She jfrml-WfeMjj EMuar. ANNIE 0. KRAMPI1, Citt Editor. TUESDAY, JAN. 23, 1900. C. M. Ilighstnith came in from the west this morning. D. F. Hastings of Grant, is trans acting legal business in town today. Oatmeal 3c a pound, Diamond C Soap 9 bars for 25c at McGlonc& Co Several crates of pigeons were received from Grand Island last night to be used in the shoot this afternoon. Brady, Sutherland and "Wallace divisions ef the Lincoln County Teachers' Reading Circle will meet Jan. 1900. Bcitha Thoelecke. Co. Supt. The A. O. U. W. will hold special memorial services at the K. P. hall next Monday evening. The service will be public and all are cordially Invited to attend them. The revival services at the Meth odist church closed Sunday even ing. A great deal of interest was aroused by them and a number of people have joined the church on probation. Oil Cake for sale by Rush & Mur ray, North Side. The auxiliary of the B. of L. E will hold a social Thurscay evening at the home of Mrs. Jake Smith. Oysters and other good things will be served for the small price of ten cents. Everyone is invited to attend. Chicago forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Fair tonight and Wednesday; moderate temperature The maximum temperature yester day was 62s J one year ygo it was 52. The minimum temperature this morning was 24 ; one year ago it was 18. A great reduction in prices at The Fair Clearing Sale. Morris Jones, of Red Oak, was in town today looking oyer the horses belonging to the Keith estate with a view of purchasing some of them at the public sale which will be held this spring. Mr. Jones is the lormer owner of Alix who was bred on his farm near Red Oak. The state printing board has awarded the contract for compiling the house and senate journals to John Wall of Columbus and Maggie Kroese ot Lincoln for four hundred and rinety-seven dollars. R. H Langford of this city made a bid of eight hundred and ten dollars. A train came in here from Chey enne yesterday with eighty-four loads and one empty. It made very fair titne. The company intends to keep on increasing the tonnage of trains as much as possible and a 4,000 ton tram will probably be nothing extraordinary in the near future. If your fehirt dosen't fit you're tin comfortable. Don't keep hitching it to place, that won't change the way it is made, there is where the fault lies. Our $1 dress shirts white or fancy are no experiments Cheaper and new lines at 50 cents and 75 cents. Stak Clothing Housk. Judge II. M. Grimes has recently come into possession of a very in legating relic which he values very highly. The relic is a pleading in a case tried in the district court o Sangamon county in 1852- in which the linn of Lincoln and Ilcrndon of which Abraham Lincoln was the senior member, were attorneys for the plaintiff, An inscription on the lower part of the pleading "So doth the plaintifi" and the signa tn re ot tne nrm is in iwincoln s handwriting. This relic was given the Judge by fonner classmate who compiled a life of Lincoln and dur ing tin, time he was working on it gathered together a great man Lincoln relics. He sent the plead ing and a precipe, the Judge to re tain whichever he wished and a the pleading had on it more of Liu coin's handwriting than the precipe he retained the former. Th precipe is to be sent to ex-Speaker Tom B. Reed. MO MORE DARKNESS. After "lo these many years" of depending on lanterns, tallow can dles and other primitive devices for relieving the gloom of our streets when the moon is not shin ing, there is a prospect of plenty of light in the near future. For some time superintendent Cun ningham has been urging the owners of the water plant here to add an electric light plant. Owing argcly to rather strained business relations which existed for n num ber of years between the city and the company, owing to the former laving acted hi bad faith, the com pany for a long time turned a deaf ear to his appeals, but as the rela tions with the city arc now quite satisfactory and there is a strong demand for lights, the company las at last agreed to put in an electric light plant providing the city will agree to reasonable terms. Supt. Cunningham has been in structed to correspond with the councils in other Nebraska towns where electric light plants are in