TUESDAY, APKIL 17, 1900. IRA Is BARB, Editor and Pbopbiktoh BUBHOnirTION RATES. One Year, cashln advance,. ....... 11.25 Six Months, cash Id advanc 75 Cent' KntrdithirorthrUlt(KebrMka)pottomoeu cond-clast matter. Republican Convention. There win b held In North Platte on April 31, 1900, at 10 o'clock a. m., a republican dele pate county convention for the purpose o nomlnatlnB one County Attorney, and for the election of delegates to the State, Con grcsslonal, Senatorial and Hcprcscntatlve Conventions. The several precincts will be entitled to representation at said convention based utwn the vote for Hon. M. II. Ileccc, for Su preme Judge as follows: No. Platte No. I.,,, n No. Platte No. 3.... 13 No. Platte No. J.... 0 Antelope 3 Illrdwood 3 llrady 3 liuchanan 3 Cottonwood, 3 Cox 3 Deer Creek 2 Dickens 3 Falrvlew 3 Maxwell........ Medicine Miller Myrtle Nfchol Nowcll OTallons....... Osgood 3 Pcckham 2 Plant s Koscdale t Sellers I Km Creek 3 Somerset. ... 3 ... 1 Oarlleld . t Sunshine... fi:mlln 2 I Vromam... nail .... 3 Walker illnman 3 Wallace a Hooker 1 Well t Kern 1 Whlttlcr. Table 1 Willow., Lemon 2 I Total 101 At which county convention a central com. mlttec will be selected .v 1 other business of Importance transacted. A full representa tion Is confidently expected to express approval of the wise and patriotic adminis tration of public affairs that has brought prosperity to the great common people, to rejoice over the victories of our army and navy and welcome the return of peace and continued good times. It Is recommended Hint tbo primaries In the several precincts be hold on Saturday, April II. Ily order ot the CountyCcntral Committee. 11. S. ItltXIKf.Y, IllA ti. IJAlIK, Secretary. Chairman. IF tlic old adage "rain on Easter, rain for seven Sundays" holds good this year, it means good forage ior the cattle upon a thousand hills in western Nebraska. With a greater number of cattle in the west part of the state than ever before, good feed on the range is of great value to stockgrowcrs. Tim republican county conven tion will be held at the court house next Saturday at eleven o'clock u. m., and indications arc that nearly every, if not all, precinct wilt be represented. It comes at a time when farmers are busy with spring work, but they recognize the im portance of a live convention at the beginning of what will prove a long and vigorous campaign, No greater evidence of the puuh and hustle of the business men of the United States 1 needed than the statement that the space al lotted to this country at the Paris exposition exceeds that of any other save France. This shows that our manufacturers arc willing to place tbeir wares where cotnpari sons with those made in other countries can be made, and they do not fear the result of the com parisons. Tub national house of represent atives by a vote of over, fifteen to one declared last Friday in favor of a constitutional amendment elect ing United States senators by s direct vote of the people. In this they, expressed the desire of the people without regard to party affiliation. To this proposition no good objection can possibly be made, and all will hope that it will be the lawful manner of electing senators. A numiier ol papers in this con gres&ional district arc pushing for ward Judge H. M. Grimes, of thin city, for the republican nomination for cotigrcsB. In our opinion there is not a man in the district who would give Neville at hard a chaBC as Judge Grimes, or who could render the district more valuable service at Washington, but there Hccitia to be sonic doubt as to whether the Judge will consent to be "drafted." It is well known that he docs not seek the nointua tion; or that he is "in. the hands ol bin friends." Tun' sentiment