The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 20, 1900, Image 4

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    TUESDAY, FEB. 20, 1900.
1RAL BARE, Editor and PnorniKTon
BUiiSomrTioN hates.
One. Your, cash In tdrsnce, .....11.25
Bli Moatha, CMb In dTnc..,., ...... .78 OcnU'
Entered ttheNorthPlntte(NbrMkii)poioffieai
The Leader.
Tho Work of tho Commercial Club.
The North Platte Commercial
Club was organized for the express
purpose of furthering in every pos
sible way the welfare of the city.
It now has a membership of over
BCTenty; new members arc being
enrolled at each meeting, and
within the next thirty days the
membership will exceed one hun
dred. Included in the membership
arc a number of the heaviest tax
payers in the city. Ninc-tcntha of
all the members arc holders of real
estate, and of the remaining tenth
nearly alt arc owners of stocks of
The Club will interest itself in
every matter which affects the tax
payers. II will encourage every
worthy object and oppose those
which are unworthy. It will take
up and discuRs public matters of
importance to citizens which may
come up before the county commis
sioners, the city council and board
Qt education, and will in such cases
appoint committees to make recom
mendation! to or confer with those
bodies, and will expect to receive
a,t least a respectful hearing. It
has appointed six different commit
tees to investigate matters which
relate to the trade of the city and
those committees arc earnestly at
work, The club has been invited
by the county commissioners to
lend its support in securing a settle
ment with the Union Pacific of the
taxes due from the company, and a
committee has been appointed in
response to that invitation. It has
also appointed a committee to urge
the collection of other back taxes
which arc due the county, and
which in the aggregate amount to
nearly two hundred thousand dol
lars. 'The Club barkened to the com
plaints of citizens relative to the
planB and specifications of the pro
posed high school building and
appointed a committee of live to
investigate the matter. The com
inittcc spent several days in study
ing the specifications and reported
that they lacked detail; that they
were indefinite, and that a dishonest
contractor could take advantage of
the indefinite specifications and
filch Revcral thousand dollars from
the school district. Dut to be sure
that the report of the committee
was correct, the club, at its own
expense, secured the services of an
Omaha architect and his report sus
tained the report made by the com
mittee. The Club went farther
than this! It circulated petition
and secured the siirnaturcB of a
couple of hundred tax-payers asking
mac i lie sciiooi uonru deter action
on awarding the contract until the
citizens generally had an opportun
ity to more lully learn of thfj adapt
ability of the plans. In deference
to this last action the school board
kindly postponed action until next
Saturday evening.
The Commercial Club has no de-
Hire to usurp the authority of the
bcIiooI board or any other body or
inaiviuuai; us otuv dcBtrc is to co
operate to the end that the best
rcsulth may be obtained. It invites
suggestiona from citizens who arc
not members, and assures all that
any suggestion that pertains to the
nesc interests oi tlic people and the
city will be promptly laken up and
The New Woman's Congress
which was given at Lloyd a opera
llOUSC last llil'ht bv the Vrenhvtpr.
ian aid society was a very amusing
cnieriauiment. 'rue make-ups ol
the various senators were nnlendiil.
The business was transacted in a
manner very similar to that of
masculine law-makers until a rai
appeared on the scene and the In
hcrcut weakness of the feminine
law-makers caused them to seek
the safety of chairs and tabled
The ladies evidently IicIIpvp In nv
pausion as a senator was present
irom uie I'liiiippines. a largi
audience attended the cntcrtnln
incut and the coffers of the society
win oe curiciicn uy quite a consid
crable sum.
M!bb Grace Uarbee and her mint
left last night for their new homo
in Syracuse. Although the Barbec
family wcreonlv residents ot North
Platte for a short time they became
lusuy popular auu tucir decision to
leave here caused widespread
reirret. Miss Mavme Barbae will
remain here until she completes
per term oi school
John Wilson, one of the deputy
lnieriiiu revenue collectors, is in
town todav lookinir after the nonnin
who have failed to stamp their
Hay lands for sale or lease. Val
ley farms for sale or exchange for
city property. We have ranches
with free open range at various.
prices. JOHN Li R ATT &. Co
Paul Charlton came up from
Omaha this morning to look after
some business in connection with
the Keith estate.
Es A CaW went .to dmaUa o'n
mm is
laifaiii Month
Our customers know that we
give superior values erery day in
the year, but wc wish to impress
them that February offers unusual
buying opportunities in every de
partment. Wc arc determined to
close out all winter goodB by March
1st, and in sonic lines tins means
not only a sacrifice of profit but an
actual loss. Wc arc not anxious
to lose money except in case of ne
cessity, but in this instance wc arc
bound to move the merchandise.
