9 a and Novelties. Wc have a fine line ol K Fancy Articles suitable & for Wedding Gifts Vases $ Clocks, Candclabras,I3ak- & ing DislicH, Cut Glass and $ Sterling Silver pieces. $ s $ Don't forget that wc carry $ J Uicvclcs in stock at prices ffi $ tliat arc right. $ Clinton, $ THE JEWELKK. $ J U P. Watch Examiner. 3-3l)3-3li?:.-, Site mi Wrcfcli ribuuf. TUICSDAY, MAY 22, 1900. Special Agent Lesser, of the United States land office, came in from Tama, Iowa, this morning. Mrs. R. 10. Drobst, who had been visiting her pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McGrew. returned to Dcs Moines, Iowa, this morning, 15. W. Crane has been up from Lincoln for a day or two giving the fusionists a little Inside politics of the brand found at the state house. The "Dirty Dozen," which, by the way, is a misnomer, held a ban quet last evening at their rooms, Arthur lloaglaud acting as their caterer. The event was a smooth ly conducted alTair. Manicuring, Hair-dressing and Shampooing. Ladies' combings made into switches and curls at McAfee's, opposite the Methodist church. Charley Kitzmiller has opened a "zoo" in connection with the Vienna Kestaurant and has on ex hibition one old and nine young coyotes which he captured a yester day with the aid of his hounds. The W. R. C. will hold an ice cream social in the building one door north of Broeker's tailor shop next Saturday evening. All friends ol the W. R. C. and old soldiers arc cordially invited, as funds arc needed to defray the expenses of Memorial Day. For Salk A few hives of choice bees cheap. H. C. Lanc.don. The reception to the outgoing and incoming secretaries of the Y. M.C.A.will be held at the rooms this evening. Short addresses will be made by Messrs. McDill, Hollingn worth, Sheppard, Bccler, Cunning ham, and others. Vocal and instru mental music will be rendered. Cit izens arc urgently invited to attend. A crowd of young men and boys have of late been gathering in from of several of the churches and by the use of .boisterous and un ireutleuianlv language have caused the worshippers inside much annoy ance. The othcers nave uceu ap pealed to and they will sec that such, crpwds no Jonger congregate. We desire to call your attention to our "Pink Dorothy" pattern of English SamUporcelain, tue tinest pattern that pomes trom England's potteries, made by W. H. Grjndley ft Co, If you want something nice and can't afford chum, buy this and you will be more than pleased. Hakkinoton & Town. A hay dealer informs us that the hay in Lincoln county has practi cally been cleaned up, and that in his opinion there is not to exceed fiftv .-nrlomls nf marketable hav in the" Platte valley between Brady and Sutherland. The good prices at the close of the season has re sulted in producers selling about everytutug in sir hi. io-u.iy gouu hay on cars at this point is worth $7 a ton. Dr. Hannah. Osteopath. Office op positc Hotel Neville. North Platte. Mrs Wilton, the professed "spc rSniSat." who lind been stonninir in town for several weeks, went to Lexington Saturday night- This 'spcpiaiist wuo cianueu .u u )i.,wil nrnrt inner, failed to file her license with the county clerk as rpquired by law, anu iis eu o me general oeijei uiai sue uui ihh pus dice unrh licfMiKc. It is said that llirnnrrli iirnnrnnce she was irililtV nf maltreatment of a nation t. and it was by reason of the latter that slio suddenly ict town. Drop In Nails, Hd Nails utld coarser, per lb 4 cts, Gd Nails and finer, per lb 5 cts Finishing Nails, per lb 5 els. WlI,COX DlU'AKTMKNT STORK Wedding Presents $ 4 .1 R jiBSO&ureLY "Pure Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ROYAL CKINO POCEN Memorial Orders and Program. MOKNINC, 1. A detail of nine comrades will irocecd under Post Commander to South Side Cemetery to decorate graves of all soldiers. 2. At J a.m. S. A. Douglas Post ind Corps, Spanish-American sol diers, and Company E, National (iuaru will assemble at tltctr Head quarters and proccud to North i'latlc Cemetery, wncrc ritual ser vice will be read and salute by joint liring squad over tue new made graves of tlicir comrades. Tliey will tucn decorate the graves ot all soldiers, sailors, and marines with sweetest flowers, AKTFKNOON. At 2 o'clock sharp col mint will form on Dewey street front of Court House in following order: 1. Major Scharmann, Marshal of tue Dav. Mayor' White with Hon. W. S. Somers and Attorney J.G. Bccler, orators ot the dav. 3, Company E, N. N. G, and Sol diers Spanish American war, Captain Grau commanding. 