Site mi-Wf titty ftrUnmf. TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1900. IRA L BARB, Editor awd Pbopriktor BUBSOnirTION BATK8. One Year, cash In advance, M.5 Six Months, cosh In advance 75 Osnts' aUrdattbKoribPItU(NbrMk)potoffleM sseond-clsssmatUr. Republican Convention. There wilt Ik held In North Platte on April 21. 1000, a republican delegate county con vention (or the purpose of nominating one County Attorney, and for the election of delegates to the .State, Congressional, Sena torial and Heprescntatlvc Conventions. The neveral precincts will be entitled to representation at said convention based upon the vote for Hon. M. II. Itcccc, for Su preme Judge as follow No. Platte No. 1,... o No, lMatteNo.2.... IS No. I'lattcNo. 3 ... (1 Antelope . t Mini wood 8 Ilrady - lluchanan a Cottonwood 2 Cox 2 Deer Creek 2 Dickens 2 Kalrvlew 2 Fox Creek 3 (larllclil I Oaslln 2 Hall 3 Hlnman ..... 3 Hooker.,. I Kern .......... i 1 Table I Lemon 2 Total Maxwell 2 Medicine 3 Miller ,. I Myrtle J Nichols I Nowcll 1 O'Fallons : Osgood 2 l'eckham 2 Plant 2 Kosedalc 2 Sellers.... 1 Somerset 2 Sunshine I Vromam 2 Walker 2 Wallace 3 Well i Whlttler 2 Willow , 2 ....ioi At which county convention a central com. mlttPC will lc selected and other business of Importance transactcl. A full representa tion Is conildently expected to express approval of the wise and patriotic adminis tration of public affair that has brought prosperity to the great common people, to rejoice over the victories of our army and navy and welcome the return of peace and continued good times. , .... It Is recommended that (lie prlmarlos In tlie several precincts be held on Saturday, April II. Ily order ot the County Central Committee. II. H. HllHirxT, Iiia r.. IIAiik, Secretary, Chairman. Twelve "good and true men" pronounced Viola Horlocker not guilty of the charge of administer ing poisonous candy to Mrs. Morcy of Hastings. There arc people, however, who believe that Viola was guilty as charged and should have paid the proper penalty. The following paragraph from the Kimball Observer of last week is an index of the feeling among republicans throughout this legis lative district: "The republicans of the Fifty-fourth legislative dis trict will make no mistake in nom inating W. T. Wilcox of North Platte for the lower house again. He was a member of our law-making body two years ago, filling the position, with honor and credit to the state and will be in a position to do more effective work the next term. The republicans in this part of the" district arc all for W. T. Wilcox." D. 10. Thompson, who attempted to make a tie-up with populist mem bers of the legislature with the vain hope of being elected United States senator, is said to be very active at present, and backed by his reputed wealth, is suggesting candidates in some of the legisla tive districts. It maybe possible that Thompson can place some men undct obligations to him and secure their nomination on the legislative ticket, but if he does so, it is ten to one that his candi dates will be defeated. TIiib per niciotts activity of Thompson is detrimental to the best interests of the party in the state, and we trust that no republican will be led ustray by his siren voice or pie thoric purse. The republican party of Nebraska should not be tacri ficed in the attempt to gratify the am bit ion of a man wucse repttbli canisui, as shown two years ago, is questionable, and who resorts to methods which should be spurned by all true republicans. Pertinent Faragragka. A Uryan aud Sulzer ticket would be able to talk at both cuds almost incessantly. The person who contributes to the contentment between capital and labor docB more for humanity than a whole army of talking poll tlcians. When American products are carried to all parts of the world in American bottoms the politicians who arc opposing progress will be made to .see their mistake. Mr. Bryan