Wc arc showing.a big line of Spring
Dress Goods, Silks, Wash Goods
of all kinds, Laces, Embroideries,
etc. Read the following prices:
Dress Goods..
Twenty-five styles ol Jacnuards,
all black wc furnish the entire
dress pattern with all trimmings
complete for $3.45, worth $5.50.
Two-dollar-a-yard Crepon, at
$1.50. One fifty Crcpons at $1.15.
Serges 1.25 qualiry for 85 cents,
75 cent quality at 50 cents. C5 cent
quality at 40 cents. Novelty Dress
GoodB worth 85 cents at GO cents
per yard; 25 cent quality Dress
Goods at 17 cents per yard.
Indigo Blue Prints 5c a yard.
Percales worth 7 ccntB, at 5c.
French GitiirhamB at 10c, worth
12jc a yard,
The best Feather Ticking made
for l4c a yard.
Black Silk Fringes, all over lace
will be found at our store.
Shoe business comes our way be
cause we have the kind of footwear
that people want at the prices they
are willinir to pay. Wc are now
closing out our stock ol winter
shoes, and opening the new spring
Btock. If you want good Shoes at
cut prices, or the newest styles at
low prices you can get tliem here.
Wc have iiiBt received an excen
tionally large line of Corsets which
wc are selling irom su cents up
The best Hue on earth. .
We have just received a large
tock of Men b and Bovs' Clothinir
and Furnishing Goods which will
oe soiu at very reasonable prices.
Free China Dinner Sets areirlvcn
away at our store. With each 25c
purchase yon can gcta coupon.
Yours f orgrcat values,
The Leader.
J. PiSSlfiK, Prop.
SThe Cash
I Grocery.
I have jiiBt received a full
Hue of
$ Staple Groceries
m and am now ready to fill m
ordcrB promptly at the JJ
m lowest prices. I handle m
Columbus Red Seal Flour
m and North Platte Flour. m
2 , tWOlve me a call and c con- J
T vlnccil that my prices ami coeds are 2.
rlKUt. h
In th matter ot tho etUte ot Mary E, McCltoue
In the county court ot Lincoln county, Nebraska,
February 17. lOftO. r
Nolle la hereby (,'lren, That tbo creditor, of
.am ucwxi win uiaoi mo administrator ot raid
aststo. befnrti lha mnnlv UtA . T li.dM.
Nebraska, at tbe county court room, In sslii
county, ol the 30th day ot March 1 900, and on tbe
day, for the purpose of presenting tholr clnluie tor
msiumauou, aajusuueut ana allowance tug,
moutba art, allowed for creditors n..i.
claims, uiid On year tor tbe adailolslrntur lo kettle
said estate, from tbe Utb day of February.1900.
In tbe waller of the etlateof Colbert Gmbrey
1 ,,tt mJ1.1.uc6.,.,.1.n order of M. (Irlme.,
lit. lira nf tlia 1lutalrtt n... a
Nebraata, made February 17, lUfti.' I will toll at
tbe eait front door of lbs court Iiouho In Hnrtb
mi.,', iu m vouuia uu aiarcu H, JUUO, e
u vim o. in, i iiuuno Ycuuae, 10 ine nivuett
der. for caub, lot elen, bloc Iblrteen, lu
1 11
H".n !ir T",llS0 $k Wallaco In aald eoqnty
iu i'vvu uuo uja
Wih will rvteaii
1 y i' . . ,
g From the Estate of
y M. C. KEITH,
1 400 Head of Horses I
Work Horses, Driving Horses, Saddle Horses, Brood
Mares, Colts, Fillies, Stallions, and Shetland
and Wales Ponies.
Holstein and Jersey Milch Cows,
Heifers, Steers, Calves and Bulls.
located at North Platte and Pawnee Ranch must be sold at
once. The above property wilt be offered at PRIVATE
SALE to the people of North Platte and vicinity for a short
time only. What is not sold licte will be shipped away and
disposed of in other markets.
It is well known that for the last quarter of a century M.
