1 1 flTEST 01 IT! Chain Purses, g New Style Girdles, jfj Hat Pins, 8 Belt Buckles, j Dog Collar Belts, $ Pompadour Combs, $ Bang Combs, Side Combs, And all the LATEST $ Novelties dow. 1 Clinton, in our win- TIIE JBWISLER. V. P. Watch Exnmlnnr. ANNIE 0. KRAMFI1, City Editoii, TUI3SDAY, MARCH 27, 1900. Norm Getty returned Saturday night front an extended visit at his home in Loomis. Business on the road shows quite an increase again and some of the extra trainmen are living' in hopes thut by next June they will be able to make a trip. Radishes, Onions and Lettuce fresh every morning at Harrington & Tobin's. The Seaton & Wood bankruptcy case was up in Referee Hoaglamd's court yestcrdy. The P. ,L. Harper claims were given a hearing and were allowed. Redwood Tanks for sale. Best on earth. S'z js C to 16 feet. C. F. Idmxus. John Sorcnson left Saturday night for Omaha. He expects to be absent about ten days and during that time will also visit in Central City, Norfolk, and Grand Islaud. Dr. Hannah, Osteopath. Office opposito Hotel Neville, North Platte Bccrctnry McDill expects to ar rive in town today to confer with the officers of the local Y. M. C. A. concerning the nececRary steps to be taken to improve the room3 now occupied by association. 160 acreB good grazing land at $1,00 per acre. 160 acres good land, 10 acres timber, two room house, clear deed. Price $250.00. John Bratt & Oo. Sheriff Keliher closed Geo. Wag ner's, tobacco shop in the Third ward on a writ of attachment yes terday. No further action . will be taken until the deputy intern al revenue collector arrives. James M. Hay, Lawyer, Chas. Maneely spent yesterdav in town as the guest of Claude Weingaud. He was en route from Los Angeles where he had been soendinir the past six mouths to his home iu Rossville. Smoked White Fish and Halibut, Finnan Haddies, Mackerel and Oysters at Harrington & Tobin's. Dr. Dennis reports the advent of a girl baby at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Purdy last Friday, a boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Maunon Thursday and a girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win, Hagar Sunday. Thero are others, but Pills- bury's Flour is still in the load For salo at Harrington & Tobin's Yesterday was a red letter day for North Platte's separator sta tion, the receipts having reached and passed the five thousand mark, the total receipts for the day being 5505 pounds. The receipts for Wednesdays and Fridays which are of course belrw Monday's do not fall below 4000 pounds now. Every wdek 6ees the addition of a few more patrons to a list which is aircauy quite long, i lie price now paid tor butter fat is seventeen cents per pound. This price went into eiTect Marbli 15th and will probably hold for sixty days. Mrs. Austin Taylor, of Grand Is land, spent yesterday in town visit ing friends. The W. R, C. will meet to-morrow (Wednesday) afternoon at the home of Mrs. N. A. Davis. Mrs. Florence Luse returned yes terday afternoon from a week's visit with friends in Omaha. Mrs. R. R. Root spent yesterday in town as the guest of Mrs. Elmer Coatcs. She was enroute to Wood River for a visit at her old home. Ralph Wiseman went to Suther land this morning; to look after some light repairs in connection with the telephone service at that point. Round and Half Round Stock Tanks, all sizes, lor sale by Joa. Hershey. M. C. Harrington went to Kan sas City Sunday afternoon to at tend a meeting of the committee which was appointed to arrange for the headquarters of the Nebras ka delegation to the democratic convention. The committee en gaged the club room on the first floor of the Coatcs House, three banquet rooms to serve as the headquarters proper and six sleep ing rooms. The Bee correspondent says that the headquarters arc by far the most clabora'c of any state. We have several houses which can be sold by paying part