may later on claim that ltia privilege of heading th Kansas City ticket aud dictating the platform, should give to him the right to name liie running mate. He could do nil this in order to emphasize his well known oppo sition to bossism. "What Lincoln was to his cou try in his day, McKinlcy is to th country today; and the nation which .expressed its endorsement ot Lincoln' by re-electing him to the presidency will set a Bimtlar mar oi approDation ou tuc mtcat ot ms latinguialtcd successors," says American Commerce and Indus tries, the organ of the commercial travelers of the United States. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Gins. R, Kankin is laying off and K. G. Weir is taking his place on the swing run. It is expected that the icing gang will be put at work in a few days. It will be, as heretofore, in charge f Witt. Brown. Knginc No. 957 came down lrom ic Wyoming division last night and went through to Omaha today for a general overhauling. Yesterday's receipts at the sepa rator station wore still above the 000 mark. About 2,175 pounds of cream arc now shipped from here every week. Elmer C. Baker expects to move down to Pawnee Springs the latter part of the week aud take charge f the farming operations which will be carried on on the Keith ranch. If Dame Rumor is to be credited he will join the ranks of the benedicts on Thursday and will spend Ills honeymoon at the .-inch. The Wool Growers' Association. of Carbon county, Wyo., has about completed arrangements with the Union Pacific railroad to lease 000,000 acres of land in Carbon" county for five years at an annual rental of one cent per acre payable annually. This area is to be divided among the members of the associa- on aud a pro rata assessment made according' to the number ol sheep grazed. Sheriff Kelihcrand County Attor ney Ridgely developed detective abilities this morning that far out class Sherlock Holmes. Last night double buggy was stolen lrom the ard of a family by the name of Breggs who live ou the corner of Third and Vine. The sheriff was notified and in company with At torney Ridgely repaired to the scene of the thieving. They soon found that the buggy had been ftcd bodily over the picket fence and by exercising their keen detec tive facilities they found that the deed had been accomplished by three men, one of whom wore boot on the heels of which were iron half plates. They then got down on their knees and after a keen exam ination of the tracks made the startling discovery that the buggy lad been taken south, They fob owed the trail as easily as a blood- 10 unci could and soon located the buggy turned uphlde down in an ir ngation ditch in the south part of town. They exercised their newly discovered detective faculties a ittlc harder and became convinced that the horrible deed had been perpetrated by some campers who had driven into town last evening and had left before daylight. IIow ever they have decided not to prose cute anyone for the theft as the value of the buggy is only about five dollars and they arc unable to prove that the. campers took it. Hereafter it will be healthier lor all thieves to avoid North Platte be cause these worthy ofhcials arc anxious for another opportunity to try tncir skill. WOMAN IS LIKE A DEUOA TE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT In rood condition she is sweet and lovable, and sines life's sont? on a joyful harmonious string. Out of order or unstrung, there Is discordance and unhapplness. Just as there is one Key note to all music so there Is one key note to health. A woman might as well try to fly without wings as to feel well and look well while the organs that make her a woman are weak or diseased. She must be healthy Inside or she can't be healthy outside. There are thousands of women sulierlng s lcntly al over the country. Mistaken modesty urges their silence, while there Is nothing moro admirable than a