A 4 4 a- ANNIE 0. KRAMPI1, City Editor. TUESDAY, OCT. 24, 1899. NOTICE, Reserved seats for the Pa tricolo Concerts, giving the second entertainment of the Y.M. C. A. course, may be se cured after 9 a. m. Thursday, Oct. 26th, at Stamp's. Miss Nellie llartman spent Sat urday in Omaha. W, A. Paxtcn, Sr., of Omaha is spending1 the day in town Try the Star Bakery for all bake bttiff. Fresh every day. Mrs. T. C. Patterson will enter tain a number of ladies Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Williams and daughter Grace returned from Kearney yesterday afternoon. The W. R. C. social will be held tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. l Sayre, on cast Second street. Yesterday J. A. Goodman pur chased a hundred head of steers of the Union Stockyards Co. which he will feed for the market. Special sale on carpets and dress goods at Kcnnic's. P. A. White, Miss Nellie Hart man and Miss Adda Kockeu went to Julesburg this morning to attend the KilletitKinstnan wedding. Take Sunday dinner ut the Star Restaurant. L,ct the wife rest one day out of seven, and bring1 the family along. You will save mon ey and enjoy a day's rest. Bay that Horso Blanket of Wilcox Department Storo. U.G.Sawyer was on the streets yesterday for the iirsttime after a brief but serious illness. Mr. Saw yer was taken ill a few days after his return from a trip to Dayton, Ore. A carload of good Winter Apples now on salo at Wilcox Dept. Storo. The Windsor Meat Market, under the management of Gus Heckler, is supplying its patrons with the best meats obtainable and is rapidly building up a fine trade. Give the Windsor a trial order. Drop In and inspect the complete line of coats and jackets on sale at Bank's. Ed Grady started Saturday night von his journey to Honolulu, Ed 'expects to locate there as he has received the offer of a very Ulcera tive position on a sugar plantation intliat vacinity. His North Platte friends wish him great success in his new venture. I will be prepared to receive pa ticnts Wednesday nuiti ii limit. Oct. 35th, at Dr. Hannah. K. Chas. Barton and Jos. l Bar ton came up from Omaha this morn morning to join Issac Dillon in an antelope hunt. Arrangements for the hunt will be completed to-day, and the party will drive north to the lake couutry tor their first imntr Bonds Registered The bonds voted by the citizens of North Platte for the erection of a new high school building were duly registered by Auditor Cornell yesterday. The attorney general in rendering a decision upon the legal points involved in the protest made against the reg istration of the bonds, said that there was absolutely no grounds for any objections, and that they were correct in every particular. Pillsbury's Boat flour ia the best Minnesota flour sold in the west. $1.15. Harrington & Tobin. Spocial Council Hooting. A special meeti ug- of the city council was held last night to con sider a request of the Union Pacific to erect an ice house on the ground now occupied by the city as a road and to move the crossing farther west, the section house to be moved west in order to make room for the new crossing. In response to the request the tollowing resolution was adopted. "Resolved: That permission be given the Union Pa cific Railway Company to build its proposed new ice house near the iutersecton of Garfield Avenue with said railway as per plat submitted to the council of date Oct. 21, 1899, provided that said Company put in a new crossinc at the intersection of Grant Avenue without expense 10 me cuy nnu me grouuu necessary therefor is hereby vacated. And be it further resolved that said Railway Company is requested to keep a 11 a inn an at the crossing of Willow street and also that said ratlway company extend and grade Eront street at least forty feet wide from Garfield Avenue to Grant Avenue." The council