cash and balance on monthly pay ments until paid, John Bratt & Oo. Miss Elizabeth Gombcrt, the milliner for the Leader this season, comes highly recomended by D. B. Fiskc & Co. of Chicago, the largest millinery Iioubc in the world, being; one of the designers in that firm's pattern hat department. The ladies of North Platte and vicinity will certainly appreciate a trim mer who is so capable as MUs Gombcrt, and Mr. Pizsr congrat- ulates himself on having secured her services. PLAY MARBLES? That is what the boys do now. They also wear out their stock ings. We sell They Stand the Wear. Ask for No. 15 Boys' Hose per pair. 25 No. 10 Girls' Hose per pair. 23 No. 415 Girls' Hose per pair. 15 No. l'J Ladies' Hose perpair.25 No, 600 Ladles' Hose pr pair. 25 Wileox Department Store. Spanish-American Veteran. Sixteen men, who served iu the Second Regiment during the la'.e Spanish-American war, met hiBt night and formed a branch of the Spanish-American Veterans Asso ciatlon. Capt. II, O. Evans in structcd them in the ritualistic work and then the following men iook me obligation: i j. urau. A. F. Hammond, Chas. 10. Brown, Jas. Rannie, Robt. Weeks, Wm. Eaheltnan, Win. House. Otto Ed strom, ICd. Scharmau, Fred Douir lass, Mason Robinson, Chas. Ilaner, Howard McMichael and wm. Row laud. Tho following officers were elected; Capt., II. O. Evans; first lieutenant, C. F. Scharmann; sec ond lieut,, C. 15. Brown; sergt guard; Jas. A. Rannie; adit , II. R, McMichael; Q. M., F. J. Grau; trustees, J. W. Rowland and A. F, Unmmoud. The next mectiug wil be held on April 10th. V- Royal Absolutely "Pure Baking Powder Absolutely "Pure Makes the food more delicious and wholesome BOTH BAkINQ Ktl CO.. NtW YORK. wr ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft $ w IIY Wilcox Department Store. HARDWARE. 28-inch Plow Singletree '.. 20c Double Tree Clevis, Large 10c Singletree. Clevis, 2 for 15c J-lb Box Assorted Copper Rivets 18c Hame Staples, 2 for 05c Hamc Clips, 2 for 05c Line Snaps, each 03c Breast Snaps, each 05c Cockeyes, each 05c Rolled Steel Stove Pipe per joint 15c Common Stove Pioc 151bows 10c Adjustable Stove Pipe Elbows 15c No. 8 Galvanized Wash Boiler 95c 12-quart Galvanized Pails 20c Can furnish Cultivator SIiovcIb finished, with castings, clevises, bolts, set screws, etc., to fit almost any Cultivator at 52. 75 a set. These will be supplied only on order. Cash with order. If you wish a set of these place your order early. HARNESS. U-inch Halters 85c Hame Straps 10c Riding Bridles 90c to St. 50 Sinches 20c to 50c Bridle Bits 8c to 90c Our stock is complete in Farm Har ness, Leather Collars, Canvas Collars, Work BridlcP, Back Bands, Iklly Bauds, Breast Straps, Yoke Straps, Tugs, Trace Chains. Leather by the Hide or Cut in Strips. Everything needed to fit up for spring work. GROCERIES. 25c 25c 25c 25c 14c 35c 25c Arbucklc's Coffee 13c, 2 pkgs Lion Coffee 13c, 2 pkgs German Coffee 13c, 2 pkgs X X X X Coffee 13c, 2 pkgs Bee Coflcc per pkg Bogota Coffee 18c, 2 pkgs Beef Extract, 2 ounce iar Table Salt 2 sacks for 05c 25 pounds Cum meal (white or yellow). 25c Snowtlak,e Patent Flour per sack 90c Kingsford's Silver Gloss Starch pr pkg 08c Corn Starch per pkg 05c Yeast Foam. 2 pkgs for 05c On Time Yeast. 2 pkgs for 05c Bird Seed per lb 07c Battle Ax Tobacco per plug 35c Star Tobacco per plug 45c IIotbc Shoe Tobacco per plug 45c J. T. Tobacco per plug 20c Duke's Mixture Tobacco per lb 35c Kerosene Oil per gallon 16c Vinegar per gallon "20c 3-lb Pail Lard 25c 5-lb Pail Lard 40c Buckwheat Flour per lb 4Jc Baker's Chocolate 18c, 2 cakes for . . . . 