operation and obtain their schedule of prices. With these schedules to guide it the company will in the near future submit to our city council a proposition to put in an electric light plant and furnish the city with electric lights. The waterworks company is in a position to put in a plant more cheaply and give far better service than any other company possibly could and it behooves every citizen who is interested in the welfare of the town to do everything in his power to push the project along and encourage the company. No one thing has so retarded the growth of North Platte and tended to give visiting business men a poor opinion of the town as has the lack of proper lights, and now that there it a prospect of this lack being overcome there should be no apathy shown in the matte r. ft 0 ft it ft INTERESTING ITEMS. HARDWARE. 12-quart Galvanized Pails 20c End Gate Rods, each 10c Stove Pipe Damper 10c Painted Buggy Neck Yokes 50c uuuu ivaiciici ii race oot W 28 and 30 inch Stanley Levels 85c y Line Snaps 03c iVt Breast Snaps 05c Cockeyes 05c w M lb box Conner Rivets 18c New King Air Guns 75c No. 8 Galvanized "Wash Boiler 95c Common Stove Pioc Elbows,. 10c Adjustable Stove Pipe Elbows 15c Shot, 2 lbs for 15c Powder per lb 30c 12-guage Rival Empty Shells per 100. fiOc 10-guagc Rival Empty Shells per 100. 65c 12-guage Loaded Shells per box 45c 10-guagc Loaded Shells per box 50c 12-guage Smokeless Loaded Shells per box 60c ft to i to v) to il it HARNESS. Goods marked iu plain figures and sold at One Price for Cash Only. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. I NORTH PLKTTE, NEB, Entertained by Mlsa Thoolocko. Miss Thoelecke was the hostess at a very enjoyable party given at her home last night in honor of her brother Lute. Cryderman's carry alls transported the guests from town to the Thoelecke farm and the trip out and back was a very pleasant feature of the evening's enjoyment, because the night was as perfect as only a Nebraska winter's night can be. The evening was spent in playing guinea of various sorts and telling fortunes. The latter developed considerable merriment as a number of the for tunes were very apt. Just before midnight a very dainty supper, of which oysters formed the piece dc resistance, was served mid shortly afterwards the guests started on their homeward trip carrying with them the memory ot a very happy evening. The guests were the Misses Minnie Sorenson, Josie Goodman, Jennie White, Delia Marovish, Grace Duncan. Minnie Chase, Agnes Cooper, Eunice Bob- bitt, Grace and May me Barbce and Mabel Goozee; Messrs. Likert, Goodman. Hoagland, Miller, Schar- matin. Bacon, Elliott, and Hcndy; Mrs. J. F. Roddy, and Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Sorenson. Creat reductions in the prices of Capes and Jackets at The Hub. Up to date 175 cars of ice have been received ft 0111 the west. The supply at Laramie has given out, and the ice now coming in is from Fort Steele. The weather there has been just right to make good ice, and that which is being ship ped in is qf uniform thickness and very clear. The North Platte Telephone company's office is now lighted by electricity, the light being sup piieu troiu me smau plant now in use at the waterworks. Itov. .Inmcs B. Tims, at Aliokohi Chocatnh Nation. I. T., enys of Doggs iJloou runner, tiio great blood reined nnd system reconoraton "Both niv nplf nnd wifo woro ontiroly ourod of bud oases of Bornf uln by it." A guarnntood romody, or Btortinu merit. A. i Stroitz Royal Absolutely ure Baking Powder Absolutely IPure , Makes the food more delicious and wholesome U-iucli Halters 85c Hamc Strap 10c 1-inch Breast Straps 45c lji-inch Pole Straps -15c Riding Bridles 'J0c to SI. 50 Sinches 20c to 50c Bridle Bits 8c to J0c Spurs per pair ASc to J2.50 Bridle Chains each 10c Square Horse Blankets. Shaped Horse Blankets. Plush Robes. Fur Robes. GROCERIES. Bee Coffee 13c, 2 packages 25c Bogota ColTee per package 15c Quaker Oats per package 12c Quail Oats per package 08c Tapioca per pound 05c Sago per pound.. 05c Pearl Barley per pound 05c Diamond C Soap 9 bars for 25c Kingsford's Corn lUarch per pkg 08c Kiugsforil'fl Silver Gloss Starch pr pkg 08c Bird Seed per lb 07c Yoasl Foam per pkg 03c On Time Yeast per pkg 03c Battle Ax Tobacco per plug 35c Star Tobacco per plug 45c Horse Shoe Tobacco per plug 45c J. T. Tobacco per pound 40c Duke's Mixture Tobacco per lb 35c Kerosene Oil per gallon lGc Salt per barrel $1.65 Table Salt 2 sacks for 05c When (el per pkg 12c Baker's Chocolate 18c, 2 cakes for.. .. 