SIXTEENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1900. NO. 1. 1 1 TO TO TO TO TO Dr. F. W. MILLER, DENTIST. (FORMERLY ROMINE DENTAL COMPANY.) TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO fa fine Grown and Bridge Work a Specialty, fa TO TO TO OFFICE OVER STREITJJ'S DRUG STORE. TO TO TO iTi iTt iti iTi iti iti ' i ffr 1 f '1 '1 'J1 lV v 'i1 'i1 'l' " 1 f! " "f ! " 1 ll ", '1 tI V ll l1 lV lV & IF IT'S IN THE DRUG LINE BUY IT OF STREITZ. 3 You can bank on it being fresh and as represented. i iti it 1 111 iti iTi iti iti 111 iti 111 111 iti tti fti i!! r '1 ,l '1 'k '1 lV lV lV lV lV lV lV lV ,l ,f l" "l ,l '1 1 " l1 ll lV O. P. IDDING8 Xj-UL32dToer, Coal a-rxd." G-xa,i, Yards and Elevators at North Platte, Neb., Sutherland, Neb.,' Julesburg, Colorado. NORTH PLATTE MILLS; (O. F. IDDINQS.) Manufacturer of HIGH AND MEDIUM GRADE FLOUR BRAN AND CHOP FEED. Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store. r N. McCAlE. Proprietor. J. E. BU8H, Mnnaaor. J J 4 i North Platte Pharmacy. S I E Drugs and Druggists' Sundries, j We aim to handle the best grades of goods jfc 3 jfju Sell everything at reasonable prices, and sfe warrant all goods to be just as represented. , All Prescriptions Carefully Filled by a Lloonsod Pharmacist. J Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway 1b respectfully solicited. First door north of First National Bank. RHEUMATISM CURED ! Wo will mail you nn nrtiolo to wonr Hint positively cures RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO AND GOUT by drawing tho urio ncid from tlio system. A writton Rnnrnntee to rotund your money in thirty days it not entirely sntisfnu tory. It costs only 82.00. Send 2o stamp for booklot tolling nil nbout tho won dorful cure. Addross REX RHEUMATIC CO., Rox 14, HARTFORD, CONN. FOR SALE. FARM WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS TOP BUGGIES, And all kinds of Farm piaehinepy. Standard Goods at Reasonable Prices. LOCK & SALISBURY, NORTH PliATTH. See OUR NEW Fall and Winter Suitings F. J. Brdeker, Merchant Tailor. I & County News. ! BllADY ISLAND. Rev. Komiuc and Rev. Burris were Gothenburg visitors on busi ness Wednesday. Coal came Wednesday and bo did the cold weather, Mr. George Still was up from Vroman Wednesday to build the Hue in the George house and com mence the plastering. Tom Marcott has been suffering with a slight attack of the same throat trouble that he had last year. The reading circle of the Epvyorth League met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Mathewson last Friday even ing. The attendance was very light. The first teachers meeting of this year will be held Saturday. The first grain received at the elevator waB on Wednesday nnd caused the elevator to be in opera tion. The timbers for the track scales arc here and the work of putting in the scales will commence soon. The Mr. Posts have been work ing nere lor some time on tne elevator, depattcd for their home in Shelton Thursday morning for a short visit. Robert McMurray was a Gothen burg visitor Saturday on business. Arthur Chambers moved into his new residence, which he lately erected, on Saturday. A slight unpleasantness devel oped into an altercation in which some force was exhibited at the elevator Monday. The disagrcablc windy weather of Wednesday was the first bad weather if it could be so called ot the winter. Have we any cause to complain? Friday evening there will be a literary in the Union School house. Those possessing came ras seem to have revived their interest m them and arc seen out improving the opportunities of the good weather, BETWEEN THE MVElfS. Several farmers in the valley have been trying the plow the past week which runs like a charm. Unless there is a change in the weather for the worse within a few days, farmers will be sowing wheat in this part of the wild and woolly west. Supt. Seeberger is already leas ing farms under the old canal for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Coolcdge, of the north side, visited their daughter Mrs. R. W, Calhoun and family and looked after business interests