r ; Local News in Brief. J; J. G. Bceler spent yesterday in Gothenburg' taking testimony in the RifTIc-Atkinson content case. Tailor made suites a specialty at the McAfee dressmaking parlors on the corner of Vine and Sixth Btreets. James M. Hay, Lawyer, A large portion of the schools will hold appropriate bird and ar bor day exercises next Monday, the being the day which the gover nor has proclaimed as Arbor day. Mrs. Maggie England arrived from Colorado Springs Sunday morning and will spend several weeks here viBiting her sister, Mrs. Fred Barraclough, and other rela tives. A car ot Karly Ohio seed potatoes at W. P. McGwne & Co. The annual meeting of the ladies' guild will be held at the guild house next Friday afternoon. Offi cers for the ensuing year will be elected at this meeting and all of the members arc asked to be in attendance. The early morning service at the Church of Our Saviour will com mence next Sund y at half past seven, the second service at half past ten and the evening service at eight o'clock. These will hereafter be the regular hour for the services. Edward Docbkc and uRcd" Saw yer were up before Judge Davis Saturday afternoon charged with disturbing ths peace, They were each fined a dollar and costs. The boys were fighting on Front street the evening before and unfortun ately for them Policeman McNa mara appeared on the scene just as the contest was at its height. Wm. 13. Price was before Judge Baldwin again on Saturday charged with assault and battery. He plead guilty and was fined five dollars and costs. His victim this time was Dayid Beigbtcl against whom he has harbored a grudge ever since the latter had him ar rested for assault upon his son. Redwood Stock Tanks -for sale. Best on earth. Sizes 6 to 1G feet. C. Fi Idmncs, Wm. Daly, the boy who robbed the till of the Union Pacific office at Hershey last -week, wus arraigned betore Judge Baldwin Saturday afternoon charged with petit lar cenv. He plead guilty and was sentenced to the reform school. The amount which the boy took was 6.90. Sheriff Kclihcr will take him to the retorm school within few days. He docs uot seem to be vicious and the general opinion in that he was rather more sinned against than sinning. Red River Early Ohio Seed pota toes at McCullough & Carter's. The N. P. H. S. alumni associa tion held an adjourned meeting at the county superintendent's office Saturday evening, After some discussion it was decided to hold the annual banquet on Saturday evening, May 26th, the evening following the commencement exer cises. Committees were appointed to make arrangements for the ban quet and the printing and were in structcd to report at the next meet lng wutcn win dc Held at tue same place Monday evening, April 30th The annual dues will be collected at that meeting. Spring Styles For the Boys.... The brightness and freshness about our Boys' Clothing is truly refreshing so dif ferent from the every-day hum-drum sorts you find elsewhere. Wc can't say prices nre lower than last year, but they are no higher that's some satisfaction. Cheviot Suits. Boys' Double-breasted Cheviot Suits, with knee pants, in great variety of desira ble patterns, as low as $1-35. i'5 2-00 $2.50 and S3. Mother's Choice Suit3 as low as $4.00 this season; smaller sizes, 3 to 8, start in at $1.35. Black Suits. Boys' Fine Black Clay Worsted Suits, knee pants, madc(of strictly all-wool, fast blnck material, sizes 9 to 16, at $5,00. Boys' 3-piece suits, start in at $3.50 and upwards for ages from 9 to 16. Boys' Long Pants Black Clay Worsted Suits, guaranteed strictly all wool and fast color, ages 12 to 20. at 7.50, $9 and $10. Cheap er grades as low as $2.50. Notice window, ONE PRICE AND PLAIN FIGURES. STAR CLOTHING HOUSE, W. A. VOLLMER, Proprietor. Across the street from old location. 1 1 e ana events. 5 i Pep' THIS YEAR WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK OF WALL PAPER Ever brought to North Platte. Prices from 10 cents per double roll up C. M. Newton, Mrs. M. V. Davis, who had a stroke of paralysis about ten days a?o and has since been very danger ously ill, has improved quite rapidly within the past few days. Dr. F. W. Miller, Dentist, over Strcitz drug store, Matters which will have consid erable bearing upon the business interests of the city will be consid ered at the Thursday eveniug meeting of the Commercial Club. A full attendance of members is desired. ' Horses for Sale by Jos, Hershey. Small grain has been growing at a mile-a-minute rate Bince the rain commenced and the prospects for a full crop arc excellent. Judge Baldwin is pluming himself upon hia proficiency as a weather pro