in this rcprcBcuta tive district is so strong for the re nomination of V. T, Wilcox that he cannot possibly escape. Till demand comes by reason of his work in the legblature two years ago, and the prominence he attained as one of the recognized leaders of that body. Armed with the ex pcricncc he gained in the last session. Mr. Wilcox will be even better qualified at the coming seB&ion than at the last. What true of Mr, Wilcox- is also true Senator Owens, of Cozad, and tli two will make a team which cannot be defeated, Neither are likely to have any opposition iu the re spective conventions. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Luthoran Concert Tonight. The grand concert under the auspices of the Lutheran ladies' aid society will be given at the opera house this (Tuesday) evening. The program con sists of eleven numbers, and in cludes a children's chorus, a cor net solo bv W. II. Wolfe, vocal solos by Mrs. Hcrshey, Rev. Wolfe, and W. II. Wolfe, piano solo by Miss Bnttt, violin solo by Fred Westcnfeld, reading by Mrs. Kitzmillcr, selections by Emma Haywood and two selec tions by a chorus of twenty or thirty voices. This constitutes one of the very best programs that has been presented by local talent and should draw a large audience. The admission is 25 cents. Following the program the ladies will serve refresh ments. fcfoilermakera' Ball. The second annual boilcrmak crs' ball was even more success ful than the first and that one was unusually enjoyable. The managers spared no effort or expense in making their prepar ations and they were awarded by a very large attendance not only of dancers but also of spectators. The music was all that could be desired and that the dancers ap preciated it is proven by the fact that they were loth to quit even when the wee sma' hours ar rived. Only two couples took part in the cake walk but the couple that was awarded the prize Will Bridges and his sis ter, Miss Ida gave some exceed ingly graceful steps. The ex chequer of the association will be enriched by quite a neat sum as the result of the ball and the members have furnished fresh evidence that they are past mas ters in the art of ball giving. Deloffatos to County Conuontion At the republican primaries held Saturday night the following delegates were elected to the county convention to be held next Saturday: rirsi ward ti, s. Crocket, no. Sorcnson, A. II. Davis. J. M. Ray, M. Obcrst, D. H. White. Second ward W. T. Wilcox, T. C. Patterson, Judge Grimes, Geo. E. French, H. T. Rice, Ira L. Bare, H. S. Ridgcly, C. O. Brown, Arthur Hammond, W. V. Jioagiand, A. 5, Baldwin, D. W. Baker, W. R. Vernon. Third ward Wm. Woodhurst, I. O. Evans, Robt. Shuman. W. C. Elder, W. A. Gregg and A. P. vcuv. It is probably that another tram crew will be put on the Third district within a few davs. The ice gang was nut at work ast week. The number of cars to be iced increases stcadilv and is considerably in excess of last year. President Burt and his party arc expected to arrive in Chey enne enroute home from Salt Lake .City late this afternoon. They will probably go thrpugh nere huiiiu nine tomorrow. The Endeavor society will hold a social Thursday cvenimr at the home of Mrs. W. M. Baskin. Kvcry one is coruiauy invited lo attend. Marie vonuoeiz entertained a very jolly party of little folks for several hours last cvcninrr. the occasion being her eleventh birth day. Clerk of the district court Elder received word yesterday from the authorities at the asylum at Nor folk that they would receive Thos. ouaw. tie win oe sent tuere as soon as Sheriff Kellhcr can take him. Chicago forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Generally fair tonight and Wednesday; warmer Wednes day. The maximum temperature yesterday was ; one year airo it was 83. Minimum tcmncrattirc this morning was 40 ; one year ago it was -193 . The total precipi tation during the past three days was i.va inciies. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS Arthur Kony, ot Paxton, met with quite a painful accident at Sherman Hill recently, and is home recuperating. The patrons of the Grant cream cry delivered $577 worth of milk during March, The average per patron was about twelve dollars. The Sun is a new paper which CARPET WARP. Peerless White per lb 18c Peerless Colored per lb 20c Bibb White per lb 18c Bibb Colored per lb 20c All wound on spools. Wilcox; Dep&itarjfe $fc(tfe catarrh: CATARRH IS A CONSTITUTIONAL OR BLOOD DISEASE, and far lcyond the reach of mere local remedies. Those who rely upon them for a cure lose valuable time, meet with disap pointment and allow the disease to take firmer hold. Only n real blood remedy can reach this troublesome and dangerous disease. S. S. S cures Catarrh because it first cleanses and builds up the blood, purifies it, makes it rich nnd healthy, stimulates and puts new life into the sluggish worn-out organs, and thus relieves the'systcm of all poisonous accumulations. Mrs. Josephine Polhllt, of Due West, 8. C, writes : " I had Catarrh, which liccamc no deep sealed that I was entirely ileaf iti one car, ami nil Inside of my nose, Including part of the bone, sloughed off. When the disease had gone this far the physician gave mc up ns Incurable. I determined to try 8. 8. S. as n last resort, and began to Improve nt once. It seemed to get at the seat of the disease, and after a few weeks' treatment I waa entirely cured, and for more than seven years have had no sign of the disease." S. S. S. is made of roots, herbs and harks of wonderful tonical and purifying properties. It is the only vegetable blood purifier known, and a certain nnd safe cure for all blootl troubles. Send for our bonk on Blood and Skin Diseases, nnd at the same time write our physicians about your case. They will cheerfully give you any Information or advice wanted. Wc make no charge for this. began shining at Gothenburg last wc ck with J. B. Knight as editor. It will support demo-popic prin ciples. The Whilticr Sunday-school as sociation, composed of workers in Lincoln and Logan counties, will hold a convention at Gaudy on the 29th inst. At Sidney last week Judge Grimes struck Irom the docket a case which had been in the district court, iu one form or another, for fourteen years, A party of Lexiugton people will leave May 10th for a visit in Den mark, their native country. H. h. Goold brought 400 head of cattle down from Colorado to Ogallala last week and has since disposed of the greater part of them to Keith county stock growers. The promoters of the Grand Island Electric Light, Ice and Cold Storage company expect to have the cold storage department of the uterprisc in full operation this week. The cold storage depart ment has four rooms, one of which will be used for butter, another for eggs, and tue other two for Armour's and Schlitz's products. The finances of Lexington are in bad Bhape. There are five thou- aud dollars in outstanding war rants and not a cent to pay them; besides there arc judgments against the city in a similar amount. There is no money to buy coal for the waterworks plant, coal dealers refuse to sell coal on city warrants, and unless personal donations arc made the waterworks will be forced to close down. Dave Murckr, republican con gressman from the Omaha district, is receiving not a little free adver tising as a possible candidate for the vice-presidency. It 1b not likely, however, that the candidate for that office will come from Nebraska. LLOYD'S OPERA