35c Gothenburg Fancy Patent Flour per sack $1.00 25 pounds Commcal 25c Buckwheat Flour per lb 4c Cranberries 8c, 2 quarts for 15c Cheese per pound 15c 3-lb Pail Lard 25c 5-lb Pail Lard 40c DRY GOODS. TO Kearney Home Muslin per yard '. 05c fjfi Bleached Muslin per yard 05c ft Outing Flannel per yard 05c Best Outing Flannel per yard 10c UNDERWEAR. Men's Heavy Fleeced Lined Shirts or Drawers each 35c Ladles' Cotton Ribbed Vests or Pants 25c Ladles' Fine Quality Vests or Pants. 50c Dr. Denton's Sleeping Garments for small children 50c BLANKETS. Cotton BlankctB per pair 50c Extra Heavy Cotton Blankets per pair $1.50 Good Wool Blankets per pair $3.00 NOTIONS. Thread 4 spools for 15c, 7 tor 25c Velveteen Skirt Binding per yard 03c Waterproof Skirt Binding per yard . . . 08c Black German Knitting Yarn per skein 15c Vascling per bottle 05c Alarm Clocks each 85c m to TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO LadicB' Wool Mittens ner nair 10c to.. 50c III Binding Ribbon per piece 10c mi Sewing Machine Needles per paper., . 05c TO TO TO TO TO 49 Railroad Notes. Engine No. 1703 is in the shops for an overhauling. J. C. Vizzard is in town today looking after some otteudcrs against the Union Pacific. Engine No. 1403 came out of the back shops Friday and after being broke in was put into passenger service. Engine No. 839 was here Satur day. It was being sent from Omalin to Denver to take the place of one of the engines on the 1). P. which recently came to grief. S. C. Mecombcr went to Omaha last night to attend the sessions of the grievance committee of the O. R. C, which bus been called there to meet the oflicials. C. F. Tracy, who has been spending a number ot weeks 111 Omaha on business connected with the B. ol L. E. grievance committee spent Sunday at home. Owing to this being the dull season on the railroad the office of traveling engineer has been tem porarily done away with and II C. Langdon, who has been filling it ho capably, is again running on the road. There arc only nine engines iu service on the Second district now. Nine of the engineers have regular engines and four of them are swing engineers, taking turns on the reg ular engines between the regular engineers trips. Trainmen have experiences wit h all sorts of people trying to beat their way by steahng a ride 011 a breakbeam but last week an east end crew ha.d tlu rather unusual experience of having a rooster steal a ride. A car of chickens came iu here from the west and while it was standing here several of the chicken got. away. The train and yard men succeeded in catching all of them but one roost er and he waB so expert in eluding them that they finally gave up his capture and the car went on with out him. Another train followed immcadiatelv after the one having the car of chickens and it had to stop at Maxwell. When the tram came to a standstill a rooster hopped oil the breakbeam and crowed his appreciation ol the ttip Ouc of the crew caught him and he proved to be the self same rooster which had caused so much trouble here. quickly Smnll h!zo, largo results; tiormnnontly cure constipation, ftidleoa tion, licndnchoB, livor, blnddor and klilnoy troubles, Bi'kl'h' Llttlo Giant Pills, Wm Mnrkoraon, Wichita, Kau Bays: "Beet llttlo pills niado: thoy 011 red TOR DALE. 80 ncros cultivated laud under Bird wood canal, two room sod Iioiibo. l'rieo 6800; part llmo. 10 acros under Cody & Dillon ditch, paid up water right, four iuIIch from town; 8850 part timo. 800 aero rmiuh, capacity 1,000 cattlo, first-dnsa improvements, all fenced, open rnngo, 810 por aero, ono fourth cubIi, balance time. (5 room Iioiibo and lot, olty, $725. 