She Jfaml-WfcMtj ftritiuttf. ANKTE 0. KltAMl'H, City Eurroit. FRIDAY OCT. G. 1899 Regular services will be held at tlie .Lutheran church next Sunday. Mm Justina Ottilia ii' returned Tuesday night from a visit with friends at Chappcll and Julcsburg'. Miss Waitie Austin, of Forest Glen, commenced a term of school In the Seeley district last Monday. America's greatest flour Wash burn Crosby Co. Superlative Hour at W. F. McGlonc&Co. S1.15. Mrs. Sandman, of Chappcll, who line been visiting Mrs. Jos. Ottman for a few days left this morning for .Arapahoe. The Christian ISudcavor society will hold a social at the, home of Mrs J. F. Clabaugh next Thursday evening. Tame M. Kay, Lawyer. A "mystery sociable" will be giv 011 by the ladies of the Methodist church Tuesday evening, Oct. 10th, at the residence of A. h. Davis. All are invited. Mr. C. M. Newton, Miss Hattie Ueyerle and their mother Mrs. Iteyerle returned liist night from Lincoln, where they had been visit ing relatives. Two rooms for light housekeep ing or will board the roomers. Mks. Uimth Gantt. Goo. IS. French goes to Lincoln nuxt week to attend the grand 'lodjfe of Knights of Pythias. Mr. French has been vice "grand chan cellor during the past year, and it is quite certain that he will be elected grand chancellor at the com ing meeting. Consult Dr. Miller of the Romine Dental Co. before you go elewhcre for your dental work. Office over StreiU' drug store. Albert Dayis, "The Kid Jeweler" has just received a new stock of jewelry, watches and clocks, latest in lace pins, cuff buttons, waist sets. Only reliable goods sold, and your money's worth every time. All goods warranted. AVith A. L. Davis, Dewey street. Chas. Samelson writes friends in town that he arrived in Manilla safely after a fair voyage, and that he would be assigned to the Ninth regiment which was I hen on the fighting Hue. Only a few days ago this regiment was in a skirmish aud had several men killed, so it is likely that Charley by this time knows something of the "music of the Mausers." W. F. McGIone & Co. are selling Mason fruit jars at the following prices., Pints 40c, quarts 50c, half gallons 55c. The two women who have been in charge of thb local Salvation bar racks will leave Monday for Arkan sas. Other Salvationists arc ex pected to arrive to continue the work here. It is understood that the receipts at the barracks have been very light, ahd only by con tributions of provender have the workers been able to keep the gaunt animal from the door. Hob Arundale left Wednesday for the fcotnh part of the county for the purpose of attempting to stem the tide which threatens to drown the fusion crowd. Reports from the Third commissioner district indi cate that the republican nominee is likely to be elected and in that event Dob will probably lose his job as floral superintendent of the court house lawn. And this is the rea son Bob lias gone south. About the first of January he will go "straight up." . Loose -hay and baled hay always for sale. Harrington & Tobin. Miss Helen Ilershey and Miss F.uicliou Duncan had a narrow escape Jrom eriou8 injury yester day noon. They were driviug home in their dog-cart and at the corner of Vine and Fourth streets a heayy dray wagon collided with the cart upsetting it and throwing the children out. Fortunately they escaped with only a few bruises, The pony was badly frightened and started to run but was stopped wuiiin a snort distance. North Platte is irrowiuir very metropalitan, the latest evidence of such growth' being a holdup on Devey street. Dennis Moynahan's oldest boy was the victim. The only money he had in his possession was a dollar and he had self-possession enough to slip that inside ol a belt he was wearing so the would be high-way-man failed to find it. The only dcucription the boy can give'of his assai'ant is that he had a black beard. The episode occurred late Monday evening at the head of the alley between Fcurth and Fifth streets. End of Bunk Trust. Upon the recommendation of Re ceiver Doolittle, Comptroller Daws has set January 1st, 1900, as the date for the final settling up of the North Platte National Dank trust. The assets of the bank which have not been realized upon will be of fered at public sale on Saturday, December 30th. A full list