Mt :ml - cftly tribune. FRIDAY, JAN. 5, 1900. 1RAL BARB, Editor and Piioi'itir.Ton BUIJSCHII'TION HATES. On Year, cnh In ftdrfttice (1.23 Six Months, cash In mlmace... .75 OenU' Entered theNorthritte(NebrMi)potoffloe eeond-rUiimotter. Nokth Pr.ATTK's building rc cord !n 1899 was the greatest for nearly ten years, but indications arc that last year's record will be beaten in 1900. North Platte is recognized as one of the best towns of its size in the west, and it merits the good name it has won. JuiKiK'Kr.KCT IIoi.comiii: took his scat on the state supreme bench ycstciday forenoon. It is hoped that the new judge will not prove so radical a populist as to allow his intense partisanshfp to get the better ot his judgment in cases which may have a political bear ing. Wm. Lowman, of Hastings, has just completed the compilation of a table for the United States govern ment which gives a comparison be tween five western states on corn and wheat crops. The states are Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri,. The statistics cover the paBt twenty-two years and show that during that time Nebraska stood third in the production of corn and second in the production of wheat. Tub new ruling of Commissioner lOvans to the effect that all pen sioners must make out their own pension papers caused considerable consternation among the pensioners when they showed up at the various offices yesterday to have their papers made out. The ruling is causing considerable dissatisfac tio among the old soldiers because in a number of instances it is al most a physical impossibility for them to make out their papers. Tun Boers are said to be light ing for religious freedom, and yet one of the demands of the British is that Roman Catholics and Jews shall have equal rights, which the Boers deny. It is also said that the Boers are lighting for individ ual liberty against plutocracy, while the cause of the war is that the Boers refuse to let the Uitland ers vote. While our sympathy is with the Boers, they are not alto gether blameless in bringing to a focuB the present conflict which ultimately means their complete subjugation to British rule. Foitmastors Organise A meeting of fourth class post masters of Lincoln county was called to meet at the court house yesterday to perfect an organiza tion. The following postmasters responded to the call: Mrs. Geo. F. Prosscr, Watts; J. W. Prickctt, Hershey; O. H. P. Buchanan, BuchananjMrs. G. A. Schrecongast, Kchoj C, II. Kuhns, Maxwell; and A. M. Stoddard, Spuds. Capt. J. S. Robbins, postmaster at Wallace, who Issued the call for the meeting, explained that the purpose of effect ing an organization was to secure increased compensation for the fourth class postmasters, an amount more nearly in accord with the work they were expected to do. An organization was perfected and the following officers were elected: President, O. II. P. Bu chanan; secretary, J. S. Robbins and treasurer, Mrs. Geo. 13. Pros- ser. A general discussion of the various, ills of the fourth class post masters was indulged in and it was decided to hold another meeting at the court house Thursday, Febru ary 8th. All of the postmasters in the county are urged to attend this meeting and become members of the organization which will at once become affiliated wich the national organization of fourth class post masters. This national organiza tion will have bills brought before congress to increase the fourth class postmaster's compensations. Amos J. Cuiuiniugs, of New York is fathering the bills. Maj.U Hkm' Wantt.d: Reliable men to handle our line of high grade Lubricating Oils, Greases and Specialties, Salary or commis sion. Address, Mutual Keiiuing Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Additional Local. Will Sock Gaining Fame. The following extract from the World Herald shows how a former North Platte boy is coming to the front: Railway men in talent When the railroad men get started their genius is not bounded by tucir offices, as the coming Elk's entertainment will show. At the lime will be given two songs of which the words were writcn by 10. G Coglcy and the miifcic by Will iam Ii, Bock of the Milwaukee of fices. "A Letter from Ohio'' will be illustrated by seventeen stcrcop- ticon views sent on lor the occasion by their publishers, M. Whitmark & Son of New York. The other song, "Charity," is dedicated to the Klks. AFarowoll Reception The members of Signet