HOUSE Wednesday I Q APRIL I O "The Uughiegft Yet." THE GIRL FROM CHILI A lirlfrht, Atorcy, Altinlonl Vtiroo Cumvity Songs, Sauces, Spocialtlos, Pretty Girls aud Music Galore, Everything Now and up-to-date I'reo.s 7fo, rt()o n nil SiSo. A Well Pressed is he who who get make his clothes, us to We arc now receiving our line of new and fashionable Spring Suitings. F. J. Broeker, Merchant Tailor. Few rcnllzc what n deep-seated, obstinate disease Catarrh is, regarding it tut n simple inflammation of the nose and throat, little or no attention is given it. Hut, however insignificant it may seem nt first, it is serious nud far-reaching in its results. u. . . a . . a ..a a . . a- a a a The foul secretions entering the circulation poison the meet ol this catarrhal poison, and is rapid and destructive, and iinr.lly ends in consumption. It frequently happens that the senses of hearing and smell arc in part or entirely lost, the soft bones of the nose eaten into nnd destroyed, causing intense suffering and greatly disfiguring the face. While sprays, washes and salves may give temporary relief, no permanent benefit can be expected from such treatment. Dr. Humphreys' Specifics euro by acting directly upon tho disease, without exciting disordor in nny other part of tho system. ko, cores. miens. 1 Keren, Congcitlonj, Inflammations. ,'23 U Wormi, Worm Fovec, Worm Colic... .'23 3 Tecthln8.ColIc,Crylng,Vakofulness .'23 I Diarrhea, ot Children or Adults '23 7 Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis .'23 8 Neuralgia, Toothache, Faccache '23 0-ltcndachc,81ck Headache, Vertigo.. .'23 10 I)yspepln,IndIgcitlon,WcakStomacli.'J5 11 Suppressed or Painful Periods '23 l'J-Whltcs, TooProfuso Periods '25 13 Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness 115 14 Bait niicnm, Eryslpolas, Eruptions.. ,'23 18 Rheumatism, Ilbcumatlo Pains...... .'23 1G Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague '23 1 9-Cntorrli, Influenia, Cold In the Head .'23 0 Wliooplns-Cousli "23 U7-Kldnoy Disease "23 2H-ervouiDcbllltv 1.00 30-Vrlnary Weakness, WettlogUcd '2i 77-Orlp, Hay Fever 05 . Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your Druirglsts or Hailed Free. Hola lir drilfTLMntil. or pnt nn nvfttnt nt nrtr. Drlre. iiumnnroys-ueu, uo., uor. wimani John fits., New i urj.. Land Seekers or Users Tale Notice I have 400,000 Acres of Pas ture Lands for Sale or Lease, nt priced ranging from 90 conta to S2 por ncro. Hunches, farm, bay, and irrigated lmids, nnd othor olassoB ot Real Estate Land Bold on tho 10 yoar U. P. R. R. timo plan, ono-tonth down, balanco yearly pnymonta. Call on in I- FOET, U. P. R. R. Land Acont OttotiBtein Building, NORTH PLATTE, aEB. To the Ladies . WE HAVE NOW OPENED Dressmaking Parlors at the corner of Vine and Sixth Sts., and will be prepared to do first-class up-to-date Dress making at reasonable rates. Accordion and Knife Pleating a specialty. MRS. L. A. McAPEE, MISS MAME McAPEE. ffffrrrrfff!bfflfj We are Kept Busy Repairing shoes for i people who appreciate neat, substantial work .i the only kind we do. If uot already a .custo mer we solicit your ! work. GEO. TEKULVE, j Yellow Front Shoe Store. T 14 J The Cash I Grocery. $ I have jitbt received a full 2 line of i $ Staple Groceries r and am now ready to fill p JJ5 orders promptly at the r lowest prices. I handle Nnrt li Plntlo lPlmir 1 P r"(jve me a call and be con- ?5 sj vlnceil that my prices and Kxdnaru n n right. h q I U, G. SAWYER. S 5c The best CIGAR IN TOWN Can lio found at j. 7. mmViWi Our Ten-Cent Cicrars are the equal of an'. Your attention is invited to our fine line of Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos and Smok ers articles. FORERUNNER OF CONSUMPTION. entire system, lnc stotuacii, mcincys