will hold a mcctiiiir on November 7th at which the ques- 11011 01 new nose lor tuc lire aepart ment will be considered. "lSON JAKsT Pints per doa 35c. Quarts per doz 40c. Half Gallon per doe 50c. Wilcox Department Storo, The Butterfly Club. The members of the Butterfly Club were entertained yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Samuel Goozee in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Annie F. Church, iounder of the club. It was also the ninth anniversary of the club's organization. Interesting letters Irom the absent members Mrs. C. F. Ormsby, of Colorado Springs, Mrs. J. W. Kingston, of Salt Lake City and Mrs. Louis Burke, of Port landwere read. The ladies were then invited to attend a '-Flower Masquerade" which proved t be a very unique and deliglitfu form of masquerade. The members of the club who were present at this re union were Mcsdames Church, Patterson, Baldwin, Evans, Ray, Birge Neville and Wilcox. orni n.ouits. Washburn's Superlative $1.15 Dr. Hannah, the osteopath, will reopen hjs office at the Hotel Ne ville and will be at his office in that place Wednesday. Saturday and Sunday of each week. Hours 9 a. m. to4p. in., evenings by appoint ment. Go to the Windsor Market for first-claess meats of all kinds'. Little Daisy McMichael, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mc Michael. wos severely scalded this morning by spilling hot water upon herself. She was endeavoring to pour water from a tea kettle when the kettle slipped and the boiling water struck her right hand, arm and side. The burns are quite se - yere and the lif tic girl is suffering intejjsc; pain. pw t,lat the city council has consented to vacate the ground upon which the Union Pacific wishes to drect the new twin ice houses, work on the houses will be commenced at once. An engine house from which will come the power necessary to run the exten sive plant will be built between the present houses and the new ones. The completion of the plant ia a matter of considerable interest to North Platte because it nieaus that the Union Paciffc wij' continue tq Jiejp build up the town by huidipg Hp ia uwu jieress iprp. A Pnnnv fnr Vnnr Thnnrl.t I wan iilHt llilnklnir if vnn u-milil bottle of Beggs' Cherry Cough Byrup wifo sloop eotno to-niaht. Gunmuteod Bold by A. I', Stroitx. 1.00 .90 1.00 .90 OS North Platte Best Noath Platte Gold Crown..., Schuyler Snow Flake. . , , , . , Schuyler Sundance Whole wheat flour 10 lb sacks W.JA McGLONE& CO. Lovers of good music are expect- inu a errand treat next Fridav evening ut the concert to be given oy tlie I'atncolo Grand Concert under Y. M. C. A. auspices. Never before has a North Platte audience had the privilege of hearing a master of the piano. E. B. Wramer has kindly furnished a piano for this occasion. Concert at Lloyd's Opera House. Tickets will be on sale rnurpaay morning at Stamp s. Admission sue. Holders ot Y. M. C. A. course tickets admitted. Wanted White and vellmv corn. Wil pay a premium, for g'oo white corn. p. F. JpruNfiS. Oliver Scott's Biir Miii9trel Carn ival, one of the largest entertain ments ot its kind, com nosed en tirely of colored people, and among mem some 01 me oesi nenormers iu their special line before the nub- lie, will be the next attraction at Lloyd's tomorrow night. They come luglily recommended from other cities, and will no dottbt meet with success iu their engagement here. e are pleased to announce tuat Dr. Sevmour. Omaha's leadinc optician, will yiajt North Platte Nov, H, for one day only. At the Ijotel NeyiUe' Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Iliirnum .nml sons are spesdiug the day in town as the guests of friends. Mr, Bar- num s mission here is to examine a number of firemeh for promotion. ft ft ft to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Wilcox Department Store. , ' ,, i.r , , , 1 11 1 ZZS. HARDWARE DEPT. Stacker Ropes, Wood Pulleys, Iron Chains, Pitchforks, k Bolts, Braces, f Drill Bits, 7.: Babbitt Metal, , Scythes, Pitcher Pumps, Grauitc Preserve Kettles, Flour Bins, Kitchen Sinks, One-Half Bushels. HARNESS DEPT. ltf-inch Halters 85c l-jnch Breast Straps -15c lj-inch Pole Straps. 