Chapter No. 55, O. U. S. tendered Mrs. Wm. Hves a farewell reception at her home Tuesday afternoon. The reception was a surprise to Mrs. Eves as the ladies gathered at her home while she was making a visit at her son's. They came well laden with materials for a delight ful lunch which was served about five o'clock. The affair was a very enjoyable one although there was much regret expressed that Mrp. Eves had decided to leave North Platte for a while. The ladies who were present were Mesdamcs Hart man, Crusen, Davis, Birgc, Bald win, Baker, Stuart. Patterson. Blickcnsdcrfer, Hendy, Sorcnsrn, Goodman, Finn, M. II. Douglas. Mooney, Hammond, Norton, C. P. Davis, Thompson, Hamilton, S. E DouglasB and Reynolds, and the Misses Sorcnsou, Goodman and Hartman, His Uottor Half" "His Better Half" one of the most excruciatingly funny farcial concoctions, to which the amuse ment patrons take bo kindly and seem to relish above all other forms of theatrical entertainment will hold sway at the opera house, Wednesday evening, Jan. 10th. Boyle & Graham, who have firmly established themselves in the cor dial favor of those who enjoy an indulgence in hearty laughter, will be seen in characters for which their splendid talents are particu larly fitted, and which keen them plentifully busy throughout the entire action of the play. The in dividuall methods of each form ing a happy contrast. Better Half" gives opportunities for other artists as well, all of whom strive with cheerfulness to provide such an enjoyable entertainment as will not so readily be forgot ten. High Tivo Party. A number of young people were entertained Wednesday evening by Miss Gertrude Grady at her home. High Five furnished the principal amusement of the evening. Percy Thornton proved himself bucIi an adept at the game that he was re warded with the gentleman's high prize, n silver key ring. MiRs Josie Goodman succeeded in winning more games than any other young lady and was given some very dainty hand painted china. At eleven oclock a very delicious lunch was served. Miss Grady proved herself to be a most charming hos tess and the evening was full nf pleasure for all of the guests. Those who attended the party were the Misses Minnie Federhof, Min nie SoreiiBon, Nellie Hartman, Josie Goodman, Ilauhah Kelihcr, Mary Rebhausen, Irma Cody. Grace and Jessie Bratt and Ruth Patterson and Messrs Likert, White, Dillon, Tobin, Lucas, Hart man, Haiuliuc, Searlc and Thorn ton. City Council Meeting. Regular meeting of city coun cil wbb held Tuesday evening. Those present were Mayor Bratt, Couucilmeu Iseuhart, Peterson, White, Alexander and Vernon and the city clerk. The city clerk was authorized to purchase live pairs of rubber boots htirolm Humous Oil in tholicst iircsorvuttvo of nuw leather ami thu host, renovator ol old lOUtllOr. ItOllH.KOftUMX, liiuclt- oiii unit protect. Ut,o Eureka Harness on your Ixnt tinnitus, your oM linr iicm, mill your cnrrlnsvtoii, ami Itiry will not only look U'ttrr but rnr lonircr. SoMrvvrywhrrvlu runs Ul lite from Imir inU In llveuullotiH, tltltk; bTAMiiUII OIL to. tor the use of the fire department. The mayor appointed Tom O'Neal, Al Gcrkin, Henry Sullivan and Jos eph Weeks as special fire police. The appointments were confirmed by the council. The consideration of the fire limit ordinance was laid over until the next meeting. On motion the fire committee was in structed to inspect the hose pur chased from the Chicago Fire Hose Company and if it was found to be as represented a warrant for $218.45 to be drawn in favor of the com pany. It waB decided to offer Mrs. Plant $50 for Lot 7 Block 83 for a location for a hose house. On mo tion $150 from the special fire fund was ordered turned over to the fire department. The petition signed by all of the butchers in the city asking that an ordinance be passed forbidding the sale of meats, at retail on Sunday, the consideration of which had been postponed for Bcvcral meetings was brought up but it was tabled without any vote whatever being taken on it. Notice to Bond liuyers. Notice iB hereby given that on Wednesday, the 10th day of Janua ry,. 