phct, Tie having prophesied that there would be abundance of rain this spring, and 1b thinking of publishing an almanac as a rival to the renowned Hicka, 14-inch Blank Lister Lay, Recr- uiar J'attern $1.05 6-tnch Blank Lister Lav, Rec- uiar Pattern 1.20 4-inch Blank Lister Lay, Hap- good 1.05 16-inch Blank Lister Lay, Hap- good 1.20 14-inch Plow Lay 1.10 ii-incti .Flow L,ay 1.20 H-incli Finished Lister Lava to fit Canton, John Deere or Eagle Listers 1.75 Cultivator Shovels each 45c, per set 1.75 Wilcox Department fym, MEN'S TAN SHOES. A look at the style, n feel of the leather, on in spection of the making and finish, will prove to you the superiority of our Men's Ton Shoes at $3.00. a: Two good upper leathers to choose lrom Russia Calf and Vici Kid. The former is made over a swing Inst, medium full toe, punched tip n medium color. The Vici is chocolate shade, has n narrower toe, silk vesting cloth top. Boh have welted and sewed soles. Yellow Front Shoe Store, Geo. M. Graham, Mgr., 'TkrM Doors Voutk of. O. Worth Platte, Neb, HEAVY HAtDWflr?E W. J. Ilcnday spent yesterday at the Hcndy ranch near Maxwell. P. L. Harper, of Wallace, was transacting business in town yesterday. B. C. Clinton came up from Lex ington Sunday and spent the day visiting relatives. Mrs. A. O. Kockcn returned yes terday afternoon from an extended visit in Omaha and Grand Island. Mrs. S. S. Kaufman came up from Gothenburg yesterday after noon and will spend several days here canvassing. Miss Fanny Von Goctz spent Sunday in town visiting her par ents. She returned to Omaha Sunday night. M. K. Barnum and his family, who spent Saturday and Sunday here visiting relatives, returned to Omaha Sunday night. Miss Nellie Dillon, who had been spending three weeks here as the guest of relatives, rctnrncd to her home in Omaha Saturday morning. Warren Davis, who had been spending several days here visiting relatives, returned to his home in South Omaha Sunday night. County Supt. Tlioelccks is en deavoring to make arrangmentB to to have a kindergartner come here and start a private kindergarten in the near (future. A first class kindergarten has long been needed here and if the enterprise ia started it ought to be heartily appreciated. D. P. Ashburn, who has general charge of a number ot cream sepa rator stations along the line of the Union Pacific, was in town yester day. He expects to do a little 'missionary work" for the benefit of the station at this point. Tlie Girl From Chili," is pro nounced one of the iunnicst plays on tlie road, and tlie company which produces it to-morrow even ing is a very capable one. Follow ing so closely after Lent the aud ience will probably be a large one. The improvements in the Y. M. C A. rooms arc very nearly com pleted, the paiuter and paper- hanger having finished his work yesterday. The new bathtubs have been put in place and the other changes in the bath rooms have been made. A new carpet has been put down in the parlor. The rooms now present a very bright and attractive appearance and their usefulness ought to be greatiy increased. Wall Paper. S ! ( l ( :: i i ' 1 1 ;i line of If you We are showing an exceptionally fine Wall Paper of the newest designs. you contemplate papering your house, call and" sec our stock. We can suit you in both style and price. E. B. WARNER. m TV NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS AT RENNIE'S, At Rcnnic's you can save what you would waste elsewhere, beoausc we live up to our motto and never deviate from the standard we set for our selves to "Give the best possible value at the lowest possible price." Add to this the fact that Rennie's leads in style and beauty, and that there arc genu ine barg-ains every day in the week at Rcnnic's. Every week is a good week in our Dress Goods De partment, where only reliable goods find shelf and counter space. Wc now have some unusually tempting1 values. We have just received direct from New York a beautiful line of . . . . Novelty Silks, Taffetas, Persian Foulards, Crepe de Ohine, Printed Indias, Etc. Ladies' Shirt Waists, Belts, Umbrellas, Hosiery and Underwear in Endless Variety. Wc have just received the most complete and se lect stock of Carpets Moquettes, Velvets, Axmin- stcrs and Body Brussels we have ever shown. Also fifty pieces of Ingrains, and an elegant line of Kugs, Tapestry Curtains and Lace Curtains. Call and inspect our stock before, buying-. Wc can please you and save you money. RENNIE'S, RENNIE'S- Voiles to A. T. Mid A. M. The meeting called for Tuesday, April 1tli, has been postponed un til April 24 for work in the F. C. decree. By order of the Master. winic on ins war to