of tlie assets which are to be disposed of on that date will be published for thirty days before the sale in order to give every one who desires to bid upon them ample opportunity. The bank has paid dividends to tlie creditors iittumntinn- to fiirlttv m-r cent of tlieir claims, and a final div idend will be paid when the affairs of the trust arc wound up. An Evening Party. Mr. and Mrs. John Halhgan threw open the doors of their new and beautifulhomc last evening and in vited in a number of their friends to spend the evening. They were very charmingly assisted in enter taining by the Misses Josic Good man, Adda Kockcn, Nellie Ilart than, Ruth Patterson and Jessie Dratt. No set form of entertain ment had been prepared but each one contributed his share towards making the evening one of the most delightful ever spent at a social gathering. Among those who enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. llalli gan were Messrs and Mcsdatncs Miltonbcrger, Clinton. Riucker, Redmond, Dentler, Kirschbaum, Pizer, Patterson, Tracy, Muldoou, Heeler, Ridgcly, Wilcox. Parsons, Hoagland, Jr., Hratt, Birgc, Bald win, Streitz. Wood, Ilershey, Mc Donald and Ilinmnu; Rev. aim Mrs. A. W. Verner, Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Beecher, Mrs. J, T. Stuart, Mrs. Stolle. Mrs. E. A. Cary, Mrs. Luce, Mrs. C. L. Patterson, J. S. Hoag land aud II. M. Grimes. MASON JAltsf Pints por doz 3 Do. Quarts por doz 40c. Half Gallon por doe 50c. Wilcox Dopartinont Storo. Osteopathy. I will be in North Platte at the Hotel Neville Saturday, October 21, for the purpose of examining pa tients who might want to take os teopathic treatment, and if I can get sufficient number of patients to warrant my opening an olhce will do so at once. I will be glad to have any of mv former patients call on mo while at the hotel. Any pa tient wishing to see me and not able to come to hotel can do so by liiiorming me oy letter. Address, II. C. HANNAH, M. DUO., North Platte. The hypnotized man in the show window ot The Leader has been the center of attraction on Dewey street to-day. His sleep seems" to be a very restless one, probably due to the fact that he is lying on uie uaru suie ot the board. ' Wanted A first-class girl. Wages five-dollars. Mrs. W. F. Cody. Rev. and Mrs. II. 13. Covell ami son, who have been visiting the former's parents for several days, left this morning for Dakin, where Rev. Covell will preach during the coming conference year. I have just received a car load of redwood stock tanks. These are the best and cheapest tauksmadc. Call and get prices. C. F. InuiNCs. Chicago forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Fair to-uight and Sat urday, warmer to-night. The minimum temperature this morn ing was 33 a year ago it was 30. Mrs. Maggie McMurray and family have moved in from Loiran county aud taken possession of the Uixon property which was recently purchased by Airs. McMurray. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Austin, of Forest Glen, were in town Wednes day aud purchased a new carriage of Ilershey as a present for their son Cassius. Will Fikes went east on train No. 4 last night and when he returns in about ten days it is understood that he will bring with him a life partner. If Rev. C. C. Wilson does not re turn by Sunday services will be held at the Methodist church by Rev. R. S. Moore the presiding elder. The Vienna Restaurant is enjoy ing an exceptionally heavy patron age, due to the excellent meals served -and the first-class service. C. 13. Gunnell was down from Paxton yesterday looking over a bunch of cattle with a yiey of purchasing them later. Mrs. II. J. Roth and her riaugh ter Helen will go to Sidney this afternoon to spend a few day's vis.ii ing with Mr. Roth. Our people can afford to buy the celebrated PUl&bury's Best Minnesota flour at only SI. 15 a sack. Harrington $ Tobin. Makes the food more delicious and wholesome liBvu mtlVti rowww effrffflr rom., . j;. ar. sr: sr. sk 1: w Hi 0 iff itt it) i $ it it) it) it) it) it) vt) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) Wilcox Department Store, HARDWARE DEPT. Stacker Ropes, Wood Pulleys, Iron Chains, Pitchforks, Bolts, Braces, Drill Bits, Babbitt Metal, Scythes, Pitcher Pumps, , . Granite Preserve Kettles, Flour Bins, Kitchen Sinks, One-Half Bushels. . HARNESS DEPT. ltf-iuch Halters v 85c l-jucu Breast Straps 45c lj-inch Pole Straps 45c HarncBB Leather, cut in strips, per lb 45c Good Heavy Team Harness, l)i inch Breast Straps.lJ Pole Straps, 1-inch 18-Foot Lines, Good Wool Faced Collars, Per Set S21.00 Riding Bridles, Team Bridles, Throw Ropes with Honda braided in. GROCERY DEPT. Horse Shoe Tobacco, per lb. ......... . 