35c Diamond C Soap 9 bars for 25c Cream of Wheat, per pkg 15c Search Light Matches per box 04c Vitos, Pillsbury's 13c, 2 pkgs 25c Shrcdcd Whole Wheat Biscuit, 2 pkgs 25c Horse Radish per bottle 10c Grand Pa's Wonder Soap 05c Armour's Tar Soap 05c Baker's Cocoa, 4 lb can 25c K. C. Baking Powder, 25 ounces 20c Aunt Jemina Pancake Flour per pkg. 10c Rice, The Best, 3 lbs.. 25c NOTIONS. Thread, 4 spools for 15c, 7 for 25c 50 yds Corticclli Sewing Silk 04c 100 yds Corticclli Sewing Silk 08c New Idea Patterns 10c Baby Ribbon per yd 01c Cotton Tape per roll 01c Velveteen Skirt Binding per yd 03c Watcrproot Sktrt Binding per yd.. . . 08c Envelopes per bunch 03c Square Envelopes per bunch 05c Writing Paper, 36 sheets for 05c Full Count Pius per paper 02c Tabic Oilcloth per yd 20c Alarm Clocks 85c Imported Saxony per skein 07c Hat Pins per dozen 04c Silk Binding Ribbon per bolt 10c 7-lnch Nickel Back Horn Combs 08c Round Combs each 05c Pompadour Combs with sets 25c Carpet Warp on Spools (colored) per lb 19c Carpet Warp on Spools (white) per lb. 17c 2- qt Fountain Syringe (guaranteed)... 75c 3- qt Fountain Syringe (guaranteed)... 90c 2-qt Hot Water Bottle (guaranteed) ... 85c LAMP CHIMNEYS. No. 1 Common Lamp Chimneys 04c No. 2 Common Lamp Chimneys 06c No, 1 Heavy Lamp Chimneys. ......... 10c No. 2 Heavy Lamp Chimneys 12c No. 2 Rochester Lamp Chimneys 10c No. 3 Rochester Lamp Chimneys 15c Tubular Lantern Globes 07c Goods marked in plain figures and sold at One Price for Cash Only. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. i ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft neb, JE NORTH PLHTTE, F Li Liijiii Dig L.ocivea; that's you PROFIT I that's you GAIN! where Sleeky Eye Flour is used. It has been demonstrated time after time proven con clusively that Sleepy Bye Flour makes from eight to ten loaves of bread more to the sack than other flours. That's quite a saving, and it will do it, too. A trial sack convinces; then trial users become steady customers. A MARK t RUSH 6c MURRAY Will till jour order Promptly.... OF QUALITY : Henry Abshtre was down from Sutherland yesterday transacting business and looking after cattle bargains. Flaked Beans, Peas and Rice at Harrington & T's. The members of the chorus for the Lutheran concert will meet at the church this evening' for a rehearsal. Morris Jones returned Saturday night from Chicago and is making arrangements for the first ship ment of the Keith horses. Wanted Chickens, Turkey?, Geese, Ducks and Pigeons. McCui.I.OUOH & CaRTKK. Miss Ruth Patterson expects to spend the coming summer in Chi. cago attending the summer school iu connection with the Chicago Institute. We have Bome good vacant lots, in choice locations, for sale cheap. John Bratt & Oo. J. Naismith, who has been fore man of the roundhouse at Columbus for several years, has been promoted to the position of general foreman of the Cheyenne shops. He is tuc ce'ded at Columbus by D. II. Iliucs. J. Davis, the father ot A. L. and 13. S, Davis who has been visiting here for several months, expects to leave next week for Colorado to visit a sou who lives on a ranch not far from Denver. See the line of 10-cent Queonsware Novelties at Harrington & Tobin's. Chicago foiccast for North Platte ind vicinity: Colder with rain this afternoon and tonight; Wednesday fair. Maximum temperature yes terday was 01 ; one year ago it was22. Minimum temperature thi-s morning was 42s ; one year agoitwas2 bebw Ziro. Have You Seen Them? To Sec la to Iluy Tliein. Our School Shoes 8 to 12 at $1 35 Our School Shoes 124 to 2 at 1.60 Our Little Gents' Shoes to 13 at 1.50 Our Little Gents' Shoes 9 to 13 at 1.75 Our Ladies' Shoes at 2.00 Our Ladies' Shoes at 2 25 Our Ladies' Shoes at 2 50 Our Ladies' Shoes at 3.00 Our Men's Shoes at 1.50 Our Men's Shoes at 2.00 Our Men's Shoos at 2 50 Our Men's Shoes at 3 00 There are di He rent makes, but Now: BliTTKK. Wilcox Department Store. Leo Tobin was notified bv the war department Saturday afternoon that he had failed to pass iu mathe mu tics and that the appointment to West Point had therefore been given to the alternate, C, O. Meal, of O'Neill. Leo passed a very cred itable examination iu all of the other branches, He will now re main here and devote his time for the present to business iu the Ilar- This morning1 Adolphus Krueger rinirton .Ss Tobin store. If he de repievinea me wagner siock oi ddca to adopt a business career he coods which was attached yeBter-.L..,:n t..v..