LATEST OUT! 1 8 8 I g THE JEWELER. tfi U. P. "Watch Exnmlnnr. Chain Purses, S New Style Girdles, Hat Pins, Belt Buckles, $ Dog Collar Belts, sj Pompadour Combs, Bang Combs, $ Side Combs, g And all the LATEST $ Novelties in our win- clow. ' Clinton, & ANNIE 0, KRAMPH, City Editor. TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1900. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beck return lliis morning from Council Bluffs. H. L-. Walsh attended the demo cratic state convention at Lincoln yesterday. The central circle of the Christian ladies' aid society will meet Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. K. 13. Northrup. Jaifios M. Hay, Lawyer, M. Schlesinger, who haJ been transacting business in town for.a couple of days, returned to Gothen burg this morning. The latest ideas in the millinery art will be ready for inspection in a few days at the Fair. J. 13. Bush and his children re turned this morninir from Council Bluffs. Mr. Bush's parents accotn panicd them and will remain here for several weeks. Mrs. A. L. Armstrong is having carpenters figure on a twelve room residence which she contemplates erecting this summer, and which she will use as a boarding house. Swan Hultman relumed this morning from his trip to Sweden. He reports a most delightful ocean voyage both going and coming and a very enjoyable visit at his old home which he left seventeen years ago. Round and Half Round Stock Tanks, all sizes, for sale by Jos. Hershey. The live pigeon shoot at Grand Island Saturday between the club of that city and the North Platte gun club resulted in a score of 110 to 104 in favor of the former. Dol son, Pool and Schatz made the best individual scorcsof the North Platte men, each killing nine out of a pos sible ten. Wanted Chickens, Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Pigeons. McCullough & Carter. The receipts at the separator station yesterday aggregated 4G48 pounds, the largest amount ever received. New patrons ara con tinually being added to the list but as the plant has a capacity ot 25,000 pounds daily there will be no danger of the receipts testing the full capacity for some time. The patrons are all very well satisfied with the results of the station. The Lutheran World printed at Cincinnati, Ohio, contained the fol lowing; 4,At Stelhi, Neb., a series of special terviccs closed March 3, with fifteen accessions, eight ol whom are adults. The pastor, Rev. H. Zimmerman, was assisted by Mr. W, II. Wolfe, of Lock port. 111., who more than maintained his great reputation as a gospel singer. His rare talents are thoroughly consecrated. He has imagination and sympathy, and the power to express them in song, The church was greatly profited by his services, Mr. Wolle will labor in the Ne braska Synod until after Easter," Mr. W. H. Wolfe is a brother ol Rev. H. A. Wolfe, aud Is expected here to assist Rev. Wolfe in a ser ies of meetings beginning about April 1st aud continuing until Easter. A Golden Wedding, A rare event occurred in North Platte yesterday the celebration of a. golden wedding. The event transpired at the residence of But ler Buchanan and the celebrants were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. II. P. Buchanan, who rounded out fifty years of wedded happiness yesterday. The celebration began at three o'clock and lasted until eleven and during that time about 200 guests extended their congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan. They were assisted in receiving by their daughters Mcsdamcs Baskins, Miltonbcrgcr, Buchanan and David son and their two sons, Butler and Thomas. The house was very beautifully decorated with cut flowers and in the dining room a very artistic color scheme, in which golden predominated, was carried out in the table decorations. Refreshments were served to the guests and each lady' was presented with a souvenir ribbon printed in gold. Mrs. ID. A. Cary, Miss Eliz abeth Burke nnd Robert Gary added very much to to the enjoy ment of the guests by the musical selections which they gave. Among the guests were Mr. aud Mrs. John E. Cavenec and Mr. and Mrs, Philip Campbell of Custer county. The two gentlemen had attended Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan's silver wedding at Mt. Pleasant. Iowa, and arc now looking forward to helping them celebrate their dia mond wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan were the recipients of some very handsome presents among others bcin? a gilt clock, candlesticks, two gold headed canes, a