45c Standard Navy Tobacco, per lb. ..... . 35c Salt per barrel $1.55 Table Salt, 2 sacks for 05c Kerosene Oil, per gallon lGc Pearl Barley per lb t 05c .Tapioca per lb 05c Sago per lb 05c Oil Sardines per can 01c 25 pounds Corn Meal 25c Powdered Borax per lb . 15c Potted 'Ham per can 05c Stoneware, per gallon '. 10c CROCKERY DEPT. Handled Cups and Saucers per set. . . . 45c 7-inch Plates per set 45c Vegetable Dishes 12c, 15c aud 18c Sauce Dishes per set 20c 100 Piece Dinner Sets. .. .,..$7.50 to $28.00 Table Tumblers per set 20c Thin Tumblers per set 30c No. 1 Common Lamp Chimneys 04c No. 2 Common Lamp Chimneys 06c Tubular Lantern Globes 07c No. 2 Rochester Chimneys (Lead glass) 10c DRY GOODS DEPT. Kearney Home Muslin per yd 04 c Good Apron Gl'igliams, per yard 05c Canton Flannels per yard, 05c Lining Cambric per yard 04c Fine White Goods per yard, 10c to.. .. 25c Straw Ticking per yard 08c Table Oilcloth per yard 15c Lawns, per yard 03c Dress Prints per yd 5c, 6c and 7c NOTION DEPT. Thread 3 apooln -for 10c 50-yd Corticclll Sewing Silk 04c Curling Irons 04c Hair Pins 4 bu tches for 01c Brass Thimblcx 01c Sterling Silver Thimbles 25c Velveteen Skirl Binding, per yd 03c Two-quart Fountain SyringeB 55c Silk Mitts 25c to 50c Ladies' Velvet Grip IIosc Supporters. 20c 4 yards Finishing Braid 05c Vaseline per bottle 05c Corset Laces, per dozen 05c Alarm Clocks 85c White Bed Spri ads 70c Baby Ribbon pt r yard 01c Bone Buttons, ror Underwear, per doss 02c Goods marked in plain figures and sold at One Price for Cask Only. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. NORTH PLKTTE, NEB, it) it) it) it) 0) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) 0) 0) it) it) 0) it) it) 0) it) it) it) it) it) it) 0) it) it) it) it) 0) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) it) 0) it) it) :t) S Railroad Notes. 5 Engine No. 1721 is out of the shops resplendent in a new coat of paint. It is being broken in today. The roofing gang has almost entirely completed there-roofing ot the machine shops aud will soon leave for other work. i G. W. Hood returned to his work as day operator in the telegraph of fice this morning after having enjoyed a ten days vacation. Chief dispatcher Hilliker was in Ogallala yesterday looking after some matters in connection with the changing of the track at Boaler Hill. The interior of the ofliccs at the freight depot is soon to be treated to a fresh coat of paint, an improve ment which will be gladly welcomed by the clerks. D. Newman, who was formerly o'ic ot the proprietors of the upper Dewey street market, returned to his home in Gothenburg Wednes day morning, Engines No. 1738, No. 1737, No. 173(J aud No. 1740 which have seen more or less service on the second and third districts, will be sent to the Fourth district. Jack Nelling was down from Sidney Wednesday consulting with Union Pacific otlicials couceruitiLr the improvements in nroirress on the Sidney property. As the new fast train on the Union Pacific now seems to be almost a certainty railroad men are putting in their leisure time nguring out who will get the new runs. Engines No.'G71, No. C83aud No. 093 will be sent to Omaha and will probably see service on the First district as the ten-wheelers have all been sent to the other d istricts. Engine No. 087 will be sent to Kearney to be used on the K. & B. II. Winslow Pierce, one of the nrin- cinal stockholders of the Union P.i- cilic. occupied special car No. 100 on tlie seconu section ot tram No. 1 yesterday afternoon. He was enroute to Salt Lake City. Judge iveny occupied special car No. 014 on the same train bound for the same place. The track at Hosier's hill near Ogallala was lowered the remain ing three feet yesterday by a force of men working under Engineer Mengcr. This laBt cut makes a total cut of six feet which has been made at that noint. The chancre