45c Harness Leather, cut iu strips, per lb 45c Good Heavy Team Harness, lyi inch Breast Straps.l Pole Straps, 1-inch 18-Foot Lines, Good Wool Faced Collars, Per Set 522.00 Riding1 Bridles, Team Bridles, Throw Ropes with ITondu braided in. GROCERY DEPT. Horse Shoo Tobacco, per lb 45c Standard Navy Tobacco, per lb 35c Salt per barrel $1.55 Table Salt, 2 sacks for 05c Kerosene Oil, per gallon lGc Pearl Barley per lb 05c Tapioca per lb 05c Sago per lb . 05c Oil Sardines per can 04c 25 pounds. Corn Meal 25c Powdered Borax per lb 15c Potted Ham per can 05c Stoneware, per gallon 10c CROCKERY DEPT. Handled Cups and Saucers per set.. .. 45c 7-iuch Plates per set 45c Vegetable Dishes 12c, 15c and 18c Sauce Dishes per set 20c 100 Piece Dinner Sets $7.50 to $28.00 Table Tumblers per set 20c Thin Tumblers per Bet 30c No. 1 Common Lamp Chimneys 04c No. 2 Common Lamp Chimneys 06c Tubular Lantern Globes 07c No. 2 Rochester Chimneys (Lead glass) 10c DRY GOODS DEPT. Kearney Home Muslin per yd 04c Good Apron Ginghams, per yard 05c Canton Flannels per yard, 05c Lining1 Cambric per yard 04c Fine White Goods per yard, 10c to.... 25c Straw Ticking1 per yard. ....... . .... 08c Table Oilcloth per yard 15c Lawns, per yard 03c Dress Prints per yd 5c, 6c and 7c NOTION DEPT. Thread 3 spools for , . 10c 50-yd Corticclli Sewing Silk 04c Curling Irons 04c Hair Pins 4 bunches for 01c Brass Thimbles 01c Sterling Silver Thimbles 25c Velveteen Skirt Binding, per yd 03c Two-quart Fountain Syringes 55c to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Silk Mitts 25c to 50c Ladies' Velvet Grip Hose Supporters. 20c 4 yards Finishing- Braid 05c Vaseline per bottle 05c Corset Laces, per dozen 05c Alarm Clocks 85c White Bed Spreads 70c Baby Ribbon per yard 01c Bone Buttons, foe Underwear, per dos? 02c to to to to to to to to to to Goods marked in plain figures and sold at One Price for Cash Only. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. I NORTH PLKTTE, NEB. to Ail Railroad Notes. Absolusesy Ip&jre Makes the food more delicious and wholesome R OrH DAKIwa POWPH CO., HtW YORK. Jno. Wiseman was in town yes terday talking Bryanism and in cidentally making out a few life in surance policies. C. A. Simon, of the telegraph department, has been in town for several days looking alter matters in connection with a posstole re moval of the telegraph office to new quarters. Work on the new beer vault for Henry Waltemath was commenced yesterday mornwir and it will be pusijcu to completion as soon as possible. Thnnew vault is located on the wye on the north side. Rngine No. 1808brokedown Sun day morning coming- down on train No. 2 and it has gone into the back snop for an overhauling. An ex tension front will be put an it and a straight stack substituted for the present diamond one. A shortage of material for Union Pacific impoovements is still ham pering the work although a number of carloads have been receiyed dur ing: the past few dayB and some progress has been made on the ad dition to the superintendent's office. ISngiue No. 1434 came up from Omaha Saturday and will be used in the passenger service on the Third district. The engine has been rebuilt and is now provided with a straight stack and an ex tension front. It made its first trip out on train No. 1 Sunday afternoon. In about ten days work on the roadbed of the main Hue will be stopped for the winter. The gangs are at work now getting things in recliness lor winter. The men who have been wprfeing on the main line will be sent to, the