C. Keith has been buying and breeding some of the very best
bloodliness in both horses and cattle, which could be secured
in the United States. With hiskeeti inctinct and game judg
ment, no animal was too good or high priced for his Pawnee
Kancii, and the records of Paddy, 2:n; Edith WilkS2:i3M;
T .! llf'll - a J . a. - J a .a
and otliers
Jessie Wilks 2:22; Keith's Darknight 2:26,
a which were developed, shows that he thoroughly understood
the breeding business, Undoubtedly there are many others
Jb equally as fast and some faster, if trained and developed, and
Jfc will be worth ten times the price asked for them now. The
J estate will sell them as they are, and if you want great bar
gains in good horses, call at once on
Over City Pharmacy,
Which MRS. L. STRICKLER is now scllinrr in North Platte
and all persons desirinp- to purchase a machine can see the
oesc maenme manuiactureu worked by her.
County agents wanted.
Sealoam Steam Laundry Machine Works,
Hershey, Nebraska.
N. MoCABE. Proprlotor.
J. E. BUSH, Manacor. J
E North Platte Pharmacy.
L - - - .
JJrugs and Druggists7 Sundries.
jfc We aim to handle the best grades of goods
jjf? Sell everything at reasonable prices, and
warrant all goods to he just as represented, --fa
All Prescriptions Carefully Flllod by a Lloonsod Pharmacist.
Orders from the country and along the line of the Union
Pacific Railway ia respectfully solicited.
First door uorth of First National Dank.
Land Seders or Users
I havo 400,000 Acres of Pas
ture Lands for Sale or Lease,
nt prices rnogiiig from 00 eonta to
92 por ncro. llnnohos, fnrm, lmy,
nnd Irrlffntod lnnds, and otlior
clnsscH ot Uonl Eatato. Land Bold
on tho 10 yonr U. P. It. 11, time
plan, ono-tonth down, bnlnnco in
yearly pnyraonta. Call on
U. P. R. It. Lnnd Auonl.
Ottonstoiu UuildltiR,
& We are
I; Kept Busy
Repairing shoes for &
people who appreciate
neat, substantial work (.i
the only kind we do.
If not already a custo- ''j
mer we solicit your
, Yellow Front Shoe Store. J-
Lnnd Office nt North I'lnttn, Neb.,
Jnnunrjr )th, I'JW.
Notlco Is hereby kIvcii Hint tlio followlnir-nnmocl
settlor hns filed notlco at liln Intontlon to ninki
final proof In "iinnnrt of hi claim, nnd Hint .nlil
proof will bo inndo beforo Hfnlitcr nnd ltecelvor
norm rinue, eu., on reurunry Vltl 1W0, vli:
nlio mndo hnmevtend rntrv No. UIV1 for tlm
Boulh lml f of the nnrthcnrt qunrtor nnd (ho north
half of the pouthenxt qunrter of eectlon 10, town
ship 15 north, rnngo DU west.
Ho nniues the followInK Itncion lo prove lilr
continuous resilience Uon nnd culll vntlon ot r nld
land, viz: Charles Mnllettu, George K. Knox,
Clnude WeltiKnnd nnd Charles Stamp nil of
norm rinue, neo.
JIZ-0. GEO. K. FltENCII, lteKlstor.
United Htntot Ijind Office, i
North Platle. Neb.. February 1st. lHWt. f
Notice It horebr Blvon that the followinir.nnmnrt
settler has filed notlco ot his Intention to tunkt
final proof In support of his claim, nnd that said
proof will be made beforo IteRister nnd Kocelvoi
at North l'lalte, Neb., on March 21st, 11)00, viz-
JOHN M. rillHTO,
who made Homestead Entry No. 10107 for tht
Boutheast Quarter of Section 17,fown 10 north,
iinuge si wi'si.
Ho names the followlnc wltnciwes to nrovo lib
continuous residence upon nnd cultivation of sale
lnnd, viz: Jnson II. Cosseltunn, of North I'latte,
Nob., nnd Levi Wolf, William T. S. Conner nnd
Joopli Everlanch, of Dickens, Neb.
rz-o UKU. E. FKENU1I, IleKUtor.
United Stntes Lnnd Office, )
North l'latte, Febnmry IM. 11KW.
Notice la hereby Riven Hint Ella I, Jenkins,
formerly Dickey, hns filed notlco of her Intention
to luako final proof before the lieulster nnd
ltocelver nt their ofllco In North l'liittu, Nobrns
ka, on Thursday, the 22d day of Mnrcb, 1000, on
on Timber Culture Application No. 12,218, for
the Houtheast quarter ot Section No, 20, in
Townoulp No. 11) north, ltniiKO No. 31 west.
She names as witnesses: Lester Walker, Fred
Malone, Wnlter K, Covllle, nnd llobort Wolllvor,
all ot North l'latte, Neb.
fflij pi. E. FltENCII, Register.
