The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 29, 1900, Image 5

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Resolutely "Pure
Makes tfic food more delicious and wholesome
worn wn wwotn
I Wedding Presents
$ and Novelties.
Wc liavc a fine line of $
Fancy Articles suitable
for Wedding Gifts Vases $
Clocks, Candelabra8,Uak- fS
ing Dishes, Cut GlaBs and $
Sterling Silver pieces.
Don't forget llial wc carry $
Bicvclcs in stock at prices is
tliat arc right. $
U. F. Wntch Examlnor.
TU ICS DAY, MAY 29, 1900.
Guy Congdon has accepted a po
sition in "Warner's furniture store
during vacation.
Hazel Palmer came up from
Grand Island this morning and is
the guest of iTrankie ICdwards.
A. Iv. Becgle, of Grand Island,
returned home this morning alter a
brief business visit in town.
Members of the Commercial Club
arc urged to attend the meeting to
be held at the rooms this evening
There arc several light cases ol
scarlet fever among children in
town and some alarm is being felt
by parents.
Miss lCinma Peterson, who had
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Win
ICdwards for a month, returned to
Danncborg this morning.
Get vonr ice cream sodas at
Hartman's. They will probably
taste good to you.
It is expected that at least one
hundred of our citizens will go to
the national cemetery to-morrow
morninir to attend the Memorial
Day services.
Patronize home industries by
buying of Harrington & Tobin
strawberries grown on the W. L.
Park fruit farm. These berries
will be on sale this week.
J. G. Bccler left this morning for
a two weeks' visit at his old home
near Galcsburg, 111. It has been
fifteen years since he last visited
his former stamping ground
Mrs. ICdward Weeks left this
morning for Omaha where her hus
baud is employed in the Union Pa
cific shops. They will make that
city their future home.
Hartman's is where they serve
good ice cream and cake.
To accommodate the working
public the county clerk and county
treasurer's office will be kept open
during the noon hour, and doors
will close hereafter at 5 o'clock p
in., after June 1st. This plan
is certain to prove more satisfac
tory to the public than the old one
af closing the ollice during the noon
hour and keeping open until six.
A summer school for teachers
and prospective teachers will be
conducted in the First ward school
house at North Platte. Term, six
weeks, beginning June 25. Tui
tion, S5. Instructors, II, Qrr and
H. 1? Worrell, AU brandies re
(iiiri'd for any county certificate
will be taught.
Further information will be cheer
fujly furnished upon application.
Hl?RTA TiioiJj.KClii:,
County Superintendent.
to., wtw YOB.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bacon have
been spending the last day or two
in Omaha.
Observer Picrcy can increase
lis popularity by giving us a nice
rain tonight.
There arc rumors of one or two
changes in North Platte business
louses within the next thirty days.
Water was turned into the south
side ditch the latter part of last
week audlhc farmers along its line
had begun irrigating.
There were quite heavy frosts
in the north part of the county on
Wednesday and Thursday morn
ings of last week, which nipped
vegetation to some extent.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Fonda and
sou lSvcrctt returned last nig lit
from their trip to Milwaukee and
other points in the cast. Their trip
was a very pleasant one to them
Ice cream in bulk at Hartman's
40 cents a quart.
Sheriff Kclihcr returned last cv
cuing from Cozad where he went to
look for Smith the fellow who stole
a bicycle of Dave White of Hcrshey
He found no trace of the man he
It is expected that an electric
light proposition will be submitted
to the city council at its next meet
ing, The council, wc believe stands
ready to accept any fair proposition
looking to the lighting of the
The Dcs Moines ball team will
pass through the city in about two
weeks and an effort will be made to
have them stop over a day and play
a game with the local club. Twine
ham formerly with the North
Plattes is now catcking for Dcs
We desire to call your attention
to our "Pink Dorothy" pattern of
ICuglibh Semi-porcelain, the finest
pattern that comes troin lCngland's
potteries, made by W. II. Grindley
& Co. If you want soinetlnnir nice
and can't afford china, buv this
and you will be more than pleased.