modest woman, health Is of the first Importance. Every other con slderatlon should eive way beforo It. Brad ueids female Regulator is a medicine toi women sills. It Is way to cure leu- corrhea, tailing ot the womb, nervous ness, headache, backache nnd gen eralweakness. You wilt be astonished at the result, es pecially If you have been experiment ing with other so called remedies. We ore not asking you to try an uncer tainly. I3radfleld's Regulatorhasmade happy thousandsof women, What It has done for others It can do tor you, Sold In drug stores for $1 a bottle, . A free lllustritrd book will bo seat tunllwhowilUto TIKI BRAOnCLD REGULATOR CO. Atlanta, Ca. BLOOD POISON. In Rome cases the external signs of Cotillions Mood Poison arc so slight that the victim is firmly within the crash of the monster before the true nature of the disease is known. In other cases the blood is quickly filled with this poisonous virus and the swollen glands, mucus patches in the mouth, sores on Gcalp, ulcers on tongue, sore throat, cruntlons ou skin, cotmer colored splotches, nnd falling hair aud eyebrows leave no room for doubt, as these arc nil unmistakable sinus of Conlninous Mood Poison. Doctors still prescribe mercury and potash as the only cure for Dlood Foisou. These poisonous min erals never yet made a complete mid permanent cure of Contagious Mood Toi'soti. Thcv back into the system, cover it up for a while, but it breaks out ngain in worse form. These powerful minerals produce mercurial rheumatism nnd the most offensive sotcs nnd ulcers, causing the joints to stiffen nnd finger nails to drop off. Moroury and potash mako wrocks, not euros, and those who have been dosed with these drugs are never after free from aches and pain. .-. n. o. acis in an entirely (iiucrcni manner, icitig n purely vcgciauic rcmcuy ; u instead of tearing down, builds up and invigorates the general health. S. S. S. is the therefore the only cure for Contagious Blood Poison. No matter in what stntrc or though pronounced incurable by the doctors, S. S. S. can be relied upon to make n rapid, permanent cure. S. S. S. is not a new, untried remedy ; an experience of nearly fifty years has proven it n sure nnd unfailing cure for this disease. It is the only purely vegetable blood medicine known. Mr. H. L. Mycr, loo Mulberry fit,. Newark, N. J , gays " I was. a filleted with a terrible blowl disease, which was In spot at first, but afterwards iprcad all over my body. These noon broke out Into notes, mid It in easy to imagine the suffering I endured. Before 1 became convinced that the sss ever for this. AU correspondence is held Twenty Dollar Howard. Twenty dollars will be paid to the first person giving information which will lead to the return of two three-year-old marcs; a dark brown and a sorrel, each weighing about 900 pounds, that have strayed from my place on Sec. 34 T 9, R 28 in Fox Creek canyon. The brown marc has white spot n forehead The sorrel lias light colored tail and mane and white sock on hind leg. OLE FHEDERICKSON, Curtis, Neb. For Rent: Thirteen hundred acres laud, south side South Platte ivcr. Part hay land, part under cultivation and part pasture. Cultivated land under south side ditch. Water goes with land. Will rent the whole tract for xwv per annum. i is. uullakd. FARM FOR RENT. 300 acres of choice valley land un der the Suburban Irrigation canal. Frame house, stable, well and pump. About 150 acres of hay, pasture and about 80 acres under cultivation. One mile from Nich ols station on U. P. R. R. Apply to T. C. Patterson. UDUDITVCf Tk mm m . . VETERINARYSPECIFICS A jt ipnt'Dna " ' ... . cuiuaj lions, Luna Fever. Milk Fever. II. Il.iflrilAINH. Lameness, Injuries, cunxa J Kheuniallim. V. IHOItlt TimOAT, Quinsy. Epizootic. cures J Distemper) gft&j WORMS, Dots. Grubs. II.E.lCOUfiHS, Colds, Influenza. Inflame cure ) Lunis, lMeuro. Pneumonia. F. I'. JljlLK!, Iiellvachr. Wlnd-niown, cubes Diarrhea, Dysentery. a. a. Prevents MISCAIUtlAflK. j KID.VEY 4c BLADDEIl DISOItDBItfl. j 1.1. iHllliV DIHuAHKn. Msnce, Eruptions, cuaEsi Ulcer. Urease, Farcy J, H.lllAn COXniTIO.V, Ktarlns foal, cunt Indigestion, htumarli Htacxrrs. 