in when the lungs are reached its progress SWIFT SPECIFIC ATLANTA, GA. PROFESSIONAL OARDS. C. V. Dkukix. ti. 1). Dknt JEDELL & DENT, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONd, Offices: North Platlo National Bank Building, North Platte, Nob. F. P. DENNIS, M. D. HOMOEOPATIIIST. Oror First National Hank, NORTH PLATTE, - . NK1IHABKA. rjp O. PATTERSON, KTTORNBy-HT-LKW, Office over Yollow Front Shoo Storo NORTH TLATTE, NEB. yiLCOX & HALLIGAN, ATT0IINE YS-AT-LAW, tfOnTH PLATTE, ... NEBBASKA Office oyer North Platte National Hank. E. E. NORTURUP, DENTIST, Office ovor Modol Clothing Storo, NORTH PLATTE. NEB. A. II. Davis. L. E. ltOACII. LV AVIS & ROACH ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. NORTH PLATTE,, - - NEBRASKA Grndy Block RooraB 1 & 2. H. S. RIDGELY, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW . Olllco in llinman Block, Dewey Btreet. NORTH PLATTE, - - NEUUABKA J. S. IIOAOLAND. W. V. HOAOLAND, Hoagland & Hoagland, ATTORNEYS Office over MoUonnld'a Hank. AND COUNSELORS NOHTH TLATTE, NED. IP YOU ARE GOING TO THE Pacific Coast Don't comnloto nrrnnirotnonta until you hnvo secured Inforrnntion regarding the personally conducted excursions via tho PICT0 Thoso oxcureions loavo Omnhn! ovory Fridny, in olognntly upholstered Ordi nary sloopinc Unrs, tiiutnlnutou by l'inlsoii Liiglit, Heated by atonm. Uiiccaco chocked through to uostinn tion. Prom n t nnd satisfactory sorvico. SarAlany hours uulckor time than any other lino. For tuno tables, folders, illustrated books, pBmphlots.doscriptivoof tho ter ritory truvorsocl, call on JAS B. SOANLAN, Agent FOE SALE. FARM. WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS TOP BUGGIES, And all.kindp of Farm Jflae.hinepy. Standard Goods at Reasonable Prices. LOCK 5 SALISBURY, NORTH PLATTIS. J. F. F1LU0N, Plumber, Tiflwoik General Repairer. wwvvwvwvs Special attention given to n niN&. WHEELS TO KENT sss CO., Legal Notices. rOHLIOATION NOTIGJ5. Vnlnr flnlm nnil John Doe. rcnl nnme unknown. ilorenitsnU. will tnko notice tbnt 'J. ll Heeler. nlitlntlft herein, hit filed his petition In the district court ot Lincoln county, Nebraska, ngslnst said dotondants, lha object and prayer of which are to rnreclose a cortatn mortgage eiocmou April 2nd, 1HUI, by the defendant Voter Holm to the plalntl IT herein, on (ho following described real estate, to wilt The southwest quarter of tho northeast quarter and tho southeast quarter of tho northwest nuartor and Ibe eatt half of ths tenth. went quarter nt soctlon four. In township nine, north In range twenlj-elfilit, westof tho 6th p. nt. In Lincoln county, Nebraska, raid mortgage being executed to secure the payment of the nno prlncl. ppl note of tho said I'ctor Holm, with Ion Interest notes inoreio aiiacneu! raid principal noto being for the sum ot JIXX) and maturing Anrll lit. 1MHI: one of said Interest notes maturing October 1st, iBviieigni oi paiu noie in muring ref peaireiy nn the 1st days of April and October, 18U, 1RW, 1K1I7, 18VW. and ono of SAld notes maturing April 1st. 18OT; each of said notes being for the sum nf tt'j on nml executed April 2nd, Ittll. There Is now due Ibe piainiiir on said notes anu mortgage the sum of f 120 with Intorest nt the rato of ton per cent tier annum from Octobor 1st, 1891, and plaintiff prsys ior n uecrco insi ine ueienuanu uo required to pay Iho same, or that said premises mar be sold to satisfy said amounts with Interests and costs ot sun. Yon are required fn answer said petition on or before Monday tho 21st day of May, 1 1 W0. j. is, nr.bi.Mi raiiniur. of! I Ily W. 8. Morlan, his Attorney. LEO h N0TI0K. Archie V. Newport. Lctllo V. Newport. E. It. Layman and Maggie K. Liyman, Albert O Layman and Mrs. Albert 0. Lnymnn de