Harrington & Tohin
The union memorial services held
at the Opera House Sunday even
ing were largely attended and the
sermon delivered by Rev. Wolfe
proved very satisfactory to the old
soldiers and citizens generally and
has been highly complimented.
music was turnisiicu uy singers
from several of the church choirs.
Dr. Hauuah. Osteopath. Office op
posite Hotel Neville. North Platte
A Mr. Craven, a wholesale leaf
tobacco dealer of Detroit'and a Mr
Bates, connected with the Frank
Leslie Publishing Co. were in town
the latter part of the week. They
were anxious for a coyote chase
and Saturday they were taken to
Pawnee Springs by Otto Tlioelecke
where with a pack of greyhounds
they succeeded in chasing down
five coyotes. Messrs. Craven and
Bates were highly pleased with the
sport and have promised to return
Wc learn from the Omaha IOxcel
sior that Prof. Garlichs, formerly
of this city but now of Columbus
has composed a souk (both the
music and words being original
with him) entitled 4,For lCvcr
Thine." The ICxcelBior says the
song js one of much merit, being
tuueiul and melodious, and reflect
inucu credit on me composer
Prof, Qarlichs is meeting with muc
success in Columbus, where he i
omployed as music teacher in the
high school, aul in addition to
vocal culture has organized a high
school orchestra of fourteen pieces.
The Columbus papers speak highly
of Prof. Garlich's work.
BeaULifUl Matjcl,
A'lornod by hiiiitlwjino joyvkIh, boars
nn irrosiHtililoiitt ruction to tlio lover
of homily. An unsytninolrli'nl lituiil
rim l,o mndo dainty and pretty when
adorned by such Hiiporb juwuln, set in
Midi oxipiiHito comlilnut ioiih in linifor
riii(,'8, bracelote, etc. as you will find
in nurinnRiiilicent array of Indies' lino
jawolry .
Union Pacific Watch Inspector,
Succoeds Harris a8 Superin-
tondont of tho Wyoming
Change Becomes Effective June J.
W. L. Park, who for a number
of years has been assistant sup
erintendent of the Nebraska
i vision under Sunt. Muster, lias
been promoted, to superintendent
of the Wyoming division and will
issuinc his new duties June 1st.
To those who have watched
the upward career of Mr. Park,
and known of the excellent satis
faction his work lias given, this
promotion is not entirely unex-
ected. In his new position he
will have charge of the road from
Cheyenne to Ogdcn, and will
lave three assistant superin
tendents under him. He will
lave headquarters at Cheyenne.
While glad to sec this well-
earned promotion, Tur. Tkihunu
egrets to have Mr. Park leave
North Platte. In his removal
the city loses an energetic, pro
gressive and popular man; one
who lias alwavs labored tor the
ulvanccmcnt of the material in
terests of the city. The an
nouncement of his removal from
the citv will cause universal
regret among our citizens.
Harry Fikes returned from hi
eastern trip pretty well "fagged
out." While at the Milwaukee
convention he was chapcrone to
i party of forty, more than half
of whom were ladies, and as they
were continually on the go the
exercise was a little too much for
our corpulent friend.
Madame Kuppcrt's Face Bleach
on silc at McAlcc's.
Chicago forecast for North
Platte and vicinitv: Generally
fair tonight and Wednesday;
cooler tonijrnt. i nc maximum
4 i i
temperature yesterday was 7'J;
one year ago it was 71. The
minimum temperature this
morning was 58; one year ago it
was 44.
The Nativity School is having
its closing exercises this after
noon. A program of recitations
and songs is being rendered, and
to those standing highest in the
class premiums, consisting of
book's, will be given.
A number of the pupils who
attended the Second ward school
will hold a picnic at Hall's grove
on the north side next Saturday
Several ladies have kindly con
sented to chapcrone the children.
Charlev Burke tells us that he
will probably remove from Den
ver to Omaha. The change will
be made on account of Mrs
Burke's health, which lias been
rather poor for some time past
One of Charley Kitzmiller's
voting coyotes became vicious
the other day and made a savage
attack on him, but the onlv
damage was a bud rent In his
$1500 worth of Millinery nt cost.
Tin; Hun.
The Methodist ladies will,
commencing next Saturday, re
new holding their exchange fair
in the room north of Broeker's
tailor shop. Bread, cakes, etc.,
will be on sale.