at Nichols a few days aao. Jim Goodwin ot Hcrshey, in formed the writer the other day that he expected to go to Seattle, Washington, the enmiug week. The prospects for an ice crop, in this' section of the country, is not very flattering at this time. The north riyer is said to have been on the boom for the past week with no signs of abating as yet. The McCounell boys have been teaching a number of colts to drive and getting them ready for spring work lately. H Owing to a series of revival meetings now being in session at Hcrshey the dance that waR adver tised for this Friday night haH indefinitely postponed. Rev. Evans, of Ilershey, and Rev. Green, of Blair, who went to Paxton last Saturday with, we are told, the intention of starting a scries of meetings at that village, postponed them and returned to Ilershey, where they are still conducting meetings, this being the third week. Grandma Toillion is Jrccovcring from quite a long siege oi rheumatism. L. 13. Jones and W. R. Brooks cau at this time inform you m re gard to the future state of the weather. Ernest Gibbons has been erectinir anew residence on A. M. Stoddard 'a farm south of llie ralfitfatf near If You are Looking For a modern, clean, up-to-date Grocery Store, go to HARRING TON. & TOBIN'S new building east of tho First National Bank where you will ?eo tho finest and neatest store in nil Western Ne braska. Plenty of room, no crowding liko in tho old narrow storo. Great Reduction in Prices. As we are not paying rent, nnd havo otherwise reduced expenses, we propose to sell goods at tho VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES prevailing. Take notico of tho following pricos and compare thorn with tho prices you are paying elsewhere if you do not now buy from us. Apple Huttcr Ilcinzs 120 per lb Hccf Extract 40i. a jar Buckwheat Flour New York... 4c per lb Makers Chocolate 18c a cake Battle Ax Tobacco 35c a plug Bird Seed 7c a lb DccColtec , 12tfca p'k'gc Bogota Coffee 15c a p'k'gc Cranberries 8c a qt Corn Meal 25c a bag Cabbage 34c a lb Canned Corn High grade 8c a can Canned Tomatoes High grade. . .10c a can Canned Peas High grade 10c a can Currents I lb packages 10c a p'k'gc Catsup Snyder's high grade... 25c a bottle Duke's Mixture Tobacco 35c a lb Durham Tobacco 55c a lb Kpp Cocoa lb cans 25c Elastic Starcli 8c French Peas 12c a can Granulated Sugar for $1.00 17 lbs Gran Pa's Wonder Soap 8c Grape Nuts ..j 15c Hominy Flake 5c a lb Horse Shoe Tobacco 45c a lb Horse Radish Home made. ..12c a bottle Honey in Comb 15c a lb Kingsford Com Starch.... ...8c a lb Kingslords GIobs Starch.. .', ..8c a lb Lewis bye 8c a can Lye Merry War 7c a can Lye Champion 6c a can Lexington Patent Flour $1.00 a sack Lexington Crystal Flour 90c a sack Macaroni Dom estic 12'4c a lb Macaroni Imported 17cn lb Maple Syrup in bulk.. 75c a gal Maple Sugar 12c a lb Mince Meat Hcinr.s 12calb Mushrooms French 25c a can North Platte Patent Flour $1.00 a.sack North Platte Gold Crown Flour.. 90c a sack Noodles 12tfc a p'k'gc Oil Kerosene 16c a gal On Time Yeast 3c a p'k'gc Pilsbury's Best Flour $1.15 a sack Pickles Sweet and Mixed 20c a qt Pickles - Sour 35c a gal Pastime Cereal Large package 25c Plllsbnrys Oats Finest on earth 12c Quaker Oats 12c Quail Oats 8c Raiscns 8c a lb Rice Tiik dust 10c a lb Sapolio 8c Saucr Krout Ilcinzs. s 10c a qt Soap-Nuggctt 40 bars for $1.00 Soap White Russian 7 bars for 25c Vcrmccilla .'. 12c a p'k'gc Vitos Pillsburys . . . ., v , 15c a p'U'ge Vinegar , . .vyy .......... .". ,i .25c u gal Whole Wheat Shrcded Biscuit.. 