4. School children in charge of teachers. 5. Members W R. C, G. A. R., and old soldiers. Citizens on foot and in carriages, Column will march west on Third street two blocks to Vine north two blocks on Vine to Fifth, thence cast on Fifth to Dewey, north on Dewey to Sixth, cast on Sixth to opera house. Exercises will open with singing of "America" by the audience and nravcr by Rev. Vcrncr: reading of orders and ritual service by the Grand Army Post; song, Mrs. Hcr shey: address, Hon. W. S. Somers. orator pf the day; address, J. G. Bccler; song, "Marching Ulirougn Georgia." EVENINC A camp fire will be held at Lloyd's opera bouse at eight o'clock. Opening song, "Tramp, Tramp, the Boys Come Marching;" speeches by comrades and others: song, Major Scharmann; recitation, Win nie Beeler; exercises close with tableaux. Grand Army camp lires arc educational and everybody is n vi ted. Memorial Day Program of the Ladies of tho O. A. H. The members and the honorary members of S. A. Douglas Circle No. 20 Ladies of the G..A. R , will meet at I. O. O. F. hall on Memor ial Day at 1:30 p. m. and drive to the cemetery to decorate tue graves of all soldiers. Bailors and marines of the war of the rebellion and render a service to the unknown dead. On return to city, they will assemble at I. O. O. F. hall where the ritualistic memorial service of the order will be held, also a short program appropriate to the day, Everybody invited. COMMITTEE.. Summoned to Annapolis. Nathan Post received a telegram last evening notifying him to ap pear at Annapolis for examination for cadetship. Golden, who was appointed, failed to appear, and Post being the next in standing takes the former's place. He will leave for Annapolis Thursday. Here's hoping that Nathau will successfully pass the requirements and thus represent North Platte in tuc naval academy. We Aro Not Tho Only Pooplo in North Platte who sell Queens- ware, but we can give you the best that money can buy. Water Sets ...5.1. 1 rl cc T1 Willi uiCKfc ii ay a iii ju, ri uuu 1.25. Colored glass water sets at Sl.50, 1.75 and 2 75. Toilet Seta at 1.60, 3.00. 4.50, 'J.00, 11.00, 12 50 and 13.50. Dinner Sets, IStiglisu ware only, $7 50, 8.00, 12.00, 14.00 and 17.50. Five Austrian China Dinner Sets at $14.00. HARRINGTON & TOBIN. Adjourned Meeting', An adiourued meeting of the Board ol Education will be held this evening, but it is probable that the onlv business transacted will be that in connection with the exam inations of the Senior class and the commencement evercises. In rtMilv in an inouirv this morn ing, M. C. Harrington stated that his firm had not fully decided as to whether they would open a meat market in their ucwey street store room. The matter will be definite lv Kottk'd when Mr. H. makes a vjsit to South Qmaha, which he ex pects to do. in the near lutiire, Messrs. Wilcox and HiiHiuati went to Julesburg last njght to de fend LeFcirest Lilibv. who is charged with unlawfully taking n . , i r i. r Street Commissioner Rice is II ii 1i i ii rr nut the tile culverts todav in anticipation of heavy rains in the near luiure, Mrs. Colonel Owens returned last night from a vit.it with friends in Missouri. General Secretarv McDill of the Y. M. C. A. is in town today. BAKING Powder CO., KtW QK. The Finest. We carry n complete line of goods under the Richelieu Brand. These goods nre the highest grade put out by bpraguc, Warner & Co., Chicago, and arc the finest, pro duced. Try a can of the famous Richel icu Coffee, a can holder with each can. Sleepy Kye Flour, you now the guarantee, if not satisfac tory your money back and you may keep the flour, $1.15 per sack, Fresh Strawberries every day and the price declining. RUSH & MURRAY- Commencement ExorcUos. The commencement exercises of the North Platte high school will be held this week. The Class Dav ogram will be given Thursday evening at the opera house, mid will consist of a farce-comedy en titled "A Crazy Idea." thepcrsonae embracing the entire class, assisted by W. V. Urcyer and one or two others. This play is said to be quite