gold headed umbrella, spoons and several books. One of the gifts which they prize very 'highly is a set of spoons from Prof, and Mrs. Roberts, of Ithaca. Prof. Roberts is now the head of the agricultural department of Cornell college. He is a protege of Mr. Buchanan's and accompanying the gift was a message which said that he was sending it to the very best friend he had ever had. The wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan occurred at the home ot the bride's parents in Brook county, W, Va., March V), 1850. For seven years tley resided on the old home stead in Pennsylvania. They then came west iutending to locate in Illinois but not finding the condi tions there very favorable they moved to Iowa and in 1858 located at Mt. Pleasant where they lived until 1884 when they came to Ne braska and finally located in what is now known as Buchanan precinct. Lincoln county. They made thcii home there until a few years atro when they moved to town and have since lived with their daughter, Mrs. W. M. Baskin. They have had eight children, five irirls'and three boys. All of those who arc still alive, Tuos. and Butler Buchanan, Mrs. W. M. Baskins, Mrs. I. L. Miltonberger, and Mrs. A. Davidson were here yesterday. Mr. Buchanan has always been a prominent figure in any movement which has had tor its purpose the uplifting of the agricultural class and the agricultural collcire of Iowa, which is considered one of the best in the world, owes a great deal of its advancement to him. In all of his work he has been ably seconded by his wife whose inter est in public affairs has always been as strong as his. They are of the class of people who help to make this world a better place to live in. Thev have a large circle of warm friends in North Platte, won by their many splendid quali ties, with whom The Tkiiiunr unites in wishing them many more years of health, happiness and prosperity. llr to m to to to to to to to to to to to to to to m to to to to to m to to m to to to to to to to to to to to i) J (IV Wilcox Department Store. Fred Elliott Declines. 1 respectfully decline the nomina tion for city clerk tendered me by the citizens' meeting last Saturday evening. Fred Elliott, Jr. Mre. Cutis, Hudson, Deuver, Col., writes: "Doth my children hud bod cdBos of whoonlua couch and nothinrr soouiod to holp thotu; Hoggs' Chorry Cough Syrup offeuted n quick euro." Thnt'H whnt it's guarnutood to do. Cures coughs, colds, croup, ingrippe, bronchi Us, pnoumonia nnd consumption. A. F Stroitz. HARDWARE. 28Much Plow Singletree 20c Double Tree Clevis, Large 10c Singletree Clevis, 2 for 15c i-lb Box Assorted topper Rivets.'. ... 18c Ha me Staples, 2 for 05c Hamc Clips, 2 for 05c Line Snaps, each 03c Breast Snaps, each 05c Cockeyes, each ,- 05c Rolled Steel Stove Pipe per joint 15c Common Stove Pipe Elbows 10c Adjustable Stove Pipe Elbows 15c No, 8 Galvanized Wash Boiler.. . . ... 95c 12-quart Galvanized Pails 20c Can furnish Cultivator Shovels finished with castings, clevises, bolts, set screws, etc., to fit almost any Cultivator at $2 75 a set. These will be supplied only on order. Cash with order. If you wish a set of these place your order early. HARNESS. 1 1-inch Halters 85c Hamc Strap v "10c Riding Bridles ' D0c to $1.50 Sinchcs 20c to 50c Bridle Bits ...8c to 90c Our stock is complete in Farm Har ness, Leather Collars, Canvas Collars, Work Bridlep, Back Bands, Belly Bauds, Breast Straps, Yoke Straps, Tugs, Trace Chains. Leather by the Hide or Cut in Strips. Everything needed to fit up for spring work. GROCERIES. 25c 25c 25c 25c 14c 35c Arbucklc's CoiTcc 13c, 2 pkgs Lion CoiTcc 13c, 2 pkgs German Coffee 13c, 2 pkgs X X X X Coffee ..13c, 2 pkgs Bee Coilce per pkg Bogota Coffee 18c, 2 pkirs licci lvxtract, i ounce jar 2ac Table Salt 2 sacks for 05c 25 pounds Cornmcal (white or yellow). 25c Snowllakc Patent Flour per sack 90c Kingsford's Silver Gloss Starch pr pkg 08c Corn Starch per pkg 05c Yeast Foam, 2 pkgs for 05c On Time Yeast. 2 pkgs for 05c Bird Seed per lb 07c Battle Ax Tobacco per plug 35c Star Tobacco per plug... .". 45c Horse Shoe Tobacco per plug 45c J. T. Tobacco per plug 20c Duke's Mixture Tobacco per lb 35c Kerosene Oil per gallon 16c Vinegar per gallon 20c 3-lb Pail Lard 25c 5-lb Pail Lard 40c Buckwheat Flour per lb 4c Baker's Chocolate 18c, 2 cakes for . . . . 