school in a buggy Friday morning one of Chas. Wyman's sons lost Mb balance and fell over the dashboard and out of the buggy. lie fell in bucIi a man tier mai uoiu wueels passed over his body before the horse could be stopped but fortunately he escaped without any serious injuries, al though he was badly bruised. Round and Half Hound Stock Tanks, all sizes, lor salo by Jos. Hershey. Mr, Harry kitzmillcr and Miss Dora Mitchell were married at the home of the bride's father by Judge A. S. Baldwin Friday evening. Only relatives ot the bride and groom were present and the affair was a very quiet one. Mr. and Mrs. Kitzmiller left on train No. 3 for a two weeks trip to various Colorado points. They expect to make their homo here, The bride is the daughter of James Minshall and has made her home here for the past two years. She is a very popular young lady and haH quite a wide circle of friends. The groom has made his home in North Platte lor several years ana is a young mau of many attractive qualities It is understood that upon his return he expects to go into busi ness, Lecture on M10 Philippines. The lecture that was to have been given on the Philippines at the court House last evening was postponed until Friday evening, April 20th, owing to the illness of of Mr. Leonard. The people should all turn out and fill the court house Friday night to hear the interesting experiences ot Mr. and Mrs. Leon' ard. Admission twenty-five cents, children fifteen cents. All kinds of work done neatly, kalsomining, paper cleaning on the wall, window shades and carpets cleaned, and painting. Granitoid sidewalks put down, All work guaranteed. Telephone North Side jrrocery store. All orders an swered promptly. John L. Jones. Wm. McMichael and his daugh ter were in from Somerset Saturday, A. E. Hill, of Mooreiield, was one of the out-of town visitors who was on the Btrcects Saturday. Dr. Hannah. Osteopath. Office op posite Hotel Neville. North Platte. Mrs. A. C. Kirby, of Gandy, spent Saturday in town looking after business matters and visiting iriends. Miss Hulda Heuricloon, who had been spending several months here, returned to her home at Spannuth Saturday morning. Notice to School District Ofltaers. You are hereby urged to grant to your teachers a vacation of suffic ient length to enable them to at tend the full session of the West Nebraska Teachers' Association to be held in North Platte April 27th and 28th. Bertha Thoelecke, Co. Supt. Miss Salina Holcombe, who has been visiting for several days in the vicinity of Brady and Maxwell, is expected home this afternoon. The "Si Perkins" company played to a fair-sized audience at the opera house Saturday evening. m 9 III 4 J We bOUClT UOOQ 1 Thirty Day Accounts. f There are some merchants doing business in town who are so suspicious of your honesty that they refuse to trust you over night. Are they 2 entitled to your trade? We guarantee as good S service and values with the courtesy of a line of 2 credit. " MUSLIN MRWEAR. j Morning Glory Patent Flour. Ladies who bought their Under wear last year of us remember how they were surprised to find that the sewing and finish on the kind wc sell was equal, if not superior, to that made at home. It will pay you to buy Underwear ready made, as we sen it as cnenpi as you can ouy tlie embroideries and muslin. We are showing over thirty styles in Gowns, twenty in Corset Covers and an endless va riety in Drawers and Skirts, Wilcox Doparimeni Store. 9 m MY A word in regard to Flour. We are exclusive agents for Morning Glory Patent. It is guaranteed by tlie miller to make as fine a bread and as many loaves to the sack as any flour produced in the U. S. A. a broad guarantee but the miller is back of it. Only One Dollar a sack. GARDEN SEEDS We sell the Rush Park Seed Co's bulk Garden Seeds, also their package garden and flower seeds, which we sell six packages for twenty-five cents, Mirror Gloss Starch per lb 5 cts Table Salt 2 sacks for 5 cts Coal Oil per gallon 16 cts Comb Honey per lb 15 cts Fancy Cream Cheese per lb .." 15 eta Bulk Oat Meal 8 lbs for 25 cts Bnttle Ax Tobacco per lb 35 cts Standard Navy Tobacco per lb , .35 cts Horse Shoe Tobacco per lb -, ... .45 cts Star Tobacco per lb.' 45 cts XXXX CofTee. 13c, 2 lbs for 25 cts Lion CofTee, 13c 2 lbs for 25 cts Arbuckles' Coffee. 13c 2 lbs for 25 cts Pnrc ISarly Ohio Potatoes, per bimliel . . .. CO cts Pnncv Clean Alfalfa per bushel , 5G.00 Fancy Clean Golden Millet per bushel 90 cts Fancy Clean German Millet per bushel , , .$1,00 3 The highest prevailing prices paid for Butter and Eggs. THE HUB GROCERY CO., Dewey Street. Telephone No. 27. NORTH PLATTE.