Uultpd fitnlf s Ijipd Office, 1
Vn.lK v.... I,.,.,J IU KuiO r
A. I'll,. I .Ull7 ,.i.. u iiui.iii f ,Q, jwi,
A sufficient contest nllldnvit havlnu bepu filed lu
this olllco by John 8. 1'llt, poutestnnt, nKalnst
Hnmestend Entry No, 1VJIU, uinde October 10th,
181K). for tho south halt of tbe Northwest quarter
nnd the oust half of tho Hotithwost qunrtor In Hoc
lion 12. Tnwmhli) U north, ltauuo 33 west, by Ka
tie Ilartman. Contesteo. lu which It Is alleKOd that
Katie Ilartman has failed to resldo upon or culti
vate any portion ot said tract since May, 1603, bul
hns wholly abandoned the fddio, there are no Im
provements of any kind on the land nnd that
said defects exist to this dates Hint said claimant
has not been In tbo rnrvlre of tho United States
army, navy or marine corps during said alleged
nuanuoument; said panics are nereuy untitled to
appear, respond mid offer evidence touchlnu snld
nili'h'ntlon nt 10 o'clock n, m. on March 101 h. lfOO.
beforo the ltexlster and ltocelvor nt tho United
RtntosLand Ottlco In North I'lntto. Nebraska.
The said contestant bnvlnK, In n proper affidnvlt
filed January lBlh, 11H.K), set forth facts which show
that after duo iIIIIkoiico personal service nf this
notice cannot be made. It Is hereby ordered nnd
directed Hint sucn notlco no kiybii ny uuo anil
proper publication.
jllOdp OEO. E, FltENCII, lteKlstor,
U. S. Lnnd Office. North l'latte. Neb..
January 21th, 1000.
A sufficient contest affidavit havlnu been filed In
this office by (leorcn H, Johnson contnstant.aRalnst
Homestead entry No. 17WH mnde October 3st,
1MH, for tho uorth halt of the Northeast qunrtor
and tho north halt of tho Northwest quarter of
Section 10, In Township 111 north, ltni:n IB west,
by Henry Collins. Conleetee. In which It Is aliened
that Henry (Jolllns has never established n resi
dence upon said lnnd, has never cultivated llm
same, but hns wholly abandoned said land for
more than six months lirlor to ils death; Hiatal
nam was iniormmi, ooueves anil annuo uini
Henry Collins ded on or about the 1st of Auaut,
1800. and that Ills heirs or dpyftees havo failed to
keep up the cultivation ot sail) tract, but have
abandoned tho sauio, nnd that said defects exist
to this date; that Henry Collins wn not In the
service of the United Htutus iiriny, navy or ma
rine corps durluu said abandonment; said parties
are hereby uotltied to appour, respond and oiler
evldeucn touchlnB said Kllegnilim at teu o'clock
a, iu,. on March tllh, l'.iuO. beforo tho Iteulster
and Kecelver at tho United btatos land office la
North l'lutlo, Neb.
The said oontn.tnnt havlnu, In n proper affidavit
filed January 2llh, 1W0, set forth facta which
show that alter dne dllluence, personal sorvlco of
Hits notice cannot be made, It Is hereby ordered
anil nirocuwi mat sucu uoiicu uo uiveu uy uuo aim
iiroper puuiicauuu,
J3O-0 GEO, E FRENCH, Keulster,
Logal Notices.
Tho County of Lincoln, a Corxiro
ton,l'Ialnllff, vs.
Snmnidha MciJonunujlmr ct. a.. I)e
(eildauU. J
The defendauts Baumnllin McCouuauuhay.
James MrCounaiiKbay, Sarah llrauuh iiud Richard
Roe, true name unknown, wl'l take notice that on
the lllh day of Jauuary, ItHX), plalutllf. The
County ot Llucoln, a corixiratlnn, filed Its petition
lu the district court ol Llncolu county, Nebraska,
ounlnit you nnd each ot you as defendants, the
object and prayer ol which aro to foreclose cer
tatu ta lieu-, dull assessed by said plaintiff
auuluat Itib notwest qunrler of rctlon iK, town
shin 10. rnad SO, Me;t sixth principal meridian,
Nebraska, for tbo yar IP U)0 sum ot tl. t;
for tho yonr 1WU, In the sum of Jljj.yi, for tho
yenrlbOl, In tho sum of JIl.'.Mj for the year ISM,
fu the sum ot (11.03; for the year 1SUI, In the sum
of in.7U for tlieyeiir I BO, lu tho sum nt (12,80;
fur thtf yrar lb'J8, In the sum of W Itj; amountlnu
h the total sjini ol, with Interest at the rate
of 10 ier rent ptr annum from the 21stdnyof
November W, all at whlc Is due nnd unpaid.
riatntlll prays that n deurea uf foreclosure ot
said tax Ileus and sale of said premlsesi you and
each nf you nre required to answer said petition
on or befiitfi Monday the 19th day ol March, MX).