1900, the Board of Education of the School District of the City of North Platte, in the County of Lincoln and State ot Nebraska, will sell to the highest bidder for cash $25,000 of the bonds of the said school district in denomina tions of $1,000 each, dated Sept. 1st, 1899, numbered from 1 to 25 Consecutively, bonds No. 1 and 2 due ten years after date, the re mainder of said bonds due in their numerical order, two each year thereafter until all of said bonds are paid;' bearing interest at the rate of four per cent per annum from date; interest payable annu ally and to be paid from the deliv ery of said bonds. All bids to be scaled and the Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bids to be opened at 7:30 p. m. LEM B. 1SENHART, Sec'y Board, of Education. North Platte, Neb., Dec. 29, 1899. NOTICE. I have purchased the Milton bcrgcr stock of Groceries and added to it a fresh and com plete Hue of goods. I will be ready for business after Jan uary 1, 1900, at the store formerly occupied by Milton berger and will be prepared to fill orders promptly and satisfactorily. Give me a call U. G. SAWYER Albert Davis, "The Kid Jeweler," Has just received a new stock of JEWELRY, WATCHES ANM) CLOCKS, AND THIS LATEST IN LACE PINS, CUFF JHT TONS AND WAIST SETS. Only reliable goods sold and your money's worth every time. All goods warranted. jGSTWith A. L. Davis, Dewey St FRANK LOWE, Contractor and Builder. Estimates furnlslieil on all classes of liullil- !nj;. uoimiiiK promptly attended to. Host of references given. Front Street, opiKMlte Mrue's onto, NOKTH I'IjATTK, NBII. IN TOWN Citn bo found tit. J. 7. SCHMALSRIBO'S. Our Ten-Cent Cigars are the equal of any. Your attention is invited to our fine line of Chewing1 and bmoking 1 obaccos and Smok ers articles. OIIATTKIi MOKTOAOK HAI.K, Nntlcu is lieroby uvn (lint tiy vlrluu nf a ilml- Id lunrlKHK" dated November lltth, 1M(, anil nlvil III til ii nlltoo nf I lio county clvrk ot Uncnlti oouu. Ijr, Neurmikn, on thu l.tli tiny nf Det-omlier, 1MH), which wn nivctittul liy 1'. 1,. Dlrbro til Jin. Ilor. liyto epcuro thu pnyimint nf two )iromlnMry nntrs, mull iliiloil November lHth, IhW, onefor $30.00 iliiu December 131 tt 1MW, thu oilier one for (SlI.DOilne March 1:1, 1W0; ilefnidt Iinvlnp been limile In tlio comlltioiit nf mill morlfinne nml Ihn niorttfiKen frolliiK misnfo nml lnecure, nml no nil or other irnceillnR nt law tmvltift been t ii I ed to recover snlil mini nr nny purl tliureof, thurcfnro I will on the 27lh iliiyot Jnnunry llHHi, nt one o'clock p. in , nt Hit' morlKiiKee'" ilnc nf blifliiCHu tu Ninth l'lntte, Neb., cell nt public mm. Hon to the lililitt bbbler for cash thu property tle.orlbeil In nilil mortgaKO to-wlt: One 3'i Inch laki Oily farm wnou with (jour brake, nun blnck litirsu villi tthltu )nt lu forulii'itil, ami two white html feut iiku about tlvn yearn.! wiltflil 1-12 llis.t one black lion Willi will tu slrlpo In face, two white hlml foul, gu about tour years, weight 1IM IHiumti. 1MimI January 4th, WOO. Jilt J OS. llKKtillKY, MortHsgeo, See OUR NEW Fall and Winter Suitings F. J. Broeker, Merchant Tailor. FOR SALE. FARM WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS TOP BUGGIES, And all kinds of Farm JIaehinery. Standard Goods at Reasonable Prices. LOCK & SALISBURY, NORTH PLATTE. rrrfrfffffffrr We are ; Kept Busy Repairing shoes for & people who appreciate ,iu .,.. i. t.. 1 ...i. J uitii, aut'aiaiiLUll wuift the only kind we do. 1' it not already a custo- ''3 mer we solicit your 4l work. ,1 GEO. TEKULVE, 'I 1, Yellow Front Shoe Store. J. F. FILLI0N, I IIUIIUIIIUI General Repairer. Special attention given to WHEELS TO RENT Legal Notices. SHKUIFIr-'S SAL15. lly virtue of an order of unlet Issueil from the District Court of Lincoln County. Ne liraxka.unilcr a decree In an action wherein The McKlnlej'-I.annltiK Loan and TruBt Company Ih rilaiiitifT, and Isaac K Wilton, et. il are defendant)), and to me directed. 1 will on the r'sitli day of December. Ihiia, at one o'clock l) in. of said day. hell at nubile auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the east front door of thu court house In North l'latte, Nebraska, the following described Amount due on said decree Is !'