88:iimouiithiL' hi tho total huiu of 813 00; with interest nt tho rnto of ton per cout por annum from tho lflt dny of May, 1000, nil of which Ib duo and unpnid. Plaintiff prays a docreo of foroclosuro of Bind tnx lion nnd a snlo of said prom iflOH. You nnd onch ot you dofondnnts nro required to miBwor Hiild notltion on or nororo Monuny, tho 20tti dny of AuuiiBt, Tin: Countv or Lincoln, A Corporation jCl IJy II. S. Rldgloy.'iu Attornoy. LEGAL NOTICE. Tho dofondnntB O, II. JncobBon, first nnmo unknown, Jacobf-on his wlfo, llrst nnmo unknown, Aloxnndor SnmuolB nnd John Doe. truo nnmo unkuovVn, will tnko notico thnt on tho 25th dny ot Juno 1000, tho plaintiff, tho county ot Lincoln, it corporation, filed its potition in tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, tho objoct nnd prnyor of which Ib to forccloso cor tnin tux lions duly, assessed by said plnintiff ngnlnst tho northeast qunrtor of section 8, In township 0, north ot rnngo 31, west nf Sixth prinolpnl moridian, Nebraska, for tho yonr 1802 hi tho huiu of 811.12; for tho yonr 1803 In tho sum of 811.10; for tho yenr 1801 in tho Biun of 810.20; for tho your 1805 In tho sum of 810.02; for tho yonr 1800 in tho sum of 810.10; for tho your 1807 in tho buiii of 80.51; for tho your 1808 in tho buiu of 85.80; amounting In tho total huiu nt if-lOS.Boj with IntoroBt ut tho rnto ot ton pur cont por annum irom tho llrst day or Mny, 1000, nil of which lu duo nnd unpaid. L'ltiintitT pruyu u d"creo of forocloBiiro of said lux lieu and a snlo of said promises. i on una ouch or you (loioiulnntH. nro required to unswor B ild petition on or bo- foro Moudny tho 13th dny of August. 1000. THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, A Corporation. j3l lly II. S. Uulgloy, Its Attornoy. A Well Dressed Man is he who who get us to make his clothes. Wc are now receiving our line of new and fashionable Spring Suitings. F. J. Broeker, Morobant Tailor. Ovor MorBch'ti bnrbor chop. 1