amusing, and the young ladies and gentlemen will display considerable talent in the produc tion of it. The regular commencement exer cises will be held at the opera house Friday evening, ai.d for this the lollowing program Iia been arranged: Mubic, Gordon Cornet Band; invocation, Rev. G. A Bcechcr; music, Gordon Cornet Band; salutatory, "Will it Pay," William Arthur Ottcn; vocal solo, Ira L. Bare; address to the class, II. S. Ridgcly; violin foIo, Alvin Pool; presentation of diplomas. J. G. Beeler; vocal solo, Rev. II. A. Wolfe; valedictory, "Knowledge and its Power," Miss Sadie Bake- well. The members ot the Baptist church met in the League room of the Methodist church isunday attcr noon and thoroughly considered the reopening of their church. After the appointment ol a committee to solicit funds the meeting adjourned to meet Monday evening at the home of Mr. Hogsett. The church met pursuant to adjournment, and, after listening to a most favorable report from the committee, extend ed a call to Mr. C. Percy Kirby to the pastorate ior the summer months. As soon as school is out the seats will be removed from 1 lie building and the trustees will im mediately take steps to thoroughly repair the house and hope to have t in readiness for occupancy by the first Sunday in June. A prayer and Bible study service will be held next Sunday afternoon at the home ot Mr. Grant. It is certainly to the honor and integrity of the church that every dollar of the indebted ness incurred by Mr. Fisher has been paid, and the church has suf ficient money on haud'to make all necessary repairs. Harrington & Tobiu has shipped over 500 cars of hay during the past season, or an aggregate ot nearly six thousand tons. The average price paid during the season has been about five dollars per ton on car. It will thus be seen that the hav interests in the section tribu tary to North Platte Is of consider able importance. Single-decked stock cars are bc ng rushed through to Ogdcu, and it is understood heavy shipments of cattle will be maue to Nebraska. where the animals will be pastured during the summer. The Woman's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church render ed a very interesting program at the church bunuay evening. A missionary offering of twentyfive dollars was made, Arthur Rush has been in bed since last Saturday morning suffer ing (rom an attack ol stomach trouble. He in reported somewhat improved today. Fifteen or twenty voting society people nciu an enjoyable dance ai L eucrhoot s hall last evening. A dozen or more wagons loaded with hogs came in from Gaudy last evening. Notice To Taxpayers, Personal taxes for 18'J9 were de linquent February 1, l'JOO. I am charged with, and responsible for, their collection, and those unpaid must be paid. 1899 realty taxes are delinquent May 1, 1900. C. F. SUIAKMANN. Trcasuicr Lincoln County. CROCKERY PRICES. r.l:ua 'P11 111 hlcra nor fl )& Engraved Tumblers per set 2fc Fine Thin Tumblers per set.. ..30c HandlcdCups and Saucors per set45c 7.,irli Mmiifr lliitnu nr iini . . .41- 100-piece English Dinner set. .$7.00 Wilcox Department Store.' X Railroad Notes. $ Boyd Dickinson, who has charge of one of the U. P. fencing gangs, came up from Overton Saturday and spent Sunday at home. The business men's association of Kearney made an excursion over the Black Hills road yesterday as tue guest ot bupt. w. L. 1'arK. O. V. Morrison was relieved of the day forctnanship of the round house Sunday and is succeeded by J, Shoemaker, who at onetime held a similar position at Cheyenne. The thirteenth train crew was put 111(6 service on the Third district Friday afternoon. F. L. Rork is the conductor and Mason and Brown arc the brakemeu. This puts John Ell and Henry Rcbhaus- en at the head of the extra list, The local train and engine crewn have been directed to report to Dis patcher Roth for examination in the standard rules of train service adopted by the company ten years ago. The object of tins is to ascer tain whether the men have been re freshing their memories relative to the rules. The latest railroad rumor clfcct- ing North Platte is the revival of the story that the B. Si M. will build from Kearney to this point, paralleling the Union l'acihc. While this has often been referred to in the past and not materialized, yet there are reasons to believe that the line will eventually be con structed, Albert Parks, an cmnlovc at the coalschutcs. while descending f rom the top platform biturday night, Inst his fooling on the ladder and fell to the trround. a distance of about twenty feet. He struck on ,. 