00a. eacht Btsblo Case, Ten Specifics, Hook, fto., $7. At druRKltts or sent prepaid on rncelnt of jirlce. Humphreys' ItCMllcIno Co., Cor. William It John Bin., New York. Veterinary Mutual Hekt Fbek. NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAIi WEAKNESS nnd Prostration from Over work or othor causes. Humnhroyo' Homoopnlhlo Spocifla No. CO, in UBO over AO yonre, tlio only Biioooserul ramady. $1 per rlal,or spoclal package with powder.for $1 Bold by Prut gUtt, or ital )uit-ald on rtcilpt pi i lc. UlJirllum'JtlSU. CO., Ctr.tTIUUa A its Sli.,Trli mi SALE. FARM WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS TOP BUGGIES, And all kinds of Farm Iflafjhinetty. Standard Goods at Reasonable Prices. LOCK 8 SALISBURY, NORTH PLATTE. A Well Dressed Man is he who who get us to make his clothes. We are now receiving our line ol. new and fashionable Spring Suitings. F. J. Broeker, Merchant Tailor. FOR 14 CENTS W wlih ti cln tbU rvar EttM0 1 1 lk.(Jllr ll,ir II..I hi. , titrtwtiprrr Moluo. lto 11 ir luiiuti, ice ' Ksrly Hlpo l-'uMniio, ii-o I Katl Dlunrr Union, l,lo I Urllllant Fluwsr Hcrl. ISc i Wortli 1,00, for 1 1 rcnU, JTTul Ci AbnvalU l'kita. worth iJl.W.wowtll & i l.Ie. sour trsda si,d know wliau vuu iiucv try Snl.rr'H eodrou nlllnsttr till wttliunt. Til lUllt Ntraulrrrv tMisMlt.uuausrtatwlcsri'(rlr. Ill i'l'A -OKI i. tULIXU crzuio.. LtrUOKMK. IIIH. "aa mi lasn tou irrt loyriurr wnn our rnU about Sailer's .MIIIUii ll,.j. S lur I'alplo. upon rrcdrt Lit ttila 2C niilirn k htftiuu. wh Invlta Ts? i noctorsj coum no me no koou i nau spent a Hundred dollars, which was really inrown away. I tlien tried various patent medicines, but they did not reach the disease. When I had finished my first uome oi . s. a. i wns Kreaiiy improved, nnu was deugmed wiin tne result. The large, red splotches on m v chest bciran to crow inter mid smaller, nnd 17 lost weight, tecamc stronger, and my nppetlte improved, clear as n piece of glass," Send for our Home Treatment Book, which contains valuable information about this disease, with complete directions for self treatment. Our medical department is in charge of physicians who have made a life-time study of blood diseases. Don't hesitate to write for anv information or advice wanted. We make no charge what. in the most sacred confidence. THE SWIFT Dressmaking On April ist we will open Dressmaking Parlors at the corner of Vine and Sixth Sts., and will be prepared to do first-class up-to-dnte Dress making at reasonable rates. MRS. L. A. McAFEE, MISS MAMB McAFEE. Land Seekers or Users Take Notice...... I have 400,000 Acres of Pas ture Lands for Sale or Lease, nt prices ranging from 90 conts to 82 por ncro. Ranches, fnrm, liny, nnd irrigated lunds, nnd othor classes of Real Estate. Lund sold on tho 10 yenr U. P. 11. R. titno plan. otiO'tonth down, bnlunuo In yearly pnymonte. Call on U. P. It. It. Land Agent Ottonstcin Duilding, NORTH PLATTE, NED. JThe Cash 1 T s l Grocery. m I have just received a full line of TV Staple Groceries if and am now ready to fill S JJJ orders promptly at the JJJ t lowest prices, I handle m J Columbus Red Seal Flour m and North Platte Flour. JJ fiTGIve me a call anil lie con- S JJ, vlnccil that my prices and goodM arc jjj I U. G. SAWYER. ; tt fjjlrffrf&rrtlr we are Kept Busy Repairinir shoes for ii people who appreciate IIC.U, bUUSlilllllill WOIK the only kind we do. If not already a custo mer we work. solicit your ly Fln TFSK-ITT VFl . T?M. Cl.n Cn Al, IWIIUH 1'lUllt OllUb IJIUI W 5c The best CIGAR IN TOWN Con bo found tit J. F SGHMALZAISS'S. Our Ten-Cent Cigars are the equal of any. Your attention is invited to our fine line of Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos and Smok ers articles. Logal Notices. Notice for Bids. Notice- is horoby civen thnt nonlcd nro tiosiiln will bo rvcoived by tho IJoiird of Kducntinu of tho rchool dfutrict df llio city of North Platte, for tnltin 'lown tho old liiKli BclionI buiUluiR ou block 111, in Bald city, Biiid building to bo talcon ilo-n nnd iiintoritd Btuukod on wiiil nrotniBea in nccordnueo with r)ocilluatiniiR for Hiittio which can I o booh by npplicntiou to tho Recrotnryot tno Bchooi oonrn. At tho Eiuno timo nronoBnlB will bo ro coivod for tho purchiiBo ot fctiiil biiildinc, without furnittiro and tht irop, and re moval of eanio from paldblnck, The Hoard reserves tho rluht to roicot any mid all bid, All bida to bo submitted on or boforo 12 o'clock M., ot April 10, 1000, nnd n certified pheck of ton por cent of tho amount ot oauh bid to uc company bida, 'llio eucccBefnl biddor will bo required togivo bond in tho sum of 8500 for tho faithful porformanco of Bind contract, North l'latto, Ni'b., March 27, 1,000. ' Li:m 1J. Ihenuakt, rnSti Bco'y Uparil of Bdubaii'dn. Mercury AND Poiash Make wrecks, Not cures drive the disease torccs tucjpoison out ot tuc system, aim only antidote for this specific virus, and how boneless the case mav nnnenr. even ior re long disappeared entirely. I renamed mv 1 was soon entirely well ell, and my skin as SPECIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA. GA. Notice for Bids, Notice is horoby given that sonlcd pro poenlB will bo rccoived by tho Board ot Education of tho school district of tho city or North Flntto, for tho erection of n contrnl High School building on block 111, in snld city ot North Plntto, In nc cordnnco with plnns nnd specifications on lllo with tho secrotnry of said Board. Snid bidders will bo required to stiito in Bald bids the prico thoy will pay por thousand for such brick nnd lumber takon from old building as tho Board shnll ordor used in tho construction of said now building. Each bid for build ing comploto, or without heating np pnrntus, to bo nccompnniod by n cortiflod chock for $500. Each bid for heating apparatus, to bo necompnniod by n certi fied chock for $100. Tho successful biddor for orccting building will bo ro quired to furnish n surety company bond in tho sum of 815,000 nnd tho successful biddor for putting in tho henting np pnrntus, n suroty ompnny bond in tho sum of 82,000 for tho faithful perform anco of snid contract. Building to bo comploted by Octobor 15, 1000. All bids to bo submitted on or boforo 12 o'clock M., April 19, 1000. Tho board reserves tho right to reject nny nnd all bids. North Plntto, Nob., Mnrch 27, 19C0. Lkm. B. Ikemiakt. tn274 Bco'y Board of Education. LKOil, NOTICE. Arcblv V. Newport, Letllo V. Newport. E. II, Laymnn antl MaKKlo K. Layman, Albert O Layman nnd Mrs. Albert O. Lnymnn do. tondnuts, will take notice, that on the 211b day of March, 11(30, tho McKlnley-Lntitilnj? Loan h Trut Co., platntlft herein, (Hod Its petition In the dtstrlot court of IJnooln oounty, Neuraskn, nKnlnst said defendants, Die object nnd prayer of which are 'to foreclose two certain mnrfiraKes ex ecuted by tho dofcodants. Archlo V. Ncwnort and Lettl V. Npwjxirt. to the plaintiff, uoon the soninoatt quarior or section ', townsnlp u, rane 31, In Lincoln county, Nebraska, one of which inongnKes was Rlreo to secure tho. payment of one promissory bond dated May 20th, IBM, payable April 1st, 1UC0. together with ten Interest ooupon notes attached to said bond for 1 2.2.1 each. The Orst one payable October 1st, lMO and one each succeeding six lnonthi; and one mortRnRe Rtron to Fecuro iuo pnymeni oi ten iromissory notes aateu Mil T 20th. 18U.). for t't 25 each, one oarable October 1st, 1M)"i undono each sncccedlDKclx months there after. That there Is now due UMn said bond, coupons, uotcs and mortgages the sum of M2."i.