fendants, will tnko notice that on the 2ltli day of March, 1V0O, Iho McKlnley-Lannlng Loan d Trut Co., plaintiff herein, filed Its petition In the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against said defendants, tho object nnd prayer of which are to foreclose two certain mortgsges ex ecuted by the defendants, Archie V. Newport and Lcttlo V Newport, to (he plaintiff, upon Iho southeast quarter of section i township 0, rnngo 31, In Lincoln coanty, Nebraska, ono of which mortgages was given to souuro the payment nt one promissory bond dated May 20th, lbl'.", payable April 1st, 10L0, together with ten Intcreat coupon notes attacued to sniu oonu lorsizzo eacn. The first ono Dayable October 1st. lf9& and one each succeeding six months) and one mortgago glren to rocuro the payment nf ten promlseory notos datod Ainy situ, lmn, ior M ) eacn, oue pnynuie October 1st, nnd one eacn succeeding six months there after. That there Is now duo upon said bond, coupons, notes nnd mortgages Iho sum of 525 WJ ior vmcn sum witu lnterem irom April lei, liw, plaintiff prays for n docreo that defendants be required to pay Iho rame, or that ,sald premises may uo soui to snusty me amount round tine. You are herebr notified that on (ho 7lh dar of May, 1UU0, nt 10 o'clock, a, m., or as soon there after as plaintiff aan be heard It will apply to Iho district court of Llnooln county, Nebraska, or to the judge thereof, far tho appointment of a re ceiver of the rents and profits of raid mortgaged premises, upon Jtiu ground that defendants havo failed to pay tho Interest upon said mortgage, for past live years, anu unvo railed to pay tne taxes unon said nremlses for five Tears nnst nnd that said premises nro Insufficient to pay said mort- ?sges, interest, taxes, and costs, and said do endauts are ell non-residents of this state, and In Support nt such application It will nlo and read tho atlidavlt of T. O. i'atterson. Plaintiff prnpoes the name of Uoxeklnh W. Davis as receiver, with O, L. Patterson and Max Ileer as auretles. tialn- tlH also oilers as sureties lur Itself O, L, I'atterson and Max Deer, You nro required to answer said petlton on or before the 7th day of May, U00. jmiou Jinrcn a, nsu. TUk McKimlet-Lamniku Loan AKnTnutrrCo, l'lalntirr. T, O. Patterson, AUornoy, m27l SHKItirF'S BALE, Ily vlrtno nf an execution from tho district court ot Llnooln oounty, Nebraska, upon a judu. ment ronderod in said onurt In favor of Mary 3. iianman, anu against i-airicx tionneauy, i nave levied unon the following described real eatste a the property of tho said Patrick Conneally, to-wlt: Tho southwest quartet nf section twenty, In township ten, range thirty-tour and tho oast five acres oi tno soutnonst quarter of tne southeast qnarter of section nineteen, In township ten, range thirty-four, west sixth P. M.. all In Lin coln county. Nebraska, nnd I will on the 28th day ot April, HHM, at 1 o'clock p. m. of sold day, at tho east front door ot the court house (that being tne building wherein tbe last term of court was held), of said county In North Flatte, sell the said real estate at publlo auction lo the hlgheat bidder for cash, or as much thereof as to satisfy said execution; tho amount found due thereon In the aggregate being the sum of (712.VO and HI. 80 oonts, nnd accruing costs. Dated North I'lntto, Neb., March 27, KtiO. m276 Tm T. KxuitEtt, Sheriff. ROAD NOTICE. ItOAU KO. 210. Agreeable to a petition by lanii owners along line of consent road hereinafter lc Hcrtbcd and by the commissioners of Lincoln county granted at a regularly adjourned session of said board on March Ul, iroo, a Bubllc road has been established as follows: oinracnclne at quarter section corner be-twecn-Rcctlons '.2 and 27, township 14, north