35c Diamond C Soap 9 bars for 25c Cream of Wheat, per pkg 15c Search Light Matches per box........ 04c Vitos, Pillsbury's 13c, 2 pkgs 25c burcded Whole Wlieat liiscuit, - pkgs -c Horse Radish per bottle 10c Grand Pa's Wonder Soap 05c Armour's Tar Soap 05c Baker r Cocoa, i lb can Joe K. C. Baking Powder, 25 ounces 20c Aunt Jcmina Pancake Flour per pkg. 10c Rice, The Best, 3 lbs 25c NOTIONS. Thread, 4 spools for 15c, 7 for ....... . 25c 50 yds Corticclll Sewing Silk 04c 100 yds Corticclll Sewing Silk 08c New Idea Patterns 10c Baby Ribbon per yd 01c Cotton Tape per roll 01c Velveteen Skirt Binding per yd. ..... . 03c Waterproof Skirt Binding per yd.. . . 08c Envelopes per bunch 03c Square Envelopes per bunch 05c Writing Paper, 36 sheets for 05c Full Count Pins per paper 02c Table Oilcloth per yd 20c Alarm Clocks 85c Imported Saxony per skein ,07c Hat Pins per dozen 04c Silk Binding Ribbon per bolt 10c 7-inch Nickel Back Horn Combs 08c Round Combs each 05c Pompadour Combs with sets. 25c Carpet Warp on Spools (colored) per lb 19c Carpet Warp on Spools (white) per lb. 17c 2- qt Fountain Syringe (guaranteed... 75c 3- qt Fountain Syringe (guaranteed)... 90c 2-qt Hot Water Bottle (guaranteed)... 85c LAMP CHIW No. 1 Common Lamp Chimneys 04c No, 2 Common Lamp Chimneys 06c No. 1 Heavy Lamp Chimneys 10c No. 2 Heavy Lamp Chimneys 12c No. 2 Rochester Lniop Chimneys 10c No. 3 Rochester Lamp Chimneys 15c Tubular Lantern Glomes 07c 'Goods marked in plain figures and sold at One Price for Cash. Only. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. R AVA I Baking 4ftS0DTEiylPuitE Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome KOVU BAKim POWOM CO., NW YORK. NORTH PLPCTTE, NEB, to to to to to v to to m to to m m to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to ON DEPOSIT x X x OF QUALITY YOUR MONEY is merely on deposit, subject to your satisfaction when buying SLEEPY EYE Tlour You take no chances in ordering a sack. It's guaranteed, without a compromise. It has proven itself a perfect bread producer to thousands and thousands of housewives who will use no other brand, and A MARK RUSH 6c MURRAY Will llll jour order Promptly... . Geo. Vromau returned this morn ing from Omaha where he had been spending about ten days on busi ness connected with the P. of L. 15. Work upon V. 13. McCarty's new residence has been commenced and is being rapidly pushed. When finished it will be quite a commo dious cottage. Several of the members, of the gun club stopped at Drady Island on their way home from the match at Grand Island and put in Sunday and Monday duck hunting. Mr. and Mrs. John Cavanee and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Campbell, who came to attend the Buchanan gold en wedding, returned this morning to their home in Custer county. 1 have engaged n competent dressmaker who will be with me March 26th, and who comes to me well recommended as an artistic dressmaker. I would solicit a lib eral share of patronage from the ladies of North Platte. Call at my house or call by telephone for fur- wilt uuurniaiiuit. MKH. 1. L. Mlll'ONHUKC.UK. At the meeting of the board of county coiiiinissioncrb held yester day upou a petition from the resi dents of OTallons precinct it was decided to change the name of it to Sutherland, They also very thoroughly discussed the Union Pacific delinquent tax question and decided to instruct the county at torney to commence at once forcclos sure proceedings against the com pany for the lull amount of taxes due and uupaid. ThecommiEbionerB have given the matter of these back taxes considerable attention and after consultation with the county attorney have decided that they have absolutely no right to make a compromise of these taxes and that the company ought to be compelled to do as other taxpayers have al ready done, pay the full amount ol taxes unuer protest and the nucK rtMiei irom wnm it c annn i unjust tax'atfo'n, liy legal methb'dd. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dorram re turned Saturday .afternoon from Cozad. D. S. Schofielrf of Wallace, is spending the day in town transact ing business. - Thos. Duggaii. who had been ppendiug a few days here visiting his sister, Mrs. Thos. Dumey, left this morning for his home in Wood River, lie is just returning from a three years' trip through the west. The assessors are gradually gathering for the meeting this af temoon. An informal meeting was held this morning to discuss ways and means. It is not thought any radical changes will be made in tlic basis ot valuation, mil we believe that a return to a one-filth valuation should be made. Lincoln county is paying an undue propor tion of the state taxes, a fact that the assessors should take into con hidcraliou. The