Hon. W. S. Somers, will arrive
from Omaha tonight and will de
liver the Memorial Day address
at the opera house t vmorrow
Adolph Bodinus, who went to'
Iowa two weeks ago, returned 1
Sunday night. He suffered so
much with asthma in Iowa that
he was forcedto return here.
Farmers in the south part of
the county are beginning to com
. . . . .
plain much on account of lack or
.... n, ... , . i..
... ( 1
Business in tho city tomorrow
will practically be suspended by
reason of it being Memorial Day.
h , J
nariey uurice is oowu irom
Denver today looking after some
cattle deals.
I Railroad Notes. J
Bruce Stuart, who is now as
sistant to the station agent at
Cozad, spent Sunday at home.
Twenty cars of horses en route
from Mountain Home, Idaho, to St.
Paul passed through this mot'uiug.
Frank Sullivan came up from
Grand Island Saturday and Bpcnt
forty-eight hours with relatives
aud friends.
Business on the road has taken a
temporary tumble during the past
week. It will probably assume
greater activity in a few days.
J. S. Focklcr, formerly operator
at Lodge Pole, has accepted the
position oi check clerk made va
cant by the resignation of Dennis
A Mr. Wanick late of Creston,
Iowa, has accepted a position as
operator in the dispatcher's office.
taking the place of Mr. Milucr who
takes the third dispatcher's trick
during the absence ol Clabaugh and
the proposed vacation of Will Jcf
fcrs. A solid train of thirty-eight cars
of unbroken range horses from
Oregon passed Uirouiih Friday
night. There were eleven hundred
head in the Consignment, and were
billed to St. Paul, Minn. The firm
making the shipment have 6,000
more head which they will send
cast catly in July,
Notico to Postofflco Patron.
On May 30th (.Memorial Day) the
general delivery window will be
open from 8 to 9:30 o'clock a. m.,
when it will be closed for the rest
of the day. II. W. Him,, P. M.
To tho Public.
Miss Wc'sbcr is in North Platte
prepared for vocal pupils. She has
had several years of study with the
world renowned prima donna,
Btclka Gerster, and is an exponent
of the old Italian method.
A Testimonial.
North Platte, May 25, 1900.
To the Public: Having examined
and tested the various brands of
ham at the meat market of W. M.
Baskin, I find tliat for delicacy of
flavor, tenderness, superior quality,
and perfect smoking, the Swift's
Skinned Hams arc the best.
Proi Wm. P. Collins,
Home grown strawberries of
early varieties will be marketed
by Mr. Ripley the latter part of
this week. Mr. R. expects a
heavy crop this season, and will
be able to supply a good part of
North Platte's demand for the
Wo Aro Not Tho Only Fooplo
in North Platte who sell Queens
ware, but we can give you the best
that money can buy, Water Sets
with nickle trays at 90i, $1 and
1.25. Colored glass water sets at
SI. 50, 1.75 and 2 75. Toilet Sets at
51.60,3.00. 4 50, 9.00, 11.00, 12 50
and 13.50. Dinner Sets, English
ware only, $7 50,8.00, 12.00, 14.00
and 17.50. Five Austrian China
Dinner Sets at $14.00.
Glass Tumblers per set 20c
Engraved Tumblers per set 25c
Fine Thin Tumblers per Bct....30c
IlandlcdCups and Saucers per set45c
7-inch Dinner Plates per set.. ..45c
100-piece English Dinner set.. $7.00
Wilcox. Department Store.
It's Sixteen to One
- 1 that our Richelieu canned goods
i i... n .
"re praiseu uy an ruuMunci.
What pleases everybody must he
i top quality. Wliile our good tare
. in the store our values are on the
i rool. Price plays second fiddle to
quality, which can't be trifled with
i J f?,d artic,.cS: fi? K3
I tend to good health, it s courting
longevity to have us serve you.
Off for Europe.