Jiilesonrg branch where work will be continued until the ground freezes. The work ac complished on the main line, road- ben lias been very considerable when the amount of delay by traffic is taken into consideration. Next year it iB planned to push the work even Harder. Harvey Crockett slightly sprain ed his aidle yesterday morrnng just as. he vys getting ready to go out on his entrine. Thoueh the ankle was somewhat painful he de cided to make the trip but by the time the train reached Sutherland the ankle was in such u condition that he wns forced to leave the en gine. IIo was brought back on an extra and taken home. The strain of standing on the lame ankle while tiring the engine 60 aggravated the sprain that it will be some time be fore Mr, Crockett will be able to step on that foot. James M. Hay, Lawyer. Our people can afford to buy the celebrated Pillsbury's Best Minnesota flour at only Si. 15 asacK. Harrington & Tobin. Xonr Minister will furnish you a bottlo of Hctrirs' Chor Coupb Syrup froo if you hnvo not tho monpy tq pny fqr it. Jt stops couRhlnK in cnurcii, euros cougns ana couib. sold by A. v. titroiu. The entertainment Thursday, Oct. 20th. under the auspices of the Rebckahs, consisting of Mr. Laur- aut magician assisted by Mrs. Laurant, present an evening of en chantment. A m one the many feats of magic Mr. Laurant will present the tollowing: The wonderful Hindoo clock will tell your age, iu fact answer any question you ask. The four magic balls, a beautiful trick of pure sleight of hand show- intr the marvelous dexterity ot Mr. Luurant's wonderful hands. The sword of honor, a startling sur prise. The legend of Florence, one of the most beautiful flower tricks ever attempted. The spirt slate, mysterious plate and handker chiefs. What is it? Spiritualism, humbugism or Laurantism. And many more wonderful novelties. Mrs. Laurant s way of entertaining is novel and entirely original, poscssing- wonderful talent see can readilv impersonate any character. The leading feature of hr part of the entertainment is the Imitation of birds. Mrs. Laurant stands to day without an equal in this respect. tier bird notes have been pro nounced marvelous. You can spend an evening- of real enjoyment with these artists. Admission 50 cents. Children 25 cents. Or for 75 cents you can secure tickets for both en tertainments. The date for their second entertainment will be Nov. Gth. Heceivod our fall surmlv of the celebratrd Olub House brand of canned goods. Harrington & Tobin. The Fortv-fifth volunteer reiri- incut went 'through here aboard of five trains last eveninir. The regiment wns iu command of Col Dorst, jate major in the Third in fantrv, and is recruited bevond the usual number in a regiment. Ten of the companies were recruited at v 1. queuing, aim two iiiem, winch will ioin the retriiucnt at San Fran cisco, were recruited at Vancouver uarracks. Col. Dorst was accom panied by his family who expect to go aB far as San Francisco with the regiment. Qute large pro portion of the enlisted men have seen service before, either in the regular army or in the volunteer service. Part of the officers are regular urmy officers but most of them have served in the volunteer service. The adjutant of the regi ment ia Cant. Ben Patrick, who at one time spent several weeks here as the guest of Geo. T. Field. The regimental band gave a concert during the time their train was in theyatds. Coats and jackets of all descrip- 1 ln.,n T ..I.'.. ' nirun ilk jjuiii a. Dents tho Klontlyko. Mr. A. O. ThomiiB, ot Mnrysvillo, Tox litis found 11 more n moro valunblo dls eovorv than has yot boon iniulo in tjip Klondyko. Foryours I10 Buffered, untold iiL'ony from comminution, u room turn tail by hoinorrlintfOHj nod W8 nbuoluloly ourod by D,r. Khig'a Npv IMscuvory for Consumption. CouKhs and Colds, llo doclnrpq n (joJ.d ((aplf a of littlo vnluo wuuivt iihyu 11, uvoii 1 1 H oohi 11 till mi rod (lnlliirH 11 linflln A ntlilitn limn nli ! iq and (i throat and lunx nirectlona nro Iioaiuvoiy ourou by ur. kidk'h Now UIb. oovory for Consumption. Trinl botllos ncu lib v , oiruii. h urut; moro ium ulnr slzo 50 ots. and 81.00. Every bot tlo gwiruntood, or monoy rofendod. 