Local News in Brief. V. C. Elder was able to be In Ills office yesterday morning after rather a ocriouB illness. The Kebckah sewing society will meet tomorrow afternoon at the liome of Mrs. Alex Fcnwick. Judge Grimes and Reporter Cary went to Grant yesterday morning where the former will hold a term of court. Grand Junior Conductor Corbett of the O. K. C. Bpent Thursday in town and met with the local lodge of the order. L. C. Newport returned Sunday night from Pine Bluffs where he disposed of a carload of cattle for Lovcland & Beer. Oatmeal 3c a pound, Diamond C Soap 9 bars for 25c at McGlonc & Co Geo. G. McKay leaves this week for Chicago to purchase goods. Mr. McKay will probably add a a very elegant line of millinery to his Btock. 15. R. Smith, ol Gandy, had 225 head of calves vaccinated for black leg last week. A chute was used and the work was completed in about six hours. U, B. McNccl moved 900 head of his cattle to the Loup river in Logan county last week. He ex pects to feed them there until spring, there being considerable surplus hay there. A. D. Orr and lila daughter have returned from their trip to Omaha and Lincoln. Mr. Orr is closing up his clerical work in the treasurer's office and will now de vote his time exclusively to his farming operations. Miss Mollic Connelly, Miss Nellie Bowman and Messrs. Jas. Kcliher, A. B. YalcB and Win, MorriB formed a jolly party of North Platte young people who attended a dance at Sutherland Friday night. M'ibb Carrie Barbcc left this morning for St. Louis where she will enter a wholesale millinery house and later will be sent to some town in Nebraska to take charge of a millinery depart ment. Mr. and Mrs. Max Kirschbaum and Mrs, L. Wolf returned Sunday afternoon. Mr. Kirschbaum had been in New York City and Kansas City purchasing goods and the ladies had been visiting relatives iujtadian Territory and Kansas City. The machinists' ball to be given, Wednesday, Feb. 21st, will equal and probably Burpass any of the dances given this season. Music will be furnished by Klein's orchestra. The members of the committee having the dance in charge are putting in all of their leisure time making arrangements for it and they promise that it will be a very recherche affair. Secretary G. D. McDill who was expected here this week to com plete arrangements concerning the renovation of the Y. M. C. A. rooms has notified Secretary Hoi- lingsworth that he will not be able to be here for two weeks, A very handsome association building in Texas which nau just oeen com pleted burned down upon the day that it was to be turned over to the association and Mr. McDill was cdmpelled to remain there and complete the preliminary arrange menu for u new building. YYYYYHYYYYYYYYYYYH nip uraae i one t soap. 3 Ladies, do you know that Harrington & Tobln carry 2 in stock the finest assortment of Toilet Soap in the J city? If you want soap that removes the dirt and leaves 9 the skin soft ami beautiful, call for a box of Amcricau Transparent Glycerine. ., $1.00 per box Kirks Juvenile 00c per box Kirks Shandon Bells 45c per box Kirks Spring Bouquet 25c per box Kirks Golf 25c per box KirkB Jockey Club , ,.t 25c per box Kourmlss Buttermilk.. ,.' . 25c per box Kirks Jap Rose 10c a bar 3 bars for 25c Gilletts Imported Castile ,5c per bar HaBkiu Bros. Mammoth Castile , . , 5c per bar Peet Bros, Cocoa Long Bar JOc per bar 3 bars for 25c Pect Bros, Onyx Long Bar 5c per bar Gold Medal Toilet .5c per bar Quad 5 cars in each box JOc per box Loudon Glycerine Transparent. , 5c per bar Haskin Bros, Volcanic Similar to Lava, 5c vt bar Kirk e WbiteCautlle 5c per bar Lava Son i) 10c per bar 3 bars for 23c Grand Pa's Wonder 10c per bar 3 bars for 25c True Blue Tar 10c per bar 3.bars for 23c Kirks Hard Water Soap 5c per bar CudahayB Pine Tar Soap if)c per bar 3 bars for 25c HARRINGTON & TOBIN. A RIDDLE,. If he buys such wool -I This kind 0' talk pearance, "money DUTCHESS TROUSERS Lycoming Pauts $3 values for $1.75. ONE PRICE AND PLAIN FIGURES. STAR CLOTHING HOUSE, W. A. VOLLMER, Proprietor. Across the street from old location. J, G. Bcclcr transacted legal business in Lexington yesterday. Mrs. M. II. Kcllcy is in Omaha taking treatment for a serious abscess in her car. Flags were floating lrom the various school houses yesterday in honor of Abraham Lincoln's birth day. IOither Clark's or Coat's thread for 25c at The Fair Store. Alice Birge celebrated her tenth birthday Saturday by entertaining a number of her friends at a very charming afternoon party. Ice is being shipped from Paw nee to Grand Island to be stored in the U. P. ice house there to be used for the passenger service and occasional re-iccingof refrigerator cars. For Rent A seven room house. Apply to John Ottcnstein. The ladies' aid society will meet Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Henry Yost. The ladies are planning to hold a social next Mon day