The following estimate of the counly dnrlnu Iho
ensulnu year for the tcvcrnl county funds ntnl
bonded iircolncts nnd districts nnd to meet
outstanding Indebtedness ns evidenced by bonds,
coupons or warrants, legally Issued and bill not
acted on by Iho bonrdi
Counly General Fund IAVO0 00
Couuty llrldue Fund .. . m 00
County Hoad Fund ISOOO W
Soldiers' Relief Fund 700 00
... , Slnklnu. Interest.
I'rnflr I'liuul MI0O 00 1300 )
Nichols 400 00 MM) 00
lJIrdwood km) m 1C4U 00
O'Fallon 100 00 W0 (JO
h,,r.,1k? km no looooo
Medlclno ltond koo (o 100 00
Mel'horsou Irrlsntlon IC00 00 70(1 00
South Ride Internal Improve'
mont 030 CO (00 00
noMiiKti school, DUTnirrrs.
. v. .. . i ,. Slnkln. Interest.
City of North I'lntto or Dis
trict No. 1 tim 00 lKi0 to
'0 150 IN) W) 00
1W00 1.100
3' 00 25 00
"J IS 00 00
W 10 00 40 00
VJ 0 00 40 00
.J 10 t)
101 .10 HI fiOOO
10 ROOD 50 H)
13 18 00 ft) 00
2W 20 00 10 til
lll 110 H) 45 00
2S-... 10 0(1 ,10 Oil
80 H) no CO
j?l BO H) 40 00
M 250 (X) - am ID
70 00 2(1 H)
CI M 20 00 25 00
80 IKI 00 IV) (M
102 225 00 25 00
W. M. HOLTUY, County Clerk.
Tho County of Lincoln, n CoriMyrn-i
Hon, I'lalntlft.
Win, M. Calvert, first namo unknown,
et al.. Defendants.
The dofendanls. Win M. Calvert, first name un
known, - Calvert, his wlfo. first nnmo unknown,
nnd John Doo, true nnmo unknown, Impleaded
with Hnrnh E (Ioko and Nebraska Lonn and Tnist
Company, will take notice that on tbe lOih day ot
December, 18W, plalnttlT, The Omnty nf Lincoln,
n corporation, filed Us petition in tho district
court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, nsslnst you
and each of you ns dofendanls, tho object and
prayor of which are lo foreclose certain tax Ileus,
duly nsspssed by snld plaintiff against the south,
west qunrtor of soctlun 10, township 10, ranue 31,
west nf sixth principal meridian, Nebraska, for Iho
year 161)2, In tho sum nf 13. W; for tho year 1WW,
lu tho sum of 1 1.03; for tho year IHU, In tho sum
of 111.13; for tho yoar 1805, In tho sum of J8.1U; for
Iho year 18011, In tho sum of 18.00; for the year
1Mi7, In tho sum ot ft.ll; tor the year 1MW, In the
sum ot $1 .10; nmountlnu to the totnl sum of W.01,
with Interest nt tbo rate often per cent per an
num from the 21st day of November 1809, nil of
which Is duo nud unpnld.
l'lnlntlff prnys that n decree of foreclosure of
said tnx liens nnd snlo of said premises; yoii aud
each of you nro required to nnswer said petition
on or before Monday tho lOlh day of Starch 1SHJ0.
The Oountt or Lincoln, a ConroiunoN,
Ml II, S. Kldgely. Its Attorney.
Lnnd Office nt North l'latte, Neb.
Feburunry 13th, 11)00.
Notlco Is hereby Riven Hint the followlnu-nnniroj
settler has filed notice uf his Intention to make
final proof In support ot bis claim, nud Hint said
proof will bo made before register and receiver
nt North Platte, Neb., on March )il, 1000, viz.
Isnau M. Abercromble, who mndo Homestead
No. 17,0.21, for tho southontt northwost qunrtnr
aud lots 3, 4, 5 and U, section 0, townshjp 10 or
range 27 west. He names t)e fallowing wttnesspg
to prove his continuous resldonca upon and pulll.
vntlon ot snld land, viz: John Kerr, 31 1), Chester,
James A Roberts, W. 11. Rose, all of llrndy, Nel),
tlW GroiuibE. Fiiemch, Register.