-ti day by Sheriff Keliher. Knge'" M"ur """-"'J '"" claims that he is the owner of theTty' he is a very bright, energetic stock and has a bill oi sale tor it. and capable young man. X Railroad Notes. 5 Engine No. 1734 has gone into the shops for repairs. Engine No. 1709 came in on one side Saturday and is now receiving repairs. Gus Chamberlain, who has been unable to work for several months owing1 to an injured ankle, reported for duty yesterday. The car department is overhaul ing and fitting up the ourflt cars which have been laid up here this winter so that they will be ready for use as soon as the spring work opens up. W. A. Wh'tuey, fjrmcrly chief dispatcher at Grand Islund, was a passenger on train No. 101 Satur day afternoon enroute to his new location in Cnlitornia. He has hosts of friends on the Union Pa cific who wish him much success in his new venture. His tttccessorat Grand Island has not yet been ap pointed. Orange specials still continue to come, the seventy-fifth one having gone through yesterday afternoon. The winter truit traffic has been unusually heavy and there is every indication that the summer trnflic will show a corresponding increase and if it does the vast amount of ice stored here will probably prove to be none too much to keep the fruit properly iced Engine No. 1715 was turned out of the shops yesterday and is being' broken iu today by Millard Hosier. No appointment of a successor to W. A. Whitney aa chief dispatcher at Grand Island will be made until April 1st. O. E. Hostcttcr. who was among the extra firemen recently sus pended has gone to Sutherland where he will probably remain for some time. Fresh barrel of Heinz's Sauer Kraut at Harrington & Tobin's. The production cf Rip Van Win kle at the opera house Friday ev ening again demonstrated the ex cellent dramatic ability possessed by the Ureycr family and those who assisted them. R. R. Pealc's abil ity as a portrait painter was evi denced by the portraits which formed part of the scenery. Call and see us before buy-ing-rwe may have juet what you want and save you mon ey. We write fire insurance, colleot rents and oare for property of non-residents. John Bratt & Oo. FARM FOR RENT. 300 acres of choice valley land un der the Suburbin Irrigitbn canal. Frame house, stable, well and pump. About 150 acres of hay, pasture and about 80 ucres under cultivation. One mile from Nich ols station on U. P. R. R. Apply to T. C. Patterson. Yeast Cakes are low, but they shall will your bread if you use our rise again, ami so W. F. McGLONE & CO. - - Oriole Prunes (the fiueBt grown) 3 to a sauce dish. . ,20c per lb f Oriole prunes, Silver 15c per lb Fancy Muir Peaches ,15c per lb l Club House Coffee .., ,. .. .35c per lb l Club House Baking Powder. -10c per lb XXXX Hulk OHvcb 50c per ot X. T .-!.:.. t O IT I ?C " "I unj; v-iium hi. urn; oi up cr gm jl K Lipton's English Breakfast Tea 75c per lb f Y Lipton's Oolong 75c per lb V Nabau Ccylou Tea , . . .70c per lb ! V Pull line of Salt lMsh White lnsh, Mackerel, Herring, f Salmon. Whole Cod Fish 7 cents a notind. j 'f'' ;$:'t$ ii Show Flake Flour$1.00 a Sack and your dollnr back if it is not the best lUour you can buy Y North Platte, outside of this store, at any price. Sec that the name ot Wells, Abbott cc Nienmii is on every sack. The other fellow tells you what he has that is cheap; wc will tell you of sonic things that are good to eat. Monarch Asparagus Points 30c per can Monarch Ulack Raspberries 25c per can Monarch Strawberries 25c per can Monarch Pitted Red Cherries 25c per can Casino Sliced Peaches , -10c per can Full Lino of Caalno Brand Fruits and Vegotablea,