(W tor wnicn sum witn intereM from April Ist, UUU, plaintiff prays for n decree that defendants be required, to pay the same, or that raid premises nny tie sold to sntisiy ine amount round due. You are hereby nottnod that on tho 7th day of May. 1000, at 10 o'clock, n, m or as noon there after as plaintiff can be heard it will apply to tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, or to tne juiige inoroor, ror mo appointment or a re ceiver of the rents and nroflts of said mortcaccd ptcmlses, upon the Rrouod that defendants have fallpd to pay tho Interest upon said mortffairo, for past fire years, and have fulled to pay tho taxes upon said premises for five years past and that saia premises oro -nsunicient ip pay said ruort cases. Intnrest. taxes.- and costs, end said do fendants aro all non-resident of ths state, and in (import oi sucu application it win nio and reau tho nllldavlt ot T. O. J'nttormn. I'lalntlff proioses Ihename ot Ueseklah W. Davis ns receiver, with O, J,. Tattorson and Max lleer as sureties, l'lnln- tlfr nlso offers as sureties for Itsolf O, L, ratterson and Max lleor. You aro remilrod to answer said pell ton on or ueiore mo (in nay or aiay, jvuu. Dated March 25, iWX). TIIJC McKlNLKrLAXHIXd LoAK AMpTiiustCo, 1'lnlnllft. T, O. Patterson, Attorney, u27l HlIEItirF'S SALE. Ily vlrluo ot an execution from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon n JudR nient rendered in said court In favor of Marr J llartman, and SRslnst I'atrlck Conneally, I have levied upon tne rouowinp; uescrioed real estate as the property of the Bald Patrick Conneally, to-wit: Tho .southwest quartet of section twenty, In townehln ten. raneo thirty-four and tho east Ave acres oi tbo southeast quarter ot the southeast quarter of section nineteen, in township ten, rnngo thirty-four, west sixth 1'. M , nil In Ltn cotn county, Nebraska, and I will on the 2ftlh day of April, 11NI0, at 1 o'clock p. in. ot aald fluy, at the east front door ot the court house (l)iat being tie wherein tho last term of pnurtnos field), of said county In North I'latte, sell the said renl estate at publo auction to the highest bidder for cash, or a D)icl thereof as to satisfy said execution) tbo amount found due thereon lu llio aggregate being tho sum ot 172.W and fll wewts, and accruiiiR ooms. Hated North J'latte, Neb., March 27, 1000. inVO Tll T. Kkliukii, Hhorlff. NOTIOE OF HALE UNOllH 0IIATTEL " MOIiTOAOE, Notleo It horebyslvon that by virtue of u chat tol mortgage dated on the 3d day of February, 18W1, and duly filed In the ofllce ot Die county clork of Uncoln conly, Nobraska, on tho Ith day of February, 18X1, and oxecut'd by W. T- Herring to V, II. EaTey to seoure tho payment of the sum 210,R", and upon hlch Iheru Is now duo tho sum of !! 80 find Interrsti ilefuult having been made III tho luiyiiimit of said sunn nnd no suit or other proceeding ut law huvlng been Instituted to re cover said debt or nny part thereof, therefore I will sell tho following property thorvlu doscrlbed, tUi "Ouo ronn soldi iiji named Itonulolll years old. weight MX) poumN, worlh .V) U0,' "Ouo sorrel mare with white stripe In faro, one nhlto hind foot. 8 years old, weight IO.",0 pounds, worth t.VIIX)." One baytuaro 10 years old, weight 1,000 pounds, worlh M.W, named D.ilcy," nt publlo auction In front of the postofltco building In Ilrady Island, Uncoln county, Nebraska, on Haturdiiy. the llth day of April, 1W.O, at ouo o'clock p. m. of salil day. Dated March l'th, 1SHI0. man O.ll KAVKY, Mortuaeee. LAND OPPIOE NOTICES. NOTICE foil I'lUH.IOATION, Laud Oftlio at North l'latto. Neb,, " February 2flth, 1KO. Notleo 1 hereby given that tho following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention In maku final 1roof lu support nt his claim, and lhat said proof will be mui'e before ItegUter and Itecetvor tt North I'latte, Neb., on April Dili, 1V00, vis: A. ItEUINK JEI'HEN ahomads hnmestcail entry No. 1710" for (he north half of tho northwest quarter and the south west