millinery department at the Fair Store will be in charge of Miss Marie Towuscud, of Chicago, tins bcason. At the meeting ol the republican county central committee held last Saturday it was decided to hold but one convention and the date selected was April 21st. At this convention delegates to the sevcra conventions, the dale of some of which has not yet been announced, will be selected and a candidate for county attorney nominated, The convention to nominate the candi date for county commissioner for the North Platte district will not be held until late in the summer. The official call of the county con vention will be published in our next Issue. Railroad Notes, t Asa Searlc, who has been laying' off on account of illness, has re ported for duty again. Oscar Smith commenced working iti the machine shofi da a machinists' helper yesterday morning. President Burt passed through in the special car No. 02 on train No. 2 enroute home to Omaha. Train No. 101 has been coming in in two sections for several days owing to the fact that the C, 13. & O. mail train fails to make connec tions at Council Binds. Sunday 188 cars ot special fast through freight passed here in the four sections of train No, 19. This gives some idea of the large amount of freight busi ness which the Union Pacific is now handling. P. II. McICvoy attended the great two-ringed circus in Lincoln. ChaB. T. "Whelan returned this morning trout a brief visit in Sid ney. Miss Bertha Thoelecke is attend ing the meeting of the central Ne braska teachers' association. See W. V. Breyer as "Rip Van Winkle" at the opera house next Friday evening. Admission 25, 35 and fifty cents. Prof. Brandon'B orchestra will furnish the music. Mrs. IS. A. Cooncy and children lcit this morning ior South Dakota. Chicago forecast for North Platte andjicinity; Partly cloudy with light snow tonight. Wed nesday, wanner and fair. The maximum temperature yesterday was 49. One year ago 42. Mini mum temperature this morning was 24. One year ago 15. Purities tho blood, tills tho system with lifo, health nnd vigor liesgi' Blood Purillor. "It cured mo ot dvs popsin and castivoncss nnd othor din' onsoa orising from impure blood; I think it's a splendid modicino, buvb Mrs. Alice R6od, Butlor, Mo. A. F. Stroitz. HUMPHREYS' VETERINARY SPECIFICS A. A. I FEVERS, rcmceitlnm. tnflamma. cvusf ilotu. Luqr Veter. Milk Fever. . D. IHIMIAIKH. LBiencM. Injuries, cuius (KheumatUm. !. C HOHK THROAT. Qulniy, Epliootlc, JIWORMB. Bon. Grubf. H. K.iroUOIIB, CnU. Influent, Inflame cvua ( Lunti. I'leuro.l'heiimnnla. V. VAVOIAV. DHIvarhe. Wlad.Blown. cvftcsfUlarrhca. Bvientery. O.U. rrcrenti MIHCARHIAGK. curb; KIDNEY A BLADDER DISOIinP.IIH, I. 1. 1BKI.V DIHBAHKH. Mange, Eruption. cvasatUlcen. Ureaie, Farcy. J. K.tBAp CONDITION. Rlarlni Coal. cvRMf Inoiceitloti, blomaeh matters. DOc. each! BUbla Cans, Ten Speelfles, Hook, Jkc, IT. At drumttsU or ent prepaid on receipt o( price. Uumpbreri' Mellelna Co., Cor. William i John flu.. Mew York. VgnttMAgT Jtutviu aorr Tutu NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL WEAKNESS nnd Prostration from Over "work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopath la Specific No. EH, In uao over 40 yenro, the only uocerul rumody. $lperrlal,orpecialpaokaitwtthpowdr,for$a 8oM by Dmirgliti , or lent poit-l4 on rtclpt of price Hl'irllHKis'MKD. CO., Ctf.WIIIU a foia SU.,KrYtra t t W. F. McGLONE & CO. Yeast Cakes are low, but they shall rise again, aud so will your bread if you use our Snow Flake Flour $1.00 a Sack ami your dollar back if it is not the best Flour you can buy in Nortli Platte, outside of this store, at any price. See that the name of Wells, Abbott & Nieinau is on every sack. The other fellow tells you what he has that is cheap; we will tell you of some things that arc good to eat. Monarch Asparagus Points 30c per can Monarch Ulack Kaspbcrriea. 25c per can Monarch Strawberries 25c per can Monarch Pitted Red Cherries 25c per can Cabiuo Sliced Peaches 40c per can Full Lino of Casino Brand Trults and Vegetables or 4 &' Oriole Prunes (the Guest grown) 3 to a sauce dish. . .20c per lb ! l Oriole iiruucs. Silver 15c per lb l-f l' Fancy Muir Peaches ,. .15c pet lb l fl' Club House Coffee 35c per lb 4j Club House Baking Powder. . 40c per lb XXXX Bulk Olives 50c per qt Log Cabin Maple Syrup per gal Lipton's English breakfast Tea 75c per lb Liptou'B Oolong 75c per lb Naban Ceylou Tea 70c per lb Full line of Salt Fish White Fish, Mackerel, Herrlug, Salmon, Whole Cod Fish 7 ceuts a pound. 1 .11