The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 23, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 9.
i Fine Grown and Bridge Work a Specialty. fa
to to
You can bank on it being
fresh and as represented.
sjmmurmmm m miff mm m m www www mmmw up
Woodrrjarjsee Wiijclirjiiis,
Carriages, Buggies, Road Wagons,
Carts, Spring Wagons,
Latest-Styles and Best Quality for the Price.
Locust St., North Platte, Neb.
XjU-r)Q."ber, Coal I
YardB and ElevatorB at
North Platte, Neb.,
Sutherland, Neb.,
Julesburg, Colorado.
Manufacturer of
Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store.
John W. Masury's
Celebrated Paint
1 Davis Hardware Store.
When you get ready to paint your house,
call on us and let us sell you first-class
Paint at reasonable prices.
Tho School Building1 Meeting.
The meeting called for Wednes
day evening to discusB the new
high school building was attended
by a fair crowd. Mayor Bratt
called the meeting to order and
W. L. Park was chosen chairman.
A rcsolutiou was adopted providing
for the selection of a committee of
six to confer with the board of edu
cation in regard to matter relative
to tnc erection ol the scliool build
ug, tlucc of such committee to be
selected by the chairman of the
meeting and the president ot the
school board, and the other three
by the Commercial Club. Chair
man Park and President Robinson
named Major Walker. H. M.
Grimes and C. F. Scharmanu. one
from each ward. The Commer
cial Club named II. S. White, W.
L. Park and M. C. Harrington as
ts share of the committee, and
those six gentlemen were declared
to be the committee which will act
in conjunction with the board of
Jof.eph Weeks objected to the
Comu-crcial Club intcrfcrring with
the duties ol the school board, but
Mr. Robinson and Mr. Sorensou
assured the meeting that they, as
members of the board, were glad
the committee had been appointed
and we arc informed the other
members of the board express
themselves in the same vein.
Some talk as to the removal of
the building to the west part of
town, and also aa to whether the
present building should be torn
dosvn. was indulged in, but it
seemed to be the sense of the meet-
that such matters should be left
to the school board and the com
mittee appointed.
A Grand Social Success.
The first annual ball of lodge
No. 180, International Association
of Machinists, held at the opera
house Wednesday evening was an
unqualified social success, and the
members of the local lodge have
every reason to feel proud of their
initial effort. The attendance was
very large, the floor being crowded
with merry dancers and the gallery
tilled with spectators. The build
ing was brilliantly lighted and
decorated to some extent, the
music excellent and the floor and
reception committees were cour
teous and painstaking to see that
everyone thoroughly enjoyed the
affair and the committees were
certainly successful in their efforts.
There was, apparently, nothing
lett undone which would
increase the enjoyment
The grand march, in
about seventy-five
part, was led by Mr
H. Fikes, Jr., and from the comple
tion ol the march until 2:30 the
twenty-four dances followed each
other iu rapid succession; an hour,
however being given at midnight
for supper.
February 15, 1900.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. Present full board and
the county clerk. Record of
yesterday's proceedings read and
approved. Settlement was made
with J. II. blaze overseer District
22 and with F. E. Brooks overseer
Dist. No. 12, in settlement certifi
cate on road district was issued to
J. H. Glaze for 22.00 and to F. E.
Brooks for 27.00. Bill of Harring
& Tobiu for md6c. was allowed
for 34.05. Resignation of J. S.
Hinckley as assessor for North
Platte No. 2 is hereby accepted
and on petition numerously signed
l. lv. Miltonuerger is liereuy ap
pointed to fill the vacancy. Kesig.
nation of W. T. Elliott recently ap
pointed assessor for Jeffrey Pre
cinct is hereby accepted and Otto
O Morse appointed to fill vacancy
The county clerk is directed to not
tfv said Miltonberger and Morse
of their appointments. Whereupon
the board adjourned until to
morrow. February lfi, 1900.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. Present full board and
county clerk. Proceedings of yes
terday read and approved. Settle
ment was made with road overseer
as follows: J. II. Smith Dist. No,
36 account allowed for 27.00 and
certificate issued on district for
that amount. Bill of Lon Combs
overseer Dist. No. 40 allowed for
25,00 and certificate issued on said
district for that amount. Propo
sitiou of Jas. S. Myers to tighten
bolts in North River bridge for
a.uu is hereby accepted and sum
Mers is authorized to do said
work at price named. Adjourned
until tomorrow.
February 17, 1900.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. Present full board and
county clerk.