Victor Von Goetz, son Victor,
daughters Misses Ida, Fannie and
Annie, aud Mrs. Daniel Burke and
daughter Elizabeth left this morn
ing for Kit rope. They go from here
to Montreal where they take a
vessel for Liverpool, thence to
The Von Goetz family will tour
Germany, Prussia and Austria,
visiting nil the principal cities, aud
will sec the Passion'Play at Obcr
ammaga. They then go to-Venice,
Koine aud other Italian cities,
thence to Switzerland, thence to
the Paris exposition.
Mrs. Burke and daughter will
visit the Paris exposition aud then
go to the former's old home at Am
sterdam. Holland.
(Juitc a number of friends as
sembled at the depot to bid the
party good-bye and wish the mem
bers a safe and pleasant trip.
Drop in Nails.
Hil Nails aud coarser, per lb 4 cts.
fid Nails r lid finer, per lb 5 cts.
Finishing Nails, per lb 5 cts.
Wilcox Dkpaktmknt Stori:
Burglars effected an entrance to
Reiuhart'B jewelry store at Sidney
Thursday evening last and took
therefrom almost the entire stock
of watches and jewelry.
Notice to Doff Owners.
Taxes on dogs will be due June
1st, 1900, and tags can be ob
tained from city clerk. All dogs
upon which taxes arc not paid will
be shot.
H. T. Kick.
Farms and Ranches,
iJOnrrc farm ranch, about II in Hen from
North l'Jutlc, Noli., lfti arrcM under cultlva
lion, livi acre hay land, KVi acres pasture,
room frame linuxc, Mhadc and fruit trecH,
wind mill, 10-foot well, frame turn, hIiciIh,
granary, and chicken limine. Thin Is auholce
place and can lie Hold cheap.
WO acre farm ranch, in acres under culti
vation, 170 acrcn choice hay land, ho acres
alfalfa, balance good picture laud; l-room
frame Iiounc, frame Htabltnt;, hIioiIn, out-
hutldlni;. All fenced and croM fenced
If you want a Kood lart;c farm rnnch cloxc to
North l'latte, Neb., thtn will suit you.
a) acre farm ranch close to North l'latte,
Neb., 1(10 acres under cultivation, H) acres
hay land, balance pasture, Oood sod house
stable, sheds, and outbuildings; all fenced;
llvlnu water In pasture. If you want a choice
place for a stocK farm, this will suit you.
1.1! acres good hay land, about one mile
from railroad station on the South l'latte
river bottom. This Innd can lie sold for it,77
per acre, and Is well worth !(.
351 acres land on tho North l'latte river
Kittom, This Is all choice hay laud except
about 30 acrrs which Is under cultivation
and only two miles from station on Union
acllle railroad. This land is worth more
than party asks for It. Call and see us or
write for price, l'rlce subject to change.
Irti acre dairy farm near North l'latte.
Neb. Also one of HO acres, and one of lift
acres. There Is big money made running a
dairy farm If properly conducted, and this
section of the country Is well adapted for It,
100 acre farm In valley only three miles
from town, alt under cultivation; four room
frame house, sheds, etc. This farm Is under
Irrigation, and can bo nolrt for ?! I per acre If
taken soon.
We have farms and ranches of all kinds
and all locations.
We have grazing lands for sale In nearly
every township In the county, ranging In
price from $1 per acre up.
Many of the above we can traije for other
property. If you have anything to trade,
call and soe us.
ini acres choice land under Irrigation close
lulesburg, Colo.
Ni acre fruit farm In McDonald county. Mo.
I'arty will trade.
so acre fruit farm In Kaulkucr county,
Arkansas, will trade for North l'latte. Neb.,
it-Macro ranch on the Snake river In Idaho.
M) acres unimproved land In Clark county.
Two inn acre farms la Sheridan county.
80 acre farm In Hamilton county, Neb.
HV) acre farm In fierce county, Neb,
loo acre ranch In Keith county, near l'ax.
ton, Neb.
3:o acres choice table laud, choicest kind
of grazing land, plenty ot open range, near
Cody lakes, cuts some hay, Just the place to
start a cattle ranch.
Several farms on the (larlleld table are
listed with us for sale or trade for city prop
0 room house aud lot, close In and ilrslclass
property In every particular,
8 room house and lot close In. This prop'
erty Is rented uud pajH good'rlile of Intcrrst
on amount Invested
(1 room homo and corner loti'iholce loca
tloii "(iod lawn .(nil large shadb trees.