3 KEROSENE OIL. Wc will deliver Oil to any part of the city for 16c per gallon. We take it to the house in our can. Wilco Depaiinieiife j&oi'e. SALE. A half section ot land near Her- shey, most of it 111 crops and alfal fa, with four water rights in the North Platte ditch. For further information address W. O. Thomp son, Hcrshey, Neb., or A. J. Eaton, baton, Colo. PROj rt'SSIONAL CARDS. P P. DENNIS, M. D., IJOMOEOPATHIST, Ovor rimt NMlonal Ilaok, NOHTH PI.ATTK, - - NKUKA8KA. O. V. IUiELr (I. II, I)knt. JjEDELL & DENT, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONd, Onioofl: North Plntto National Brink Building, North Plntto, Nob. D R. "ANNA PECKIIAM' Olllco-Cor IjooiiBtnnd Oth-ets. Snoial ultontioti to disotiBos ot women 11 ml children. ? E.NOUTHUUP, E After Dlunor Tnkaonoof Borrs' Littlo Qinnts. Tho plotifmnt nftor dinner pill ourou Indices tlon. Sold by A. F. Stroitz. LLOYD'S OPERA HOUSE, Wednesday Arf rjr Evening Ut I o OLIVER SCOTT'S Big Minstrel Carnival. The largest negro minstrel company in the world. Forty selected artists. A -g -g the Great ComcdianB. 1 I the Great Dancers. XTLXJl l,le Orcnt Singers. High Class Specialties R. M, Thompson's Big Military Band and Concert Orchestra. Watch for the Big: Parade at Noon. DENTIST, Ofllc') ovor Modol Clothiiiti Store, NORTH PLATTE, NED. A. II. DAVM. I.. I!. ItOACU. pAVIS it ROACH ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. NORTH PLATTK- - - NEBRASKA Grmly Block Room si t'2. H. S. RIDQELY, A'lTORNE Y-AT-L A W . Oilloo in Iliumiin Block, Dwoy stroot. NORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA City Property For Bale by the Receiver of the North Platte Na tional Bank.North Platte NO. 1. r.otH 11 nml 12. lllnrlc fl. North Uhlli. Town I.ot uo's. addition to the city of North I'l.ittc, Null. Location on the corner of sum anil mucoid Avenues. !'? f?t Wock 24, of the original town of North l'latte, Nebraska. No. 3. Kant half of lot 0. block 110. of the orlKlnal town of North l'latte. Nebraska. iiiiHiirojicriy ih oniy one uiock and a hair from the COUl'l hOllKR Hlllinri. On Ihnlnl In n comfortable, story and a half, live room irainc iiouxe. Location ia on l'lfth atreet. between Locust and Vino streets. .-N,(.': l'1tH - 3i4- Bi 7. 8. 0. 10, 14, IB, and 10. Illock 2 In North 1'iatte Town Lot Co's. Addition to tljo City of North l'latte. Locad tlon on .Sixth Street between MariUnn rn. JciTcrson avenues. , No. 6. Lots 3 and 4. Illock 08, In the orlg nal plat of the City of North l'latte. Nebras ka. Location on Front street corner of Ash. On Lot 3 Is comfortable clcht room frame cottage. Convenient to railroad and shops. F. II, Kiimonds. J. M, Calhoun, Edmonds & Oalhoun, LAW AND COLLECTIONS. Over l'ostofilce, NOHTH l'LATTK, NKH. .1, . IIOAOMMI). W, V. IIOAOINn. Hoagland& Hoagland, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS Ofllce over Mcl)onld'ii llnk. NOHTH l'LATTK, NK11. J. F. FILLI0N, Plumber, Unworkci General Repairer. Special attention given to WHEELS TO RENT MS The best 5c CIGAR IN TOWN Can bo found nt , J. F. SCHMALZRIED'S. Our Ten-Cent Cigars are the equal of any. Your attention is invited to our fine line of Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos and Smok ers articles. Albert Davis, "The Kid Jeweler," Has jiiHt received a new stock of JEWELRY, WATCHES AND CLOCKS, AND THE LATEST IN LACE PINS, CUFF BUT TONS AND WAIST SETS. Only reliable goods sold and your money's worth every time. All goodB warranted. flQKWith A. Li, Davis, Dewey St.