1 room oottngo, noat and cosy, city, prieo 8075. FOB LEASE, Two 80 auro tracts good cultivated lands under Blrdwood canal. SNAPS. Tliroo ipinrtor sootions good land, pur feet title, $1.00 por aero. Ono share North Plnttu Creamery Co. stock, will pay dividend this year, niUBt bo Bold; a bargain. First class pitying buBlnops, this city1 profits about &),500 ImhL year, prieo ?'2,100; part Uino. JOHN UK ATT ,t CO. InBiiro your property with ua. 500 Ladies' and Misses' Capes and Jackets to be closed out in the next 30 days at The Hub. Chan. Hoiuly jr., spout yesterday in Donver looking aftor poido hay contractu. It Is oxpocted that tlio work ot (Mini,' the- Union Pacific Ico Iioubos will bo completed thin afternoon. Miss Lona Klum has act-opted a posi tion as ronortor on thu TolcL'raph. assumed hor now duties thin innrnlng. Mrs. J. S. llonL'land and hor niece MIhb Eva Hoagland have- returned from a fow days vIbU with relatives hi Clandy. Goods are being sold jutt as ad veitiscd at The Fair. D. E. Thompson has announced his intention of presenting the- olty of Lin coln with n nito for ti now public library building Quito a number of foreclosure) nuitB havo boon filed in tlio olllen of tlio clork of tlio district -toiirt within the past fow days. Take advantage of the clearing sale at The Fair Store. Dillon A- Pattorson oxp et to Btart out in a fow wooIh with thuir (jrndiriK outfit Thoy are llui hit; on several contracts but have not dollnlloly deoided wlmro thoy will work. "I can hlKhly rocouiitiond lietfijH' Hair Konoworima ploasiui,' ro toratlvo at plication fur I ho hair and a sine euro for all HcnlpdlseiiBOH," Mri',.1. Wliorllo Omaha, Nob. A thoroughly rollablo preparation', endorsed by thouBnudB; wild, not disappoint. A. V. Htreitz, Quito a largo numbor of tho sliopnion laid oir thiB afternoon to take in tho shooting match. A real estate doalor says irrnr.ingMantl in tho county is being o (To red at n lowor prieo than at nny timo'forton yonrs paat. Somo fow sales arc roportod. "1 strongly rocommond UeggB' Chorry Cough Syrup: it curod mo of a throat and lung troublo ot many years stand ing." Mrs. J. Uromon, Itlllo, Colo. Cures coughs, colds, aBtluna, bronchitis, a grippe, pneumonia, whooping cough, croup and consumption. A. F. gtroitz. Mrs. O.K. Martina nnd children will leave this aftornoon for tholr now homo. Tlio doparturoot this catimnblo family is to bo regrottod but tholr ninny friends hero liopo that tholr now location will prove to bo a pleasant and profitable ono. There in moro Catarrh In this foction of tho country than all other disoiiBoa put together, and until tho last fow yours was supposed to bo Incurable. For a great ninny yonrs doctors pronouncod it locnl disonso, nnd prescribed locnl romodioB, nnd by constantly fniling to euro with locnl treatment, pronouncod it Incurablo. Scionco has provon catarrh to bo a constitutional disonso, nnd tho ro foro requires constitutional treatmont. Ball's Catarrh Curo, manufactured by V. .7. Chonoy & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is tho only constitutional curo on tho mnrkot. It is talton Internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoon-fill. It nets directly on tho blood nnd mucous surfaces of tho Bystotn. Thoy offer one hundrod dollars ror any case It rails to euro. Honu for circulars nnd testimonials. Address, F. ,T. CHENEY ,fc CO., Toledo, O. Hold by UruggiBtfl, 7fe. Ilnfi'B Fntnilv Pills nro tho boot. 7 Hogs V fin toil. Parties who are desirous of sell ing hogs will find inc at the Vienna Tor Ront. 200 acres of land in good Btatc of cultivation under south side irri gation canal five miles from city. T. C. Pattkrson. Prof. M. II. KnBpor.Evangollonl Luth or an Seminary, Addison, Ills., writes; MI had boon Buffering for boiuo timo with eovoro pnina in my lungs, nnd coughed nlmost constantly. Ono bottlo jjpggB' unorry Uough Hyrup ontiroly cured mo." It ih uimhantkei) to euro. lins novor fnllod. A. F. Stroitz. F.C. CORSETS MAKE American Beauties. F. C. LATEST MODELS, On Kaoh Box, , Kalamazoo Corset Go. HOLE MANUFACTURERS, SOLD UY THIS TLlHA.r)ER, J. PIZ1SR, Prop. SFln Yrm Ynnw 9f JLV V JL J U- JL V.JLJL W T T H H H H H H H H X X 3 X X X .THAT. I. F. McG 0111! Have opened up at their new store in the Odd Fellows' Building with the best stock of Groceries in the city at prices that are right? Club House Coffee, Naban Ceylon Tea, Pure Spices, Fancy N. Y. Apples, Queensware, Heinz Bottled Pickles, Heinz Bulk Pickles, Heinz Kraut, Washburn Superlative Flour, Snow Flake Flour. North Platte Flour. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. mo ot a bad onvo or constipation." A F. Stroitz. restaurant, M, S CiiAWiat,. X lrFFlWFFFlr?Flr?1r?lr?