To C. F. Scharmann, County
Treasurer: 'You are hereby au
thorized to rany 27.00 now in your
hands to the credit of the Current
General fund of the county. T. J,
Combs is hcrbby appointed road
tend to
of the
i . i .
coupieB IOOK
and Mrs. VV.
Ii You are Looking
For a modern, clean, up-to-dato Grocery Store, go to HARRING
TON & TOBIN'S new building east of tho First National Bank
where you will see the finest and neatest store in all Western Ne
braska. Plenty of room, no crowding like in tho old narrow store.
i Great Reduction in Prices.
As wo are not paying ront, and have otherwiso reduced expenses,
wo proDOse to sollg oods at tho VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES
prevailing. Taken otico of the following prices and compare them
with tho prices "youarc paying elsewhere if you do not now buy
from us.
Apple Butter Ucinzs 12jc per lb
Bromaiigclon 15C a pkg
Buckwheat Flour New York. . .4c per lb
Bakers Chocolate 18c a cake, 2 (or 35c
Coffee iu bulk v 10c n lb
Battle Ax Tobacco.. . .. , ,35c a plug.
Canned Milk, Eagle brand. 2 for 35c
Bird Seed , 7c a lb
Com Meal, white or yellbw 25 bag
Canned Corn High grade 8c a can
Canned Tomatoes High grade.. .10c a can
Canned Peas High grade 12Jc a can
Currents 1 lb packages.. 10c a p'k'ge
Catsup Snyder's high grade.. .25c a bottle
Durham Tobacco. . jk. 55c a lb
Epps Cocoa lb cans 25c
Elastic Starch 8c.
French Peas 12 c a can
Gran Pa's Wonder Soap, large size 8c
Grape Nuts 15c
Hominy Flake 5c a lb
Star Tobacco 45c a lb
Horse Shoe Tobacco 45c a lb
Horse Radish Home made... 10c abottlc
Honey in Comb 15c a lb
Kingsford Corn Starch. 8c a lb
Kingbtorda Gloss Starch 8c a lb
Lewis Lye 8c a can
Lye Merry War 7c a can
Lye Champion Gc a can
Lexington Patent Flour $1.00 a sack
Lexington Crystal Flour 90c a sack
Macaroni Domestic ..12c.a lb
Maca.rcnt Imported Ylyic a lb
Maple Syrup in bulk ' 75c a gal
Maple Sugar. 12c a lb
Mince Meat Hcinzs 12c a lb
Mushrooms French. '.25c a can
North Platte Patent Flour $1.00 a sack
North Platte Gold Crown Flour.. 90c a sack
Noodles. v 12J4'ca p'k'ge
Oat Meal, high grade 8 lbs tor 25c
On Time Yeast v . . .2 pkgs for 5c
Pilsbury's Best Flour $1.15 a sack
PicklcB Sweet and Mixed 20c a qt
Pickles - Sour 35c a gal
Postum Cereal Lnrge package 25c
Pillsburys Oats FincBt on earth 12c
Qnakcr Oats ..12c
Ouail Oats '. 8c
RaisinB 8c a lb
Rice The hkht 3 lbs for 25c
Sapolio... : 8c
Sauer Krout -Hciuza.s.. 10c a qt
Soap Nuggett ( .. ..40 barfc for $1.00
Soap White Russian 7 bars for 25c
Vermecilla 12c a p'k'ge
Vitos Pillsburys , 2 p'k'gcs for 25c
Vinegar, Hcinz's .25c a gal
Whole Wheat Shrcd'euBiscuit..l5ca p'k'gq
Wheat Cream of 15c a p'k'ge
Yeast Foam , 2 pkgs for 5c
All above goods guaranteed of the very
best quality and fresh stock.
& In the rear ot the store we have a counter containing somo goods that
4$ were slightly damaged by smoke in our recent fire which we are selling
ft. considerably below cost. Ask for tho fire sale counter and got a great ben- tft
J. efit on goods that are strictly first-class except that labels on cans and
4$ packages are slightly blackened by smoke. 43
I Harrington & Tobin.
.T. .f . T. Ti .T. .T. t A ii. .T. .T. JT . .T. mm .T. 'fr. .T. t. ."t. 'T . r. 1. t- vfr rf.