15c a p'k'gc Wheat Cream of 15c a p'k'gc Yeast Foam 3c a p'k'ke All above goodB guaranteed of the very bcBt quality and fresh stock. In the rear of the store we have a counter containing some goods that were slightly damaged by smoke in our recent fire which we are selling i. considerably below cost. Ask for tho fire sale counter and get a great ben t efit on goods that are strictly first-class except that labels on cans and packages are slightly blackened by smoke. Harrington & Tobin. . .t, .'i. .'i. .T. .'t'. .4. .'i. .4. T .'t. .K .'t. .! jtf Yt iti iti iti iyi iTi iTi iti rfi ifri iti iTi iTi r IJJ.I IJJ 14,1 1.1 ll tt tjj 1,1 1,1 TpTj-t IJJ 1,1 ll IJJ Iff H y,l lp IJJ I.J.I Spuds lately. Fred Laubner, who departed from Ilershey a couple of weeks ago for the state of Washington, writes back that he reached there in safety and found plenty of work at good wages, The recent decline in the wcetern hay market has stopped the ship ping of that article to a limited extent. MrB. Sadie Brown and infant daughter of North Platte, who has been visiting her mother Mrs. Fan nie Brooks, at Nichols for the past mouth departed last Tuesday for a visit at Sidney, where her husband D. A. Brown, is at this tunc firing the day Bwitch engine. Walford Krong and two sisters were guests of P, E. Erickson and family at the Nichols section Iioufc the first of this week while enroutt overland from nn extended visit with relatives in the vicinity of Columbus to their home at Egbert, Wyoming. The Krong family formerly resided on the Brown farm at Nicholn. A herd of cattle containing over 300 head passed up the line 011 Tuesday tins week cu route from Chase .county to the vicinity of Paxton where they will be wintered and also summered. Several members of the Loyal Mystic Legion order nt Hcrshey, attended a meeting of the same order at the couutv set last Tucb day evening. All report a good time. There is but very little said up this way about the sugar beet culture. The majority of farmers have gone into the cattle business ; quite extensively and therefore have about all on their hands at this time that they can comfortably manage. Scebcrger & Co. shipped a car of fat hogs from Hcrshey to Cheyenne on Wednesday and a car of stock hogs east to Monroe the same day. John Walters accompanied those west, A ranchman by the name of Pierson from the vicinity of Paxton, purchased a yearling Short Horn bull Tuesday oi W. II. Sullivan at Nichols. MrB. W, O. Thompson was the victim of a genuine surprise party last Wednesday by about twenty five of her friends calling upou her unbeknown. All present enjoyed a bountiful dinner and a social tune all through. DICKENS DOINGS. MisB Norah Johnson, of Iona, Montana, is visiting here this week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Polzel and their tamily. J. M. Frislo shipped a car ol hogs to the South Omaha market Friday morning. Robert Staley had one of his best horses ruined a few days ago. The animal was fighting through a barb wire fence with some other horses when it got into the wire, and was pretty badly injured. Mrs. J. R. CosRclmnn and daughter Nellie, of North Platte, were the guests of Mr. and Mra. B. D. Baker a few days last week. Edgar Bailey, of Marengo, Neb., was in these parts Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. Gardner and Segaser marketed potatoes in North Platte Hie first of tHe wfceK. George Burkert, of Hayes Centre, was in town a few days ago. He took out a load of lumber with him. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Baker, of Somerset, were in this vicinity the first of the week. Mrs. Julia Turner was very sick the first of the week, but is better at this writing. Mr. E. Forsythe, of Wallace, is hauling corn from Dickens this week, Several other farmers from Wallace arc also hauling corn from around Dickens. Corn in worth twenty-five cents here. Mr. and Mra. W. T. S. Conner were among the county scat visitors Monday and Tuesday. Mrs, A. Latimer and Mrs. D. E. Jolliffc were visiting friends and relatives in and around Somerset the first of the week. Elmer McDonald, of Echo pot.t office was in these parts the first of the week. WOMAN'S HOPE Tho only hope for many weakly women is IradiliU't Fimalt Rtgulator It is tuc one safe and sure euro In all stubborn andsovero r n if n it St C v M D U 0 J u Profuso, Irregular, Scantyor Pain ful Menstruation, Palliftg of tho Womb, Lcucorrhoja, Headache, Backacho and Nervousness. It is a distinct remedy for tho distinct ail ments called 'femolo troubles." Thoso are tho diseases for which it should bo taken. J -"? . THB BKADNELD REGULATOR C0.,AUU.Qi.