Several smaller house of various sizes and
lo- .itlous. tanging In price Irom .Vl up.
Vacant building lots In all parts ol town
and prices according to locations,
We can give pari llm i almost every
Ihliif wc M'll. Some of the Iioiipos we can
sell pai l cash and balance monthly payments
We have several hniulrlrs lor choice
ranches, well Improved.
Any Information regarding the above will
be furnished If you will call atonice or ad
North Plntte, Neb
A sister of Michael Gharrity ar
rived from the New York Saturday
Governor Poyntcr offers a re
ward of two hundred dollars for
arrest aud conviction of the mur
derer of Robert McMiillcu at Sid
ney on May 10th,
Ilonl Estato for Snlo.
Two good lots in Miller's ad
dition, very cheap. Several lots in
North Platte Town Lot Co's Ad
dltion. Choice residence in west
cud and several Hue lots with shade
trees, shrubbery and blucgrass,
u west end at reasonable prices,
Apply to T. C, Patti:kson.
Notico To Taxpayers.
Personal taxes for 1899 were de
linquent February 1, 1900.' I am
charged with, and responsible for,
their collection, and those unpaid
must be paid. 1899 realty taxes
arc delinquent May 1, 1900.
Trcasuier Lincoln County.
Tho llrnt whito ninn to eat foot on
Utah soil, Father Sllvostro Vnloz do
Efcnlnnte, who reached tho'OItEAT
SALT LAKE on tho Slrd day of Sop-
totubor, 1770, wrote In his diary, "Horo
tho oliiunto Is so delicious, tho air oo
balmy, that It is a ploasuro to brealho
by day and by night." Tho cliinnto ot
Utah is ono of tho riclioel endowments
of nature On tho shoroa of tho Groat
Bait Lnko especially and for tlfly miles
therefrom in overy direction-thocliroato
of olhuntos in found. To otiablo porsous
to participate In thoso eeonlu and cli
matic attractions, and to roach tho fain.
PLEASURE HESOltTS ot Utnh, tho
UNION PACIFIC hnH mado n rate to
ono faro for tho round trip plus $J from
MiRBotiri river, to bo in olToct Juno '21,
July 7 to 12 inolusivo, July 18. nnd Aug.
'i return limit uct. ai, iuuo.
f or mil information, call on or un
dress JAS. U. SOANLAN, Ai;ont.
Kuroltn Harness Oil n the best
preservative of new loiithcr
and tliu host renovator ol old
leather. It olid, Koftcus, black
om uud protects. Visa
Harness Oil
on your Is-sl hnrnran, yonr old linr
neim, ami your currlngclo,nu1 lliry
will not only look ln-ttrr Isil -r
loniwr. Kilil every nhem In runs nil
ttva from Imlf fnti to II vr Billions.
Uki, bj 8T4MIIU OIL 10.
And all kinds of
Farm Itehinepy.
Standard Goods at
Reasonable Prices.
Summer Excursions
'i'lio Union I'ucitlu will plnuu in olfoct
on Juno til, July 7 to 10 Inu., July 18,
nnd Auk. Humniur oxuurnioii rnlcHut
l'lim $'1 from Kiiiihiih nnd NubriiHUji
poinlu to
Donvor, Colorado Springs,
Puoblo, Ogdon, and Salt Lako.
Tickets good fot return
Until October 3 1 st.
For limo tables 11ml full information
call on
Copyrights Ac
tniMn Kondlnv n nkotrli nil ilntcrlntlnn m.
.-.uiemr mmrtam mir opinion jroo wnotner mi
Invention probably iintentublo. Communis,
tlnnmtrlctlycontldoutltil. Uandbockon I'attntt
rut trofl. oldest npency for accurliur patent.
t'atonta liikcn through Munn Co. receive
tptcUt ticf let, nltliout clmrno, In tuo
sctetitific .flitiericam
A handiomclr llluntralml neokly.
r.nmcst clr.
Ternit, 13 a
, iBiirt lour moniui, ti. ouiu ujrnn iiuaiii.
CIIMllull VI UU7 Bfiemilt" v. . "".! i r