VP Vp V(J V(? VP 'i1, 'J.' "T T '' '' '1 '1 ' ,' '' ' V " " '" t " 1
overseer District 40. Bill of Jacob
Koch overseer Road District No. 8
is allowed for 10.00 in settlement
for 1898. Certificate on said dis
trict for the amount, issued. Com'r
Carpenter moved that the board
hx the salary ol county superin
tendent at one hundred dollars per
month the same as for past several
years, baid motion was carried.
Commissioners Wood hurst and
Carpenter voting for the motion and
McNcel against. Adjourned until
Feb'y22, 1900.
Most of the schools in the valley
observed Washington's birthday
with appropriate exercises.
u. w. urown ol jNorth Platte is
transacting business at Nichols at
this writing.
Those who attended S. L. Funk
houscr's birth anniversary party
Monday report a very pleasant
W. A. Loker, who has been
transacting business at Holdrege
for some time, is expected home
next week.
J. H. Claver and family who
have been living on the Brown farm
will soon leave lor the far west.
M. Mickelsen tells this writer
that if he remains- iu Hershey for
another year he will erect a new
store building. '
Bert Liles who is now conducting
a milk route between Nichols and
Worth Platte, will it there is not a
station put in at Nichols this
spring change his route from Nortli
Platte to Sutherland the first ol
IT. Newberry returned a few days
ago from McPherson county, where
he will soon taKe up iiih residence
Max Hecr ol North Platte was
up in the valley this week talking
cuttle to the tanners.
C. C. Wetzel will represent Nich
oU precinct as a juror at the March
term ol district court.
"King" Cole shipped a car of
hogn from Spuds to South Omaha
the later part of last week.
James demon's little daughter is
serioubly ill with pneumonia.
We understand that J. C. liol-
lingsworth ond family of Nortli
Platte will .occupy the old canal
farm north of Nichols recently va
cated by Win. Dymoud, who moved
to Kearney.
Dr. L. H. Winter, of Curtis, was
iu town last week extracting teeth
for the people of Dickens and vicin
ity. It was so cold that a great
many people didn't have their
teeth nulled who were intending to.
J. Everlanche went to North
Platte the first of the week where
he will remain for a few days on
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson
who have been visiting here for
several day past have returned to
their home near Madrid.
Mr. Drew, ot Blair, Neb., was in
town Saturday looking after his
land southwest of here. Mr. Drew
formerly lived here. He left Sun
day morning by way of North
Platte for his home.
Our California weather disap
pearcd for a few days laBt week and
was followed by some very cold
waves and snow flurries. The
thermometer dropped to twelve de
grees below zero last Friday night
which was about the coldest night
here this winter. Everybody
thought it was about one hundred
and forty belosv.
Mrs. Clayton went to North
Platte Tuesday where she will re
main for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A, Bailey and
family, of Marengo, were vi&iting
with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bailey and
family a few days the early part of
the week.
Cris, Parsons is doing the i aid
ing around the school limine and in
gettiug the yard iu much better
shape, The dirt had blown out to
such an extent that it was a menace
lb tliti uafety of the building,
Mrs, Perdue did not open her
school owing to the continuation of
the sickneoH there.
Miss Stella Elliott was a passen
ger on No. ( Tuesday for the east.
iiotli blacksmith shops are en
closed and will soon be ready for
Hogs were shipped from here
Wedncsdsy morning.
Frank Murphy, who has been,
employed at North Platte and
Pawnee by the Union Pacific, re
turned Saturday morning.
The teachers met Saturday and
will hold their next meeting
March 17th.
Sunday the bridge gang, with
the help of the section crew, fin
ished putting the bridge in at
Pawnee creek and departed that
af tcrnoii. In August the company
put stone work in on each side of
the creek; some time ago the steel
was unloaded and now the entire
structure is complete and iu place.
The creamery operator. A, Cran
dall, informs us that the milk re
ceipts are slightly increasing and
that there ia prospect for more
customers and a consequent in
crease in the milk.
Mother and Babe
NONE but a mother knows the
pains, anguish and dread tlut a
woman endures before and during
childbirth. And still nearly all this suf- f
fering is unnecessary. The faithful use of
will in great measure overcome every
distressing symptom, and labor itself will
not be a very serious ordeal. Remember
that MOTHER'S FRIEND Is an ex
ternal liniment that softens and rel
tlie muscles, and is not a dmr.onjeal
compound of opiates to swalfoj js ovor.
your drttggkt for it or send potior short
Tilt UWAcntLP ntOLIATOR CO, 4rs ayoidod.
?! .ftr our (r? IJV "fwllt'u.,
Likhjk, -'iicioro uudv-vt: " 'Zl