evening at the residence of 13. T. Tramp. Clus. Newman has purchased C. K. Martini's residence mi west Sixth Btrcct. The deal was closed Saturday. Mr. Newman made the purchase as an investment and docs not intend to occupy it for the present at least. Wanted Chickens, Turkeys, Gccbc, Ducks and Pigeons. McCullough & Carter. The Christian Endeavor society of the Lutheran church had an an niversary celebration Sunday even ing, Prol. Wm. Ebright read a .very excellent paper on the history of the organization and several members of the society made short addresses on different phases of the work. Special uiubIc was rendered. What becomes of the wool in the suit of clothes that is sold to the man at $5, reduced from $12? a bargain, then, of course, the is pulled over his eyes. means that we don't carry any $5 men's "all wool" suits. YVc don't buy that kind, ergo, can't sell 'em. Say for. instance your'e a poor man Even at that you're not so poor but what you can afford $10 for an honest and durably made suit of clothes. In this store at this price you get a real, bona fide clothing value something you need not be ashamed of, some thing that will wear and hold its an- . . anu at tnc end you're 111 . Captain Walton and Lieut. Smith, of the Salvation Army, leave tonight for Omaha to be as signed to another station. They will be succeeded here by Captain Swanson and her lieutenant. C. L. Patterson went to Sidney last night to complete arrange ments for the camp for the Dillon- Patterson grading outfit which will probably be shipped there to day. Twenty-five men will go up from here to work with the out fit. An adjourned meeting of the league of fourth class postmasters will be held at the court house in North Platte, Saturday. February 24th. All postmasters in Lincoln county arc urgently requested to attend. O. H. P. Buchanan, Pres. Alex Stewart spent yesterday in town visiting relatives and friends, Alex has recently been transfer red from Laramie to Evanston where he succeeds F. A. Davies who was formerly master mechan ic at Cheyenne. Davies leaves the service of the company. Lexington is to have a new city hall. Work on it was commenced last week. It is to be of wood, the dimensions will be 30x50 feet and it will be two stories high. The lower story is to be used for engine rooms and executive rooms for the city council and the upper floor will be used as a lmll in which all gath erings of a municipal nature will be held. The city donated the lot for the hall and one workman while the fire companies furnished the material. Miss Hattie VonGoetz and Miss Margaret Gilman entertained a number of young ladicB at the vonGoctJi home Saturday after noon. Magnetism and hypnotism were used to furnish amusement for the guests. Lunch was served during the latter part of the after- noon Among the guests were the Misses Nellie Seyfcrth, Regina Mc Govern, Eva Hartman, Maud Dil lon, Arta Kocken, Myrtle Schar maun. Josie O'Hare, Mary Sullivan, Ida Ncir, Jessie Bullard, Blanche Warner. Winnie Heeler, Jessie uanks, Mabel Davis and Helen Stolle. Judge Grimes returned Saturday attcrnoon from Beaver City where he had been holding court for Judge Norris. One of the cases which came up before him was rather a unique one, Five years ago W. II. Blauvcle was convicted in the district court of the county 1 i. . . um escaped ociore sentence was passed, A short time ago he re appeared and gave himself up to the officers. The erime with 1 . T - , . , wiucu ujauvcie is cuargeu is shooting! and disfiguring Fiank Brcethaupt in July 1894. He was convicted on evidence which was largely circumstantial and still stoutly maintains his innocence but says that he is tired of being a fugitive from justice. The judge sentenced him .to eighteen mtfntha in the peoUc'ntiary. People and Events, i ? II. S. Ridgley Bpent Sunday in Julesburg. Guy Doran returned to his home in Sidney Saturday afternoon. Miss Maine Fink arrived from Abilene Saturday afternoon. Attorney Muldoon spent Saturday transacting business in Ogallala, II. E. McCray has returned from a week's visit with friends in Denver. P. L. Harper, of Wallace, was transacting business in town yes terday. Ed 'Bushncll came down from Wyoming Saturday morning and is visiting with friends here. Miss Alice Beach, who is leach ing a school at Maywood, spent Saturday in town visiting friends. W. T. Wilcox is out of town transacting legal business in Jules burg and Grant. Mrs. Fred D. Wright and daughter returned Saturday after noon from a visit with friends at Brady. Clias. Fries, of Omaha, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Thoel eckc. He will probably spend the week here. County supt. Thoelecke re turned Friday night from a week's visit among the schools lu the southern part of the county. S. P. Delatour, ot Lewellen, was in town yesterday. He was en route home from an extended visit with relatives in New York