quarter of northwest quarter and northwest iiuurter of southwest qunrlor of section 2H, town ship t north, range 2.S wet. lie name's tho following witnesses in prove hs continuous residence upon nnd cultivation of said lauil. vli: John H'.n.'u, 0. U Jensen, T. Jopseb. U,.MOTtl'nifVnl.uil of tfiutis, Nei,- . .. ' fil-Q. QUO. fl. FBEKCII, neglVtcr, AN EASTER DRIVE Is one of the most enjoyable of the whole year, when spring's balmy breath is coaxing the flowers back to lite nnd bloom, It will be doubly enjoyable when taken in one of my handsome nnd comfortable Canopy Top Surreys, Road Wagons, Phae tons or Buggies. Call and exam- ne mv Easter show of Up-to-date vehicles. Jos. Hershey. NOTICE FOlt 1'UULIOATION. Land OIUco at North Platte, Nob., L aiarcn inn, uuu, Notleo Is horoby nlvcn that Edaar A. Hnrv has filed notice of Intention to make final proof bo fore Itcglster and llccotvor at their office In North I'latte. Nebraska, on Tucsdav. thn 17th day of April, UK, on Timber Cultura Application nu, ij.iiu ior me iioruicasi qnanor or Hoctlon 18, In Townrhtp 10 North, Knngn 2 West. Ho names ns wltnosses: James Auble, A. I, All bio. Oeorge II. Hughes and A. J. Uondenow. all of Garfield, Nobraska, manp. oeo. n. FltENCH, Iteglster. NOTICK FOlt J'L'Ill.IOATION. United mates Land Ofllce. North Platte. March 15th, 1IKO. f Notice is hereby Riven that Addla Eves. formerly Palmer, has filed uotlce of her Intention to make final proof boforo the lteglsler and Itccelver at their office In North Platte, Nebras ka. on Thursday, the 201 h day of Atirll. KMO. mi on Timber Oulturo Application No. l;i,Csr, for iuo nouiu uau oi ine nouttieasi quarter, tho Hnulheast quarter ot the Houtbwest quarter and Lot 4 of Heutlon ln, Township 10 North, ltnngo 30 west. Sho names as wltnessns: A. H. Flnlrhnr nf tin. cbanan, Neb., A, L. Fletcher of Echo, Neb., and t. 1,, aiooney nnu v. u. Hawkins, of Wellftcot, Nebraska. m200 GEO. E. FUENOII, HcHlslf r NOTICE FOll POULIOATION. United Metes Land Office, I North Platte, Nebraska, February 21, 11)00. f Notleo Is hereby given lhat Hutus II. Eachus has filed notice ot his Intention to mako final proof beforo the ltcglster nnd Ilerelver at their ofllce in North Platto, Neb,, on Friday, tho -Tin day of April, 1000, ou Timber Culture Application No, HsOlli, for the fiouUiwest quarter Northwest quarter. West half Southwest quarter, Southeast quarter of the Houlhwest quarter, of Hoctlon II, Township 111 north, llnngo 0 wtst. lie names as witnesses: Oeorge Knox, Charles Knox, Horace Austin nnd Cu.h Austin, all ot North Platte, Neb. 76 OEO. E. rilENOH. ReHlstor. notice foh ruIlII(;ATIo. Land Ofllco nt North Platto, Net)., ) March Ath, ItiUO, ( Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention tn make final proof In support ot his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register Mid Receiver at North Platte, Neb., on April 18lb, 1WW, via: THOMAS P. 8YKES, who mado Homestead Entry No. 1CT1I, for the Northeast quartpr ot Hcctlon 21. Town 11 North, Range 31 West. He names tho following witnesses to proo his continuous residence upon nnd cultivation t said land viz: Wtlllnm Laltue, William Oarmun, 0. A. Oarmau and Cbalmer Oglcr, nil of Wallace, Nebraska, in 0-6 OF.OHOK E. FRENCH, Uealsler. CONTEST NOTICE. U. S. Land Ollice, North l'lnlle, Nob., March .Mh, 1P00, A sufliclent contest nllldavlt hnvlng been flledln this olHco by Kufus E. Funk contestant, against Homestead entry No. 15518 made February 4th, 18W, for tho enat half of tho Southwest quarter aud' Lots Throe and Four of See tlonl8,lu Townrhlp 11 nsrlb, Range 31 west, by Paul E. Jensen, Contesteo, In which It is alleged that Paul E, Jensen has not resided upon said tract or Improvrd the some In any manner since August, 1HU3,. There aro no Improvements nf any kind on tho land; Hint said defects exist to this day; that ho has not boon In the service of the United States army, navy