range 20 west. Thence west on section line between sections 22 and 27, and 21 and 28, terminating at the southeast corner ot sec tion 20, town 11 north, range 2(1 west. All ob jections thereto or claims for damages muRt be tiled In the county clerk's olllcc on or before noon of the 5tfi day of June, 1W0, or such roart will be established without refer ence thereto. W. M. HOLTKY. aftl County Clerk, IN TUU DI8TIUOT COUItT OF LINCOLN COUNTY, NFJJHABKA.. In (he matter of tho ostnte ot John D. St Mario, deceased. This :auso enmo on for hearlnc upon the petition ot Duller Uuchar.an, n-lmlnlstrator of the estate of John 11. Ht. Marie, deceaaed, praying for a license to sell the followlug described real estate, to-wlt: Tbe southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, thn northwest quarter of tho southeast qunrtor, Iho northeast quarter of the southwost quarter nnd the southeast qnarter ot tho norlhwost quarter of section 18, In township 13 north of range 27 west of the llth P. 51. In Lincoln county, Nebraska, or sufficient amount ot the same to bring the sum ot 100.00 for tho payment ot claims allowed ngalnst said estate and the cost ot administration, there not being sufficient personal property to pay the said debts nnd oxpensos, It Is therefore ordered that all persons inter ested In said estate appear beforo me at my oillce Iu North Platte, Nebraska, on tbo2t)th day of May, 1000, nt two o'clock In the afternoon, to tlinw cause why n license should not be granted to raid administrator to sell so much of paid real ostnte ns shall bo noceiuary to pay said debts aud expenses.' Dnted at North Platte, Nebraska, April 12.11100, al3l II. M, OltlMES Judge. LAND OPPIOE NOTICES. NOTK'K FOIt I'UIH.IOATION. II n I tod Htates I.nud Oillce, ) North Platte, March 15th, HNJ0. ( Notice Is hereby given that Addle ICves, formerly Palmer, has filed uotlce of hor Intention lo make final proof before the Iteglster and llocelvor nt their olllco In North Plntto, Nebras ka, on rhursday, Iho 20th day pf April, 1PO0, on on .Timber Culture Application No. 1:1,035, for the Bouth hall of the Houthoast quarter, Iho Houthenst quarter ot tho Southwest quarter and 1-ot 4 ot Bectlon 11', Township 10 North, Ilnnge Ml wet. She names ns wltnesnrsi A. 8, Fletcher nf llu c' man. Neb., A. L. Fletcher of Kcho, Neb , mid K. I,. Mooney and, O. O. llnnkln, nf Wellllret, Nebraska. U120II aiCO. K. 1'IIKNOII, Itegider TIMHEIl aULTtlltIC, FINAL PltOOF-NOTIOK FOIt PDIILIOATION, Lnud Office at North Platte, Neb. . , , , . Mrch "mi, iiiou. Notlco Is hereby glveu that Nicholas L. Itontor has tiled uotlce of Intention to make final proof before regMor nud receiver at their office III North Platte, Neb., on Monday the7thdayot May, IKW, on Umber culture uppllcullnu No. 1H.UU, for Ihu roulhenxt quarter pf southwest quarter and lots 2, a and 1 nf section No. 30, township No. II north range No, SJ west. Ho names as wltueseen; Thomas M. Johns, Walter N Hlmmons, Charles 51. llnydeu, aud Yrank J, Nlclioli, Ml ot Wallace, Neb. m'2711 HEoiKiKl. l'liitM'it, ItegUler, NOTIl'K KOU l'UUMl'ATION. United Ntntes lttid Oillce, , North Platte, Nob.. April fdh, 1000. t Notice Is hereby given that Ibe following-named settler hn filed notice of bis lulenllou to make Hnat proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be mndo beforo Ueglster and llecelref at North Platte. Neb., on Jloy lOlh, 1WX), vlit ALKXANDKU OllKKN, who made Homestead Kntry No. I(K8 for tho northeast quarter ot Section 28, Town 10 north, ltauga 31 west. ' Uo names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vlx; Martin II MoUermntt, Walter E. Car trell, Ueorge Koentg, ot Somerset, Neb. and Jacob K. uumIiis, of North plalto. Neb . 68 OEO. E FKBNCH, Iteglster