1 1 1 -... 1 111s ui'iiu anil wjs ruin-el cu iiipvjii siblc. but later recovered conscious ness and managed to reach home. A nhvsicau who was summoned found a fracture of the skull and internal injuries. The unfortun ate man is in a critical condition. The band concert Saturday even ing drew out a large crowd. It iR hoped that the citizens will con tribute liberally so that these con certs may be continued during the .summer months. Your Pass Book Will show where you are paying more for most of these articles, and will not bhow you where you pay less. Eggs per doz 09 Army Axle Grease 2 boxes 15 Monarch Axle Grease 2 boxes. ..15 Frazier's Axle Grease 2 boxes... 15 Walter Baker's Cocoa lb tin... 25 Walter Baker's Chocolate 18c, 2 cakes 35 i&.pint Dr. Price's Extract Va nilla 15 Sewing Machine Oil per bottle.. 05 Grand Pa's Wonder Soap per bar.05 Kerosene Oil per gal 16 Yeast Foam 2 pkgs 05 On Time Yeast 2 pkgs 05 1-lb pkgGold Dust 18 Pcarline per pkg 04 Search Light Matches per box.. 04 Kingsford's Silver Gloss Starch. 08 Kingstord's Corn Starch 08 Table Salt 2 sacks 05 Sago per pkg .'01 flops per pkg 04 Whittcmore's Gilt Edge Shoe Polish 20 Whittcmore's Baby Elite Shoe Polish 10 Bird Seed Mb pkg ..07 Eagle Brand Condensed Milk 18c 2 cans for. . , 35 Evaporated Cream 13c, 2 cans. ..25 Vinegar per gal 20 Arbucklc's Colfee. ...13c, 2 pkgs 25 Lion Colfee 13c, 2 pkgs 25 German ColTcc ,13c, 2 pkgs 25 Bee Colfee per pkge 14 Bogota Coffee 18c, 2 pkgs 35 Cream of Wheat per pkge 15 Pillsbury's Vitos. .13c, 2 pk' 25 Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit 13c, 2 pkgs 25 Battle Ax Tobacco. . . . per plug 35 Horse Shoe Tobacco, . . .per plug 45 Slur Tobacco per lb 45 J. T. Tobacco per plug 20 Duke's Mixture Tobacco. .per lb 35 Snow Flake Patent Flour, per 6k 90 2o-lbs Corn Meal is We charge no more for goods ex changed for produce than you pay in cash. Wilcox Department Store. FOR SALE. FARM WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS TOP BUGGIES, Ami all kinds of Farm IVIachinery. Standard Goods at Reasonable Prices. LOCK & SALISBURY NOIt'MI IM.ATTli rn 11 j 2 5 We have just received a Nice Assortment of HUMMOCKS, CROQUET SETS GOLF GOODS, and... and arc still doing business at the old stand, the Red Front Store. Newton's Book and Novelty Store. ' PAINTS. A FULL LINE OF g John W. Masury's Celebrated Paint ON SALE AT. I Dayis5 Hardware Store. 1 : When you get ready to pninfc your house, call on us and let us sell you first-class Paint at reasonable prices. j North Platte 3Jrugs and Druggists' Sundries. 3 jfc Wc aim to handle the best grades of goods jfc Sell everything at reasonable prices, and Sfc warrant all goods to be just as represented. All Proscriptions Carofully Filled by a Lloonsod Pharmacist, j Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway is respectfully solicited. First door north of First National Bank. r t Q. K. IDDING8 31j-u.3nn.Toer, Coal Yards and IQlcvatorn at North Platto, Nob., Sutherland, Nob., Julesburg, Colorado. NORTH PLATTE MILLS, (O. P. IODINOS.) , Manufacturer of HIGH AND MEDIUM GRADE FLOUR BRAN AND OHOP FEED. Order by telephone from Newton's Hook Store. wedding sens are now, and wedding presents arc the order of the day in society, Wc have a profusion of cxqtiistc pieces tn limwlonmn tntilo nllvnr. rirli iriv. cs superbly set, watches, chiitct vrflwbs, gold and sterling and 'you in unit UMk ist ivvo no miiubkiiw ait !.(.!. .1 .1 r . 1 uic uigu cuaracier 01 our gouus. Kinc watch repairing DIXON, Tho Jeweler. Union Faolflo Watch Inspector. A SPANKING CLIP stirs the breeze about you as the carriage spins along. Having a vehicle worthy of a place among the leaders on the road gives pride a base to rest on. Our four-wheelers combine the lines of beauty with those of strength. Every style wc show is a picture, needing only a horse or team to become a moving reality. Jos. Hershey. Locust Street. Pharmacy. 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 awa J A . 1 JA A J