Claims nualnst tho estate of Emily E. Chamber
lain, deceived, mu-tbe filed In the couuty court ot
Lincoln clllinty, Nobraskn, wlthjn six, months from
this February 13th, 1000; Such claims will be
audited la said court on March 13, IHO, nnd' an
August 13, 1100, at 1 p. in, each day.
fit! I A- S. IUliiwin, Counly Judge.
In tho District Court of Lincoln conn
ty, Nobrskn.
Tito County of Lincoln, n corpora-
Timos-Horaltl Compnny, it copor
tttion, nnd John Doo, truo nnmo
Dofondnnts. ,
Tho dofonilante. Times llorald Com
pnny, a corporation, nnd John Doo, truo
nnmo unknown, will titko notice that on
tho 10th day of February, 19C0, tho
plnintiir, Tho County ot Linooln, a cor
porntiou, tllod its petition in tho district
court of Liucplu cpunty, Nobrnekn,
nt'tiinBt you iinil pnjjh nf you its (lofpn'd
nnts, tho objoot nnd prnyor of wMoli nro
to foreclose certain tnx lion, duly ns
Beseod by said plnintiir nanitiBt tho
northeast quartor of tho northwest
qunrtor of Sootion 0,'i'ownBhip 15,nnngo
H'2, west of sixth prinoipnl moridinn in
Nobraskn, for tho your 1803 in tho Bum
of 62.89; for tho yonr 1804 in tho sum of
52.78; for tho yonr 1895 in the hum of
cvMG; for tho yonr 1890 in tho sum of
8,1.83; for tho yonr 1897 in tho siim of
81.83, for tho yonr 1898 in tho sum or
81.19; iiinoiititiiiK in tho totnl Bum of
815.27, with intorost on tho oaid totnl
miiount nt tho rnto of ton por cont por
annum from tho lot day of Fobru
ary,190d, all of which is duo and unpaid,
Plniutiir prays for a decree off ice.
closure ot said tnx lions and sale of said
promises. You aud oach of you nro ro
quired to answor said potltlon on or be
fore Mondny, tho 2d dny of April, lHOt).
The Countv ov Lincoln, n CorpoinMon,
l H. S. Ridgely, ita Attori pyl
In tho District Court of Lincoln coun
ty, Nebraska.
Tho County of Lincoln, a Corpor-"
ation, Plaintiff,
Dr. I). J. liny Modioipo Cp.. n oor
j)oration, Walter Ji. Solby, Ad
dle E. Kendall nnd Johu Doe,
truo namo unknown, Dofondnnts.
ilio uoiontliints, Dr. U.J. Kiiy Modi
cine (Jo., n corporation, Wnlter L, Solby,
Addio 10. Kendnll and John Doo, truo
name unknown, will toko notico that on
10th dny of February, 1900, tho plnin
tiir, tho County of Lincoln, a corpora
tion, tiled it petition iu tho ilintrict
court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
ntfnitiBt you nnd eurh of you us defend
ants, tho object and prayor of which aro
lo foreclose cortnin tnx lions, duly ns
BCsed by snld plnintiir against tho south
west northwest quartor, uorthoast quar
ter southwest quarter, and south hnlf ot
southwest quartor of Section (, Town
ship 15, Untifio 32; nnd northwest qunr
tor of northwest qunrler of Section 11,
Township 15, llnnifo 32, west of tho
Sixth principal meridl 'ii, Nebraska, for
tho year 1893 in tho mini of $11.31; for
tho yoar 1801 in the mini of 810.88; fur
tho yonr 180." in tho supi of 815,02; for
thoyenr 1690 In tho Hum of 818.91: for
tho your 1807 in tho sum of $3.00; for the
1898 in th sum of 87.21, amounting ift
tho total emu of 872.03. with intornnt. an
said totnl nmqunt n(;tio rnto qt 10 per
cent per annum from Ihp Jut dny of
Fobrunry, 1000, all of wljiol) is due mid
I'lninllli prnvB forndecreo of fornnlnn.
uroof Baid tax lions and Bitloof gaM
proporty. Vou aud oach of votl nrn m-
quirod to answer said potition on or bor
fore Monday, iho 2d day of April, 1900.
Inn Uol'nty or Lincoln, a Corporation.
AJmluUtrator ot uu Ut0