or, ma rine corps during said abandonment; sold parties aro hereby notified tn appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at ten o'clock a, in., on April 21th, 1100. before tbo ReglMer and Itecelver at the United Status land ofllco tn North Platto. Nob. ' r Tho said contestant having, (n a proper aindavtl filed March 5th, WOO. set forti tapis which show that after duo dlgencb, personal servco of this notlep cannot ho made, i Is iprbr orilerpd and dtrocteil that sqcU notice ho given liy due and proper publication. inft-0 QEO.K FUENOII. Itealstor. NOTICF. FOlt PUI1LI0ATI0N. Lan6 OfBce at North Platte. Neb., ) .. . , March 5th, 1WX). J Nollco Is hereby given that tho following-named settler has filed notice of his Intontlon to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before Register ami Itecelver at North Platte, Neb., on April 18th, 1000, vl: QUALM Kit OOIEH, Who made Homestead Entry No. 10,558 for the Southwest quarter of Section 10, Town 11 North Range 33 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz: William Larue, William Oarman, O. A. Oarroan and Thomas Bykes, all nf Wallace, Neb GLOllOE E. FRENCH, mO-0 Register. NOTICE FOlt PUBLICATION. Land Ofllce at North Platte, Neb,, ) March 7th, It 00. f Notice Is hereby given that tbo following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of bin claim and that said proof will be made beforo the Register and Re ceiver at North Platte, Neb., on April 18th, tCOOa vis WILLIAM I. AKIN, who made Homestead Entry No, IMHH for tlip SouthwestiitL-trtprof tjpctloli ill, Town It Nurtli. llango 33 W est. ' ' M lie names tio following witnesses tu proyp bla continuous resilience upon and piillyalon nf said land, vU: Thomas Hykcs, Cbalmor Oglor, William Uan man and O. A, Oarmnn.nll nf Wallace, Neb, inlsl OEO. E. FRENCH. Register, CONTEST NOTICE, United Htates UndOlllre, ) North I'latte, Neb.. March 12th, 1000. A sufliclent contest aflldavlt having been filed In this nlllco by Harrison Wtteks contestant, aualnat Homestead Entry No, 11)172, made July I7li, 1891, for Ibo east half of the southeast quarter and tho south tmlf of the Northeast quarter In Hoc tloii3l,Townhlpllnnrth, ltangn 33 west, by HI mnn 11. Hhlvely, Conte.tee, lu which it hi alleged Ilia I Hiiuou Ht Khltely tins fulled to reiddo noon or cultivate nny portion of said Iraot slnroJiily, IS05, but has wholly abandoned llio tame, Iherti nreno Improvements on said land, that said defects exist tu llio present time; that ha lias not boon In tho service of tho Uulted Slates army, ravy or marine roips durlug said abandonment; said uirlles are hereby untitled to appear, respond aud offer evidence tombing raid oik-Katlcm at 10 o'clock a, in, on May 5th, Woo, before JamosH, Itobblos, notary publlo at Wallace. LIiioolu couiily, Nebraska, and that final heurln will be held at 10 o'clock, a. m., on May 10, mm, beforo the Register and Receiver at Iho United Slates Uind Olllco lu North l'latto, Nebraska. Tho said contestant lmlog, In u proper afflduv it filoJ 'V,0"1,' 12th, HI"), set forlh fict.whkh ibn" that after duo diligence personal service of Ibis nollco cannot bo made, it Is hereby ordered and tllrectn.1 that such notice bo given by duo nnd proper publication, ' Jl'laJ OEO. E, rilENCH, llegUIr. TIMIirll Cl'I.TUHE. FINAL PROOF- NOTICE FOll 1'UULIOATION Ijiud Othce at North Platte. Neb. ..... . , , March tilth, UKjO. Not eels hereby given that Nicholas L. Itenler has lllid notice of Intention to make final proof boforo register and receiver at their olUce w.i"rsf U,,',,.i'"',b" " , Mon.Jny tho7lhdayof ll?W' '." "mb.e.r "ure application No. lS,tiill, for Iho southeast quarter of southwest quarter nnd loU '.', 3 and f nf action No. so, Uiwnshlp No. II north range No, S3 west. He names as witnesses! Thomas M. Johns, Waller N Simmons, Charles Jt. Hsydeu, and Frauk J Nlchol, all of Wolla. Neb. ' J' ni2.0 aEoit'oBE-FuVKtu, It'cgUttir. I r