state. Rev. R, Randolph went to Columbus Saturday morning to as sist in conducting a scries ol re vival services at a church near there. Mrs. O. A. Hostettcr went to Sutherland Saturday to remain for some time. Mr. Hostetter will probably go west to look up another location. Miss Anna Schwaiycr and Miss Pierson, who are teaching near Sutherland, spent Saturday iti town visiting and transacting business. Lena Johnson, who is making her home here with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Voodry, went to Brady Sat urday morning to spend a. week visiting with her parents. Mc. and Mrs. Robt. Arundale have returned from their visit in uenver. une lormcr is very en thusiastic over Denver's charms and is seriously considering a proposition to locate there and go into business with George R Golyin. For Ront Two nice office rooms in postoflie black. T. C. Patterson. For Salo Cheap My property on north Locust street. Inquire ot Mrs. R. A. McMurray. 6 ft FELT I FOOTWEAR 1 BARGAINS Telling price reductions $ Jjj to sell the remaining m stock of this Benson's Warm Shoes men's, 5 women's and girls'. J m m Men's $2.CO warm lined CI ftC m kid foxed laoe Shoes,... AI.VD m m $ Men's $1.25 Warm Slip- nc m JJ Voru V3C i m m 5J Women's warm lined kid n foxed, laced Shoes, $1.50 i )s S value m m Womon's Warm Slip- c pers I )C m m m Womon's fur trimmed JJJ felt ,Komeos black or m .brown, some sites miss- ne 2 luff, $1.35 auallty VDC m 5 Misses' Red Felt, fur J n trimmed, spring heel, UJRomcos, but few; slsta OA- 5w oOcj 2 5 Z " SHOE STORE J 3 GIJO. M. GRAHAM, MRr. m North Plnttc, Neb. Our Elegant Line of Furniture Catches the eyes of the people, and the quoting of prices makes the sale. Our stock is so complete in every line that the purchaser finds no difficulty in find ing just what he or she wants RENNIE'S SPECIAL CASH SALE For the Month of February. IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR IMMENSE SPRING STOCK, WE HAVE DECIDED TO HOLD A BIO CASH SALE. ALL GOODS WILL BE SOLD AT SUCH Ridiculously Low Prices AS WILL AMAZE YOU. RENNIE'S, RENNIE'S- Edward Searle, of Ogallala, spent Friday in town. Mrs. Win. Eves, who had been spending the week here returned to Hershey Friday afternoon. I. H. Uai rd on Monday sold out his dray business and appurten ances to J. C. Dillard, of North Platte. Mr. Dillard took posses sion at once and brought his fami ly, a wife and three children, to this city on Monday evening. Mrs. Dillard is a sister of Mrs. Ben Clinton, of this city. Until located they are living with Mr, Clinton. Mr. Baird will remain in the city. Lex. Cipper-Citizen. I We Wish (ft to thank our many friends and patrons for the lib- Q eral patronage they have extended us during the 1 past year; which has been the most satisfactory one s in our experience, and we shall endeavor to merit 3 5 your future good will and business by giving you C honest values and good service, as we have in the 3 past. For those who are not our regular custom- ers we present a few prices, which are not cut 2 25 prices, but are our regular every day prices: 5 Morning Glory Patent Flour $1.00 per sack S 3 Fancy Comb Honey 15c per lb 2 Fancy Cream Cheese Kerosene Oil 17c per gal S Ileintz Dill Pickles 10c per qt 5 Hcintz Sour Pickles 10cperjt t Ileintz Sweet Pickles :,, ,20c per qt Heintz Chow Chow 20c per qt Diamond C Soap 9 bars for 25c 4 Sea Foam Soap. ' 10 bars for 25c Mirror Gloss Starch , , . , 5c per lb zz& No. I Lamp Chimneys 5c each jpj No, 2 Lamp Chimney , 10c 3 for 25a Mantles for Gas Lamp , 15c each : Chimneys for Gas Lamps 10c each 3 Chapman Oat Meal, in bulk , 8 lbs for 25c 3 j Western Salt 140 1bsack80c ?2 Western Salt 2 sacks 280 lbs, equal to 1 bbl $1.55 ?S Full Standard Tomatoes : ..10c per can 3 Full Standard Corn '. 3 cans for 25c t 5 Fancy Early June Peas . ..2 cans for 25c S Horse Shoe Tobacco ,15c per plug Standard Navy.. 35c per plug Jt: Battle Ax 35c per plug rfi y American Eagle 25c per plwr S On Time Yeast ; . . ; 2 packages for 5c 4 Yeast Foam.., 2 packages for 5c 5 (0 Our customers tell us that Morning Glory Flour is the jE: best sack of Flour they can get for one dollar per sack. rSJ Mt Inspect our lines of Queensware and Graniteware, the 3 jj most complete in the city at right prices. 25 f THE HUB GROCERY CO., jriDewey Street. Telephone No. 27. NORTH PLATTE. jL i E. B. WARNER, j The ladies' guild will hold its usual social Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. T. Field. Notice of Bids. Sealed bids will be received for the purchase of the school house 18x30 feet, 10 feet ceiling in Dist. No. 19, located on section 29, town ship 12, range 34, Lincoln county, Nebraska. Bids should be forwarded to Nels M. Swanson, director of said dis trict. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bids will be received to and in cluding February 24, 1900. Net.s M. Swanson, Sutherland, Neb. 15c per lb 3 r r r