yesterday was made with less 1 i! i i jV l l . . iiucrriipiiou in irauic man was caused by the previous one. Geo, Vroman returned yesterday morning from Omaha where he had been attending the meetings of the B of L. E. trrievance committee. The differences between the B of L. E. and the B. of L. F. and the Union Pacific have not yet been ad justed, General Manager Dickinson having asked for a thirty dayb con tinuance. Thn itltnrinr of t It r rnmuHmiian In being thorblighly cleaned alld Will be treated to a coat of whitewash. The work of putting the new smoke jacks in place was commenced yes terday and in a short time the engines will be headed in instead of backed in as has heretofore been done. An additional stationary engine is being installed between the old one and the new wall, the old engine having been found to ; ii? : . i . . ! i . - liuve uiHumciuiu ouuer cup.iciiy. Encrinc No. 1734 came un from Omaha Wednesday nitrht and will go into service on this part of the division. This cniriuc has an ex tension front and a straiirht stack. If the. straight stack proves sue- cesslul on it the diamond stacks on all of the 1700s will probably be re placed by straight stacks. One of the greatest drawbacks of the 1700s has been the amount of smoke they trailed back towards the cab. The straight stacks will do away with this and if the enirincs "steam equally well with them they will be r great improvement. Mtlch Cows find Heifers for .Snle. I will sell on Saturday, Oct. 14th, it 2 p. in., milch cows and heifers, about twenty head in all. Sale to fake place at Patterson & Alexan der's stable in North Platte. P. II. Sui.mvan, Auctioneer. Order baled hay from Harrington & Tobin. A half section ot land near Her hhey, most of it in crops and alfal fa, with four water rights in the North Platte ditch. For further information address W. O. Thomp son, Ilershey, Neb., or A. J, Eatoif, iCaton, Colo. ity Property NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS- txib wotaTTtr UTonH our W. F. McGLONE & CO. is now open for business Avith a fresh clean stock of GROCERIES, HOUR, ETC., First Class in every respect. Low Prices and Fair Treatment Guaranteed. OUR LEHD9RS Club House Coffee, t Heinz Pickles, Superlative Flour, . Pure Spices, Seasonable : Goods : at : Reasonable : Prices. Pints, 40 cts. per dozen Quarts 50 cts. per dozen. I Gallons 55 cts. Jelly Glasses large size one-half pints 30 cts. per dozen. For Bale by the Receiver of tlie North Platte Na tional Bank, North Platte No. 1. LntH II and 12. block 0. Nortli Platte ".'own Lot Co'h, addition to the city of North i-i.iue, fico, i.ocaiion on uie corner 01 itlxthand Lincoln Avenues. No. Z Lot 1, liliiclc L'l, of the original town of North l'latte. NrliraRka. No, 3. Kant half of lot (1. block 110, of the t riKMiiii itiwii oi minii I'imiv, ftcurunjc.1. ThlH iiro)oi tv Ik only one block and a half lrom the court houne Hfiuarc. On tlie lot Ih a i omfortable, Htory and a half, live room irame houxe. Location U on 1'lfth street. U'tweon LocuHtaml Vine MtrtetH. No, 1. I.otH I, 'J. .1,4, IS. 1, 7. H, U, 10,14, Ift.antl 19, Hlock 2 In Nortli l'latte Town Lot Co'h. Addition to tlie Cltv of Nortli l'latte. Lock) lion on Sixth Htrtcl between MadUon an- ' ,'e(Tcrnoii p.vennes. ' No. H. Loti 3 .uul 4, lllock t'R, In the orlg- ! tnal plat of the City of North l'latte, Netiran .a. Location on Front street corner of ; Arh. On Lot :i Ih comfortable eluht room ranie cottage Convenient to railroad and , hop, i FOE SALE FARM WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS TOP BUGGIES, And all kinds of Farm fIachinepy. Standard Goods at Reasonable Prices, LOCK S SALISBURY, N61WH t'LAT'i'E. Bid HAN DOCTOR IAWYIR MERUIOT FHiACIItR JARMlft f OCR HAN Rich Man, Poor Man, Artist, Teacher, Doctor, Lawyer, Met chant, Preacher, Farmer, Artisan, Soldier and Sailor Got fits from FRED KAuTFMANH THETK,CAN THHOCQH A, P. Carlson, North Platte, LOCAL flOBNT. AHTivr TIMM.R 'AFITTINti tMBtEH See OUR NEW Fall and Winter Suitings Which have just arrived. F. j. Broeker, Merchant Tailor. We are Kept Busy T t 3 Repairing shoes for people who appreciate a neat, Hiibbtautial work 5 the only kind we do. If not already a custo- 'la mer we solicit your 3 I work. f; GEO. TEKULVE, J,, Yellow Front Shoe Store