! in :mil Interest. Hubject to a nrlor mortgaKc of HW.W and Interest, J37.0S costs and accruing costs. Dated November Wth, 18W. n'.W TIM T. KKLIHKH. Sheriff. In the District Court of Lincoln Couuty, No. brnnkn. In thu Mnttor of the Estntti of Colbert Knibrey, tlecenocil. It appearing by tlio petition of Joseph II, Trlille, mlmlnlMtrntor nf rnltl entnto. tbnt thuro la not mif- ttclent iiemonnl property In the hnmls of nlil nil. mloUlrator to py the niluilnlatrntlnn nml that it U iiereinry In tbnt lehnlf tn.rell the renlty ot tnlil enlato, to-wlt: Lot 11, lllock 13, In the town or village of Wallace, In our county. It In: Orileroil, that all perwins Interested In wild entnte appear beforo mo nt my ottlce n North I'lntte, Nebrnskn. on the 17th ilny nf Tcbrunry, HW, to phow cnuse w ny ii nceiipu fiiouiii ntn ue Rranipu uniu nunim. lulrntnr to poll o much of mltl real entnln ns rhnll be ueconsnry to pny the clinrgoi, nKalunt until es tate. Notice hereof will be irlven br nnbllentlnn fur four micruiKlvo weeks pr)or to until ijny of iiuiiriuKin iio iriouno, a legal nowppaper pub' llfliml at North l'latte, n our unltl cnuuty, J'l J. M. (UIIMKSJuiIro. Hlntti otNebrnxln, I.lnaoln (loiintr, sn. In the Couuty Court . NOTICE OF ADOPTION. To nil permnm Intorostecl. Nntlcu la hereby utyen tbnt on thU :10th day nf December, INW, William II. Hamilton nml Fminle t:. linmiiion nieit their petition lu rnlil court ireeiy ami vniuninriiy aiinniiuR I'enrl Itnnchett, n iiiiuor female child, dfttmfiter of Jlelbournu O, hiiii nurie i, iiuncueii. Halt! matter will coma on forhenrln lu il court nt U o'clock a. m, of January 17th, IWHJ. Date.1 December ), 1HW-. J'l A, B. UAI.DWIN, Counly Judue. LAND OPFIOE NOTIOES. NOTICK KOU I'UIILIOATIO.V. Ijini Ottlce at North l'lntti , Neb., ) December l!d, IHW, Notice Is hereby alven that the followlnir.nniund ettlor bus filed notice of. his Intention to itinko final proof In summit of his claim, nml that nnld proof will be mmlu oefore lleKlster nml Hecelver nt North l'latte. Neb., on January 1Mb. 1VCO, vizi JOHI1UA 11. HTAI'LKTON, who piade llnnieftend Kutry Np. 1783:1 for the oouifiensi iuarier pi necnon i, J own is norin, ltaiiH !7 iM. lie pitmen lie following wlnewp to provu his coutlnuoiis reldenr pixm anil culllvatlon of said land, vln Denton II. piyey. Wllllniu J, Kuvy. lMnitnl II, Hprnnor am Oeoryo l'arKonij, ul) Urmly, Neb, tlW) OUO. 11. FHUNOIf, JteSter. NOTICK FOIt 1'UIIMUATIO.V. United btatu Land Offloo, North l'latte, Neb., December Mb, l!JW. f .Notion Is hereby Ktven that the fullnwlntf-uatneil oottler has flleil notice of his Intention to make tlual proof In support ot his claim, nml that said proof will bo made before llejjUter nml lteceher nt North l'latte, Neb., on January ISIh, IbW, vizi oiuiiHT iii:i,i)hi:n, Who in ado llauiesteail Kntry No, 10,1119 for the en't halt of the Northwest quarter nml the east half ot the Houlhwett ijunrler Hocllon 32, Town 11 north, ltiuiKe '-X wost. lie names the following witnesses tn prove Ids coutlnunus renldeuce upon ami culllvatluu of said land vlii T. J. Mndemiith, l'eter Holm, Nets NleUen nml Chris Itasniuswu, nil of Curtis, Neb, tlUOltflF. K, FHKNOII, t)S 0 IU-filstvr. real uniuie k-wii: rue iMorineaHi iiuarter of Section Twenty-nix, TowiiHhlt) tjlxtcen, HatiKe Twcnty-Blx West of theflth I. M., In Lincoln Countv. Nebraska. stanain?ctofy wagons Wooclfpaijsee Wicliiis, Carriages, Buggies, Road Wagons, Carts, Spring Wagons, Latest Styles and Best Quality for the Price. BJ3lH,B WlUHi AND STAPLES. A n i a. t . PUMPS, PIPES AND FITTINGS, VjUllipiOte Jbme BALE MACHINE OIL, locust St., North Platte, Neb. 71 N. McCADE. Proprietor. . North Platte Pharmacy. Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. We aim to handle the best grades of goods Sell everything at reasonable prices, and $fS& warrant all goods to be just as represented. All Proscriptions Carofully Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway is respectfully solicited. First door north of First National Bank. k V 11 SI JUST AT PRESENT H I -STOVES I Are our specialty, and the line we are showing is a little the smoothest we have ever had. Heat- ers in many styles and sore coai. Ana ranges, lots ot them. Un stoves !f Jfc we lead, we sell more than any other dealer be- 9f g cause we have THE stock. 2 IF IT'S IN THE DRUG BUY I You can bank on it being a fresh and as represented. Q. K. IDDING8 Hi-u.m."br, Coal and 3-xa,irL Yards and Elevators at North Platte, Neb., Sutherland, Neb., Julesburg, Colorado. NORTH PLATTE MILLS, (C. I'. IDUINGS.) Manufacturer of IGH AND MEDiyM GRADE FLOUR ?RAif AND OgQP PE'Ep. " Order by telephone from Newton's Roofe SjtQre. Includes several of the best metropolitan weekly papers. If you arc interested call at The Tribune office and learn what we are offering. TIES, AXLE GREASE. JOS. HERSHEY. J. E. DUSH, Manaeor. Flllod by a Llconsod Pharmacist. sizes, both for hard and 2 LINE. IT OF STREITZ. I h i r